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Disadvantages for good looking guys - xsplat - 11-11-2012

Oh, and Mike O'Brien:

No offense, but your live in girlfriend is a $2.00 whore, and so were all the girls you ever lived with and loved. Even the virgins.

But, you know, like, no offense or anything.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - HiFlo - 11-12-2012

People think I'm gay a lot of times recently

Disadvantages for good looking guys - Samseau - 11-12-2012

Quote: (11-11-2012 05:26 PM)Moreless Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2012 11:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2011 07:09 PM)Mace Wrote:  

For good looking guys it's all about FAG game - Fuck-Up Avoidance Game. Don't say anything stupid.

Here's a solid example.

She was already into him, it was up to him not to fuck it up by saying something stupid. Solid FAG game in play.

On their respective looks scales, he way out-ranks her. It's just a slaughter. The script is completely flipped.

It's funny, because now she is in the position that most of us are in, and her game is terrible.

Imagine one of us going to dinner with a girl and ordering her a shot before dinner and then saying "You are so cute.." and "I'm trying to get you drunk."

Holy shit, I know this guy in real life! That blind date thing was 11 years ago he said.

He is really into God and leads youth groups (but for people in or just out of college). Everyone looks up to him for leadership and guidance. He is in the perfect place to pull.

In the gym I workout at, there is a Bible verse painted on the wall:
Matthew 4:19
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

This guy has created his own fish bowl to fish from. He still has the looks btw.

Dude bangs Christian girls? I love it... tell him to join this forum please.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - Vicious - 11-12-2012

xsplat, I was a you for a while. But the way you just came undone makes you sound very defensive and tells me that Mike hit very close to home.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - xsplat - 11-12-2012

Quote: (11-12-2012 01:43 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

xsplat, I was a you for a while. But the way you just came undone makes you sound very defensive and tells me that Mike hit very close to home.

I see. So you subscribe to the theory that when someone is being offensive and rude, when others take offense at his crass assertions, it's a sign that he was right all along.


Do you also go around calling peoples live in mates two dollar whores? Just to test if you can get any sort of reaction at all, therefore proving it to be true? How's that working for you? How about I come over for a family visit and try that tactic on your parents?

The two of us have very different standards of proof, Viscious. Very different standards of reality.

Some guys have the most unromantic notions of female relations. It's frankly no wonder that they can't grasp the possibility of romantic seductions, and think that the transaction is ultimately financial when the guy is older and ugly. It's no surprise that some people can't even imagine the possibility of seducing a girl through emotions and sex, such that she falls unstoppably head over heels in love, and the older ugly guy wins out over richer, younger, more handsome suitors and even suitors much more serious about commitment, or bad boy suitors, or any of them.

I guess some guys have no clue what it is like to be loveable.

I'm terribly loveable.. Girls fall in love with me all the time. Regularly. Easily. All over the place.

But guys who think it has to be about all the girls in Asia being two dollar whores are NEVER going to be able to get any these girls to swoon for you. Where is your romance? You have the heart of a prostitute, no wonder you project that into all the girls!

Disadvantages for good looking guys - worldwidetraveler - 11-12-2012

Xsplat, it was pretty obvious you were being trolled. No need to let him get to you.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - the_conductor - 11-12-2012

Quote: (11-11-2012 01:59 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

There is a niche market of girls who'll not only date an older ugly guy, but actually fall in love with him. And it gets better. I'm pretty well an expert at this point in converting attraction into full blown servitude. I routinely get girls to move in with me on the first date, and live with me for a year or two, acting as my full time personal assistant.

Xsplat, it would really shut the doubters up and benefit the community if you explained to us how you did this.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - xsplat - 11-12-2012

Quote: (11-12-2012 05:07 AM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Xsplat, it would really shut the doubters up and benefit the community if you explained to us how you did this.

That's a tall order. In terms of the relatively minor step of building attraction, I made a post "love at first sight game" a while back.

In terms of how to get a woman to be a devoted head over heals love slave who acts as a personal servant, that isn't a process that I've been able to break down into a neat post sized package. I've been trying to explain the process for a while - years actually - but what's happened is instead of summarizing the steps in a post, I've made my blog revolve around around the subject. There are over 550 posts on it, and here and there you'll find tidbits and attitudes and tricks and techniques.

A main trick of course has to do with using emotion as a tool. Something that apparently would not be suitable for some guys here, who don't approach relationship through their emotions.

Here is an example of using emotion as a tool. In order to make girls fall in love, fall a little bit in love with them. An advanced example is the eye trick. It's possible to generate love at will, which makes the pupils dilate. When you look at a girl with this look, her pupils will also automatically dilate, and you can fall into each others eyes. Combined with a lusty and dominant look, you can literally mesmerize her and make her weak in the knees. Yes, you can actually make her knees buckle.

But making your pupils dilate at will isn't as easy as reciting a line. That takes a lot of backup preparation and lifestyle choices. You have to actually be a person who loves women. You can't fake that.

In fact a lot of my seduction style is similar. There is no script behind it. Girls do retain these romantic hooks in them. It surprises me that so many guys think that women lose them. They don't. Even hard core player girls still have them - in fact those girls can fall hardest. And it's fun to play with these romantic attraction triggers. It doesn't take all that long to get a feel for them, and they are relatively safe to play with, from a seduction standpoint, as long as the guy is FIRMLY rooted in a strong masculine dominant frame, and has impecable boundaries.

But the essence of creating a love slave is:
1) keep her horny
2) keep her having a fun life that's mixed up with some drama and mixed with some ignoring her
3) manipulate her moods, but generally be a warm positive cheerful background mood
4) always be giving her commands

The general attitude is that she has to be addicted to you. She has to rely on you, deep down in her soul. Without you she should feel an impossible to fill cavernous painful ache. She should miss you when she goes out to the grocery store.

It's not terribly difficult to get a girl to feel this way. As long as you learn to manage the mood in your space. You take on the role somewhat as social director. You control the TV remote, choose the mood music, and in all small gestures and all word choices you put together the mood mix.

And here I find myself floundering again to pinpoint the words that will describe the techniques. I've had a lot of LTRs with a lot of girls. I have a feel for managing girls minds and moods. As an introvert, I'm very sensitive to my internal spaces, and when I'm one on one with a girl, that space opens up to an intimacy with the girl, and I feel that together we share the space. So I can manipulate OUR feelings pretty easily, and it can be quite subtle.

But to do that in a way that builds and maintains attraction and becomes highly addictive to the girl has some core principles, many of which we discuss on our blogs and forums. A lot of it is about a dominant masculine frame.

I like the image of the father. My girlfriends almost always take it upon themselves to call me Daddy. I AM Daddy. I mix a paternal and erotic frame together, and the combination is super charged. It works for me because it brings out this protective and nurturing inner warmth, plus the element of forbidden sex with a barely of age girl adds a little spice. Similar to calling the girl a slut or a whore while you fuck her. Daddy's little bitch is my favorite image of all. Role play can add dimensions of emotion.

And that's what you need. Dimensions of emotion.

You hook the girl through emotions. They'll come for the first times in their life with you, and come hard and often. Because you hook their emotions.

And they'll give themselves to you like an endless offering.

Girls start to feel that it's not even role play any more. That I AM their Daddy. And believe me, that hooks a girl, DEEPLY. Men are built to use our protective instincts towards children and use them also towards the neotenous female. And women are built to both play on that male instinct towards protecting, and to want to feel protected. They feel like when they are with me, they are home.

And when the chemistry is great, she feels she is home, and that every day is her birthday and everyday is Christmas.

And then the trick is to associate those positive feelings with an outlet of expression; serving me. So you give commands often, while the feeling is that you are allowing her to express her inner devotion. "Make me a glass of carrot juice" is actually saying "I know that you love and appreciate me deeply, but I can't acknowledge that directly without making everything too sappy, so make me a carrot juice, my personal little love bitch". It's like telling a puppy to fetch. The puppy really loves it's master, and loves being a good girl. It wants the master to throw another stick.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - Nomad77 - 11-12-2012

xsplat I think the disconnect between you and a lot of guys here is your objective: what you want from a woman. You are looking for LOVE while most guys here are looking for just SEX. Unless, a guy is also looking for LOVE from women he won't be able to relate to what you are saying or why it even matters.

Quote: (11-12-2012 06:48 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

You have to actually be a person who loves women. You can't fake that.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - xsplat - 11-12-2012

Quote: (11-12-2012 03:12 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

xsplat I think the disconnect between you and a lot of guys here is your objective: what you want from a woman. You are looking for LOVE while most guys here are looking for just SEX. Unless, a guy is also looking for LOVE from women he won't be able to relate to what you are saying or why it even matters.

Quote: (11-12-2012 06:48 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

You have to actually be a person who loves women. You can't fake that.

It's true that I prefer at least a bit of romance along with my sex.

I can understand some guys being more robotic in their emotions and not wanting or even liking feelings of intimacy and closeness, but what's a bit harder to understand is a complete inability to comprehend that some level of being romantic is the default human condition for girls. That they have emotional attraction triggers.

What kind of an interior life can a person lead without connecting to women on an emotional level?

All the little pleasures that I take for granted, like the feeling of contentment brought about by a mate preparing and serving me food, would be missing. All the heightened drug like hormonal highs and buzzes would be missing.

I find it hard to imagine that some people have never been in love. It's easier to imagine that some are unfamiliar with what mutual love is like, and it's easy to imagine that many now associate love with pain, and therefore avoid it, but it's difficult for me to understand how people forget that the best they have ever felt in a stable way was when they were in love. It is the ultimate hedonic peak. And women feel that.

So if you want sex from women, you make them feel that!

I'd think it would be a no brainer, but some guys can't even imagine that women have these emotions. They think it's old fashioned, that maybe women did at some point in the past, but that's old fashioned now.

No, infatuation will never go out of fashion. Most girls are highly succeptible, and even the hardest cases of lizard hearted girls are still somewhat succeptible. The coldest girl I ever dated in my life went on to have an obsessive infatuation for a local married Indonesian guy after we broke up.

I mean, this seduction style is just staring us in the face, and to not even see it... that must take some deliberate effort.

And when people assume that old ugly guys with hot young women MUST be attracting the girls through money, that means that those guys literally CAN NOT SEE an emotional seduction style. That the world of emotional connection is completely invisible to them.

It's one thing to emphasize or de-emphasize intimacy. But it's another to live in a world where it's existence and power in other people is denied altogether.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - Vicious - 11-12-2012

Well that certainly confirmed what I initially wrote.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - Nomad77 - 11-12-2012

@xsplat I completely agree with you but I think it should be it's own thread: the importance of love. Personally, what I seek from women is love. Once I have that not only will I get sex but I will get the best sex they have to give. For me love is the cake and sex is the icing on it. A lot of men try to find fill the emptiness inside of themselves with sex but it can't do it. There is also a lot of built in hatred of women, like there are the enemy. Ultimately our happiness is intimately tied to theirs. I've been fortunate to have been loved by some great women which has shaped me. Unfortunately, a lot of men has not had the same experience which in turn has shaped them.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - Branimir - 11-12-2012

i am a beginner , so i started with girls that are under my league in terms of looks and i can definetly say the worst thing is their clingness.
like this girl i gave a good dicking and now she texts me nearly every goddamn day since 2 months even though she lives in another country.
it's unbelievable , i didnt even text her once all that time and always give short replies!

or another one that after 3 days without contact asks me if i forgot about her . multiple times.
as a beginner i've to say its really astonishing how good sex can completly turn around the game and make the girl dependend on you , and not the other way.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - xsplat - 11-12-2012

Quote: (11-12-2012 07:00 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

@xsplat I completely agree with you but I think it should be it's own thread: the importance of love. Personally, what I seek from women is love. Once I have that not only will I get sex but I will get the best sex they have to give. For me love is the cake and sex is the icing on it. A lot of men try to find fill the emptiness inside of themselves with sex but it can't do it. There is also a lot of built in hatred of women, like there are the enemy. Ultimately our happiness is intimately tied to theirs. I've been fortunate to have been loved by some great women which has shaped me. Unfortunately, a lot of men has not had the same experience which in turn has shaped them.

A commentor here, I forget his name, had the insight that our "attachment styles" have a fundamental effect on our game styles. So I looked up "attachment avoidance" in Wikipedia. It's interesting stuff.


From the article, here are two of the 5 attachment styles. I think we can recognize how these styles affect our game:

Secure attachment

Securely attached people tend to agree with the following statements: "It is relatively easy for me to become emotionally close to others. I am comfortable depending on others and having others depend on me. I don't worry about being alone or having others not accept me." This style of attachment usually results from a history of warm and responsive interactions with relationship partners. Securely attached people tend to have positive views of themselves and their partners. They also tend to have positive views of their relationships. Often they report greater satisfaction and adjustment in their relationships than people with other attachment styles. Securely attached people feel comfortable both with intimacy and with independence. Many seek to balance intimacy and independence in their relationship.

Insecure attachment
Dismissive–avoidant attachment

People with a dismissive style of avoidant attachment tend to agree with these statements: "I am comfortable without close emotional relationships.", "It is very important to me to feel independent and self-sufficient", and "I prefer not to depend on others or have others depend on me." People with this attachment style desire a high level of independence. The desire for independence often appears as an attempt to avoid attachment altogether. They view themselves as self-sufficient and invulnerable to feelings associated with being closely attached to others. They often deny needing close relationships. Some may even view close relationships as relatively unimportant. Not surprisingly, they seek less intimacy with relationship partners, whom they often view less positively than they view themselves. Investigators commonly note the defensive character of this attachment style. People with a dismissive–avoidant attachment style tend to suppress and hide their feelings, and they tend to deal with rejection by distancing themselves from the sources of rejection (i.e., their relationship partners).

Disadvantages for good looking guys - Nomad77 - 11-12-2012

@xsplat I use to run your style of game when I was younger then when I came to the US I got fucked up. Now, I am desperately trying to unlearn all the crap and get back to how I use to be. My best relationships and best sex came from that period of my life.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - anewtypedude - 11-13-2012

Quote: (11-12-2012 12:13 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-11-2012 05:26 PM)Moreless Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2012 11:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2011 07:09 PM)Mace Wrote:  

For good looking guys it's all about FAG game - Fuck-Up Avoidance Game. Don't say anything stupid.

Here's a solid example.

She was already into him, it was up to him not to fuck it up by saying something stupid. Solid FAG game in play.

On their respective looks scales, he way out-ranks her. It's just a slaughter. The script is completely flipped.

It's funny, because now she is in the position that most of us are in, and her game is terrible.

Imagine one of us going to dinner with a girl and ordering her a shot before dinner and then saying "You are so cute.." and "I'm trying to get you drunk."

Holy shit, I know this guy in real life! That blind date thing was 11 years ago he said.

He is really into God and leads youth groups (but for people in or just out of college). Everyone looks up to him for leadership and guidance. He is in the perfect place to pull.

In the gym I workout at, there is a Bible verse painted on the wall:
Matthew 4:19
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

This guy has created his own fish bowl to fish from. He still has the looks btw.

Dude bangs Christian girls? I love it... tell him to join this forum please.

Dude never mentioned that the guy leads a church group to bang girls...Why can't he just be a genuine nice guy who wants to help people?[Image: dodgy.gif]

Sometimes the mentality people on this forum have is sickening. What's next?
Your mom's funeral.
Saw an 8
Going for the SNL[Image: tard.gif]

Disadvantages for good looking guys - snoop - 11-13-2012

Quote: (06-09-2012 03:26 AM)houston Wrote:  

^^Tall, white guys have it pretty easy with white girls who are into that look. You don't even have to look that good. Just be tall and white.

Meh, maybe, but in most of America that also means there are plenty of other tall, white guys around to compete with for those women

high supply isn't good for demand

Disadvantages for good looking guys - jammer - 11-13-2012

Quote: (11-13-2012 02:37 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Quote: (06-09-2012 03:26 AM)houston Wrote:  

^^Tall, white guys have it pretty easy with white girls who are into that look. You don't even have to look that good. Just be tall and white.

Meh, maybe, but in most of America that also means there are plenty of other tall, white guys around to compete with for those women

high supply isn't good for demand

Not really. About 20% of guys are 6 foot tall. If you are between 6' 2-6' 4, you are around the top 1-5% so you can easily kill it if you are that size, at least average looking, and in decent shape.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - snoop - 11-13-2012

Quote: (11-13-2012 03:18 PM)jammer Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 02:37 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Quote: (06-09-2012 03:26 AM)houston Wrote:  

^^Tall, white guys have it pretty easy with white girls who are into that look. You don't even have to look that good. Just be tall and white.

Meh, maybe, but in most of America that also means there are plenty of other tall, white guys around to compete with for those women

high supply isn't good for demand

Not really. About 20% of guys are 6 foot tall. If you are between 6' 2-6' 4, you are around the top 1-5% so you can easily kill it if you are that size, at least average looking, and in decent shape.

To a women, is their really that big a difference between 6-1 or 6-2 or 6-3? Not in my experience, what they typically mean is "taller than me in heels"

Since most men are taller than most women, the pool of "tall" white men from a women's point of view isn't some limited amount in the US.

Regardless though you seem to have missed my point, which is that height isn't really all the important, its mostly an excuse.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - jammer - 11-13-2012

Quote: (11-13-2012 03:29 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 03:18 PM)jammer Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 02:37 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Quote: (06-09-2012 03:26 AM)houston Wrote:  

^^Tall, white guys have it pretty easy with white girls who are into that look. You don't even have to look that good. Just be tall and white.

Meh, maybe, but in most of America that also means there are plenty of other tall, white guys around to compete with for those women

high supply isn't good for demand

Not really. About 20% of guys are 6 foot tall. If you are between 6' 2-6' 4, you are around the top 1-5% so you can easily kill it if you are that size, at least average looking, and in decent shape.

To a women, is their really that big a difference between 6-1 or 6-2 or 6-3? Not in my experience, what they typically mean is "taller than me in heels"

Since most men are taller than most women, the pool of "tall" white men from a women's point of view isn't some limited amount in the US.

As a guy who is 6 foot, there is a difference between 6 foot and 6 foot 2. At 6 foot, there are still times where I don't feel tall, but at 6' 2, you are literally taller than everyone.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - snoop - 11-13-2012

Quote: (11-13-2012 03:31 PM)jammer Wrote:  

As a guy who is 6 foot, there is a difference between 6 foot and 6 foot 2. At 6 foot, there are still times where I don't feel tall, but at 6' 2, you are literally taller than everyone.

There are plenty of 6-2 and taller guys who cannot get laid, what's their excuse?

Disadvantages for good looking guys - Giovonny - 11-13-2012

Quote: (11-13-2012 12:48 PM)anewtypedude Wrote:  

Sometimes the mentality people on this forum have is sickening. What's next?
Your mom's funeral.
Saw an 8
Going for the SNL:

Many years ago, I was trying to bang a beautiful blond. We hung out a few times but no sex. My dad died. She heard about about it and called me asking...."are you okay?"....."do you want me to come over?".

I said yes.

Even though my dad had just died I was still aware of the fact that this was a great opportunity to bang her.

She came over, we looked at old family pictures, we made out, bang!

Yes, I was sad about my dad but I wasn't going to pass up on this beautiful young blond.

My dad was just like me and I'm sure he would have wanted me to do bang her. I'm sure he was smiling down from heaven!

At his funeral, I was aware the cute girls but didn't really game them.

Years later, my brother died, at his funeral, I saw a cute young latina, the daughter of a family friend, I made sure I talked to her and connected with her. Didn't bang her, but I tried.

Just because I'm sad doesn't mean that my boner doesn't work!?!

But, you're right, I'm probably a little nuts!

Disadvantages for good looking guys - WestCoast - 11-13-2012

Giovonny knocking on the door of funeral game... Till death do you part... The game that is.

Disadvantages for good looking guys - SpiderKing - 11-13-2012

Damn you Gio.
Dammit! Damn you!
So senseless...

Quote: (11-13-2012 05:35 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Many years ago, I was trying to bang a beautiful blond. We hung out a few times but no sex. My dad died. She heard about about it and called me asking...."are you okay?"....."do you want me to come over?".

I said yes.

Even though my dad had just died I was still aware of the fact that this was a great opportunity to bang her.

She came over, we looked at old family pictures, we made out, bang!

Yes, I was sad about my dad but I wasn't going to pass up on this beautiful young blond.

My dad was just like me and I'm sure he would have wanted me to do bang her. I'm sure he was smiling down from heaven!

At his funeral, I was aware the cute girls but didn't really game them.

Years later, my brother died, at his funeral, I saw a cute young latina, the daughter of a family friend, I made sure I talked to her and connected with her. Didn't bang her, but I tried.

Just because I'm sad doesn't mean that my boner doesn't work!?!

But, you're right, I'm probably a little nuts!

Disadvantages for good looking guys - jammer - 11-14-2012

Quote: (11-13-2012 05:15 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 03:31 PM)jammer Wrote:  

As a guy who is 6 foot, there is a difference between 6 foot and 6 foot 2. At 6 foot, there are still times where I don't feel tall, but at 6' 2, you are literally taller than everyone.

There are plenty of 6-2 and taller guys who cannot get laid, what's their excuse?
And there are probably 10x as many 5' 7 guys who can't get laid. Being tall isn't a guarantee to get laid, but its like playing 5 on 4 basketball with the 5' 7 guy (5' 7 guy has 4 players, you have 5). No guarantee you will win since the 5' 7 guy could be talented and outwork you, but chances are over a huge population, the 6' 2 guy is going to win more often than not.