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The Honk pill (Clown World) - ilostabet - 05-03-2019

Quote: (05-02-2019 06:10 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  



Any suggestions for the last two? Tease? Trash talk?

I prefer 'Let God Burn Them Quickly'.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Gimlet - 05-03-2019

Quote: (05-01-2019 11:09 PM)Brother Abdul Majeed Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2019 10:30 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2019 07:01 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Now toxic testosterone has harmed precious female sport too much & limits must be set! Equality be damned...

Semenya loses landmark legal case against IAAF over testosterone levels

The South African 800m Olympic champion Caster Semenya is considering an appeal after losing her landmark legal case against athletics’ governing body, the IAAF, in a decision that could end her career as an elite athlete.
The ruling by the court of arbitration for Sport means that Semenya, who has not been beaten over 800m since 2015, will have to take medication to significantly reduce her testosterone if she wants to run internationally at events between 400m and a mile.

Ha! *Honk* *Honk*

I'm not sure, but I think this is actually a biological female with freakishly high testosterone. I think that somehow the SJWs believe that if they discriminate against this woman for high T, then they can also justify male trannies competing in women's sports.

If this Semenya was born a woman, then she should be allowed to play regardless of her rare high T physiology, and of course, anyone born male should never compete in women's sports, even if they take estogen and have their cock and balls chopped off.

S/he had to undergo a "gender test". I'm not sure if it's true or not because the results were never made public, but according to the following link it turns out that Semenya is just an old fashioned hermaphrodite.


Controversy over champion runner Caster Semenya deepened today – Results from the infamous ‘Gender Test’ show that she is a HERMAPHRODITE.
Semenya has NO womb or ovaries and has internal testes, the male sexual organs which produce testosterone.
IAAF source was quoted today as saying: "There certainly is evidence now that Semenya is a hermaphrodite.”

I feel sorry for her, she has a legitimate medical issue, unlike these clown world trannies.

The newspapers are being dishonest as always. He has XY chromosomes with fucked up genitalia. XY = male. Period. The decision to require the lowing of testosterone only applies to "women" (ha) with XY chromosomes.

Source, the very decision that is the media is railing against:

Every "legitimate" news source left out that basic fact. But I am sure that is just a coincidence.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - CynicalContrarian - 05-03-2019

*Honk* *Honk*

[Image: LGBTQ-Honk.jpg]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - budoslavic - 05-03-2019

Via Roosh's tweet. The video is extremely disturbing and sickening. You have been warned if you chose to watch it.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

As someone who attends an Eastern (Russian) Orthodox Church, the words of St. John Chrysostom comes to mind.

From "[url=]St. John Chrysostom on the Terrible Passion of Homosexuality

1. The Apostle Paul first places the entire problem of homosexuality on a spiritual basis.
In the twenty-fifth verse of the Epistle to the Romans of chapter one, he writes: “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator….” The divine Chrysostom points out that there was a distortion in the creation of God. God did not prevent the natural relationship between the sexes, so they “justifiably” fall into the strange madness of “males having left the natural use of the female.” In the deep psyche of the homosexual world there is an autonomy of individual and selfish choice against the truth of God that prefers falsehood. This is why the way they display and advertise their “diversity” is very provocative. Arrogant attitudes and cocky appearances are displayed on television, and inaccuracies and falsehoods are spread about their demonic way of life. This is why Chrysostom boldly states: “Their ideology is satanic, and their life demonic.” Therefore does God abandon those people who twist the truth concerning the creation of man and present falsehood with offensive boldness, namely that their perversion is an issue of genes or free sexual choice. “When God abandons, everything is turned upside down.” Ones entire mentality is flipped, the entire psychology, the entire physical physiology, and it turns into psychopathology. Therefore, the problem is primarily spiritual.
7. In the inspired Old Testament there is described articulately and vividly the terrible situation that was created in the society of Sodom and Gomorrah, just before the pouring out of the just wrath of God and the complete destruction of these ancient cities that once flourished.
Below we will provide excerpts that show how alienated an individual is the homosexual, their erotic companion, and the entire area which tolerates, accepts or admits with every comfort communication with them at all levels of life. The defilement of it is contagious, if it is accepted for reasons of “politeness” so that we are not considered bigots. The “immune system” in Christ is sickened, the psychology of our youth is affected, and the demonic convention finds grounding to corrupt places, souls, mentalities, and easy companions.

Genesis 19:1-11
The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.

“My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.”

“No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.”

But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate.

Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom — both young and old — surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”

“Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.

But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.

Saint John Chrysostom persistently stands before the exemplary catastrophe of Sodom and Gomorrah, and guides his flock through education to strengthen their immune system in Christ on time so that his spiritual children escape this defilement before it takes on epidemic proportions. The fiery rain was so catastrophic that it made their land barren and unable to produce anything that could contribute to new life flourishing, a new human society, a new civilization.

And from "A Christian Understanding Of Homosexuality, Part I":

St. John Chrysostom writes:
“All of these affections [in Rom. 1:26-27] . . . were vile, but chiefly the mad lust after males; for the soul is more the sufferer in sins, and more dishonored than the body in diseases. The sins against nature are more difficult and less rewarding, since true pleasure is only according to nature. But when God abandons a man, everything is turned upside down! . . . A murderer only separates the soul from the body, whereas these destroy the soul inside the body . . . There is nothing, absolutely nothing more mad or damaging than this perversity.”—St. John Chrysostom, “Homilies on Romans”.

And in words that surely must seem, to us, prophetic, St. John in another place writes:
“The worst of it is that such an abomination is committed boldly and that the monstrosity becomes the law. Nobody nowadays fears, nobody blushes. They boast and they laugh at these actions. The people who abstain appear stupid and they who condemn are regarded as fools. If they appear to be weaker they are crushed with blows. If they are stronger, people laugh, people mock them and make many jokes about them. They have no redress in tribunals or in law.” (Against the Opponents of Monastic Life, III.8)

Perhaps there is also some consolation here for us that the worldly attitudes against which St. John preached sound so familiar to us.

[Image: st-john-chrysostom-icon-708.jpg]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-03-2019

Quote: (05-03-2019 04:03 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Via Roosh's tweet. The video is extremely disturbing and sickening. You have been warned if you chose to watch it.

Comments are brutal:


And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

[Image: agree2.gif]


Heartbreaking to see innocent children subjected to this kind of abuse and be robbed of their childhood from these sick monsters.


We will come for you (((people))) one day.


Anyone participating in the making of this film deserves the rope.


Anybody who supports this should be shot immediately.


I remember when we used to look at the pictures of Islamic child sex slaves and say, "That's bad". Now we are doing it here. Way to go progressives.


Maybe Sharia law isn’t so bad after all....


Day of the rope when?


The best thing about this era is the vast visual documentation of every piece of degeneracy. Book burnings and the dismantling of Weimar filth is easily viewed upon as "bad" because people don't even know how atrocious things were back then. When the next purge happens, people questioning it can simply look back to the large pile of modern depravity shoved down our throats and immediately say "Oh right, makes sense why every -Stein and -Berg got dumped in the ocean".


So progressive. We smart people tried to warn you it was a slippery slope after legalizing same sex marriage and you wouldn't listen.

But this comment is the most sublime of all:


I have no nose and I must honk.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - CynicalContrarian - 05-03-2019

That Roosh has a framed Honkler picture. [Image: lol.gif]


The Honk pill (Clown World) - CanExPat - 05-04-2019

Quote: (05-03-2019 03:58 AM)ilostabet Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2019 06:10 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  



Any suggestions for the last two? Tease? Trash talk?

I prefer 'Let God Burn Them Quickly'.

Also good are 'Let's Go Beat The Queers' and 'Let's Go Beat Them'.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - RIslander - 05-04-2019


The Honk pill (Clown World) - VNvet - 05-04-2019

Quote: (05-03-2019 04:57 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2019 04:03 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Via Roosh's tweet. The video is extremely disturbing and sickening. You have been warned if you chose to watch it.

Roosh's tweet later that day sums up how I feel:


I'm not sure what it is, but something feels different. First noticed this around Obama's second term, way before I swallowed the red pill. Maybe the Mayans, or whoever built that calendar, were onto something.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Foolsgo1d - 05-04-2019

I'm not sure about things coming to an end because you cant put a definitive date on something like that. We tend to look back on the end of things such as trends, fashions, fads, empires etc with the term 'end of an era' but we also never know the start when we are living it.

Its gradual and catches you off guard so I guess we are living in the era of clown world. What comes after it I dont know but history has plenty of examples for us and its usually widespread violence.

Billions of people - the most we've ever had, so lets see where this train sends us.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - CynicalContrarian - 05-04-2019

Quote: (05-04-2019 07:43 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

I'm not sure about things coming to an end because you cant put a definitive date on something like that. We tend to look back on the end of things such as trends, fashions, fads, empires etc with the term 'end of an era' but we also never know the start when we are living it.

Its gradual and catches you off guard so I guess we are living in the era of clown world. What comes after it I dont know but history has plenty of examples for us and its usually widespread violence.

Billions of people - the most we've ever had, so lets see where this train sends us.

One saving grace; with so much data & information being digital. Should a significant societal collapse occur.
It's a fair bet that all the Farcebook / Instagrot / Twatter nonsense will be lost & forgotten in time.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - beta_plus - 05-04-2019

Quote: (05-04-2019 07:53 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2019 07:43 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

I'm not sure about things coming to an end because you cant put a definitive date on something like that. We tend to look back on the end of things such as trends, fashions, fads, empires etc with the term 'end of an era' but we also never know the start when we are living it.

Its gradual and catches you off guard so I guess we are living in the era of clown world. What comes after it I dont know but history has plenty of examples for us and its usually widespread violence.

Billions of people - the most we've ever had, so lets see where this train sends us.

One saving grace; with so much data & information being digital. Should a significant societal collapse occur.
It's a fair bet that all the Farcebook / Instagrot / Twatter nonsense will be lost & forgotten in time.

Post WWII Bretton Woods international political order and the Post WWII liberal cultural order are coming to an end.

May you live in interesting times. HONK HONK (in mandarin)!!

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Mr. D - 05-05-2019

Honk at the camera, and say ”racist”...

The Honk pill (Clown World) - partyfowl - 05-05-2019

I've been thinking about this and I think the God Pill and the Clown pill can both be taken. You know you're in a clown world and you just need to remember we're not of this world. But God's Kingdom in heaven.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Foolsgo1d - 05-05-2019

Quote: (05-05-2019 12:19 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

I've been thinking about this and I think the God Pill and the Clown pill can both be taken. You know you're in a clown world and you just need to remember we're not of this world. But God's Kingdom in heaven.

They cant corrupt God in those with a deep belief no matter what they do in the flesh. The honk pill doesn't seek to destroy or corrupt.

The sounds of the trumpets is not that of a thunderous rapture but that of a honk honk. And our enemies shall know the sound as judgement itself!

Just got an image of an army of clowns with crosses charging the hethens and sodomites.[Image: lol.gif]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - partyfowl - 05-05-2019

Quote: (05-05-2019 01:56 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 12:19 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

I've been thinking about this and I think the God Pill and the Clown pill can both be taken. You know you're in a clown world and you just need to remember we're not of this world. But God's Kingdom in heaven.

They cant corrupt God in those with a deep belief no matter what they do in the flesh. The honk pill doesn't seek to destroy or corrupt.

The sounds of the trumpets is not that of a thunderous rapture but that of a honk honk. And our enemies shall know the sound as judgement itself!

Just got an image of an army of clowns with crosses charging the hethens and sodomites.[Image: lol.gif]

Exactly, the honk pill is there to realize to accept the world as a sinful place and the God pill is there for morality and to realize God loves you and is the truth.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - VNvet - 05-05-2019

Quote: (05-04-2019 07:43 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

I'm not sure about things coming to an end because you cant put a definitive date on something like that. We tend to look back on the end of things such as trends, fashions, fads, empires etc with the term 'end of an era' but we also never know the start when we are living it.

Its gradual and catches you off guard so I guess we are living in the era of clown world. What comes after it I dont know but history has plenty of examples for us and its usually widespread violence.

Billions of people - the most we've ever had, so lets see where this train sends us.

I agree. There isn't a definitive date. The racial stuff really ramped up during Obama's second term though. Ferguson, Trayvon, BLM, and "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon" all come to mind.

It does seem like we're living in a real life Truman Show. All the pop culture stuff pushed over the past 60 years (ex. Elvis, The Beatles, Woodstock, marijuana, sodomy) is obviously bullshit. I don't understand what they're trying to accomplish - probably satanic of some sort - but it's definitely being forced onto us.

The Truman Show is great movie by the way. I think it was supposed to be a critique on free will and God, but it can also be about modern society and the red pilling process. A more realistic version of The Matrix.


The Honk pill (Clown World) - Leonard D Neubache - 05-06-2019

Quote: (05-05-2019 12:19 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

I've been thinking about this and I think the God Pill and the Clown pill can both be taken. You know you're in a clown world and you just need to remember we're not of this world. But God's Kingdom in heaven.

Building on something I said earlier about the Clown Pill being a distillation of the most basic form of protest (ie: Lolwhut?) I wanted to link it to the God Pill but didn't have quite the right words.

Anyway, the gist is that most of our rebellion against the globohomo regime is lost in ego. Our denunciations are 5% "Lolwhut" and 95% "I demand you listen to my detailed explanation of why this is shit and then concede to it." I'm coming around to putting away the last 95% and just leaving the Lolwhut not just because it saves time and effort but because the ego-driven 95% only serves to distance us from other people who also agree with the Lolwhut but don't necessarily agree with the rest of your proposition. Or in other words everything that comes after Lolwhut is typically worse than useless. It divides people that would otherwise simply stand side by side with everyone else looking at this insanity and reacting to it as normal, sane people tend to react.

"Lolwhut? This goes against libertarian principle #15032! You see if people only..."

And there you have it. Anyone not wearing a fedora sighs and walks away.

"Lolwhut? This is why Hitler had the right idea. Under national socialism..."

And there you have it. Anyone not interested in associating with Nazis sighs and walks away.

To me where the God Pill comes into this is instead of "Lolwhut?" I now feel a sense of three simple words. "I reject this." And on some level I know that if I struggle to give a long winded explanation of WHY "I reject this" then as is the case 99% of the time it will simply be a disservice to that fundamental rejection of what I know in my heart to be wrong. If I reject something that triggers my spiritual immune system then I don't have to trumpet to the world that I'm rejecting it under a Catholic system of orthodoxy or a Protestant system of orthodoxy or a Hindu one or a Buddhist one for that matter.

"I reject this" gives no foothold for the enemy to rebuke me other than for them to rebuke me in general terms which is fairly ineffective. They can't rebuke me for being a Christian and in doing so rally the atheists. They can't rebuke me for being an atheist and in doing so rally the Christians.

So to me the Clown Pill and the God Pill have a certain synergy in that most of us have an inbuilt social and moral compass which tells us in no uncertain terms when a clear line has been crossed, and whether you respond with *honk honk* or say "I reject this" that's the most important part of your message.

Everything that comes after it is usually wasteful or counterproductive.

Better one tweet reading #IRejectThis or #HonkHonk with 100,000 likes than 10,000 pages of spergouts the vast majority of which nobody is interested in the slightest in reading.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Lovinglife - 05-07-2019

The Honk pill (Clown World) - budoslavic - 05-07-2019

Via Vox Day, "Perversion in the public schools"

Monday, May 06, 2019

Forget the issue of prayer in the public schools. Conservatives can't even keep perverts, Planned Parenthood, and pedos out of them:

On Tuesday, April 23, 2019, Minnesota House Democrats voted in favor of including pornography and sexual perversions as part of the Minnesota House Education Omnibus Bill, HF2400.

The Minnesota Child Protection League (CPL) tried to warn parents and stakeholders to call their legislators to urge them to remove Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) from the 258-page House Education Omnibus bill HF2400 before it was debated on last Tuesday. Of course, the bill was debated two days after Easter Sunday, when parents were distracted and just getting the kiddos back to school after the holiday.

Planned Parenthood will provide the CSE curriculum for Minnesota public schools and has lobbied hard for this legislation. The Guttmacher Institute, which was started in 1968 as a part of Planned Parenthood, is expected to be developing the state model policy, according to, a website to educate parents on the harmful effects of CSE.

At the center of the CSE curriculum debate is a book called, “It’s Perfectly Normal” which is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and boasts of “more than one million copies in print”. The book contains explicit drawings of the male and female anatomy and covers such topics as vaginal, oral and anal sex, homosexuality and abortion which will be taught to elementary students as part of CSE. “It’s Perfectly Normal” was written in 1995 by Robie Harris, who was a member of Planned Parenthood’s National Board of Advocates. A new edition of the book states it is “updated for the 21st century” on the cover.

Notice the inevitable equalitarian propaganda in the "educational" pictures. The lesson, as always, is this: homeschool or die.

Author Robie Harris
[Image: robie-harris.jpg]

[Image: normal.jpg]

[Image: Slide1-1.jpg]

[Image: 4e8e830bb9c42ba668467d619c0a4045.gif]

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - PharaohRa - 05-07-2019

Wow, the leftists are really begging people to vote for the second Hitler when the time comes!

The Honk pill (Clown World) - AnonymousBosch - 05-07-2019


At the center of the CSE curriculum debate is a book called, “It’s Perfectly Normal” which is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and boasts of “more than one million copies in print”. The book contains explicit drawings of the male and female anatomy and covers such topics as vaginal, oral and anal sex, homosexuality and abortion which will be taught to elementary students as part of CSE. “It’s Perfectly Normal” was written in 1995 by Robie Harris, who was a member of Planned Parenthood’s National Board of Advocates. A new edition of the book states it is “updated for the 21st century” on the cover.[/i]

Based on my theoretical rules of Demonic Alignment, my thought process upon reading this went like this.

- Targeting vulnerable children
- Encouraging them to shove things up their arse
- Rewarded by Democrat Power

Therefore, the Author must be a Reform Jew with Subversive Hair.

This is so predictable that one picture was all the evidence I needed. Note the nose and the ears:

[Image: RS157245_Robie-Harris_062.jpg]

One more picture, at the Centre for Reproductive Rights Gala, with her husband. The CRR is tied up with the ACLU and Planned Parenthood.

[Image: Center+Reproductive+Rights+2013+Gala+lVEmKwEIgRUx.jpg]

From a publication aimed at Jews:


Harris, the daughter of a physician, comes by her advocacy honestly. “I grew up in a Reform temple in Buffalo called Temple Beth Zion,” she said, “and our rabbi, Joseph Fink, was a wonderful man, a real social justice person. Whether he was talking about race or poverty or helping others, it was: What can you do to help others?”

... Remember, the Reform Desire to 'Tikkun olam' - to help others and thereby repair the world - only results in Satanically-Inversion of God's Natural Law. So, in Harris' mind, the best way to 'help' children is to teach them to engage in Homosexuality and Sodomy, thereby opening them up to Demonic Influence: Open Satanists, such as Crowley, taught of the Demonic Power released in Anal Sex.

If you spend enough time on Twitter or reading (((mainstream media))) you'll notice how the bracketed blue checkmark brigade is obsessed with, well, encouraging Butt Stuff.

Once again, here's a Jewish Writer commenting on what Progressive / Democrat allegiance really means - non-religious-observance - almost as if they call themselves Jews, but are not:


Reform Judaism, the largest Jewish denomination at about 35 percent of American Jewry, is of course free to interpret and promote Judaism as a religion that commands its followers to recycle, save whales, and support reproductive rights. But even its most adamant proponents should recognize that such universalizing inevitably makes Judaism less uniquely Jewish and, thus, less distinctly significant as a political phenomenon. Pragmatically, pundits and pollsters who want to understand American Jewry ought seriously to consider the following: the political behavior of the overwhelming majority of Jewish-Americans is in no way substantively different than that of secular liberals of any other religious background. Norman Podhoretz, former longtime editor of Commentary, has suggested as much, calling Reform Judaism “the Democratic party platform with holidays thrown in” and the services in a Reform temple “the Democratic Party at prayer.”

Food for thought.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - CynicalContrarian - 05-07-2019

Thankfully the one niece is at a Catholic school where they don't even begin to refer to such nonsense.
While the other at another 'modern' school finds it all rather trite.

Generation Zyklon indeed.
One can only hope that the effort to force this garbage down their throats will cause Gen. Z to be largely repulsed by it all.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Rorogue - 05-08-2019

Quote: (05-05-2019 12:19 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

I've been thinking about this and I think the God Pill and the Clown pill can both be taken. You know you're in a clown world and you just need to remember we're not of this world. But God's Kingdom in heaven.

I think they go exactly hand in hand. As I submit more and more to God, I can be detached from all that is going on.

I don't need to identity as a 'western' person anymore, and take all of this thing personally, that it's "happening to me" etc.

I am a worshipper of God and only God, and here to please him only.

Then I can look with humour at all that is going on

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Rorogue - 05-08-2019

double post