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Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - greekgod - 11-21-2016

^good info, thanks 8ball.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - budoslavic - 11-21-2016

Not sure if it's real...

[Image: Cx0gs-SUkAAuODS.jpg]

Liberals and MSM will flip their shit in 3, 2, 1...

[Image: popcorn5.gif]

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Libertas - 11-21-2016

I like this Tulsi Gabbard character. Seems one of the last few sane people on the left or anywhere for that matter.

(Fake news overall but bear with it)


Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a high-profile Bernie Sanders supporter during the Democratic primaries, is “under serious consideration” for various Cabinet positions in President-elect Donald Trump's administration, according to a senior official on the transition team.

According to the official, the 35-year-old Hawaii congresswoman is being looked as a candidate for secretary of state, secretary of defense or United Nations ambassador. If selected, Gabbard will be the first woman as well as the youngest pick for Trump's Cabinet.

She met with him this morning in his New York City offices at Trump Tower. The Trump transition source said that their sit-down was a “terrific meeting” and that the Trump team sees her as very impressive.

Gabbard, a progressive Democrat, has bucked her party in Congress and during the contentious Democratic primaries. In February she left her position as vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee to support Sanders. In the House she has broken with Democrats on the Syrian civil war (she supports keeping President Bashar al-Assad in power) and Syrian refugees (she voted for a GOP bill last year to conduct stricter background checks on refugees).

This afternoon she released a long statement on her meeting with Trump, saying he asked to meet with her about "our current policies regarding Syria, our fight against terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, as well as other foreign policy challenges we face.” She said they had a “frank and positive conversation in which we discussed a variety of foreign policy issues in depth."

"I felt it important to take the opportunity to meet with the president-elect now before the drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating drag us into an escalation of the war to overthrow the Syrian government — a war which has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives and forced millions of refugees to flee their homes in search of safety for themselves and their families," she said in the statement, adding that she would not let politics get in the way of meeting with the president-elect. "I never have and never will play politics with American and Syrian lives."

She added that when she disagrees with Trump, "I will not hesitate to express that disagreement."

"However, I believe we can disagree, even strongly, but still come together on issues that matter to the American people and affect their daily lives. We cannot allow continued divisiveness to destroy our country … I shared with him my grave concerns that escalating the war in Syria by implementing a so-called no fly/safe zone would be disastrous for the Syrian people, our country and the world," she said. "It would lead to more death and suffering, exacerbate the refugee crisis, strengthen ISIS and al-Qaeda and bring us into a direct conflict with Russia, which could result in a nuclear war. We discussed my bill to end our country’s illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government and the need to focus our precious resources on rebuilding our own country and on defeating al-Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorist groups who pose a threat to the American people."

So you would hire someone that isn't a neocon, you'd hire away your best opposition, and you'd neutralize a lot of the left's persuasion game that you're "racist" and you don't have "diversity" in your cabinet?

And Chris Kobach at homeland talking about the wall?

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Is it possible to win this much so quickly?

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enigma - 11-22-2016

I like Sheriff Clarke as much as the next guy, but Kobach definitely needs to be DHS head.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Rush87 - 11-22-2016

I think Romney is a mistake. I do understand the pro's of having him there, but once a snake, always a snake.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enigma - 11-22-2016

I don't think Trump actually plans on making Romney SoS. It's more of an olive branch move to build good will and keep them out of his way in the future.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - beta_plus - 11-22-2016

Quote: (11-21-2016 07:30 PM)8ball Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2016 12:58 PM)greekgod Wrote:  

Ok back in reality these connections have consequences. I love the Ari Gold character and think Jeremy Piven's performance in that role is a top 5 performance in any show.

But, did you know that Ari was Trump's agent? And basically distanced himself during the whole election.

The most powerful man in Hollywood once represented you and now all of hollywood is attacking you. Oh, weird.

And Ari's brother was the CoS for Obama.

Seems weird, no?

Ari is no longer as powerful as he used to be, there have been a lot of changes in Hollywood. Besides him being Trump's agent, Trump sold one of his companies to ARI(the modelling agency). Ari is in a middle of a big fucking feud with a bigger more powerful agency and many of the top clients have left or threatened to leave. He has bought himself some time by getting a chinese billionaire to invest in company as he diversifies into non-agent areas.

Ari for Secretary of State!

I know that it's not going to happen but him + Milo as Press Secretary would be non stop entertainment.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Latinopan - 11-22-2016

Quote: (11-21-2016 09:20 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

I like this Tulsi Gabbard character. Seems one of the last few sane people on the left or anywhere for that matter.

(Fake news overall but bear with it)


Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a high-profile Bernie Sanders supporter during the Democratic primaries, is “under serious consideration” for various Cabinet positions in President-elect Donald Trump's administration, according to a senior official on the transition team.

According to the official, the 35-year-old Hawaii congresswoman is being looked as a candidate for secretary of state, secretary of defense or United Nations ambassador. If selected, Gabbard will be the first woman as well as the youngest pick for Trump's Cabinet.

She met with him this morning in his New York City offices at Trump Tower. The Trump transition source said that their sit-down was a “terrific meeting” and that the Trump team sees her as very impressive.

Gabbard, a progressive Democrat, has bucked her party in Congress and during the contentious Democratic primaries. In February she left her position as vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee to support Sanders. In the House she has broken with Democrats on the Syrian civil war (she supports keeping President Bashar al-Assad in power) and Syrian refugees (she voted for a GOP bill last year to conduct stricter background checks on refugees).

This afternoon she released a long statement on her meeting with Trump, saying he asked to meet with her about "our current policies regarding Syria, our fight against terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, as well as other foreign policy challenges we face.” She said they had a “frank and positive conversation in which we discussed a variety of foreign policy issues in depth."

"I felt it important to take the opportunity to meet with the president-elect now before the drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating drag us into an escalation of the war to overthrow the Syrian government — a war which has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives and forced millions of refugees to flee their homes in search of safety for themselves and their families," she said in the statement, adding that she would not let politics get in the way of meeting with the president-elect. "I never have and never will play politics with American and Syrian lives."

She added that when she disagrees with Trump, "I will not hesitate to express that disagreement."

"However, I believe we can disagree, even strongly, but still come together on issues that matter to the American people and affect their daily lives. We cannot allow continued divisiveness to destroy our country … I shared with him my grave concerns that escalating the war in Syria by implementing a so-called no fly/safe zone would be disastrous for the Syrian people, our country and the world," she said. "It would lead to more death and suffering, exacerbate the refugee crisis, strengthen ISIS and al-Qaeda and bring us into a direct conflict with Russia, which could result in a nuclear war. We discussed my bill to end our country’s illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government and the need to focus our precious resources on rebuilding our own country and on defeating al-Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorist groups who pose a threat to the American people."

So you would hire someone that isn't a neocon, you'd hire away your best opposition, and you'd neutralize a lot of the left's persuasion game that you're "racist" and you don't have "diversity" in your cabinet?

And Chris Kobach at homeland talking about the wall?

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Is it possible to win this much so quickly?

Progressives online are really angry, they say Trump is dismantling the party future, Gabbard was seen as the rising star and possible democrat 2020 candidate to run against Trump, and how Trump is leaving the democrat party with just Establishment old people like Pelosi.

And California coast liberal pelosi is what put the party in its current position, Trump is building a bipartisan support, which at the same ensure a clean win for him in 2020, Democrats won't have new face for 2020, which is what they desperately need right now, if everything goes right as Trump predicts he will win even more share of the democrat voters, this election 10% democrats voted for him, we could see an increase in 2020.

The rumor going around is Sanders may launch a new party with millennial as base block, if that ever happens then the democrats will split so big they will damage for decades to come.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - TooFineAPoint - 11-22-2016

Quote: (11-22-2016 08:03 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

The rumor going around is Sanders may launch a new party with millennial as base block

The useless socialist who's never accomplished anything in his life is going to count on the people who can't even be on time to a coffee shop meeting.

Do it.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - C-Note - 11-22-2016

Just saw a tweet (don't know how to copy and past the image) from President-Elect Trump saying he is seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as HUD secretary. I though Carson said he didn't want a cabinet position?

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - John Michael Kane - 11-22-2016

Quote: (11-22-2016 10:02 AM)TooFineAPoint Wrote:  

Quote: (11-22-2016 08:03 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

The rumor going around is Sanders may launch a new party with millennial as base block

The useless socialist who's never accomplished anything in his life is going to count on the people who can't even be on time to a coffee shop meeting.

Do it.

I say go for it. Doing so would surely split the lefty vote down the middle, making the Democrats even more irrelevant outside of the People's Republik of Kommiefornia. Trump can get more power in in Congress to get stuff done, more Constitutionalists on the Federal courts and life improves for everyone else.

The great hubris of the Left will be their great undoing.

As the old saying goes: "SJW's always double-down."

Restraint is not in their nature.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - budoslavic - 11-23-2016

Damn...Gowdy made me think when he asked: "Which do you value more, church or freedom?" and "Which do you value more, unity or diversity?"

I hope President-elect Trump will offer Trey Gowdy some type of position in his administration Cabinet.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Deepdiver - 11-23-2016

A strong vote for Bolton at State Dept to drain the swamp internationally...

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enigma - 11-23-2016

^ Written by Bolton's former Chief of Staff. The comments are calling him out.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - heavy - 11-23-2016

Great speech there by Gowdy. I corrected the quote though.

Quote: (11-23-2016 12:55 AM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Damn...Gowdy made me think when he asked: "Which do you value more, c̶h̶u̶r̶c̶h̶ truth or freedom?"...

I hope President-elect Trump will offer Trey Gowdy some type of position in his administration Cabinet.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Libertas - 11-23-2016

Trump chose Nikki Lena to be his UN Ambassador. This is a brilliant move on so many levels. Kills three birds with one stone.

1. "Not racist." Trump chose his first "person of color."

2. "Not sexist." Trump chose his first woman.

Identity politics crowd gets shut up for a while.

3. Classic 48 Laws of Power play. He neutralized a potential rival by putting her in a position of "prestige" that's actually long been a useless post for flunkies. Now she's under his employ and removed from politics while the pro-Trump lieutenant governor of South Carolina takes over.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Fast Eddie - 11-23-2016

Not sure I'm happy that Nimrata Randhawa, an enemy both of Trump and of the People, was rewarded for....what, exactly?...but at least now I no longer have to worry she will be Secretary of State, which would be a real slap to the face.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - nomadbrah - 11-23-2016

If I move to China will I be a person of color?

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - C-Note - 11-23-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 09:34 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Trump chose Nikki Lena to be his UN Ambassador. This is a brilliant move on so many levels. Kills three birds with one stone.

1. "Not racist." Trump chose his first "person of color."

2. "Not sexist." Trump chose his first woman.

Identity politics crowd gets shut up for a while.

3. Classic 48 Laws of Power play. He neutralized a potential rival by putting her in a position of "prestige" that's actually long been a useless post for flunkies. Now she's under his employ and removed from politics while the pro-Trump lieutenant governor of South Carolina takes over.

If Trump starts sticking it to the UN, which he has said he will do, then she might be fairly busy and in the spotlight quite a bit.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Samseau - 11-23-2016


3. Classic 48 Laws of Power play. He neutralized a potential rival by putting her in a position of "prestige" that's actually long been a useless post for flunkies. Now she's under his employ and removed from politics while the pro-Trump lieutenant governor of South Carolina takes over.

Exactly. Promoted to irrelevance.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enoch - 11-23-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 11:33 AM)Samseau Wrote:  


3. Classic 48 Laws of Power play. He neutralized a potential rival by putting her in a position of "prestige" that's actually long been a useless post for flunkies. Now she's under his employ and removed from politics while the pro-Trump lieutenant governor of South Carolina takes over.

Exactly. Promoted to irrelevance.

She is going to have to explain to a bunch of angry globalists that they won't be eating on American taxpayer dime anymore. Hilarious move by Trump.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - nomadbrah - 11-23-2016

More important what does Trump do with Jared Kushner? Rumors about Ivanka being Ambassador to Japan or Kushner being some kind of negotiator in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Would be great if Ivanka went to Japan, sending Kushner halfway around the world, can't stump the Trump.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enoch - 11-23-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 01:32 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

More important what does Trump do with Jared Kushner? Rumors about Ivanka being Ambassador to Japan or Kushner being some kind of negotiator in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Would be great if Ivanka went to Japan, sending Kushner halfway around the world, can't stump the Trump.

I'm pretty sure he can't give Ivanka an Ambassadorship due to the nepotism laws, which ironically, do not prevent campaign bundlers from assuming such posts.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Truth Teller - 11-23-2016

^^ I'm not totally sure about that. I think the law prohibits family members from Cabinet positions (passed against JFK choosing RFK as Attorney General). I don't know if ambassadorship qualifies.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - rpg - 11-23-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 01:51 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Quote: (11-23-2016 01:32 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

More important what does Trump do with Jared Kushner? Rumors about Ivanka being Ambassador to Japan or Kushner being some kind of negotiator in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Would be great if Ivanka went to Japan, sending Kushner halfway around the world, can't stump the Trump.

I'm pretty sure he can't give Ivanka an Ambassadorship due to the nepotism laws, which ironically, do not prevent campaign bundlers from assuming such posts.

Somebody needs to stay home and count all of Trump's money he is going to rake in as things get better world wide. Trump has the Midas touch.