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Is Islam red pill? - Crackshot - 04-18-2014

Sufism has had a big impact on my development. I have found that it lacks the nihilism of some schools of Buddhism

Of course alot of people would argue it's not actually Islam but is Zoroastrianism repackaged after the Arab conquests.

Either way it has Amazing insights and spiritual depth plus a message of love and tolerance

Is Islam red pill? - L M McCoy - 04-19-2014

Quote: (04-18-2014 09:54 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (04-17-2014 08:29 PM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2014 03:59 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2014 03:14 AM)Crackshot Wrote:  

I am wondering what peoples thoughts are on Sufism

I have been studying it alot recently it is very interesting

You know middle eastern guys are emotional. In general islam is quite aggressive but the other side is the guys who love god and are not afraid of him. They are probably full of oxytocin and talk all day about love. Very popular are the dancing dervishs of Mevlana. Traditionalists dislike these guys because they were perceived feminine and weak and degenerate. They even drank wine and said that general rules don´t apply to them.

We're taught to be unemotional. I don't know anything about islam but I know I was raised to be unemotional as fuck.

You must not be turkish.

hahahaha, how did you know?

Is Islam red pill? - Rutting Elephant - 04-19-2014

A guy up the street from me hung a huge banner in front of his business that reads "Life would be better under a caliphate." I think he should be arrested for treason, but it'll never happen.

Is Islam red pill? - Bill - 04-19-2014

Quote: (04-19-2014 03:15 AM)Rutting Elephant Wrote:  

A guy up the street from me hung a huge banner in front of his business that reads "Life would be better under a caliphate." I think he should be arrested for treason, but it'll never happen.

I think the west knows that islam is not a threat because they are technically living in the middle ages. Because auf that they have some room for clowning. But when SHTF the west will quickly go into fascist mode. Think of the communists and the witch hunting under Mc Carthy.

There is often silence before the storm.

Is Islam red pill? - Rutting Elephant - 04-19-2014

Hi Bill. I live in Indonesia, where the locals (+CIA) genocided the commies and anyone accused of sympathizing with them in 1965. Hence it strikes me as strange that a public appeal to replace the government with a global Muslim theocracy is A-OK.
If a citizen hung a banner on his house saying "Life would be better under communism," he would be at the very least forced to remove it immediately, if not beaten or even disappeared. I would be deported.

Is Islam red pill? - Crackshot - 04-19-2014

This is a good documentary on why so many white chicks convert to Islam. As red pillers we know the answer but still it is funny to see the media struggling to accept feminism has made so many women unhappy.

Is Islam red pill? - Bill - 04-19-2014

Quote: (04-19-2014 05:47 AM)Rutting Elephant Wrote:  

Hi Bill. I live in Indonesia, where the locals (+CIA) genocided the commies and anyone accused of sympathizing with them in 1965. Hence it strikes me as strange that a public appeal to replace the government with a global Muslim theocracy is A-OK.
If a citizen hung a banner on his house saying "Life would be better under communism," he would be at the very least forced to remove it immediately, if not beaten or even disappeared. I would be deported.

Interesting you live in Indonesia? Why don´t you go to RP, maybe it´s better than Indonesia? It reminds me of Xsplat who likes Indonsia better because RP (Thailand) is to polluted and noisy he said....

Yes onthe first look it looks strange but as I said Islam is not really a threat (or less of a threat than communism). Communism is and will stay to be a threat because the poor often outnumber the rich and that´s why communism will stay to be a threat. The next problem is communist countries will find allies quickly with some mighty allies like China or maybe even and still with Russia. Look at Cuba it still survives as a communist country.

But muslims countries won´t get ever mighty allies as all mighty powers have problems with muslims in their own countries (china, russia). So islam won´t become a (real) global threat in the near future imho.

Additionally communism and islam don´t work well together. As Communism is mainly an atheist concept that´s why in muslim countries they are not tolerated.

Is Islam red pill? - Rutting Elephant - 04-19-2014

"Why don´t you go to RP, maybe it´s better than Indonesia?"
Very happy here, even with the growing eyesore of headscarfs. Minimal interest in Thailand. Anyway, the matter is OT.

"So islam won´t become a (real) global threat in the near future imho."
Pakistan nukes.

Is Islam red pill? - Bill - 04-19-2014

Quote: (04-19-2014 07:27 AM)Rutting Elephant Wrote:  

"Why don´t you go to RP, maybe it´s better than Indonesia?"
Very happy here, even with the growing eyesore of headscarfs. Minimal interest in Thailand. Anyway, the matter is OT.

"So islam won´t become a (real) global threat in the near future imho."
Pakistan nukes.

Ok, but only slighty OT because it´s a islamic country. It´s seems as one of the few where it´s ok in behalf of chicks.

Pakistan nukes: I don´t think it´s really a problem. I am shure it´s very much monitored by the US. US have already almost a card blance (pradators killing to the thousands) to do almost whatever they want in Pakistan. I am shure they have automated plans in which they need only hours to secure the nuke (nukes?) like how they got Bin Laden.

The big fish: Russia, China and the West are not going to let Islam come to power. Islam coutries are getting weaker every day. Look at Irak, North Afrika etc.

Is Islam red pill? - Comte De St. Germain - 04-20-2014

Quote: (04-18-2014 09:54 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (04-17-2014 08:29 PM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2014 03:59 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2014 03:14 AM)Crackshot Wrote:  

I am wondering what peoples thoughts are on Sufism

I have been studying it alot recently it is very interesting

You know middle eastern guys are emotional. In general islam is quite aggressive but the other side is the guys who love god and are not afraid of him. They are probably full of oxytocin and talk all day about love. Very popular are the dancing dervishs of Mevlana. Traditionalists dislike these guys because they were perceived feminine and weak and degenerate. They even drank wine and said that general rules don´t apply to them.

We're taught to be unemotional. I don't know anything about islam but I know I was raised to be unemotional as fuck.

You must not be turkish.

My grandfather was pretty unemotional, but my father is an emotional basket case without any real world social experience. I can attest to what Samseau is saying.

Is Islam red pill? - Comte De St. Germain - 04-20-2014

The clerics and religious scholars are stoic in many cases, but the average adult male is a bundle of self righteous ignorance and religous obsession with a lack of social experience. There are many exceptions to the above rule but about 70% of the time it is true.

Is Islam red pill? - spalex - 04-23-2014

Are we still talking shit about Islam?

Something interesting for the crowd...

How often have you heard politicians say that the majority of Muslims in the West are hard-working, law-abiding moderates? How often have you heard them say that moderate Muslims are the answer to the problem of Islamic extremism?

These platitudes are supposed to reassure us. Here are ten reasons why they don't.

1. Moderate Muslims have a worrying capacity to produce terrorist offspring.

Hook-handed hate preacher Abu Hamza's father was an Egyptian army officer – middle class and thoroughly respectable.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the notorious 'underpants bomber', comes from a wealthy Nigerian family. His father, Umaru Mutallab is (according to The Guardian) "one of the country's most respected businessmen".

Omar Hammami left his home in Alabama, USA, to become a leader of the Islamist terror organisation al Shabaab. His father, a retired civil engineer, said, "I tried my best, and so did my wife, to raise him the best we could."

Hasib Hussain's quiet, hard-working parents were "devastated" to learn that their son was the bus bomber who killed 13 people in London on 7th July 2005.

2. Muslim moderates are terrified of Muslim extremists

The implicit, ever-present threat of ostracism or violence keeps quiet Muslims in line – which means that the radicals usually get their way. As John Hawkins notes: "Imagine how ... terrifying it must be to condemn Jihadists when you may semi-regularly run into people who think that way in your neighborhood or mosque."

3. Moderates can turn into extremists

Even Muslims who appear at ease in western society can flip.

In the 1980's Andy Choudary was a party animal who lived for sex and booze. He turned into Anjem Choudary, rabble-rousing hate preacher and co-founder of poppy-burning Islamist group al Muhajiroun.

Click to see original Image in a new window
Anjem Choudary, before and after

As a teenager in Leeds, Mohammad Sidique Khan was to all appearances fully westernised, even to the extent of calling himself 'Sid'. In July 2005, 30-year-old Sid took a rucksack full of explosives to London and detonated it on a Tube train, killing 7 innocent people.

Sid's fellow 7/7 terrorist Shehzad Tanweer was described by neighbours as a "nice lad" who could "get on with anyone". He murdered 7 others.

4. Moderate Muslims slaughter conscious animals

There are some practices in the Islamic world acceptable to Muslim moderates but abhorrent to most westerners. These practices include ritual halal slaughter (regarded as wholesome family entertainment in some Muslim communities).

Moderate Muslims buy halal food. They also pay zakat. There's evidence that income from sales of halal and zakat have both been used to fund terrorism.

Think twice before ordering that kebab – you could be funding terrorism

5. Moderates aren't all that moderate

Still on the subject of animals, here's a quote from respected UK journalist Mehdi Hasan:
"The kuffar, the disbelievers, the atheists who remain deaf and stubborn to the teachings of Islam, the rational message of the Koran; they are described in the Koran as 'a people of no intelligence', Allah describes them as not of no morality, not as people of no belief – people of 'no intelligence' – because they’re incapable of the intellectual effort it requires to shake off those blind prejudices, to shake off those easy assumptions about this world, about the existence of God. In this respect, the Koran describes the atheists as 'cattle', as cattle of those who grow the crops and do not stop and wonder about this world."

Inayet Bunglawala is media secretary for the Muslim Council of Britain, appointee to a government anti-extremism taskforce and, like Mehdi Hasan, a darling of the liberal media. In 1993 he described Omar Abdel-Rahman, mastermind of that year's World Trade Center bombing as "courageous". He has also called Osama bin Laden a "freedom fighter".

Such attitudes are by no means rare amongst 'moderate' Muslims. In a 2007 Pew Research study of Muslim nations around the world, 38% responded that suicide bombings and other violence against civilians are sometimes justified. And a Daily Telegraph survey found that 6% of British Muslims supported the London 7/7 bombings. (Source: Wikipedia.)

London 7/7 bombings – supported by 100,000 UK Muslims

6. There's no way of knowing if a Muslim really is moderate

Islamic fanatics are well-versed in the arts of taqiyya and kitman – lying and deceiving in the cause of Islam –, as practised by the Prophet himself. It is part of any extremist's modus operandi to convince enemy dupes that he's harmless.

7. When is a fanatic not a fanatic? When he's on the government payroll

The Quilliam Foundation is an anti-extremism organisation which proposes such remedies as rehab centres for would-be bombers and recovering Islamists. Quilliam's founders know all about Islamism: Maajid Nawaz is a convicted former recruiting officer for Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Islamist organisation that wants to end democracy, establish a global caliphate and destroy the state of Israel.

Mr Nawaz is a reformed character now, which of course has nothing to do with his reported £85,000 a year salary as Quilliam's Executive Director. Nice work if you can get it.

Many have argued that the government's Prevent strategy (also intended to combat radicalism) is little more than a publicly funded extortion racket. In 2011 Home Secretary Theresa May admitted that some of the £63million annual anti-extremism budget had been handed over to extremist organisations.

"Give me the money and I'll behave – at least for now", seems to be the unspoken threat of every 'reformed' extremist or terrorist sympathiser seeking a lucrative alternative to the dole.

8. Many moderates support sharia law

Sharia, as you may know, is a primitive system of injustice that operates in many Islamic countries and discriminates against women, homosexuals and non-Muslims. If ever imposed here, sharia law would condemn your (Christian, Jewish, Sikh, etc.) grandchildren to permanent second-class status and make their lives very unpleasant, to say the least.

A poll in 2006 found that 40% of UK Muslims want Sharia in Britain. A 2010 survey of British Muslim students echoed that result (and almost one-third of them thought that killing in the name of Islam was justified).

Many UK Muslims want sharia

9. Islam has a different understanding of 'moderacy' than we do

Many Muslims would regard stoning a woman for adultery or a flogging gay men as moderate, even compassionate actions. Which in a way they are, when you consider the punishments favoured in some parts of the Islamic world.

10. Even moderate Muslims like to proselytise

More moderate Muslims equals more mosques equals more Islamisation equals more Islamic enclaves equals fewer places in Britain where non-Muslims can feel at home.

The growth of proselytising Islam in Britain also means more conversions of non-Muslims to Islam, people like Samantha Lewthwaite, terrorist plotter Richard Dart and Lee Rigby's murderer Michael Adebolajo.

Is Islam red pill? - Crackshot - 04-23-2014

Extremist/wahabbism is not good but not all Muslims are Wahabbi. Sufism is also very popular in Chechnya, north Africa, Bosnia, West Africa.

Is Islam red pill? - bojangles - 04-23-2014

problem we have with moderate muslims is they spawn extreme muslims as seen by the huge number of dickheads from the UK who've gone to fight for Syria. If i was the PM I would remove citizenship from anyone who fought abroad for any army that isnt part of NATO or the french foreign legion.

Is Islam red pill? - spalex - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:52 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

problem we have with moderate muslims is they spawn extreme muslims as seen by the huge number of dickheads from the UK who've gone to fight for Syria. If i was the PM I would remove citizenship from anyone who fought abroad for any army that isnt part of NATO or the french foreign legion.

Fucken UK and Sweden... Perfect examples of how not to run a country.

Is Islam red pill? - Bill - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:57 AM)spalex Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:52 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

problem we have with moderate muslims is they spawn extreme muslims as seen by the huge number of dickheads from the UK who've gone to fight for Syria. If i was the PM I would remove citizenship from anyone who fought abroad for any army that isnt part of NATO or the french foreign legion.

Fucken UK and Sweden... Perfect examples of how not to run a country.

Maybe they have something else in mind with immigration. America is only so powerfull because of it´s immigrants. So Europe needs more pople to be more powerfull. It´s not easy to find the right people. Slavs might be nice but Russia is to close and maybe the guys won´t be loyal enough. Maybe some think that muslims are like the south italian immigrants to the US. There is much mafia but in the end they became americans. Maybe muslims will be integrated in some form. Yes it´s a risky business I wouldn´t do it but maybe it will work in some form.

Is Islam red pill? - spalex - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 08:31 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:57 AM)spalex Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:52 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

problem we have with moderate muslims is they spawn extreme muslims as seen by the huge number of dickheads from the UK who've gone to fight for Syria. If i was the PM I would remove citizenship from anyone who fought abroad for any army that isnt part of NATO or the french foreign legion.

Fucken UK and Sweden... Perfect examples of how not to run a country.

Maybe they have something else in mind with immigration. America is only so powerfull because of it´s immigrants. So Europe needs more pople to be more powerfull. It´s not easy to find the right people. Slavs might be nice but Russia is to close and maybe the guys won´t be loyal enough. Maybe some think that muslims are like the south italian immigrants to the US. There is much mafia but in the end they became americans. Maybe muslims will be integrated in some form. Yes it´s a risky business I wouldn´t do it but maybe it will work in some form.

But there are so many examples of this just not working. Recent examples.
All you have to do is look at the history of countries like Lebanon and Indonesia.
You can look at how countries like Iran, Egypt and some East African countries became Islamic states.
Then we have the violence in The Philippines, Burma, Somalia Sri Lanka etc etc that show what happens when Muslims become a majority.

People would have to be blind to not see this shit as a warning!

Is Islam red pill? - Hotwheels - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 08:31 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:57 AM)spalex Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:52 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

problem we have with moderate muslims is they spawn extreme muslims as seen by the huge number of dickheads from the UK who've gone to fight for Syria. If i was the PM I would remove citizenship from anyone who fought abroad for any army that isnt part of NATO or the french foreign legion.

Fucken UK and Sweden... Perfect examples of how not to run a country.

Maybe they have something else in mind with immigration. America is only so powerfull because of it´s immigrants. So Europe needs more pople to be more powerfull. It´s not easy to find the right people. Slavs might be nice but Russia is to close and maybe the guys won´t be loyal enough. Maybe some think that muslims are like the south italian immigrants to the US. There is much mafia but in the end they became americans. Maybe muslims will be integrated in some form. Yes it´s a risky business I wouldn´t do it but maybe it will work in some form.

The US throttled legal immigration decades ago. The vast majority of immigrants today are essentially "sanctioned" illegals, meaning we don't kick them the fuck out like most other countries.

Thing is, with the declining birthrates among Northern European descended Americans without immigration we will wither.

Is Islam red pill? - birdie num num - 04-23-2014

Until now, very little attention has been given to the consequences of Muslim inbreeding. In the UK, the children of Pakistani descendants make up a disproportionate number of those suffering from mental retardation and birth defects. Perhaps inbreeding accounts for the stagnation of Islamic societies?

"Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the offspring’s intelligence, sanity, health and on their surroundings"

"A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called "consanguinity") and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent " (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009)

More info:

Is Islam red pill? - Bill - 04-23-2014

Quote: (04-23-2014 09:46 AM)spalex Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 08:31 AM)Bill Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:57 AM)spalex Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 06:52 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

problem we have with moderate muslims is they spawn extreme muslims as seen by the huge number of dickheads from the UK who've gone to fight for Syria. If i was the PM I would remove citizenship from anyone who fought abroad for any army that isnt part of NATO or the french foreign legion.

Fucken UK and Sweden... Perfect examples of how not to run a country.

Maybe they have something else in mind with immigration. America is only so powerfull because of it´s immigrants. So Europe needs more pople to be more powerfull. It´s not easy to find the right people. Slavs might be nice but Russia is to close and maybe the guys won´t be loyal enough. Maybe some think that muslims are like the south italian immigrants to the US. There is much mafia but in the end they became americans. Maybe muslims will be integrated in some form. Yes it´s a risky business I wouldn´t do it but maybe it will work in some form.

But there are so many examples of this just not working. Recent examples.
All you have to do is look at the history of countries like Lebanon and Indonesia.
You can look at how countries like Iran, Egypt and some East African countries became Islamic states.
Then we have the violence in The Philippines, Burma, Somalia Sri Lanka etc etc that show what happens when Muslims become a majority.

People would have to be blind to not see this shit as a warning!

Your example are not the best imho as all are or where weak states and where mainly unprepared. After the 17th century islam was never a threat it was an instrument of power. For example Turkey could only exist because the western powers saved them from Russia otherwise Turkey and maybe Iran would be russian. Even Afghanistan could only be taken from russia with the help of the US with Stinger rockets.

Islam is not a real threat imho. Maybe even Turkey will become westernized someday. They have nothing to fight the west. I think the west is mainly interested in balancing China and Russia.

In the end probably islam will have the same destiny as the jewish religion and christianity that is not relevant but I could be wrong too. The future is unknown.

But as Islam is technophob they will not likely have the firepower to dominate. Maybe the real danger will be that the west will become a fashist state. Don´t forget how the US nuked Japan. Nobody talkes of a genocide but it was quite brutal. How could muslims countries answer such an attack?

Look at Syria, Irak, Afghanistan, muslims are dying like flies. Look at Iran how afraid they are of the US. Even Israel can not wait to bomb them. Saudia Arabia is joke. That´s the situation.

In some years the muslim migrants will not be able to speak their language of origin. The social engineering will come to effect. Look how feminism brainwashes people. Same will probably happen with the muslims.

The truth is muslims have a stockholm syndrom. They are afraid of their fellow muslims. Once the threat is not there they will become more worldly and in the end atheist like the jews once.

In the moment yes they are an annoyance but not a real threat.

Is Islam red pill? - samsamsam - 04-24-2016

Interesting, on CNN GPS there was someone talking about how it is possible that there is a major misinterpretation about he word virgin.

The word was actually raisins. And why would 72 raisins be offered?

Keep in mind much of the ME is desert. So something like a raisin would actually be considered a real reward back in the day.

Not trying to push a show but I guess CNN is showing a special called "Why They Hate Us" and this gets discussed.

In the meantime, this older article shows how it is quite possible the virgin interpretation is wrong. Can't we just start a kickstarter and give every Muslim a box of raisins? And they can chill out?

Luxenberg tries to show that many obscurities of the Koran disappear if we read certain words as being Syriac and not Arabic. We cannot go into the technical details of his methodology but it allows Luxenberg, to the probable horror of all Muslim males dreaming of sexual bliss in the Muslim hereafter, to conjure away the wide-eyed houris promised to the faithful in suras XLIV.54; LII.20, LV.72, and LVI.22. Luxenberg 's new analysis, leaning on the Hymns of Ephrem the Syrian, yields "white raisins" of "crystal clarity" rather than doe-eyed, and ever willing virgins - the houris. Luxenberg claims that the context makes it clear that it is food and drink that is being offerred, and not unsullied maidens or houris.

In Syriac, the word hur is a feminine plural adjective meaning white, with the word "raisin" understood implicitly. Similarly, the immortal, pearl-like ephebes or youths of suras such as LXXVI.19 are really a misreading of a Syriac expression meaning chilled raisins (or drinks) that the just will have the pleasure of tasting in contrast to the boiling drinks promised the unfaithful and damned.

As Luxenberg's work has only recently been published we must await its scholarly assessment before we can pass any judgements. But if his analysis is correct then suicide bombers, or rather prospective martyrs, would do well to abandon their culture of death, and instead concentrate on getting laid 72 times in this world, unless of course they would really prefer chilled or white raisins, according to their taste, in the next.

Is Islam red pill? - philosophical_recovery - 04-24-2016

[Image: 72.jpg]

Is Islam red pill? - RaccoonFace - 05-01-2016

[Image: VWAgKcs.png]

Is Islam red pill? - pharao - 05-03-2016

Is there any other ideology that spreaded faster than Islam in the last 50 years?

Red Pill for sure is not hate against democracy.

I'd rather say that Islam is not Red Pill

[Image: 0.jpg]

Is Islam red pill? - Space Cowboy - 05-03-2016

I live in a dormitory full of Pakistanis and Arabs. Most of them are 26+, virgins, socially awkward, and a few shots of chinese rice wine away from being rapists. They only hang out in (usually large) groups of males, are loud and obnoxious, are socially awkward around confident people, and get mad at any perceived slight against their religion.

Red pill? Please.