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US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - lavidaloca - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 03:59 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

How did he even convert six/seven figures worth of Bitcoins to FIAT money in a real bank without triggering all sorts of enquiries? I thought banks are really tight when it comes to crypto currencies and you always need to prove where you got them if you want to cash out?

I think he had a specific post about specific banks and how a few he had to remove his money from quickly due to them giving him a hard time about the transactions and eventually he found a specific one that didn't bother him.

You'd have to review his posting history to find it.

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Dan Woolf - 07-22-2017


Couldn't find it but found this instead:

Quote: (12-03-2016 06:00 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:  

Being young with lots of money but little life experience (like my situation) is a dangerous situation. In a heartbeat, everything can be gone.


US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - BelyyTigr - 07-22-2017

Wow. This subject brings up so many different topics.

Firstly, its very sad to hear of a member of this community's untimely death.
So my thoughts are with his family, his close friends, and most of all, himself.
I hope that wherever he is now, he is happy and free from all the troubles of our (and ofcourse his own!) earthly existence. I also hope that his family and close friends can move on and be at peace, remembering just the good.

Having said that, I take a really dim view of some of what he did. Other things I don't know, and other things I kind of understand. If I knew someone selling heroin etc to my kids or whatever, I'd really take a dim view of it, without discussing it further. And the guns/financial fraud certainly has issues to it. As for cocaine/weed etc, TBH I don't have a problem with it, as its a substance I would take myself... til I became my more "sensible" self.

I don't think we'll ever truly know all the facts. All we can do is speculate on some of it. I wonder how much his activity here contributed to his downfall. And ofcourse I wonder about how he died.

Additionally, I do sometimes wonder about the various definitions of "alpha" and "red pill". To me, thinking that "alpha" is just a mindset, and about taking risks alone is very wrong. Its also wrong to think that "rules are only for the betas and fools". ANYONE can take risks, ANYONE can trample over the rules and say "they don't apply to me". But as he alluded to himself, thats an oversimplistic belief, one destined to cause misery in just a moment.

I've seen a few people attempt "short cuts" as it could be described. It skyrocketed some, it caused misery for some, and death for some. For others, it just meant a life of fear or sadness. Karma might not be like the classical definition, but I really have seen something like it operate on people. I wonder if Alex even semi wanted the massive money making to end.

Ultimately, he was a member of our community. If he sold smack to my family etc I'd have no moral qualms in hospitalising him. But he can't harm anyone now. Competition and continual acquisition is fine... up to a degree. Perhaps he could have been pulled away from his path if he hadn't succumbed to the temptation to bling it all up. I'm sure a cause of that was the fact he'd previously felt insecure and seen as worthless to some (probably even to himself!). The posts of the Alex I saw just showed someone who really wanted to help his fellow community members. So despite the apparent bad, there WAS much good in him. I heard elsewhere that he gave away 15k USD to some guy who's family were on the breadline.

I know a guy who was far far richer than Alex. He died recently. Whether its accident or an "accident on purpose" we probably won't know. My guess is that he was taken out, due to the shennanigans of his business and its "invisible backers". If we can save just one life from similar path of catastrophe on this forum then to me, that would be a valuable achievement.

TBH maybe what I'm saying is bs. I don't know what the answer to it all is. But maybe we can all learn from his occurrences. About what is truly alpha and how there is something incredibly transient about life, whatever path we might take.

Sure Alex was deeply flawed. But his life was taken far too early. And thats the first and last thing I will remember in all this.

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Sooth - 07-22-2017

I've been unable to keep up with the forum lately - so reading this all at once.

Jesus, absolutely tragic. What a story jam packed with lessons, unfortunately at his cost.

Quote: (07-22-2017 05:52 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

Quote: (12-03-2016 06:00 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:  

Being young with lots of money but little life experience (like my situation) is a dangerous situation. In a heartbeat, everything can be gone.




US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - AnonymousBosch - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 02:30 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

How much unique traffic did this drive to RVF and ROK?

This could be a problem for the forum going forward: how many stupid, careless men looking to be criminal players are going to wander our way, now that there's social proof that we're not living in our mother's basements?

I'd say when I was a kid, most biker gang types were just Sigma males. Years of government and media hype turned them into magnets for hardcore criminals, to the extent Sigmas don't see the point of taking the fall for someone else's stupid bullshit, so stick to being a lone wolf. Perhaps that's a subversive tactic to stop western men gathering together in strong tribal groups: encourage the introduction of dysfunctional actors. The obvious tactic being to introduce women into every male environment, but to a lesser degree, gays, transsexuals, mental defectives or idiotic criminals work to destroy group unity just as well.

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - ElFlaco - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 07:22 PM)Sooth Wrote:  

What a story jam packed with lessons, unfortunately at his cost.

There's also the massive cost to all the victims of identity theft and credit card theft facilitated by AlphaBay. There's a place in hell ...

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - wi30 - 07-22-2017

Rawmeo's story would make a fantastic movie. Anyone on the forum in the movie business or have Hollywood connections?

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - kavi - 07-22-2017

Quote: (01-15-2017 09:08 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:  

This is a debate I was having with my wife today. As a business owner, I strongly favor ethics rather than money.


What are you guys opinion on that?

I will just leave these words here, I am not judging.

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Sidney Crosby - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 08:07 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

Rawmeo's story would make a fantastic movie. Anyone on the forum in the movie business or have Hollywood connections?

It would be too similar to War Dogs

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - samsamsam - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 08:38 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2017 08:07 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

Rawmeo's story would make a fantastic movie. Anyone on the forum in the movie business or have Hollywood connections?

It would be too similar to War Dogs

I don't think it would be that similar to war dogs. It would have some similarangles but it would also expose a whole different world that people don't know about along with a dark ending.

The issue would be who owns those rights to his story. I'm not sure if they dissapear when he died or if it went to his wife.

But then again there are unauthorized biographies and I doubt they pay any royalties to the person they wrote about.

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Highpool - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 07:52 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2017 02:30 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

How much unique traffic did this drive to RVF and ROK?

This could be a problem for the forum going forward: how many stupid, careless men looking to be criminal players are going to wander our way, now that there's social proof that we're not living in our mother's basements?

I'd say when I was a kid, most biker gang types were just Sigma males. Years of government and media hype turned them into magnets for hardcore criminals, to the extent Sigmas don't see the point of taking the fall for someone else's stupid bullshit, so stick to being a lone wolf. Perhaps that's a subversive tactic to stop western men gathering together in strong tribal groups: encourage the introduction of dysfunctional actors. The obvious tactic being to introduce women into every male environment, but to a lesser degree, gays, transsexuals, mental defectives or idiotic criminals work to destroy group unity just as well.

Who wants to emulate a guy that got caught and committed "suicide" though?

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - skptc - 07-22-2017

He used Chinese arbitrage shops, which allowed him to exchange in baht and USD.

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Transsimian - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 08:59 PM)Highpool Wrote:  

Who wants to emulate a guy that got caught and committed "suicide" though?

Storming Omaha beach would be a bloodbath, I'll surely miss these guys when I get home.

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 07:52 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2017 02:30 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

How much unique traffic did this drive to RVF and ROK?

This could be a problem for the forum going forward: how many stupid, careless men looking to be criminal players are going to wander our way, now that there's social proof that we're not living in our mother's basements?

I'd say when I was a kid, most biker gang types were just Sigma males. Years of government and media hype turned them into magnets for hardcore criminals, to the extent Sigmas don't see the point of taking the fall for someone else's stupid bullshit, so stick to being a lone wolf. Perhaps that's a subversive tactic to stop western men gathering together in strong tribal groups: encourage the introduction of dysfunctional actors. The obvious tactic being to introduce women into every male environment, but to a lesser degree, gays, transsexuals, mental defectives or idiotic criminals work to destroy group unity just as well.

While your point here is different I was wondering about something else with the story. The feminists are awfully silent about this - sure it's a side-issue and they may not know about it, but usually they pounce upon any opportunity to hurt Roosh and us as their declared enemies.

But then I remembered that being a millionaire criminal who obviously gets laid is actually GOOD TO THE FEMALE MIND. At least it is exciting and living proof that as AB put it correctly - "there's social proof that we're not living in our mother's basements."

So that is why Jezebel will not pounce upon it with glee, but will rather stay silent and wonder what other kind of exciting criminal frequents the forum as well?


US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Leonard D Neubache - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 07:52 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2017 02:30 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

How much unique traffic did this drive to RVF and ROK?

This could be a problem for the forum going forward: how many stupid, careless men looking to be criminal players are going to wander our way, now that there's social proof that we're not living in our mother's basements?

I'd say when I was a kid, most biker gang types were just Sigma males. Years of government and media hype turned them into magnets for hardcore criminals, to the extent Sigmas don't see the point of taking the fall for someone else's stupid bullshit, so stick to being a lone wolf. Perhaps that's a subversive tactic to stop western men gathering together in strong tribal groups: encourage the introduction of dysfunctional actors. The obvious tactic being to introduce women into every male environment, but to a lesser degree, gays, transsexuals, mental defectives or idiotic criminals work to destroy group unity just as well.

Criminals are a lot like regular people in that regard. You only have to worry about associating with them if they're sloppy, emotional idiots.

Personally I'd qualify it as a knock-on effect of the hippy boomers becoming teachers and brainwashing kids to accept emotional defectives into their social circles, against all instincts and no matter the consequences. "You have to be nice to everyone, OR ELSE."

It's a strong and often overlooked indoctrination most of us suffered if we went to a public school and I personally only cut that programming out of my OS about ten years ago.

It's amazing how deep that shit can run. Even at age 25 I would find myself at a party with my mates and someone would introduce "Bob" to us, who we knew instantly was a giant emotional disorder wrapped in a disguise of shy-ness. None-the-less we'd all stand there uncomfortably trying to make him feel like one of the guys for several hours rather than simply telling him "buddy, just stand there and nod while we talk to each other and it'll all be over by midnight."

"We'll give you that much. We're not monsters, after all."

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - AnonymousBosch - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 08:59 PM)Highpool Wrote:  

Who wants to emulate a guy that got caught and committed "suicide" though?

Yeah, but that would never happen to them. That guy only got caught because he was careless. They're much smarter than that. Why, so much smarter that you'll hear them openly brag to their mates about what they get away with.

[Image: tard.gif]

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - El Chinito loco - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 08:54 AM)Steve McQueen Wrote:  

My two cents, I think he was an accidental success like others have posted. Personally I enjoyed his posts and thought he had interesting things to say, I say they should remain but only visible to members if thats possible.

This forum is full of surprises, stuff like this is what keeps me logging in every day. RIP to the guy, while I dont condone what he did, I respect the hustle, like mansions and super cars at 26....

I respect the hustle too. He helped create an online underground black market economy to bypass the bullshit eyes of the fed. They would have thrown him in jail for life. The feds have all sorts of nonsense charges they will stack on for something like that. Meanwhile the CIA ships arms to ISIS and does all sorts of evil shit to fund their ops.

They are coming down extremely hard for this type of activity which is absurd considering how out of proportion it is to the "offense" itself.

Just think about the hundreds of millions siphoned off daily by big banking crooks and other shady white collar criminals. Which does more damage to society in the long run?

The taxpayer and the public is actively screwed by these financial criminals and they get away with it.

How many people have died due to the CIA funneling arms to the Syrian "resistance" aka. ISIS?

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Emancipator - 07-22-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 08:07 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

Rawmeo's story would make a fantastic movie. Anyone on the forum in the movie business or have Hollywood connections?

Neil Skywalker [Image: wink.gif]

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Going strong - 07-23-2017

Quote: (07-22-2017 05:25 PM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2017 04:31 PM)Matsufubu Wrote:  

On another note, who's candidate to be the FBI guy(s) who caught him?

Off The Reservation & Mercenary

Don't we have the best (undercover) FBI agents?

[Image: donald-trump-looking-smug.jpg]

"Stop spying on the RVF Thailand thread, Comey, read their Trump thread instead, you might learn some!"
[Image: 1494437754-9403-3-35864.jpg]

[Image: comey-o.jpg]
^Satoshi-Comey logging in, only to see he's been banned by Roosh. Fired from his job, fired from RVF: Sad!

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - CynicalContrarian - 07-23-2017

Quote: (07-21-2017 11:16 AM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

From the film Layer Cake:


Never be too greedy. Know and respect your enemy. It is only very, very stupid people who think the law is stupid. And avoid like the fucking plague the loud, attention-seeking wannabe gangsters, in it for the glory, to be a face, to be a name.

I've always said, have a plan and stick to it. Quit while you're ahead.

[Image: Layer_Cake1.jpg]

In somewhat simple, sleep Sydney. Russian mafia & Chinese Triads do exist.
Yet you almost never here of them in media or from police.
They appear to keep their 'business' very much out of the public eye.

Middle eastern organized crime however...
Not only does the state of New South Wales specifically have a - "Middle Eastern Organized Crime Squad".
There were times in Sydney where you couldn't go a day without hearing about some drive by shooting or 'execution style' murder on the part of Arab "gangsters".

There's no "Maori organized crime squad", nor any "Mormon organized crime squad".
Yet Middle Easterners? Different matter altogether...

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Elster - 07-23-2017

Lately I haven't been able to keep up as well, but this entire story has been a tremendous surprise.

When news broke out about a regular forum member dying it was sad and I gave my condolences. After all , most of us have been in other communities as well and it happens as well (Remember the passing of the private man here in this one).
In my own flesh and bone life I've also passingly met people that went on to the next one.
To know the story behind the forum poster was something I did not imagine I would ever know.
What can I say? It's a story beyond my imagination and quite outside my spectrum of familiarity.
It is sad to see a young man in his prime gone, his deeds were condemnable but what else can be said? I had never interacted with him enough that I feel I can pass an adequate judgment nor eulogy.

I will maintain my salute to the memory of a member that passed away and lament the life choices of a young man that should have reflected more on the consequences of the path he took, as others here have said.

If anything, we can take this as a lesson on the value of humility and try to learn whatever can be learnt from it...?

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-23-2017

Quote: (07-23-2017 01:05 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2017 11:16 AM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

From the film Layer Cake:


Never be too greedy. Know and respect your enemy. It is only very, very stupid people who think the law is stupid. And avoid like the fucking plague the loud, attention-seeking wannabe gangsters, in it for the glory, to be a face, to be a name.

I've always said, have a plan and stick to it. Quit while you're ahead.

[Image: Layer_Cake1.jpg]

In somewhat simple, sleep Sydney. Russian mafia & Chinese Triads do exist.
Yet you almost never here of them in media or from police.
They appear to keep their 'business' very much out of the public eye.

Middle eastern organized crime however...
Not only does the state of New South Wales specifically have a - "Middle Eastern Organized Crime Squad".
There were times in Sydney where you couldn't go a day without hearing about some drive by shooting or 'execution style' murder on the part of Arab "gangsters".

There's no "Maori organized crime squad", nor any "Mormon organized crime squad".
Yet Middle Easterners? Different matter altogether...

There are basically elite-backed major smart organizations like the South American Cartels that get Cocaine Import Agency backing (where even many at the top know that the US gets hundreds of billions in black-ops budget for it).

The Communist Mafia does massive intelligent heists just as the Chinese Triad and on a lower scale the Yakuza do in Japan:

This is an old book, but it tells the very convincing tale of the communist former KGB network that simply transformed to an intelligent mafia organisation operating worldwide. The good news is that they are busy making billions, so they are not concerned with low-level street thug clans of the Arab, African and Muslim sort.

The latter parts now operate on the street level with various infighting, while the big suppliers are probably all CIA/Red Mafia/Mossa/Triad owned (and backed partly by the military might of the US & China - even openly [example of US soldiers guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan]).

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - GlobalMan - 07-23-2017

What is the "hustle" that some dudes are "respecting" here exactly?

Is it facilitating the sale of..

..stolen credit cards and identity documents?

..firearms to to felons?

..fentanyl to teens?

Man some of you guys must be some really hardcore libertarians for this to be written off as simply "sticking it to the man". What the CIA is doing has nothing to do with this.

He was not simply selling some ripped CD's and bags of weed, grinding a way to feed his children.

My brother lost everything to identity theft last year and had to move in with our parents at age 40. When true identity theft happens, when a person/group gets everything about you, they are you as far as the banks are concerned. He is only now, a year later, getting some of his money back. And this is putting aside the fact that he lost his job in a hight tech high paid industry and is back on the bottle heavily from depression. It will take years, if ever, to get back where he was.

But, it's all good, because people like this skinny-fat Quebecois loser with Thai 5 wife got to play pretend for a while in Lambos before off-ing themselves.

US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - Mercenary - 07-23-2017

Quote: (07-23-2017 03:00 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

But, it's all good, because people like this skinny-fat Quebecois loser with Thai 5 wife got to play pretend for a while in Lambos before off-ing themselves.

Real easy to insult and take down a respected, vetted and repped RVF brother who gave a lot of people here real value, who's now dead and who's life is now a matter of public discourse....while you remain fully anonymous and your RVF rep report doesn't have a single real life meetup in it.

Is this the way you want the forum to talk about you when you finally kick the bucket GlobalMan ?


US Government court document reveals deceased AlphaBay admin was forum member - GlobalMan - 07-23-2017

Quote: (07-23-2017 03:09 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Is this the way you want the forum to talk about you when you finally kick the bucket GlobalMan ?

If it is discovered that I have been facilitating the destruction of an untold number of lives, possibly even people close to you, then yes you should absolutely talk about me this way.