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My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - camford - 08-12-2014

Looks like BUD is getting a lot of attention lately [Image: smile.gif]

I'll be there Aug 14-18 and would love to go out with other RVFers. Anyone? Feel free to PM [Image: smile.gif]

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Sourcecode - 08-20-2014

my time is up..I'm leavingBudapest on the 24th.
I'm in cluj for a final hooray..I'll be back in BudapestFriday
all it'll be your last chance to meet up.

I guess I'll write my final conclusions of Budapest when I get back home.
Ill have been in the city and lived as local as possible for about 2.5 months

not long in a large scope..But considering I'm wasn't working.I had s lot of free time to just bullshit.

of course I'm not gonna say I've become a expert in every fashion of Budapest and Budapest culture..But I've learned a lot

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Volk - 08-20-2014

Considering I only met you by coincidence, it would be cool to have one last beer. Let me know, you have my number.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - ElJefe1 - 08-23-2014

@Volk how is Budapest during fall? Bettter than school is in or dead since summer is over?

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Sourcecode - 08-26-2014

Im slowly writing out my final thoughts on Budapest.
Before I write my log of 17 bangs.
Here are some of my thought on budapest and hungarians. being complainers and assholes.

This is part of my recent blog post Thoughts on Budapest people and culture

In other odd politics.. one politician Ilona Staller was a known hardcore porn star an famous for showing her big fake tits to the parliament

*Random tidbit.Hungarians have been major producer of porn since the name it..
Is it cause Hungarians are horny and sexually frustrated...or cause the women are just so beautiful?
I think its a bit of both
In 2007 there was a small push to make it legal for ages 14-17 to star in porn movies.

Another political tidbit.
In the recent year..A monument was built in Szabadság tér ( Freedom/Libery square) dedicated to Jewish and Hungarian struggle and occupation during the Nazi era. Its suppose to be a a German eagle coming down on Archangel Gabriel. The Eagle being Germany and Gabriel being Hungary. As if it was all the Nazi's fault for what happen.
But the funny thing is that Hungary joined the Nazis on their own..and when shit hit the fan..they murder Jews with a smile in the face.
The Shoes on the Danube memorial is based upon when Jews were told to take their shoes off by the when they were shot..they would fall into the Danube and float downstream.
To top it off.. the memorials Hebrew inscription is apparently google translated.
Budapest has one of the highest Jewish populations...along with the Dohany Street Synagogue, The largest in Europe and they couldn't find a Jew to give them a correct the monument( If they would have asked..the Jew would have refused anyway)

im still transitions into getting back home.
But ive got a bunch of stories to post haha

I was lucky as fuck.. the last night i was in budapest I got a lay from a tinder match that i had been talking to for a good 2 weeks.. she finally made time for us to meet up

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Volk - 08-27-2014

Budapest is good during the fall. Less young foreigners, more Hungarians. Depending on your own plans and how you roll, this fact is either terrible or great.

Pd, Sourcecode, I ended up in a Hungarian dancing party in the outskirts, nowhere near Szimpla. Seeing how you got a lay out if your last night, I don't think you will miss the beer and the chat! Best luck on your next trips!

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Sourcecode - 08-27-2014

No problem Volk.
It was purely by chance that we ran into each other while we were both out with groups of people.
I wish could have met up again though. I've got a couple hungarian friends. But 3 months isn't enough to build a circle like you have after 2 years.
I only manage to get out to a couple house parties and one village... I know I missed out on the underground scene.

In the end. the stats (grand theft auto style)for my 3 months in Europe..
Mostly in Budapest.

17 notches.
oldest- 35 year old Czech Milf
Youngest- 17 year old Hungarian Virgin
Average age- 23

11 bangs were organic(Day or night Game)(9 were from night game-2 were day game)
10 bangs were in Hungary(the other between Warsaw,Poland--Hamburg,Germany--Florence,Italy--Romania,Brno-Czech Republic
6 where actually Hungarian
6 were from online game
7 new flags were obtained Croatian-Romanian-Italian-Israeli-Czech-Sweden-Scotland
5 of the girls stayed in the rotation for longer than 3 bangs
4 of the girls I plan to stay in touch with
2 of the girls with bad break offs when they caught me with other girls ( incidentally both were German)

Most common name of girl banged was...Eszter
Best blowjob - Romanian
Worst Blowjob - Croatia
Best in bed - Hungary
Worst in bed - Scottish
Hottest girl - Tie between Hungary and Romania
Ugliest girl - Croatian ( she wasn't the best chick to begin with )

Repped forum members can Pm me for pictures ect..Im not gonna post all the business on the forum

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - rudebwoy - 08-27-2014

Pics please [Image: smile.gif]

Impressive results.

I am starting to think short term holidays are a waste of time.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - TripleG - 08-27-2014

Quote: (08-27-2014 11:23 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Pics please [Image: smile.gif]

Impressive results.

I am starting to think short term holidays are a waste of time.

Yes, they are, unless your main goal is sightseeing and not girls. I am a perfect example of those. 4 EE trips in the last 2 years and none for longer than 8 days. Results were bad and not for lack of trying. It just takes way too much time and near perfect logistics to get a good pipe-line going and if there are some unforeseen troubles (bad weather in the Baltics, stolen phone in Ukraine, sickness in Belarus/Lithuania) then it can really put a damper and make you run all over in those couple days chasing tail which you may or may not get. I think Roosh once said that you really need at least 3 weeks in a foreign country to understand the culture and get a good pipeline going, well he was right!

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Sourcecode - 08-28-2014

I think it depends on your age, planning and hunger how much research do before leave.

I'm actually a fan of 4 day trips.
I pick a country and research everything about it. in the real world, logistics is a job for me. I like to know every detail of the supply chain

I research everything about the city in going to. go through multiple forums and pull data sheets. make custom maps using the info I have sightseeing and clubs..... and then I pick a apartment or hotel to make it easy get around.
i even look up the history on the city in hopes understand the people.
then I pipeline the shit out of the place and make as many contacts as possible.
then I book my ticket.

of course that doesn't guarantee that I'll smash a girl on arrival, but chances are much better.
after that you just have to pull a Slubu move and go out every day no matter what.
I'll wake early to see the city and take pictures, then run day game, then nap and ready for the night.
my pre trip plan actually seems crazy and over the top.
some people prefer to just drop in a country and figure out.

I could probably write a legit data sheet on all the resources i use before a plan a trip

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - TravellerJay - 08-28-2014

Thanks Sourcecode, I found your posts really good, plenty of info and with a nice different attitude. Like you said, you got all the info before trying to figure things out in the field. Some people dont need this logistics and some others wont score anything no matter how hard they try.

Good luck, safe trip back to US


My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - rudebwoy - 08-28-2014

Sourcecode - how would you describe your looks? I am guessing you look fairly decent.

I know some lurkers will read your posts and think Budapest is some sort of pussy paradise. I have been several times albeit with a native ex, I was underwhelmed by the talent. Not to say it isn't there because I know a handful of strippers who are Hungarian and they pass the boner test easily.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Sourcecode - 08-28-2014

Between Germany,Hungary,Romania,Italy ect, females seem to think that I resemble Usher.
British girls seem to think I looked like a British rapper name Tinie Tempah. Once a group of girls ( ended up banging the scottish one actually wanted to take pictures with me cause they thought I looked like him

Drunk British dudes on the other hand say I look like a 6'1 version of Tinchy Stryder.
I had no idea who these guys are...I actually had to look them up

I don't think I look like any of these people.. but after the 9th or so girl said I look like Usher...I just assume I must look a little like him.

I dont think i look like this Stryder guy at I assume i look like a mix of Usher and Tinie Tempah (Worst rap name ever)
But If you google Chiddy bang.. I have a similar style to him..minus the hats. Aka Ive got a fun outgoing but still adult like style

Ask around to the members that know or have met me.. Im not a male model..Im pretty average.
And the members I met in Budapest..werent male models or anything..and we all could pull quality chicks.
looks count..but game still trumps looks

What part of budapest did you go to? and how long/long ago were you there?
If the only attractive girls you saw were strippers..I assume you were no where near downtown or never went out at night

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Volk - 08-28-2014

I know somebody who judged that Budapest was full of uglies because he only went to Instant on the week he visited.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - rudebwoy - 08-29-2014

Source code - the strippers were in Canada.

I was in Budapest 09 and 10 staying in one of the districts. Saw all the sites but my ex had me on a leash, no clubs or bars.

City has mad character and I could see it as a nice base to set up shop.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - ElJefe1 - 08-30-2014

Everywhere I've been so far I've seen top notch talent, I can't throw a rock without hitting a cute chick in Budapest. One thing I have noticed is social circle is definitely key here. I was lucky and on my first night got really cool with a guy and he's introduced me to a lot of his friends in my three days here. Went out to a club with them last night and soo many people came up to me saying hey I've heard all about you, girls and guys just were very curious. Being in VIP isnt a necessity but as anywhere in the world it definitely helps. Bottles are cheap here, if you're a drinker it makes more sense economically to buy a bottle than to get drinks.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Courage Reborn - 08-30-2014

Quote: (08-30-2014 02:19 AM)ElJefe1 Wrote:  

One thing I have noticed is social circle is definitely key here.

[Image: dodgy.gif]

Social circle is helpful anywhere, but it's less important for success in Buda than almost any other city I've been.

The local girls typically roll with their 1 single girlfriend to the bars & clubs. The hordes of tourist girls are out specifically to meet new people & party.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - ElJefe1 - 08-30-2014

Well we agree to disagree, we all have our own opinions based on our own observations.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - reco2100 - 08-30-2014

SC I have read this entire thread and it seems like you have done really well. You have made some really good reports on BP and the country and its people and the women. Could you talk a little about what made you sucessful. 17 Notches in 3 months seems very strong to me. What was sucessful what was not? Maybe a couple of stories about Hungarian women conquests that where indicative of your success? What did you do that worked so well and why.

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Sourcecode - 08-30-2014

To be funny...but serious
One word.


I lived 20 steps away from a bar that was open 7 nights a week.. and didn't close till 4am.
If I didn't meet women at that bar. I would have them meet me at the bar at some point.

I honestly drew to hate Szimpla.
I would go to every other place in the city.. Gather numbers and such. and go on dates.
Szimpla would be my 3am fallback.
Or I would schedule a date and tell girls we will start at szimpla and move on.
I only had to convince them to walk 20 seconds to my apartment for any reason: a drink,bathroom,get my cigarettes,get more money, ect

Having great game is needed... but if I didn't live so close to a bar.. it would probably be much harder to get girls back to my place

when it came to my success outside of the country.
Its my rock solid planning,pipelining,ect before I get to the country. (but technically that boils down to logistics also)
The only place I didn't get laid was when I went to Turkey( but I wasnt really going there for sex)

Im thinking about writing up all my recent lays in breakdown format.
But trying to get back in the swing of life back in the states.
But Im stll planning on writing a separate data sheet that outlines my process of gathering data,planning logistics,pipelining and all that so I can insure I get laid..or have a one up on ever person.
I travel with a friend a lot.. and he wouldnt put in the same work I did before getting into a country.
He would just drop in with me an hope for the best..often not even knowing where the nighlife district was....once i got him to do research like me..he managed 2 bangs in a week on a solo trip

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Que enspastic - 08-30-2014

Girls' responses to my question - "can you recommend a good club to go out"

Instant, Szimpla and Doboz

Ötkert near the Chain Bridge

I think you would like Hellobaby bar or Urimuri. 


Well, maybe go to Szimpla, Trafik or Romkert or Instant.. these are cool places

Instant is good [Image: wink.gif]

Comeee to otkert!!!

* I also have responses for Vienna and Berlin

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Sourcecode - 08-30-2014

I don't listen to anyone that says good things about Instant anymore.

Low quality in every category
seriously...haha stay away from there

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Que enspastic - 08-30-2014

How would you rate their suggestions besides Instant

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - Sourcecode - 08-30-2014

all the other places are ok.
I....and other members...just have a really strong hate for Instant.
There are also other datasheets here with good info on clubs. Eetrader has a awesome one with a little details on clubs

My Life in Budapest- Sourcecode's Budapest Thread - DMario - 08-30-2014

Quote: (08-30-2014 02:13 PM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

Girls' responses to my question - "can you recommend a good club to go out"

Instant, Szimpla and Doboz

Ötkert near the Chain Bridge

I think you would like Hellobaby bar or Urimuri. 


Well, maybe go to Szimpla, Trafik or Romkert or Instant.. these are cool places

Instant is good [Image: wink.gif]

Comeee to otkert!!!

* I also have responses for Vienna and Berlin

Instant sucks, just alot of creepy guys and backpacking chicks.

Szimpla is cool anyday of the week, I've only seen it absolutely dead one time (During the World Cup Finals) but I don't go there on Thursdays, Fridays, or Saturdays because I like going for women who actually put time into how they look. Szimpla is where i do most of my damage here in Budapest because I dont usually have to put up with the language barrrier. Theres alot of UK,Dutch,Danish women, and really women from all around the world.

Otkert is okay it gets quite packed and you have a hard time talking to women unless you're out on the patio. You will see alot of 8-9s in Otkert but also alot of 6-7s. Talking to women there is a little more difficult for me due to the loud music and my accent. You will typically find Hungarian women here, its not a big tourist place. Its good if you like to dance.

Bob bar is close to Otkert, it more of a upper scale bar, with alot of 8-9s in there, alot of the women are with their older rich boyfriends though but its still worth checking out.

Kraft, Trafiq, Uri Muri and Hello Baby are pretty much like Otkert, except you can speak to women there...I've never pulled from there though

A friend who Parties in the area also told me Rio on the Buda side is really nice with alot of fine ass chick, I havent had time to go.

I still havent been to Doboz or Romkert (They wouldnt let my friend in because he was wearing a tank top).