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The Reddit thread - weambulance - 11-27-2016

Why are they sticking around on reddit to begin with? There are other options. If there's content to carry over, scrape it and move out.

Or are they waiting to be forced off the site to prove some sort of point, or for some other goal?

The Reddit thread - storm - 11-27-2016

Quote: (11-27-2016 09:45 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Why are they sticking around on reddit to begin with? There are other options. If there's content to carry over, scrape it and move out.

Or are they waiting to be forced off the site to prove some sort of point, or for some other goal?

To answer your question ask what is it about subreddits which makes them popular in the first place.

If one in ten thousand reddit users joins a subreddit it's still bigger than RVF... and you don't have to pay fees or deal with IT. As a bonus everyone knows what reddit is.

Making your article the front page of reddit is probably worth four digits of advertising dollars if not much more. You don't get that possibility for free if you set up your own webpage, and the human mind does not deal with gambling odds well.

The Reddit thread - PUA_Rachacha - 11-30-2016

Looks like Reddit is trying to silence r/The_Donald

Big thing is that they're going to crack down on hundreds of "toxic" users by either banning them outright or putting them in a time out. They're also removing r/The_Donald from r/all, which is basically the site aggregator for the most popular posts. r/politics, which is the equivalent of MSNBC, has always been making inflammatory and biased posts against conservatives and especially Trump. It's upped the rhetoric over the last six months and is basically corrupted.

It looks like Reddit's not learning its lesson. You'll be tolerated as long as you tow the SJW line. If you get out of line, you're banned pretty quickly.

The Reddit thread - philosophical_recovery - 12-01-2016

Someone posted this. I died. Succinct.

[Image: gKswXe.jpg]

The Reddit thread - torid - 12-04-2016

Reddit became recently the second website as number of registered users in United States, after Facebook,
rising in front of Instagram and falling Twitter

The Reddit thread - Speculation - 02-01-2017

The /r/altright subreddit has been banned, ostensibly for repeatedly linking to the wesearchr bounty site (which reddit apparently considers a crowdsourced doxxing platform). The specific bounty was in regards to tracking down Richard Spencer's attacker during the inaugeration riots.

Rumour is that the admins set a trap. The ban for 'doxxing' sites sitewide is usually impossible to overcome, but they made wesearchr a 'soft ban' that could be overridden by /r/altright 's mods. The mods did so and this gave the admins plausible grounds for banning the sub.

A central location for information on this can be found here.

edit: Silver_Tube beat me to it. There's also some minor talk on this subject over in the Drama in the Alt-Right thread here.

The Reddit thread - John Michael Kane - 02-01-2017

I think if you want to discuss anything political and you aren't a far-left agitator, you have to move on to VOAT or some other free-speech platform. You'll always fight a losing rear-guard action by remaining on the enemy's turf.

The Reddit thread - Repo - 02-01-2017

Quote: (02-01-2017 08:28 PM)Speculation Wrote:  

The /r/altright subreddit has been banned, ostensibly for repeatedly linking to the wesearchr bounty site (which reddit apparently considers a crowdsourced doxxing platform). The specific bounty was in regards to tracking down Richard Spencer's attacker during the inaugeration riots.


I mean if you go to the site thats clearly what it is. Thats why T_D mods routinely delete anything that could be considered doxxing. My bet is the alright mods did this just to stir drama.

The Reddit thread - Speculation - 02-01-2017

Yeah its getting that way. I'm not a fan of all parts of the Alt-Right, but I see Reddit progressively cleaning house of right wing thought.

There's a big push over there to label Trump and anything politically to his right as 'Facism' and then attack the bearers of that label on that basis. Antifa are the clearest example of this.

In other Reddit news there has been a massive upswing in Anti-Trump propoganda from the left all over Reddit. Apparently Correct the Record, the Hillary campaign's PAC funded propoganda arm for social media, has been reformed as an organisation called ShareBlue. It recently got a massive injection of funds after Trump's inaugeration. Details can be found on /r/The_Donald. A good starting point is here.

The Reddit thread - John Michael Kane - 02-01-2017

ShareBlue is run by long-time leftist troublemaker David Brock. They just got a $40m cash injection to astroturf all over the web, including reddit. The_Donald has been slammed with downvotes and fake Trump voters experiencing "regret". I don't know a single Trump voter that is regretful for his choice. This "regret" they speak of is just subversion. Good thing the average Trump voter is savvy enough to see it as the propaganda effort that it is.

The Reddit thread - Silver_Tube - 02-02-2017

No Trump regrets at all here, there has not been a week like this in government in any of our lifetimes. So many kick ass appointees and long needed actions being taken. I'm very impressed with the supreme court nominee, he is pretty much the ideal choice. But I must say, Trump looked pretty tired at the Secretary of state swear in, we need him to lose some weight and take good care of himself.

Reddit is eating itself alive. Normal people are going to notice this blatant astroturfing and just turn away from the site completely. The altright guys were saying it right before they got banned. People don't go to reddit for heavy politics drama, it is like buying a comic book and getting a newpaper instead. The antifa beat a guy at UC Berkeley with a shovel and Donald himself tweeted about it, all the reddit comments are along that same 'punch a nazi' theme, while the saner voices who question that absurd position are getting their posts removed. Last time reddit got so hyper censor happy was when gamergate happened. Maybe this will be the death of reddit, who knows. I found redpill and rok through that site so I will miss it. I think it is important to keep some sort of public face on places like reddit and twitter so men can find us an unplug. Clearly the left is aware of this and wants to cut it off the path. I wish we could kill off these censor happy platforms and prop up better replacements, maybe someday.

The Reddit thread - Rhyme or Reason - 02-02-2017

JMK, can you share some examples?

And yes, since the FPH ban reddits userbase has been shrinking slowly. About god damn time.

The Reddit thread - Silver_Tube - 02-06-2017

The redpill guys have started a new subreddit, called 'the red pill right' which looks to branch off the political stuff from the sexual strategy topic of their main community.


Last night Milo Yiannopoulos appeared on Fox News to discuss the riots at Berkeley, and Tucker Carlson introduced him as the "gay jew" that's becoming the face of "the red pill right."
It occured to me that many who visit the red pill have had continued epiphanies in their lives outside of the ones we discuss here about sexual strategy.


The Red Pill has entered our culture's vernacular and is used unironically to reference pulling back the curtain on any philosophy and discover the secret inner workings.


That brings me to something that I think I've been lacking in my life during the USA election cycle this past year. The Red Pill has been instrumental in helping myself and others find sanity in the world of sex and women, but there is no such guiding light for me in politics.


I don't think it's a mistake that Milo wanted to be introduced as the face of the "red pill right" because he knew the term alt-right was being used to try to tie this new brand of republicans to white supremacy and other unsavory things.
Undoubtedly, he uses the term because it's fitting, but also because it helps to ride off the success of our name. It's not uncommon, attempted to co-opt our language and mission and then tailor it to their own needs and purposes.

It could become an interesting forum, time will tell. It certainly fills the reddit void left by shutting down the altright communities, but if reddit decides to kill this one off in the future, I'm almost certain that the main redpill sub will get banned with it.

The Reddit thread - John Michael Kane - 02-06-2017

Quote: (02-02-2017 03:50 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

JMK, can you share some examples?

And yes, since the FPH ban reddits userbase has been shrinking slowly. About god damn time.

Don't have any specific links, just search David Brock inside of the Donald subredit.

As for the red pill guys, they are wasting their time. It will be banned as soon as someone tells an inconvenient truth. Better to migrate to RVF, voat, Gabi, etc.

The Reddit thread - philosophical_recovery - 03-31-2017

The Donald has been vindicated.

Looks like reddit was giving real subscriber numbers to advertisers so they can make that Reddit cash, but hiding that and underrepresenting subscribers to The Donald, which is their most popular sub, to lessen its influence and push it off the front page.

But that was getting them into hot water with the advertisers, because how can you then trust the number of impressions they base their prices on?

Looks like there are actually over 6 million subscribers to The Donald, which blows the rest of the site totally out of the water.

Absolutely hilarious.

The Reddit thread - Foolsgo1d - 03-31-2017

They changed subscribers to "impressions". [Image: lol.gif]

So basically the Trump supporters at his rallies just became stadium visitors. [Image: lol.gif]

The Reddit thread - Roosh - 03-31-2017

Quote: (03-31-2017 03:10 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

The Donald has been vindicated.

Looks like reddit was giving real subscriber numbers to advertisers so they can make that Reddit cash, but hiding that and underrepresenting subscribers to The Donald, which is their most popular sub, to lessen its influence and push it off the front page.

But that was getting them into hot water with the advertisers, because how can you then trust the number of impressions they base their prices on?

Looks like there are actually over 6 million subscribers to The Donald, which blows the rest of the site totally out of the water.

Absolutely hilarious.

Funniest part is the number.... 6 million.

The Reddit thread - Last Parade - 04-01-2017

Quote: (03-31-2017 08:52 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2017 03:10 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

The Donald has been vindicated.

Looks like reddit was giving real subscriber numbers to advertisers so they can make that Reddit cash, but hiding that and underrepresenting subscribers to The Donald, which is their most popular sub, to lessen its influence and push it off the front page.

But that was getting them into hot water with the advertisers, because how can you then trust the number of impressions they base their prices on?

Looks like there are actually over 6 million subscribers to The Donald, which blows the rest of the site totally out of the water.

Absolutely hilarious.

Funniest part is the number.... 6 million.

We'll never forget it!!

The Reddit thread - username - 04-01-2017

Quote: (04-01-2017 12:43 AM)Last Parade Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2017 08:52 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Funniest part is the number.... 6 million.

We'll never forget it!!

Never forget the 6 gorillion The_Donald posters!

The Reddit thread - Foolsgo1d - 04-04-2017

If you head over to Reddit where Worldnews and r/all the difference now and few days ago is astounding. The_Donald has pointed this out because the anti-trump pro Obama propaganda paid shills are no longer operating.

Its astounding the operation they conducted on Reddit and many other websites. its truly vast and I wonder if anyone knows the true scale apart from those running the operation.

The Reddit thread - Highpool - 11-08-2017

r/incels got banned.

It got banned because an r/Incels user posted this video, which went viral on reddit and made it to the front page.

The Reddit thread - Nonpareil - 11-08-2017

Quote: (11-08-2017 07:07 PM)Highpool Wrote:  

r/incels got banned.

It got banned because an r/Incels user posted this video, which went viral on reddit and made it to the front page.

- Guy who is never shown but talks like a little bitch uses a model photo on Tinder.
- Yes, know, that app where you go to find a wife.
- Calls out girl, who looks like a 6 at best (poor video quality) for being a liar.

'I date a lot I have 3 ex girlfriends!'

That video is the spergiest thing I've ever seen. Again most if not all of us have had moments of shameful game, but nothing even close to 'I set up a fake Tinder profile, then drove 20 minutes to berate a girl for being shallow, and then broadcast it on YouTube' shameful.

The Reddit thread - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 11-08-2017

Quote: (04-01-2017 08:24 PM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2017 12:43 AM)Last Parade Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2017 08:52 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Funniest part is the number.... 6 million.

We'll never forget it!!

Never forget the 6 gorillion The_Donald posters!

Gorillion! My new favorite word for big numbers. Much better than zi!!ion and other sad imitators!

The Reddit thread - YoungBlade - 11-08-2017

Quote: (11-08-2017 08:02 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2017 08:24 PM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2017 12:43 AM)Last Parade Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2017 08:52 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Funniest part is the number.... 6 million.

We'll never forget it!!

Never forget the 6 gorillion The_Donald posters!

Gorillion! My new favorite word for big numbers. Much better than zi!!ion and other sad imitators!

[Image: 2DaIN.jpg]

The Reddit thread - Kurgan - 11-08-2017

Reddit sucks, too blue pilled for my taste.