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The Official Presidential Election Thread - speakeasy - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:51 AM)Brian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:48 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:26 AM)Brian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:20 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:06 AM)Brian Wrote:  

so why did you leave that Paradise in the middle of the Ocean?

I was born here, though I spent most of my first 6 years of life back in "paradise". My mother was born in England, raised in the Caribbean. She decided to come here for her graduate education and her own career ambition (the islands are small, you know).
I was born in NYC, left at 3 months, came back here for elementary school and have been here ever since. I'm the first-gen in my immediate family to be born here.

Being from a family of immigrants, I'm sympathetic to stories of folks coming into legal immigration trouble and struggling to stay here and work, as I've been personally connected to it.

And, like the hordes of other minorities with similar stories, I'm not going anyplace. Sorry bro.

you're good at math - take all the immigrants from second and third world countries and what do you get??? the USA becoming a second world country. congrats, enjoy.

I'm glad Brian made this statement because it displays exactly what's under the surface of the Republican party. A bright guy like Athlone who worked his way up to an Ivy League school from a disadvantaged background is just another 3rd worlder ruining the country.

go live in a poor neighborhood in a third world country and let me know how that works out for you

Okay we get it. You're white, you're conservative, you're nativist and you feel under siege because the numbers of non-whites are growing and it will make it harder for people of your viewpoint to become president. You envision all these dark skinned people swarming the USA and taxing hard working white people to do death so they can sit home and watch telenovelas all day while collecting reparations. Yes, we get it. I know where you're coming from.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Therapsid - 11-07-2012

Any man who voted for Obama this time around despite the whole "war on women" meme and controversies over "legitimate rape", whether Sandra Fluke is a slut, and over free birth control needs to get their head examined.

And I include ultra-liberal, left, and radical left men, who had third party protest candidates to choose from instead of El Presidente. I don't care about let's bomb Iran Mr. Neoconservative Romney. There were alternatives. If you're from the inner city and angry, vote for the Socialist or Green Party.

I voted for Obama last time, but its become apparent that the Democratic Party is based upon enabling the worst female instincts for hypergamy even if beta men stop working and inventing new technologies to make economic growth possible.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - j r - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:52 AM)bacon Wrote:  

as ive been watching the Obama masses cry in rejoice to his win it dawned on me just how fucking clueless anyone is that doesnt see through this republican-democrat paradigm.

do people really think it matters WHO is in office. the game is rigged and the outcome is going to be bad for the regular "folks" like me and you.

celebrating a rigged political game is lunacy. we need real change now more than ever. ask yourself how well is a 2 party system working out for America?

I don't think the game is rigged. I think people just have very pedestrian, middle of the road tastes. That is why Taylor Swift has the biggest selling album right now. That is why the best-seller lists are filled with mass-market fiction and books by celebrities. That is why this country is filled with McDonald's and Domino's and TGI Fridays. That is why the American public voted almost 50/50 for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

It's time we stopped blaming "the system" and started looking at the decisions that people actually make.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Nineteen84 - 11-07-2012

I'm just glad it's over

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Brian - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:57 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2012 12:48 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I'm glad Brian made this statement because it displays exactly what's under the surface of the Republican party. A bright guy like Athlone who worked his way up to an Ivy League school from a disadvantaged background is just another 3rd worlder ruining the country.

Of course. I'd resent such sentiment, but I've actually come to appreciate it as it taught me a valuable lesson about where we all really stand.

For minorities (in my case, blacks), your education and income level are both less relevant that they should be socially. A minority is a minority, and it is very difficult to change that. I could get overly prideful about my accomplishments and many of my relatives could do the same, but we don't. Why?

Aside from the obvious moral reasons (pride goeth before the fall), we're well aware of the fact that our Ivy League degrees and other outside factors don't make much difference to those who look down on us-to them, we are just blacks, and that phenotypical reality counts before any other tangible or intangible trait we could possess. We don't get a special "acceptable negro" pass from the right for being smart or well educated. The xenophobia flows over just the same as it would for any other minority.

That realization is a big reason why I'm no longer a conservative.

again, Conservatives welcome people of any color or nationality into their party. thats why guys like Allen West and Marco Rubio are rockstars w/in the conservative party

The Official Presidential Election Thread - chyamor - 11-07-2012

already talk of Hilary in 2016

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Excelsior - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:05 AM)Brian Wrote:  

again, Conservatives welcome people of any color or nationality into their party. thats why guys like Allen West and Marco Rubio are rockstars w/in the conservative party

Yeah, the conservatives are just rallying around the banner of racial/ethnic tolerance.

Sure, dude.

I'm too old to be that gullible-Allen West may be willing to side openly with the same folks who are convinced that people like him are a "problem" and express opinions to that end, but I'm not.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - ElJefe - 11-07-2012


You envision all these dark skinned people swarming the USA and taxing hard working white people to do death so they can sit home and watch telenovelas all day while collecting reparations. Yes, we get it. I know where you're coming from.

This about facts and nuancy and the real price of immigration. As a conservative economist, i believe immigration is crucial to maintain progress. I also recognize that high-volume low-skill immigration leads to increased poverty in America, it keeps blacks underemployed, it bankrupts government, and now it reelects a prez who fuckee up his first term royally. That is not the intelligent immigration I'm in favor of, not low-volume high-swill allow Americans to

The Official Presidential Election Thread - speakeasy - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:11 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  


You envision all these dark skinned people swarming the USA and taxing hard working white people to do death so they can sit home and watch telenovelas all day while collecting reparations. Yes, we get it. I know where you're coming from.

This abou facts and the real price of immigration. As a conwervative economist, i believe immigration is crucial to maintain progress. I also recognize that high-volume low-skill immigration leads to increase poverty in America, it keeps blacks underemployed, it bankrupts government, and now it reelects a President who fucked up his first term royally. That is not the intelligent immigration I'm in favor of, not low-volume high-skill thatll immigration that will allow Americans to

Look, you're preaching to the choir, you won't find anyone that's more opposed to illegal immigration than me. I also think we need to sharply limit low-skill immigrants. What I took objection to is Brian using Athlone's background to attack him.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - chochemonger1 - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:01 AM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Any man who voted for Obama this time around despite the whole "war on women" meme and controversies over "legitimate rape", whether Sandra Fluke is a slut, and over free birth control needs to get their head examined.

And I include ultra-liberal, left, and radical left men, who had third party protest candidates to choose from instead of El Presidente. I don't care about let's bomb Iran Mr. Neoconservative Romney. There were alternatives. If you're from the inner city and angry, vote for the Socialist or Green Party.

I voted for Obama last time, but its become apparent that the Democratic Party is based upon enabling the worst female instincts for hypergamy even if beta men stop working and inventing new technologies to make economic growth possible.

Nothing was different under a Republican Bush administration when it came to feminism and hypergamy. The presidency has too little perogative to change that. Get the hell out of America as a man under any administration. And if you think things would have changed under a Romney administration you are a naive fool.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Tex Pro - 11-07-2012

Damn, Obama won. Oh, well.

Let's call it a night guys. If Romney can be gracious in defeat, than so should we.

Enough with the mudslinging... least for tonight.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - chochemonger1 - 11-07-2012

George W Bushs daughters were little sluts and partiers. I will bet Obamas girls dont turn out that bad.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Brian - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:15 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:11 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  


You envision all these dark skinned people swarming the USA and taxing hard working white people to do death so they can sit home and watch telenovelas all day while collecting reparations. Yes, we get it. I know where you're coming from.

This abou facts and the real price of immigration. As a conwervative economist, i believe immigration is crucial to maintain progress. I also recognize that high-volume low-skill immigration leads to increase poverty in America, it keeps blacks underemployed, it bankrupts government, and now it reelects a President who fucked up his first term royally. That is not the intelligent immigration I'm in favor of, not low-volume high-skill thatll immigration that will allow Americans to

Look, you're preaching to the choir, you won't find anyone that's more opposed to illegal immigration than me. I also think we need to sharply limit low-skill immigrants. What I took objection to is Brian using Athlone's background to attack him.

Athlone is a hypocritical college kid who has never had a real job and claim whites are racist while 95% of blacks vote for Obama. You kiddies have a good night and enjoy celebrating the hole you are digging yourselves.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Deluge - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:05 AM)Brian Wrote:  

again, Conservatives welcome people of any color or nationality into their party. thats why guys like Allen West and Marco Rubio are rockstars w/in the conservative party

You personally cannot say that in this thread and expect anybody to take you seriously. Not "hypocritical" at all. Also, this Marco Rubio cat looks white as fuck to me.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Therapsid - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:16 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:01 AM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Any man who voted for Obama this time around despite the whole "war on women" meme and controversies over "legitimate rape", whether Sandra Fluke is a slut, and over free birth control needs to get their head examined.

And I include ultra-liberal, left, and radical left men, who had third party protest candidates to choose from instead of El Presidente. I don't care about let's bomb Iran Mr. Neoconservative Romney. There were alternatives. If you're from the inner city and angry, vote for the Socialist or Green Party.

I voted for Obama last time, but its become apparent that the Democratic Party is based upon enabling the worst female instincts for hypergamy even if beta men stop working and inventing new technologies to make economic growth possible.

Nothing was different under a Republican Bush administration when it came to feminism and hypergamy. The presidency has too little perogative to change that. Get the hell out of America as a man under any administration. And if you think things would have changed under a Romney administration you are a naive fool.

I don't disagree about Bush. I hate that fucker.

But I can't help but notice the same Ohio and middle America that voted for Bush over Kerry voted for Obama over Romney.

Fuck Ohio.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Tbone - 11-07-2012

Athlone isn't the only one to say that the Republican party is full of racists.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - chochemonger1 - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:22 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:05 AM)Brian Wrote:  

again, Conservatives welcome people of any color or nationality into their party. thats why guys like Allen West and Marco Rubio are rockstars w/in the conservative party

You personally cannot say that in this thread and expect anybody to take you seriously. Not "hypocritical at all". Also, this Marco Rubio cat looks [b]white as fuck[] to me.

Agreed, even his last name in Spanish means blond lol.
At least the Republicans elected an Indian as governor..... Jindhal in Lousiana. Though, he doesnt seems like a troll.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - ElJefe - 11-07-2012

We need a Californian Republican again. Those guys are usually pretty sensible.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - speakeasy - 11-07-2012

Obama just referred to his wife as "the woman who agreed to marry me." Why not just say, "the woman I married." God damned, that is just so beta, I cringed. See I'm not uncritical of the President.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Tbone - 11-07-2012

These guys always sound soft as Charmin when they are talking about their wives.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Alpha Hunter Zero - 11-07-2012

Looking at all the above comments. It seems not even the forum is safe from political warfare lol. Here's what I have to say- 1. To Romney, ha ha, thats what you get for not having a concession speech ready and for riding the cocks of the wealthy. Oh yeah and fuck you. 2. To Obama, your catering to women and quick strategic ability to gain the support of crowds saved your ass greatly. Enjoy your victory, do some shots and beer pong, and shag the first lady later on. After tonight please please try to at least somewhat better this country for the middle and lower class. Can you do that? 3. To all sheeple everywhere out there going on about their candidates- please shut up, you're beginning to sound like Mac/Apple users going on and on. 4. For you poor bastards in DC tonight who dont give a shit about the elections, you have my sympathies. Stay strong and I'll see you in the morning.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Cincinnatus - 11-07-2012

At the end of the day, the only conclusion I have come to is... I must spend the entire 2016 calendar year outside of the United States so I'm not subjected to a constant barrage of political sparring.

I'm really glad the election is over. Checking my mail has sucked lately. 5-10 leaflets per day for weeks.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - TheSlayer - 11-07-2012

Agree with Alpha Hunter Zero. A little surprised at the racially charged conversation between Brian and Athlone. I thought those kinda conversations were usually reserved for Roissy/Heartiste.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Wutang - 11-07-2012

Obama's victory was helped by a 18 point gender-gap.

The Official Presidential Election Thread - Excelsior - 11-07-2012

Quote: (11-07-2012 01:19 AM)Brian Wrote:  

Athlone is a hypocritical college kid who has never had a real job


Tell me more about my life, bro. You must know me so well.


and claim whites are racist while 95% of blacks vote for Obama.

In 2000, Al Gore got 90% of the Black vote. Kerry got 88% in 04. Mondale got 91% in 1984. Dukakis got 89%. Clinton got figures up into the high 80's both times.

Blacks have been firmly Democrat for decades. The last Republican to yield more than 15% of the Black vote was Nixon. If Obama were white, he'd still yield close to or more than 90% of the black vote, just like his predecessors.

And yet, now that we have a black candidate, conservatives like yourself go on about how Blacks are suddenly racists for doing what they've been doing for 30+ years in support of white democrats.

Interesting logic.


You kiddies have a good night and enjoy celebrating the hole you are digging yourselves.

[Image: tumblr_m5mwnvKJ0h1r3zat8.gif]