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Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Enigma - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-23-2017 12:12 AM)Orson Wrote:  

But the Sikhs are so marginalized within the greater numbers of traditional Muslims, Sunni and Shia who are 95%? 85% of all Muslims - their numbers in the world are highly uncertain. Sikhs are far safer in the West or India than nations predominantly Muslim.

Sikhs embrace a thoroughly mystical version of the faith, instead of the orthodox didactic one(s) which results in prescriptive reductionism - ethically and doctrinally.

Sikhism is not part of Islam.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - rafaeld - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 05:36 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

It's not generally a good idea to meet with strangers if you express right wing ideas.

Please explain why.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - stugatz - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-23-2017 01:51 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2017 12:12 AM)Orson Wrote:  

But the Sikhs are so marginalized within the greater numbers of traditional Muslims, Sunni and Shia who are 95%? 85% of all Muslims - their numbers in the world are highly uncertain. Sikhs are far safer in the West or India than nations predominantly Muslim.

Sikhs embrace a thoroughly mystical version of the faith, instead of the orthodox didactic one(s) which results in prescriptive reductionism - ethically and doctrinally.

Sikhism is not part of Islam.

Actually, if I remember correctly, the reason Sikhs started carrying that dagger was so they could stab Muslims who were trying to convert them back in the 1600s...

According to an acquaintance of mine who campaigned for Trump, they tend to be pretty big Trump supporters too. I assume his Islam wariness doesn't hurt.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-23-2017

Seems like they know who the guy is and so does likely the media, but the cops are keeping a lid on it.

Dailymail even interviewed a neighbor who said that the guy lived there:

[Image: 3E8B475000000578-4340858-Witnesses_in_th...940526.jpg]

They have detained or arrested a couple folk around the address he lived at.

It was a rental car.

Also it is amazing how much CCTV they are publishing. The difference to false flag attacks is that they publish almost nothing except for a few grainy vids far away.

Since they are calling this terrorism, then they know it is Islamic terrorism.

Still funny that all the shithead politicians and like Sadiq Khan and May are not calling it Islamic terrorism. Yeah - because terrorism is not Islamic and Theresa May said that Islam is a religion of peace.

Victor Orban is the most defiant of all European politicians, Poland is semi-defiant and most other countries are the same shitty cucks waiting for the next Jihadi to drive through a crowd.

[Image: quaritchhemissileswarhf.gif]

Fuck them all - they will all go down in flames sooner or later. ISIS is right - this is nothing yet. Millions in the West will die.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-23-2017 01:51 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2017 12:12 AM)Orson Wrote:  

But the Sikhs are so marginalized within the greater numbers of traditional Muslims, Sunni and Shia who are 95%? 85% of all Muslims - their numbers in the world are highly uncertain. Sikhs are far safer in the West or India than nations predominantly Muslim.

Sikhs embrace a thoroughly mystical version of the faith, instead of the orthodox didactic one(s) which results in prescriptive reductionism - ethically and doctrinally.

Sikhism is not part of Islam.

Sikhs and most Indians generally will fight in the big WWIII against Islam with the West.

The conquest of India was the most bloody in Islamic history, since Hindus have no option of paying the Jizya like the Jews and Christians. They have either to convert or die.

[Image: sikh-warrior-20833237.jpg]

I served with a Sikh in the military, he was the best shot in our unit, went even on for sharpshooter training. Those guys are far less cucked than potentially liberal White cops.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Bushido - 03-23-2017

For once they actually came out and said it was a terror attack right away. Not the usual "we don't know the motive" ad nauseum.

Just a one off or a change of tact towards media? I suspect the former because it was so close to Parliament. I.e the elites are affected.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-23-2017

Yeah - they said that it was terror, but omitted the word Islamic, because that would be Islamophobic.

AlJazeera viewers loved what was going on:


That Jasmine woman is an Ex-Muslim who had specifically interesting life experiences since she was married off to an Al-Quaeda terrorist in the 1990s.

Also - that girl certainly spawns memes:


Paul Joseph Watson also with a good vid on how the left reacted, by focusing less on the victims, but on Islamophobia, future potential backlash against Muslims and against those evil racists and Trump supporters.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - ffs - 03-23-2017

First post on the forum guys. I don't want to divert the topic, but as Sikhs are mentioned, I need to chime in. I am of Sikh origin.
Sikhs are NOT Muslims, just in case there is any doubt. It's the exact opposite. Sikhism evolved 500 years ago, when India was suffering the Islamification that we are witnessing in the West. The Muslim rulers of India were forcefully converting millions of Hindus to Islam or beheading them, and de-limbing their babies in front of mothers etc. The Sikh religion grew rapidly in Punjab (North India) because people liked it's beliefs and ideology - Sikhism belies that all humans are equal, regardless of race, religion etc. They believe in standing up for what is right and fighting for freedom. They oppose oppression of any kind. The religion was founded by 10 gurus - normal guys with families, daily duties etc. The last one died in 1708 - he was stabbed by a Muslim and was treated by an English doctor - so this religion is very real, and not from the dawn of antiquity, filled with mystical tales which have been changed over generations.

Sikhs believe that no one - no one - has the right to convert anyone to another religion - in fact, the last couple of gurus and their families died fighting against Islamic oppression - they were beheaded, their kids were be-headed.
One of the gurus gave up his life protecting Hindus from the Muslims.
The Sikhs prevented the total Islamification of North India 200-400 hundred years ago.

In terms of NLP, life-coaching and personal growth, what the 10th Guru did, is a perfect example of what is possible to achieve. He stated that his goal was to help sparrows grow into eagles (it doesn't translate well into English) - basically, the average person in North India in 1600-1700 was suppressed, beaten and lived in fear of the ruling classes. Cucked, if you will. They had lost dignity and self-respect. He gave them a sense of purpose, trained them to stand up for themselves, empowered them emotionally and physically to the point where they
started fighting wars against the mighty Mughal Empire - and won.
The Sikhs kicked some Muslim butt - they even established a mini empire back then - Afghanisation was a secular country, ruled by Ranjit Singh, and most of the current Pakistan was ruled by Sikhs - this lasted till 1850's when the British took over. The Brits have traditionally recruited Sikhs into its armies due to their loyalty and bravery. About 80,000 Sikhs died in WW1 and WW2 fighting for the British - there is a memorial in France with thousands of names.

So, coming back to today - if you see a turbaned guy in the West - he's a Sikh, and he's your friend. He may look odd , but his beliefs are the same as those of the West - democracy, freedom, equality, respect. No one understands the evils of Islamic terrorism more than the Sikhs and Hindus. Though most Sikhs in the west no longer turbans, their fighting spirit and taking-no-crap approach will be obvious when you speak to them about this subject. Oh......and most of Sikh relatives in the US voted Trump.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Malone - 03-23-2017

Welcome brother, good first post. But read the rules. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Dalaran1991 - 03-23-2017

After the recent machete attack in Paris just a month ago, now this?

It seems the terrorism desensitivization process is on full speed. "Get used to it, folks" and these sheeps will go back to their drone office life, drinking tea and eating croissant (in the French case) as if nothing happened.

For those who asks "how many more of this would it take", I guess they gotta wait until Islam bombs the Eiffel tower, the symbol of "love". Or the London Clock Tower. Bitches will suddenly realize they cant go to Paris/London to take pictures anymore and that might shock them a bit.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Elster - 03-23-2017

Funny that this has been the exact same MO as in Heidelberg,no?

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Phoenix - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-23-2017 05:47 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Bitches will suddenly realize they cant go to Paris/London to take pictures anymore and that might shock them a bit.

Yeah but then they'll just blame that Tommy guy for it.

On the desensitization, I can just imagine some twisted Monty Python skit, where people on their way to work keep getting picked off, Jurassic Park raptors-in-the-field scene style, by muslim gunmen, suicide bombers and rapists, whilst everyone else just continues walking normally like nothing is happening. I really wouldn't be surprised if such a culture happened there.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - RaccoonFace - 03-23-2017

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Going strong - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-23-2017 05:47 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

For those who asks "how many more of this would it take", I guess they gotta wait until Islam bombs the Eiffel tower, the symbol of "love". Or the London Clock Tower. Bitches will suddenly realize they cant go to Paris/London to take pictures anymore and that might shock them a bit.

Not quite. The Elites wouldn't care that much about the Eiffel tower or Big Ben getting blown... But, they would care big time if Davos, Aspen, Megeve, Martha Island and other fancy billionaire lairs, were hit...

For (real) change to happen, terrorists would have to target the places where the elites, or their children, congregate, live and vacation, bathing in ill-acquired luxury (Saudi bribes, mainly) and the occasional spirit-cooking.

In yesterday's case, it was almost achieved, except the assailant couldn't get past the first police officer (who was unarmed, so, the English State is partially responsible for his death, what with their policy of not arming "bobbies"!)... Almost is useless though, and actually, the elites will laugh, having just experienced and enjoyed their invulnerability. [Image: dodgy.gif]

In France, it's only when the terrorists targeted the Bataclan, where many wealthy gays and sons of "the elite" congregate, that the State decided to seriously increase the security (with tons of Sentinelle-Vigipirate military) in all of the country.

To sum it up, the Global Elites are only concerned when their own blood (or their children's) is spilled. Only then do they start giving (quite) efficient orders to soldiers and policemen.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - JohnKreese - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-23-2017 03:16 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Seems like they know who the guy is and so does likely the media, but the cops are keeping a lid on it.

Dailymail even interviewed a neighbor who said that the guy lived there:

They have detained or arrested a couple folk around the address he lived at.

It was a rental car.

Ban. All. Rental. Cars.

Enterprise WILL NOT pick me up!

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Matt3B - 03-23-2017

Do you know what pisses me off?

Every time one of these attacks happens, the attacker(s) is always known to the police, and in most cases, MI5 or other counter terrorism units.

These people are on terrorist watch lists. While I appreciate that the forces in this country and abroad do a lot to prevent attacks that we don't necessarily hear of, and that they can't prevent every single one, but what is the point of having these lists if we are allowing them the freedom to live their lives and potentially/successfully commit these attacks?

If they're foreign to a country they reside in and are on a terrorist watch list, why are we not deporting them? If they are on watch lists and not residing in a country, why are they being allowed in to others?

If they are on watch lists and are nationals to a country, why is more not being done to restrict them?

Extreme example here: but if someone has child porn on their computers then they are dealt with swiftly. If someone has terrorist related material on their computers and are on watch lists for previous crimes, then why are they given freedoms that law abiding citizens are given?

Also, this backlash to Trump Jr is hilarious. "How dare you use an attack to gain political points". Yeah, how dare you use moral signalling to gain social media points. Cunts. He hit the nail on the head. More questions need to be asked of our pathetic mayor.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Matsufubu - 03-23-2017

blah blah we stand shoulder to shoulder blah blah solidarity blah blah religion of peace blah blah diversity is our strength blah blah innocent Muslims are the real victims blah blah

This is why I won't take my family to a major Western capital. I'd go by myself but I can't manage a wife and kids in a situation like this. The kicker is that those in power really don't give a shit. It's like in '1984' where they drop a bomb on some proles every so often just to keep people compliant with the narrative that the Party is there to help them against whoever they're at war with. Rest assured they really don't care about us. The terrorists only scare me because the 'Powers that be' are on their side, not mine.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - YossariansRight - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:12 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2017 07:38 PM)Laner Wrote:  

This is generally the MO of police in the west.

Until one of their own gets gutted with an 8" blade on the steps of the British Parliament.

Just as Dallas may have been the turning point for US and Canadian police, this might well be the turning point for British police.

Men like Robinson were just English 20 years ago. Now, just by how liberal London has become, he is a "nazi". But I guarantee he has A LOT MORE support among the London police today than yesterday.

British Bulldog, come again.

This morning in every police department across Britain there would have been a special briefing about this attack and a moment of silence for the murdered officer.

And during this moment of silence the traditional Brits in uniform, mostly men in that regard, would have been unable to avoid noticing the "can't bring myself to give a shit" attitude of the politically correct affirmative action hires.

The glances left, right and to the ceiling. The checks of their watches. The shifting of their balance from foot to foot. The audible sighs. The palpable tension of those moments lost in time that they might have been able to check facebook from their phone or terminal.

Those men witnessing this will add it to a long list of grievances that will inevitably bring them to our side of the fence somewhere down the line.

Don't trust the police. Trust the honest and forthright men of the west, even if they're wearing a uniform.

p.s. Regarding that picture, I don't know what to believe about God or karma, but there's an old saying. "The truth will out". There are times when that truth manifests itself on film in the most unexpected of ways. Many things converge to create something pure in its honesty. The idea that we should toss that pure image in the bin because it's emotive and unfair is insane. We should put our hands together and thank whatever force, be it nothing more than mindless causality, which brought it to us.

p.p.s. Unfortunately it seems that there are some among us who would see a picture of a lone child in the rubble of WW2 London captioned "Nazis orphan this boy" only to point and scream that the child was in fact an orphan from before the war and that the picture should be removed immediately or at least re-captioned because it's not fair to the Nazis. 99 percent of progressive indoctrination is brainwashing people to ignore the obvious truths in front of their faces in favour of the party line. Anyone witnessing that photo knows in their gut what the truth is, and not a soul here would pass through that scene with so little empathy as to be on their fucking phone at a leisurely stride.

Most of the time our instincts are correct, and my instincts tell me irrefutably that this bitch gives not a single shit about the inferior kuffars around her.

^^Spot on!

[Image: attachment.jpg36151]   

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Dalaran1991 - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-23-2017 06:38 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2017 05:47 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Bitches will suddenly realize they cant go to Paris/London to take pictures anymore and that might shock them a bit.

Yeah but then they'll just blame that Tommy guy for it.

On the desensitization, I can just imagine some twisted Monty Python skit, where people on their way to work keep getting picked off, Jurassic Park raptors-in-the-field scene style, by muslim gunmen, suicide bombers and rapists, whilst everyone else just continues walking normally like nothing is happening. I really wouldn't be surprised if such a culture happened there.

Such a thing isn't so bad. It weeds out the weak, bringing back natural selection. If a people is so weak that they allowed themselves to be culled, harrassed and picked off like vermins, then they deserve to be eradicated. Rome and whatnot.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Gmac - 03-23-2017

Big surprise.


Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Simeon_Strangelight - 03-23-2017

ISIS claimed responsibility and his identity is known - British born. Maybe it is that guy in the first news, but they pulled back in order to arrest others.


Mrs May added: "His identity is known to the police and MI5 and when operational considerations allow, he will be publicly identified.

"What I can confirm is that the man was British-born and that some years ago he was once investigated by MI5 in relation to concerns about violent extremism.

"He was a peripheral figure. The case is historic. He was not part of the current intelligence picture.

"There was no prior intelligence of his intent or of the plot."

Such attacks are super-easy to do. All you need for that is a car for 2000 quid and a knife. If you can drive a truck, then all the better - you could kill many more people.


As for surveillance - they are currently surveilling 4000 potential terrorists.

I agree with Tommy here - EU-Guantanamo on an Island and never again seen before. Throw away the keys, never release them. But they are getting flats, jobs and cab licenses in Sweden.

A police officer sent Tommy Robinson a message on Facebook:

[Image: C7mlNeFWsAEgjSc.jpg:large]

Hiring Muslims for this kind of activity is just dumb. I would hire aware Ex-Muslims, Ex-Salafis who rejected Islam on their own. They know Islam better than most Muslims and walked away from it. Those guys would make perfect undercover officers and there is zero chance that they will ever become terrorists, because they were already in the mindset. You cannot hire most unaware Muslims however, because their commitments to moderate Islam is likely based on lack of understanding about the religion.

An aware Ex-Muslim however still loves the people, but knows already what the cult does with the mind.

Those officers instead of getting fired almost cost this man his job. I guess he confronted them and his superiors reacted more negatively against him than against Muslim officers cheering over terrorist acts against Kufars.

Britain is lost.

And that is why WWIII with Islam will become so messy. The Caliphate will be able to take entire military and police units from the asses of the Western powers. It won't matter in the long run, but it will be very brutal in the short run.

By the way - this is true:


Also Dr. Robert Spencer is banned too from the UK, since he is an expert and scholar on Islam. But Jihadis can preach and plot, march around with the ISIS flag in open daylight - that is fine. It is the "Islamophobes" who are the problem, because Islamophobes bomb and maim people.

But seriously - no matter the appeasement - they will always hate your guts. In fact - if you showed strength, then they would have respected it more.

But the true globalists know this already anyway....

That is a small part of terrorists:

Many of them already released and probably more radical than ever. This will never ever stop.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-23-2017

If Saint Helena was good enough for Napoleon, I'm sure it would be good enough for a random Achmed McGoatFucker too.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Rossi - 03-23-2017

Quote: (03-22-2017 11:21 AM)Laner Wrote:  

Turkey threatens Europe with those from eastern Turkey, not European Turkey. There is a massive difference.

I know a lot of Turks. But all of them are European Turks, and NONE of them have ever set foot in eastern Turkey, nor ever wish to go.

The country is divided ideologically.

How do I know these Turks who live here in Vancouver? Their wealthy families left in order to avoid Erdogan and the coming violence that will happen when he opens the gates of European Turkey to the rest of Asia.

Right now its a tie between London and Paris to as which one will be the first to fall to the caliphate. London just took the lead, though Paris has been burning for weeks. London has a Muslim mayor.

I remember a Somalian taxi driver once. "The problem is the people here, they are too stupid. They leave everything unlocked."

Bicycles, cars, homes, cities, countries.


I've been living in on/off Turkey for 4 years by now, even though I'm not there anymore right now.

Turkey threatens Europe with 4 million Syrians. Eastern Turkish people weren't swimming to Greece a year ago. Last year, around this time, Syrians were going to Greek islands from Turkey, approximately 2000 a day.

Eastern Turkish people didn't swim across the sea to go to Greece. Who told you about those?

Erdogan says, "We made a deal with EU. They were supposed to give us 6 billion + visa free movement for Turkish citizens + every Syrian they return, they need to get one that they pick to EU."

Turks are saying, they didn't receive any funds from EU or very small like 400 million $, plus EU supposed to give them visa free access in June, 2016. This also doesn't happen.

Erdogan basically says, EU didn't hold their promise like agreement says, why should I feed Syrians in Turkey? I'll open the borders, they can go wherever they can. This is their argument. If EU didn't hold up their promises, they're asking, why should they keep Syrians in Turkey?

By the way, there's no such a thing called European Turkey. Only %5 of Turkey is in Europe. You have to read the election numbers, Erdogan's party gets %40-45 votes in the country while %55-60 are against Erdogan.

We'll see the referendum in 20 days. He is struggling to get "yes" voters. Latest polls show that %55 will say no.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Roosh - 03-23-2017

Heartfelt rant from Tommy Robinson starting at 0:50:

The man is right.

Video turns instantly gay when the reporter takes over.

Westminster Terrorist Attack 2017 - Glaucon - 03-23-2017

Just in:

Belgian police arrest man trying to drive into crowd in Antwerp