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The Reddit thread - seniol - 06-13-2016

Facebook, Google, Twitter they all censor now conservative news, they manipulate the search results to favour Hillary, and so on.

However 90% of the people using Internet use these top websites (Reddit, Google, Facebook, etc).

Hating one of these top 3 - 5 websites will not really change anything.

If people give up sharing the truth and the real news on these websites,
that's when the battle is lost

The Reddit thread - philosophical_recovery - 06-13-2016

God this is hilarious

Quote:bobstooder Wrote:

How fucking disgusting is this shit:
We’re introducing a change to Sticky Posts: They’ll now be called Announcement Posts, which better captures their intended purpose; they will only be able to be created by moderators; and they must be text posts. Votes will continue to count. We are making this change to prevent the use of Sticky Posts to organize bad behavior.
We are working on a change to the r/all algorithm to promote more diversity in the feed, which will help provide more variety of viewpoints and prevent vote manipulation.
User submitted posts can no longer be "stickied". Only moderators of The_Donald can now "sticky" self-posts. Direct links to URLs are no longer permitted, only text posts.
Edit: spez Has just changed the rule to allow user submitted self-posts to be "stickied". However, direct links to websites are no longer permitted.

Quote:Velostodon Wrote:

Reddit got along fine using CSS to make Stickies before, we can do it again.
Sticky deez.
The logic of "no links" is not sound. The admins are straight up trying to prevent pro-Donald sites from appearing on their top feed. This is to protect the interest of their investors who seek a lovie-dovie-Islam-hand-huggy atmosphere that makes everybody feel unoffended by truth.
I'll brain storm some ways around this, but there are CSS wizards out there that can come up with this stuff much easier than I can.
Clarification: CSS is the built in subreddit design language. Its not reddit's overall language, using it to make our own version of promoted, featured, or "stickied" post isn't a violation of ToS. Its what a lot of subs were doing before stickied posts were a thing.

Quote:linuxtinkerer Wrote:

What you're seeing here is basic economics:
One firm (r_news and r_politics) can't compete with another (/r/the_donald) so they are using the government (Reddit Admins) to create artificial barriers (bullshit rules like the one ITT) to remain competitive.
Little do they know that this just makes their customers (Reddit's userbase) angrier.
No wonder these people are socialists, they don't understand economics!

Quote:immallama Wrote:

Just something to remember:
Reddit just made an entirely new fucking feature in response to us. I think we won.

The Reddit thread - Emancipator - 06-14-2016

This is back lashing so hard for Reddit, the entire frontpage of r/all is dominated by Trump subreddit.

Hopefully capitalism prevails over stupid ivory tower politics that goes on at the HQs of Reddit, Facebook and Twitter. The more they alienate regular middle American types, the riskier game they play.

The Reddit thread - Comte De St. Germain - 06-14-2016

The only subreddit worth visiting is r/polandball for the funny historical countryball comics. r/The_Donald is like reading some of the more lackluster RoK comments. The Donald Trump thread on the forum on the other hand is glorious. r/The_Donald due to this disparity is a complete headache at times though still somewhat valuable.

Everything else is trash and you might as well go to 8chan if you want to have some fun. Reddit is 4chanlite and 4chan(due to the censorship by the cuck m00t) is 8chanlite.

The Reddit thread - Samseau - 06-14-2016

Quote: (06-13-2016 08:42 AM)seniol Wrote:  

and because of that move, they lost already 2.5 millions subscribers in just last 48 hours.

probably that subreddit will no longer be default for what they did

Not sure how you got such a large number, according to the site's metrics they lose somewhere between 70-80K subscribers.

The Reddit thread - seniol - 06-17-2016

Yes, you are right, I was misleaded by some headlines I read in a hurry.

The good news is that two Pro-Trump communities are in Top 3 the fastest growing: 165,000 subscribers 82,500 subscribers

The Reddit thread - dasher - 07-22-2016

More good news: As reddit ramps up the pc policing, more and more staff are leaving for companies that aren't insane.


But Reddit, led by CEO Steve Huffman, seems to be struggling with its reform. Over the past six months, over a dozen senior Reddit employees — most of them women and people of color — have left the company. Reddit’s efforts to expand its media empire have also faltered.


So why can’t Reddit seem to hang on to its employees — particularly women and people of color? The same source who described management issues told us “working at Reddit is kind of like having an abusive boyfriend.”

[Image: laugh4.gif]

[Image: jordan.gif]

The Reddit thread - Geomann180 - 07-22-2016

I wish Donald would just slowly buy out reddit and Make Reddit Great Again.


The Reddit thread - spokepoker - 07-22-2016

Screw that, let it die. Instead, he should share links from a better less infested platform, supposedly is this.

The Reddit thread - Rhyme or Reason - 07-22-2016

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:01 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

I wish Donald would just slowly buy out reddit and Make Reddit Great Again.


Implying it was great in the first place [Image: dodgy.gif]

The Reddit thread - seniol - 07-22-2016

Quote: (06-17-2016 10:40 AM)seniol Wrote:  

Yes, you are right, I was misleaded by some headlines I read in a hurry.

The good news is that two Pro-Trump communities are in Top 3 the fastest growing: 165,000 subscribers 82,500 subscribers

And now the numbers are: 178,000 subscribers

This is the impressive growth of close to 10 %
in just 1 summer month time

The Reddit thread - Geomann180 - 07-22-2016

Quote: (07-22-2016 01:13 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:01 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

I wish Donald would just slowly buy out reddit and Make Reddit Great Again.


Implying it was great in the first place [Image: dodgy.gif]

I don't necessarily think it was great in the first place, but I think there'd be some use to Trump owning one of the social medias, so that not only liberals are the gate keepers to social media and what not.

A safe space (heh) for men like us, if you will, but on a mainstream space.


The Reddit thread - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-23-2016

Big news on Reddit post r/pizzagate ban:

[Image: 1479950689265.png]

[Image: photo.jpg]

This could be even bigger than the banning of r/fatpeoplehate.

The Reddit thread - cascadecombo - 11-23-2016

Quote: (07-22-2016 03:23 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 01:13 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:01 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

I wish Donald would just slowly buy out reddit and Make Reddit Great Again.


Implying it was great in the first place [Image: dodgy.gif]

I don't necessarily think it was great in the first place, but I think there'd be some use to Trump owning one of the social medias, so that not only liberals are the gate keepers to social media and what not.

A safe space (heh) for men like us, if you will, but on a mainstream space.


Place is a shithole that is a hide out for socially awkward people on the internet. The sooner it dies the better.

The Reddit thread - Gmac - 11-25-2016


The Reddit thread - Eirykr - 11-25-2016

[Image: 2RqqoTt.png]

[Image: v9ihWve.jpg]

This is big if true.
Start up your shit-posting engines and begin posting libel about every corporation with a well-funded legal team on Reddit.

The Reddit thread - Gmac - 11-25-2016

The CEO of Reddit confessed to modifying posts from Trump supporters after they wouldn't stop sending him expletives

[Image: The_CEO_of_Reddit_confessed-cf765c5a2c28...1ca2615610]


Reddit CEO Steve Huffman has confessed to modifying the posts of some users on the most visible Donald Trump-supporting "subreddit" community after they repeatedly slung verbal abuse in his direction.

The story begins earlier this week, when The New York Times published a report on Comet Ping Pong, a Washington DC pizza place that a false news item on social media had pegged as the center of a child-abuse ring run by Hillary Clinton and her campaign head John Podesta, despite a lack of any evidence.

Following that report, Reddit took steps to shut down the "r/Pizzagate" subreddit community, which had the stated goal of proving the existence of a conspiracy centering on Comet Ping Pong. "We don’t want witchhunts on our site," says the warning that replaced the Pizzagate page on Reddit.

The move to shut down r/Pizzagate proved controversial to users of "r/The_Donald," Reddit's most popular community for supporters of Donald Trump. Those users repeatedly left comments to the effect of "f**k u/spez" and other forms of abuse, including Huffman's "u/spez" Reddit name in the post to make sure he was notified of each new message.

On Wednesday afternoon, members of "The_Donald" noticed that their posts had changed without their knowledge or consent: Instead of referencing Huffman himself, the posts now hurled the same expletives at the moderators of the "The_Donald" community.

Angry "The _Donald" members accused Reddit leadership of modifying or otherwise censoring their posts — which turned out to be correct, when Huffman posted the following comment, confessing that it was him personally who was performing the changes (with expletives taken out):

"Hey Everyone,

Yep. I messed with the “f**k u/spez ” comments, replacing "spez" with r/the_donald mods for about an hour. It’s been a long week here trying to unwind the r/pizzagate stuff. As much as we try to maintain a good relationship with you all, it does get old getting called a pedophile constantly. As the CEO, I shouldn’t play such games, and it’s all fixed now. Our community team is pretty pissed at me, so I most assuredly won’t do this again.

F**k u/spez."

Comment from discussion The Admins are suffering from low energy - have resorted to editing YOUR posts. Sad!.

"As the CEO, I shouldn’t play such games, and it’s all fixed now. Our community team is pretty pissed at me, so I most assuredly won’t do this again," Huffman wrote.

Now, users of "The_Donald" are accusing Huffman of having destroyed Reddit's credibility — given that the site has previously shut down controversial subreddit communities over illegal content posted there, they're now accusing Huffman of laying the groundwork for a crackdown on "The_Donald," with whom Reddit leadership has long had a contentious relationship.

Huffman took the role as Reddit CEO in mid-2015, following the departure of interim CEO Ellen Pao. Pao left Reddit in the wake of the "Reddit Revolt," which saw members of the site stage protests after the controversial firing of a well-liked employee.

Reddit declined to comment.

The Reddit thread - Rhyme or Reason - 11-25-2016

"Destroying Reddit's credibility"

[Image: laugh3.gif][Image: laugh5.gif]

Oh my sides!

The Reddit thread - username - 11-26-2016


Pick 1 only.

The Reddit thread - david.garrett84 - 11-26-2016

These tech fools believe so much in their quest for political correctness and generating faux outrage that they're too stupid to self-censor.

Thank you, Steve Huffman. You've done the world a service with your autist admission of changing posts.

The Reddit thread - torid - 11-26-2016

Is Reddit publicly traded company? Who owns Reddit?

They should throw Steve's ass out of the window with lightning speed immediately

The Reddit thread - renotime - 11-26-2016

They are trying to get The Donald subreddit shut down.

Everyone in the thread started talking shit so they shut the comments down.

The Reddit thread - Foolsgo1d - 11-26-2016

Hate Reddit all you want, the mods, admins and its CEO's but don't lump in /r the_Donald with those shit eating cunts. The only shining star in a sea of liberal, SJW-communist style censorship and hate-filled bile.

I have lost count how much information was given out on that one sub and its efforts to stop trolling by CTR, Anti-Donald forces and concern trolls who were trying to throw off regulars and other viewers. Its as if Tuthmosis cloned himself and went there to be a destroyer of troll armies ala Lord of The Rings.

Even now they're at the forefront of things regarding Donald Trump, Clinton, the MSM, the recount and alt-right media.

A great source of information and should the CEO and super Mods/Admins get their way we will be worse off for it.

The Reddit thread - Fender_Bender - 11-26-2016

Now is the time for the sleeping giant tech geniuses in this country who aren't leftist totalitarian cucks to provide us with social media for those that give a damn about free speech. Bye bye Facebook, bye bye Google+, bye bye Twitter, bye bye Reddit. All compromised.

The Reddit thread - renotime - 11-27-2016

Quote: (11-26-2016 09:49 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Hate Reddit all you want, the mods, admins and its CEO's but don't lump in /r the_Donald with those shit eating cunts. The only shining star in a sea of liberal, SJW-communist style censorship and hate-filled bile.

I have lost count how much information was given out on that one sub and its efforts to stop trolling by CTR, Anti-Donald forces and concern trolls who were trying to throw off regulars and other viewers. Its as if Tuthmosis cloned himself and went there to be a destroyer of troll armies ala Lord of The Rings.

Even now they're at the forefront of things regarding Donald Trump, Clinton, the MSM, the recount and alt-right media.

A great source of information and should the CEO and super Mods/Admins get their way we will be worse off for it.

I'm not lumping in The Donald with the rest of reddit.

I'm pointing out that reddit is anti free speech and trying to shut them down. Meanwhile they have all kinds of dark web shit that they allow to go on, namely some pedophilia subreddit.

When it came out that a Muslim shot up that gay club in Orlando r/news started deleting comments left and right.

The Donald subreddit is great.