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Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Saweeep - 05-04-2015

Well, he doesn't look like a guy that exercises much.

It isn't beyond the realms of possibility that he had a seizure or minor heart attack whilst running that made him fall off and bang his head.

What is strange is that nobody found him for so a poster above said, in these places in the 3rd world there are literally staff hiding behind every plant pot waiting for something to do. I can't imagine that nobody came by to clean a window or sweep a floor in all that time let alone gym staff themselves.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - rhino - 05-05-2015

The New York Cuckold Times mourns one of their own:

Dave Goldberg Was Lifelong Women’s Advocate:

"Ms. Sandberg, who often describes herself as bossy-in-a-good-way, enchanted him when they became friendly in the mid-1990s. He “was smitten with her,” Ms. Chessen remembered. Ms. Sandberg was dating someone else, but Mr. Goldberg still hung around, even helping her and her then-boyfriend move, recalled Bob Roback, a friend..."

Unsurprisingly, the article was written by Jodi Kantor:

"Jodi Kantor is an award-winning journalist and best-selling author who writes about gender, politics and other topics... In 2009, she interviewed the Obamas in the White House, asking them “How can you have an equal marriage when one person is president?” More recently, she has reported on the treatment of women at Harvard Business School, on Wall Street and in the Mormon church... The New York Times is the only newspaper Kantor has ever worked for. In fact, aside from her four-year tenure at Slate, it’s the only publication she has ever worked for... Ms. Kantor graduated from Columbia and attended Harvard Law School...

Unsurprisingly, further, the whole random article about her and her awakening friendship with another man - other than her husband:

"At Columbia, Kantor had a “complete grab bag of interests.” She was a campus tour guide and volunteered in the Admis­sions Office, did a Wednesday night Torah study program and wrote briefly for Spec­tator. More critical than the activities she pursued were the friends that she made, among them Frank Foer ’96, now editor-at-large for The New Republic. Foer says their friendship was cement­ed during their junior year abroad. He studied at Oxford, she at Cambridge, and they did some traveling together... “We thought the cool thing was not to study in Butler but to take the train to the main branch of the New York Public Library and do our work there,” she says. “We wanted to be New Yorkers in a real sense.” For Hanuk­kah, they bought each other presents from the library gift shop: “He got me a collec­tion of Yehuda Amichai poetry that I still have, and I got him this poster that was a New Yorker cover. I thought it was such a cool gift at the time, because he loved the magazine. But when I gave it to him, he got this look on his face. And I realized that he didn’t want to have a New Yorker poster on his wall; he wanted to write for magazines like the New Yorker. He had this sense of possibility, and the idea that we didn’t need to just read these publications and be con­sumers of them but that we could actually help produce them."

Jodi Kantor
[Image: kantor.jpg?w=512]

Her "partner", Ron Lieber, self-described "Husband, Dad, the NY Times' Your Money columnist":
[Image: tA_l9-un.jpeg]

Can't make this shit up. Every contemporary cultural marxist cliche rolled into one. And then doubled, tripled, and quadrupled.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-05-2015

Something is fishy about the story - it did not happen at the resort as the manager denied it happened at one of their gyms.

So where was he - at a different prfessional gym - then help would have arrived much sooner? If it had been at a friend's house, then yes - that is possible, but they published it as a fact that they stayed at the resort.

As far as Sharyl Sandberg and her sap of a husband is concerned - here are the Red Pill facts:

+ she gets married at 24 and divorced at 26
+ she meets her future husband around that time, but despite him being in love with her and "pining" after her she blueballs him and dates a string of bad boys and exciting men
+ that shit continues right until she is 35 - is about to hit the wall and decides to give the nice guy sucker finally some pussy
+ she leans in and marries that sap - lackluster sex life ensues
+ she probably starts cheating on him a few years later or sooner - Mike Carnevich had been invited to her house once and said that she flirted with him heavily - I am sure that other men hit that ass too
+ someone else wrote that her husband went on holiday with his wife - she was in DC at the time and may have gotten the D from someone else

In any case - whether it's a rare freak accident or suicide - it is a reminder for us men to become Red Pill, never accept post prime ex-sluts, never to marry, never to let women to optimize their AlphaFucksBetaBucks hypergamy unless you are the combination of both forces. If a woman lets you wait for 10 years, then know that she isn't really into you.

I also don't buy that guy's number of "girlfriends" he had dated - yes when the Beta Bucks is strong enough and you are non-stop in relationships with gold-diggers then you will fuck a lot of girls, but for none will you be the Alpha Fux - you are a walking 401k to her.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Basil Ransom - 05-05-2015

"Can't make this shit up. Every contemporary cultural marxist cliche rolled into one. And then doubled, tripled, and quadrupled."

Not sure what your point is - among a certain set - liberal bookish Jewish New Yorkers - they sound pretty typical.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - CH-Toronto - 05-05-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 07:24 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

If a woman lets you wait for 10 years, then know that she isn't really into you.

Of everything, I still can't wrap my mind around this fact. It's arguably the saddest part of the whole fiasco.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Dusty - 05-05-2015

It seems pretty risky for a billionaire to go to Mexico without security.

I know middle class ex pats who live in Mexico who are worried about being kidnapped or having their kids kidnapped.

The organized crime there figure they can extract ransom money from gringos.

If they knew who the "bergs" were and that they were worth billions, they'd be target rich.

No tin foil hat here. Just saying if Goldberg had security with him, as he should when traveling in a country like Mexico, he probably would have survived even if this was an accident as reported.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Days of Broken Arrows - 05-05-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 03:47 AM)rhino Wrote:  

The New York Cuckold Times mourns one of their own:

Dave Goldberg Was Lifelong Women’s Advocate:

"Ms. Sandberg, who often describes herself as bossy-in-a-good-way, enchanted him when they became friendly in the mid-1990s. He “was smitten with her,” Ms. Chessen remembered. Ms. Sandberg was dating someone else, but Mr. Goldberg still hung around, even helping her and her then-boyfriend move, recalled Bob Roback, a friend..."

Unsurprisingly, the article was written by Jodi Kantor:

"Jodi Kantor is an award-winning journalist and best-selling author who writes about gender, politics and other topics... In 2009, she interviewed the Obamas in the White House, asking them “How can you have an equal marriage when one person is president?” More recently, she has reported on the treatment of women at Harvard Business School, on Wall Street and in the Mormon church... The New York Times is the only newspaper Kantor has ever worked for. In fact, aside from her four-year tenure at Slate, it’s the only publication she has ever worked for... Ms. Kantor graduated from Columbia and attended Harvard Law School...

Unsurprisingly, further, the whole random article about her and her awakening friendship with another man - other than her husband:

"At Columbia, Kantor had a “complete grab bag of interests.” She was a campus tour guide and volunteered in the Admis­sions Office, did a Wednesday night Torah study program and wrote briefly for Spec­tator. More critical than the activities she pursued were the friends that she made, among them Frank Foer ’96, now editor-at-large for The New Republic. Foer says their friendship was cement­ed during their junior year abroad. He studied at Oxford, she at Cambridge, and they did some traveling together... “We thought the cool thing was not to study in Butler but to take the train to the main branch of the New York Public Library and do our work there,” she says. “We wanted to be New Yorkers in a real sense.” For Hanuk­kah, they bought each other presents from the library gift shop: “He got me a collec­tion of Yehuda Amichai poetry that I still have, and I got him this poster that was a New Yorker cover. I thought it was such a cool gift at the time, because he loved the magazine. But when I gave it to him, he got this look on his face. And I realized that he didn’t want to have a New Yorker poster on his wall; he wanted to write for magazines like the New Yorker. He had this sense of possibility, and the idea that we didn’t need to just read these publications and be con­sumers of them but that we could actually help produce them."

Jodi Kantor
[Image: kantor.jpg?w=512]

Her "partner", Ron Lieber, self-described "Husband, Dad, the NY Times' Your Money columnist":
[Image: tA_l9-un.jpeg]

Can't make this shit up. Every contemporary cultural marxist cliche rolled into one. And then doubled, tripled, and quadrupled.

The reference to "torah study" just made me come to a realization. When it came to Jewish women, I was the alpha fux in college.

These girls would be all prim and proper around mom and dad, then end up in the dorm room of Catholic boys Friday night (that would be my room) doing the unspeakable. Hehe. Never thought of it this way.

Most of 'em did wind up marrying a "nice Jewish boy." Wonder if I ruined it for some other guys. And you have to assume Sandberg went this route.

Some of them say they never dated outside their religion. In a way that's true. Blowing the Catholic-Italian in the college's student legal aid office really isn't dating per se.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - rhino - 05-05-2015

I was wondering if you were hitting that.

Some of the biggest/freakiest sluts in murca are jewish college girls.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - jariel - 05-05-2015


Mr. Goldberg, 47, was on vacation with family and friends at the Four Seasons Resort near Punta Mita, close to Puerto Vallarta in southwest Mexico, according to a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office in Nayarit State. Mr. Goldberg left his room around 4 p.m. on Friday, collapsed while exercising and died of head trauma and blood loss, said the spokesman. His brother, Robert Goldberg, found him on the floor of the gym at the resort at around 7 p.m. or after, with blood around him. The spokesman said it appears “he fell off the treadmill and cracked his head open.”

[Image: 56dfcc3c75c2e0b9ce4e8ee407794510.jpg]

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Sonsowey - 05-05-2015

Thiscoverup is so bad it makes me wonder, is the coverup itself a false flag?

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Carlos100 - 05-05-2015

Is the hotel denying that they were guests there because its management is afraid that people will stop going there if they know that someone died on the premises?

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - rpg - 05-05-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 06:25 PM)Carlos100 Wrote:  

Is the hotel denying that they were guests there because its management is afraid that people will stop going there if they know that someone died on the premises?

People die in hotels all the time. It is even a preferred suicide method to off oneself in a foreign resort so they wont go to great lengths to save you.
On the same note... I was JUST about to pull a womans swimsuit down and fuck her silly on an ocean cliff when the cops came and were looking for someone who possibly jumped the night before. I got cockblocked by a jumper. Would have been awkward if they were a minute later!

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-05-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 06:25 PM)Carlos100 Wrote:  

Is the hotel denying that they were guests there because its management is afraid that people will stop going there if they know that someone died on the premises?

It's still strange :


The official said Goldberg still had vital signs when he was discovered, but later died at a hospital in Nuevo Vallarta. The official said the cause of death was severe head trauma and hypovolemic shock, or bleeding.

The official said the accident took place at the Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita and that the family had checked in on April 30.

But the Four Seasons issued a statement saying the incident did not happen on any of its properties and that David Goldberg was not registered as a guest in any of the rooms, villas or residences.

So - someone here is lying for sure. My guess it's not the hotel, because denying the very presence of such guests does not seem to be logical. Something is fishy - but I am sure the media will give us similar such amazing conflicting reports without checking anything in person.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - jariel - 05-05-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 06:48 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

I am sure the media will give us similar such amazing conflicting reports without checking anything in person.

The media gives the public what it wants the public to know.

The idea that this man fell off a treadmill and busted his head open so badly that he died is right there with Gary Webb managing to reach behind his head and put two bullets through the back of his dome.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - RawGod - 05-05-2015

Come on guys. Men in their 40s and 50s die suddenly of heart attack and stroke all the time. Pasty, overweight guys who work long hours, with lots of stress and a relatively high profile, like this fellow, are prime candidates. Enough with the conspiracy theories.

Dizziness, mild stroke, you fall, hit your head and it's over. Same thing happened to my uncle.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - jariel - 05-05-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 07:58 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

Come on guys. Men in their 40s and 50s die suddenly of heart attack and stroke all the time. Pasty, overweight guys who work long hours, with lots of stress and a relatively high profile, like this fellow, are prime candidates. Enough with the conspiracy theories.

I'm more apt to say enough with the red herrings.

None of the reports suggest he had a heart attack or a stroke, so his death is not akin to someone who suffered one of those afflictions.

A discussion is being had within a purported red-pill community about a major story that appears to have some holes, and you're chastising people for thinking?

Every time someone doesn't take the "official" ever-changing/developing story from the media automatically as gospel, especially when there are warranted questions, doesn't make them a conspiracy theorist.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Dusty - 05-05-2015



May 5, 2015, Punta Mita, México

We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of David Goldberg. Our sympathy goes to his family and friends who have suffered this tragic loss.

Four Seasons would like to clarify that, contrary to some media reports, the tragedy did not take place at Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita. Mr. Goldberg was not a registered guest at our resort, villas or residences.

As the tragedy did not take place on our property, nor was Mr. Goldberg a guest, we are not in a position to comment further. Again, our condolences to Mr. Goldberg's family and friends. Our thoughts are with them at this difficult time.

This is really bizarre.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Days of Broken Arrows - 05-05-2015

Before we all start fighting over this, please keep in mind that -- as we all learned recently -- reporters can and do get facts wrong.

The New York Times may have mis-reported where Sandberg and Goldberg were staying. Newspapers are also famous for issuing corrections for info like this in small print on page 92, deep inside the paper, where no one sees it. As we learned with Rolling Stone, media people don't admit errors easily.


In my book, I debunked an urban legend about a certain rock group getting "banned" from a concert hall. It never happened, said the hall's people. (Addendum: I forgot to add that the group's manager and publicist told me this as well.) The concert people even wrote a letter about it to my friend. So I had documentation.

But I kept getting emails from people saying "I Googled it and the LA Times said they were banned -- so you're wrong and the concert people are lying!"

So I wrote the LA Times and eventually reached their resident archivist/researcher. He told me they did print a story that the group was banned that's on the Web. But...three days later they printed a correction that's not on the Web.

So, this mistake now remains part of the public record because of the way they do business.

I'm not saying this is the case with the NY Times. But if they did make a mistake in reporting this, don't expect to find out easily.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Other Barry - 05-05-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 08:32 PM)jariel Wrote:  

A discussion is being had within a purported red-pill community about a major story that appears to have some holes, and you're chastising people for thinking?

jariel, I'm in full support of open debate, but it appears that this discussion has gone from speculation to full blown conspiracy theory.

In 2007, 'Crazy' John Ilhan, owner of Crazy John's Mobiles and worth hundreds of millions, died of a blockage in an artery. He was in his mid 40's and relatively fit. He exercised regularly and died while he was walking on the beach one morning. I still remember it clearly, because it came out of nowhere; much like the case we're talking about here.

Like someone else said, people in their 40's die on the reg's. It happens. Doesn't mean there's something shady going on.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Soma - 05-06-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 09:00 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Before we all start fighting over this, please keep in mind that -- as we all learned recently -- reporters can and do get facts wrong.

The New York Times may have mis-reported where Sandberg and Goldberg were staying.

NY Post is reporting that it was at the Palmasola resort beside the Four Seasons.

Quote:NY Post Wrote:

But the 47-year-old tech veteran had actually been exercising inside a gym at the Palmasola, which is a private resort next door to the Four Seasons Punta Mita, according to a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office in Nayarit State.

If so, this is the treadmill:

[Image: gHz7LnE.jpg]

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-06-2015

A stupid way to go - he was a tall fat man who was in bad shape. An accident in a small hotel gym is bad because often there is no one there. In professional large gyms the treadmills are situated that way, that even if you fall there is nothing behind you or at least there is someone who can help you quickly. In this case you can even hit the window sill or wall behind and no one may find out for an hour.

Shit happens and life is a bitch sometimes. Most fatal accidents happen at home in the bathroom or while doing something inane like changing the light-bulb.

Seems like it's the truth and the Mexican authorities did not get all the facts right, but there would no reason for them to lie even if it was suicide.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Nonpareil - 05-06-2015

Quote: (05-06-2015 02:29 AM)Soma Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2015 09:00 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Before we all start fighting over this, please keep in mind that -- as we all learned recently -- reporters can and do get facts wrong.

The New York Times may have mis-reported where Sandberg and Goldberg were staying.

NY Post is reporting that it was at the Palmasola resort beside the Four Seasons.

Quote:NY Post Wrote:

But the 47-year-old tech veteran had actually been exercising inside a gym at the Palmasola, which is a private resort next door to the Four Seasons Punta Mita, according to a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office in Nayarit State.

If so, this is the treadmill:

[Image: gHz7LnE.jpg]

The treadmill looks like it was manufactured and sent back in time to kill some kid...but the weights look like they're saying 'Man, come hang with us! we've got chicks and beer!'

I need to hit the gym when I get back home (though I'm in a place where I don't need to lift to get laid), and I'd weep, were he not a mangina male feminist snake, the type that gets bitched about on here daily, who was the husband of a shrill feminist cunt who wants more women to 'Lean In!' and fund her cushy top-0.0001% lifestyle. #LeanIn And give me your money, you dirty unwashed prole.

My take? Someone (not necessarily Ms. 'Lean In!') took him out.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Island Souljah - 05-06-2015

I think she tried to pull a Bruce Beresford-Redman and knock off the spouse in a failed narco-state where dozens of murders go unsolved daily. Honestly, I didnt know who this fugly bitch was until I googled her, I threw up just a little in my mouth. What a hideously ugly piece of cunt.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - TravelerKai - 05-06-2015

Even if there is or was no foul play, God does not like ugly. The warning to not touch or harm anyone that belong's to God applies here as well. She made tons of false prophet speeches demeaning and putting down on men, pumping up feminism, womb barrenness, career over love, using her wimpy and beaten down husband as a prop for all of it, was extremely poor in taste. Even more so just plain evil. God could not honor or sanction anything she was trumpeting. Anyone pairing themselves to evil women will never be spared either. No real man Jewish or Christian would let his wife teach evil dysfunction like that in public. Anyone preaching evil is never immune to destruction even if the majority of them appear to be immune to it. If her life continues to unravel more, it still will not be a coincidence.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - TigerMandingo - 05-06-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 10:44 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Her "partner", Ron Lieber, self-described "Husband, Dad, the NY Times' Your Money columnist":
[Image: tA_l9-un.jpeg]

This is the face of a man who has never seen the inside of a pussy since birth.