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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Printable Version

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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Veloce - 11-21-2013

Quote: (11-21-2013 08:55 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Had plans set with a girl for Friday night. Just got this text:

Her: Boo. My friends invited me to play (a drinking game) tomorrow. Can we hang out Saturday?

How would yall respond?

You know, most of the time a girl flakes on me I just say "k" and then hit her up a week later.

But in your case, this girl is ditching you a drinking game with her friends? What the fuck?

Translation: "You mean so little to me that I would rather sit around with my friends that I already see 5x a week so we can take shots of Jack and talk about the guys we're fucking."

I would respond with this:

"Nah. No time for flakes."

I know most guys are hesitant to call out girls pre-bang, I know I am, but I used this recently and it worked. She immediately got defensive, "What makes you think I have time for flakes and games?" and I kept on the offensive, "Prove otherwise." She wound up cancelling her plans, met up with me, and I banged her that night.

And if she doesn't respond well, fuck her. She's disrespecting you here, and no pussy on earth is worth that.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - NovaVirtu - 11-21-2013


Thanks for the insights. Yeah I didn't have a good feeling about this one but oh well. You live and you learn.

Master_thespian, I'll keep the calling advice in mind, I don't like long text conversing either, it's just such a lost art talking on the phone it didn't even occur to me.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - svenski7 - 11-22-2013

Well, bombed out again so I restarted:

Sven: "bring the movies"
Eva: "I literally don't own any movies"


[Image: facepalm.png]

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - MrXY - 11-22-2013

^^ That's your fault. Why should she understand that you're making an inside joke only people on player's forum would get?

Ask her out one more time and if she refuses delete her

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Valhalla - 11-24-2013

how do you guys reply to a naked pic along with im thinking about you the day after

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - LeBeau - 11-25-2013

Quote: (11-24-2013 08:12 PM)Valhalla Wrote:  

how do you guys reply to a naked pic along with im thinking about you the day after

With more sex.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Feo - 11-25-2013

Quote: (11-24-2013 08:12 PM)Valhalla Wrote:  

how do you guys reply to a naked pic along with im thinking about you the day after

I think you're thinking way too much about how to reply. but "yumm" is my default for anything dirty

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - redonion - 11-26-2013

Quote: (11-21-2013 09:02 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

^Dont respond today.

Text her tmrw:

You: I have plans sat.

She'll text back some bullshit but don't respond. Hit her up next week Tues or Wed and setup plans again. If she flakes that time, then delete.

She had another option and flaked. Doesn't mean you won't get the bang, BUT you're a busy playboy and Sat night is PRIME night. Do not hang with her Sat. Your DHV will drop even more.

I recently had a similar situation occur.

Had plans to meet this girl for drinks tonight (tuesday). On Sunday night she texts me this:

Her: Hey would you be up for meeting up maybe next weekend or something? I have soooo much work this week.
Me (Next morning): I have plans this weekend.

She hasn't responded. Do I...

A) Next her. Let her back into the fold if she texts me.
B) Hit her up in a few days trying to set something up again.
C) Send a feeler text for what tonight's plans are (e.g. "We on for tonight? If you got too much work lets do next tuesday"). After all, she didn't actually cancel...

I met this girl a week and a half ago and have only texted her for scheduling this first date, so we're losing some steam here. Although I'm not a huge fan, I'm thinking something along option C might be best given the circumstances and her (presumably) waning interest.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - motoman - 11-26-2013

Girl I met thru Couchsurfing:

Two weeks ago:
Hola GIRLSNAME. Soy el caballero de moto aventuras motoman.

Jaja! Hola motoman[Image: smile.gif] gracias por agregarme!

El placer era mios

Eyyy Motoman como andas!?

Supa bien y voss
Me voy a meditar ahora nos vemos en un ratito

Buenisimooooo que disfrutes!!

Woooo. Bien. che estas terminando con tus classes ahora?

Caaasi terminé!!
Termino en dos viernes jeje

Tenemos que celebración
Celebrar jaja

Jajaja siii de una[Image: smile.gif]
Che tuve una idea

Diga mi

Trabajas en compus no?

Trabajo circa

Jaja kk lemme explain [Image: tongue.gif] I have this old computer that needs help
It's a few years old, I just want it to run faster
And I SUCK at comp stuff
SO that being said, I was thinking I could come over and visit with u one day, have lunch or smt
Look at the comp
And yeah! Motorcycle ride if time and weather permit[Image: smile.gif]
Whaddaya think?

next move? i don't like the 'fix my computer and maybe we can go for a motorcycle ride frame she's setting up.' i want her to spend time with me based on her wanting to ; not based on fixing her computer.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - eradicator - 11-26-2013

"as far as helping you with your computer, let me direct you to some really useful sites: and As for the motorcycle ride, this weekend looks good"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - 1bliss - 11-28-2013

One of my client's secretary, also his niece. Saw her once quickly before, got back to the office and told my boss she's cute. My boss went last week, he told me the client (her uncle) brought it up and mentioned to her "you know that good looking tanned guy who came in once? He thinks you're good looking", and then my boss asked her if she's single, she said yes, he told her he's gonna get me to call her. I never did because that's fukin weird and desperate shit.

Fast forward to couple days ago. I go to drop something off. She's there. Small talk with her, she's showing good body language. I mention my boss came in and told her I'd call her, made a joke out of it, we cracked a laugh. She was acting stupid saying he didn't tell her anything, probably just told her uncle. So I changed the subject but she kept bringing it back up asking me stuff like "teehee what did he say to youuu". I made it seem like it's nothing, just basically said that he cramped my style lol.

Then told her I gotta see her boss to make sure what I dropped off was all good and dandy. She said he's in a meeting, then another meeting after. I can either wait or come back. I acted like it's important, "umm shit, I can't wait I gotta take off. Hmmm". So she tells me to give her my number and she'll call me later when he's done and sees the stuff.

Couple hours later I get a text from her cell phone (not her office phone) saying "Hey this is X, Y still hasn't had the chance to see the stuff. He's been so busy but I'll let you know when he does though".

I say Cool thanks. then more small talk. How's your day going, blabla.

She responds with boring shit like "Goood and urs?". As I'm keeping the convo alive, she asks me my background, my age, etc.

Then I say "Will Y kill me if I ask you to hang out sometime?"
Her: hahahahaha
Her: No he's not like that.
Her: *typing...* (then stops typing and doesn't send the message)
Me: Just making sure. What are you up to Saturday?
Her: I have to work then a dinner with some gfs. U?
Me (5 hours later): I'm a shitty texter I'm sorry.
Me: Let me know when you're free. We'll go out and I'll be a perfect gentleman

No reply. this was Tuesday. I obviously am expecting you pimps to say don't text her until she gets back to you, but let's be honest girls rarely let you know when they're free lol. That was a mistake on my end. I feel like texting her tomorrow saying "Come out for drinks after your dinner".


The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - LeBeau - 11-28-2013

Quote: (11-28-2013 07:28 PM)1bliss Wrote:  

Then I say "Will Y kill me if I ask you to hang out sometime?"
Her: hahahahaha
Her: No he's not like that.
Her: *typing...* (then stops typing and doesn't send the message)
Me: Just making sure. What are you up to Saturday?
Her: I have to work then a dinner with some gfs. U?
Me (5 hours later): I'm a shitty texter I'm sorry.
Me: Let me know when you're free. We'll go out and I'll be a perfect gentleman

No reply. this was Tuesday. I obviously am expecting you pimps to say don't text her until she gets back to you, but let's be honest girls rarely let you know when they're free lol. That was a mistake on my end. I feel like texting her tomorrow saying "Come out for drinks after your dinner".


Few general guidelines to help going forward, cause I can tell you like this girl since the nervousness and over-analysis is coming through:

No more self deprecation
No apologies
No try hard selling yourself i.e. "perfect gentleman"

If you're gonna chat, then chat about something to get her emotions going or build connection, not just small talk (obviously this is preferable over phone or in person)

Approach/contact other girls to help with abundance mentality and get your thoughts off her temporarily

If she doesn't get back to you and it's been a while, re-initiate with something casual, then segway into date, not just out of the blue request.

Remember you have to lead with confidence, if you want her to join you, have a plan for the night.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Vaun - 11-29-2013

I have to admit I suck at sexualizing texts. I always have. I dont know why, I just dropped $99 on another "text guide", shoot me. My whole thing is texting for logistics and to build comfort level, but I rarely get the titty shots, the abrupt dick pic never yielded anything. But I still want titty pics.. maybe I should just keep going for no's.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Valhalla - 11-29-2013

puck man why are you dropping a 100 stacks on texting guides

everything is available somewhere

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Sonsowey - 12-01-2013

Quote: (11-26-2013 12:46 PM)motoman Wrote:  

Girl I met thru Couchsurfing:

Two weeks ago:
Hola GIRLSNAME. Soy el caballero de moto aventuras motoman.

Jaja! Hola motoman[Image: smile.gif] gracias por agregarme!

El placer era mios

Eyyy Motoman como andas!?

Supa bien y voss
Me voy a meditar ahora nos vemos en un ratito

Buenisimooooo que disfrutes!!

Woooo. Bien. che estas terminando con tus classes ahora?

Caaasi terminé!!
Termino en dos viernes jeje

Tenemos que celebración
Celebrar jaja

Jajaja siii de una[Image: smile.gif]
Che tuve una idea

Diga mi

Trabajas en compus no?

Trabajo circa

Jaja kk lemme explain [Image: tongue.gif] I have this old computer that needs help
It's a few years old, I just want it to run faster
And I SUCK at comp stuff
SO that being said, I was thinking I could come over and visit with u one day, have lunch or smt
Look at the comp
And yeah! Motorcycle ride if time and weather permit[Image: smile.gif]
Whaddaya think?

next move? i don't like the 'fix my computer and maybe we can go for a motorcycle ride frame she's setting up.' i want her to spend time with me based on her wanting to ; not based on fixing her computer.

You: pshhhh...

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - EnemyCombatant - 12-02-2013

Met this chick during the day in front of a lecture hall. Number crunched, set up date for later that week where got frozen yogurt and bounced back to my place. Drank a bit and got make out. Hit her up for 5 days later for movie and wine at my place, she stayed over and banged in morning (but she left after 10 minutes, though she apologized). Called her today and agreed to meet Tuesday but then she sent this:

[Image: FdTaLxB.png]

I have ignored it, going to message her tomorrow morning with the excuse that my phone died while volunteering at the homeless shelter tonight (true). I want to just get her back to my place again essentially, and probably take a walk to go smoke a bowl in a park, but should I just say that or keep giving her bullshit? The chick also lives alone at a place in town, so should I suggest going there? I'd be hesitant but I dunno.

I'd ordinarily just proceed to kicking it at my place, but this chick leaving mid-sex and asking exclusively what the deal is every time is throwing me off.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - eradicator - 12-02-2013

I would probably say "i have a few ideas, we can decide when you get here"

This is a chick you already banged, correct?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Sonsowey - 12-02-2013

^^^ "Don't ruin the surprise"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Floss - 12-02-2013

Met this chick online. She gave me her number and said we should meet. The text exchange:

ME (10:26am): Hey it's Floss from MM. Don't have a pic of myself. So sorry to fuck up your OCD oranizational system
*She asked me to text my full name and a picture. The site has pictures.

HER (10:26am): bahahah [Image: smile.gif] :0 it's totally ok.

ME (10:40am): So how long are you here for?

HER (10:50am): I'm not sure yet maybe till Friday !

ME (10:59am): Let's get something to drink before you leave. I can impress you some more by reciting wu tang as modern prose

HER (11:07am): bahahah [Image: smile.gif] for sure I'm so down!

ME (12:28pm): How's tomorrow afternoon sound

HER (12:30pm): sounds good to me [Image: smile.gif]

ME (12:42pm): Cool gimme yo addy

HER (12:46pm): I'm not there right now I'm out eating so I will send it to you when I get back! I don't know it by heart.

ME (10:07am): Still down to kick it later?

So she's shown decent interest and was responding promptly, but then went cold for no apparent reason. When I encounter a situation such as this, how should I handle it? Was it a good move to text her again this morning? If she doesn't get back to me, should I forget about her? What's the game plan?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Wahawahwah - 12-02-2013

Chick either looking for validation/has buyer's remorse/into you and wants to know if you're desperate for just sex.
Maintain plausible deniability at all times.
You evaded it well the first time, if u do ignore the text tonight, do NOT give her some bullshit reason. Flip the script.

EnemyCombatant(lol) --- "Why?"
Ruthie --- oh nothing blah blah
EC --- oh ok. bacon and eggs.(Change the subject)
R- ..what?
EC-- for breakfast
R---blah blah

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Wahawahwah - 12-02-2013

Quote: (12-02-2013 12:57 PM)Floss Wrote:  

Met this chick online. She gave me her number and said we should meet. The text exchange:

ME (10:26am): Hey it's Floss from MM. Don't have a pic of myself. So sorry to fuck up your OCD oranizational system
*She asked me to text my full name and a picture. The site has pictures.

HER (10:26am): bahahah [Image: smile.gif] :0 it's totally ok.

ME (10:40am): So how long are you here for?

HER (10:50am): I'm not sure yet maybe till Friday !

ME (10:59am): Let's get something to drink before you leave. I can impress you some more by reciting wu tang as modern prose

HER (11:07am): bahahah [Image: smile.gif] for sure I'm so down!

ME (12:28pm): How's tomorrow afternoon sound

HER (12:30pm): sounds good to me [Image: smile.gif]

ME (12:42pm): Cool gimme yo addy

HER (12:46pm): I'm not there right now I'm out eating so I will send it to you when I get back! I don't know it by heart.

ME (10:07am): Still down to kick it later?

So she's shown decent interest and was responding promptly, but then went cold for no apparent reason. When I encounter a situation such as this, how should I handle it? Was it a good move to text her again this morning? If she doesn't get back to me, should I forget about her? What's the game plan?

You're asking the questions, your doing the chasing, you're apologising for whatever(smart-ish excuse but still, an apology), you're asking her if she's okay wid a certain. You also suggested "impressing" her. Completely playing in her frame.

She's ignored your text.
Either walk away from this, or send her the place and time when its convenient for you.

Eg - "XYZ bar. 7 p.m".

You're the man. You make the decisions. If she can't make it, move on. Plenty of other girls out there. No need to apologise for small things. Work on your abundance mentality. Also, YOU are the prize. Let her try and impress you, not the other way round.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Floss - 12-02-2013

Quote: (12-02-2013 01:06 PM)Sharkie Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2013 12:57 PM)Floss Wrote:  

Met this chick online. She gave me her number and said we should meet. The text exchange:

ME (10:26am): Hey it's Floss from MM. Don't have a pic of myself. So sorry to fuck up your OCD oranizational system
*She asked me to text my full name and a picture. The site has pictures.

HER (10:26am): bahahah [Image: smile.gif] :0 it's totally ok.

ME (10:40am): So how long are you here for?

HER (10:50am): I'm not sure yet maybe till Friday !

ME (10:59am): Let's get something to drink before you leave. I can impress you some more by reciting wu tang as modern prose

HER (11:07am): bahahah [Image: smile.gif] for sure I'm so down!

ME (12:28pm): How's tomorrow afternoon sound

HER (12:30pm): sounds good to me [Image: smile.gif]

ME (12:42pm): Cool gimme yo addy

HER (12:46pm): I'm not there right now I'm out eating so I will send it to you when I get back! I don't know it by heart.

ME (10:07am): Still down to kick it later?

So she's shown decent interest and was responding promptly, but then went cold for no apparent reason. When I encounter a situation such as this, how should I handle it? Was it a good move to text her again this morning? If she doesn't get back to me, should I forget about her? What's the game plan?

You're asking the questions, your doing the chasing, you're apologising for whatever(smart-ish excuse but still, an apology), you're asking her if she's okay wid a certain. You also suggested "impressing" her. Completely playing in her frame.

She's ignored your text.
Either walk away from this, or send her the place and time when its convenient for you.

Eg - "XYZ bar. 7 p.m".

You're the man. You make the decisions. If she can't make it, move on. Plenty of other girls out there. No need to apologise for small things. Work on your abundance mentality. Also, YOU are the prize. Let her try and impress you, not the other way round.

How would you have worded it then?
"Let's hang out tomorrow afternoon" versus "How's tomorrow afternoon?"

Stuff like that?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - EnemyCombatant - 12-02-2013

Quote: (12-02-2013 10:20 AM)master_thespian Wrote:  

I would probably say "i have a few ideas, we can decide when you get here"

This is a chick you already banged, correct?

I ended up going with this.

And I did bang her, but she left mid-sex while repeating a bunch of times the excuse that "I have to go study!" I think she wasn't expecting sex to happen and tripped out a bit.

I did pull out and stick my dick in her face like 10 minutes into sex which was probably a tactical error, haha. She stopped me from putting on another condom after that.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - eradicator - 12-02-2013

Quote: (12-02-2013 01:16 PM)Floss Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2013 01:06 PM)Sharkie Wrote:  

Eg - "XYZ bar. 7 p.m".

You're the man. You make the decisions. If she can't make it, move on. Plenty of other girls out there. No need to apologise for small things. Work on your abundance mentality. Also, YOU are the prize. Let her try and impress you, not the other way round.

How would you have worded it then?
"Let's hang out tomorrow afternoon" versus "How's tomorrow afternoon?"

Stuff like that?

Sharkie is giving good advice. I would have just sent a dick pic after she ignored the texts, but if you follow his advice, she might actually show up(though that is a longshot). If she doesn't, just hit on any hot chicks at the bar and you can still have a good time whether she shows up or not. Never let your night be ruined because a chick flakes on you.

I don't really see a difference between "hows tomorrow afternoon" and "let's hang out tomorrow afternoon", they are both trying to work out logistics, which is what texting is good for.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Floss - 12-02-2013

Quote: (12-02-2013 02:15 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2013 01:16 PM)Floss Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2013 01:06 PM)Sharkie Wrote:  

Eg - "XYZ bar. 7 p.m".

You're the man. You make the decisions. If she can't make it, move on. Plenty of other girls out there. No need to apologise for small things. Work on your abundance mentality. Also, YOU are the prize. Let her try and impress you, not the other way round.

How would you have worded it then?
"Let's hang out tomorrow afternoon" versus "How's tomorrow afternoon?"

Stuff like that?

Sharkie is giving good advice. I would have just sent a dick pic after she ignored the texts, but if you follow his advice, she might actually show up(though that is a longshot). If she doesn't, just hit on any hot chicks at the bar and you can still have a good time whether she shows up or not. Never let your night be ruined because a chick flakes on you.

I don't really see a difference between "hows tomorrow afternoon" and "let's hang out tomorrow afternoon", they are both trying to work out logistics, which is what texting is good for.

So where did I go wrong exactly? I thought it was going well and she was showing interest. Like, what is going through her mind to send me all those texts and smilies and shit and then just ignore me? Like, why waste both of our time?