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Oprah running for President? - DamienCasanova - 01-11-2018

Quote: (01-11-2018 12:38 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

He appears to have deleted the tweet because I can't find it on his feed.

I think its instagram

Oprah running for President? - AneroidOcean - 01-11-2018

Quote: (01-11-2018 12:40 PM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2018 12:38 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

He appears to have deleted the tweet because I can't find it on his feed.

I think its instagram

It is, here's the post.

Oprah running for President? - C-Note - 01-11-2018

I just saw this editorial:


PARIS — I miss a lot of must-see TV on this side of the Atlantic. But by the time I’d dropped off my daughter at school Monday morning, it was impossible not to notice how many people in my social media feeds felt something politically significant had transpired during the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night. Apparently, Oprah Winfrey had all but declared her candidacy for president of the United States.

Ms. Winfrey — dressed all in black in solidarity with the #MeToo movement and accepting the Cecil B. DeMille award for lifetime achievement — delivered a smart and movingly optimistic speech touching on topics from racial injustice and gender inequality to the importance of a free press in a democratic society.

It was a beautiful performance by an inspiring woman — the first black one to receive the honor — who is, unlike our current president, a self-made billionaire. And it punctuated a week that has been defined by cathartic, almost orgiastic schadenfreude over Michael Wolff’s gossipy takedown of Donald Trump and the latter’s depressingly undignified response to it.

Seth Meyers, the host for the ceremony, teed up the Twitterati for talk of an Oprah run during his opening monologue: “In 2011, I told some jokes about our current president at the White House Correspondents Dinner, jokes about how he was unqualified to be president. And some have said that night convinced him to run. And if that’s true, I would just like to say, ‘Oprah, you will never be president.’”

Dan Pfeiffer, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, doesn’t think the idea is far-fetched. “I slept on it and came to the conclusion that the Oprah thing isn’t that crazy,” he wrote on Twitter. Neither does Stedman Graham, her longtime partner, who told a reporter, “She would absolutely do it.”

I am not immune to Oprah’s charms, but President Winfrey is a terrible idea. It also underscores the extent to which Trumpism — the kowtowing to celebrity and ratings, the repudiation of experience and expertise — has infected our civic life. The ideal post-Trump politician will, at the very least, be a deeply serious figure with a strong record of public service behind her. It would be a devastating, self-inflicted wound for the Democrats to settle for even benevolent mimicry of Mr. Trump’s hallucinatory circus act.

Indeed, the magical thinking fueling the idea of Oprah in 2020 is a worrisome sign about the state of the Democratic Party. That Ms. Winfrey could probably beat those considered likely front-runners — Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand — is testament to how demoralized and devoid of fresh political talent the post-Obama party has become.

In a way, the conversation on the left (and the anti-Trump right) around Ms. Winfrey is more troubling than the emotional immaturity and anti-intellectualism pulsing out of the red states that elected Mr. Trump. Those voters have long defined themselves in opposition to the intellectual seriousness Democrats purport to personify.

If liberals no longer pride themselves on being the adults in the room, the bulwark against the whims of the mob
, our national descent into chaos will be complete. The Oprah bandwagon betrays the extent to which social causes and identities — and the tribal feelings they inspire — have come to eclipse anything resembling philosophical worldviews. American politics has become just another team sport, and if suiting up a heavy hitter like Ms. Winfrey is what it takes to get the championship ring, so be it.

The idea that the presidency should become just another prize for celebrities — even the ones with whose politics we imagine we agree — is dangerous in the extreme. If the first year of the Trump administration has made anything clear, it’s that experience, knowledge, education and political wisdom matter tremendously. Governing is something else entirely from campaigning. And perhaps, most important, celebrities do not make excellent heads of state. The presidency is not a reality show, or for that matter, a talk show.

To her credit, last year Ms. Winfrey told CBS, “There will be no running for office of any kind for me.” But when the conservative columnist and Trump critic John Podhoretz published an essay in The New York Post in September headlined “Democrats’ Best Hope for 2020: Oprah,” she retweeted it.

“If any figure in the United States bears watching over the next couple of years as our political culture continues the radical transformation that led to the election of Donald Trump, it’s Oprah,” Mr. Podhoretz wrote. “I believe she’s uniquely positioned, should she wish to commit herself, to seek the Democratic nomination for president and challenge Trump in 2020.”

Let us hope, for the sake of our nation, that she does not want it.

I bolded that section because it shows that leftists are still entrenched in the elitist way of thinking that lost them the white working-class vote in last year's election. The author is basically telling middle-America to "fuck off." Amazing.

Oprah running for President? - YossariansRight - 01-11-2018

[Image: attachment.jpg38321]   

Oprah running for President? - Syberpunk - 01-11-2018

Oprah running for President? - puckerman - 01-11-2018

We need Oprah in the White House, so Stedman can continue with his secret agent activities. He's real American badass:

Oprah running for President? - EndsExpect - 01-12-2018

Quote: (01-11-2018 09:57 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

We need Oprah in the White House, so Stedman can continue with his secret agent activities. He's real American badass:

Am I the only one who imagines Oprah keeps him chained up in the basement of the mansion dressed like a gimp?

[Image: 1203434344]

God bless that poor man. Talk about taking one for the team!

Oprah running for President? - Rush87 - 01-12-2018

Quote: (01-11-2018 04:18 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

I just saw this editorial:


PARIS — I miss a lot of must-see TV on this side of the Atlantic. But by the time I’d dropped off my daughter at school Monday morning, it was impossible not to notice how many people in my social media feeds felt something politically significant had transpired during the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night. Apparently, Oprah Winfrey had all but declared her candidacy for president of the United States.

Ms. Winfrey — dressed all in black in solidarity with the #MeToo movement and accepting the Cecil B. DeMille award for lifetime achievement — delivered a smart and movingly optimistic speech touching on topics from racial injustice and gender inequality to the importance of a free press in a democratic society.

It was a beautiful performance by an inspiring woman — the first black one to receive the honor — who is, unlike our current president, a self-made billionaire. And it punctuated a week that has been defined by cathartic, almost orgiastic schadenfreude over Michael Wolff’s gossipy takedown of Donald Trump and the latter’s depressingly undignified response to it.

Seth Meyers, the host for the ceremony, teed up the Twitterati for talk of an Oprah run during his opening monologue: “In 2011, I told some jokes about our current president at the White House Correspondents Dinner, jokes about how he was unqualified to be president. And some have said that night convinced him to run. And if that’s true, I would just like to say, ‘Oprah, you will never be president.’”

Dan Pfeiffer, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, doesn’t think the idea is far-fetched. “I slept on it and came to the conclusion that the Oprah thing isn’t that crazy,” he wrote on Twitter. Neither does Stedman Graham, her longtime partner, who told a reporter, “She would absolutely do it.”

I am not immune to Oprah’s charms, but President Winfrey is a terrible idea. It also underscores the extent to which Trumpism — the kowtowing to celebrity and ratings, the repudiation of experience and expertise — has infected our civic life. The ideal post-Trump politician will, at the very least, be a deeply serious figure with a strong record of public service behind her. It would be a devastating, self-inflicted wound for the Democrats to settle for even benevolent mimicry of Mr. Trump’s hallucinatory circus act.

Indeed, the magical thinking fueling the idea of Oprah in 2020 is a worrisome sign about the state of the Democratic Party. That Ms. Winfrey could probably beat those considered likely front-runners — Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand — is testament to how demoralized and devoid of fresh political talent the post-Obama party has become.

In a way, the conversation on the left (and the anti-Trump right) around Ms. Winfrey is more troubling than the emotional immaturity and anti-intellectualism pulsing out of the red states that elected Mr. Trump. Those voters have long defined themselves in opposition to the intellectual seriousness Democrats purport to personify.

If liberals no longer pride themselves on being the adults in the room, the bulwark against the whims of the mob
, our national descent into chaos will be complete. The Oprah bandwagon betrays the extent to which social causes and identities — and the tribal feelings they inspire — have come to eclipse anything resembling philosophical worldviews. American politics has become just another team sport, and if suiting up a heavy hitter like Ms. Winfrey is what it takes to get the championship ring, so be it.

The idea that the presidency should become just another prize for celebrities — even the ones with whose politics we imagine we agree — is dangerous in the extreme. If the first year of the Trump administration has made anything clear, it’s that experience, knowledge, education and political wisdom matter tremendously. Governing is something else entirely from campaigning. And perhaps, most important, celebrities do not make excellent heads of state. The presidency is not a reality show, or for that matter, a talk show.

To her credit, last year Ms. Winfrey told CBS, “There will be no running for office of any kind for me.” But when the conservative columnist and Trump critic John Podhoretz published an essay in The New York Post in September headlined “Democrats’ Best Hope for 2020: Oprah,” she retweeted it.

“If any figure in the United States bears watching over the next couple of years as our political culture continues the radical transformation that led to the election of Donald Trump, it’s Oprah,” Mr. Podhoretz wrote. “I believe she’s uniquely positioned, should she wish to commit herself, to seek the Democratic nomination for president and challenge Trump in 2020.”

Let us hope, for the sake of our nation, that she does not want it.

I bolded that section because it shows that leftists are still entrenched in the elitist way of thinking that lost them the white working-class vote in last year's election. The author is basically telling middle-America to "fuck off." Amazing.

Here's the thing about media liberals. They have complete and utter disdain for those of lower intelligence whilst at the same time, are completely incapable of recognising that they themselves are of average intelligence at best (You can easily pick them. Take this article for instance. Everything that is said is always how they 'feel'. Never facts).

I have many liberal family members who fit the tag of 'pseudo intellectuals'. They manage to keep this illusion by a.) Maintaining a tight echo chamber whereby conflicting opinion never occurs. b.) Preaching to those of lower intelligence to listen to them as they have a 'degree' (Generally one which gets them a government funded job) and c.) 'Mocking' anyone smarter who sports a different opinion primarily because they can't understand said opinion.

This way, they can stay in their echo chambers, write articles like the NY Times cuck above and pretend they are beacons of 'intellectualism' when really they're just average Liberal Joe's discussing topics they haven't the slightest clue on.

At least your Average American Joe doesn't pretend to be something he isn't. These cucks though: They put on their black frame glasses, sip on their soy lattes and pretend they're Einstein.

Oprah running for President? - Samseau - 01-12-2018

Oprah could win, The Rock could win, any charismatic empty Dem suit can win.

Look at Obama. He proved anyone could win long before Trump came around. His speeches were all meaningless drivel. "Hope and change," what a joke.

The thing that matters the most going into 2020 is the economy. However, I wonder if the Jewish Bankers are planning to jack up interest rates around then and cause a crash. That is by far the most important factor. If the (((banksters))) cause a crash, and they might just because of their hatred for Trump, they will have a serious chance to put in a puppet like Oprah.

Oprah running for President? - Kona - 01-12-2018

Quote: (01-12-2018 01:09 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

The thing that matters the most going into 2020 is the economy. However, I wonder if the Jewish Bankers are planning to jack up interest rates around then and cause a crash. That is by far the most important factor. If the (((banksters))) cause a crash, and they might just because of their hatred for Trump, they will have a serious chance to put in a puppet like Oprah.

Headquarters in Tel Aviv has (((Steven Spielberg))) putting his shekels behind Oprah.


Oprah running for President? - MKDAWUSS - 01-13-2018

Quote: (01-12-2018 01:09 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Oprah could win, The Rock could win, any charismatic empty Dem suit can win.

Look at Obama. He proved anyone could win long before Trump came around. His speeches were all meaningless drivel. "Hope and change," what a joke.

The thing that matters the most going into 2020 is the economy. However, I wonder if the Jewish Bankers are planning to jack up interest rates around then and cause a crash. That is by far the most important factor. If the (((banksters))) cause a crash, and they might just because of their hatred for Trump, they will have a serious chance to put in a puppet like Oprah.

And there's also the bitcoin bubble they can burst.

Oprah running for President? - kamoz - 01-13-2018

Quote: (01-12-2018 01:09 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Oprah could win, The Rock could win, any charismatic empty Dem suit can win.

Look at Obama. He proved anyone could win long before Trump came around. His speeches were all meaningless drivel. "Hope and change," what a joke.

The thing that matters the most going into 2020 is the economy. However, I wonder if the Jewish Bankers are planning to jack up interest rates around then and cause a crash. That is by far the most important factor. If the (((banksters))) cause a crash, and they might just because of their hatred for Trump, they will have a serious chance to put in a puppet like Oprah.

Dammit Samseau I was hoping you would just acknowledge that theory but tell us that Trump has something up his sleeve [Image: confused.gif].

On another note just imagine someone like an Oprah attempting to imitate Trump's shitlording and taking Obama's racial divisiveness to the extreme...

[Image: dSXEHS7.gif]

Oprah running for President? - Foolsgo1d - 01-13-2018

Oprah doesn't have the in your face aggression or the experience to do such a thing. The likes of her rely on superior position in a food pyramid to bark orders at people and ruin them if need be. Essentially they are bullies and deranged at that.

A woman comes from a position of physical weakness and then you have the mental attributes. All she will do is what we've seen with Hillary and other DNC pukes. Position>underlings.

Oprah running for President? - Adonis - 01-13-2018

I dont think Oprah will run. I think the Dems are going to run a less known minority on the ticket along with a white establishment candidate.

If the Trump admin is humming along kicking ass taking names, they might get desperate and trot out Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris
Cory Booker
Julian Castro
Susana Martinez


Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren
Terry McAuliffe

Oprah running for President? - Pancho - 01-13-2018

Quote: (01-12-2018 01:09 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Oprah could win, The Rock could win, any charismatic empty Dem suit can win.

Look at Obama. He proved anyone could win long before Trump came around. His speeches were all meaningless drivel. "Hope and change," what a joke.

The thing that matters the most going into 2020 is the economy. However, I wonder if the Jewish Bankers are planning to jack up interest rates around then and cause a crash. That is by far the most important factor. If the (((banksters))) cause a crash, and they might just because of their hatred for Trump, they will have a serious chance to put in a puppet like Oprah.

Obama, The Rock, and Oprah could all have beaten Trump in 2016. Because they have what Hillary Clinton doesn't have which is charisma. It took an unbelievably bad candidate in Hillary to lose to Trump.

Oprah running for President? - Pancho - 01-13-2018

Quote: (01-13-2018 08:47 PM)Adonis Wrote:  

I dont think Oprah will run. I think the Dems are going to run a less known minority on the ticket along with a white establishment candidate.

If the Trump admin is humming along kicking ass taking names, they might get desperate and trot out Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris
Cory Booker
Julian Castro
Susana Martinez


Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren
Terry McAuliffe

The only way the Dems can beat Trump rather easily is by going with more progressive candidates.

Out of that list, the only ones that are the most progressive are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The rest are pretty much establishment Democrats that will fare similar to Hillary.

Oprah running for President? - Latinopan - 01-13-2018

Quote: (01-13-2018 08:21 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Oprah doesn't have the in your face aggression or the experience to do such a thing. The likes of her rely on superior position in a food pyramid to bark orders at people and ruin them if need be. Essentially they are bullies and deranged at that.

A woman comes from a position of physical weakness and then you have the mental attributes. All she will do is what we've seen with Hillary and other DNC pukes. Position>underlings.

And the left forget that fact, she gave a speech at the GG surrounded by people that are 100% on her side and are part of the same ideology, that plays very well in Hollywood, but it does not play well with every day people.

The DNC needs the Obama coalition, but that coalition was only there because Obama, black men in particular are separating themselves from the Democrat base, they are not exactly right wing, but they are not coming voting Dem like they used to, Trump had a surprising turn out with black men to the point even Van Jones was struggling to understand.

Oprah was a big player in the destruction of the black family, she was a very vocal trashing black men on TV and black men remember that very well.

Another problem for Oprah and in part for any future Dem candidate is the same agenda targeting straight white men has now started targeting straight black men:

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Oprah running for President? - Duke Castile - 01-13-2018

Pancho I really hope that you and all your leftist leadership really thinks the key to winning in the future is getting more “progressive”.

Edited to add; My bet is that this Oprah stuff is all going to end with “I could go and win the presidency if I wanted to, I just don’t want to”!

Oprah running for President? - Kona - 01-13-2018

Quote: (01-13-2018 09:30 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Oprah was a big player in the destruction of the black family, she was a very vocal trashing black men on TV and black men remember that very well.

You know what every black man remembers, and will remember when voting time comes around? Kanye West saying "George Bush does not care about black people" on live television.

Black people remember hurricane Katrina. They also remember that Oprah put boots on the ground before fema did. Oprah coordinated a massive money and supply drive and distribution that people have tried over and over to pick apart and find corruption in, and they just can't. She stuck around and helped massive amounts of people for years after.

I have a personal connection to Katrina from my time in the Navy. It was a complete embarrassment. It was also the most evil vulgar disgusting thing I saw. Worse than anything in Afghan or Iraq. Even the 04 tsunami, which we did a great job handling in another fucking country. Katrina was a slap in the face to black people and Oprah was right there getting her hands dirty. Nobody can touch her for it.

I don't think this has been mentioned yet. Just remember because of this, and because if who she is, every black person in the country will vote for her. This "destruction of black males" is just not something that will matter.


Oprah running for President? - RedPillUK - 01-13-2018

Quote: (01-13-2018 09:03 PM)Pancho Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2018 08:47 PM)Adonis Wrote:  

I dont think Oprah will run. I think the Dems are going to run a less known minority on the ticket along with a white establishment candidate.

If the Trump admin is humming along kicking ass taking names, they might get desperate and trot out Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris
Cory Booker
Julian Castro
Susana Martinez


Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren
Terry McAuliffe

The only way the Dems can beat Trump rather easily is by going with more progressive candidates.

Out of that list, the only ones that are the most progressive are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The rest are pretty much establishment Democrats that will fare similar to Hillary.

You mean Pocahontas?

Oprah running for President? - captain_shane - 01-13-2018

Whatever happened with the school that Oprah started in Africa? I seem to remember that lots of girls were being abused there.

Oprah running for President? - netguy68 - 01-13-2018

Quote: (01-13-2018 11:08 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2018 09:03 PM)Pancho Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2018 08:47 PM)Adonis Wrote:  

I dont think Oprah will run. I think the Dems are going to run a less known minority on the ticket along with a white establishment candidate.

If the Trump admin is humming along kicking ass taking names, they might get desperate and trot out Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris
Cory Booker
Julian Castro
Susana Martinez


Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren
Terry McAuliffe

The only way the Dems can beat Trump rather easily is by going with more progressive candidates.

Out of that list, the only ones that are the most progressive are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The rest are pretty much establishment Democrats that will fare similar to Hillary.

You mean Pocahontas?

I believe you mean Fauxcahontas.

Oprah running for President? - Simeon_Strangelight - 01-14-2018

Quote: (01-13-2018 10:45 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2018 09:30 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Oprah was a big player in the destruction of the black family, she was a very vocal trashing black men on TV and black men remember that very well.

You know what every black man remembers, and will remember when voting time comes around? Kanye West saying "George Bush does not care about black people" on live television.

Black people remember hurricane Katrina. They also remember that Oprah put boots on the ground before fema did. Oprah coordinated a massive money and supply drive and distribution that people have tried over and over to pick apart and find corruption in, and they just can't. She stuck around and helped massive amounts of people for years after.

I have a personal connection to Katrina from my time in the Navy. It was a complete embarrassment. It was also the most evil vulgar disgusting thing I saw. Worse than anything in Afghan or Iraq. Even the 04 tsunami, which we did a great job handling in another fucking country. Katrina was a slap in the face to black people and Oprah was right there getting her hands dirty. Nobody can touch her for it.

I don't think this has been mentioned yet. Just remember because of this, and because if who she is, every black person in the country will vote for her. This "destruction of black males" is just not something that will matter.


I agree, but she won't be able to do it without the real support of the DNC (not the fake support - the real decision makers are probably not even elected). She has to be a candidate who is pliable enough. Also it's possible that some parts of the globalist leadership actually prefer Donald Trump to rule for the next election cycle.

If that is the case then a much weaker candidate will be selected to run against president Trump.

Because keep in mind - the globalist leadership is not concerned about Twitter bullshit, but about what a president actually does.

Oprah running for President? - Leonard D Neubache - 01-14-2018

Nobody gives a shit about the platform.

Nobody gives a shit about the policy.

Nobody gives a shit about the history.

The vast majority of people are going to vote for whoever ticks their virtue-signalling/flag-waving box.

The end.

Oprah running for President? - eradicator - 01-14-2018

I’d probably vote for Oprah in 2024 if she was running against some cuck like Romney, Paul Ryan, McCain or Jeb Bush

She is pretty busy running a media empire and would have to want to give that up. I doubt she will run