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Is Obama that bad? - budoslavic - 06-16-2016

[Image: ClCOJ2nWAAA4Xfl.jpg:small]

Is Obama that bad? - Kona - 06-16-2016

I bet when Obamas term is over he comes out with some kind of book. It will say somewhere that the reason things didn't work out the way he promised was because of racism.

Congress was racist or something like that.


Is Obama that bad? - Leonard D Neubache - 06-16-2016

Bah. We should just cut to the chase. Democracy is racist because if there are more white people than black people then black people will inevitably be oppressed.

Therefore the only solution to racism is a Fascist Dictatorship led by a black man.

Oh snap! The US just had one of those for seven years and even THAT didn't work...

Is Obama that bad? - porscheguy - 06-17-2016

One more thing, he cancelled the Constellation program so more money could be spent on trannys, feminists, and other undesirables weak persons. I'm watching the documentary "The Last Man on the Moon." I'm amazed at how many of these NASA guys are still alive now. It's because such a staggering number of them were under 40. I look at what so many men under 40 are doing now. Video games, Oxy, raising offspring sired by other men, white knighting.

Toward the end of the documentary, Eugene Cernan is at the launch pad in Florida. You can see his anger rise when he sees that it's fallen into disrepair and is slowly decaying. He even said he wished he hadn't come out because he didn't want to remember it that way. He didn't say it, but his real contempt is for these weak manginas we have for "leaders" who have abandoned the pioneering spirit in favor of social justice.

Honestly, I don't even like watching these documentaries about the Apollo program because I see a golden age in history that has since passed and who knows if we'll ever see another.

But yes, cancelling the Constellation program highlights just how bad Obama is. And don't reply with "Space-X." It's not even close.

Is Obama that bad? - porscheguy - 06-17-2016

Disregard previous post. Obama's Kenyan brother is apparently planning a manned space flight on his own.

[Image: cSeRyaU.jpg]

Is Obama that bad? - Kona - 06-17-2016

Quote: (06-17-2016 01:13 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

I'm watching the documentary "The Last Man on the Moon." I'm amazed at how many of these NASA guys are still alive now. It's because such a staggering number of them were under 40. I look at what so many men under 40 are doing now. Video games, Oxy, raising offspring sired by other men, white knighting.

Do you mean painkillers or are they working at Occidental Petroleum [Image: OxyLogo1.png]?

Is this a Netflix documentary?


Is Obama that bad? - porscheguy - 06-17-2016

I was referring to the painkillers. Yes, it's on Netflix. The main subject of the documentary is Eugene Cernan.

Is Obama that bad? - syrianguy - 06-17-2016

Obama is a muslim by all definitions. Just consider how close the islamic brotherhood is to the government now with a lot of them occupying key positions and saudi funds financing everything. Funny how the elites are appointing muslims and clear islamic sympathizers like him, the maire of london, Trudeau and the rest of the european tools. Nothing organic about their path to power, all planned with an approval seal and fully orchestrated with the media. Wouldn't surprise me to see him doing the hajj in mecca after his presidency.

Is Obama that bad? - Hades - 06-17-2016

I think Obama is a shithead, but he is a pretty smart guy and a charismatic speaker. Most of his policies are fairly benevolent. I can understand the whole "get rid of the guns" thing, and it wouldn't bother me terribly if they did (decent weaponry is not terribly hard to make), but he has no real insight into people as his soul is corrupted with narcissism and he sees the world through a clouded lens.

Is Obama that bad? - LeoneVolpe - 06-17-2016

Quote: (04-08-2016 08:09 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (11-20-2015 09:19 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-20-2015 02:46 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Obama as president is a 180° degree turn from his book The Audacity of Hope, in which he struck me as an intelligent but most of all benevolent person willing to stand up for principles.

I can't prove it, but I truly think any president, no matter how idealistic he is, is given "the talk" within the first week by some very powerful people. I don't think the buck stops at the president. I think there are powerful agencies he has to satiate, and if he doesn't, he'll get the JFK treatment. These agencies may be some combination of the Israeli lobby, the military-industrial complex, big Oil, the global banks, trade lobbyists, and big pharma. Someone like Ron Paul would never be elected, and if he did, he'd either quickly moderate his policies or something would "happen" to him. The difficult job of a president is to navigate between his true values and those with the true power and money calling the shots behind the scenes.

That's absurd.

It happens LONG before they get into office. You can't get into office unless you've been playing ball with the people with the juice for a long time.

Reminds me of the "Bill Hicks Puppet Show" bit on the elite. My apologies if someone's previously posted this:

Is Obama that bad? - philosophical_recovery - 06-17-2016

White house held a meeting with the Saudis today...

How firm of a grip do they have on his balls, exactly?

Is Obama that bad? - Easy_C - 06-17-2016

Is he that bad?

He is much, much worse than that. While I rarely have anything good to say about Salon I highly recommend digging up Glenn Greenwalds old column on there. He laid out in clear legal detail how Obama has been systematically and deliberately destroying every civil liberty in America.

Is Obama that bad? - budoslavic - 06-18-2016

Via #ViveLaFrance:
[Image: ClOPhcgVAAELGep.jpg:small]

Is Obama that bad? - It_is_my_time - 06-18-2016

Quote: (06-17-2016 05:58 PM)Hades Wrote:  

I think Obama is a shithead, but he is a pretty smart guy and a charismatic speaker. Most of his policies are fairly benevolent. I can understand the whole "get rid of the guns" thing, and it wouldn't bother me terribly if they did (decent weaponry is not terribly hard to make), but he has no real insight into people as his soul is corrupted with narcissism and he sees the world through a clouded lens.

If they get rid of guns we will have tyranny. The reason it is the #2 most important amendment, after the freedom of speech, is due to its high importance.

Handguns account for over 80% of deaths in the USA, yet the govt. wants to ban semi-automatic rifles. Why? Because semi-automatic rifles are more useful in a war against the govt, which was the reason for the 2nd amendment to start with.

If they get rid of guns, it will be tyranny, like Europe is facing today.

Is Obama that bad? - RexImperator - 06-19-2016


For though elites may find something vaguely horrifying about saying that you care more about people who are like you than you do about people who are culturally or geographically further away, the rest of the population is outraged by the never-stated corollary: that the elites running things feel no greater moral obligation to their fellow countrymen than they do to some random stranger in another country.

Although it's talking about sonething else, that passage actually sums Obama to an extent.

Is Obama that bad? - bigrich - 06-23-2016

Obama's message to the middle and working class, your jobs are not coming back! This sounds like a winning message for the Democrats.

Is Obama that bad? - SiverFox - 06-23-2016

Quote: (06-18-2016 12:52 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Handguns account for over 80% of deaths in the USA, yet the govt. wants to ban semi-automatic rifles. Why? Because semi-automatic rifles are more useful in a war against the govt, which was the reason for the 2nd amendment to start with.

Not sure where you get your numbers, but heart disease is the #1 killer in America.

From 2013, murder by firearm doesn't even make the top 10:


Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
Heart disease: 614,348
Cancer: 591,699
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
Diabetes: 76,488
Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,227
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 48,146
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773

Source: From the National Center for Health Statistics FastStats - Deaths and Mortality

Is Obama that bad? - Truth Teller - 06-23-2016

In a nutshell, yes. There are three major reasons to believe so:

1. The economy has not markedly improved. Despite Hillary/Obozo talking about how they "fixed' the economy and saved the United States from a depression, they didn't. Labor force participation is at its lowest in (I believe) 40 years. While unemployment is nominally at 5%, that number has never been an accurate depiction of what the job market is truly like. Having a college degree and working as a coffee jerk (what the Starbucks idiots call "baristas") doesn't indicate a healthy job market. Last year, there were twice as many history PhDs as there were jobs. Top 15 law school graduates, who used to be able to go into top-tier firms with relative ease, are having issues finding jobs at mid-tier firms. If you're outside of the top 15, you're fucked. Maybe you get a job and maybe you don't. It's just a guess for some people.

The average American is no better off than he was 8 years ago. Arguably, he's worse off. He may have postponed retirement because his savings evaporated in the 2008 market crash. But if you believe Obama, everything's been fixed. The market is fine. People are employed and happy!

2. The United States is markedly less safe than it was 8 years ago. I do not deny that George Bush's (and Bill Clinton's) policies in the Middle East ended up creating a power vacuum that has now been filled by radical Islamists. However, as bad as Al Qaeda ever was or is, it never was able to become a geopolitical entity. ISIS, however, is a geopolitical entity that will have to be reckoned with for the next 20 years. Obama's ineptitude and desire to "spread democracy" with the "Arab Spring" led to the overthrow of pro-Western leaders (Mubarak, Ben Ali in Tunisia, etc.). Rather than introduce democratic rule into the Middle East, Obama and Hillary's overly enthusiastic support for the "liberal world order" led to a disastrous situation that has made the Middle East more of a powder keg than it has been in generations. Such idiocy on the part of the United States government has led to the rise of radical Islamist groups, which have infiltrated the West (or influenced those already in the West) leading to terror attacks.

Obama and Clinton's incompetence has led to the disintegration of an already tenuous relationship with Russia. Due to Obama and Clinton's unrelenting support for "moderates," who don't exist, the United States has come into conflict with the Russian Federation, which recognizes the value of geopolitics rather than spreading the liberal world order. The so-called "Russian reset" will lead to a renewal of the Cold War, unless drastic measures are taken.

3. The United States has experienced a moral decay previously unknown. Homosexuality, transgenderism, LGBTQ bullshit, and many other morally reprehensible habits have been forced upon the American people in the name of "progress." Whoever stands against them is "on the wrong side of history." The most persecuted group in the United States has become heterosexual white men. Everything is their fault. Women are failing? We must not be letting them "lean in." Some Islamist shoots up a nightclub? Must be white, Christian homophobia. I'm fat? Not my fault, men have to love my body the way it is. Anybody against "body positive" language is a bigot!

There's a lot more, but I feel as though I'd just be piling on.

Is Obama that bad? - It_is_my_time - 06-23-2016

Quote: (06-23-2016 02:22 PM)SiverFox Wrote:  

Quote: (06-18-2016 12:52 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Handguns account for over 80% of deaths in the USA, yet the govt. wants to ban semi-automatic rifles. Why? Because semi-automatic rifles are more useful in a war against the govt, which was the reason for the 2nd amendment to start with.

Not sure where you get your numbers, but heart disease is the #1 killer in America.

From 2013, murder by firearm doesn't even make the top 10:


Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
Heart disease: 614,348
Cancer: 591,699
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
Diabetes: 76,488
Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,227
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 48,146
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773

Source: From the National Center for Health Statistics FastStats - Deaths and Mortality

I meant by "Handguns account for over 80% of deaths in the USA, yet the govt. wants to ban semi-automatic rifles." to be gun related deaths. Not deaths in total.

My bad, got carried away. If I remember correctly, 80% of gun related deaths are from handguns.

Is Obama that bad? - greekgod - 06-23-2016

I recently rewatched portions of his acceptance speeches in '08 and '12. It is bone chilling. He is making prophetic, grand sweeping statements.

The country thought it was about racial equality which is something so many of us got behind.

"A new dawn of an America era is beginning...."

Had nothing to do with white & black relations across America.

When you cross reference the speeches with what we know now, it will infuriate you. McCain couldn't once say "Hey barry, that Bill Ayers guy, who that fuck is that?"

Assholes laid down.

If there is one thing Obama did do and I'm grateful for it, is that he killed political prose for sometime. And because he force fed us so much political correctness, we're imune to it. We hate it. Its like when you listened to Blink 182's "What my age again?" for 6 months in middle school. The sound of it now, revolts you.

So yeah, he sucks, the worst president ever, but guess what, Trump lit a match to the powder keg of frustration and we aren't going back.

Is Obama that bad? - Prince of Persia - 06-26-2016

Having let the concepts of killing innocent civilians and turning half the world into a giant shithole under the guise of some ballsy dictators' "human rights abuses", selling out principles for $$$ and power, widespread and expanding crony capitalism, bending over for Big Oil/Pharma/Defense/whatever, and putting the interests of a puny foreign country of 7 million people before Americans' marinate in my mind for the past few months (since swallowing the red pill), I really don't know if I'm better off now than when I was ignorant. I'm not even a legal adult yet and I'm already filled with disgust and cynicism with how rigged our government and media really are. That being said, I agree with the sentiment that the system is what it is, and that Obama was simply along for the ride. He really did inherit a mess, and for that I sympathize with him, just as I would with any President that had to follow Bush. However, he's been more concerned about crafting a nonthreathening, non-neocon image for himself than protecting our country's interest, as can be shown by his abhorrent use of drone strikes and nation building projects in the M.E., being a wimp when it comes to Russia and ISIS, and placating the Iranian regime by giving the U.S. the short end of the stick via the nuclear deal. He honestly is on the side of Islamists; that shouldn't even be controversial at this point in time. The question is whether or not Trump or really anyone can do something to wind back the damage that's been done. Your guess as to how truly powerful the shadowy elites can be in this hyper-connected and transparent age is as good as mine.

Is Obama that bad? - budoslavic - 06-30-2016

[Image: Cj345ZdXAAAbYmJ.jpg:medium]

Is Obama that bad? - The Lizard of Oz - 07-03-2016

I wrote the following earlier in this thread:

Quote: (11-19-2015 10:39 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

1. The "sexual assault" witch hunt on US college campuses was explicitly demanded and created by this administration. It is the direct result of the "Dear Colleague" letter sent in 2011 by the Department of Education to US college administrators, threatening them with Title IX lawsuits and the denial of federal funds if they did not institute the current system of "sexual assault" kangaroo courts, and student expulsions on the basis of "preponderance of evidence" -- all to solve the ludicrous invented problem of a "sexual assault epidemic" in some of the safest places on the face of the earth.

If that were not enough, the administration has repeatedly and explicitly made clear -- at the highest levels, including the President -- that it views the perpetuation of this evil witch hunt as a very high priority. It has publicized discredited studies and outright propaganda to give credence to absurd and discredited "1 in 5" statistics.

This administration is directly responsible for darkening the atmosphere of US college campuses, and for destroying the lives of a significant number of male students who were judged and convicted by kangaroo courts summoned at its behest.

Today, a WaPo article confirms this point: Obama and Biden (Biden in particular, but with Obama's full support and encouragement) view the perpetuation of the "sexual assault" witch hunt on US college campuses as one of their highest priorities. They are personally involved in making sure that the witch hunt continues and intensifies.

Biden and Obama rewrite the rulebook on college sexual assaults


Last month, Vice President Biden penned a searing letter to the victim in a notorious Stanford University rape case. “I am filled with furious anger,” he wrote, “both that this happened to you and that our culture is still so broken.”

Biden’s letter encapsulated the national outrage that erupted when the woman’s attacker was sentenced to just six months in county jail. It was also a sharp reminder that one of the Obama administration’s most ardent policy initiatives has been a concerted campaign to end the scourge of sexual assault on college campuses.

According to White House officials, top members of the administration — including the president, the vice president, their wives and members of the Cabinet — will not visit institutions whose leaders they consider insufficiently serious about pursuing sexual-assault allegations and punishing perpetrators. Biden said in an interview that he would like the federal government to “take away their money” if a college or university fails to change its ways.

As the administration nears its end, the urgency of some proposals has dissipated, but the focus on campus sexual misconduct has intensified: “Now’s the time to put the pedal to the metal,” Biden said.

Please read the rest of the article, which details how the Obama administration has used Title IX blackmail to force colleges into instituting kangaroo courts where the accused have no rights and self-proclaimed "survivors" are given unlimited power to destroy the lives of innocent young men.

Obama and Biden bear personal responsibility for the destruction of these lives. Their white-knighting and Year Zero fanaticism has made a real and terrible difference.

Is Obama that bad? - budoslavic - 07-03-2016

[Image: Cmd7_mHUcAI1LKc.jpg:small]

[Image: CmdZ7nxUcAE1GoT.jpg]

[Image: CmTPOXnWgAAPfxk.jpg]

Is Obama that bad? - Adonis - 07-04-2016

Typical Obama disgrace. Emphasis mine.

Examiner: White House cancels 4th of July for troops


The White House on Monday canceled a Fourth of July celebration for troops who were scheduled to attend an event on the South Lawn, citing the possibility of inclement weather.

However, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will proceed with a planned performance this evening from rapper Kendrick Lamar and singer Janelle Monae. Afterward, the couple will deliver remarks in the East Room of the White House.

Before the event was canceled, troops were scheduled to participate in a barbeque and view fireworks in the evening, along with administration staff and their families.