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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ndsamkw - 04-26-2019

Could use some advice for a double text issue.

Me: I finally checked my schedule this weekend - I have a friend in town Friday and bday Saturday but we could grab drinks Sunday night (9:52pm yesterday)

Her: I only have Saturday unaccounted for right now, Sunday’s a little busy (10:02pm)

Her: How was yesterday’s [late night TV taping]? (10:07pm)

Me: Amazing! Xx appeared and the Yy performed (10:08pm)

Me: Cool - the birthday is the afternoon so we could go to [event] later in the evening [link to event] (10:09pm)

Girl stayed over at mine after first date so this would be date 2. Haven’t heard back after 24hrs. Advice?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Thomas Jackson - 04-27-2019

Post date Q.

Went to drinks Thursday, felt like decent chemistry. Kiss closed, but didnt push it. Told her i usually wakeup at 5am to workout so she was joking i would turn into a pumpkin if I stayed out too late.

Next day around lunch i text "That was fun, and didnt even turn into a pumpkin"

Response 30 mins later - "Yes! and glad to hear it smileyface"

Probably over analyzing but that seemed ambiguous to me. Girl is a solid 7 and seemed cool so would like to bang her. Was just going to ask to hangout again and get a firm answer either way, but any advice is appreciated.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Remington - 04-27-2019


Like you said, you're overanalyzing it. Her response was positive so move forward.

A simple response such as "do it again?" will put the ball in her court. That response will dictate her true interest in you.

I'm willing to bet that response will be a yes considering you kiss closed. Women are fickle but if you at least kissed her, odds are in your favor.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ksbms - 04-28-2019

Quote: (04-20-2019 05:46 PM)Anchor Man Wrote:  

Quote: (03-29-2019 08:01 AM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (03-26-2019 09:14 PM)Anchor Man Wrote:  

When She Texts You "We'll See"
Good strategy

The guide is decent, it covers the absolute basics and the underlying psychological dynamics going on there. I can't fault it for its defensive strategy. Good for a beginner but if you want to bang 8+ girls, you'll need a significant step up from that.

Do you have anything to share with us please ? I like your strategy you are one of few people here who still believes in conversion and not quick nexting at the first sign of trouble

I believe to date the best text-game advice is by Krauser. Look up his blog for a good taster, and if you want to dive "balls-deep", check out his Daygame Mastery and/or Daygame Infinite (the latter is more micro-focused on texting).

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ksbms - 04-28-2019

Quote: (04-27-2019 11:03 PM)Remington Wrote:  


Like you said, you're overanalyzing it. Her response was positive so move forward.

A simple response such as "do it again?" will put the ball in her court. That response will dictate her true interest in you.

I'm willing to bet that response will be a yes considering you kiss closed. Women are fickle but if you at least kissed her, odds are in your favor.

I think it's not a bad proposition but it can be improved upon - texting "do it again?" is a bit too vague - what she may think about "it" may not be his "it". Let's not forget she's just 19, you can't expect from a girl her age to proactively lead towards sex, that's not her nature - unless super horny (or a slut or derailed). Also, it is too much of a frame release - she may become too finicky in her decisions (or lack thereof). What if she'd proposed going for ice-cream lunch time? Hard to close the deal in such a scenario.

He should be at all times in the driver's seat and keep the lead, instead of loosening it so much. Remington, I understand what you're trying to do - getting her involved in "we are both in these together" and share the responsibility of where we're going is a good strategy but perhaps not at that stage yet.

What I would do, is to interpret her smiley face as a big encouragement but not press that much forward just a night after for a date no. 2 - no need to be a predictably horny man, which may suggest to her he's sex-starved. Afer the night, the romantic bubble pierced and she replied enthusiastically, we shouldn't undervalue what it truly means - the words aren't as important, semantics matter less than the fact of reply itself - that's the most important thing here - she's very keen.

Rather, I'd just keep for a little bit the conversation going, depending how strong attraction was - for a day, with 3-5 messages before requesting date no. 2. Will she clear up her schedule for Saturday, given the date was on Thursday? Unless strong attraction suggests she wants more ASAP, more likely date no. 2 will come after the weekend. If the OP wants a date ASAP though, in that case, throwing a ball "do it again?" wouldn't help, risking a significant slow down).

Instead, if no time pressure, i'd keep making a world of me and her, create a "paradise" for us two, our own vocabulary, inside humour, raise above the hum-drum of purely logistic texting. Channel the light of positivity at all times. Every word, emoji, picture, message needs to be crafted for the purpose. Less but better is... better. Bear in mind the fact you're much older (even though she may not know it) and think and expect from people more "adult" behaviour, whereas she's just 19 years old who probably (statistically speaking) doesn't really know what she wants. For example:

The King of all and Lord of the light: That was fun, and didnt even turn into a pumpkin

(It's a good one, I like it - non-needy, no questions, short, re-statement of attraction, a little bit of inside humour, check-in to see what she does. Bravo).

Sexy and pretty girl: Yes! and glad to hear it smileyface

(30 minutes in, there's NO ambiguity there at all - it is very respectable and enthusiastic. What do you expect she'd text: can I come over right now to suck your cock? It's a good girl's game, spot on. Don't overlook the fact she added an exclamation point. Smiley face is expression of her mood regarding how she feels about you. Her message is encouragement to press forward, Saturday she may scream your name, carefully judge the timestamps of her replies from now on, the sooner the better, but remember - you're much older, you get much less leeway to project horniness than a teenage boy). Don't be over-eager, otherwise you can burn an excellent lead. I was there, too, before, in on case an 18yo virgin, me approaching 30, all going well, kissing, then lost my cool (or rather, wanted to close the deal too soon), and never seen her again. It's a tough balancing act but there you go.

The King of all and Lord of the light: what are you wearing today?

(On the face of it, it's a strange one. Do you really care? Probably not but that's beside the point, that's not the goal of this message. Every message is for the purpose of gathering information, giving you feedback where you stand with a girl so you undertake the best possible decision you can make.

In this case, it is subtly covertly sexual and mildly judgemental. Her reply may tell you if the likelihood of sweet love making is near. Best response: her picture showing what she's wearing (it may take some time to get a reply like that - she probably will make a few adjustments to look her best and that's great - she's investing in your liking her). Middle of the road: text description regarding her accouterments. Bad: asking why do you want to know it. If you get the first, press forward, the second, keep nudging towards the date, but weekend unlikely, the last one - pull back and easy on the leash to try re-build momentum.

Disclaimer:I know next to nothing about your interaction and what went on, so can't really make a suggestion, what's above is quite generic in my workbook. Hence, don't take it literally and implement what will work best with the aforementioned suggestions).

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Remington - 04-28-2019

Quote: (04-28-2019 03:24 AM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (04-27-2019 11:03 PM)Remington Wrote:  


Like you said, you're overanalyzing it. Her response was positive so move forward.

A simple response such as "do it again?" will put the ball in her court. That response will dictate her true interest in you.

I'm willing to bet that response will be a yes considering you kiss closed. Women are fickle but if you at least kissed her, odds are in your favor.

I think it's not a bad proposition but it can be improved upon - texting "do it again?" is a bit too vague - what she may think about "it" may not be his "it". Let's not forget she's just 19, you can't expect from a girl her age to proactively lead towards sex, that's not her nature - unless super horny (or a slut or derailed). Also, it is too much of a frame release - she may become too finicky in her decisions (or lack thereof). What if she'd proposed going for ice-cream lunch time? Hard to close the deal in such a scenario.

He should be at all times in the driver's seat and keep the lead, instead of loosening it so much. Remington, I understand what you're trying to do - getting her involved in "we are both in these together" and share the responsibility of where we're going is a good strategy but perhaps not at that stage yet.

That's fair and I like your breakdown.

I don't fuck and play games with women. If I think a first date went well, I leave it up to her. Reason being is that I don't like wasting my time.

If she says no, great. Don't need to think if whether this woman still wants to hang again.

If yes, great. I'll take her out again if I want.

Having options is nice, however, my time is extremely valuable. I hate wasting it on women who don't have any more interest in dating me.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 04-30-2019

So lets say I wrote something like this:

"What's your calender like this week then? Lets share a bottle of blabla"

And the girl responds like this:

"Train at the gym and work a lot"
"What about you?"
"Hehe, I'm on a diet. It is my cheat day today"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Phanes - 05-04-2019

On Tinder. Translated to English.

Silly GIF opener with dolphin saying hey.

Her: GIF with guy saying "who me?" then making flirting gesture back.

How was the caviar? (She says she eats caviar for breakfast)

no response

3 days later

Did you dance yourself to death in that strawberry costume [Image: wink.gif]? Tell me where I should send the flowers.

Her: hehe a little bit unusual conversation

Very. Where do you live?

Her: x. you?

I live on X. How do you like it living there?

her: like it good, calm area. Did you have a nice holiday?

yes it was good. And you? What did you do?

her: What did you do? I had dinner with a friend, early evening.

Studied during day and went on a meetup during evening. What do you do for work?

no response, a couple of days go pass, today I write:

Did you eat yourself to death [Image: wink.gif]? Tell me where I should send the flowers, again haha.

Her. What?
Her: Very strange conversation you have.

But it's good, then I am sticking out from the rest. What are you doing?

Her: No I mostly start thinking that I will remove you.
Her: Eating breakfast. You?

Waiting for the gym to open. What do you eat for breakfast?

hours later:

Her: Good job. I ate eggs and yoghurt kind off.

Eggs are good, they are a superfood according to my PT. Vi should have a drink. I am free on sunday and tuesday evening, tell me what suits you.

Her: Oh you think that..well you will have to impress me then.

Please give suggestions on what to respond. Now it's a couple of hours later.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Thomas Jackson - 05-06-2019

^Thanks men - did get her out a 2nd time and got a +1. Nice crossfit ass.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - AneroidOcean - 05-06-2019

Quote: (05-04-2019 02:52 PM)Phanes Wrote:  

On Tinder. Translated to English.

Silly GIF opener with dolphin saying hey.

Her: GIF with guy saying "who me?" then making flirting gesture back.

How was the caviar? (She says she eats caviar for breakfast)

no response

3 days later

Did you dance yourself to death in that strawberry costume [Image: wink.gif]? Tell me where I should send the flowers.

Her: hehe a little bit unusual conversation

Very. Where do you live?

Her: x. you?

I live on X. How do you like it living there?

her: like it good, calm area. Did you have a nice holiday?

yes it was good. And you? What did you do?

her: What did you do? I had dinner with a friend, early evening.

Studied during day and went on a meetup during evening. What do you do for work?

no response, a couple of days go pass, today I write:

Did you eat yourself to death [Image: wink.gif]? Tell me where I should send the flowers, again haha.

Her. What?
Her: Very strange conversation you have.

But it's good, then I am sticking out from the rest. What are you doing?

Her: No I mostly start thinking that I will remove you.
Her: Eating breakfast. You?

Waiting for the gym to open. What do you eat for breakfast?

hours later:

Her: Good job. I ate eggs and yoghurt kind off.

Eggs are good, they are a superfood according to my PT. Vi should have a drink. I am free on sunday and tuesday evening, tell me what suits you.

Her: Oh you think that..well you will have to impress me then.

Please give suggestions on what to respond. Now it's a couple of hours later.

You didn't get a response from us, but there wasn't much to respond to.

When you read your own line of questioning, would you guess that it would make a girl dripping wet (or intrigued or ANYTHING remotely that direction) or do you think that it might make a girl bored, uninterested, dry her vagina right up?

If you think it's the former, you're dead wrong.

These types of questions are DEAD BORING and completely uninteresting TO MEN when they have a pretty girl asking them the questions.

Why in the world would you be asking them of a girl?

The good news is that your opener was good and well received. However, then you opened with a question that YOU think would play well because it references something in her profile.

However, the question is dull and unimaginative. What would compel her to tell you about how the caviar was that everyone knows she did NOT eat.

If you're going to pose a question based on fantasy, at least make it an intriguing question that gets her imagination going!

As you can see, when you threw out something that engaged her imagination she responded, even if she thought it a bit weird. Then you responded well by agreeing/amplifying then asking her very directly where she lives (at least shows confidence and was a short message to follow up the long one).

Keep doing things like that, not going to boring, stale, interview questions. It'd be better to ask her if she's been to a cool place where she lives than ask her if she likes the area. When she asked you how your holiday was if you're going to answer directly at least engage her imagination and gain her interest by mentioning something really cool or unique that you did (or at least make something up).

Be fun, be playful, be flirty. Don't answer her questions dryly and then follow up with asking her what she does for work.

WHO CARES what she does for work unless she's so passionate about it that it's going to get her to open up and invest in the conversation with you.

Seriously, who the fuck cares where a girl works. There are very few answers that are going to make her the least bit interested in meeting up with you.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ndsamkw - 05-15-2019

Love the advice in the thread. Talking to an HB8 whom I met at night at a bar. She was flirting with the bartender but managed a venue change but did not k-close because she refused to go to mine.

Fast forward a few days and I try to set up a date on Wednesday and received no reply. When confirming details she said she forgot to reply and can’t do Wednesday. I ask her when she’s free and she replies that this Sunday works.

Her: “I’m free after 7 on Sunday. I’m so busy this week it’s wild”

Me: “Oh yeah this week has been crazy for me too.”
Me:“Cool we could go to () this Sunday around 8.”

Her: “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry but I just remembered that Sunday is the series finale of game of thrones so I already have plans that night!”

I hate this game of cat and mouse and feel flat footed (and have since my first double text.)

How to spice it up, challenge and bit, but not chase off?