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Venezuela is collapsing - The Beast1 - 09-14-2016

^^ it's low for now as the saudis over extend themselves and flood the market with oil. It'll rebound back up soon enough.

An oil rich failed state could be a great future investment. Even if it's for the future.

Venezuela is collapsing - Latinopan - 09-15-2016

Quote: (09-14-2016 05:12 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I could see Trump authoring military action in Venezuela to over throw the communists and then send their oil to the states while rebuilding the country.

Could we see Venezuela as a new American territory?

Good question, Trump does not want to go into war unless very need demands it, however Venezuela would be extremely easy to intervene.

It would be an intervention in the same continent, very close to the USA, which means it would be very cheap, about 2054 miles from USA to Venezuela, supply and support will go fast.

Very friendly countries surrounding, every single country in South and Central America is very aware they can't win against the USA military, they would not support Venezuela and get in hot water with Trump fearing any sanction.

Because is South America and a country with HUGE coast in the Atlantic the USA NAVY will have complete control of the area.

Puerto Rico is an USA Territory, is only one hour flight away from Venezuela, meaning the USA military will have a HUGE USA military bases and such, it can also use Puerto Rico for military storage.

Venezuela military is not prepare for to fight right now, most of its population is staving.

And more importantly, we do not have a radical religious extremists in the region.

The USA military could take over Venezuela in 12 hours.

It would pay very well, Chavez and his people like Maduro pretended for years to be strong and talk shit about the USA, nothing like watching these people fall under Trump.

But if that ever happens it needs to happens at the right time, Trump would need to let the situation go down, sadly, but I have a point, the main problem now in Venezuela is food, and violence, then what always happens will happen, the international community will call for USA to intervene, but Trump would not send aid, he would send the military first, but also lots of food and medical care paid with all the money we got from those countries that owns USA billions in unpaid security to gain approval of the Venezuelan people.

Now about Venezuela becoming a new American territory, that would be historical, but also means Venezuelans will get USA citizenship just like Puerto Rico, could you imagine the Venezuelan pussy migration?

Venezuelans still value their Independence too much, what I think would happen is some pro capitalists more USA friendly government take over.

Venezuela is collapsing - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 09-16-2016

^^^ The US has had enough foreign adventurism. I've supported it more in the past. I sometimes think we ought to occupy Iran's oil fields and refineries, and leave the government and the population to use the remaining low value land.

However, this isn't a good idea in reality. The whole world goes nuts when countries start seizing land by force. Look at Russia and the Crimea. I can see why they did it, and they figured Obama is a pussy, so they can get away with it. However, even with just sanctions, Russia really is taking a hit economically, which will hurt them for years. The era of great powers seizing land has passed.

Venezuela is collapsing - ms224 - 09-16-2016

Why not?

Lots of oil and natural resources, good food, better looking womenz.

Venezuela is collapsing - Latinopan - 09-16-2016

All depends how the situation devolve in the next years, socialism governments tend to go full genocidal when the situation start to go out of control.

"Lots of oil and natural resources, good food, better looking womenz."

There is sure more to gain than sand countries in the middle east. Neo cons like war where there is not winning chance for the USA population but for them, that is why they love Middle East wars.

Neo cons will hate an innervation in Venezuela because is an easy, fast, cheap to win situation. They like long lasting expensive war.

Venezuela is collapsing - Cattle Rustler - 09-17-2016

Trump nor Shillary will not intervene in Venezuela, I'll put money on that.

Venezuela is collapsing - El Chinito loco - 09-18-2016

South America is considered a proxy wonderland. It's been policy for a long time that you don't deploy soldiers directly into south America that it's better to use the established class of european elites and various other contingency groups there to do your dirty work.

No one is going to free Venezuala from itself. They will likely just burn themselves out from sheer savagery.

It's typical of Latin America.

Venezuela is collapsing - dispenser - 09-24-2016

A complete collapse would discredit Chavism and leave the state in need of US aid.
They would be on their knees, which is not a good negotiating position.

I don't think it's necessarily in US interest to intervene before that, even if it would be more humane to do so.

Venezuela is collapsing - scotian - 09-24-2016

How Bad Off Is Oil-Rich Venezuela? It’s Buying U.S. Oil

One oil rig was idle for weeks because a single piece of equipment was missing. Another was attacked by armed gangs who made off with all they could carry. Many oil workers say they are paid so little that they barely eat and have to keep watch over one another in case they faint while high up on the rigs.

Venezuela’s petroleum industry, whose vast revenues once fueled the country’s Socialist-inspired revolution, underwriting everything from housing to education, is spiraling into disarray.

To add insult to injury, the Venezuelan government has been forced to turn to its nemesis, the United States, for help.

Venezuela is collapsing - Latinopan - 09-24-2016

USA Trump should just support Macri style politicians around Latin American.

Venezuela is collapsing - Going strong - 09-25-2016

Quote: (09-24-2016 11:10 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

USA Trump should just support Macri style politicians around Latin American.

Venezuela already has its legitimate candidate for presidency, and hopefully future savior: Leopoldo Lopez, the Venezuelan White-latino Mandela (below with his wife, Lilian).

[Image: Lilian-Tintori-Leopolodo-Lopez-wife-pics-200x200.jpeg]

[Image: 6abe40b2a50cb4de728c3e45a8d9-grande.jpg]

In any case, Venezuela needs more of a Uribe than a Macri...

Venezuela is collapsing - britabroad - 09-29-2016

has anyone considered going to venezuela right now? or is it completely insane? i work online so aside from robbery/kidnapping, biggest problem seems to be internet availability.

Venezuela is collapsing - The Beast1 - 09-29-2016

Quote: (09-29-2016 12:05 PM)britabroad Wrote:  

has anyone considered going to venezuela right now? or is it completely insane? i work online so aside from robbery/kidnapping, biggest problem seems to be internet availability.

Take a look back at my sarcastic posts.

Don't go, absolutely not worth it. Not to mention it's near impossible to get flights in and out of there.

Venezuela is collapsing - bodacious - 10-12-2016

An unlikely winner in Venezuela crisis: high-end real estate:

You gotta love communism.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 10-14-2016

Prisoners STARVE to death in Venezuela's jails as country's economic collapse sees food and medicine run out

Any RVF members that are also survivors of Auschwitz might be triggered by the pictures.

Some of these guys are probably deserving of this. Others locked up for outstanding parking tickets and the like in fairness have drawn a very short straw.

Venezuela is collapsing - Latinopan - 10-20-2016

Here is a goo example of Venezuelans that have gone to Dominican Republic, every single person you see in this interview is a Venezuelans TV presenter now working in Dominican Republic.

The interviewer busty girl, the guy she is interviewing and the other busty girl called Beba Roja are all Venezuelans working in Dominican Rep.

Is in Spanish

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 10-20-2016

Gaze into the crystal ball for a time after the collapse of the USD as the world's reserve currency.

Corpses EXPLODING in Venezuela’s morgues as cash-strapped Socialist country cannot afford to provide air conditioning.


Decomposing bodies are exploding in morgues amid the crippling economic collapse in Venezuela as there isn't enough money to pay for air conditioning, it's been reported.

The shocking claim, made by the conservative political FrontPage Magazine, is one of the more macabre stories to emerge from the country lately.

It follows reports from other sources in recent weeks that prisoners are starving to death in the nation's jails, newborn babies are sleeping in cardboard boxes instead of incubators in hospitals and opposition lawmakers have not been paid for months.

Venezuela is collapsing - philosophical_recovery - 10-20-2016

Quote: (10-20-2016 11:16 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Gaze into the crystal ball for a time after the collapse of the USD as the world's reserve currency.

Corpses EXPLODING in Venezuela’s morgues as cash-strapped Socialist country cannot afford to provide air conditioning.


Decomposing bodies are exploding in morgues amid the crippling economic collapse in Venezuela as there isn't enough money to pay for air conditioning, it's been reported.

The shocking claim, made by the conservative political FrontPage Magazine, is one of the more macabre stories to emerge from the country lately.

It follows reports from other sources in recent weeks that prisoners are starving to death in the nation's jails, newborn babies are sleeping in cardboard boxes instead of incubators in hospitals and opposition lawmakers have not been paid for months.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 10-20-2016

Did you know that some babies sleep in re-purposed rats nests while the rich industrialist babies sleep in the finest cardboard boxes available?

Under glorious socialism, all babies will have access to a cardboard box in which to sleep.


Venezuela is collapsing - polymath - 10-21-2016

Quote: (09-29-2016 12:05 PM)britabroad Wrote:  

has anyone considered going to venezuela right now? or is it completely insane? i work online so aside from robbery/kidnapping, biggest problem seems to be internet availability.

Avianca connected me through Caracas a few weeks ago. I went to three different shops in the terminal before I found one that had bottled water in stock. Shelves were sparsely populated with goods, and it was clear that inventories of otherwise common items were running low. It's tough out there -- and that's in the airport terminal!

I had considered taking a weekend trip into Caracas, but after that, I decided not to chance it. It's a small detail, but an airport is where a country introduces itself to international travelers. For some reason, that one observation of a lack of bottled water really struck me.

Not to mention...
Quite literally, angry mobs in Caracas have set people on fire for stealing as little as five dollars. I like risks, but everything has its limits.

Venezuela is collapsing - Vicious - 10-21-2016

As much as I hate it I think it's actually time for some US military intervention in Venezuela right now on humanitarian grounds. It's something I'm hopeful for right after the election.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 10-21-2016

That's the international equivalent of being "captain save-a-ho".

Venezuela is collapsing - Vicious - 10-21-2016

That's overly simplified, there will be one or more foreign powers that will consolidate the power vacuum currently in country. Let's not forget that the country has some of the most promising and least exploited oil reserves in the region. As the oil price goes up this will make the country all the more tastier to a more hostile takeover.

You can be on the ball or someone else will. At this stage it could just be run under UN flag with the US being and no one could reasonably protest it. Russia would like squirm in the security council but the pressure on them would be enormous.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 10-21-2016

There is no more appetite for this.

What, jump in and take over the country? Provide a bare minimum to survive while the usual (((players))) put it all on a tab whose interest will only ever see it compound?

Sniff the wind, friend. The US and the UN have no more political capitol. The world sees this kind of meddling for what it is now. It will make the rich richer, get a shitload of GIs killed/maimed and drive America's reputation further into the mud.

Venezuela is collapsing - Paracelsus - 10-21-2016

Quote: (10-21-2016 03:09 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

That's overly simplified, there will be one or more foreign powers that will consolidate the power vacuum currently in country. Let's not forget that the country has some of the most promising and least exploited oil reserves in the region. As the oil price goes up this will make the country all the more tastier to a more hostile takeover.

You can be on the ball or someone else will. At this stage it could just be run under UN flag with the US being and no one could reasonably protest it. Russia would like squirm in the security council but the pressure on them would be enormous.

Russia would most likely sit back in its seat to consume popcorn. They got out of the business of materially helping shitpile tropical countries a long time ago. China cannot reasonably intervene in Venezuela any more than Japan could even practically invade California. They've got plenty of resources to exploit either on their doorsteps or in their own countries and would welcome the US driving up its debts even further in another pointless war.