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White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - quaker13 - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 02:05 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 10:02 AM)dream100 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:53 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Black guy here: I don't care. I am not in the habit of defending or speaking up for people that are not only unrelated to me but would very likely choose to sit on their hands if roles were reversed. Generally speaking, white folks have a very bad habit of treating themselves like individuals but treating minorities but mainly blacks as a collective group. Some of this we as Black folks did as a necessity predicated in the persecution of slavery and living in a highly discriminatory post civil rights country; however this other shit is just down right tribalism. Nonetheless, I wish when white folks see low income minorities behaving inappropriately they would't draw a distinction instead of immediately glomming all black folks together. Generally speaking White folks don't give a flying fuck about their less fortunate brethren and they sure as shit won't take responsibility for the negative behavior of their trashy, trailor park or ghetto cousins.

I know this isn't the angle Roosh is trying to present, but I'm simply airing out a grievance.

what the fuck are you talking about?

Blacks don't behave proof in this video.
Blacks have a higher crime rate look at any project housing block in NYC there is always police activity
Black on Black crime is high
Black homeless and drug rates are high
Go to Brighton beach NYC majority Russian immigrants you won't find the same rate of crime poor behavior homeless and drug rates.

Hiding behind a victim ideology will keep you in regressive state forever.

All you wrote is true... but let me sum up what quaker meant is about 2 lines: When you see a homeless or thug white bum, you don't say to yourself ==> Man white people was is wrong with them geez! Not the case with Black or Muslim people since the instant judgement is a collective one. Doesn't bother me one bit though, but I understand where it's coming from. It is what it is and it's never gonna change... so I'll simply keep doing what I'm doing!

You're right, it is what it is. Impoverished people gonna act impoverished, and the more of them closest in resemblance to whoever isn't will leverage the others do gooder tendencies meanwhile the person judging will never be astute enough to make a proper analysis. I can certainly say i have been pretty ignorant towards muzzies in the last decade.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - SlickyBoy - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:53 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

...Nonetheless, I wish when white folks see low income minorities behaving inappropriately they would't draw a distinction instead of immediately glomming all black folks together. Generally speaking White folks don't give a flying fuck about their less fortunate brethren and they sure as shit won't take responsibility for the negative behavior of their trashy, trailor park or ghetto cousins.

On the same note as monolithic views, one thing you will see among whites versus blacks at least in America is they will talk down about other groups of whites. For example, urban liberals love to use the word redneck to pejoratively describe not just the trailer trash stereotypes but everyone who isn't a gender-confused globohomosexual leftist and shops at Walmart (oops - I just talked trash about another group of whites. You see how common it is?!)

By contrast, the black community at least publicly does not categorize large swaths of their brethren as black trash or other negative labels.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - EndsExpect - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 08:07 PM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Yeah you're a 100% right. I don't give a fuck anyway

You should give a fuck! Let me explain.

Being viewed as a large, aggressive, dangerous guy is going to get you some hot sex. It's also going to get you shot by cops. You can't separate these two outcomes. A woman would think to herself that she needs to change society so that she can have the positive outcomes without the negative, but that cannot be done... and as men we should stop thinking like dumb fucking women.

I have done a lot of research on American History. The slavery period is very misunderstood because they don't want us to know how things really worked. The Pre-Civil War South slave owners faced a serious dilemma. Only 1 in 5 white families owned slaves. The slaves openly competed with poor whites and took work from them. It's hard to get work as a blacksmith and support your family when you got a slave doing that work for free. The easiest way to do that is create a ton of propaganda claiming that African men are violent sex crazed rapists and slavery is the only thing keeping them in check. That propaganda is so deeply embedded into American Thinking that it simply will never go away.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - BBinger - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 08:43 PM)EndsExpect Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 08:07 PM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Yeah you're a 100% right. I don't give a fuck anyway

You should give a fuck! Let me explain.

Being viewed as a large, aggressive, dangerous guy is going to get you some hot sex. It's also going to get you shot by cops. You can't separate these two outcomes. A woman would think to herself that she needs to change society so that she can have the positive outcomes without the negative, but that cannot be done... and as men we should stop thinking like dumb fucking women.

I have done a lot of research on American History. The slavery period is very misunderstood because they don't want us to know how things really worked. The Pre-Civil War South slave owners faced a serious dilemma. Only 1 in 5 white families owned slaves. The slaves openly competed with poor whites and took work from them. It's hard to get work as a blacksmith and support your family when you got a slave doing that work for free. The easiest way to do that is create a ton of propaganda claiming that African men are violent sex crazed rapists and slavery is the only thing keeping them in check. That propaganda is so deeply embedded into American Thinking that it simply will never go away.

This is a point. I started reading James Lafond for the self defense and urban survival advice, but I got hooked on the his writing on American history. Going to local libraries and archives and digging through primary sources including letters and documents from the period he makes the case that early America was pretty shitty for most people with pale indentured servants and debt slaves often suffering harsher treatment than owned, chattel black slaves. He presents evidence that the importation of African slaves appears to have been driven by substantial defections of pale forced laborers to the freer life offered by defecting to the tribes. For freemen it was a "papers please" situation anytime they traveled and kidnapping was a constant threat on the road. Then between the revolution and War of Northern Aggression palefaces stopped being pressed into slavery and then the competition between free and slave labor came into play.

Early American life was hard. I suspect Pocahontas Warren may have ancestors who lived the tribal life while enjoying the tears that her defending her native american heritage kills or at least undermines many Pantsuit fairy tales of early America with the question "Why would priviledged whites want to live like natives?"

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Roosh - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 10:48 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

"But I'm a muslim and I'm a really nice guy, why do you have to generalize", says the legit nice muslim guy.


So fukken what? If enough of your co-ethnics aren't really nice guys then it's a bit of a moot point isn't it, Mohammed? I don't wish you harm, but excuse me for wanting to live faaaar faaaaaaaar away from you the moment your people reach a certain percentage of the local population.

My parents live in an area with A LOT of Ethiopian people. They are well-educated, hard working, and law-abiding. Their women are feminine and graceful. The men are friendly. They've never bothered me once and I have never bothered them, but..... there is a vague feeling of something being off, simply because the United States is not Ethiopia. The best analogy I can think of is having a picture on the wall that is crooked. The picture is still fine, but you know there is an imbalance, even though the crooked picture is not "harming" you. The picture has not benefited from being crooked. Now consider that most immigrants are nowhere near as ideal as the Ethiopians.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Leonard D Neubache - 01-14-2019

Invariably there will be a million tiny incidents as well as some major ones where those Ethiopians will be forced to decide between providing a positive outcome for a white person or one of their co-ethnics.

Who gets the job?
Who gets the promotion?
Which 911 call do I respond to?

Other than the truly brainwashed civnats, we all sense this dilemma instinctively.

Besides which, foreign tribes even when they contribute positively do not necessarily cease to dilute the genetics whose behavioral drivers built the nation in question. Would those same Ethiopians fight for freedom of speech or the right to bear arms as strongly as the average heritage American, or would they merely contribute positively all the way into national slavery?

To paraphrase Samuel B Roberts from some months ago. No matter what tests they pass, no matter how hard they work, they are not American. They never will be. It's not in their blood.

The Japanese are orderly and productive people but left to their own devices they are genetically incapable of creating a nation in which individual liberty is a cornerstone principle. Imported by the million they would not be troublemakers but they also would not resist neo-con police state tyranny in the slightest, excepting the rare freaks among them that have the American streak.

As an Australian it's becoming increasingly clear to me that it takes probably five generations or more for a peoples to be in contact with the soil, undisturbed, for them to build a national character which has roots to the land. For most Australians such as myself this bond simply does not exist. No matter how much time I spend in the Australian bush when I close my eyes and think of a wild place I still picture a Bavarian forest, even though I've never visited one.

I never understood what the Boers I talked to could find to cry about when being forced to leave their homeland. The pictures they showed me looked not much different from the dry, miserable orange country in Australia I spent much of my youth in but despised from the instant I stepped foot in them. The Boers though? Their land was in their blood and their nation was an expression of blood and soil. They had ceased to be Europeans whereas I have not.

Ethiopian Americans? No. Nice as they may be they are Ethiopians living in America and until their spirit is tied more to the soil under their feet than the soil they left behind then they will be foreigners.

African American. Chinese American. Indian American. It's a concept for robots. Your identity isn't what you call it. It's in your blood and the soil that calls to it.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Repo - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 11:39 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

The Japanese are orderly and productive people but left to their own devices they are genetically incapable of creating a nation in which individual liberty is a cornerstone principle.

I kind of agree with the overall gist of your post that it takes a few generations to truly assimilate, but this part. . .. .

[Image: step-back.gif]

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Leonard D Neubache - 01-15-2019

To be clear I'm not saying "inferior".

I'm saying they would never create it left to their own devices. Individual liberty is not in their genetic wheelhouse.

They would simply re-create Japan. And for them they would be happier that way.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Thot Leader - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 12:01 AM)Repo Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 11:39 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

The Japanese are orderly and productive people but left to their own devices they are genetically incapable of creating a nation in which individual liberty is a cornerstone principle.

I kind of agree with the overall gist of your post that it takes a few generations to truly assimilate, but this part. . .. .

Not Japanese but genetically quite close:

[Image: ?]

If you want them to support the 2A, just get blacks to threaten their stores.

But really, East Asians haven't built a nation or culture that values individual liberty to the same extent as Murrca. Highly industrious and intelligent people, good neighbors and coworkers to be sure, but they do seem to lack the "live free or die" mentality.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Repo - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 12:14 AM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 12:01 AM)Repo Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 11:39 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

The Japanese are orderly and productive people but left to their own devices they are genetically incapable of creating a nation in which individual liberty is a cornerstone principle.

I kind of agree with the overall gist of your post that it takes a few generations to truly assimilate, but this part. . .. .

Not Japanese but genetically quite close:

[Image: ?]

If you want them to support the 2A, just get blacks to threaten their stores.

But really, East Asians haven't built a nation or culture that values individual liberty to the same extent as Murrca. Highly industrious and intelligent people, good neighbors and coworkers to be sure, but they do seem to lack the "live free or die" mentality.

Asians invented gunpowder. The second amendment is probably in their genes too, next to the communist gene. Maybe the struggle of figuring out how these genes can co-exist is why their eyes are so squinty all the time. I think we are on to something.

[Image: giphy.gif]

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - TigerMandingo - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 12:14 AM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

But really, East Asians haven't built a nation or culture that values individual liberty to the same extent as Murrca. Highly industrious and intelligent people, good neighbors and coworkers to be sure, but they do seem to lack the "live free or die" mentality.

Individualism is overrated.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - The Catalyst - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 11:39 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

The Japanese are orderly and productive people but left to their own devices they are genetically incapable of creating a nation in which individual liberty is a cornerstone principle. Imported by the million they would not be troublemakers but they also would not resist neo-con police state tyranny in the slightest, excepting the rare freaks among them that have the American streak.

As an Asian this is probably the biggest thing that makes me not want to live in Asia or knock up an Asian girl. I don't want my children to be conformist robots living in a conformist society. I want them to believe in freedom and fight for what's right.

That being said I live in NZ, so Asia would actually still be a step up.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Captain Gh - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 02:12 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 02:05 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

All you wrote is true... but let me sum up what quaker meant is about 2 lines: When you see a homeless or thug white bum, you don't say to yourself ==> Man white people was is wrong with them geez! Not the case with Black or Muslim people since the instant judgement is a collective one. Doesn't bother me one bit though, but I understand where it's coming from. It is what it is and it's never gonna change... so I'll simply keep doing what I'm doing!

How do you know what I say to myself? Do you have mind reading powers? Or am I just talking really loudly and not realizing it?

[Image: attachment.jpg41090]   

When you saw this Group of Ratchet Hoes... did you visualize an Obama... or a Lil Wayne without the Money? I don't have mind reading powers...

[Image: attachment.jpg41091]   

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Oberrheiner - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 11:39 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

No matter how much time I spend in the Australian bush when I close my eyes and think of a wild place I still picture a Bavarian forest, even though I've never visited one.

Ok, question here : do you think you can really be happy in life without satisfying this genetic-level need ?

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - 66Scorpio - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-13-2019 09:44 PM)Design Engineer Wrote:  

PS: Latino population in Texas has a significant conservative/Republican base, unlike California. Prime example, Ted Cruz. Texas is very deep red, and many conservatives move there each year.

I saw the electoral map for TX. It was the counties and districts along the border as well as a few in the largest cities that went Democrat. The big cities are where all the immigrants and (California?) liberals go. As for the border counties, I guess there are a few possible explanations.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Polniy_Sostav - 01-15-2019

It is a serious question. I have never been in the US and I am not from the USA. Isn't it a possibility to create one white ethnostate and one black ethnostate in the US ?
This would already gather the most "radicals" in one place , while the rest would be mixed and rather logically left with people only wanting to live together.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Simeon_Strangelight - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 06:30 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

It is a serious question. I have never been in the US and I am not from the USA. Isn't it a possibility to create one white ethnostate and one black ethnostate in the US ?
This would already gather the most "radicals" in one place , while the rest would be mixed and rather logically left with people only wanting to live together.

In theory it would be possible, in practice the globalists would rather nuke the US before allowing this to happen.

They waged a civil war 150 years to prevent it from happening.

As for the US - it was really a country created by Anglo-Saxons with Whites joining. You even have it in the language. Do you hear Anglo-Saxon American? No - you only hear Italian-American, Irish-American, German-American. You never hear Anglo-Saxon American, because the USA was built by protestant Anglos - with other European nations contributing, while they preferred Western European ones for easier integration. All other tribes would have created a different nation. And the Americans were not "immigrants" - they were not integrating into the buffalo-hunting lifestyle of the Natives. They were settlers who were building a new existence in largely unpopulated land.

As for the Ethopians doing well in the past - we know that many of the older African immigrants have a strong selection bias - many perform even better than Whites in the US. But when you get the large averages that hop on some rubber boat as in Europe - then you get a different selection or better put - the averages that are making Ethopia into what it is now.

[Image: aside-ethiopia_en.jpg]

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - EndsExpect - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 12:11 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

To be clear I'm not saying "inferior".
I'm saying they would never create it left to their own devices. Individual liberty is not in their genetic wheelhouse.
They would simply re-create Japan. And for them they would be happier that way.

I do not believe this to be correct. People that come from areas that are isolated over long periods of time do show some genetic adaptation to their society. They actually kind of breed for particular traits. Most of this occurred 40,000 years ago, so the results are quite different than what you expect looking at recent history.

It's important to separate the effects of culture from that of genetics... the old nature vs. nurture issue. Most of what you see in East Asia is from nurture. They are VERY capable of creating individualistic societies... however first you would have to stamp out all Buddhist, and Confucian philosophy.

Ancient Europeans were not individualistic at all. The rise of individualism in Europe comes specifically from the advent of Christianity. The Christian religion teaches that God came to earth and died for YOU... not for a community but for YOU as an idividual. Therefore your relationship with God is personal. Previous religions were all about the community. If the community failed to make sacrifices or appease whatever deity... then calamity would ensue. 2000 years of Christian thinking has completely changed the dimensions of European peoples.

Quote: (01-15-2019 12:14 AM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

If you want them to support the 2A, just get blacks to threaten their stores.

But really, East Asians haven't built a nation or culture that values individual liberty to the same extent as Murrca. Highly industrious and intelligent people, good neighbors and coworkers to be sure, but they do seem to lack the "live free or die" mentality.

The Live Free or Die mentality has been slowly fading for generations. I don't think you will find that in abundance with Millennials in any country anywhere.

Let's also not say that this particular though process doesn't exist in Asia. The Vietnamese were fueled by nationalistic patriotism and a desire for self rule... and they died in numbers the West would never tolerate.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - EndsExpect - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 05:35 AM)66Scorpio Wrote:  

I saw the electoral map for TX. It was the counties and districts along the border as well as a few in the largest cities that went Democrat. The big cities are where all the immigrants and (California?) liberals go. As for the border counties, I guess there are a few possible explanations.

When I worked for the Democrats back in the mid 2000's, it was well known that Hispanic families above the poverty line started voting Republican in larger numbers.

Hispanic families with an income above $80,000 per year voted almost 75% Republican in 2000, 2004, and even 2012.

Here is the thing... Democrats HATE Christians. Hispanics are mostly Catholic Christians. The reason they support Democrats is for socialist ideas. Once they get middle class they turn harder right than white people by significant margins.

This is why Texas is holding red. In California the cost of living is so high that virtually all hispanics are under the poverty level. In Texas the cost of living is much lower and a larger number of hispanics have achieved middle class status.

Quote: (01-15-2019 06:30 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

It is a serious question. I have never been in the US and I am not from the USA. Isn't it a possibility to create one white ethnostate and one black ethnostate in the US ?
This would already gather the most "radicals" in one place , while the rest would be mixed and rather logically left with people only wanting to live together.

Actually... It's black people who have pushed this idea the farthest. In the late 1960's a large group wanted to concentrate in Georgia and found the Republic of New Afrika. The framework to achieve this still exists.

However, it isn't going to happen because the benefits do not outweigh the costs.

Quote: (01-15-2019 06:53 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

As for the Ethopians doing well in the past - we know that many of the older African immigrants have a strong selection bias - many perform even better than Whites in the US. But when you get the large averages that hop on some rubber boat as in Europe - then you get a different selection or better put - the averages that are making Ethopia into what it is now.

Ethiopians are Christian and have some of the social cohesion and work ethic that comes with that belief set. Additionally, Ethiopia is the only African nation to completely resist colonization. They actually fought a war and were able to beat back the Europeans. Yes, they had a terrible drought and famine in the 1980's.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Cavorite - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 11:05 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

My parents live in an area with A LOT of Ethiopian people.

West Alexandria?

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Leonard D Neubache - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 03:32 AM)Oberrheiner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 11:39 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

No matter how much time I spend in the Australian bush when I close my eyes and think of a wild place I still picture a Bavarian forest, even though I've never visited one.

Ok, question here : do you think you can really be happy in life without satisfying this genetic-level need ?

Most men can be happy just about anywhere if they're getting their dick sucked by runway models all day long.

Point being, I can be happy not being in Germany but if an ethnic German in Germany says "fuch it, I'm just going to go live in Japan" I'm going to tell him to consider that he'll be losing a lot more than easy access to sauerkraut.

One of the great spiritual awakenings of this century is going to be that people will realise that they have spiritual ties to the lands of their ancestors, whether they've lived there or not. Perhaps this will also come to be recognised as the great spiritual curse of the multi-ethnic child.

The elites are apparently obsessive about genetics and as such they want people dislocated and severed from these spiritual ties at all costs because they above all others are well aware that to be German is far more than to simply be born in Germany, regardless of what tripe they peddle to the masses.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - quaker13 - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 06:30 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

It is a serious question. I have never been in the US and I am not from the USA. Isn't it a possibility to create one white ethnostate and one black ethnostate in the US ?
This would already gather the most "radicals" in one place , while the rest would be mixed and rather logically left with people only wanting to live together.

What you are describing is the suburbs vis a vis the ghetto or trailer park

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Oberrheiner - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 09:10 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Most men can be happy just about anywhere if they're getting their dick sucked by runway models all day long.

What I think I noticed is that this feeling (of longing for the soil your ancestors evolved on) is at its highest once the kids are here.
Which (for most anyway) means that the day-long model dick suckings are now over.

Quote: (01-15-2019 09:10 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Perhaps this will also come to be recognised as the great spiritual curse of the multi-ethnic child.

This is totally my opinion, yes.
As to whether it will ever be recognized .. who knows.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - SlickyBoy - 01-15-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 09:10 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

The elites are apparently obsessive about genetics and as such they want people dislocated and severed from these spiritual ties at all costs...

Depends upon what group - this is where it gets confusing - one minute, yay for genetic testing and identifying who is part of an approved group!

The next minute: WHAT? How dare you say DNA matters!

The hypocrisy continues. Abortion rights are still fine and dandy until someone one day comes up with a test for the yet unproven to exist gay gene:


...Perhaps his most controversial take on sexuality came in the 1997, when he suggested to the Sunday Telegraph that if a gene was discovered for homosexuality prior to a baby’s birth and a pregnant woman didn’t want the baby with this gene, she should be allowed to abort. He later said his comments were taken out of context but said in an interview with the Independent: “During an interview, I was asked about homosexuality, and I related a story about a woman who felt her life had been ruined because her son was a homosexual and she would never have grandchildren. I simply said that women in that situation should have a choice over whether or not to abort. I didn’t say that fetuses found to have a gay gene should be aborted.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Aurini - 01-15-2019

It's worth noting that the Gillette Toxic Masculinity commercial depicts a man breaking up a bunch of teenagers fighting; but if you try that in real life, you get arrested.

Which one do you want, feminists?