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Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - bigbait - 02-02-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 01:13 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ I've concluded that the only Tinder matches that work out are girls that are so attracted to my pictures they want to fuck me right off the bat.

Girls that are interested in what I am doing in my photos, or anything that isn't directly flirty never ends well.

It is all about the photos. The text conversation you have, your bio, what you are doing in your photos really isn't that important.

It is how bad she wants to bang you when she looks at those photos. My advice is to look as good and fit as possibly in your photos, if you can look interesting at the same time fine, but it isn't nearly as important as looking good.

I believe that this is true for you, but for me the content of my messages is critical to show her that I am the best guy she is going to message with on tinder. I never ask her anything about herself unless 1) I am using it get information to screen her, or 2) I want her to mirror the question back to me. Almost every message I send is meant to convey that I have a specific quality that will attract her to me (obviously without seeming try-hard).

People on here hate on the fact that girls attention whore on instagram, but often when I am with a girl I will tell her to show me her instagram. This is great because you learn a lot about a girl from the stories she tells. It is a great way to get her to feel like I really know her.

One of the fringe benefits of this is that I see the type of guy that she normally hangs out with. Typically the girl has photos with guys that are a lot fitter or better looking than I am. Often the guys seem like baller types. It amuses me that I am getting better value for my looks/money these other players.

For me, a big part of game is about getting better girls than what I "deserve" by using smart tactics.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - The_CEO - 02-02-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 03:10 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Quote: (02-02-2015 01:13 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ I've concluded that the only Tinder matches that work out are girls that are so attracted to my pictures they want to fuck me right off the bat.

Girls that are interested in what I am doing in my photos, or anything that isn't directly flirty never ends well.

It is all about the photos. The text conversation you have, your bio, what you are doing in your photos really isn't that important.

It is how bad she wants to bang you when she looks at those photos. My advice is to look as good and fit as possibly in your photos, if you can look interesting at the same time fine, but it isn't nearly as important as looking good.

for me the content of my messages is critical to show her that I am the best guy she is going to message with on tinder. I never ask her anything about herself unless 1) I am using it get information to screen her, or 2) I want her to mirror the question back to me. Almost every message I send is meant to convey that I have a specific quality that will attract her to me (obviously without seeming try-hard).

BigBait - do you have an example of this type of message? that is interesting!

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - Travesty - 02-02-2015

^^ Yes please post some of your text conversations that were successful. And where do you live (the most important piece of info)?

I have used every opener:

You're trouble

let me guess.. you're half X

make fun of her in her pics

the simple hey I did this today what'd you do

observational thing about her pics

blah blah blah...

Done all the different scripts and styles texting back and forth. It hasn't changed anything for me. Either they respond to my messages quickly and the conversation keeps escalating to meet or it doesn't. The style of texting has not affected anything.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - bigbait - 02-02-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 04:00 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Quote: (02-02-2015 03:10 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Quote: (02-02-2015 01:13 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ I've concluded that the only Tinder matches that work out are girls that are so attracted to my pictures they want to fuck me right off the bat.

Girls that are interested in what I am doing in my photos, or anything that isn't directly flirty never ends well.

It is all about the photos. The text conversation you have, your bio, what you are doing in your photos really isn't that important.

It is how bad she wants to bang you when she looks at those photos. My advice is to look as good and fit as possibly in your photos, if you can look interesting at the same time fine, but it isn't nearly as important as looking good.

for me the content of my messages is critical to show her that I am the best guy she is going to message with on tinder. I never ask her anything about herself unless 1) I am using it get information to screen her, or 2) I want her to mirror the question back to me. Almost every message I send is meant to convey that I have a specific quality that will attract her to me (obviously without seeming try-hard).

BigBait - do you have an example of this type of message? that is interesting!

If I am traveling my opener is along the lines of "Hey I just got to into town from <interesting place>. I am here for <amazing reason>, etc". I feel free to use poetic license and exaggerate.

If I am in my hometown I use a fun, playful, slightly sexual opener. Sorry, I do not want to post my opener verbatim because they get played out quickly. Here is an older example. "How many pushups can you do?" used to be the perfect opener, because it is a little playful and childish because the girl has probably not done a pushup since she was in school, it reminds her that you are probably a lot stronger than her, it is a little competitive in a silly way, and it is sexual because if you can do 1000 pushups then you can probably fuck her pretty good.

Next I want to quickly transition into 1 or two topics that make me seem fucking amazing. I do not want to post about my topics here because I have been told over and over again that other guys do not say these things and I have become a bit paranoid. That said, I think the topics have to be unique to me and my story. It also helps if they are not externally verifiable so that I can exaggerate if I feel like it.

I think the trick to not seeming try hard is to focus on the thing itself and how it makes me feel, rather than the result. The stuff I say is very current so that it is natural to brag. "I just did X," is 30 times better than "I was just thinking of last month when I did X".

I never talk about money or hint at how much something costs. I never talk about material things, I talk about the activities that involve those material things. I don't talk about outcomes either, I talk about the process. Imagine I was just in a ATV race, I wouldn't say I won. I wouldn't tell her how nice or powerful the ATV was. I would say how much fun I had and what it was like.

When lots of girls started saying "holy shit are you for real?" then I felt I was doing it right. Sometimes I laugh at myself because I feel like I am using really juvenile game like Napoleon Dynamite style: "girls only like guys who have great skills" hahaha!

If I have time to meet in the next couple of days I ask her out on tinder and then get the number. If I am booked for the next couple of days I tell her that and just get her number.

I do not play any games with regard to waiting to reply to texts or messages. This is for 2 reasons, 1) girls get a rush from talking to you in real-time, and 2) when you actually take a long to reply she will know you're not playing games and it has a lot more impact. When I don't reply to her after 10pm she knows I probably with another girl.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - ChazKGB - 02-02-2015

There is no such thing as a bad opener, when it comes to online dating. People decide with their genitals, not their heart.

But the best tip I read here to only send out messages or likes during peak time. Otherwise your job application gets lost in the avalanche of desperate messages from other losers.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - Travesty - 02-02-2015

^^ I don't play games either as long as they respond. When they respond 2 days later you can't really have a real time conversation. When they respond Tinder is easy as it can be, it feels like a monkey could get a number that answers.

I've used what you've done often with ocean activities, surfing, paddleboarding, going to see a show at a music venue, when I used to play with my band etc...

I get what you are saying and agree with all your tactics as I use all the same ones and I think most people with tighter text game do.

After going to different cities and Tindering I am more successful everywhere else except Orange County and Santa Barbara. I think my look in photos doesn't please this crowd vs. anywhere else I've been. In person I get eye fucked all the time by these chicks. Going to NYC was easy mode on Tinder.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - bigbait - 02-02-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 04:53 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^^ I don't play games either as long as they respond. When they respond 2 days later you can't really have a real time conversation. When they respond Tinder is easy as it can be, it feels like a monkey could get a number that answers.

I've used what you've done often with ocean activities, surfing, paddleboarding, going to see a show at a music venue, when I used to play with my band etc...

I get what you are saying and agree with all your tactics as I use all the same ones and I think most people with tighter text game do.

After going to different cities and Tindering I am more successful everywhere else except Orange County and Santa Barbara. I think my look in photos doesn't please this crowd vs. anywhere else I've been. In person I get eye fucked all the time by these chicks. Going to NYC was easy mode on Tinder.

I think there are four stages of the tinder funnel
1) getting matches
2) getting a response to the opener
3) building towards the close
4) number close or date close

I sounds like you satisfied with your progression rates at each level except perhaps at getting the response to the opener.

I think the best openers have almost nothing to do with the girl.
1. the girl knows you don't yet have a reason to give a shit about her or what she thinks so why would you ask her anything about herself
2. when you ask her about herself it makes her feel inadequate. when you ask her what she did today she probably just went to work or had brunch with friends and then drinks. which is boring to talk about

I try to choose openers that don't require that the girl brings anything to the table except a bit of playfulness, which is a vibe I want to encourage throughout the interaction.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - The_CEO - 02-02-2015

Thanks BigB.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - Travesty - 02-02-2015

Ok I can see what you're saying. Since there is no real profile or thing like online dating really have to make your opener as low investment as possible to test how fun she is.

I think my biggest problem here is getting enough matches. This area has 150k in the surrounding area total. Beyond that there is nothing but empty land. So matches run out quick.

When I go to large cities I am flooded with matches and can experiment a lot more.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - CleanSlate - 02-02-2015

I played around on Tinder today, and man it can be addicting and a huge time sink if you're not careful! I had to force myself to stop swiping. This is where I can develop an appreciation for ugly fatties, because they make good stopping points! [Image: wink.gif]

I think I need better pics, as I swiped about 50 girls right, and only got 6 matches, and 3 responses. But one of them I already have date plans with, and another one I'm building towards it. The 3rd one started out promising, but it fizzled out pretty quickly.

Unique/funny/creative openers are the way to go. For example one girl had a couple of bathroom selfies (PG grated) with the words "classy bathroom selfie". So when we matched, I opened with "seems like classy bathroom selfies are your thing. I should probably get started on those, too, don't you think?"
Her response: "lol sure if you think you can top mine ; )"
I counter with "cocky much? : ) maybe you can give me a couple pointers..."
Her: "I don't think you need bathroom selfies. btw, you have nice eyes"
Then it was pretty downhill from there, and got a solid date at the end.

Seems like you can move things quickly with some girls, but other girls need more comfort building. Tinder seems to require quick calibration on our part.

Last observation, I've read previous posts on here about guys trying to move from within the app to exchanging #s and texting outside of the app. I don't get why we need to do that... the format within the app looks almost exactly like regular texting. Unless it's so buggy that your matches disappear and there's no way to reestablish contact?

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - Mister X - 02-03-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 10:45 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I played around on Tinder today, and man it can be addicting and a huge time sink if you're not careful! I had to force myself to stop swiping. This is where I can develop an appreciation for ugly fatties, because they make good stopping points! [Image: wink.gif]

I think I need better pics, as I swiped about 50 girls right, and only got 6 matches, and 3 responses. But one of them I already have date plans with, and another one I'm building towards it. The 3rd one started out promising, but it fizzled out pretty quickly.

Unique/funny/creative openers are the way to go. For example one girl had a couple of bathroom selfies (PG grated) with the words "classy bathroom selfie". So when we matched, I opened with "seems like classy bathroom selfies are your thing. I should probably get started on those, too, don't you think?"
Her response: "lol sure if you think you can top mine ; )"
I counter with "cocky much? : ) maybe you can give me a couple pointers..."
Her: "I don't think you need bathroom selfies. btw, you have nice eyes"
Then it was pretty downhill from there, and got a solid date at the end.

Seems like you can move things quickly with some girls, but other girls need more comfort building. Tinder seems to require quick calibration on our part.

Last observation, I've read previous posts on here about guys trying to move from within the app to exchanging #s and texting outside of the app. I don't get why we need to do that... the format within the app looks almost exactly like regular texting. Unless it's so buggy that your matches disappear and there's no way to reestablish contact?

50 girls 6 matches? I'd kill for that rate. If I get 6 matches in a day I consider that a good day. I average about 3-4 matches a day. Then again I'm a pretty selective swiper. Nevertheless.

I go for the number for a few reasons:

1.) I delete my profile quite often (about every two weeks) because the app is incredibly buggy for me.

2.) It's a minor test of her interest. If she goes cold when I ask for it or says something like "why do you need it?" - I can pretty much assume she's a dead end and has no real interest in meeting me.

3.) To call her (maybe if I've arrived for our date and need to find her?) for any reason as opposed to depending on her to answer a tinder message.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - ChazKGB - 02-03-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 10:45 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I played around on Tinder today, and man it can be addicting and a huge time sink if you're not careful! I had to force myself to stop swiping. This is where I can develop an appreciation for ugly fatties, because they make good stopping points! [Image: wink.gif]

I think I need better pics, as I swiped about 50 girls right, and only got 6 matches, and 3 responses. But one of them I already have date plans with, and another one I'm building towards it. The 3rd one started out promising, but it fizzled out pretty quickly.

Unique/funny/creative openers are the way to go. For example one girl had a couple of bathroom selfies (PG grated) with the words "classy bathroom selfie". So when we matched, I opened with "seems like classy bathroom selfies are your thing. I should probably get started on those, too, don't you think?"
Her response: "lol sure if you think you can top mine ; )"
I counter with "cocky much? : ) maybe you can give me a couple pointers..."
Her: "I don't think you need bathroom selfies. btw, you have nice eyes"
Then it was pretty downhill from there, and got a solid date at the end.

Seems like you can move things quickly with some girls, but other girls need more comfort building. Tinder seems to require quick calibration on our part.

Last observation, I've read previous posts on here about guys trying to move from within the app to exchanging #s and texting outside of the app. I don't get why we need to do that... the format within the app looks almost exactly like regular texting. Unless it's so buggy that your matches disappear and there's no way to reestablish contact?

I think you got your idea for the next dating app. Time to hire a couple of developers.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - Biologist - 02-03-2015

I only installed Tinder about two months ago.

During this time I've barely used it, but when I have actually spent time swiping profiles, it seems that about 25% of my matches are spambots. For the remaining profiles which are actually real, the vast majority of them don't even respond to my initial message.

It seems like a waste of space even having this app on my phone.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - N°6 - 02-04-2015

I have no idea why so many women match but never chat on tinder.

Using property as an example, I suspect that these women are in relationships. Like a home owner who commissions a valuation surveyor to check his home's present market value, I think these women are checking their SMV to check if they have gone into negative equity since they were taken off the market.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - N°6 - 02-04-2015

Does anyone use professionally taken pictures on tinder? I can see the advantages of having a few of them however, some professional pictures I have seen of women look very cheesy. Especially those of them posing in a studio with a boring background. A woman would like judge a man with a picture likes these very harshly.

Has any one hired a photographer to take pictures outside in a real life setting?

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - The_CEO - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 01:02 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

I have no idea why so many women match but never chat on tinder.

Using property as an example, I suspect that these women are in relationships. Like a home owner who commissions a valuation surveyor to check his home's present market value, I think these women are checking their SMV to check if they have gone into negative equity since they were taken off the market.

I read somewhere that women indeed do what you describe

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - CleanSlate - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 01:05 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Does anyone use professionally taken pictures on tinder? I can see the advantages of having a few of them however, some professional pictures I have seen of women look very cheesy. Especially those of them posing in a studio with a boring background. A woman would like judge a man with a picture likes these very harshly.

Has any one hired a photographer to take pictures outside in a real life setting?

I've had professional pics taken for online dating back in the day for match. I can tell you - it's not worth it. It shows you're trying too hard. Save your money.

It's best to use real or candid pics of yourself doing interesting things, being at interesting places, hanging with your male buddies, and having a couple of hot chicks hanging off your arms at a party. My response rate shot up once I got rid of the professional photo and replaced it with the other stuff.

Only exception to this is maybe if you're a male model with a six pack.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - DJ-Matt - 02-04-2015

I have 10 matches this week from my Jeep picture which was taken with a tripod and a timer, so I'm starting to doubt the effectiveness of pro pics as well.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - zombiejimmorrison - 02-04-2015

I don't know if this has been discussed before, Tinder is optimized on iPhones and is kinda broken on Androids, it still works but not as great, you could be missing out on matches. How do I know this, I've googled and found people with similar stories to mine. 2 weeks of tinder and about 10 matches on android. 2 days of tinder on iPhone 20 matches

Hope this helps if it hasn't been discussed before

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - void - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 07:02 PM)zombiejimmorrison Wrote:  

I don't know if this has been discussed before, Tinder is optimized on iPhones and is kinda broken on Androids, it still works but not as great, you could be missing out on matches. How do I know this, I've googled and found people with similar stories to mine. 2 weeks of tinder and about 10 matches on android. 2 days of tinder on iPhone 20 matches

Hope this helps if it hasn't been discussed before
I reinstalled version 2.2.2 yesterday and mass swiped. I had 2 matches today.
Problem is, I can't talk to the matches and they do not appear in my match-list. Tinder is shit on android and/or the new versions.

In the new versions, they definitely tweaked something to reduce matches significantly. Also if I had matches, they often disappeared only 20 minutes after the initial match.

Fuck this shit.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - zombiejimmorrison - 02-05-2015

It's probably even worse than I thought, 4th day and still matching with at least 5 girls a day. You have to try it on iPhone. I'm using an iPhone 4 latest OS. My 2 pictures aren't spectacular, main is me sitting and looking away, black and white. One is me with 2 friends guy and girl.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - CleanSlate - 02-05-2015

After an initial spurt of 6 matches the first day, I only got 2 or 3 the next 3 days afterward. Granted I wasn't swiping as much, but then I saw my pictures on tinder. Tinder had completely changed my pictures! There were pics that I did NOT want to show! Fuck me

I switched them back, but tinder sure as hell is buggy. I'll still use it, but will probably be my default online gaming site. It's more established and well known.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - The_CEO - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 08:41 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

After an initial spurt of 6 matches the first day, I only got 2 or 3 the next 3 days afterward. Granted I wasn't swiping as much, but then I saw my pictures on tinder. Tinder had completely changed my pictures! There were pics that I did NOT want to show! Fuck me

I switched them back, but tinder sure as hell is buggy. I'll still use it, but will probably be my default online gaming site. It's more established and well known.

That is really crazy.

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - Moma - 02-06-2015

I've stepped up the aggression level on my tinder, I'm getting matches 99.99 percent of black lizards and zero of white lizards. But Speakeasy might be pleased to hear, I got my first white match that wasn't a bot! I'm pushing for the number but will turf her if she doesn't respond by 9pm!

Best of Tinder: Tactics, Advice, Best Posts and FAQs - void - 02-08-2015

What about bitches with their instagram name right in their profile? I suspect an attention whore. Even if they just share their artwork, why would I include it in my tinder profile?