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Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 08:04 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

In fact the only way I see this happening is if there’s a breakdown of the system and countless arrests and convictions are going unreported by the military.

[Image: d3884573777c80bff020544f01f6dc15e9a6840e...a8a635.jpg]

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - kbell - 11-06-2017


Wife is quite attractive and so far hasn't been interviewed. These pics weren't scrubbed. Not sure when these pics were taken, but he looks drastically fatter in the recent pics. I wonder if he is on some sort of antidepressant or stronger due to the weight gain.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-07-2017

Absolutely outstanding.


The gunman who killed 26 people in a rural Texas church on Sunday escaped from a psychiatric hospital while he was in the Air Force, after making death threats against his superiors and trying to smuggle weapons onto the base where he was stationed, a 2012 police report shows.

...and they not only accepted a plea bargain that ignored he was pointing a loaded gun at his wife, but forgot to report his conviction to the FBI. His crimes were severe enough that he'd still be in prison today had he been handled more firmly.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - John Michael Kane - 11-07-2017

Quote: (11-07-2017 02:47 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Absolutely outstanding.


The gunman who killed 26 people in a rural Texas church on Sunday escaped from a psychiatric hospital while he was in the Air Force, after making death threats against his superiors and trying to smuggle weapons onto the base where he was stationed, a 2012 police report shows.

...and they not only accepted a plea bargain that ignored he was pointing a loaded gun at his wife, but forgot to report his conviction to the FBI. His crimes were severe enough that he'd still be in prison today had he been handled more firmly.

He should be imprisoned for all that crap below, along with the fools that didn't put him in prison despite his 1,000+ red flags. Criminal negligence in the "criminal justice" system not doing their jobs. This guy was a Grade-A psycho and they found it to release him like the savage he is to murder scores of people. The cowards and fools that released him will have a special place in Hell reserved for their ignorance, stupidity, and apathy. Reading this kind of shit makes my blood boil!

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Akwesi - 11-07-2017

Quote: (11-07-2017 02:51 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2017 02:47 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Absolutely outstanding.


The gunman who killed 26 people in a rural Texas church on Sunday escaped from a psychiatric hospital while he was in the Air Force, after making death threats against his superiors and trying to smuggle weapons onto the base where he was stationed, a 2012 police report shows.

...and they not only accepted a plea bargain that ignored he was pointing a loaded gun at his wife, but forgot to report his conviction to the FBI. His crimes were severe enough that he'd still be in prison today had he been handled more firmly.

He should be imprisoned for all that crap below, along with the fools that didn't put him in prison despite his 1,000+ red flags. Criminal negligence in the "criminal justice" system not doing their jobs. This guy was a Grade-A psycho and they found it to release him like the savage he is to murder scores of people. The cowards and fools that released him will have a special place in Hell reserved for their ignorance, stupidity, and apathy. Reading this kind of shit makes my blood boil!

The same pattern has emerged after various terror attacks in Europe as well. Truckers for Allah and the like turn out be people who should obviously have been in prison for other crimes, but were inexplicably let loose on the streets.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - John Michael Kane - 11-07-2017

Quote: (11-07-2017 02:55 PM)Akwesi Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2017 02:51 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2017 02:47 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Absolutely outstanding.


The gunman who killed 26 people in a rural Texas church on Sunday escaped from a psychiatric hospital while he was in the Air Force, after making death threats against his superiors and trying to smuggle weapons onto the base where he was stationed, a 2012 police report shows.

...and they not only accepted a plea bargain that ignored he was pointing a loaded gun at his wife, but forgot to report his conviction to the FBI. His crimes were severe enough that he'd still be in prison today had he been handled more firmly.

He should be imprisoned for all that crap below, along with the fools that didn't put him in prison despite his 1,000+ red flags. Criminal negligence in the "criminal justice" system not doing their jobs. This guy was a Grade-A psycho and they found it to release him like the savage he is to murder scores of people. The cowards and fools that released him will have a special place in Hell reserved for their ignorance, stupidity, and apathy. Reading this kind of shit makes my blood boil!

The same pattern has emerged after various terror attacks in Europe as well. Truckers for Allah and the like turn out be people who should obviously have been in prison for other crimes, but were inexplicably let loose on the streets.

Judge lets a person go with clear murderous intent = String both of them up by the nearest lamp post, the judge first, the terrorist second. I'm not kidding in the least. Rule of Law means nothing if the laws are on the books, but are made mockery of. We are headed for pure and unadulterated lawlessness if these out of control petty dictators in robes don't do their damn job.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-07-2017

Quote: (11-07-2017 02:55 PM)Akwesi Wrote:  

The same pattern has emerged after various terror attacks in Europe as well. Truckers for Allah and the like turn out be people who should obviously have been in prison for other crimes, but were inexplicably let loose on the streets.

The Nice attacker became so angry when his life left that he shit all over his daughter's bed and ripped up her teddy bear.

Let's pause for a moment to reflect on how crazy you actually have to be to do that.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - spokepoker - 11-07-2017

I'm still waiting for kimmel or fallon to do a crying routine for this.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-07-2017

Witnesses are describing the killer systematically going down the aisles and killing crying babies point-blank.

This is a guy who made a point of talking about his love for helping small children "grow and prosper" as a Bible studies teachers' aid, worked security at a water park, and who liked an adoption organization on Facebook. His friends mentioned how weird it was that all of his pictures were obsessed with his babies, he tried to bang a 13-year-old at 18, and he cracked a toddler's skull.

I'm just waiting for them to find his kiddy porn or for a molestation victim to come forward.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Omad - 11-08-2017

Interview with Stephen Willeford, the guy who shot the piece of shit gunman.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - CynicalContrarian - 11-08-2017

The fuck?
Either someone plays way too much Warhammer 40K or 4Chan has had another good laugh.

'Chainsaw bayonets'.


Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - spokepoker - 11-08-2017

Maybe they are playing too much Gears of War LAN parties since they have so much time on their hands.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 11-08-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 09:32 PM)kbell Wrote:  


Wife is quite attractive and so far hasn't been interviewed. These pics weren't scrubbed. Not sure when these pics were taken, but he looks drastically fatter in the recent pics. I wonder if he is on some sort of antidepressant or stronger due to the weight gain.

He actually is fairly sharp looking in the photo on the right. I'm surprised, because the pictures you usually see show him looking like a character from the back woods in Deliverance.

I hope he suffered a lot from being shot before he blew himself away.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - CynicalContrarian - 11-08-2017

Quote: (11-08-2017 05:34 PM)spokepoker Wrote:  

Maybe they are playing too much Gears of War LAN parties since they have so much time on their hands.

Just watched a YouTube clip where sure enough, the things do actually exist.
Yet the fact that the one 'chainsaw bayonet' is marketed as 'Zombie X' essentially points out that it is nothing more than a gimic product.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - porscheguy - 11-08-2017

Chainsaw bayonets. And they wonder why half the country thinks cnn is fake news.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - spokepoker - 11-08-2017

USA Today has inspired me:
[Image: illegalgunmods.jpg]

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - TravelerKai - 11-16-2017

And we now know why this dude slipped through the system....

Expect some fallout from this (politics wise)

Top Army officer says 'significant amount' of soldiers' crime data not reported to feds


e Army’s top officer said Wednesday that his service had many "gaps" to fill when it comes to sharing soldiers' criminal history with federal law enforcement agencies in the wake of this month's Texas church shooting, which was carried out by an Air Force veteran with a history of domestic violence.

"We have a significant amount of omissions," admitted Gen. Mark Milley, the Army chief of staff. "There are gaps and failures on our part." Milley was the first service chief outside the Air Force to publicly admit to widespread lapses in sharing data on violent service members.

Milley said about "10 to 20 percent" of Army criminal cases are not reported to the FBI.

Roughly 150 soldiers are given a dishonorable discharge each year, Milley said. He did not say how many former soldiers had "bad conduct" discharges, the same type Air Force veteran Devin Kelley had when he was kicked out in 2014 after serving a year in prison for multiple counts of assaulting his wife and baby.....

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - puckerman - 11-26-2017

Police and the feds are too concerned with fake criminals (marijuana users) to deal with real ones.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - porscheguy - 12-28-2017

NY, San Francisco, and Philadelphia are suing the pentagon over their repeated failure to report service members convicted of crimes to the FBI’s database.

We’ve already discussed how this shooting should have been prevented had people in the military been doing their job and reporting info as required.

I’m a bit disappointed that it’s being filed in conjunction with a gun control group. However, I do agree with the suit. I am not at all surprised to hear they cover up crimes. And the pentagon freely admits to it because the freely admit they don’t report crimes to the FBI database. Like I said before, if you get arrested on a Friday night in some podunk shit kicker town, within a day or two of arraignment, the fbi will open a file on you. With the resources at their disposal, there’s no excuse for the military’s noncompliance.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 12-28-2017

Quote: (12-28-2017 03:48 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

However, I do agree with the suit. I am not at all surprised to hear they cover up crimes. And the pentagon freely admits to it because the freely admit they don’t report crimes to the FBI database. Like I said before, if you get arrested on a Friday night in some podunk shit kicker town, within a day or two of arraignment, the fbi will open a file on you. With the resources at their disposal, there’s no excuse for the military’s noncompliance.

I mean, this guy was threatening to murder his officers and smuggling weapons onto the base for that purpose.

For all the talk about it being too easy to land on a terrorist watch list, this guy should have been on one.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - C-Note - 12-28-2017

I assume the military has been lax on reporting crimes to civilian federal law enforcement because military officers, including legal officers, are concerned with the "up or out" nature of their careers- if they don't get promoted on time, they get booted. If they screw up the military-related legal paperwork of the members they prosecute, it could be a black mark on their record that could deny them a promotion, so they make sure it gets done.

However, there is no penalty to them individually for not reporting an ex-member to civilian federal law enforcement, so it's not high at all on their priority list to get it done. So, if the military wants to make sure that criminal activity by its members is reported to federal law enforcement, then they need to discipline the legal officers who fail to do it, starting at the top- the judge advocate generals. It may take some congressional intervention to force them to do so.