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Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Slam - 02-15-2019

Question: What do you do if you are asked about your age within a group of people who will likely see you again? (i.e. coworkers, professionals, team members, social circle etc)

I feel you can't deflect in that situation, but if you lie, you will eventually be found out!

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Snag87 - 02-16-2019

Interesting anecdote. I asked a girl to estimate my age. She said guessed 25. When I told her I was 31 she said "seriously?? Wow you're so fit!"

As you age more and more men let themselves go physically. Thus a youthful experience and lean muscular physique may have high value with older women due to scarcity. On the flip side as women age they place higher value on income and other forms of social status so it may cancel its self out.


Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Deepdiver - 02-16-2019

Quote: (02-15-2019 11:58 PM)Slam Wrote:  

Question: What do you do if you are asked about your age within a group of people who will likely see you again? (i.e. coworkers, professionals, team members, social circle etc)

I feel you can't deflect in that situation, but if you lie, you will eventually be found out!

Just hammer them with their own SJW PC BS - "Age discrimination in the workplace is a violation of Federal Law - AFAIAC That is an Ageist Question in violation of my rights - ask again about my age and we will be meeting in HR". Turn the tables on them - is it better to be loved or feared? Nosy Busy Bodies will never love you so there is your answer...

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - ManOfTheTimes - 02-16-2019

Quote: (02-11-2019 02:48 AM)BronzedAussie Wrote:  

For guys aged 45+ when gaming young women <25 and you honestly tell them your age, do they ever have a markedly positive or adverse reaction?

Depends on the girl but generally, no. They know they are getting an "older man" when they are open to being gamed by me. I think it has to do more with your look or vibe than your numerical age. I never plan to disqualify myself from her opening her legs for me by looking fat, broke or weak.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Savonarola - 02-16-2019

Quote: (02-16-2019 04:03 PM)Snag87 Wrote:  

Interesting anecdote. I asked a girl to estimate my age. She said guessed 25. When I told her I was 31 she said "seriously?? Wow you're so fit!"

As you age more and more men let themselves go physically. Thus a youthful experience and lean muscular physique may have high value with older women due to scarcity. On the flip side as women age they place higher value on income and other forms of social status so it may cancel its self out.


Look, as women age, they put us in either the 'sex' box or 'money' box.
That's it. That's their whole mating strategy.
The good news is that you get to decide their perception.
Me, I flatout tell women, casually, that I don't make a ton of money but that I have built my own self-employed career, and that I'm living a super interesting life. That, together with a fitted t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of Chelsea boots, is my way of shaping their perception of me. I belong in the 'sex' box.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Snag87 - 02-16-2019

Precisely. I'm not a high earner and never will be. However I'm self-employed, a travel enthusiast who has the freedom to take extended vacations and an athlete.

As you said I need to play up the fun sex angle.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Savonarola - 02-16-2019

Quote: (02-16-2019 09:46 PM)Snag87 Wrote:  

Precisely. I'm not a high earner and never will be. However I'm self-employed, a travel enthusiast who has the freedom to take extended vacations and an athlete.

As you said I need to play up the fun sex angle.

Practice stuff like push/pull. Sexualize convos regularly. Occasionally lose attention and wander away.
Freedom in your head will translate to freedom in your behavior.
Set your own frame.
ALL of this stimulates female attraction. You can do comfort later, but for men in their 40s attraction is usually the stumbling block. Game to the rescue.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Rendok - 02-16-2019

I am 42 but lucky enough to look younger than my age. Same as you, I got blown out twice in short succession when mentioning my real age. This happened shortly after my 40th birthday. The first time was with a busty Columbian girl in her late 20s. We went out for dinner and it was going well, until she asked the question. After I told her my age, she said “I thought you were in your early 30s”. From that point onwards, it was not possible to bring her back into her ‘pre-question’ mood. This was the last time I have seen her. The second time was shortly after with a cute Chinese girl in her mid-twenties. I got heaps of IOI’s from her and we went for a car ride after our first date. I steered the car into a parking lot with skyline view and started kino. No resistance. For some stupid reason, I decided to prologue to go for the kiss and stated showing her a music video on my phone, stating it was one of my favourite childhood songs. She looked at the video and said “that video looks old, how old are you?” I answered honestly and it blew up in my face. Same as with the Columbian girl this was the last time I have seen her.

After these painful experiences, I have reviewed my tactics regarding age. My tactic these days is to:
1.Avoid the topic of age: This includes not asking her about her own age or dropping comments that would give away my age (like “I was in a meeting when the news of 9/11 broke”). It also includes steering away from a conversation that goes towards age;
2.If she asks the question:
2a.If she has “Daddy issues”, I tell her my real age. I have had a girl half my age who had daddy issues and my age seemed to be an actual advantage. And how do you establish if she has daddy issues? Simply ask her questions about her family, which is something I do on every first date;
2b.Else, I tell her a fake age. This has the disadvantage that you will likely have to admit your lie if you decide to establish a more long term relationship with the girl. However, it is easier “fix” as situation once she has made the commitment and slept with you than before.
So far, above tactics have worked well for me :-)

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - griffinmill - 02-17-2019

Quote: (02-16-2019 11:10 PM)Rendok Wrote:  

For some stupid reason, I decided to prologue to go for the kiss and stated showing her a music video on my phone, stating it was one of my favourite childhood songs

Rookie error. I once spent a minute trying to tell a girl who Milli Vanilli was before realising what I was doing and abruptly changing the subject.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Atlanta Man - 02-17-2019

Another reason I lie about my age is because women do it too-I had a chick last night tell me she was 22- we switched venues and she had to pull out her ID she was 28-I am just a man in the game playing, the other side is also playing -so game on!

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - mxb - 02-17-2019

Quote: (02-16-2019 11:10 PM)Rendok Wrote:  

This includes not asking her about her own age

What if she's under the age of consent?


2a.If she has “Daddy issues”, I tell her my real age. I have had a girl half my age who had daddy issues and my age seemed to be an actual advantage. And how do you establish if she has daddy issues? Simply ask her questions about her family, which is something I do on every first date;

So, daddy issues is when she had no strong male figure growing up?

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - UlugBeg - 02-27-2019

If anyone considers trying to get a fake ID, there are some scam sites out there. and are two of the worst.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Kish - 02-28-2019

Young women want CHAD not DAD.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Savonarola - 02-28-2019

Quote: (02-28-2019 11:00 AM)Kish Wrote:  

Young women want CHAD not DAD.

But some young women want an older Chad.
-signed, me

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Eddie Morra - 02-28-2019

Quote: (02-27-2019 10:45 PM)UlugBeg Wrote:  

If anyone considers trying to get a fake ID, there are some scam sites out there. and are two of the worst.

This thread has really taken a turn for the worse. Gents over 40, just own it! Denial, whether that's about balding or your age never turns out well....

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - BroodingSea - 02-28-2019

Same here. I'm 40 but shave 5 or 10 off online. Most people think I'm 31 or 32. Eat well. Train well. Lost my hair but razor the sides and shave the top. Dress well on nights out but rarely pull on nights out (bang) but do get numbers from time to time. Probably banged 10 girls under 25 from online in last 12 months. 7s. Couple 8s. Will be dropping my age to 32 on East Europe jaunts from now on.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Snag87 - 03-01-2019

Another note for guys looking for something long-term. My dad is 20 years older than my mom. My mom told me he gave an age 6 years younger than his actual age when they met. By the time she found she was already in a committed relationship and just stayed.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - subterfuge - 03-01-2019

My brother is nearly 40 and dating a 20 year old, although he never lied.

A friend of mine who I no longer see but who was just a brilliant womanizer (man, I wish I still saw him. I wasn't interested in pickup back when I saw him. I could've learnt some stuff!) was about 40, although had a fairly neotenous face and and just seemed much much younger than his years, and he told girls he was like 25 lol.
And Yeah, long term, I think you can still get away with it - For example, the above friend ended up getting serious with some girl and told her about his age like 2 months into the relationship, but by that point she was heavily invested in him and basically loved him, so it didn't matter.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - CJ_W - 03-01-2019

Quote: (02-15-2019 11:58 PM)Slam Wrote:  

Question: What do you do if you are asked about your age within a group of people who will likely see you again? (i.e. coworkers, professionals, team members, social circle etc)

I feel you can't deflect in that situation, but if you lie, you will eventually be found out!

1)It's rude to ask anyone's age, especially at work.

2)Out side of mandatory functions, you really shouldn't be wasting your time socialising with co-workers, you'll eventually get yourself in trouble that way. and no, you SHOULDN'T be trying to climb the corporate ladder, it's not worth it, build your own brand and skills and market that. . .i.e. #3

3)You should be working towards building a location independent career.

4)I've never had anyone ask me for my age, and I've worked many jobs in many different industries

5)Lie to your social circle. What, are they gonna check your id? tell them to fuck off then, that isnt the social circle you need.

This thread is full of autists(and obvious females) though, so maybe people need to be told the obvious.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - NYCJohn - 03-02-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 03:14 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I am 43, I usually lie and say I am 34. The lie requires details-Born in 1984, Graduated High School in 2003, Favorite songs by different musicians, ect.

I do this because I have lost to pieces of ass due to me telling the truth about my age. Both of these girls were from France and were 8/10.

One made out with me full on "I am going to have sex with you" make out-during the venue change she asked my age and I told her the truth-total change in energy. First she thought I was kidding, then she turned cold-she said "I though you were 30-32, my father is your age, I am sorry , you are really cute but that is too old for me. You should find a nice girl your age."This was a painful loss because the only reason I was truthful was because I was so sure I had it in the bag-this was a painful lesson learned.

The second loss I had was a girl who I met out with her friends-We had a good rapport and she bought me drinks(!)-We were making out hot and heavy, she wanted to leave but it was her friends birthday so she could not leave-so we made a date for tomorrow. She called me the next day(!) to confirm and showed up on early(!) for the date. We immediately had sex and were chilling at my place. She wanted to see a picture of me without my beard so I showed her my ID-she saw my birthday and freaked the fuck out. She got weird, got her stuff and left-texted me later that she was sorry but I was "almost as old as her father and I should have told her my age because I look far younger" and she "felt deceived".

I am done losing prime pussy from girls in their early 20's and will lie about my age from here on out. there is no real benefit to being truthful so I am done with it. I am 34 until I am 50-once I am 50 I will be 38.

Any other dudes over 40 having these issues?

Im 54 but look 40. I aways subtract 10 years from my real age when asked. I think its all about how you look and handle yourself. So if you can pass for a certain age physically, then that's your age.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Hecaman - 03-07-2019

Make them guess and whatever their answer tell them "good guess" and change the thread.
If you start banging them regularly then they'll want more details lol, then lie or own it

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Snag87 - 03-09-2019

Just went on a date with a 21 year old. Man you truly don't notice how many indicators of age there are in conversation until you lie about your age.

She actually mentioned age gaps in dating... Said she was creeped out by a 40 year old guy asking out when she was 19. I just chuckled nervously and tried to steer the conversation out of such dangerous waters.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - lunchmoney - 03-26-2019

I recently was on a date with a 24 year old, and the vibe changed a bit when she asked me about age. I forgot that in a previous texts I had lied about it, so she looked at me with a confused face, and it went downhill from there.

Probably won't lie going forward.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - LatinoHeat - 03-27-2019

Notice how all the dudes who say being older really matters have an American, Canadian or Western European flag by their username here, and all those who say it doesn't matter are anywhere in Latin America, Eastern Europe, or SE Asia (with exception of Thailand, that has a weird fetish of the young girls thinking dudes that look like they haven't hit puberty are "hot" though I think this is just a fad brought on by Kpop that will fade)

Here in Mexico or Peru or anywhere I go its extremely common to see girls in their early 20s or even late teens with dudes in their 40s or even 50s, there is zero stigma. The reason is simple even "well off" latin dudes are pretty much broke as fuck until they hit 40 at least. A "successful" guy in his late 20s or early 30s here in Mexico City may be lucky to earn $1,500USD a month, not enough to fund your typical thot's wannabe instagram model lifestyle, and they know it.

In the phillipines its even crazier, and I swear I think being in your 40s actually gives you an advantage over everybody else, I think beyond the expectations of greater wealth i think there is some cultural fetish in the phils about older men, I dunno what it is but its there.

I'm sure you guys have all heard the recent hit song "Mayores" ("older guys" in Spanish) that hast 1.5 billion hits on youtube the girls here love that shit, no 23 year old chick wants to be with a 24 year old guy, I mean really not even one, if they are with a guy their age its probably because they have low value.

I just got back from another sexcapade in Peru and almost all the girls I banged were 19-22 (both Venezuelan and Peruvian), they were actually easier then the older chicks in late 20s that were looking more for a serious boyfriend before they hit the wall. (though those chicks can be easily gamed as well). None of them gave a rats ass that i was in my mid 30s, but then again since I met most of them on tinder it could be a self selection where i'm meeting girls that specifically like older guys.

Also why are all you guys wasting time catering to white American chicks whose absolutely horrible tastes in men is only matched by their equally horrid personalities. Ya'll are working so hard for a mcdonalds cheeseburger while I get filet mignon thrown on my plate for 25% of the price without having to come up with some alter ego. Even if you're stuck in the states i'd be looking for a hot young latina or asian that just got off the boat before they have time to get their heads all fucked up.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - DonnyGately - 03-27-2019

Plenty of American guys here, like me, have been saying for years it doesn't matter. 12, 18, 24 years older they really can't tell the difference, and if they can it's because they seek out much older guys.

When my next bday hits I'll be 27 years older than this new college girl I'm banging. She's never asked - she probably thinks I'm like mid/late-30s but she doesn't care even a little. When I got back into game the first girl I banged was 19, smart, hot, sexy and didn't ask for months how old I was and then was off by 7 years when she guessed. She directly told me she didn't care.

Most guys of all colors prefer white American girls, as long as they're not heavy, because Mexican girls are generally fat and unattractive once they get past the age of 15. [Note definitely not recommending sleeping with underage girls or anything illegal to be clear.] Peru is not known for hot women either.

I care far less about their race and much more if they're hot and can please me. Asian, mideastern, southern US, european, latin, mixed NYC, it doesn't matter.