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Modafinil - Neo - 10-02-2015

Ok guys, want to try this but don't want to order from overseas because of legal issues etc. etc. Any major difficulty getting it prescribed by a doc? I'm going to give it a shot and claim I work shifts. I assume since it's not an amphetamine like adderal it should be good to go.

Modafinil - Isaac Jordan - 10-03-2015

Quote: (10-02-2015 09:21 PM)Neo Wrote:  

Ok guys, want to try this but don't want to order from overseas because of legal issues etc. etc. Any major difficulty getting it prescribed by a doc? I'm going to give it a shot and claim I work shifts. I assume since it's not an amphetamine like adderal it should be good to go.

Getting my script was a breeze. Told my doc I frequently had to drive 10-12 hours at a time (somewhat true) and was worried about falling asleep at the wheel. She suggested Adderall; I told her I had tried it and didn't like it, then mentioned reading about modafinil and she immediately wrote me a prescription for Nuvigil.

Modafinil - Designate - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-02-2015 09:21 PM)Neo Wrote:  

Ok guys, want to try thisbut don't want to order from overseas because of legal issues etc. etc. Any major difficulty getting it prescribed by a doc? I'm going to give it a shot and claim I work shifts. I assume since it's not an amphetamine like adderal it should be good to go.

Has anyone recently had legal issues from ordering overseas?

Modafinil - Neo - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-04-2015 09:57 AM)Designate Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2015 09:21 PM)Neo Wrote:  

Ok guys, want to try thisbut don't want to order from overseas because of legal issues etc. etc. Any major difficulty getting it prescribed by a doc? I'm going to give it a shot and claim I work shifts. I assume since it's not an amphetamine like adderal it should be good to go.

Has anyone recently had legal issues from ordering overseas?

I'm not sure anyone has. Most likely they'll just get a seizure letter from customs, still if I can obtain with a doc I'd rather do that.

Modafinil - Lights - 10-05-2015

This stuff is so good, unbelievable. Super intense workouts at the gym. Zero tolerance for bullshit from people, because I can be laser focused on my goals. Increased capacity for and ease of multi-tasking/processing information.

My non-science two cents are, if you like uppers, Modafinil is awesome. It lasts a long time and you will be ON. This stuff is perfect for me.

Feels like a mild cocaine without the crash or jitteriness, also slight bursts of euphoria.

Not sure if it will have the same effect on everyone though. Again, if you like uppers, Modafinil may be worth a try for you, I'm guessing. Not a doctor.

Modafinil - Sourcecode - 10-09-2015

Quote: (09-01-2015 08:45 AM)Biz Wrote:  

Anyone have any experience with the site LittleBiggy? Looks a little sketchy but they have a great deal on Moda -

I don't know about the link you gave, but I have ordered from rx rex and posted about it in this thread.
I had no problems with the pills or the shipping.

I have shipped to both the United States and South Korea with no problem.

Modafinil - Drexel Scott - 10-10-2015

The best nootropic is free and has no side effects or withdrawal:

Stop watching bullshit TV shows, stop getting sucked into the media circus, stop drinking and doing drugs, eat right, and exercise.

Voila! Magic, limitless energy powers [Image: smile.gif]

Modafinil - iknowexactly - 10-10-2015

Somewhat off topic but I have some attention and mild depression problems , I've tried regular Ritalin and it helped but I started getting some twitching in fingers that was worrisome -- I don't want to accelerate Parkinsonian symptoms.

For me stopping moderate alcohol use was helpful. Although alcohol use is not a disaster for me as it is for some, when I stop completely somehow everything goes better and my mood and concentration are better.

That morning you spend slow and slighly hung over-- you never get it back, this is something made clear to me by aging: You are made out of time, time wasted is never regained. You do not exist separately from the time you have before disintegration.

Recent research indicates that alcohol may have some protective effect against heart disease but it also is carcinogenic, especially with smoking. Even as little as 1-2 doses ( beers, glasses of wine) daily negatively affects my mood and concentration.

I do drink coffee regularly as it appears that it reduces incidence of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, colon cancer, and is the largest source of antioxidants in most American's diets. It is vegetable matter, which I probably never get enough of.

Also simple sleep hygiene, finding out what hours of sleep work best for me, is helpful, but I have the luxury of owning over 95% of my time at this point. Perhaps that's the largest boost to productivity you can get.

I find I get the most done if I sleep about 1 AM to 7 AM. I can't reproduce the productivity I have in the 7 AM to 11 AM window if my day cycle is retarded, with later sleep and waking onset.

Owning your time- not usually trivial, took me over 25 years.

Modafinil - Neo - 10-12-2015

Quote: (10-10-2015 12:01 AM)Drexel Scott Wrote:  

The best nootropic is free and has no side effects or withdrawal:

Stop watching bullshit TV shows, stop getting sucked into the media circus, stop drinking and doing drugs, eat right, and exercise.

Voila! Magic, limitless energy powers [Image: smile.gif]

Many of us are doing this already. We just want to take it to the next level.

Modafinil - nmmoooreland20 - 12-28-2015

Anyone experienced hair loss from Modafinil use?

Friend alerted me to this side-effect

Modafinil - WhatTheFuck - 02-06-2016

Just got the legal version of Modafinil called Adrafinil a few weeks ago to test out. Basically the same thing, only difference being is it doesn't metabolize into mod until it hits the liver.. so it takes about 2 hours until the effects start coming on.

So far this has been a godsend. For me there is nothing like it in terms of effects compared to side effects. I'm hoping this can help me get past some of my reliance on caffeine which doesn't do much for me anymore. Caffeine is too dirty, and brings me up for an hour just to crash afterwards. Anymore, my morning coffee is just to kill the headaches I get if I don't have a cup.

With Adrafinil I am getting a solid 12+ hours of intense wakefulness/energy. There is no real high feeling or euphoria like you can get with adderall or other stimulants. Also no crash. Ive been taking it in the morning which has me good all day, and at night I can still easily fall asleep, and wake up feeling fine the next day.

I am aware there is no free lunch in this world, and I'm sure there are downsides. But so far so good for me. My plan currently is to take it about 3 times per week mostly on days when I have a lot of work to get done. I'm hoping that at this frequency of use I can continue to maintain the effectiveness without building a tolerance or damaging my neurochemistry. Today is my 6th day of taking it in the last 2 weeks so I will have to keep you guys updated.

On off days I am taking other nootropics and stacks like caffeine+ l-theanine, noopept, piracetam, or kratom. I also try and keep about 1 or 2 days a week where I don't take anything, just to make sure I still feel normal and am not experiencing any side effects. I think it is good to let the brain reset every once and a while.

I have lots of experience with nootropics and brain hacking over the last several years so if you guys have any questions I'd love to try and help.

Modafinil - Dusty - 02-06-2016

Does it mitigate jet lag?

Modafinil - WhatTheFuck - 02-06-2016

Quote: (02-06-2016 03:02 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Does it mitigate jet lag?

Yeah I would imagine. I think that is one of the indicated uses for modafinil actually. I haven't actually used it for that purpose yet, but I did take it a few days when I only had about 4 or 5 hours of sleep and I felt completely refreshed all day like I had my normal 8-9 hours.

Modafinil - Isaac Jordan - 02-06-2016

Quote: (02-06-2016 03:02 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Does it mitigate jet lag?

It's perfect for jet lag, but you'll need to consider your timing due to modafinil's 12-15 hour half-life.

The first 8 hours provide an excellent boost of energy; depending on how sleep-deprived you are, you might experience the last 4-8 hours as a strange combination of body tired/mind wired, where physically you're exhausted but mentally you can't stop thinking. The trick is just to make sure you don't take it if you plan on trying to get to sleep within ~8 hours; you'll just lie there tired but wide awake.

Modafinil - WhatTheFuck - 02-11-2016

I was about to make a really long post on the wonders of adrafinil/modafinil, but decided its probably a bad idea given the current euphoria I am getting off of just a few drinks since today is an adrafinil day.

Just a little warning even if you take it in the morning it is definitely an all day affair, and that means if going out drinking at night you are still going to feel the effects of the modafinil long into the wee hours. I can drink literally 10+ shots and still be extremely mentally sharp.

This has had great results for my game, helping me to end a couple month dry spell that occurred when I moved to a new city recently, but definitely proceed with caution. On Sunday I had probably one of the top 10 hangovers of my life day after. Hoping tonight won't be a repeat.

Modafinil - roberto - 02-12-2016

Quote: (02-11-2016 09:51 PM)WhatTheFuck Wrote:  

I was about to make a really long post on the wonders of adrafinil/modafinil, but decided its probably a bad idea given the current euphoria I am getting off of just a few drinks since today is an adrafinil day.

Just a little warning even if you take it in the morning it is definitely an all day affair, and that means if going out drinking at night you are still going to feel the effects of the modafinil long into the wee hours. I can drink literally 10+ shots and still be extremely mentally sharp.

This has had great results for my game, helping me to end a couple month dry spell that occurred when I moved to a new city recently, but definitely proceed with caution. On Sunday I had probably one of the top 10 hangovers of my life day after. Hoping tonight won't be a repeat.

You may not after a few months using it. Becoming 'addicted to the effects' is one reason I'm careful to cycle small doses.

Has anyone else noticed that they can become less creative (so musically for me) on it? I feel my playing suffers in the evening if I've been on Modafinil during the day.

Modafinil - CodyB - 02-12-2016

When I take modafinil and I drink, I get aggressive.

I'm not one to pick fights, but several times this last month have taken a perceived slight and gotten up in someone's face about it. Usually taller dudes.

Modafinil - Running Turtles - 02-12-2016

Quote: (02-06-2016 02:57 PM)WhatTheFuck Wrote:  

Caffeine is too dirty, and brings me up for an hour just to crash afterwards. Anymore, my morning coffee is just to kill the headaches I get if I don't have a cup.

Try cutting it with L-Theanine in a 2:1 ratio. If you take 100mg of caffeine, also take 200mg of L-Theanine. The L-T will reduce the jitters you get from the caffeine, so that you're only left with the extra focus.

Modafinil - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-12-2016

Unless you actually have narcolepsy or are a shift worker with a sleep disorder, Modafinil is a bad idea, and the negatives are greater than the positives.

Don't put artificial shit in your body, eat high quality food, minimize or eliminate alcohol/drug use, exercise your body, spend time outside, maintain good sleep hygiene (going to bed at a certain time every day, and waking up 7-8 hours later), exercise your mind (read, learn a language, memorize poetry, whatever) and your energy and concentration will be in the top 1% or better. Do this, and it's almost like everyone else is standing still.

Plus, it is sustainable long term.

Modafinil - J. Spice - 02-12-2016

For those that have taken it: how does it impact workouts? Is there a preferred time window for working out when you take it?

Modafinil - pizdets - 02-12-2016

before or after food?

Modafinil - youngblazer - 02-12-2016

Just tried the stuff out thanks to a link someone posted. It's pretty damn legit, definitely helps focus and keeps the mood even, with no "comedown" effect.

My first time I took 100mg around noon, and that carried me all day.

The last couple times I've taken 50mg in the morning w/ my coffee (empty stomach) and I really like the effects. I'm all about using as little as possible.

Modafinil - Mr Finish - 02-12-2016

50 mg got me in a productive mindset with a slightly heightened mood, without the cracked out feel of adderall.

Modafinil - WhatTheFuck - 02-12-2016

Quote: (02-12-2016 08:16 AM)J. Spice Wrote:  

For those that have taken it: how does it impact workouts? Is there a preferred time window for working out when you take it?

My workouts have never been better. I am so focused and definitely pushing myself harder than I normally would. No real time window since it lasts all day for me.

Quote: (02-12-2016 09:17 AM)pizdets Wrote:  

before or after food?

Not sure how much it matters for modafinil but with adrafinil it definitely needs to be on an empty stomach. Adrafinil doesn't become active until it gets metabolized so if you take it with food you will probably never feel it.

Modafinil - ~wrIghter~ - 02-12-2016

I still have some after ordering a while back. It does the job of keeping me awake but it puts me in a weird mood. Anything negative could throw me off or agitate me. That's part of the reason I haven't taken any of it recently.