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Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-13-2018

Quote: (03-13-2018 03:47 PM)Soundbyte Wrote:  

Let's not get into personal insults over this, guys!

First you have to consider, how many of those Chinese are wealthy enough to move out. Then from those people, consider those willing to leave their life behind; from what I heard, China is a little more close knit than Europe in general. Also not many Chinese dream of moving to Ukraine on their own. From there, since this a game forum, we all know how the women of Ukraine behave, right? They aren't very warm and opening people to strangers. There are many variables that ensure that this particular situation will not be recreated easily. Ukraine is not the United States.

Now how many stories have we heard of EE countries turning sour towards foreign nationals? When too many people migrate to a nation, how do the natives behave?

Finally, most of the foreign nationals as of 2001/2010 are from places like Russia! This may not really be accurate, but just an idea.

Asian men are not overly attractive to white women - that is why there are so many problems with mixed sons. You have the Eliott Rodgers symptom.

The reality is that far more white men marry and procreate with Asian women - they are contributing far more to the decrease of the White population than women.

Women are more prolific with Arab Muslim men or Africans.

The Chinese will have far far more half-black children than getting frisky with White Devil women.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - rudebwoy - 03-13-2018

I am seeing more Asian(Orientals) with white women in Canada.

So I would discount them entirely!

Icarus - Damn son, why so butthurt!

Go to Ukraine and stop the "invasion".

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - DrugAdvisor - 03-13-2018

Honestly, its a good thing.

Less nongs and more hapas is a good thing in this world.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - kosko - 03-13-2018

You can tell how the temperature of the forum has shifted over the years in this very forum.

From what I remember it used to be giving the Chinese guy props and just disputing how hot his girl was... Fast forward now... and dudes having cold sweats at some idea that millions of Chinese men booking one way tickets to EE... Get a grip.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Brosemite - 03-13-2018

Quote: (03-13-2018 10:56 PM)kosko Wrote:  

You can tell how the temperature of the forum has shifted over the years in this very forum.

From what I remember it used to be giving the Chinese guy props and just disputing how hot his girl was... Fast forward now... and dudes having cold sweats at some idea that millions of Chinese men booking one way tickets to EE... Get a grip.

Mods must be asleep right now...

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - nzd - 03-13-2018

How big is their age gap? I wanted to go to Russia, but Ukraine is cheaper with the same quality apparently.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Cobra - 03-14-2018

This post is very difficult for me to make but I had to.

The posts below make an important and relevant point that I wholeheartedly agree with.

Quote: (03-13-2018 12:02 PM)monsquid Wrote:  

The jealousy comes from insecurity and scarcity mentality. Men's ability to set aside differences and build coalitions has allowed human society to progress beyond what is normally capable for single individuals or small groups. This is what rich and powerful men do. They are able to set aside petty jealousies and personal differences because they know that by supporting other men and working together they can accrue power, wealth, and influence resulting in more pussy for each member of the coalition than they would have been individually capable of getting.

Quote: (03-13-2018 10:56 PM)kosko Wrote:  

You can tell how the temperature of the forum has shifted over the years in this very forum.

From what I remember it used to be giving the Chinese guy props and just disputing how hot his girl was... Fast forward now... and dudes having cold sweats at some idea that millions of Chinese men booking one way tickets to EE... Get a grip.

However, today, we have posts like this:

Quote: (03-13-2018 06:16 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 11:32 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Sad, when someone can't be happy for another man.

Why would any man — especially a childless one — be happy for a man of another tribe?

Is there a global brotherhood now? I had never heard of it...

My first reaction: [Image: facepalm.png]

So... yes, there is a global brotherhood dude. It is called the Rooshv Forum. The non race trolls here consider ourselves part of the same tribe of MEN. I'm not sure how that changed all of a sudden. We don't see race or ethnicity as an indication of "tribe" in the context of banging women and creating masculine quality relationships, and if it is an issue, help each other overcome it. If you do not want to be part of this group, please turn in your forum membership card and respectfully, leave us. That will be the most beneficial thing you and others that support you can do for the forum at this point. Every day I'm seeing threads or posts that pop up which generally reek of this frustration.

You see, it's funny. I went back and liked every single post that was rooting for this man and happy for him. I noticed something in the "likes" section. I noticed who were starkly missing. There was a time when IRTs were ridiculed for race trolling, and deservedly so. It was absolutely sad. Being Indian myself, I made a huge effort to not only help rid the forum of them but also push hard to vet any Indian guys walking in to the forum to ensure that they were not race trolls. Here is the thing: I hate race trolls in general and the white race trolls (WRTs) have unfortunately been getting a pass. To be absolutely clear, I don't want any of the solid white players here to take this as an attack against them. I respect you all and rather, I am calling out these guys that essentially are a black mark on your well earned reputation. Maybe it's the soy or maybe liberalism. Who knows.

When I found the forum years ago, I hung out with great guys of ALL races that were amazing at game. We had meet ups and exchanged ideas, and often times did lots of day approaches. I made good friends with guys like Dantes who is a white guy, and Lothario, who like me is Indian/Desi. I made friends with Vinman and MDP, both black guys who are awesome in their own respect.

The rise of WRT race trolls today sadly correlate with the increase of any ethnic minority men increasing their lifestyle, game and getting quality women. The trolls tend to be middle aged white guys that are starkly missing from the game sections of the forum and attained false seniority through the ranks of political threads or diversity attack threads. They seem to all be overweight and don't seem to be all there socially. I've tagged them for who they are and recognize enough of them now. Rather than take examples from guys like Dantes, Octavian, H3ltrsk3ltr, Snowplow, Fisto, Samseau etc. etc., other white dudes on the forum that do well or maybe even better than the rest of us, they go on to attack minority forum members or minorities in general. It is so obvious that I couldn't help but call it out.

Once I attained a fair level of expertise in game, I was happy to help anyone that wanted it. I thought that was the forum's spirit and still believe it is. Those that sought me out were often white guys, and pretty much all cool. Same here, most of the guys that I sought out were also white. We went and did approaches together and learned from each other. It was all good and we were moving men forward, posting on the forum about it and spreading the good word. Then, the election happens. Trump gets elected; we are all ecstatic for it because he promotes masculinity. Side effect of this: we get certain (not all) forum members come in to the Trump thread, no one or few meet them or vet them, get a bunch of rep points and they stand up on their keyboard against men that have actually contributed to the positivity of the forum. If enough of us have not noticed this already, this is an attack on the integrity and spirit of the forum itself.

I am demoralized by the whole thing to be honest and I didn't want to write a post about it. However, I thought it needed to be said and realized it may as well be me that says it. I may get flak for this as it is an attack on a group of a certain race that is different from mine. So it wasn't easy for me to do it. However, that said, I respect this space too much to keep my mouth shut, and if I do keep it shut long enough, it will get worse. Maybe me bringing attention to it will save the spirit of the forum.

A reminder to race trolls here of any race: I will find you and be there to call you out no matter where you post on this forum. I know the threads you post in and you are all well known.

A request to the rest of the forum members that still believe in the spirit of the forum: Please join me in getting rid of this cancer before it spreads too far. It is about to become a real problem for the forum.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-14-2018

Men that fuck women of other races will always be perceived as conquerors while women that fuck men of other races will always be perceived as the conquered. This is as hard-wired into our DNA as being repulsed by spiders.

We can all repress that instinct to some degree or another the same way we repress a lot of primitive, tribal instincts, but make no mistake, the RVF is not a legitimate form of tribe, nor is "Men" in general. Perhaps that's where a lot of these misunderstandings come from. A failure to reconcile what we feel instinctively with what we push down and how it all fits into our current social regimen.

I might have a laugh with The Black Viking (forum-level brotherhood) while feeling just a tad queasy about him stretching out virgin white girls (primitive instinct), replete in the knowledge that he's never going to help me bury a body if the need arose (real brotherhood).

None of this stuff needs to be reconciled to some extreme, and yes, I'm guilty of diving too deep into some of the darker topics on the forum, the divisiveness of which I'm coming to recognise outweighs the factual and philosophical fruits, even if my intentions are pure.

The RVF is not going to be the rock upon which the foundations are laid to fix all that ails humanity. Myself and a bunch of other people on both sides of that fence need to lighten the fuck up a bit.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - El Chinito loco - 03-15-2018

The basic fact is that these completely average Chinese guys have done what a lot of armchair internet race warriors haven't done which is find a young fertile white woman to wife up and have kids with.

I mainly see happy and stable looking couples just living life and having kids. If you look at it from a straight up socioeconomic point of view they are pretty much on equal terms too. These couples are from developing world countries with a similar income level and who maintain traditional values. These couples have more in common than if they dated a tatted up feminist in the west or a hardcore chad from an english speaking country.

When it comes to the racial stuff on this forum.. what I find hilarious a lot of times is the ideological and personal inconsistency with a lot of the race warrior type posts.

If someone cares about whites and white culture so much then what's with this infatuation with asians and latinas?

Why is it that every other hardcore race warrior poster seems to spend a lot of time in asia and is childless on top of that?

In real life when you look at some of the race warrior lifers doing marches you realize that it's a big time haven of poorly dressed no game looking guys who are childless. It's hardly good examples of the white race in general. With the exception of maybe Richard Spencer who just exudes closeted homosexuality. Of course some would make believe these groups are full of Chris Hemsworth looking Chads with political legitimacy but it's really far from the truth.

I disagree when it comes to calling posters out and I recommend not doing it because it just creates lots of bad blood. Just don't take a lot of this stuff seriously because when you really start critically analyzing forum posts it's full of unintentionally hilarious ideological and personal inconsistencies.

The entire politics subforum should have a big "for entertainment purposes" only disclaimer on it. I admit to fanning the flames at times but goddamn some of it is funny.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - StrikeBack - 03-15-2018

WRT is rather apt, spot on Cobra.

Guys like Icarus (who lives in the EU mind you) complain about this Chinese fellow, and by extension people like me, marrying young attractive white women, but I don’t see them marrying up their precious snow bunnies and popping out babies. What’s stopping Icarus to hop over to Ukraine right now to do the same if not better than this bloke? I’m not sure it’s because they’d still rather play the field and sleep around, or are not actually attractive enough to get those girls. If they are not wifing them up, then don’t complain when other men do. Someone gotta wife them up before their window of fertility is gone. If these guys do want to wife them up but can’t, well why are their racially superior selves losing out to a bunch of supposedly weak-Game small-packaged Asians?

I do find it funny that somehow they can hold two simultaneous beliefs that 1- Asian men are unattractive to white women but 2- they get cold sweats at night thinking that the Golden Horde is once again coming to marry all their beautiful white maidens.

And Zelcorpion, I always respect your posts, but stop with the Elliot Rodger explanation. It has nothing to do with him being mixed, it’s to do with him being a loser. Eurasians tend to be attractive and do much better in dating than the average, and I personally know about 10 such guys in my various sports who kill it with women of all races.

This is the Right’s version of identity politics, and it is as dumb as the Left’s. It’s the kind of game losers play. After years of learning Game, the Red Pill and neo-masculinity here, we all should know better.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - El Chinito loco - 03-15-2018

Quote: (03-15-2018 01:35 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

If these guys do want to wife them up but can’t, well why are their racially superior selves losing out to a bunch of supposedly weak-Game small-packaged Asians?

I suspect that it's because deep down very few of the biggest race warriors are actually traditional minded. Going out there with honest intentions of finding a good wife in order to have kids requires lots of effort. You have to have your shit together to make it work.

It's easier to run the online equivalent of beta racial mate guarding than it is to go out there and find someone truly compatible in order to have kids.

I think a lot of the butt hurt and thirst comes from the fact that a lot of western women are objectively awful and corrupted too. A more realistic goal these race warriors could actually hope to succeed at is to reform white culture away from feminism and back into traditional roles. A lot of this demographic anxiety could be solved by bringing back these traditional roles. Let's be honest here until white western women change significantly (on the left and right) none of these ideologies they believe in mean anything.

The sad fact is that there is very little inward critical analysis in that community about these things. All of it is focused on the racial angle which is why guys get so angry when they see a Chinese dude simply doing what is natural for a man and a woman to do. Would some of these posters be even half as angry if they were in a long term relationship with an equally or more attractive white woman and had kids? Doubtful.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - GoingTheDistance - 03-15-2018

EDIT - Delete, Zel said it better.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - [email protected] - 03-15-2018

I went to Ukraine and let me tell you there are rich Chinese straight buying young women in their 20s through marriage businesses like real estate. Anecdotal but i was at a hotel restaurant in Odessa and saw it happen as I casually ate lunch. It was one Ukrainian business lady, a WB Ukrainian 7 in her early to mid, Chinese guy with some of his immediate family.

I don't know if the Asian guy in the OP was a rich kid but I don't see average Chinese guys just coming to Ukraine and bringing homes wives easily. In both Russia and Ukraine the preferred phenotype is tall white guy, same as the rest of the West. That's not to say Asian guys can't slay, it's just harder. Also, there's the whole language barrier to add to it. You need dedication to learn slavic languages.

Hating on these edge cases is a waste of your time and emotions.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Mercenary - 03-15-2018

Is there any evidence of any sort of these mixed race marriage lasting long term ? I mean longer than say 10 or 15 years....enough time to raise their own children from infancy to adulthood.

Whether it's white male/asian female/ or muslim or black male/white female or asian male/female of any other race...the vast majority of these types marriages last at most between 5 to 10 years.

I'm sure there are exceptions, and dudes with enough red pill awareness and relationship game skills can make it work for the long run...but for the vast majority I never see it working out long enough to keep the family intact until the kids turn age 18.

Most mixed race couples grossly underestimate differences in culture, language, thought proccesses, interaction with inlaws and other relatives, expected politeness and manners, dialogue & common interests when not having sex, and even things like diet & eating habits....

All these things can (and do) eventually tear most mixed race couples apart no matter how close they may seem.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-15-2018

Quote: (03-15-2018 01:35 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

And Zelcorpion, I always respect your posts, but stop with the Elliot Rodger explanation. It has nothing to do with him being mixed, it’s to do with him being a loser. Eurasians tend to be attractive and do much better in dating than the average, and I personally know about 10 such guys in my various sports who kill it with women of all races.

This is the Right’s version of identity politics, and it is as dumb as the Left’s. It’s the kind of game losers play. After years of learning Game, the Red Pill and neo-masculinity here, we all should know better.

I met 2 British Indian RVF members, two white European, one white American and one Asian (or half-Asian - not that it matters). All of them were chasing white tail and it did not cross even my mind of "wanting to protect muh women".

Agreed that the Eliott Rodgers case is not indicative of sexual market value. There is even a sexual market value that puts Indian men on the bottom, but then you meet Indian blokes who fuck dozens of hotties every year. So the entire scale is more or less a meta-analysis looking at hundreds of countries and billions of men. Any man with little effort can break the scale - just look at the tall White soyboys and their lack of attraction to any woman.

I am not gonna defend that comment above, because it struck me as wrong as well. Still - I wanna point out that a good reason why guys like Fisto or Samseau are promoting Trump is not economic policies and that a masculine role model is out there. A big reason is demographics and not wanting to be a minority in the country their ancestors built. Do you think the wall is only meant as a form of economic stimulus package or that they are concerned about unskilled labor competition?

The problem is that cultural marxists are increasing the attacks on Whites and the West with each commercial, with each attack to change even Euopean history &

Of course this has nothing do with men chasing tail and finding happiness outside of their race. That is of course a fundamental seduction forum guideline. And yes - I guess there is a certain brotherhood here where we are more united than divided on most matters.

As for general policies, actions by the malicious anti-White Western elite - none of RVF members of any color has any say in the matter. But you should note that things will become more vicious as more and more Westerners realize that their countries are viewed as passport-docking-stations while Uganda is concerned about some 50.000 Chinese - a few marrying African women:

[Image: Ma3.jpg]
Note that Uganda has a population of 41 mio. and they are concerned about 50.000 Chinese men.

One of my best friends is a black Viking (literally since his mom is Norwegian and his dad is from the Caribbean) - he even married a Russian girl, since he does not find black girls attractive. Do you think that I ever had even a remotely racist thought regarding his kids or God forbid him?

I am mainly concerned with meta-data, international politics, corporate influences, overall demographics - and that wind is going to increase as all Western countries are under intense attack.

As for chasing pussy of any shade, size, age or color - that is a unifying feature here:


Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-15-2018

Quote: (03-15-2018 02:32 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Is there any evidence of any sort of these mixed race marriage lasting long term ? I mean longer than say 10 or 15 years....enough time to raise their own children from infancy to adulthood.

Whether it's white male/asian female/ or muslim or black male/white female or asian male/female of any other race...the vast majority of these types marriages last at most between 5 to 10 years.

I'm sure there are exceptions, and dudes with enough red pill awareness and relationship game skills can make it work for the long run...but for the vast majority I never see it working out long enough to keep the family intact until the kids turn age 18.

Most mixed race couples grossly underestimate differences in culture, language, thought proccesses, interaction with inlaws and other relatives, expected politeness and manners, dialogue & common interests when not having sex, and even things like diet & eating habits....

All these things can (and do) eventually tear most mixed race couples apart no matter how close they may seem.

Actually there is evidence out there.

Very stable - with divorce rates of 10-20%:

1) Black woman - white man (too little data on black woman Asian man, but could be equally stable)
2) White man - Asian woman - also highly stable - they had studies done on mail-order brides of old with a ridiculous 10-15% divorce rate

Very very unstable with a divorce rate of 80%+:

1) Muslim men with non Muslim women (regardless of race)
2) Black men - white women (very unstable - though my guess is that with high-IQ black men who frequent the forum it's very different)

Frankly it's all dependent on a multitude of factors. My black Viking buddy is having a happy marriage since he is a bloke with Game and they have a lot in common (he is 99% in terms of behavior having hiking and sight-seeing as hobbies).

I also have a 6"6 half-Indian friend. His dad is a successful Indian entrepreneur multi-millionaire who married a blonde German woman. They are happy as can be while their kids are tall and model-looks. My guess is that those kind of relationships are also stable.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-15-2018

I'm a guy who's been married to a latina for quite a while and I favour extremely limited immigration and the strong protection of native traditional nationalist (by definition racial) culture.

I was a pro-immigration centrist when I met my wife and she'd already been in country for quite a while. Though I'm lucky to have her on a personal level and she's a great citizen, she is honest enough to admit that in aggregate her people are not an asset to this nation.

I'm not well travelled. I've never been to South America but what I lack in geographical miles I make up for by having more than a decade of insight into the nature of her people as they exist here, and by hearing the unvarnished truth about how her home country and its citizens still operate.

Suffice to say that I used to believe that all cultures and races were equal until I got a solid dose of reality from someone who could speak honestly about the issue and who had boots on the ground for a good portion of her life.

Most people would expect that someone who lives in a mixed race marriage would be more liberal when it comes to immigration and race issues but the reality is that it's often the opposite. As a generalisation I would suggest that guys who date/marry mixed race from advanced societies don't build prejudices or take the red-pill or however you'd prefer to frame it.

Meanwhile guys that date/marry women from third-world or failing nations come to be more prejudicial about what kind of influences they want affecting their own nation. Even white guys that date or marry Jewish women from first world nations are going to get a serious dose of reality on Jewish culture. Yet sharing that insider knowledge with other whites will get them marked as anti-semitic, even if they're virtually relaying precisely what their wife has told them about her own culture.

Race mixing is a statistical irrelevance and nothing to be worked up about. Rampant, unchecked immigration is another issue entirely. These two issues should not be confused. If some Black dude gets it on with a white girl I give as little a fuck as my biology allows.

If a million Black men are given Australian citizenship and start unbalancing the entire sexual marketplace while destroying the native culture then yes, we have a fucking problem.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Dalaran1991 - 03-15-2018

The cognitive dissonance from Icarus is astounding. Just like some white boys here in Paris who kept making jokes about Asians, then grumble when they see a high value cool Asian dude with a hot chick.

It's the same irony I feel when I'm banging some young nubile French cuties discreetly, and the other French guys think she must still be a virgin. Said cute girl also said she is ashamed of being French because here people treat women badly.

I'm trying to wrap my head around all this:

Some Asian dudes wife up / fuck some hot young white chicks. Most Asian dudes dont bother because SEA/Philippines.
Some white guys get all their panties up in a bunch because sexually incompetent Asians are stealing their women. Meanwhile, said white guys do jack shit to go to other country and get women.
Some white women are ashamed of their countries and should instead go to Saudi Arabia because clearly they treat women better over there. Meanwhile they make do by sleeping with some non-white dudes.

My head hurts. Can we just get back to fucking anyone and their mother if we feel like it? And go and live anywhere we want while at it?

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - kosko - 03-15-2018

Quote: (03-15-2018 03:31 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I'm a guy who's been married to a latina for quite a while and I favour extremely limited immigration and the strong protection of native traditional nationalist (by definition racial) culture.

I was a pro-immigration centrist when I met my wife and she'd already been in country for quite a while. Though I'm lucky to have her on a personal level and she's a great citizen, she is honest enough to admit that in aggregate her people are not an asset to this nation.

I'm not well travelled. I've never been to South America but what I lack in geographical miles I make up for by having more than a decade of insight into the nature of her people as they exist here, and by hearing the unvarnished truth about how her home country and its citizens still operate.

Suffice to say that I used to believe that all cultures and races were equal until I got a solid dose of reality from someone who could speak honestly about the issue and who had boots on the ground for a good portion of her life.

Most people would expect that someone who lives in a mixed race marriage would be more liberal when it comes to immigration and race issues but the reality is that it's often the opposite. As a generalisation I would suggest that guys who date/marry mixed race from advanced societies don't build prejudices or take the red-pill or however you'd prefer to frame it.

Meanwhile guys that date/marry women from third-world or failing nations come to be more prejudicial about what kind of influences they want affecting their own nation. Even white guys that date or marry Jewish women from first world nations are going to get a serious dose of reality on Jewish culture. Yet sharing that insider knowledge with other whites will get them marked as anti-semitic, even if they're virtually relaying precisely what their wife has told them about her own culture.

Race mixing is a statistical irrelevance and nothing to be worked up about. Rampant, unchecked immigration is another issue entirely. These two issues should not be confused. If some Black dude gets it on with a white girl I give as little a fuck as my biology allows.

If a million Black men are given Australian citizenship and start unbalancing the entire sexual marketplace while destroying the native culture then yes, we have a fucking problem.

You should go see your wife's homeland in person. Stories are just stories. You won't know what is real until you view it yourself.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Leonard D Neubache - 03-15-2018

So a decade of eyewitness testimony plus her parents plus her brother plus all statistics known to man plus travel advisory warnings are less trustworthy than me doing a tourist trek through the safe parts for a week where everyone smiles and waves at me because I have money?

"Wow, honey. There are no death squads and narco gangs to be seen. You're a fucking liar! I bet those bullet wounds your cousin has are just thirty caliber cigar burns."

And before you suggest that I go through the parts where she lived, not even her parents go there when they visit because they're not batshit crazy enough.

Thanks, kosko. I'll pass.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Fortis - 03-15-2018

Let's keep it real, broes. You can't be a hater like some of the dudes in this chat and then turn around and pretend to have game. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Your hatred of a chinese guy going to Ukraine and stealing "your" women reveals your scarcity mindset.

The funny thing is that a lot of dudes who whine about this sorta stuff are the first dudes lining up to fly to asia to steal asian women from local dudes.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Rocha - 03-15-2018

I really dont understand the hate too. The guy went to live, study, graduate, works successfully/ has a business in a tough country like Ukraine. He should not be banging one 8, he should have an harem of 8s for all the effort he did. Props to him.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - Fortis - 03-15-2018

Precisely. He did something guys on this forum talk about wanting to do. Why does he not garner respect?

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - TravelerKai - 03-15-2018

Quote: (03-13-2018 10:56 PM)kosko Wrote:  

You can tell how the temperature of the forum has shifted over the years in this very forum.

From what I remember it used to be giving the Chinese guy props and just disputing how hot his girl was... Fast forward now... and dudes having cold sweats at some idea that millions of Chinese men booking one way tickets to EE... Get a grip.

Guys like Icarus must want Feminism to prosper because their lame attitude is the reason why it is the cancer it is today.

He is an engineer though if I recall correctly, probably "high IQ", and knows probably zero things about history like most with viewpoints like his. Probably thinks women in his local country belong to him and his countrymen. As if pussy belongs to any man in this ultra cucked world we live in, full of weak males.

Until the manosphere as a whole learns to stop shitting on other men and being irrationally clannish and racist, we can forget about defeating feminism and having feminine local women. You can forget about removing perverse elements from your individual cultures as well. Rampant atheism and other social dysfunction will not get any better either.

Feminism is a global problem, not a local one. Anytime any group of women in any country realize that all they have to do to remove male authority is to get between any two thirsty men, it's a wrap.

Men created everything around us that we use, including concepts like civility and governance. It's a pity when they cannot even use the shit. Would be hilarious if it were not so saddening.

Chinese Man’s Life with Beautiful Ukrainian Wife Envied - El Chinito loco - 03-15-2018

Here's my question if you're an avowed white nationalist and race warrior why are you interested in latinas and asians to begin with?

It's a logical and rational inconsistency that is completely at odds with ideological principles.

On the rare times I visit /pol or 4/8chan in general it's full of white nerd stroking it towards korean pop stars or other such nonsense. Why is it that white nationalism gloms on so hard to asian "purity" when it comes to pop celebrity or just daily life?

If you want to break it down i'm probably far more of a ethnocentrist than your average white nationalist. I don't care about white, black, latino politics really. I am a asian man who lives in an asian country and has a child with an asian woman. I also have zero interest in what you people do to be honest. A lot is unintentionally hilarious.

From anecdotal knowledge even some of my latino 2nd generation friends who I keep in touch with have 2+ kids now. The white friends I have still have zero kids. Why is that?

I actually know quite a few hapas and white guys married to asians and they have kids and what are those kids exactly?

To be honest I bag on hapas a lot but I feel a lot of sentimental attachment for these people.

They clearly do not fit in white society nor do they fit in asian society but they try to get by. Some of them are successful and I do think most of the truly successful ones don't live in majority white societies either.

What does that tell you ?