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Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-29-2018

The now old Zeitgeist documentary went into the odd similarities of the Christian lore and the Jesus figure and previous religions and myths - both from Egyptian lore as well as the now died out Mithras religion:

I have a slightly different perception of Christianity, though I do think that Jesus and later Paul were highly spiritual men. Though I doubt that either one of them created the entire lore of Christianity - that came later and was done by many men who were nowhere near those men in terms of consciousness.

I suspect that Christianity will diminish in force and size in the next decades and centuries even more. It's demise was highly quickened by the current usury globalist leadership, but would have likely happened in some form anyway.

Mankind however will not return to their old pagan roots. The consciousness of human beings is too different for one religion or spiritual path to fit them all. New major paths and religions will rise up incorporating old and new concepts. I don't think that humans will stop to believe in something divine and supernatural.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Mage - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 01:31 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Mankind however will not return to their old pagan roots. The consciousness of human beings is too different for one religion or spiritual path to fit them all. New major paths and religions will rise up incorporating old and new concepts. I don't think that humans will stop to believe in something divine and supernatural.

Too many people here seem to think that me and other Paganism defenders here are advocating a return to exact same practices as our ancestor's did. That is a misconception that is hard to eliminate because no matter how many times I explain it to be wrong some new poster enters this thread and again acts as if we would want to return to human sacrafice and worshiping craved wooden idols and similar.

I also believe that the faith of future will be something new and different from anything that has come before. But there is nothing new under the Sun and everything that is new is built on some elements of something old and in this case it will be built on a lot of pagansim elements. What I think is that with science having progressed much more, the new Faith of tomorrow will be much more focused on humans trying to achieve balance between progress in artifice and our evolutionary adaptation to a more natural world. We will value natural things much more and value their rarity and sanctity and will see the divinity of natural things and the order in nature, thus inspiring much from paganism. Spirituality will mainly focus on learning to control how we apply our technologies and advances so that we control them and not they control us and we will have to learn value of life outside of the never ending rat's race for progress or risk to perish as human beings in some horrible trans-humanist utopia gone wrong.

The scripture based faith's would lose their positions slowly, because we as humanity have earned to appreciate that new truths are discovered at all times that lead as closer to Truth. We now have archeological discoveries proving that no religion came from Divine revelation instantly, all holy scriptures have older half-made versions and even Old Testament is grown from Assyrian paganism. So a fixation on scripture should give way to a more living and personal approach to facing reality, one where we are constantly learning from nature.

I don't see Future Paganism fighting Christianity at all. The true spiritual challenges of future are:

1)Scriptural dictatorship vs. Freedom to act from real world data. Islam will be the champion of Scriptural dictatorship. Christianity cannot win Islam, because it is based on the same thing only milder. People when facing Islam will divide into those who either want a strict system of enforced rules and will accept Islam, including the rule loving Christians, and to those who want a personal experience of something transcendental, something that does not neatly fit under common umbrella - mystics, Yogi's, freethinkers, philosophers - all of them, except transhumanist and communist atheists, I put under a loose common term of "Paganism".

2)Holistic Humanity vs Transhumanism. In future and at some extent already at present we can live a good life as human beings using our advances to provide anything we need in right amounts and moderation including challenge and difficulty. But we are still pushed for a stress inducing progress and may lose our humanity in this process. For the stressed out progressive drones of never ending rat's race - the machine is an ideal. It might come to a point where we would be tempted or forced to turn into machines, first getting chipped, later literally swapping our flesh for cyborg material until total mind uploading into AI after which we might actually kill ourselves and give all power away to the efficient machines. After witnessing the West welcoming immigrants and commiting ethnic suicide - I believe many humans would accept such slow techno-suicide in name of comfort and efficiency. Paganism and veneration of the nature and understanding of human psyche needing both pleasure and pain, the lust for this messy and unpredictable life instead of the sterile death, then is the alternative for those who would want to remain as human beings with all our "irrational and non-progressive" human experiences such as faith and spirituality.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - nomadbrah - 04-29-2018

After researching the subject, I am now fairly sure that Jesus was a greek and that the lost tribes of Israel were European.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - CynicalContrarian - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 01:19 PM)Mage Wrote:  

If you use Indiana Jones and similar products to create impression about Paganism, it's only fair your own faith get's judged from works of Dan Brown and similar.

Initially I was referring to the old school Aztec practice of slaughtering 10,000 at a time in ritual sacrifice.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Leonard D Neubache - 04-29-2018

Not trying to start shit, but I personally ascribe no difference to ancient Pagans sacrificing tens of thousands of people to their Gods and Christians sacrificing entire future generations of Europeans to the "God of compassion".

One beats in a head with a club. Another turns a blind eye and tweets #notallmuslims. It's the same mentality. Even the Aztec executioner believed on some level that the person being sacrificed was honored in serving a higher cause. If future Europeans could come back in time and judge the current boomer Christian cucks that sacrificed their civilization on the altar of compassion then they would find them to be every bit as delusional as the Aztecs.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Super_Fire - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 11:11 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

One beats in a head with a club. Another turns a blind eye and tweets #notallmuslims. It's the same mentality.

Leonard, those are Protestants.

a.k.a. Dummies.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Leonard D Neubache - 04-30-2018

I'm on my phone now, so I can't be a snarky cunt and post that picture of the Pope washing the feet of a bunch of African invaders.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Super_Fire - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 02:38 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I'm on my phone now, so I can't be a snarky cunt and post that picture of the Pope washing the feet of a bunch of African invaders.

Leonard, that's Bergoglio, a communist globo-cuck. Most Catholics do not share his politics, especially on Muslims. See: Poland, Italy, Spain, etc.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Leonard D Neubache - 04-30-2018

I agree, but to what extent is Catholicism legitimate if the spiritual chain of command has to be ignored?

It would be like an American state declaring secession from the union but still claiming to be American.

When push comes to shove, how is the situation going to be handled. The orders trickle down from the Vatican all the way to the priests and then the man-on-the-street. At what stage in that process is the chain to be broken, and at that point are the rebels divorced from the earthly order of Catholicism as we know it?

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Mage - 04-30-2018

If Catholics really disagree with Pope Francis then Catholics should disavow this Pope more louder.

Most Catholics just turn a blind eye on what their Pope is doing.

Western Christians, including Catholics have three main psychological types:

1) Good students who like to fallow rules - they are better at fallowing rules then others so they seek additional rules to fallow besides the laws of the their country and thus increase their self-worth by believing they will be rewarded for this. Religion provides these additional rules. They don't think theologically or philosophically whether these rules make sense or not - they just need the feeling of being better then those who fallow not. They were conditioned to this in school when they where better students and teachers liked them over the rebellious ones. Most Christian women and blue pill men are like this. These types will fallow whatever the Pope and their government tell them to do including spreading their ass for Muslim cock. It makes no difference to them what rules to fallow and if Islam comes with a harsher set of rules, they will gladly switch. Note that this type is similar to SJW who fallow their ideology to virtue signal. Therefore sometimes they try to combine Cristianity with liberalism and then a subversive is born. About 80% of Christian women and 50% of Christian men are like that.

2)Former alcoholics, drug addicts and psychopaths who converted to Christianity to change their personality. 20% of Christian women are like that - the former sluts who seek a good husband (stay away from them - they still have too many red flags) and 20% of Christian men - these are the rare Christian alphas. Now these sluts don't care where to find a beta husband - Islam or Christianity is the same to them, Islam is even better because they are more alpha and beta simultaneously.
These men howerver will defend Christianity vigorously against Islam and other threats, because for them Christianity is what stops them form self-destructive behavior. The popular youtuber David Wood is a good example of this type, I really like watching his show, it's very humorous. St Augustine is another example of this type.

3)The Christian husband who is dragged to Church by his wife - 0% of women, about 30% of men. Blue pill betas but generally make decent money. These types have no internal dialogue and don't care about culture wars and Muslims taking over.

So that's about all the possible Christian resistance - about 20% of men and 0.1% of women. Since women outnumber men in Christianity by a factor of 3 or 4 - that leaves us with about 20% from 25% - about 5% of Christians who can be expected to resist Islam. I say it is too little. These guys are aloud, including some guys in this forum and they give appearance of the Church being against Islam, when in reality the Church is passive and awaits it's slaughter.

Also it is very strange when the most active guys in a faith are converts. Christians really struggle with upbringing of boys.

Polish and Hungarians are different because they still have Christian warrior ethos from times when their knights saved Europe from Mongols and Muslims. In thee cultures a boy who is born in Christianity has some reason to be proud about it, so you can expect also some born Christians to defend Church and not only the converts.

Note that in popular opinion Franch knights are considered the exemplar paragons in Chivalry, with English and Germanic second. In real life French and other western knights were pussies (think Joan of Arc - a woman - had to rally them) when compared to Eastern European Knights like Poles, Czech and Hungarians. This is why when Heavy armored knight ceased to exist in 15th century the Polish heavy knights continued to exist and kick ass for two or three more centuries. They are only called Hussars trough, to not take away any glory from the Western European pussies.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - CynicalContrarian - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 04:12 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I agree, but to what extent is Catholicism legitimate if the spiritual chain of command has to be ignored?

It would be like an American state declaring secession from the union but still claiming to be American.

When push comes to shove, how is the situation going to be handled. The orders trickle down from the Vatican all the way to the priests and then the man-on-the-street. At what stage in that process is the chain to be broken, and at that point are the rebels divorced from the earthly order of Catholicism as we know it?

Forget not, the difference between a "churchian" & a spiritual Christian.
Organized religion is flawed because man is flawed.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Leonard D Neubache - 04-30-2018

I understand that but this is the issue underlying the whole problem facing the West. Look at Aboriginals here in Australia. Now they can complain until the end of days that only they are real Australians and in a literal sense that's true, but in a practical sense it's patently ridiculous. They can say "everyone who came later is an impostor". Correct? Yes. Irrelevant? Also yes. I have Australian citizenship, ergo I am an Australian, and based on the fact that people like me far outnumber "the real Australians" then as far as the world is concerned, the definition of who is and isn't Australian isn't going to change any time soon.

In this regard Christianity is what it is, not what a fraction of it's membership claim it to be. Let's be realistic, the cucks have a boatload of scripture to support their cuckdom while the crusader types have to delve into far more obscure passages and interpret them quite liberally, often with context added.

It's for the equal and opposite reason that Islam is impossible to make peaceful. The peaceful imams have to dig deep and add context to justify peace while the warrior imams can pretty much flip the koran or the hadiths open to a random page and start reading verbatim.

I don't think this has much to do with organised religion being flawed because man is flawed, in as much as it's hard to fault Christians for being compassionate, even if it's going to lead to utterly shit outcomes in the long run. No Christian, hard or soft in nature believes that some boomer Eurocuck protestant is going to find himself cast into hell because "he should have known not to burden his grand-children with a civil war against Africa's dregs." And there it is again. How many Christians are ever going to pick up a gun and shoot someone in the face, risking their eternal soul, when they can just cuck and hope for the best. And even if they die they die pure so it's a win regardless. Sure, some trigger men are Christians, but not enough.

On another angle there's plenty of conjecture that a religion is simply an expression of the genetic predispositions of the majority of its adherents. Personally I say it's a bit of both, but that opens up a whole other can of worms.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - FilipSRB - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 06:48 AM)Mage Wrote:  

This is why when Heavy armored knight ceased to exist in 15th century the Polish heavy knights continued to exist and kick ass for two or three more centuries. They are only called Hussars trough, to not take away any glory from the Western European pussies.

Hussars were not Polish heavy knights, they were originally Serbian light cavalry from 14th century who brought their craft in Poland, Hungary and other countries when they left Serbian lands after the Ottoman invasion.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Mage - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 08:24 AM)FilipSRB Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2018 06:48 AM)Mage Wrote:  

This is why when Heavy armored knight ceased to exist in 15th century the Polish heavy knights continued to exist and kick ass for two or three more centuries. They are only called Hussars trough, to not take away any glory from the Western European pussies.

Hussars were not Polish heavy knights, they were originally Serbian light cavalry from 14th century who brought their craft in Poland, Hungary and other countries when they left Serbian lands after the Ottoman invasion.

Ok, thank you for that information but later they were also ethnic Poles right?

Anyway, they were from Eastern Europe that saw real anti-Muslim action.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Mage - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 07:33 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

No Christian, hard or soft in nature believes that some boomer Eurocuck protestant is going to find himself cast into hell because "he should have known not to burden his grand-children with a civil war against Africa's dregs." And there it is again. How many Christians are ever going to pick up a gun and shoot someone in the face, risking their eternal soul, when they can just cuck and hope for the best. And even if they die they die pure so it's a win regardless. Sure, some trigger men are Christians, but not enough.

You have hit a nail on it's head.

In Christianity the punishment for an incorrect action is high. The punishment for inactivity is low. It is safer for a Christian soul to remain a passive victim then to take action and risk harming one innocent among 100 villains.

Most Christians will take passive stance and hope for the situation to solve itself. They will even rationalize this by saying that the "biggest force in the world is prayer" and "All I can do is pray" and even "I am a warrior of prayer" and similar bullshit. These are all real quotes I hear from Christians constantly.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - sterling_archer - 04-30-2018

Most of Eastern Europe was a shield against Ottomans, Serbian Kingdom until 1389, than Kingdom of Croatia, Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, Kingdom of Hungary until 1526, etc. Doesn't really matter where hussars are originally from, only thing that matters that East kicked ass and worked hard.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Leonard D Neubache - 04-30-2018

People look at the crusades and various resistance against muslim incursion or other invasions and think "those guys resisting were doing it under the Cross" but the realities are different today.

Back in those days the guys running Christian lands were under no illusion that if they were conquered then they would be put to death, their lands would be redistributed and their riches plundered.

Currently the psychopaths "running" Christian lands enjoy wealth and distance of a kind that a million muslim invaders cannot reach or alter in any way. It's not like they lose Calais to a muslim invasion (such as it is) and think "oh, there goes my fiefdom". They just laugh because it's all part of the plan.

I never thought I'd be using this sentence, but Kanye tweeted something oddly profound about this.

Quote: (04-29-2018 08:40 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

Dunno if this is real but holy moly:

To take it further, with a lord class removed from viewing their serfs as anything other than completely replaceable we end up with what we have here today. Europe being flooded with Africans and muslims and America being flooded with Mexicans because the consequences will never reach the men holding the levers of power and for them it's simply a convenient means to an end.

(can't seem to get twitter to embed properly)

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Mage - 04-30-2018

I would say that grandchildren of the elites will also suffer from immigration when they remain the few white people among sea of hostile browns. No money will buy them the ability to represent these people who will make a socialist coup and overthrow their too different looking masters.

The thing is that the careerist elites do not even think about their progeny. They care only about their present life. Most of the ruling politicians today are childless or only have few children as pets and props - they give them money to learn in good universities but their own input in their education is low. Most of politician women have probably had abortions.

If we want a responsible leadership then we should allow no person in a position of power with less then three children to prove that he or she has a stake in future. Let abortion be allowed, to escape illegal abortions, but allow no person with an abortion record to hold positions of power too. Let homosexuality be allowed, but don't give a position of power to a homosexual - he has no future, what reasons would he have for planning a good future?

Paganism is all about your ancestors, your children, your tribe and your blood. Christianity says it is all unimportant and only relationship "in spirit" has meaning and for the right faith you should abandon your mother and father. The secular leftist world has come from that Christian perspective and has moved it unto the next level, where betraying your tribe and cucking for another is actually considered the right thing to do.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Sherman - 04-30-2018

The British and French allied with the Ottoman Empire to fight Russia in the Crimean war. Europeans have allied with Muslims numerous times in history against other Christians. The geopolitical interests always trumped religion. The anti Muslim hysteria is fairly recent.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Mage - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 09:40 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

The anti Muslim hysteria is fairly recent.

That is because only recently we have had wide available Quran translations and have understood what exactly this religion teaches and that this religion actually hates us.

There was a romantic view about Islam. Christians loved fairy tales about Arabian Nights, Sindbad's journeys, Aladdin, Ali baba and 40 robbers. They thought Islam is colorful and exotic culture of warrior-gentlemen where exotic beauties dance belly dances and satisfy your wildest dreams. Maybe this was partially so when Islam was fat and secular, but at it's core it's not like that at all.

In medieval times, when literacy was low on both sides and language barrier was a big issue - we knew little about what Islam actually teaches. The taqia worked splendidly. In Muslim countries where literacy is still low and propaganda is high - they still have no clue what exactly Christianity teaches. Even in west most people still don't know what exactly Islam teaches. It should be thought in schools however so every child would know it is a religion of hate.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Leonard D Neubache - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 09:40 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

The British and French allied with the Ottoman Empire to fight Russia in the Crimean war. Europeans have allied with Muslims numerous times in history against other Christians. The geopolitical interests always trumped religion. The anti Muslim hysteria is fairly recent.

Yeah, because 1400+ girls exploited by muslim pedophile gangs in the UK and a growing number of terrorist attacks and no-go zones all across Europe is "nothing to get hysterical about".

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Mage - 05-01-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 11:11 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2018 09:40 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

The British and French allied with the Ottoman Empire to fight Russia in the Crimean war. Europeans have allied with Muslims numerous times in history against other Christians. The geopolitical interests always trumped religion. The anti Muslim hysteria is fairly recent.

Yeah, because 1400+ girls exploited by muslim pedophile gangs in the UK and a growing number of terrorist attacks and no-go zones all across Europe is "nothing to get hysterical about".

It's just part and parcel of living in a big city - Sadiq Khan

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-01-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 09:35 AM)Mage Wrote:  

I would say that grandchildren of the elites will also suffer from immigration when they remain the few white people among sea of hostile browns. No money will buy them the ability to represent these people who will make a socialist coup and overthrow their too different looking masters.

The very top does not fear diversity at all. They also know that they won't be living in ivory towers supposedly protected by a diverse crew of Somalis and mystery-meat Muslims.

It's sufficient for their goals if the white and Asian people that serve them are left alive to continue to protect and work for them. It's comparable to the Jewish leadership which is separate from the Jewish people at the bottom. They know that average Jew will go through hell in France, Netherlands or Sweden with mass Muslim migration, but they don't give a shit.

The world will likely become far more Orwellian in the future with high-tech super-protected city-states for the rich and less safe diverse zones for the rest. The top city state of Nigeria will be as safe as the top city-state part of Paris. My guess is that most Muslims and enrichers won't even have access to those parts of town. The places will be largely white and largely safe, so the elite imagine their kids to live in those areas while Rotherham and Calais are left for the Whites to enjoy diversity and multiculturalism. Those areas will be as far removed from the areas their kids frequent as the moon.

At least that is their plan - whether it works out that way is another matter.


As for Islam - yes - the West did not know jack shit about it. The West was more like a liberal woman or a black convict who converts to Islam over reading Rumi's poems and being told a bunch of bullshit.

Many more valid Hadiths only got translated in the 1990s and many principles like abrogation were not known. And to this day - the media and academia does their best to hide the bloody truth and also history about Islam. I did not know much about it either until I read the Quran, choice Hadiths, listened to lots and lots of Ex-Muslims and Ex-Salafis, observed the stats and behavioral patterns across the world, observed even the behavioral patterns of converts. The ideology is evil in my opinion - far worse than any European pagan belief system. I think that you would have to go really far back in history to find something as evil and dysfunctional as that - while it professes to be something far better. My guess is that the cult of Baal or real Luciferianism would be adequate.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Pride male - 05-01-2018

Christopher Hitchens once said Mohammed plagiarised the worst parts of Judaism and Christianity.

Paganism vs. Christianity: What should the Western world follow? - Mage - 05-01-2018

Quote: (05-01-2018 05:52 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The world will likely become far more Orwellian in the future with high-tech super-protected city-states for the rich and less safe diverse zones for the rest. The top city state of Nigeria will be as safe as the top city-state part of Paris. My guess is that most Muslims and enrichers won't even have access to those parts of town. The places will be largely white and largely safe, so the elite imagine their kids to live in those areas while Rotherham and Calais are left for the Whites to enjoy diversity and multiculturalism. Those areas will be as far removed from the areas their kids frequent as the moon.

At least that is their plan - whether it works out that way is another matter.

Even if so they are willingly confining their existence to a cage - a well guarded luxury cage, but still a cage. It's hard to me imagine why would they want that, but maybe that's just because I am a Pagan outdoors and nature lover. I still think their strategy is much more short term and self destructive.