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The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - nomadbrah - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 07:44 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (11-25-2016 07:24 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

If I called you a communist, would you react like you would if I called you a nazi? The jew bolchevik Kaganovich killed up to 7.5 million white Ukrainians in the Holomodor while the Red Terror ( Bolshevik revolution that ushered in the USSR killed up to 1.5 million innocent Russians.

Before Hitler had killed a single pole, the jewish bolsheviks had slaughtered close to 10 million white Europeans.

Why don't you flinch when I call you communist?

Nazism was an extreme reaction to an extreme threath. Bolshevik jews had mass murdered millions of people, had destroyed and burned every church in Russia. In addition, they had already launched a communist coup in 1918 in Munich (all jews), which succeeded but was put down by the military.

The reason we react so strongly against nazism is because it has been made into the post-war defacto religion. When god is dead, satan is dead as well and Hitler has taken his place. Nazi evil becomes the ultimate evil, the benchmark for all evil. People shirk back and become uncomfortable like a medieval peasent would if you invoked satan. In addition, the jews have become the christ figure, the innocently persecuted, the symbol of good in the world.

[Image: outta-here.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Suits - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 07:54 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (11-25-2016 07:44 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (11-25-2016 07:24 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

If I called you a communist, would you react like you would if I called you a nazi? The jew bolchevik Kaganovich killed up to 7.5 million white Ukrainians in the Holomodor while the Red Terror ( Bolshevik revolution that ushered in the USSR killed up to 1.5 million innocent Russians.

Before Hitler had killed a single pole, the jewish bolsheviks had slaughtered close to 10 million white Europeans.

Why don't you flinch when I call you communist?

Nazism was an extreme reaction to an extreme threath. Bolshevik jews had mass murdered millions of people, had destroyed and burned every church in Russia. In addition, they had already launched a communist coup in 1918 in Munich (all jews), which succeeded but was put down by the military.

The reason we react so strongly against nazism is because it has been made into the post-war defacto religion. When god is dead, satan is dead as well and Hitler has taken his place. Nazi evil becomes the ultimate evil, the benchmark for all evil. People shirk back and become uncomfortable like a medieval peasent would if you invoked satan. In addition, the jews have become the christ figure, the innocently persecuted, the symbol of good in the world.

[Image: outta-here.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: tumblr_lllx9y4Kxt1qkufaeo1_500.gif]

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Libertas - 11-25-2016


I have recognized that the Alt Right will not succeed as a movement trapped in the past. This is 2016, as they say, and we must be fresh and new and engaged.

This is the most important part. And it's the part that's most important component (but not the only one) of my "basic bitch White Nationalism" comment.

World War II is over. It's been over.

Stop trying to re-fight some fucking war that was almost 80 years ago. We have our own shit going on now, our own issues. Don't shackle yourself with some bygone ideology and symbolism that only leaves you open to attack. Say it with me again - it has nothing to do with what's happening now.

Though I've criticized him severely and don't particularly care for the A to Z of his cause, I'm happy to see that Spencer has acknowledged his mistake. That's what a man should do. Now he needs to stop inviting the fake news hoaxers into his events and build up his own platforms. He needs to learn what domination of space means like Roosh and Mike have.

Roosh also makes some good points in his latest post, particularly about counterattacking. I don't think we're going to be into "speech policing" of course, but it's something to be wary of. Still, I think a blow up over this, even with counterattacks, was inevitable. What was done was legitimately terrible for purposes of persuasion.

But news cycles are fast. There is likely to be a "schism" of sorts to avoid the blast zone, but the left will have a way of rewriting what happened when new priorities arise. When the salute comes up, if at all, you can just take the route Roosh wrote and say you don't have anything to do with it, then pivot back to a counterattack and make them own their own worst elements which are a lot worse.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - 262 - 11-25-2016

^ Reminds me of the analogy I first heard from RamZPaul - basically, imagine if Hitler was a neo-Confederate instead of a Nazi.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - sterling_archer - 11-25-2016

Golden One response

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - nomadbrah - 11-25-2016

Thanks Archer, great video and take. Would like twice if I could, he really breaks down exactly what this is about.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Thrill Jackson - 11-25-2016

I think it was a mistake Bannon and Milo to ever consider themselves "alt right". I always considered Trump and company red pilled as oppose to these racist retards. This guy says he does the nazi salute to be rebellious, what are you 14? He knows what that shit represents and he is either a dumbass or a racist piece of shit to continue to do it. These characters are just as delusional as the SJWs. Their is nothing wrong with taking pride in your race, but to have blatant hatred for another race is something I can't even wrap my words around. I always have thought of Neomasculinity to be what we represent on this forum, and I hope it stays that way.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - sterling_archer - 11-25-2016

I like watching his channel, he is basically all around cool guy. He has lifting videos, politics, philosophy videos, etc. Most youtubers concentrate on just one thing.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - nomadbrah - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 09:18 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

I like watching his channel, he is basically all around cool guy. He has lifting videos, politics, philosophy videos, etc. Most youtubers concentrate on just one thing.

Absolutely, there is also Northern Brothers from Sweden. Their Alt-Right seems to have originated from Misc, so there is a lot of focus on self improvement and lifting.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - sterling_archer - 11-25-2016

I just searched for them, even though they are from 2006, they are not popular like the golden one. Pity, we need more of these.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - nomadbrah - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 09:41 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

I just searched for them, even though they are from 2006, they are not popular like the golden one. Pity, we need more of these.

No, it's these guys:

They have a couple of good videos on Scandinavian heritage, viking age, Asatru and such.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Lunostrelki - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 07:24 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

If I called you a communist, would you react like you would if I called you a nazi?

The jew bolchevik Kaganovich killed up to 7.5 million white Ukrainians in the Holomodor while the Red Terror ( Bolshevik revolution that ushered in the USSR killed up to 1.5 million innocent Russians.

Before Hitler had killed a single pole, the jewish bolsheviks had slaughtered close to 10 million white Europeans.

Why don't you flinch when I call you communist?

Nazism was an extreme reaction to an extreme threath. Bolshevik jews had mass murdered millions of people, had destroyed and burned every church in Russia. In addition, they had already launched a communist coup in 1918 in Munich (all jews), which succeeded but was put down by the military.

The reason we react so strongly against nazism is because it has been made into the post-war defacto religion. When god is dead, satan is dead as well and Hitler has taken his place. Nazi evil becomes the ultimate evil, the benchmark for all evil. People shirk back and become uncomfortable like a medieval peasent would if you invoked satan. In addition, the jews have become the christ figure, the innocently persecuted, the symbol of good in the world.

As long as the above is true, any kind of nationalist or right wing aspiration can be squashed by calling someone a nazi.
Quit conflating Jews with communists. It weakens the real and deadly serious argument which is that communism in ANY people—be they North European, West African, Japanese, Latino, hell, even Eskimo—is ideological cancer. More damagingly it makes you and by extension any non-liberal look like a genocide-loving Nazi and we know that society doesn't take kindly to those people (with good reason).

A lack of Jews didn't stop Mao Zedong from conquering China and taking a dump on its thousands of years of civilized existence. A lack of Jews didn't save the 1/4 of Cambodians killed by Pol Pot. A lack of Jews didn't save supposedly Aryan paradises from turning into the most virulent SJW base areas.

The small but vocal minority of modern rightists that go on about this Jewish conspiracy nonsense by overestimating the tribal instincts of what are essentially the upper-class version of Roma are doing none of us any good. It's like when you're trying to have a serious conversation about globalist elites and someone pops in to convince you about the lizard overlords.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - All or Nothing - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 02:48 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Am I taking crazy pills or does this make no sense at all?

For one, population density has in no way even remotely capped out in the west. In fact, we could conquer most of the world simply by ceasing to feed it and feeding ourselves instead. Are we seeing Honk Kong levels of population density? Tokyo? Are people starving in shoulder-to-shoulder slums? I didn't think so.

For two, if our population density has capped out, then why would people flood here?

You've provided self-defeating logic.

"Demographics" have nothing to do with it. Note Japan's ageing population and simultaneous absence of cultural enrichers.

In Europe, you have to admit that they have gotten pretty close to the maximum number of people that could inhabit that geographic region. Europe is a lot smaller than we think (check out this map: Also, I am saying that as the European population declines, people from outside of Europe immigrate there to fill in the gaps, ie: the labor shortage. The refugee crisis is a statistical anomaly in terms of high rate of immigration that is happening due to a war in the nearby region.

Japan is a geographically isolated country, whereas Europe is more accessible to North Africa and the Middle East. Even given our modern technology allowing higher freedom of movement, geographic proximity still appears to affect migration patterns.

We could definitely go back and forth on this one for awhile. I am just trying to point out that there are a lot of bigger factors (than the elite) driving changes in our world. I still think people need to focus on demographics, how technology affects demographic growth and declines, and how geography plays a role in this with regards to size of habitable land and proximity of differing ethnic groups. On top of this, I make the underlying assumption that basic tenets of human behavior (tribal like behavior, distrust, hierarchical group formation) are the same across all ethnicities and it is largely the same across time since the scope of time that we generally look at ~3000 years is too small for human behavior to have any significant changes.

Once you start looking at the things I have been looking at (geography, demographics, technology) with an assumption that human behavior is the same across ethnicities and time, then you start getting a lot closer to the The Truth™. I know that not everything I have said is 100% accurate, but it does move the ball a lot closer to a more complete understanding of the world around us. I might bring in more ideas on this soon in another thread.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - nmmoooreland20 - 11-25-2016


Just improve yourself bro!" must be the most tired catch-all argument on RVF and manosphere forums. Self-improvement is great and all should strive for it, but there's a limit what you can achieve just by self-improvement alone, gotta also have a stable and sane society. Try to self-improve yourself back into your IT job when your company lays you off to hire a H1B Indian who does it for 50% of your wage. Supporting yourself by writing e-books and living on the cheap in Ukraine is nice, but a country can't function on self-help inspirational books alone, you need your average blue collar factory worker and farmers

What that IT worker needs to do is exactly is improve himeself. Be a better IT worker than those and H1B1s. Or even better, improve his skills and become a developer, engineer, creator, etc.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - The Lizard of Oz - 11-25-2016

This thread gives me another excuse to quote from Trump's fantastic recent interview with the NY Times. Here is the quote in context:


UNKNOWN: Mr. President-elect, I wanted to ask you, there was a conference this past weekend in Washington of people who pledged their allegiance to Nazism.

TRUMP: Boy, you are really into this stuff, huh?

LOL, exactly. That's the only thing there is to say both to the stupid and mildly nasty dough-faced geeks playacting at being "Nazis" with their worthless salutes, and to the hysterical Year Zero press trying to make a big deal out of it and pretend it's something that deserves even a millisecond of attention. Boy, you are really into this stuff, huh?

There is a larger point to make, which is this. Our society has gone a long way towards becoming a feminized society -- a singularly bad and damaging trend which Trump's miraculous victory will do much to reverse. I'm sure many dudes here would go along with that statement, but I don't think they clearly understand what this feminization really means and just how it manifests itself.

Guys in the 'sphere tend to think that feminization consists mainly of specific ideas or positions associated with radical feminism, and with the privileging and pedestalization of the female in every possible legal, cultural, and economic context. And that is certainly true, as far as it goes, and extremely pernicious in and of itself. But the deeper effects of feminization extend far beyond that.

What these effects amount to is the implicit adoption of feminine behaviors and attitudes writ large in the general discourse and its very tone and flavor. And these behaviors and attitudes can be summed in the following way: talky, hysterical, and unmoored from reality.

The idiocy of the nonsense argument about these brownshirt-wannabe losers and their antics in some Washington hotel is a perfect example of this, and what 'sphere guys need to realize is that it applies to both sides. The Year Zero media in their whipped up panic and pretense that we are in danger of being overrun by "Nazis" or the "KKK" -- things that have no existence and are of no interest to anyone in the US -- are talky, hysterical, and unmoored from reality. But so is the so-called "alt right" in their endless web chatter, solemn pretenses to be saviors of the "white race", and countless other mincing affectations and agitated nonsense. It is all part of the feminization that has infected our social discourse; it all has the same flavor of chatter, hysteria, unreality, and looniness.

As with females, this sort of thing is far worse collectively than any of its individual components are. Individual females are mainly just dopey and moderately loony; but give them and their discourse collective power and their hysteria, tendency to become unhinged, immodesty, whininess, disregard for the facts, and complete lack of humor come together and form something that can become quite nasty. That is what characterizes so much of today's web chatter and again it should be realized that while it is most characteristically and importantly a part of the Year Zero progressive left -- importantly because they are the ones with the academic, legal and political wherewithal to make it count -- it is not different in kind on the ostensible other side. It's all part of the same feminized nonsense chatter that even self-avowed "masculine" men have become addicted to, because no one escapes the effects of the dominant culture of the time.

It's been interesting and instructive in the past couple of weeks to observe two hysterias in certain parts of the left and the right that are like nasty mirror images of each other: the lunatic obsession of the web left with the idea that the election in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania has been "hacked" in Trump's favor -- complete with endless chatter by obsessives of a certain kind about "patterns" in the numbers that supposedly "prove" this hacking beyond any doubt; and the lunatic obsession of the web right -- including, sadly, some guys here who should know better -- with the supposed existence of "child sex rings" in pizza parlors, Satanic rituals, "pedo code words" in hacked emails, and "proofs" of all this nonsense by the mildly-to-moderately mentally ill. Both phenomena are a good example of what happens when certain otherwise harmless or even useful in the right context male qualities -- autistic OCD and pattern-seeking -- become amplified and licensed by the overall feminization of discourse and the climate of chatter and hysteria unmoored from reality that it fosters over time. Because of the feminization that has taken hold in our society, both sides are caught equally in that nonsense world of unreality.

Trump's election offers a golden opportunity to reverse this trend. We do need more masculinity injected into our cultural context; not feminine chatter about masculinity but the thing itself. And that means: more humor; more common sense; more shrugging freedom of thought; more greed for money and progress as self-evident goods; and a lot less tolerance for bullshit, chatter, and hysterical ideological cant constructs that have no relation to reality. At his best, Trump unthinkingly embodies these masculine virtues; and even at his worst, their opposites that have dominated our discourse for too long are completely alien to him. Maybe in time, the hearty crew of centipedes will actually learn something from their God Emperor and become a lot less interested in "Nazis" or "child sex rings" or any other unreal nonsense, and a lot more interested in working hard, making money, and having a good laugh at the end of the day. Nothing would be better and healthier for our country and its men.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - scorpion - 11-25-2016

This entire episode was incredibly stupid. The initial event itself was obviously a tactical error from a PR perspective. But the subsequent reaction from other members of the alt-right (or New Right, or whatever they want to call themselves) was even more of a blunder. Disavowing Spencer was nothing more than an enormous failed shit test. No other way to put it. It was a massive failure to maintain frame in the face of the mainstream media. This is the same mainstream media, by the way, that has never been weaker or more pathetic, having been absolutely shitblasted by Trump for the entire past year and with rapidly sinking revenues. The mainstream media has been utterly discredited, revealed to be nothing more than the propaganda wing of the Left, and the majority of Americans do not trust anything they say. And yet this episode revealed that far too many people are still utterly cowed by the media and will not hesitate to debase themselves and treacherously start throwing people under the bus in order to avoid guilt by association.

Newsflash: they aren't going to stop calling you a Nazi because you disavowed Richard Spencer. Are you fucking stupid? Have you not been paying attention for the past year? Your President-Elect has been repeatedly called a Fascist and a Nazi for months. Do you think you're going to get off any easier? Laugh. Give me a break. Stop trying to curry favor with the media. Stop assuming that only if you appear reasonable and respectable that the media will give you a fair shake. They won't. The media has no interest in anything except defeating the right. Do not give them an inch. Every time someone on the right disavows another member of the right for whatever reason, we lose.

This whole disavowal game the media plays is fucking bullshit. People need to wise up to it. Any time the media asks you if you disavow someone you should simply turn it back around and ask if they disavow. "Do you disavow Karl Marx? Do you disavow Joseph Stalin? Do you disavow Saul Alinsky? Do you disavow Black Lives Matter? Etc..." You can sit there playing this disavow game all day long. It means nothing. It's a fucking media trick! Stop playing their game.

I don't give a shit if Richard Spencer kneels on a giant Swastika and prays to Hitler every night. I'm not going to disavow him. I'm not going to start shooting at my allies simply because they don't share 100% of my beliefs. I'm certainly not going to start shooting at my allies because my enemy tries to guilt and shame me into doing so with their discredited media playbook. Stop being afraid of these people. It's as if people completely forgot everything Trump did over the past year. Half the alt-right have revealed themselves to be the "increasingly nervous man" who is now convinced that the alt-right is dead because of a few Nazi salutes. Harden up, gentlemen. Stop allowing the media to play the disavow game. The media is to be mocked, disdained and utterly despised. Never, ever fall into their frame or assume they have honest intentions.

I do not blame Cernovish, Molyneux or PJW for distancing themselves from Spencer, but let's be honest: they did so for reasons of self-interest first and foremost. All three have successful and quickly growing brands and they don't want to limit their growing popularity by associating with "Nazis". I get it, it's understandable. However, I think they overreacted. They would have been better served by simply mocking the entire thing. Both the attendees and the media deserve some mockery here. LARPing as a Nazi in 2016 is stupid, but the media breathlessly hyping a few drunk trolls throwing Roman Salutes at an alt-right conference as the next imminent Shoah is even more ridiculous. Stop playing defense! Attack the media. Do not let them set the terms of the engagement. Do not let them back you into a corner. Do not disavow. Do not disavow. Do not disavow.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Comte De St. Germain - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 02:45 AM)dedocahedron Wrote:  

The "moderate right" is not even in office yet in the US, the left and the jewish are still in charge of everything for now. Europe is still fully cucked to the left and so are other parts of the western world like CA/AUS. Yet some people think its acceptable to go full roman/nazi salute in front of the MSM a few weeks after Trump won.

25 min rant by Cernovich "Where the Alt-Right went Alt-Wrong"
-keeps repeating himself and certain words (platforms, media, etc. )
-swears/insults audience out of anger or excitement
-very emotional and excited through out
-repeatedly shoves a picture in the camera
-smug-ish attitude

First time seeing a video of Cernovich, felt like a "alt-right" type of SJW. I'd stick with proper news outlets like Breitbart.
God these newbies.........

Mike was one of this forum's best posters once upon a time......

The door's over there.

[Image: frank-underwood-this-is-the-part-where-y...761446.gif]

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - I DIDN'T KILL MY WIFE - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 11:01 AM)nmmoooreland20 Wrote:  


Just improve yourself bro!" must be the most tired catch-all argument on RVF and manosphere forums. Self-improvement is great and all should strive for it, but there's a limit what you can achieve just by self-improvement alone, gotta also have a stable and sane society. Try to self-improve yourself back into your IT job when your company lays you off to hire a H1B Indian who does it for 50% of your wage. Supporting yourself by writing e-books and living on the cheap in Ukraine is nice, but a country can't function on self-help inspirational books alone, you need your average blue collar factory worker and farmers

What that IT worker needs to do is exactly is improve himeself. Be a better IT worker than those and H1B1s. Or even better, improve his skills and become a developer, engineer, creator, etc.

This guy... [Image: laugh3.gif]

Companies are willing to hire 2-3 H1B visa holder for every American worker even when they can only produce 60% satisfactory results because they can hire them at dumping wages. Companies can basically enslave them to work overtime and do anything for for the employer because their work visa is tied to that one employer. They start acting uppity, demanding a normal wage and normal hours and the company can instantly fire them, forcing them to go back. Most H1B visa holders, faced with such a reality, will just take the abuse. Obviously companies are giddy at the prospect of having such a dependant and cheap working force

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Ghost Tiger - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 06:22 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

"I do not disavow"


Roosh makes a strong statement about Richard Spencer:

Quote:Vox Day Wrote:

Roosh knows better than anyone what it feels like to be under media assault. I have never seen anyone attacked so viciously in the media, and to make it worse, with so little cause.

This analysis is bang-on. Roosh organizing the meetups last February drew many men (including me) into the forum and we stayed because of the media outrage and Roosh's courageous and masterful reaction to said outrage.

What I find interesting about Vox Day's statement quoted above, is that VD has NEVER seen anyone attacked as viciously as Roosh was attacked. That includes Richard Spencer, Ricky Vaughan, Weev, and all the Red Ice Radio people whom VD is very familiar with.

The forces of feminism attack Roosh. The forces of multiculturalism attack the others. Feminism is more destructive than multiculturalism. Quod Erat Demonstrandum. In fact, feminism enables multiculturalism as demoralized and ill-informed female voters elect women and cucks who invite the savages in.

Feminism is the more destructive force here right now, especially in Canada. Eve is in the garden with the serpent. And Adam has cucked out to her. It's the oldest story in the book. Literally

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Slim Shady - 11-25-2016

You don't disavow or "purge" white supremacists because the media will call you Nazis otherwise - I don't give a fuck. You disassociate yourself from them because they are weak people who have a victim mindset - and I want nothing to do with those kinds of people, and don't want to include them in what is a great movement.

Weak people are easy to control, and weak people, like termites, will eat your movement from within. It is that simple.

All the latest media event did was remind me that a lot of these morons existed, and reminded me that some pest controlling needed to be done.

Some people with a victim mindset in this very thread need to look in the damn mirror.

I'm not "scared" of these people, and they should have the freedom to do all the Nazi role playing they want to, as long as they don't actually turn violent. If my hypothesis that these are weak people is correct, however, there is a high chance that some of these members can be a liability, not because of their speech, but because of their actions.

Stop calling white supremacists "the right"! When you admonish white supremacists, you're not "punching to the right". These guys are just weak marxists.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Libertas - 11-25-2016

I wouldn't call it "a lot." I'm fairly certain these people doing the salute were plants.

But it was a totally unnecessary error, in multiple dimensions.

I suggest watching Aurini's latest stream. Roosh is on it. They summed it up best: what comes out of this at the end of the day is this - we need to be able to say to people "look, you fucked up, and I'm going to say so" but also at the same time not tone police ourselves to death.

And for the love of God, don't ever invite the fake news hoaxers into your events. We drive the news now. They need us. Us being broadly defined.

Unfortunately these idiots exist and we'll be dragged into it in some way no matter what. We just have to be prepared to get off it and counterattack when shit goes down.

Like LOZ said so eloquently quoting Trump - "you're really into this, aren't you?"

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - GlobalMan - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 11:14 AM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

But so is the so-called "alt right" in their endless web chatter, solemn pretenses to be saviors of the "white race", and countless other mincing affectations and agitated nonsense. It is all part of the feminization that has infected our social discourse; it all has the same flavor of chatter, hysteria, unreality, and looniness.

This is exactly right. There could be a lot more said on this, but I am still too fat and happy on turkey at the moment.

There was a great ROK article that touched on this: The Alt Right Is Worse Than Feminism In Attempting To Control Male Sexual Behavior

related forum thread

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Zep - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 09:10 AM)Phil Jackson Wrote:  

This guy says he does the nazi salute to be rebellious, what are you 14? He knows what that shit represents and he is either a dumbass or a racist piece of shit to continue to do it.

He said that he does it as a "Fuck You" to an establishment and media that 'hates' him. Given that he's in Sweden, I think that is a fair stance to take. Think about what globalists have done to his country, I'd say "fuck you" too. He clearly indicated that the Roman Salute is aimed at the media and establishment that are trying to genocide his people, not aimed at individuals like yourself.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - All or Nothing - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 11:37 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

I don't give a shit if Richard Spencer kneels on a giant Swastika and prays to Hitler every night. I'm not going to disavow him.

Doesn't there come a point where you can be against someone because of what they advocate, regardless of media controversy?

This white nationalism ideology that Richard Spencer advocates for could bring human tragedy back to Western Civilization on a scale we have not seen since WWII.

Let's be honest here, a white ethnostate could never be formed peacefully and would require deportation campaigns along with genocide. I would read about the Armenian genocide to understand what I mean. The Armenian genocide started up because there was a movement among the Ottoman Turks that advocated for Turkic nationalism (sound familiar?) and when enacted, the formation of a Turkish ethnostate happened through starting up large numbers of deportation centers and committing mass genocide of ethnic minorities.

Read this little excerpt here:


In 1912, the First Balkan War broke out and ended with the defeat of the Ottoman Empire as well as the loss of 85% of its European territory. Many in the empire saw their defeat as "Allah's divine punishment for a society that did not know how to pull itself together".[40]:84 The Turkish nationalist movement in the country gradually came to view Anatolia as their last refuge. That the Armenian population formed a significant minority in this region later figured prominently in the calculations of the Three Pashas, who carried out the Armenian Genocide.


THAT is why I am against him, not because of any media controversy. I will let it go after this, but I am just trying to wake you guys up on the gravity of this ideology.

The Richard Spencer and alt-right thread - Killer Joe - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-25-2016 11:14 AM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

and the lunatic obsession of the web right -- including, sadly, some guys here who should know better -- with the supposed existence of "child sex rings" in pizza parlors, Satanic rituals, "pedo code words" in hacked emails, and "proofs" of all this nonsense by the mildly-to-moderately mentally ill.

No disrespect, but that is an entirely different matter - something's definitely wrong there and there's nothing "femenine" or "stupid" about recognizing that.

Did you even look at Tony Podesta's pedo art collection?