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Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - nomadbrah - 02-27-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:27 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2018 08:09 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Not surprised at the earnings when even the esteemed members of this board can't stay away from the Hollywood crackpipe [Image: biggrin.gif]

I believe non engagement is a mistake. Simply tuning out of pop culture completely and not actually maintaining a personal or social commentary on it is a mistake. The garbage we see now has become the dominant culture whether we like it or not and not providing a sensible critique to that is a fatal mistake in the long run.

It's possible to do all this and also maintain a personal policy where you won't pay anything to watch stuff created by Hollywood. I happen to get tickets for free from a friend of mine with connections to a movie theater chain here in SEA. It's the only reason I watch it in the theater otherwise i'd just wait until it hits torrent or whatever.

It's not entertainment, it is thick political propaganda.

It is little different than watching Triumph des Willens or Der Ewige Jude.

The main problem though is that it so boring. And low quality.

IMDB had to get rid of their forums because every new highly rated film got destroyed.

To each their own.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Not a Second Hander - 02-27-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:20 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

^^If Africa is so awesome and the people intellectual black titans why aren't you there contributing to the great legacy of the people of Africa in order to lift them out of poverty instead of toiling away in China amongst the insufferable yellow man? Lol. Nigga please.

I never claimed Africa is awesome. In fact, I specifically made reference to how messed up it is.

I never claimed black people are intellectual titans.

Your why don't you go back to Africa attack is what a child would say. How old are you? I will forgive you if you are under 21.

My point is that there are dumb and smart people in every race. It's just that in other countries, dumb people gravitate towards the bottom of social and economic strata. In Asia, a dumb guy owns a factory with 2000 employees and will give u attude.

I'm not toiling in China. I'm making others toil for me while I profit. What any sensible person would do given the means.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-27-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:13 PM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

Forget the studies. You mean the same western government funded studies normalising homosexuality? Based on your posts you seen reasonably well travelled. Are you telling me your average African you've met strikes you as dumber as opposed to your average person of another race? Be honest with yourself.

I live in China. I'll tell you that the Asians here u seem to verbally fellate as superbrains re probably the dumbest people on average I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Many expats here in Asia feel the same.

I trust real life experience over any kind of study.

Ah well - frankly the bellcurve studies and many others were being done long before any SJWs came on board. They have been updated and even recently there were others done.

And SJWs and the gay-pushers actually deny them just like they deny any differences in men and women. Thus any reason why average women are not Mozarts, Teslas, Edisons or Henry Fords is based on male oppression. Just as the only reason why blacks are outperformed by others is because of oppression.

So your arguments are actually the ones which are the ones pushed by the SJWs and gay- and tranny-pushers. Why is it so difficult to accept current-day state of a tribe? Ashkenazi Jews are 12 points superior to Whites and some Appalachia Whites are probably in the 80-IQ range or lower in total. I had plenty of experiences with smart Turks, Arabs, Africans, did business with them and have plenty of friends. But plenty of intellectual Arabs warned me of other Arabs and highly intelligent spiritual Africans told me enough horror stories that are happening constantly to them and their families, to friends. Also I saw enough Turks constantly underperforming the local Germans despite living for 3 generations in that country and enjoying all the spoils. This output difference is just too massive to be explained by crony oppression of any sort.

Also current-day state of a tribe does not mean that it is destined to stay that way.

Ah well - nothing to be added there.

Guess I get it that Black Panther is not that overly liked in Africa - it is more designed for the US market and the white SJWs. Some like it for different reasons and I get that, because it is a solid movie if you don't think too much about it.

And it may make 1.1-1.3 bio. $, the foreign market is barely in.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-27-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:40 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:27 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2018 08:09 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Not surprised at the earnings when even the esteemed members of this board can't stay away from the Hollywood crackpipe [Image: biggrin.gif]

I believe non engagement is a mistake. Simply tuning out of pop culture completely and not actually maintaining a personal or social commentary on it is a mistake. The garbage we see now has become the dominant culture whether we like it or not and not providing a sensible critique to that is a fatal mistake in the long run.

It's possible to do all this and also maintain a personal policy where you won't pay anything to watch stuff created by Hollywood. I happen to get tickets for free from a friend of mine with connections to a movie theater chain here in SEA. It's the only reason I watch it in the theater otherwise i'd just wait until it hits torrent or whatever.

It's not entertainment, it is thick political propaganda.

It is little different than watching Triumph des Willens or Der Ewige Jude.

The main problem though is that it so boring. And low quality.

IMDB had to get rid of their forums because every new highly rated film got destroyed.

To each their own.

IMDB even recently tried to obfuscate the ratings more by making them less searchable by negative or positive rating, so that you have to wade through scores of ALL PERFECT SCORE RATINGS before getting to the critical ones.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Not a Second Hander - 02-27-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:28 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2018 11:27 AM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

And yes I support Malcolm X and his advocation for violence.

As you know the violence against whitey has played out in Rhodesia and South Africa and as far as I can tell it hasn't turned out very well.

I don't advocate violence on white people. If anything Africa should be begging the colonials to take charge again. Half our resources for law ans order sounds like a good deal. The majority of smart Africans would agree.

My issue is with how a group of people combat injustice, real or imagined. Voting for policies that keep your entire race back economically and spiritually, hating the white man while crying when he hates you, whining and posting on social media about injustice? Who the hell is supposed to give u justice? That's how dependent AfroAmericans have become. They want white people to give them justice - against white people? While they sit back, boil with resentment and cry?

That is some pussy ass shit that no real black man who has pride in himself should become. There's a reason we don't like most AfroAmericans.

Malcolm X however offers a manly solution. Got beef? Deal with it like men used to since the beginning of time. Liking Malcolm X doesn't mean I advocate violence against whites. I liked Mein Kampf too but certainly don't advocate the ethnic genocide of European minorities.

You can learn a lot from people you disagree with.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-27-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 01:56 PM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:28 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2018 11:27 AM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

And yes I support Malcolm X and his advocation for violence.

As you know the violence against whitey has played out in Rhodesia and South Africa and as far as I can tell it hasn't turned out very well.

I don't advocate violence on white people. If anything Africa should be begging the colonials to take charge again. Half our resources for law ans order sounds like a good deal. The majority of smart Africans would agree.

My issue is with how a group of people combat injustice, real or imagined. Voting for policies that keep your entire race back economically and spiritually, hating the white man while crying when he hates you, whining and posting on social media about injustice? Who the hell is supposed to give u justice? That's how depended AfroAmericans have become. They want white people to give them justice - against white people?

Actually that is an exceedingly smart thing to do. In that respect a firm stand is all everyone should agree upon.

"Colonialists welcome to settle in moderate numbers, develop the infrastructure and economy AND GIVE US ALL A FAIR MONETARY SHARE. If you abuse us then we fight and make things very uncomfortable." Most whites would be absolutely fine with it. And all can profit from it.

But it's not going to happen unfortunately - South Africa is getting worse , Zimbabwe is as good as gone and I see more hardship coming.

The globalists intend to settle tens of millions or more of Chinese into Africa, but also put their military and resources there - use those people to stabilize Africa.

I would be interested how you think this might go for Africans if Chinese truly take over most countries in Africa - especially since you are living there?

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - nomadbrah - 02-27-2018

The first move should be to redraw Africa along ethnic tribal lines.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Transsimian - 02-27-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 02:04 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

"Colonialists welcome to settle in moderate numbers, develop the infrastructure and economy AND GIVE US ALL A FAIR MONETARY SHARE. If you abuse us then we fight and make things very uncomfortable." Most whites would be absolutely fine with it. And all can profit from it.

The question is, who is "us".

More dirty money sent to swiss bank accounts won't help Africa.

Population is another issue. It doesn't matter if the economy doubles if the population triples. Maybe Chinese style population controls would help, but setting the cap at 4 if at least one of the couple is a phd graduate, 3 for a bachelors degree holder, and 2 if they finish free schooling. 1 for those who didn't get through.

This would be logistically difficult, but if cultural-revolution ravaged early 80s China could do it, I have faith it could work.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Canopus - 02-27-2018

On a humorous note - as a fan of the show's original run, I had to share this 10/10 comment on what these guys would think of BP:


Riley thinks the movie is the greatest thing ever, going along with many other blacks who see the movie as being "powerful" and a paragon of contemporary black culture.

Robert doesn't get what the big deal is, thinking that there are already too many movies about comicbooks.

Huey doesn't hate the movie, and probably appreciates its portrayal of a strong and heroic black character, but is dismayed that a majority of blacks worship the fictional Wakandan culture instead of actually caring about significant figures in African American history.

You already know what Ruckus thinks.

Tom thinks the movie is entertaining and fun, and nothing more. Jazmine won't care about it because "superhero movies aren't for her", but Sarah will gush over Chadwick Boseman similar to how she did Obama.


Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - heavy - 02-27-2018

Let's not pretend the sky is falling just yet. I just jotted down my optimistic version of events:

Entertainment limited to surroundings.

Technology brings TV, then movies, then 3 liberal news stations. "AMERICA!!"...Propaganda ensues.

Technology creates social media. Propaganda is falling apart.

Finally the 1960s-2016 3-channel liberal "we're objective" news sources starts to crumble, the culmination of efforts by the likes of WFBuckley and Rush Limbaugh

Fake news [Image: smile.gif] Can't trust anyone (as it should be, as Michael Malice would say)

Back to the good ol days before 1960s where there are at least two sides to news.

People beginning to be bored of simply absorbing information, start making their own lives (hobbies, music, festivals, more local events)

Less people are tuning into the political propaganda

(now consider the entire thing, only with "single women" in mind)

Also, now that I typed it it seems like an odd thread to post, but my thoughts were triggered by this page, so here ya go.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-27-2018

The big project has barely begun - the Chinese will only invest if they also deploy massive military units to protect their property and people.

My guess is that after they take over one country and the place actually experiences a massive boom, high levels of safety and prosperity, then others will be much more open to a Chinese "supervision". Also quite a few men will marry African women and the future generation of Blasians won't be that bad as a leading force.

Of course they will never outbreed the Africans, so in reality it will be more like colonialism 2.0.

A one child policy except for the richest and smartest may come as well - or they simply pay you massive welfare if you consent to being sterilized after the birth of 1 child.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - El Chinito loco - 02-27-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:40 PM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

Your why don't you go back to Africa attack is what a child would say. How old are you? I will forgive you if you are under 21.

I'm not toiling in China. I'm making others toil for me while I profit. What any sensible person would do given the means.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

So in other words you live in a place where you are not a citizen, have no specific family or ethnic ties to, and which the host country graciously allows you to run a profitable business.

You know what I find obnoxious? Migrants, illegals, and expats who live in a host country and then constantly rip on the people and culture there expecting society to conform to their own standards.

I view people doing this the same way I view north african/arab refugees in europe or illegals in the U.S. from Mexico. What these people all have in common is that their existence is inherently parasitical in nature.

You don't like the people or culture? Then get the fuck out and go back to wherever you are from. I'm sure China will get along just fine without your shoe and fake gems factory or whatever.

That's the problem..a sense of global entitlement these days coming from people who hop on a plane or boat and live in someone else's country.

You should also probably read Travelerkai's posts about China it would save you a lot of grief and it's from a specific black point of view.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - kosko - 02-28-2018

Yeah, so I double down on this IQ stuff being a farce. I have just taken three tests back-to-back (first time I have do any IQ tests in my life), and I averaged about 125 with 130 as the highest score.

Also, let me remind people that in between smoking weed and football I maybe have had six years total of complete schooling, and I dragged out post-secondary undecided between two degrees. I bombed most standardized tests growing up in grade school. I put zero care into school as I didn't enjoy it and didn't gain much from it (one could make the argument that traditional schooling was never for me and I would agree with you as I didn't learn anything from grade school).

This post isn't a humblebrag; this is me just doubling down that I don't put much value in these tests. "mainstream" means of judging competence always viewed me as a misfit.

This post is more so to double down on the reality that more is to a number. Environmental factors can blunt development, and bad environments can foster bad habits and attention to the wrong details. Now, controlling for these factors in a stable environment then you start to see who starts to pull ahead like a horse and also who lays like a mule. There are also different variants to what can call intelligence. For example, the high musical ability is an underrated trait that does not get counted for much. The complex composition of patterns and beats is a science within itself, which IMO has caused me more mental pain and grief than anything in school aside from anything number based where I typically struggle.

Also, the ability to be highly skilled in a communication method guarantees you can skate by in life not being called out for being a moron. Lots of people are well spoken and can communicate well but have the brain activity that mimics a warm bowl of soup.

At the end high "IQ" just patterns, and ability to gauge opportunity. There is a level of EQ that needs to established to turn a high functioning brain into more than an overstimulated Aspie and turn into a powerhouse that can rally towards something much more significant level than the average man, all with the force of a racehorse.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Not a Second Hander - 02-28-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 09:04 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

So in other words you live in a place where you are not a citizen, have no specific family or ethnic ties to, and which the host country graciously allows you to run a profitable business.

You know what I find obnoxious? Migrants, illegals, and expats who live in a host country and then constantly rip on the people and culture there expecting society to conform to their own standards.

I view people doing this the same way I view north african/arab refugees in europe or illegals in the U.S. from Mexico. What these people all have in common is that their existence is inherently parasitical in nature.

You don't like the people or culture? Then get the fuck out and go back to wherever you are from. I'm sure China will get along just fine without your shoe and fake gems factory or whatever.

That's the problem..a sense of global entitlement these days coming from people who hop on a plane or boat and live in someone else's country.

You should also probably read Travelerkai's posts about China it would save you a lot of grief and it's from a specific black point of view.

If you're equating immigrants from the ME and central America bitching about their host countries to expats forwarding legitimate concerns in China, then I will question either your knowledge about China or your good judgement. Either way, your post is a failure.

Immigrants to western countries who bitch about their host are ingrates. They deserve nothing but contempt and radio silence. I have personally cut out more than one of this ilk out of my life. Same sort of people who you'll do a favor for and then act like they don't know you when you're taking losses.

In China, the only way they let you do anything here is if you add massive value. Very sensible immigration strategy which I can respect.

My issue is when some dumb peasant looking mongoloid spits mucus one meter away from my foot INSIDE the lobby of five star hotel, insults my intelligence trying to cheat me under the pretext of not understanding the terms, a general lack of manners and human decency and the system being geared to cheat u as much as it can. This happens on a daily basis. These are not isolated incidents.

I invite you to my house. You offer no hospitality, try to steal my wallet and splash water on my face. I complain and you say - well if you don't like it then you can get the fuck out of here.

That is exactly what you are saying.

But I can tell you might think that is acceptable since you have no manners yourself. You have 2 posts and tried to make me look like a fool twice.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-28-2018

Quote: (02-28-2018 12:01 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Yeah, so I double down on this IQ stuff being a farce. I have just taken three tests back-to-back (first time I have do any IQ tests in my life), and I averaged about 125 with 130 as the highest score.

Also, let me remind people that in between smoking weed and football I maybe have had six years total of complete schooling, and I dragged out post-secondary undecided between two degrees. I bombed most standardized tests growing up in grade school. I put zero care into school as I didn't enjoy it and didn't gain much from it (one could make the argument that traditional schooling was never for me and I would agree with you as I didn't learn anything from grade school).

This post isn't a humblebrag; this is me just doubling down that I don't put much value in these tests. "mainstream" means of judging competence always viewed me as a misfit.

As expected - you are a high-IQ black guy. Depending when you tested it is likely that you achieved even better results in your teens (highest test results are around age 15-16 if the teen is not spending that time smoking pot too much).

Your are literally in the upper 1%+ part of your tribe. And all that would be necessary to get a higher number for the entire group is if you and guys like you had now 50+ kids with 10 baby mommas while the state was even paying for it plenty.

That would be a positive eugenics policy. In 100 years your grand-grand-children would even scoff at the idea of affirmative action because of the huge number of high-achievers coming out of black neighborhoods. And I think that you are overestimating the role of the environment. With nutrient dense food, supplements during pregnancy and early childhood, breast-feeding until age 2, lack of neurotoxins in food and water one can expect each generation to get a 2-10 points more intelligent which is already a big achievement. But most of the gap is heritable.

Also - I might add - it does not matter whether you chose an intellectual path in life. MENSA has members across all walks of life - strippers, porn stars, politicians, plumbers, construction workers. The only thing that is somewhat correlated is that a high-IQ plumber is far more likely to succeed, starting a company and making good cash.

My guess is that most black RVF members are pretty smart around here, so we have a strong selection bias just as the African and black friends I have are highly selected in that regard.

But enough of this circle-jerking. There are 85-IQ men out there who made millions while in their 20s and who swim in more pussy than most of us will ever do.


Still - to bring it back to the Black Panther - some of us think that such a country would have to be filled with people all on the level of Kosko. And I also share this opinion. Such a place would not decide on the king by battle to the death.

In fact the makers could have thought of something better - a meritocratic king-selection where the Black Panther is chosen by a multitude of advanced tests - ethics, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge as well as some basic necessary fighting skill.

In such a system Killmonger would fail already the ethics part - that bloke killed his girlfriend of his heist crew in cold blood - also it was utterly unnecessary. They could have made the movie about a conflict where Killmonger and other tribes wanted to abandon the old system in order to make room for a leader who finally attempts to conquer the world and says goodbye to the ethics aspect.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-28-2018

Quote: (02-28-2018 01:04 AM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

My issue is when some dumb peasant looking mongoloid spits mucus one meter away from my foot INSIDE the lobby of five star hotel, insults my intelligence trying to cheat me under the pretext of not understanding the terms, a general lack of manners and human decency and the system being geared to cheat u as much as it can. This happens on a daily basis. These are not isolated incidents.

This is known in China and nothing new. The barbaric behavior is more connected to the still rural nature of the country - it essentially began only their transformation in the last 25 years from a rural backwards economy - also communism destroyed many of the old civil norms.

As for cheating in China - that is endemic and happens to everyone - lowly workers just as super-powerful international corporations who set up a factory, then find out a carbon-copy of their factory to have been built nearby. Their supposed partners simply stole all the designs and are now creating a competition within the country and even a global corporation has only limited reach to stop it all.

Only then do you appreciate Christian ethics which state that stealing is a sin and not a sound business practice.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-28-2018

I've managed to watch this movie last weekend and can say that it's a nice, enjoyable production without overt propaganda or pushing any dangerous political buttons. It's pretty much an old-school, non-judgemental superhero movie that presents the special effects-laden story neutrally and lets you decide whom to support. Good and evil characters are both given the same amount of background, story and quirks, which is a refreshing change from the usual Marvel cardboard villains that you're supposed to hate for some reason.

Pros: beautiful scenery and visual effects (excluding rhinos, which many people complained about), good music, clever dialogue and humor, classic story that is easy to get into, entertaining villains with surprising depth
Cons: jumpy plot with that feels disconnected at times, too many minor characters that can be hard to follow, cookie-cutter fight scenes with predictable reversals

Conclusion: 7/10, glad that I watched it and would recommend it to others, but of course it's no pinnacle of art as proclaimed by deranged SJW critics
Note: the movie itself has an African feel, but the story and characters are universal and could easily be placed in any secret mountain country located in the Alps, Pamir mountains, Andes, etc. Also, the movie does not have any strong political messages or pretty much anything that could reasonably be connected to the real world. It's just a nice, neutral fantasy story.

p.s. this movie was not popular in Africa because no Hollywood movie is popular in Africa. There aren't many cinemas showing these blockbuster movies (especially in 3D), their prices are higher than in developed western countries, and a common African person is not likely to blow a big share of their salary on the latest Hollywood fad, they're happy to be patient and pirate it later. In other words, Africa has no media-based entertainment culture as we know it so it's not a good barometer for how well a movie is received.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - questor70 - 02-28-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 01:56 PM)Not a Second Hander Wrote:  

They want white people to give them justice - against white people? While they sit back, boil with resentment and cry?

What would Malcolm X think of the fact the US elected a black president...who served for two terms? You're telling me that's not progress? Because I'm telling you blacks alone didn't get him in there.

The reason American politics is fucked is due to political polarization that rivals the Civil War. That explains the see-saw from Obama to Trump. It is reverse-racism to view "Whitey" as a block who thinks and acts in only one way. That's obviously not true.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - questor70 - 02-28-2018

Quote: (02-28-2018 05:59 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I've managed to watch this movie last weekend and can say that it's a nice, enjoyable production without overt propaganda or pushing any dangerous political buttons.

Keyword: overt. It offshores the SJW resentment away from the lead, which is the same approach that worked in Wonder Woman. Therefore SJWs wind up relating to the bad guy or to the posse surrounding the hero and the average guy relates to the hero who seems to float above it all. That's why epithets like "colonizer" were uttered by the posse. That's the formula for these movies to have it both ways.

I'm now seeing lots of essays glorifying Killmonger as the real hero of the piece. People latch onto what they want to latch onto.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Prufrock - 02-28-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:34 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2018 06:34 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

So you just watch Rome season 1 and House of Cards season 1 and forego Sopranos season 6 and so on.

What's wrong with season 6? I thought it was great, although maybe not as good as 2 (Sopranos heaven). Plus it featured Phil "I did twenny fuckin' yeeaz" Leotardo [Image: lol.gif]

I was thinking about it, and the main thing that might be objectionable (by RVF standards) is the gay subplot. That said, I have to say I enjoyed that storyline.

The Sopranos is just as much a comedy as it is a drama. And the Vito character development was one of the most humorous of all. Up there with Artie Bucco and Paulie Walnuts.

Little details that always make me laugh. Like when he calls his wife with the stolen cellphone: "Who's Thad McCone?" "Some guy." "Oh, Vito, no..." [Image: lol.gif]

Or when he gets caught loafing on the job: "I'm resting my hips!"

And who can forget two of Phil Leotardo's most memorable lines, both of which were inspired by Vito: "I guess the turd doesn't fall far from the faggot's ass!," and " You look like a Puerto Rican whore!"

[Image: Vito.jpg]

Additional research inspired by (((@carltonautism)))

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Goldin Boy - 03-01-2018

This was lunacy: People comparing Boseman's character to President, people shedding tears, etc.

It was a so-so movie to me but I guess this why leftists love American Blacks so much: It's easy for them to push their buttons and mobilize them as a herd for whatever purpose (voting, buying stuff...)

This was simultaneously amusing and bewildering to me. I've always found other Blacks, mainstream(blue-pill) Blacks, to be very....emotional and excitable, maybe its a side-effect/by-product of being raised with primarily female role models? If all it takes is a movie with rich guys that share you skin pigment performing a fake story to raise your self-esteem today then it won't take much to lower it again tomorrow.

Aside: I've actually met one of the actors in this film, Winston Duke(the leader of the barking mountain tribe) years ago: He attended the University of Buffalo and I hung out with him a few times because he was friends with my best friend from high school.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Super_Fire - 03-01-2018

Quote: (02-27-2018 12:45 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

And it may make 1.1-1.3 bio. $, the foreign market is barely in.

Speaking of the overseas market, neither Hispanics nor Asians generally go out of their way for black people (unless they're in the NBA). I don't see the movie killing it in either Asia or LatAm (save maybe Brazil). There's been little to no hype here in Taiwan, for example, and people here love the NBA so they're used to seeing blacks on TV.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Captainstabbin - 03-02-2018

^^^People act like idiots when they meet celebrities. People call Emilia Clarke "Khaleesi" on the street. Speaking of GOT, was the first dude wearing a "Hand of the King" pendant?

The one girl talking about how empowered and strong the women were clearly knows nothing about the BP story.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - Teedub - 03-04-2018

I saw this film the other day, I quite liked it. Though I imagine if I were watched it in a cinema with predominantly black Americans in the audience I would have felt distinctly uncomfortable in parts. It has a quasi anti-white dogma running through the entire narrative. It's quasi in the sense that they don't ever say "whites" or anything, but it's implied with phrases like "coloniser"—as supposed comic relief I might add!

Moreover, from a bit of Googling, it seems a lot of black Americans actually agree with the 'bad guy' over Black Panther in terms of outlook. Kind of like siding with Magneto (Malcolm X) over Professor X (MLK). "Blackneto" is something I've read, ha. I do actually feel sorry for black people in America as they literally have no sense of where they're from, so much so that they're gaining strength and identity from a fictional comic book movie.

Black people in the UK usually have an attachment to a particular African country (Anthony Joshua with Nigeria for example) or at least the Caribbean (Lennox Lewis with Jamaica), even though blacks are there because of slavery. I doubt Lewis knows where abouts in Africa he actually comes from. I saw a youtube clip where one of the actors from The Wire (Omar, I believe) did some DNA test and discovered his roots, it was quite moving. For a country where all the white people are like "I'm 7% French, 1/300th Czech, 1/60000th Danish - yeah, I'm a viking!" (or for an SJW "1/100000000th Nigerian, yey I'm a slave!") it was interesting.

As an aside, I think Michael B Jordan is a really good actor with great presence, and he steals the scenes he's in. It was also delicious when Black Panther was dismissive of the "refugee" problem. God knows how the SJWs reconcile it. They seem to think at the end they decide to share their tech with the world, but in actuality, they're sharing it with ghetto blacks in LA. Just as 'Blackneto' wanted.

Black Panther: The Alt Right Comic Book Hero? - porscheguy - 03-04-2018

Wakanda does nothing to assist its neighbors despite having the resources to do so.

Wakanda does not allow refugees because “they bring their problems with them.”

Why does Killmonger talk like ghetto trash despite having been educated at the US Naval Academy and then MIT?

There are no homosexuals, trannies, or other “victims” in wakanda. Sex roles are clearly defined. Liberal democracy does not exist. In other words, traditionalist, hierarchical societies are fine as long as they’re not white.