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Budapest Relocation Journal - Fury - 11-15-2014

Hi Buddha,

Nice thread about Budapest. I only spent three days there but I loved it. A few of my boys and I are looking for an awesome NYE party in Europe and Budapest is on the list. Have you been hearing any rumblings about the ensuing party? Will you be in town?

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 11-16-2014

Quote: (11-15-2014 01:58 PM)Fury Wrote:  

Hi Buddha,

Nice thread about Budapest. I only spent three days there but I loved it. A few of my boys and I are looking for an awesome NYE party in Europe and Budapest is on the list. Have you been hearing any rumblings about the ensuing party? Will you be in town?

Hey most likely I'll be in town. Haven't looked into any NYE parties. I'll probably be spending X-mas & NYE in a social circle gathering as I have an old Hungarian flame coming back to town. Shoot me a PM closer to arrival. There should be plenty of parties to hit.

Btw you probably noticed it since you spent 3 days here...This city is an absolute grind but in a real enjoyable way. Nights out are getting much more fun now that we are figuring the city & the girls out. To get anything, nights out are full on affairs from 10:30pm-5:30am.

Poland vs. Hungary

I've met with some forum members who have been to both Poland and Hungary so I'll give some comparisons on our findings:

1) The average look is better in Poland by maybe 0.5 point. In Hungary, there are lots of fuglies mixed in...which brings down the average quite a bit. Hence, day game returns are pitifully low due to lack of targets accompanied by the standard Hungarian suspiciousness toward outsiders. Expect shit tests and interrogations both during the day & night...Gaming in Poland is much more easy.

2) However, both the quantity & quality of 8+ girls are much higher in Hungary. In Budapest, you'll see many stunning faces with model like features, symmetrical noses, and strikingly beautiful looks that belong in fashion magazines. These perfectly sculpted faces are rarely found in Poland if at all according to guys who have both visited and spent extensive time there. On any given weekend night out, you'll see plenty of these beautiful faces on both the streets & the clubs. The hard part is need monster game, sick amount of persistence, and Red Bull powered energy to pull quality here.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Volk - 11-16-2014

As a side-note, I found Warsaw to be notably "easier" in that regard, as that women don't seem to get approached as often, and when they do it doesn't seem to be done with the same modus operandi all the "hunters" use in the 7th district. I found the women in Poland to be warmer to people, more likely to smile and have some conversation, while the Budapest nightlife (and more often during the day as well) is a dog-eat-dog melee until 6 am where and the girls know they will be approached and have prepared shields already so that they only get the guy she thinks she deserves. However as Buddha says, when you succeed, it does pay off and you get the extra rush from the whole night's affair.

PD, girls actually get nicer (not easier, tho) to you once you get credibly fluent in Hungarian.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Fury - 11-17-2014

Quote: (11-16-2014 05:01 PM)Buddha Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2014 01:58 PM)Fury Wrote:  

Hi Buddha,

Nice thread about Budapest. I only spent three days there but I loved it. A few of my boys and I are looking for an awesome NYE party in Europe and Budapest is on the list. Have you been hearing any rumblings about the ensuing party? Will you be in town?

Hey most likely I'll be in town. Haven't looked into any NYE parties. I'll probably be spending X-mas & NYE in a social circle gathering as I have an old Hungarian flame coming back to town. Shoot me a PM closer to arrival. There should be plenty of parties to hit.

Btw you probably noticed it since you spent 3 days here...This city is an absolute grind but in a real enjoyable way. Nights out are getting much more fun now that we are figuring the city & the girls out. To get anything, nights out are full on affairs from 10:30pm-5:30am.

Poland vs. Hungary

I've met with some forum members who have been to both Poland and Hungary so I'll give some comparisons on our findings:

1) The average look is better in Poland by maybe 0.5 point. In Hungary, there are lots of fuglies mixed in...which brings down the average quite a bit. Hence, day game returns are pitifully low due to lack of targets accompanied by the standard Hungarian suspiciousness toward outsiders. Expect shit tests and interrogations both during the day & night...Gaming in Poland is much more easy.

2) However, both the quantity & quality of 8+ girls are much higher in Hungary. In Budapest, you'll see many stunning faces with model like features, symmetrical noses, and strikingly beautiful looks that belong in fashion magazines. These perfectly sculpted faces are rarely found in Poland if at all according to guys who have both visited and spent extensive time there. On any given weekend night out, you'll see plenty of these beautiful faces on both the streets & the clubs. The hard part is need monster game, sick amount of persistence, and Red Bull powered energy to pull quality here.

Thanks for the prompt response. Budapest is definitely a place I would like to return to as I didn't really go too crazy the three days I was there. If I can't convince my boys to go there for NYE, I know I will at least go back at a later date. Definitely to check out the thermal pool parties.

Interesting comparison of the two countries. I haven't been to Poland but another boy of mine is going to Krakow for NYE. Maybe I might join him, still unsure...

Budapest Relocation Journal - minuteman12 - 11-22-2014

Hello there. i am from the uk and there was this girl that was staring at me while i was serving her where i work. i thought it was weird because i had never been looked at that like before. when i start to serve her she was asking how i am and being quite friendly which was weird becasue it was the first time i seen her. she spoke with an accent and i asked if she was from poland but she said hungary. Buddha can you give me some tips because you said something about an instant click with hungarian girls and i definitely felt it. how should i proceed if she comes back. i am a complete newb and any info would be helpful

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 11-23-2014

Quote: (11-22-2014 05:10 PM)minuteman12 Wrote:  

Hello there. i am from the uk and there was this girl that was staring at me while i was serving her where i work. i thought it was weird because i had never been looked at that like before. when i start to serve her she was asking how i am and being quite friendly which was weird becasue it was the first time i seen her. she spoke with an accent and i asked if she was from poland but she said hungary. Buddha can you give me some tips because you said something about an instant click with hungarian girls and i definitely felt it. how should i proceed if she comes back. i am a complete newb and any info would be helpful

I know what you are talking about. Me and my buddies noticed it here as well. We go out and get rejected most of the time but when things hook they really hook.

For example, this Thursday at a bar I got an IOI from a girl sitting down, an 8.5 for my own personal standards. (Thanks to 'Unbowed' for reminding me of the IOI and winging the cockblock friend) I hesitated for a bit because she was with a friend but when her friend left for a few minutes, I went up to the table and said "Hey, you look lonely so I thought I'd come and speak to you." Bull shit opener but that doesn't matter since the girl already dug your look and vibe.

She smiled and asked questions right off the bat and conversation was easy. Even when her cockblock friend came back and switched the conversation to Hungarian, my target would switch back to English and talk to me & Unbowed.

When her cockblock friend told us to fuck off by saying "Excuse us, we are trying to catch up in a private conversation.", we basically ignored her and stood there like a rock. We didn't leave our position and made fun of the cockblock by saying "I've known your friend way before you did since elementary school. It's us 2 who should be catching up."

The cockblock friend eventually did the extraction by leaving to another venue and I only gave her my name to add me on FB (my phone was dead). Only a few hours later she finds me on FB and adds me (which here is a big deal because FB exchanges rarely materialize here). I message her 2 days later and she's really excited for the date, facilitating the meet up. Going to see her Tuesday.

This is in stark contrast to super swift and harsh rejections we get everytime we go out. Girls will make you feel like shit when they reject you. However, when Hungarian girls give you a signal of interest then you have to strike right at that moment and do it assertively...more so than with other nationalities I feel.

My buddy made the same observation as well. They can notice lurking and hesitation fast and you can be categorized as a Beta from the get go. So show ZERO hesitation and be super persistent.

They love agressiveness and persistence. They will test you to see if you are Alpha and really want it enough. Once you pass that threshold test, they will faciliate things for you by aiding in conversation and meeting up.

Also in the club it is very hard to sift through the rejections but with the girls that dig you, it's very easy to escalate early. Just last night at Otkert, I made out with a girl after 5 minutes of opening and another forum member took a pretty blond Hungarian girl home after only an hour of opening her at 4am. Also here you can do agressive moves like boxing her in to the DJ booth with your arms so she can't move and has to make out with you. In other countries, this would get you rejected but here they love the caveman style approach (once they dig you of course).

To finally get back to your original question: When your Hungarian girl comes back, talk to her without hesitation and ask her out confidently. She digs you so consider yourself already in. When you are in with a Hungarian girl, you are really in.

Budapest Relocation Journal - minuteman12 - 11-23-2014

thanks for the reply buddha. i will try my best although i have to admit my game level is low but i will try my best. i will learn a few hungarian phrases and see how it goes. will post any valuable info i get which may be useful to other people on this thread as a whole if she comes back.

also can someone else help me. i have been talking briefly to this polish girl at work and i attempted to demonstrate higher value by speaking a few phrases in polish. i could tell she was impressed a little bit. then she comes on a saturday night and out of the blue asks me what i was doing tonight. i completely failed as i gave a lame response of nothing and then asked her what she was doing, to which she said she was watching a boxing match at her house. now she doesnt come in the store anymore and i always see her walking past.

can someone tell me did i mess up. how else would people do things. damn she was like at least an 8 and i keep racking my brains if something could have happened. thanks

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 11-23-2014

Quote: (11-23-2014 06:55 PM)minuteman12 Wrote:  

thanks for the reply buddha. i will try my best although i have to admit my game level is low but i will try my best. i will learn a few hungarian phrases and see how it goes. will post any valuable info i get which may be useful to other people on this thread as a whole if she comes back.

also can someone else help me. i have been talking briefly to this polish girl at work and i attempted to demonstrate higher value by speaking a few phrases in polish. i could tell she was impressed a little bit. then she comes on a saturday night and out of the blue asks me what i was doing tonight. i completely failed as i gave a lame response of nothing and then asked her what she was doing, to which she said she was watching a boxing match at her house. now she doesnt come in the store anymore and i always see her walking past.

can someone tell me did i mess up. how else would people do things. damn she was like at least an 8 and i keep racking my brains if something could have happened. thanks

Hey minuteman12,

Learning a few Hungarian phrases will definitely go a long way in Budapest to disable the bitch shields. As for the Polish girl situation, the Game section of the forum will be the best place to discuss it:

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 12-25-2014

It's the 25th of December...marking the end of a quiet period. After cutting loose my regular girl, all of my leads died out and went into winter mode with family & friends. (EDIT my regular girl wants to meet again...)

I wrote earlier about instant attraction & Hungarian this point I feel that I can elaborate more on the Hungarian female mindset (barring exceptional cases).

An average Hungarian girl is frought with insecurity, anxiety, suspicion, and impatience. This arises from their cultural / biological genetics and is accentuated by horrible divorce rates and disfunctional family life in Hungary. Not all but "most" Hungarian girls that you meet will either have mommy or daddy issues that seep out through their character in not so pleasant ways.

This is not to say that Hungarian girls will be unpleasant to be with. On the contrary, they can be great company who will shower you with affection, attention, and care.

However, in terms of "Game", there are some major issues that you must keep in mind. The following general guideline has been derived from experiences and observations from both myself and a close forum member after 3 hard months of intense gaming & dating in Budapest.

1) When you see the slightest IOI, approach and open immediately & boldly. Hungarian girls will not give you an extended eye contact. It will be fleeting at best so tune your radars. Any sign of lurking or hesitation will be met with swift rejection. This is because Hungarian girls work on instant attraction. There is little to zero room for gradual building of attraction like in the West where you might be able to convince a mildly disinterested girl via game or some other antics.

2) If a girl you approach does not show OVERT positive interest, just walk away. Don't excuse or explain yourself. Just walk away without saying a word. Time is precious in Budapest since the time window before the bitch shields come up is so damn short. 2300-0200 is the golden window...after army of drunk Hungarian guys and horny foreigners will be raiding the venue with bad approaches.

3) An offshoot from the above phenomena is to go to a venue early. Early means 2300 onwards where the club will be 33% capacity. We walked into Otkert early and the ratio was the best we've seen and girls were the most open ever. Use the first magic hour to talk to every girl until something clicks. Due to the hardcore cockblock & competition from local guys, you must stick with your inital set no matter what. DO NOT split from her by saying I'll see you at the bar or the smoking area. DO NOT walk away from her for even 5 minutes unless your bladder is bursting.

4) I said earlier that an average Hungarian girl is frought with insecurity and anxiety. If a girl likes you, her friend will be nice enough to give you two some private time to bond earlier in the night. However, more so than in any other country I've been to, once she is back with her friends of 2+ then expect the chemistry to turn from "I like you" to "Who are you?" They fear judgement more so than other nationalities. Therefore, when you have a good set, escalate to the kiss ASAP when her friends are away, stay till death do you apart, and isolate whenever you can. FYI you can touch and escalate very early here...early means within the first 3 minutes you can touch hands, stroke arms, and hair.

5) If you did the above correctly and have their number then setting up a date will be easy as pie. Girls will be forthcoming with their schedule and flexible in arranging dates. They also don't play games and will text right away. They will talk about future dates and places they want to go with you. They will even invite you to meet with their friends and be super you think that this is good but there is a catch which I will explain in the following point....

6) Hungarian girls are super impatient. They seeked out instant attraction at the club or wherever you guys met and now they must know if there is "Instant Relationship Chemistry". While they are super open to seeing you, deep down they are still frought with insecurity, mistrust, and apprehension. The real reason why they are so open and enthusiastic about seeing you is because they must have all the answers right away. They will ask questions that seem innocent on the surface but are designed to filter out non-commited men, temporary visitors, and players. Have well crafted answers to the following: A) why you are in Budapest B) how long you will stay C) how often you go out to clubs D) details of your past relationships & dating habits E) views on marriage F) type of girls you like G) your drinking habits H) details of your work I) you get the point...they will steer the conversation so subtly to these topics that you won't even know they will find yourself talking about it without your knowing...they should work for the CIA as interrogators.

7) If you are juggling multiple leads and have to prioritize or cancle then be aware that if you cancle or delay a date on a Hungarian girl then you must be ready to fail their "Instant Relationship Chemistry" test. Just as swift their attraction at first glance to you was, their attraction will fade just as quickly. Therefore schedule dates soon and close must strike fast when the iron is hot.

Obviously the above guidelines do not apply to ONS or the rare Hungarian girl who is well-balanced and self-confident. This is also derived from subjective experience so I am sure that others will have different opinions and observations. I am very curious to learn and be corrected as well if I am mistaken.

As far as my plans for Budapest, I will stay here till March and spend 3 months in Belgrade, Serbia. [Image: banana.gif]

So I have good 2.5 months left in Budapest before Belgrade so I will do my best to contribute more information. Nightlife starts back up tomorrow so I am looking forward to getting out of the holiday slumber!

Budapest Relocation Journal - minuteman12 - 12-26-2014

Hungarian girls will not give you an extended eye contact.

I swear that Hungarian girl was looking dead at me for like 5 seconds.

Keep up the good work following closely.

Budapest Relocation Journal - malakaix - 12-26-2014

Quote: (12-25-2014 04:19 PM)Buddha Wrote:  

As far as my plans for Budapest, I will stay here till March and spend 3 months in Belgrade, Serbia. [Image: banana.gif]

You're going to fall off your chair when you see the girls in Belgrade, i hope your tall.. at 5'10 i felt so short around the women there..

As for Budapest, i would agree with most of your points.. especially the interrogating questions hahah.. i experienced a lot of what you said when i lived there for one year.. but i also met a lot of women who fell outside of those points. I was there a long time though so i found my way into a lot of social circles and such..

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 12-26-2014

Quote: (12-26-2014 10:07 AM)malakaix Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2014 04:19 PM)Buddha Wrote:  

As far as my plans for Budapest, I will stay here till March and spend 3 months in Belgrade, Serbia. [Image: banana.gif]

You're going to fall off your chair when you see the girls in Belgrade, i hope your tall.. at 5'10 i felt so short around the women there..

As for Budapest, i would agree for about 50% of your points.. i experienced a lot of what you said when i lived there for one year.. but i also met a lot of women who fell outside of those points. I was there a long time though so i found my way into a lot of social circles and such..

I'm 6'3" and I do have a preference for tall & leggy women. At the moment there is some indecision between Poland and Serbia but something tells me that I'll be disappointed by the looks of Polish girls. Might as well try something different for 3 months.

Social circle definitely facilitates things anywhere. Here I'm hanging out with expats exclusively so far.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Sourcecode - 12-26-2014

In my experiences I disagree with point 1, 2 and 3.
Considering I would often chat girls, leave and come back.
And often times I would plow through girls that didn't give a bunch of interest. One of my first bangs in the city was a a girl that barely showed any instant and we didnt make out much until the club closed... then she walked me to her place to bang.

Ill agree with part of 4.
A lot of times..when girls were in groups.. I noticed her friends would disappear and not even tell her. just to give her time alone.
Hungarian girls seem like good wings.

I don't agree with the whole anxiety, insecurity ect part at all though.
After living in lots of countries.
I can see how someone would come to that conclusion.. because eastern europeans aren't as open right off the bat as westerners.
Its same same with east germans and the DDR
Its not a genetic or biological things... but the Soviets really broke the culture for a lot of EE places by breaking the people.
They naturally questions things instead of just going along with it all like sheep.

Hungarian divorce rate by numbers are higher.. but not massively worse than say, America.
maybe I got lucky.. but every Hungarian and Romanian girl i smashed or met..minus one girl.. had a functioning family.
I rarely saw chicks with daddy issues.

One thing I did notice.. was sometimes the dad would be off in a different city or country working and sending money back to the family in Hungary.. mainly cause the hungarian economy is so bad.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 12-26-2014

Great input! I am working with a limited sample size and venue selection. We always somehow end up in Otkert every night when it's bursting to the seams with so many distractions and cockblocks. I plan to try out different venues...still haven't made my way over to Buda yet but this is one of my New Year resolutions.

I guess I notice the insecurity & anxiety issue more since this is my first time in EE. I have 1 girl on a date loop who is "normal" in a strictly Western sense but to me others seem to have more issues than the Western girls that I'm used to.

I'll take your pointer and give more time to girls that seem disinterested at first. We are doing more carpet bombing approaches due to the naure of the city. I saw some good videos over the week and will try a different approach tonight. Let the weekend begin! [Image: banana.gif]

Budapest Relocation Journal - Courage Reborn - 12-27-2014

How is Szimpla this time of year?

Budapest Relocation Journal - AsiaBaller - 12-27-2014

For anyone considering relocating to Budapest:

Do not deal with Tower. They have good apartments at good prices, but you will not get your two month deposit back.

I have no idea why they do this, as they just manage apartments that are mostly owned by foreign investors, but beware.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 12-27-2014

Quote: (12-27-2014 12:56 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

How is Szimpla this time of year?

I am not sure how Szimpla is during this time of year...Last time I've been to Szimpla was 2 weeks ago. The place consistently had the worst quality out of any major venue in Budapest.

You do find some jewels from Scandinavia or Russia but all of them turned out to be leaving the next day or with a group of friends who inevitably cockblock.

We only go there Mon-Wed when there is absolutely no other option and we have time to burn. At this point we skip the place entirely...Perhaps during the Summer it's better...but there are better places to go in Gozdu Udvar or Hungarian heavy pubs if you like the pub atmosphere.

I much rather go to Fogas Ház than Szimpla. There the environment is similarily open like Szimpla but the talent/ratio is noticibly (but not much) better with more Hungarian girls who are into foreigners.

Best pubs to hit for quality are in Gozdu Udvar but these places are not designed for pick-up. I therefore run table approach game which actually works well. You do need some balls to do this since the girls are sitting down and in mid-conversation. Rejections are noticed by everyone since it's mostly sit-down tables with limited bar areas for mingling. The upside is that they are not expecting to be picked up so they are more open to the novelty of the situation. A good wingman is absolutely necessary in Gozdu Udvar.

Last night (Friday, December 26th) was horrible. I went to Otkert with DMario at 12:30am but the line was damn long (1.0-1.5 hour wait in -3C cold) so we both went home after some short deliberation. But the following is "word-for-word" account of how it was like inside from a trusted forum member:

"Was in Otkert. Home now. Horrendous ratio. Less cock in a gay bar. So many tourist guys. British/Arab/Italian. Protein farts going off all over the place. Night clubs are disgusting when ratios so bad...There are a lot of tourist guys here for NYE. Spotted more than normal. Not students but real sex tourists from England/Italy etc. Office guys using their vacation time. I don't think it will be great tomorrow (Saturday). People saving themselves for NYE."

All the local girls are now with family and if they are out...they are in large groups of old & close friends...some with parents. Bad time to be in Budapest...I suggest avoiding Budapest during the month of December entirely due to university exams and the holiday period.

I personally plan to sneak back to my regular and an old Hungarian flame who is in town for a month. Bounce between the 2 before the tourist wave recedes in about a week and my leads fire up again.

Budapest Relocation Journal - malakaix - 12-27-2014

Quote: (12-27-2014 12:56 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

How is Szimpla this time of year?

Szimpla has always been a last resort for me. When i worked in Budapest i would often take guests out and show them the 'ruin bars'.. Szimpla is more of an attraction for the hordes of foreigners.. summer is an absolute joke, the overcrowding is insane.. winter is better but in the end your better off looking elsewhere for quality.

Quote: (12-27-2014 08:10 AM)Buddha Wrote:  

Best pubs to hit for quality are in Gozdu Udvar but these places are not designed for pick-up.

Kolor has potential in Gozdu Udvar.. the upper venue is more of a bar setting but downstairs is a nightclub venue, granted it's small but with a DJ,dancefloor and bar it's the only venue i can think of along the Gozdu strip that doubles as both.. from memory it cranks on Monday because it's one of the only places open until 5-6am. (This could be different now that its winter)

Buddha, did you ever try Durer kert? It's pretty far away, it's along Ajtósi Dürer sor near Varosliget City Park. I never made it out there due to its location.. but it's also for this reason that i imagine it would be mostly Hungarians there.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 12-27-2014

Malakaix really knows what he is talking about. Szimpla is for scraping the bottom of the barrel. Period. It's not just me...all of us forum members who have lived here for 3+ months have come to the same conclusion.

Durer kert...never heard of's far up in Pest and a live music venue on top of that...But I will definitely try the unexplored places outside of the centre come January, especially in the Buda side since I seem to vibe much better with the girls from Buda. (more wealthy, educated, and well-travelled than Pest girls)

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 12-27-2014

[img][Image: bYX3vNP.jpg][/img]

My bitch for tonight. Wish me luck. Giving her strategic fashion advice so that she dresses like a slut. Otkert here we go again...[Image: banana.gif]

Budapest Relocation Journal - Fury - 12-27-2014

Quote: (12-27-2014 02:41 PM)Buddha Wrote:  

[img][Image: bYX3vNP.jpg][/img]

My bitch for tonight. Wish me luck. Giving her strategic fashion advice so that she dresses like a slut. Otkert here we go again...[Image: banana.gif]


Good luck and god speed. I will be flying into Budapest this Monday. Going to to a thermal bath house pool party on the 30th with one of my boys and then we will just party until the first. He takes off on the 1st but I am staying the weekend. If you are down for meeting, let me know.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Sourcecode - 12-28-2014

:O You smashed Eszter too?!

Budapest Relocation Journal - Mentavious - 12-28-2014

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:24 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

:O You smashed Eszter too?!

Eskimo brothers once again

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 12-28-2014

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:24 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

:O You smashed Eszter too?!

You will always be the RVF Trail Blazer of Budapest.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Sourcecode - 12-28-2014

Nevermind...the eszter I smashed had the same exact body...only she is more tan than that.
And her is curly.

Unless this girl got pale over the winter.

Ps.eszter is a common name. So it's probably not her.I actually smashed two girls named eszter.