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Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:44 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Where do all of us muts fit in here. Those like me who are mixed race, married to a mixed race, with a super mixed race kid. I guess we don't stand a chance, especially my wife since she is also an immigrant into Canada.

I'll say it again, if immigration was slowed down for a little bit, we could probably get a handle on it real quick. But it feels like these clowns in charge want to dump so many in at once that it causes chaos among the whole.

Up until recently, I had never met an immigrant with gimme mentality. It was startling to meet one recently who arrived last year and is now on long term disability for his speech. He had a cleft palate! But in Canada in 2018 being an immigrant who is hard to understand entitle you to a life of freeloading. What a joke.

One of the only saving graces of Canada is the rural areas. These places are stuck in the 80's still, even with the internet. But even this is changing. My cousin in SK does crop insurance adjustment and is saying that more and more of the farms he deals with are Chinese and Indian. The Indians work their own land, but the Chinese just buy the land and lease it back to the local farmers. He gets A LOT more work these days as every storm leads to some type of insurance inquiry. They don't necessarily pay out, but he still drives 100k km a year looking at farms. Not good for the long run, as anyone who lives in BC and deals with ICBC insurance can explain. The system was ripe for scams and the Indians exploited the shit out of it.

So hey, even if this white thing doesn't pan out, or it does, most of Canada's barely habitable production land will be in the hands of foreigners anyways. So if those 20% white people become an issue we can just starve them out.

Yeah - when there is 20% left, then you just "starve them out". Because in a civil war scenario those 20% will just sit there and obey land ownership issues.

Also it betrays quite interestingly a pure genocidal agenda - it worked extremely well in Haiti (200 years 100% black ethno-state), Rhodesia, now South Africa. I am sure that the future is golden.

[Image: 5z4a.jpg]

All the "arguments" raised of "breed motherfuckers" are old and debunked. Please take 10 minutes a look into this funny little vid about Rainbow Hitler:

It will answer most of the questions.

And as others pointed out - it's all a matter of scale and common sense. I have really nothing against some non-European immigration in the countries that Europeans created.

But here you have guys openly saying that they can always kill the other remaining 20% in 2100. And that is the "Red Pill" moderate view - heh.

You guys are also completely bereft of all senses that it's perfectly fine denying the right of the population that actually built the place for hundreds of years TO KEEP ON LIVING IN THAT PLACE!

At least the previous Whites were not immigrants, but settlers who created Canada - you would not move there if there was woods and tipis there.

But sure - I am the racist here, not the guy who talks about literally killing the surviving 20% of Whites in Canada in 2100.

Beige power!

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - doc holliday - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:44 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:10 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Funniest thing here is that most these dudes doing the autistic screech about the death of White civilization aren't doing the one thing that they could actually do to help stem this problem, which would be to get married to a nice white girl and pump out a bunch of cute white kids. I guess Leonard has kids but his kids are half Juans and/or Juanitas so as far as propagating the white species, he's an utter failure. The others would rather just chase sluts, swipe right on Tindle in lesser developed countries rather than to become an adult, have kids and raise them in a traditional Irish, Polish, Italian, whichever great culture you might belong to and produce some adults who could keep civilization intact. Funny thing here, all you guys would rather screech away and blame people like me for your woes rather than actually take some action and make your surroundings a decent place.

I'm sure you've noticed the common thread here and throughout much of this forum is that this dream is no longer feasible for the vast majority of white men, mathematically speaking. Today's white, western women aren't really interested in settling down and raising a family (at least not interested in a realistic way; the may be "interested" insofar as wanting to settle down at 35+). Women are however willing to fuck.

You claim that the white men on this forum bitching about not being able to find wives are wasting our time, and we should be out there "taking some action". But you don't explain what this action might entail? One can only assume action = running game. Either that or action = move to a non-western (usually meaning non-white) country. Those are the only two realistic possibilities, and as such they are the main focus of this forum (Game and Travel).

The principles of game are effective for getting bangs. They are not (in many people's opinion, mine inc.) effective for getting wives. And unless a man is wiling to look outside the west (mainly to non-white countries) he is unlikely to find a marriageable woman.

And no, we are not able to "make" women want to be wives. Men do not have this power, no matter how wealthy/handsome/successful/good at running game we are. Women can only be made wife/mother material by the family that raises her and by the culture she grows up in, period.

Look, there are women who are interested in settling down and having kids. They're generally not on Tinder or in bars or places that most guys go to run game on women but they are out there. Part of the problem though is that most guys want to run through a bunch of sluts and then settle down similar to how you're describing how most women are these days. Then by the time they want to settle down, most of the decent chicks are already married so you're left with table scraps. I mean come on, we have dudes on here who want to wait until their late 40s to have kids. I can tell you that, that is a pipe dream, it's ridiculous. I'm sorry but I maintain that you guys bitching on here are accomplishing jack shit exactly but the reality is that most guys are not interested in having families these days. So you get what we have now which is a big, giant, clusterfuck.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Thot Leader - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:50 PM)Parras Wrote:  

Don't hate on these other countries who just flat out testosterone all the white countries.

Because calling yourself a refugee then claiming social benefits paid for primarily the taxes of the men in the host country = "out testosterone"-ing


Japan is one of the few countries that refuses to bring in immigrants. Sure they are homogeneous, but their population is dying and the majority of their population are old people. That's a problem. Japan has a worse birthrate than even the US. In 100 years, Japan will be extinct if they follow in the same path. But hey they're homogeneous.

If they refuse to bring in immigrants, there is a chance they could reverse their demographic slide and restore their population at some point in the future. If they import a bunch of non-Japanese, then their race is definitely finished.


The argument about "white genocide" is insanely stupid. Whites are doing this to themselves. Don't hate on the traditional third world and developing countries who do things like family, manhood, and keeping women in check better than you.

The first two sentences are true. But the part about the third world "doing manhood better" than westerners? If they did manhood better they'd be building their own countries rather than freeloading (in the case of refugees, since as a whole they don't bloody well support themselves) off of supposedly low-T whitey. Abandoning your kids and brutalizing your women isn't doing manhood better.

And yes, my ancestors were immigrants from Europe displaced by war and famine, but I'm not claiming they "did manhood" better than the men whose countries took them in.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:50 PM)Parras Wrote:  

Most white countries aren't going extinct because of immigrants.

White countries just aren't having enough babies. Things like birth control, women voting, women leaving traditional values and going to college and having babies later in life, women being "independent", planned parenthood, people choosing to have kids in their 30's because of careers, is what is driving the insanely low birthrate. I don't want to hear about this "genocide" nonsense. Whites are pretty much just killing themselves. If they keep going down this path, they will eventually go extinct themselves in 100 years even if they bring in no immigrants. Sure you'll be homogeneous, but you will be extinct either way. Don't hate on these other countries who just flat out testosterone all the white countries.

To make up for this insanely low birthrate, white countries bring in immigrants to level off the birthrate. You want to have a country or not?

Japan is one of the few countries that refuses to bring in immigrants. Sure they are homogeneous, but their population is dying and the majority of their population are old people. That's a problem. Japan has a worse birthrate than even the US. In 100 years, Japan will be extinct if they follow in the same path. But hey they're homogeneous.

The argument about "white genocide" is insanely stupid. Whites are doing this to themselves. Don't hate on the traditional third world and developing countries who do things like family, manhood, and keeping women in check better than you.

Complete bullshit.

In the past you needed 80% of the population to feed 100%, now you need 3-5% (or less).

[Image: attachment.jpg39784]   
China's population sometimes dropped over 50% - many many times - just like Europe. If Japan drops to 50 mio. then it will still be fine.

Even if White countries started popping out babies like crazy, then it won't matter when others just move in at rates of 300.000+ per year and have far more children. And what kind of rabbit-breeding bullshit is that? K-selected societies require incentives and conditions to do what they do - not just welfare.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - iop890 - 08-20-2018

Japan is not going to go extinct, don't be a retard. Do you think just because a trend exists now that it will continue forever until the population is zero? Japan's population will level out eventually and they'll still be Japan. They'll still have miniscule crime rates, they'll still eat sushi and have wierd paper walls and make mostly boring malt whisky.

If they "solved" their population problem by importing shitizens until the Japanese were a minority though, they wouldn't be Japan anymore, even if they all stopped posting on RVF and tried to out-breed a bunch of r-selected third worlders.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Bastard Sword - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:44 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:10 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Funniest thing here is that most these dudes doing the autistic screech about the death of White civilization aren't doing the one thing that they could actually do to help stem this problem, which would be to get married to a nice white girl and pump out a bunch of cute white kids. I guess Leonard has kids but his kids are half Juans and/or Juanitas so as far as propagating the white species, he's an utter failure. The others would rather just chase sluts, swipe right on Tindle in lesser developed countries rather than to become an adult, have kids and raise them in a traditional Irish, Polish, Italian, whichever great culture you might belong to and produce some adults who could keep civilization intact. Funny thing here, all you guys would rather screech away and blame people like me for your woes rather than actually take some action and make your surroundings a decent place.

I'm sure you've noticed the common thread here and throughout much of this forum is that this dream is no longer feasible for the vast majority of white men, mathematically speaking. Today's white, western women aren't really interested in settling down and raising a family (at least not interested in a realistic way; the may be "interested" insofar as wanting to settle down at 35+). Women are however willing to fuck.

This single bolded sentence just proves my point. If white women are either unable to create healthy families (due to the various issues I listed previously), unwilling to do so (thanks to buying into extreme feminism wholesale), and have a tendency to torpedo their families once they do create them (through the ridiculous 40% divorce rate among white women), whose fault is that?

I'm sure the WRTs will find some way to sweep this under the rug or blame the Jews/Chinese/evil lizard people. The simpler answer is that it's simply a massive flaw in white culture, one which guys like Sloppy don't have the balls to admit. It's also much more threatening to western civilization than a couple more Chun Li's showing up and making college admissions more competitive.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Labienus - 08-20-2018

Sure it's a flaw in our cultures. That still doesn't mean we should allow ourselves to become minorities in our own countries.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Bastard Sword - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:10 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Funniest thing here is that most these dudes doing the autistic screech about the death of White civilization aren't doing the one thing that they could actually do to help stem this problem, which would be to get married to a nice white girl and pump out a bunch of cute white kids. I guess Leonard has kids but his kids are half Juans and/or Juanitas so as far as propagating the white species, he's an utter failure. The others would rather just chase sluts, swipe right on Tindle in lesser developed countries rather than to become an adult, have kids and raise them in a traditional Irish, Polish, Italian, whichever great culture you might belong to and produce some adults who could keep civilization intact. Funny thing here, all you guys would rather screech away and blame people like me for your woes rather than actually take some action and make your surroundings a decent place.

Then again, I don't know if I could imagine most of you guys being able to handle it. It would be comical to see a guy like SS (Sloppy Seconds lol) having a family. Oh well, just enjoy the decline, keep pounding them sluts and keep up the good fight by posting on RVF.

The fact that we're under attack from people like Sloppy and LDN is hilarious. Leonard has written nine posts a day, every day, for the last two years , the vast majority of which are bizarre doomsday posts talking about how non-white immigrants are inferiors who are going to tank western civilization, how they're eventually going to get genocided, and that their inferiority is dictated by their fundamental genetics. I think he's snuck in a couple posts about how black people contribute nothing to America and are essentially just leeching of of white Americans -- never mind that millions of white Americans are on welfare, commit plenty of crimes on their own, or, you know, that black people have been in America for over three hundred years .

He doesn't seem to get that his own wife and kids are minorities -- his wife being one of those aforementioned inferior immigrants. On top of that, from what I gather, this guy has never met another forum member (I'm not sure if Sloppy has either) -- so for all we know the two of them look like this:

[Image: 20140618_ifat.jpg]

It would explain why they have the time to write nine race troll posts per day, every day, over the course of years [Image: lol.gif]

What's even funnier is that the founder of this site is a non-white immigrant (no, your hamsters can't justify how Iranians are somehow white Europeans -- but if you think that, I guess you're okay with Iranians mass immigrating into Europe, right?) who other white nationalists have referred to as a "sand n*gger" and a "kebab". Losers like Sloppy and Leonard seem to have spent the last two years writing about how non-white immigrants are inferior and undesirable -- on a forum created by a non-white immigrant. Wonder how Roosh feels knowing that there are guys who have written more than 8000 posts about how inferior his ancestry is and how people like him are detriment to the west.

This is easily some of the stupidest shit I've seen on the internet, anywhere, ever. It's not even ironic or funny. It's just an autistic obsession with race, and unbelievable cognitive dissonance.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Thot Leader - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:19 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

This single bolded sentence just proves my point. If white women are either unable to create healthy families (due to the various issues I listed previously), unwilling to do so (thanks to buying into extreme feminism wholesale), and have a tendency to torpedo their families once they do create them (through the ridiculous 40% divorce rate among white women), whose fault is that?

I'm sure the WRTs will find some way to sweep this under the rug or blame the Jews/Chinese/evil lizard people. The simpler answer is that it's simply a massive flaw in white culture, one which guys like Sloppy don't have the balls to admit. It's also much more threatening to western civilization than a couple more Chun Li's showing up and making college admissions more competitive.

You may be right. Although you haven't come out and said it, I assume the flaw you're referring to is white men's capacity for empathy, i.e. a willingness to extend privileges to those who haven't earned them? By letting women make choices, or by allowing third worlders to flood into the west even though they have little to offer us and we owe them nothing? So according to your logic we should stop being so nice and hospitable, yes? That'd be our first, and perhaps only step?

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Bastard Sword - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:33 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:19 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

This single bolded sentence just proves my point. If white women are either unable to create healthy families (due to the various issues I listed previously), unwilling to do so (thanks to buying into extreme feminism wholesale), and have a tendency to torpedo their families once they do create them (through the ridiculous 40% divorce rate among white women), whose fault is that?

I'm sure the WRTs will find some way to sweep this under the rug or blame the Jews/Chinese/evil lizard people. The simpler answer is that it's simply a massive flaw in white culture, one which guys like Sloppy don't have the balls to admit. It's also much more threatening to western civilization than a couple more Chun Li's showing up and making college admissions more competitive.

You may be right. Although you haven't come out and said it, I assume the flaw you're referring to is white men's capacity for empathy, i.e. a willingness to extend privileges to those who haven't earned them? By letting women make choices, or by allowing third worlders to flood into the west even though they have little to offer us and we owe them nothing? So according to your logic we should stop being so nice and hospitable, yes? That'd be our first, and perhaps only step?

[Image: lol.gif] You can keep deflecting, making excuses, and refusing to take any responsibility for your culture's failures. "Letting women make choices" isn't an example of "empathy", but white women routinely failing to have kids or raise strong families is a cultural failing, plain and simple.

Third worlders weren't "allowed" to "flood" the west -- they were brought in to do agricultural work by mostly white executives (in the case of Latino immigrants), or to do the IT jobs that local Americans (both white and black, just so I don't hurt anyone else's feelings) were not qualified to do in numbers that could meet the demands of the IT space. This is why the Silicon Valley is full of Indians, Chinese, and to a lesser extent Iranians, Nigerians, Israelis, and Eastern Europeans. They weren't allowed in because of "empathy", they were allowed in because they are necessary for the machine to operate.

Do you seriously think that the white CEOs of the 80s and 90s would rather have worked with South Indian coders than with white ones? You really think they wouldn't have rather had a workforce that was culturally aligned with what they wanted? If they had the choice, I have no doubt they would have picked white coders (since that's probably what they were the most comfortable with) -- but they couldn't, because there weren't enough that were qualified. Like I said, the free market and the demands of corporate America give a flying fuck about "white genocide" and your bullshit racial concerns.

I am mostly talking about the context of California since that's where I grew up -- unlike guys like Sloppy or Leonard, I have no interest in running my mouth about things I have no experience with. Similar immigration patterns apply across parts of the East Coast US and probably in Canada too. I'm not talking about Europe, before someone starts blabbering about how I want Denmark to get invaded by Somalis.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - RichieP - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 10:18 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Are waves formed by a massive number of tiny, sympathetic forces?

Or are they formed by magic?

Wait. I know. They're formed by a senior minister or civil servant making whooshing motions with his hands.

In terms of impact, it doesn't matter which macro wave you add your energy to. Chance of it making any difference is negligible. Same as how the chance of your vote in an election *actually changing the result* is tiny.

If you want to make an ethical argument for contribution, sure, but let's not pretend that any one individual has a significant impact at a national level *unless* they are marshalling the actions of thousands of others.

This idea that any one of us can "change the world" by being part of a movement is flawed. If you want to be a leader and influencer, great, but IMO otherwise just focus on seeing things as they are and making moves accordingly.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Thot Leader - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:48 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

[Image: lol.gif] You can keep deflecting, making excuses, and refusing to take any responsibility for your culture's failures. "Letting women make choices" isn't an example of "empathy", but white women routinely failing to have kids or raise strong families is a cultural failing, plain and simple.

You accuse me of deflecting while you're being deliberately vague. What does this cultural failing look like, can you please explain it? When did it occur, etc. It surely wasn't always the case. What do you suppose happened? I maintain that our so-called cultural failing is allowing the leftist-progressivist establishment to tell western women not to have kids while simultaneously telling westerners to accept millions of non-westerners into our societies in order to replace us economically, politically, culturally and perhaps racially.


Third worlders weren't "allowed" to "flood" the west -- they were brought in to do agricultural work by mostly white executives (in the case of Latino immigrants), or to do the IT jobs that local Americans (both white and black, just so I don't hurt anyone else's feelings) were not qualified to do in numbers that could meet the demands of the IT space.

There are at least eleven million illegal immigrants in the US, mainly from Latin America, as well as millions upon millions of "migrants" or "refugees" that have entered Europe uninvited over the past five years. Millions of undocumented immigrants who either work for cash or don't work at all while using social benefits = flood. Not rounding them up and deporting them = allowing.


This is why the Silicon Valley is full of Indians, Chinese, and to a lesser extent Iranians, Nigerians, Israelis, and Eastern Europeans. They weren't allowed in because of "empathy", they were allowed in because they are necessary for the machine to operate.

Like I said, the free market and the demands of corporate America give a flying fuck about "white genocide" and your bullshit racial concerns.

I am mostly talking about the context of California since that's where I grew up -- unlike guys like Sloppy or Leonard, I have no interest in running my mouth about things I have no experience with. Similar immigration patterns apply across parts of the East Coast US and probably in Canada too. I'm not talking about Europe, before someone starts blabbering about how I want Denmark to get invaded by Somalis.

So it's the free market that's paying for the so-called refugees entering Canada, the US and Europe?

See the OP. You've tried to turn this thread, which is about refugees entering Canada (and similarly the US and Europe) into "Ha HA stupid whitey doesn't realize it's Achmed and Rajit who perform the IT jobs." Even if I grant your point about skilled immigrants being needed for IT jobs, what does this have to do with the subject of western populations being told we need to admit and provide for refugees?

You fail at hijacking worse than this guy, is he your dad or something:

[Image: c1_915521_160330124414_620x413.jpg]

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Chewbacon - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 04:38 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (08-18-2018 03:13 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Canada wasn't originally inhabited by Anglo-saxons, irish and blacks to begin with. New world countries are created due to immigration. Why can some people migrate and others can't. The chinese pump in billions of dollars in the canadian economy, So it's not like they haven't contributed something positive in to Canadian economy.

There was no Canada before the Anglo Saxon (franks too).

Chinese are leaving Chinese countries to live in Anglo Saxon Canada, not to live in native peoples nations.

The deal here is, Anglo-saxons build the best countries, and that’s where people from other cultures want to go. When it is no longer Anglo Saxon, it’s no longer Canada (or USA or England, or Australia etc) then it’s ruined.

South Korea.
Singapore (though there is an anglo legacy from colonialism).
Germany (yes, they have their issues due to Merkel and the EU, but still a hyper efficient culture with a strong industrial tradition).
Israel (the palestinian conflict aside, good economy and high tech).
Uruguay maybe.

Anglo-saxon progressives have been bankrupting their countries and introducing toxic strains of cultural relativism/post-modernism long before any immigrants gained a major foothold in these countries. Don't put that on the immigrants.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Thot Leader - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 06:23 PM)Chewbacon Wrote:  

(((Anglo-saxon progressives))) have been bankrupting their countries and introducing toxic strains of cultural relativism/post-modernism long before any immigrants gained a major foothold in these countries. Don't put that on the immigrants.

Fixed it.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Chewbacon - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 06:28 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 06:23 PM)Chewbacon Wrote:  

(((Anglo-saxon progressives))) have been bankrupting their countries and introducing toxic strains of cultural relativism/post-modernism long before any immigrants gained a major foothold in these countries. Don't put that on the immigrants.

Fixed it.

Last time I checked, that was 1 in 2 white people. Half of the reproducing white people in anglo-saxon countries are justin trudeaus.

Anglo-saxon countries became great because they passed down the cultural traditions and institutions of classical liberalism, protestant work ethic, the nuclear family, and respect for free markets. Those things don't exist in anglo blood - they take active collective cultivation and mass indoctrination. You have to teach it in your schools, in churches, and at the dinner table.

All of that is gone. Talk to most anglo-saxons and they don't know or understand half the things I just mentioned.

Anglo-saxon countries are already fucked because they have lost their own traditions.

Your fears about immigration would potentially make sense in a world where anglo-saxon countries have a culturally traditional bulwark that persists in the majority. The fear would then be that the cultural bulwark does not have the ability to digest and integrate immigrants into the traditional culture at a rate commensurate with the numbers of immigrants coming in.

But none of that makes sense when the cultural bulwark no longer exists.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Labienus - 08-20-2018

That can be reversed. Look at eastern Europe, those countries are returning to Christianity and common sense after 50 years of communism.

However, that won't be possible here when our countries become majority non-European.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Chewbacon - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 06:45 PM)Labienus Wrote:  

That can be reversed. Look at eastern Europe, those countries are returning to Christianity and common sense after 50 years of communism.

However, that won't be possible here when our countries become majority non-European.

There are two bogeymen - foreign illiberal cultures and domestic toxic progressivism. Countries like Hungry and Poland are not corrupted enough by domestic toxic progressivism to be blind to the foreign illiberal cultural threat. So they defy the EU and close their doors.

But I'm not optimistic they can reverse the long run trend of toxic progressivism, especially if they stay in the EU and their own people are exposed on a daily basis to the rest of the EU via the Schengen area. It's hard to put back toxic progressivism in the proverbial pandora's box once it is open.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Chewbacon - 08-20-2018

You should qualify the part about european/non-european.

Southern Europe is a shit show, with or without immigration.

I think there needs to be a more culturally specific rubric for this line of argument - europe is pretty culturally diverse.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - rudebwoy - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:48 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:33 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:19 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

This single bolded sentence just proves my point. If white women are either unable to create healthy families (due to the various issues I listed previously), unwilling to do so (thanks to buying into extreme feminism wholesale), and have a tendency to torpedo their families once they do create them (through the ridiculous 40% divorce rate among white women), whose fault is that?

I'm sure the WRTs will find some way to sweep this under the rug or blame the Jews/Chinese/evil lizard people. The simpler answer is that it's simply a massive flaw in white culture, one which guys like Sloppy don't have the balls to admit. It's also much more threatening to western civilization than a couple more Chun Li's showing up and making college admissions more competitive.

You may be right. Although you haven't come out and said it, I assume the flaw you're referring to is white men's capacity for empathy, i.e. a willingness to extend privileges to those who haven't earned them? By letting women make choices, or by allowing third worlders to flood into the west even though they have little to offer us and we owe them nothing? So according to your logic we should stop being so nice and hospitable, yes? That'd be our first, and perhaps only step?

[Image: lol.gif] You can keep deflecting, making excuses, and refusing to take any responsibility for your culture's failures. "Letting women make choices" isn't an example of "empathy", but white women routinely failing to have kids or raise strong families is a cultural failing, plain and simple.

Third worlders weren't "allowed" to "flood" the west -- they were brought in to do agricultural work by mostly white executives (in the case of Latino immigrants), or to do the IT jobs that local Americans (both white and black, just so I don't hurt anyone else's feelings) were not qualified to do in numbers that could meet the demands of the IT space. This is why the Silicon Valley is full of Indians, Chinese, and to a lesser extent Iranians, Nigerians, Israelis, and Eastern Europeans. They weren't allowed in because of "empathy", they were allowed in because they are necessary for the machine to operate.

Do you seriously think that the white CEOs of the 80s and 90s would rather have worked with South Indian coders than with white ones? You really think they wouldn't have rather had a workforce that was culturally aligned with what they wanted? If they had the choice, I have no doubt they would have picked white coders (since that's probably what they were the most comfortable with) -- [b]but they couldn't, because there weren't enough that were qualified. Like I said, the free market and the demands of corporate America give a flying fuck about "white genocide" and your bullshit racial concerns.[/b]

I am mostly talking about the context of California since that's where I grew up -- unlike guys like Sloppy or Leonard, I have no interest in running my mouth about things I have no experience with. Similar immigration patterns apply across parts of the East Coast US and probably in Canada too. I'm not talking about Europe, before someone starts blabbering about how I want Denmark to get invaded by Somalis.

[Image: mindblown.gif]

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Chewbacon - 08-20-2018

I find it ironic that one of the major selling points of Roosh V is to help men find niches in the world un-corrupted by western ideologies where they can meet "wife-material" women, and yet we have an entire sub-space on this forum dedicated to some western nativist wet dream.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Parras - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:48 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:33 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 04:19 PM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

This single bolded sentence just proves my point. If white women are either unable to create healthy families (due to the various issues I listed previously), unwilling to do so (thanks to buying into extreme feminism wholesale), and have a tendency to torpedo their families once they do create them (through the ridiculous 40% divorce rate among white women), whose fault is that?

I'm sure the WRTs will find some way to sweep this under the rug or blame the Jews/Chinese/evil lizard people. The simpler answer is that it's simply a massive flaw in white culture, one which guys like Sloppy don't have the balls to admit. It's also much more threatening to western civilization than a couple more Chun Li's showing up and making college admissions more competitive.

You may be right. Although you haven't come out and said it, I assume the flaw you're referring to is white men's capacity for empathy, i.e. a willingness to extend privileges to those who haven't earned them? By letting women make choices, or by allowing third worlders to flood into the west even though they have little to offer us and we owe them nothing? So according to your logic we should stop being so nice and hospitable, yes? That'd be our first, and perhaps only step?

[Image: lol.gif] You can keep deflecting, making excuses, and refusing to take any responsibility for your culture's failures. "Letting women make choices" isn't an example of "empathy", but white women routinely failing to have kids or raise strong families is a cultural failing, plain and simple.

Third worlders weren't "allowed" to "flood" the west -- they were brought in to do agricultural work by mostly white executives (in the case of Latino immigrants), or to do the IT jobs that local Americans (both white and black, just so I don't hurt anyone else's feelings) were not qualified to do in numbers that could meet the demands of the IT space. This is why the Silicon Valley is full of Indians, Chinese, and to a lesser extent Iranians, Nigerians, Israelis, and Eastern Europeans. They weren't allowed in because of "empathy", they were allowed in because they are necessary for the machine to operate.

Do you seriously think that the white CEOs of the 80s and 90s would rather have worked with South Indian coders than with white ones? You really think they wouldn't have rather had a workforce that was culturally aligned with what they wanted? If they had the choice, I have no doubt they would have picked white coders (since that's probably what they were the most comfortable with) -- but they couldn't, because there weren't enough that were qualified. [b]Like I said, the free market and the demands of corporate America give a flying fuck about "white genocide" and your bullshit racial concerns. [/b]

I am mostly talking about the context of California since that's where I grew up -- unlike guys like Sloppy or Leonard, I have no interest in running my mouth about things I have no experience with. Similar immigration patterns apply across parts of the East Coast US and probably in Canada too. I'm not talking about Europe, before someone starts blabbering about how I want Denmark to get invaded by Somalis.

Adding to the bolded above.

The powers that be and the elite have done a pretty good job in convincing White middle class and lower class Americans into believing that the poor immigrants and minorities are mooching off them, like the majority of the people in this thread.

The only people mooching off American tax payers right now are oil companies, military contractors, and the wealthiest people of America. Its a great scare-tactic in blaming minorities for all the county's problems when the country's elite are basically raping and pillaging us and taking all the money through the back door.

I find it amazing that the U.S. government magically has money when it comes to waging wars overseas, Iraq (7 trillion dollars when all is said and done), Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Lybia, maintaining bases, spending on defense, giving tax cuts to billionaires and wall street (which will add trillions to the debt), 80 billion dollars a year for big banks in the form of corporate welfare, a trillion dollar bailout of Wall Street in 2008.

But when it comes to actually giving healthcare and education to people, improving infrastructure, and raising wages for the average American, you here people say "HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR IT?" "Pie in the sky", "its too expensive!" "Grow up and accept the status quo".

We all of a sudden have empty pockets when it comes to improving the lives of ordinary Americans?

What a joke!

Donald Trump and Mike Pence just last week announced a motherfucking Space Force as a new branch of the military in space! Yeah you heard that right, in fucking space! And did anybody say "hey Pence, this is crazy, pie in the sky stuff, we can't afford it?" Nope! Not one word.

Our priorities are fucked up.

America is hijacked and being run by an oligarchy of a few rich families and corporations who have highjacked the government by buying off all the politicians to make policies in their favor.

Instead of focusing on the poor Mexican cutting your lawn or picking oranges, how about actually taking your anger out on the people who are actually raping you which are the elites of the country.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Thot Leader - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 07:27 PM)Parras Wrote:  

The powers that be and the elite have done a pretty good job in convincing White middle class and lower class Americans into believing that the poor immigrants and minorities are mooching off them, like the majority of the people in this thread.

I agree with a lot of what's in your post, but that's not what this thread is about.

Canada is financially supporting so-called refugees, as are many European countries. This thread had nothing to do with Indian IT professionals or Mexican fruit-pickers until the white-haters tried to derail it.

What does the rest of your post have to do with Chinese-Canadians protesting refugees being put up by the government in their own neighborhood?

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Parras - 08-20-2018

@Thot Leader:

To be fair, this thread is all over the place. The thread started gettin off topic after the first page.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - doc holliday - 08-20-2018

Thot Leader, no one here hates white people ok, you're just making all of that up in your head because it makes you feel better, like a form of masturbation. The problem is that you guys want to blame all of your problems on someone else. There is practically no one amongst us minorities on this forum who support mass migration of uneducated refugees but you guys want to put us in the same category as these migrants which is total bullshit. Then, when the problems and pathologies of white people are pointed out, all you guys freak out, like somehow you guys are 100% the victims and you bear 0% of the blame.

Look at your user name. You are the typical dude chasing the type of girls in your aforementioned name. Thot Chaser is more like it. Fine, you like thots, go for it. However, don't whine and complain to me about how every white girl you meet is a thot and therefore having a family is totally out of the question so you must, just must continue to chase these hoes over there because that's all there is in your world. If you guys don't have the guts and the character to have families, to build your communities the way you want them, then you guys deserve your fate. The future belongs to those who show up, not to those who fuck thots for a living.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Thot Leader - 08-20-2018

Quote: (08-20-2018 08:25 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Thot Leader, no one here hates white people ok, you're just making all of that up in your head because it makes you feel better, like a form of masturbation.

When did I say anyone here hates white people?


The problem is that you guys want to blame all of your problems on someone else.

Yep, whites blame all our problems on other races! Fuck bro that's a good one.


There is practically no one amongst us minorities on this forum who support mass migration of uneducated refugees but you guys want to put us in the same category as these migrants which is total bullshit.

When did I do that?


Then, when the problems and pathologies of white people are pointed out, all you guys freak out, like somehow you guys are 100% the victims and you bear 0% of the blame.

No one here has done that. Are you perhaps projecting?


Look at your user name. You are the typical dude chasing the type of girls in your aforementioned name. Thot Chaser is more like it. Fine, you like thots, go for it. However, don't whine and complain to me about how every white girl you meet is a thot and therefore having a family is totally out of the question so you must, just must continue to chase these hoes over there because that's all there is in your world. If you guys don't have the guts and the character to have families, to build your communities the way you want them, then you guys deserve your fate. The future belongs to those who show up, not to those who fuck thots for a living.

I just thought the name sounded clever. You don't know a thing about me and seem to be projecting an awful lot.

> accuses white men of lacking guts and willingness to fight for our future
> hails from race known for abandoning its women and children

I haven't blamed any of white people's problems on minorities, nor is this thread even about that. Yeesh!