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Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - durangotang - 01-23-2019

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-23-2019


Great research above and I like that Tucker Carlson called the media on anti-white bigotry.

But what no one is discussing is what brought us to this mindset. I say it's inaction of hate crime laws twenty years ago.

Laws don't just change our behavior. They alter the way we think as well. And with two decades of these laws on the books, Americans now perceive almost any interaction with a minority that isn't 100 percent positive as "hate."

That's why we now have these circuses regularly. People see reality differently. I saw a similar thing happen when they raised the drinking age from 18 to 21. Alcohol went from a beverage to EVIL! The thinking changed; the conversations changed.

Back in the Clinton era, conservatives warned everyone that no good would come of hate crime laws. I don't think they predicted exactly what's happening now, but I definitely see a connection. When "staring" = "hate," that's pretty good evidence that an overreaching law has warped people's perceptions of right and wrong, fair and unfair, sane and insane.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Leonard D Neubache - 01-23-2019

Warping the perceptions might be a side-affect but it's the one-sided application that will cause serious consequences.

Hate-laws are a particularly perilous breed of regulation to apply lop-sidedly, or worse, in one direction only. If a black man gets pulled over for a broken tail light and the tail light is actually broken he can stew over the belief that a white guy in the same situation might not have gotten a ticket, but at the end of the day his tail light was actually out.

The insane mob of fanatics that want this kid dead for committing a hate-crime? There is no hate for them to be prosecuting.

The black guy being pulled over for a broken tail-light when his tail light isn't even broken?

That's what puts a gun in his hand.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Belgrano - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-22-2019 07:41 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

There's a youtube guy, a former Navy SEAL, who exposes stolen valor frauds. He pulled the guys record.

Here is the truth about the great Indian Elder Vietnam War Hero

-Was in the Marine Corps Reserve from 1972-1976 (1974-1976 active duty).

-Served in Topeka, Kansas and Lincoln, Nebraska, which as some of you might know is just 3 clicks from Da Nang.

-Job was Electrician and Refrigerator Mechanic.

-Went AWOL three times.

-When discharged he was still a Private.

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=3640f6095c47ba456d4d2e4536269443]

I would ask what the hell happened to journalism, but Days of Broken Arrows explained it many times already.

Still, is nobody doing research anymore before publishing a story, especially if it's intended for a nationwide political propaganda campaign?
Looking for sources and doing background checks on the people involved? Doing some due diligence?

I remember that we learned that all the way back in high school when we were taught about different types and styles of writing, eg. essays, news report, column, opinion pieces, etc.

In the old days some journo would have gotten fired for this.

Even if you can't be bothered, you could still write:
"The man, who claims to be a Vietnam War veteran..."
That's a truthful statement and you're always on the safe side, no matter how the story develops.
Such a little tweak. So easy. But nope.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Handsome Creepy Eel - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-22-2019 11:49 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  


[Image: DxjuaiPW0AANBX2.jpg:small]

This is like real-life Tropic Thunder!

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Jetset - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 08:17 AM)Belgrano Wrote:  

Still, is nobody doing research anymore before publishing a story, especially if it's intended for a nationwide political propaganda campaign?

Looking for sources and doing background checks on the people involved? Doing some due diligence?

No, they aren't. They rely on PR people to write press releases explaining it to them at a middle school level. A big part of the reason stories tend to end up one-sided is less because "bias" and more because only one side has a competent staffer on hand to present their case to the journalist. The journalist usually just wants to please their boss by selling a good story, which might happen to align with their personal prejudices, but is rarely working very hard to spin it. Liberal politicians and groups may simply be better at explaining their side to the reporter in a way that he understands, being liberal-leaning. Deliberate hit pieces are more rare than you'd think.

Having worked press for a Republican campaign, the worst pushback I ever got was a reporter complaining that the Democratic campaign would be able to "show him numbers" that said I was wrong about oil drilling. (The point of the conversation was that the numbers were false extrapolations, applying production from land that had oil under to it to land that probably did not, but he couldn't quite grasp that.)

Then he explained that he needed to end the call to finish his cookies.


If you can't be bothered you could still write: "The man, who claims to be a Vietnam War veteran..."

This is very true, and exactly the type of distinction that could get someone sued.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - MrLemon - 01-23-2019


I would ask what the hell happened to journalism, but Days of Broken Arrows explained it many times already.

Still, is nobody doing research anymore before publishing a story, especially if it's intended for a nationwide political propaganda campaign?
Looking for sources and doing background checks on the people involved? Doing some due diligence?

I remember that we learned that all the way back in high school when we were taught about different types and styles of writing, eg. essays, news report, column, opinion pieces, etc.

In the old days some journo would have gotten fired for this.

These are NOT JOURNALISTS. There are no journalists left. They are long gone. The people claiming to be journalists today are just marxist plants who are using the power of the media to undercut democracy.

I'm not even remotely exaggerating. If Walter Cronkite was alive today, he'd say this: "fire them all and ban them for life from every practicing journalistm again. They are a disease"

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Captainstabbin - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 11:00 AM)MrLemon Wrote:  

I'm not even remotely exaggerating. If Walter Cronkite was alive today, he'd say this: "fire them all and ban them for life from every practicing journalistm again. They are a disease"

You'd have to go back further than Cronkite. The only reason he might appear legitimate is the lack of alternative media back then. People never knew about the shady reporting when only one narrative existed. That's why Cronkite publicly HATED Fox news and conservative radio broadcasters - can't have the bias exposed.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Sherman - 01-23-2019

The whole point of Cronkite, was that he was a symbol of objective news (even though he was a bit of a liberal). People would watch him and believe they were getting an unbiased trustworthy opinion. And CBS would really promote that image, underlying he was honest, you could trust him. And NBC responded with their symbols of objectivity: Huntley and Brinkley. Contrast that to today where they have dropped all pretense of being objective. They don't even care anymore.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - CaptainCup - 01-23-2019

Talk about dropping all pretense of objectivity, I saw on some clips that this hag Joy Behar admitted to the media jumping all over anything that could discredit President Trump.

Despite the facts emerging on this story, some leftists are still critical of the Nick’s behavior. They’re critical of the “smirk” and saying that he could have walked away. Such a double standard where Nick is held to the highest scrutiny while snowflake college students can cause riots and demand safe spaces.

I really do hope that some news outlets and twatter warriors get their asses sued on this one.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Wutang - 01-23-2019

The tide is turning. Here's some brain vomit from a female reporter lamenting the fact that other left-leaning media outlets had the audacity to apologize for jumping to conclusions. She even provided a nice useful collection of media outlets and Twitter talking heads that have apologized which you can make use of when you want to make a point about how the media manipulates and distorts to push whatever agenda they want.

She's doubling down on the claim that the Indian guy was only trying to diffuse and calm the situation. Why did the guy approach the boys and look and play the drums in their direction and completely not pay attention to the Black Israelites who had been hurling threats and actual racial slurs then?

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Sherman - 01-23-2019

My impression from surveying some sites is that the liberals don't think they did anything wrong, and think that these boys are getting away with something. It is really delusional. It has been mentioned here that there are going to be lawsuits. This has to happen. These media slime and celebrities have to be sued and money taken from them. If that doesn't happen, then nothing will change and it is only going to get worse. How bad can you get? You can't even wear a hat or smile without being a racist.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - CaptainCup - 01-23-2019

@Wutang. That brain vomit was sickening, no doubt from a self absorbed cat lady.

I watched the interview with Nick Sandmann this morning. He did well but one thing that caught my attention was that he said he “respects” Mr Phillips. Be that as it may but the fact of the matter is he is not obligated to respect him. Phillips invaded the boys’ space and I’m not buying him trying to “defuse” the situation. If I were trying to defuse, I would have a conversation rather than beat a drum.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - redpillage - 01-23-2019

You guys don't seem to see the forest for all the trees, so let me spell it out for y'all:

The only crime these boys are guilty of is being a white young male in 2019. They are effectively considered 2nd class citizens in the eyes of the Liberal Marxist Left and thus must be put in 'their place'. Which for now is a revolving purgatory of humiliation and ridicule but will later be upgraded to prison/concentration camps if the LML gets its way.

Anyone with a brain must realize that, despite their young age, they all conducted themselves admirably and are beyond reproach. That little smirk however is a first hint of a new generation of white shitlords that appears to be in the making. Make no mistake, genZ is paying attention and there will come the day when the Left will rue the day it ever opened this can of worms.

[Image: attachment.jpg41157]   

My advice to the LML: Winter is coming. Prepare yourselves.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-23-2019


Good points above. I hate to get into racial stuff, but the media did make this racial. This has been circulating on Facebook:

[Image: attachment.jpg41158]   

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Sherman - 01-23-2019

I think that is what irritates or even scares the left the most. The behavior of those boys was over the top good, given the hostile environment they were put it. They met every challenge with strength and unapologetic dignity. There is no way I would have been able to tolerate that rude asshole banging a drum in my face. I agree that if that represents GenZ, then there is still hope.

There is no question in my mind anymore that the powers that control America want to destroy normal men. The liberals have always favored criminals, but this takes it to a new level. This manipulative, rude old con man with rotting teeth is treated with respect and called an "elder" while the people he assaulted are demonized for peacefully defending themselves with dignity. This could easily happen to anyone. You could be on a street being harassed by some drug addicted panhandler, and a group of white liberals will mob you while you are trying to defend yourself. Fuck them. They are our mortal enemies.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Horus - 01-23-2019

Remember this video where a man was savagely beaten by a bunch of thugs while yelling anti Trump chants, clearly for no other reason that he was white? How much news coverage and public backlash did that receive? Most people probably barely remember this violent and racially/politically moticated incident inflicted on a white man, yet years from now we will all remember the bigotted and racist Covington kid who smirked at Chief Dances with Buttplugs.

Funny that.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - durangotang - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 02:27 PM)Horus Wrote:  

Remember this video where a man was savagely beaten by a bunch of thugs while yelling anti Trump chants, clearly for no other reason that he was white? How much news coverage and public backlash did that receive? Most people probably barely remember this violent and racially/politically moticated incident inflicted on a white man, yet years from now we will all remember the bigotted and racist Covington kid who smirked at Chief Dances with Buttplugs.

Funny that.

The amount of racially based crime toward whites that is not covered by the media is staggering. Just checkout the dates on the link below. It is a never ending stream going on day after day, year after year, and it is posted in the race war section of Daily Stormer. If only whites had control of their own media, this sort of thing would be so suppressed or selectively applied. And we are supposed to get mad at a white kid wearing a hat who smiled at someone? Thanks Jews!

[Image: lolz.jpg]

Race War - Daily Stormer

I actually don't recommend reading this everyday, it's not good for the soul - but any time there is an outrage story like this, go there for the proper frame of reference to see the unending amount of suppressed news of the worst possible interracial crimes towards whites. Here is just a snap shot of a single day's stories:

[Image: deletenastyperps.png]

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - kaotic - 01-23-2019

Daily Stormer...for the proper frame of it.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - durangotang - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:06 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Daily Stormer...for the proper frame of it.

I agree it’s sad that these stories are so suppressed by our present media environment that I have to reference The Daily Stormer. The point is that they exist, everyday, unreported by national media, and it’s a good frame of reference when we are supposed to get selectively outraged by something so trivial as a kid wearing a MAGA hat and smiling. Yet all of those stories, don’t get outraged over them - don’t cover them. They go against the narrative.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - redpillage - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:14 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:06 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Daily Stormer...for the proper frame of it.

I agree it’s sad that these stories are so suppressed by our present media environment that I have to reference The Daily Stormer. The point is that they exist, everyday, unreported by national media, and it’s a good frame of reference when we are supposed to get selectively outraged by something so trivial as a kid wearing a MAGA hat and smiling. Yet all of those stories, don’t get outraged over them - don’t cover them. They go against the narrative.

The next questions you need to ask yourself are these:



Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - MOVSM - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:19 PM)redpillage Wrote:  



Here's your answer:

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Cr33pin - 01-23-2019

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - kaotic - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:14 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:06 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Daily Stormer...for the proper frame of it.

I agree it’s sad that these stories are so suppressed by our present media environment that I have to reference The Daily Stormer. The point is that they exist, everyday, unreported by national media, and it’s a good frame of reference when we are supposed to get selectively outraged by something so trivial as a kid wearing a MAGA hat and smiling. Yet all of those stories, don’t get outraged over them - don’t cover them. They go against the narrative.

I honestly understand and know that hate crimes against whites are underreported.

Stormer just reminds of the opposite of an Antifa online blog, pointing on alleged "nazis" on the other side so I take with an extreme grain of salt, and it's been used with plenty of race baiting on here, which why I always roll my eyes when it's used as a source.

There is no doubt in my mind that these kids were attack because they were young, white, and wearing MAGA hats.

And I wholy agree with The Black Night that apologies and back pedaling IS NOTHING, there needs to be more done, and there are no actual "journalists" nowadays.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Jetset - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:23 PM)MOVSM Wrote:  

Here's your answer:

The real question there, though:

"Are whites disproportionately victimized by crimes committed by minorities?"

While racially motivated crimes against whites definitely happen and it's undeniable that more offenders are black, this becomes the key issue if you're going to argue that there's a plague of racial violence that's being suppressed.

Of the 3,252 reported committed by whites, 87.9% are committed against other whites, with 8.1% targeting blacks.

Of the 3,262 reported committed by blacks, 17.7% are committed against whites, with over 80% targeting other blacks.

Accepting this source, while it's fair to point out that there's more interracial violence perpetrated by blacks targeting whites than vice versa, it's not exactly some tidal wave of violence like what goes on with black-on-black crime.

You can cherrypick headlines to make anything look like a crisis, but as a Puerto Rican girl I used to bang once told me, "you can crash at my place anytime, they don't rob white people here".