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Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Thot Leader - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:15 PM)HD668B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 07:03 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

It’s not only about Morocco. When my daughter goes alone from King’s Cross to Paddington I maintain continuous phone contact with her until she’s home.

People who tell girls that they can go anywhere by themselves are stupid and criminal, whether it is in Morocco or in London. Girls are weak and need to be protected. Additionally, not recognizing that Arab societies are much more violent than Scandinavian societies is even more stupid and dangerous.


Common argument I saw (even here) is that not all Moroccans or muslims are like that.

Try switching around the situation then. 2 Moroccans girls trekking around in Scandinavia getting attacked and beheaded. Does that seem like a possible scenario to you?

Yes not all muslims are like that. But currently... they are the only one capable of doing that.

I'd say a lot of non-Muslim Africans, a lot of Hindus, and a lot of South and Central Americans are capable of doing that. Basically anywhere low-IQ and relatively lawless.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Strickland1 - 12-20-2018

May those two attractive women RIP.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - 3extra - 12-20-2018


I was only in Imlil four weeks ago doing the very thing these girls did, albeit with a male buddy. Beautiful, peaceful place. Would never have envisaged something like that happening there.

There were a lot of Westerners, including solo females, hiking with local guides. Maybe the dudes made an unsuccessful pass at the girls and it went south from there.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - stugatz - 12-20-2018

Their current king isn't as effective as his father was, but after widespread terrorist attacks in Casablanca in 2006, he threw thousands in prison just to keep tourism alive and calm down anyone changing their mind about going there.

I'd argue this is even more serious. He needs to bring the death penalty back and execute all of these perps - for a start. Maybe consider shutting down the major extremist Muslim political parties to really make a point.

He probably doesn't have it in him, he already gave the Parliament more power during the Arab Spring. Mohammed VI is a nice man who just coasts as king, his dad Hassan II was pretty much North Africa's Pinochet.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - jeffreyjerpp - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:22 PM)Strickland1 Wrote:  

Amazing some folks actually blame these innocent women for not having situational awareness or travelling to that part of the world or agreeing to go into that remote area with those scumbag savages.Similar to blaming rape victims for wearing certain clothing or hanging in certain areas etc etc. Do some folks not have mothers or sisters or daughters?

These women were entitled, arrogant fools who thought they were "empowered" to go anywhere and do anything they wanted.

They went on social media to praise "diversity" and advocate for the interests of savage muslims ruining their own country. These same types of women castigate the good men in their own country as "oppressors" and "rapists". They didn't deserve rape and beheading, but my sympathy level is zero.

Also, appealing to compassion, ex. "think of your sister!" isn't an argument, it's an emotional plea that women make to avoid reconciling the reality of any given situation.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Zimbuc - 12-20-2018

First and foremost this is a barbaric crime and the animals who did this should be hanged. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of these two young women. I do not wish the this type of killing on my worst enemies.

Now to the not so nice thing part. I was not lucky/(unlucky?) to grow up in a western majority white country where white women can roam the streets at any time of day without fear of getting harassed, mugged or raped. White women tend to carry an air of invincibility when traveling and can severely underestimate the dangers to their lives.

Sure millions of people visit Morocco yearly, and if you stick to the touristy areas the chances of something happening are 1% or less. However the danger percentage severely increases once you go off the beaten path in these Muslim/African third world countries.

Two white women:
-dressed like whores (in the eyes of these fanatics)
-no male guardians
-rural part of the country and therefore a greater risk of meeting fanatics

It's unfortunate but some of the blame lies on them for being a bit reckless and not doing the proper research of undertaking a hike in an area like this.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Aszhaeleos - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 07:57 AM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

They care more about being viewed as racist than about being raped and killed

The power of propaganda and systemic brainwashing.

The parents will care more about virtue signalling and keeping appearances than the brutal death of their children.

What a sad state of affairs.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - catoblepa - 12-20-2018

[Image: 111768.jpg]

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Sherman - 12-20-2018

Mexico is a popular destination for Chinese tourists. They always walk around in these big groups. There is one guy holding a pole with a flag on top leading them to their destination, and another guy keeping track of everyone. It seems the Chinese have more common sense.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - nomadbrah - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:19 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:15 PM)HD668B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 07:03 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

It’s not only about Morocco. When my daughter goes alone from King’s Cross to Paddington I maintain continuous phone contact with her until she’s home.

People who tell girls that they can go anywhere by themselves are stupid and criminal, whether it is in Morocco or in London. Girls are weak and need to be protected. Additionally, not recognizing that Arab societies are much more violent than Scandinavian societies is even more stupid and dangerous.


Common argument I saw (even here) is that not all Moroccans or muslims are like that.

Try switching around the situation then. 2 Moroccans girls trekking around in Scandinavia getting attacked and beheaded. Does that seem like a possible scenario to you?

Yes not all muslims are like that. But currently... they are the only one capable of doing that.

I'd say a lot of non-Muslim Africans, a lot of Hindus, and a lot of South and Central Americans are capable of doing that. Basically anywhere low-IQ and relatively lawless.

Raped and murdered in Thailand

[Image: 47c8fe02.jpg?w=700]

Raped and murdered in Sweden

[Image: image.jpg?f=Wide&w=1200&$p$f$w=834285a]

Raped and murdered in India

[Image: hd-composite-danielle-mclaughlin.jpg?str...500&crop=1]

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:22 PM)Strickland1 Wrote:  

Amazing some folks actually blame these innocent women for not having situational awareness or travelling to that part of the world or agreeing to go into that remote area with those scumbag savages.Similar to blaming rape victims for wearing certain clothing or hanging in certain areas etc etc. Do some folks not have mothers or sisters or daughters? Disturbing video to say the least. Really makes you wonder if there is a God or Gods then how does this happen.

The whole Scandinavia looks like a complete mess nowadays due to the immigration of particularly muslims from the 3rd world who just lives on taxpayers. Young people sometimes have to pay around $ 1000 per month for a small one-room apartment in big cities meanwhile some low IQ inbreeds can stay at nice hotels for free which has spiked hotel prices up as well. Not to talk about the rise in crimes and violence. I moved from my neighborhood last month after another shooting incidence.

Guys like me who have been pointing this out for years have been called racists and been met with hostility, had their homes vandalized, lost their jobs, been socially ostracized and everything for just pointing out that it's a very bad idea to let ourselves get cucked like this.

If you look at Maren's and her mother's Facebook it appear to have been the exact same type of naive people who just love multiculturalism and all that bullshit. Sane Scandinavian women wouldn't make a trip like this in the first place.

So no, the last thing we need right now is some feminist rhetoric and white knighting.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - jordypip23 - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 02:44 PM)Trumpian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 01:53 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Lot of cucks want the video taken down. What do you think the world is?

That video is mild if you've seen some mexican cartel torture videos.

You need to see the world for what it is instead of what you wish it to be. It affects your judgement and decision-making if you ignore data that's available to you.

It's gore porn. It shouldn't be shared for the same reason reg. porn is frowned upon here. It scars the mind. Why do you think so many vets have PTSD? It wasn't the desert scenery and couscous.

You can be informed about an event without making it cheap evening entertainment. Also, why give SEO juice to an atrocity no doubt being celebrated on the jihadist interwebs?

The western elite want men like these to become your neighbors.

If the event becomes a banner cry for ending the muzzie/migrant invasion, then great - at least their deaths weren't in vain. That wasn't the direction of the thread though. It was more "what a bunch of dumb hoes" incel ranting.

But in any case, give the dead some respect. I really doubt the fam wants this shit being shared.

Yeah I've seen my fair share of ISIS / Mexican cartel killing films as well and a part of me wishes I never did. But another part of me knows that it has red pilled me to some extent. Maybe a compromise would be to make a mention of "hey guys you can check out the vid if you REALLY want to at such & such website" rather than post a direct link. I'm not sure. I wonder what the moderators' take would be on it.

RIP to the women. Wish they didn't have to learn this stuff the hard way. Obviously too late now.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - AntoniusofEfa - 12-20-2018

Those who are stupid enough to put themselves in this situation do not deserve to reproduce.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:02 PM)HD668B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 06:39 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

- go to Maren Ueland’s facebook
- scroll down to January 10, 2015
- watch the video

I cant find it, what was it? Pro-refugee video? Love Trumps Hate?

And here's the video:

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Thot Leader - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 04:19 PM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:02 PM)HD668B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 06:39 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

- go to Maren Ueland’s facebook
- scroll down to January 10, 2015
- watch the video

I cant find it, what was it? Pro-refugee video? Love Trumps Hate?

And here's the video:

"Never judge people by their appearance"

Famous last words. This is the direct result of leftism/progressivism. Everyone involved in raising and educating her is partly responsible.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Drax - 12-20-2018

The bastards who killed these tourists,have pledged allegiance to ISIS. They all have been caught by Moroccan security forces within 48 hours.They will be tortured to death for sure. I agree that our current King is much more soft than his father, who would have eradicated such scum. Problem nowadays are the EU Amnesty and such pressure groups who have forced the Kingdom to accept such inbreds as citizens. I will be next week in Morocco tho, anyone who wants to game or drink, all on me.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Felipe - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 05:00 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Two blonde millennial women in their 20s went backpacking in Morocco with some local men they had just met. The result was not what they had been taught in school.

Their muzzie hosts recorded it (NSFW) She screams for her mom right as the blade severs her neck.

At least one of the suspected killers of two Scandinavian women in Morocco is an 'extremist', Moroccan authorities have confirmed.
It raises fears that the gruesome double murder in the Atlas Mountains was an act of terror.

4chan has a lively discussion,

If you keep filling young womens' minds with delusions, how can any of this make you sad? It's inevitable. With the new UN Migration pact, this culture will have free movement within Europe. They probably thought the men in Morocco were just like the soy faggots in their home country they could easily manage. That NO means NO! all around the world!

It's bizarre I have no children and I have my own views on young womens' behavior and agency, yet their OWN PARENTS aren't giving them any guidance whatsoever that leads to shit like this happening.

Are parents not teaching their daughters anything anymore?

I think that women should not travel alone, they should be accompanied by a man.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Sherman - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 04:37 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 04:19 PM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:02 PM)HD668B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 06:39 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

- go to Maren Ueland’s facebook
- scroll down to January 10, 2015
- watch the video

I cant find it, what was it? Pro-refugee video? Love Trumps Hate?

And here's the video:

"Never judge people by their appearance"

Famous last words. This is the direct result of leftism/progressivism. Everyone involved in raising and educating her is partly responsible.

I find this video far more disturbing than the slash video. The Muslim guy is just innocently walking and the real crook was the white guy wearing a suit and tie. People really fall for this bullshit propaganda. Totally disgusting. These are the real killers behind the curtain.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - david.garrett84 - 12-20-2018

Call me cruel, but my sympathy for these types of people is going downhill fast. I would not wish this fate on almost anyone but this was an incredibly stupid set of decisions on their part.

Morocco’s tourism security is undergirded by police and other armed protection. People in this forum pointing to relatively safe crime stats forget that safety is inflated in several key cities and in other areas where paramilitary activity is high or assumed.

These girls are just as dumb as the Western girls who go off the beaten track in otherwise tourist-safe India. Their risks go from moderate to extreme in cases like this.

The videos should absolutely not be taken down.

Sanitizing reality does not work and guys here advocating video removal are already red-pilled. Not having these videos up is far worse for society than expunging them.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - loremipsum - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 01:59 PM)Flux Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 01:46 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 01:34 PM)Flux Wrote:  

They are ugly as fuck. They probably had rape fantasies, but these men were a different breed.

Strange that they didn`t just rape them and left it at that? I still haven`t seen any indication that they where raped prior to death either, which is a bit weird also.

The guys were most likely sociopaths, and they found the girls too ugly to rape... Maybe these girls wanted to be murdered, I mean, why would you follow 3 strangers into the mountains? People get what they want, believe me.

What the hell is up with the sudden change of tone from the "there is no plan" thread to /r/incels?

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - for.petes.sake - 12-20-2018

Religion of Peace

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - frenchcorporation - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 06:05 AM)ozymdk Wrote:  

what the hell! Danish media is not saying anything about decapitation

Quote: (12-20-2018 07:55 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Which answers the question in the OP about why the would take such a risk. Systemic propaganda campaign.

They are discussing the murder, just not in english.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Rocha - 12-20-2018

To OP's credit, he warned that it was gore and even described what the link was about.

I choosed not to open it.

For the guys who made the choice of opening it, I say do not complain.

God warned Lot to not look back to the destruction of Sodom, he so did and survived unlike his wife...

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Rorogue - 12-20-2018

Quote:Thot Leader Wrote:

Hard to speculate as to rape fantasies, but what I think we can say for certain is that these women were trying to gain some sort of perverse satisfaction by entering an isolated situation with those three animals. I think western women often fantasize about being worshipped by third world primitives, then at the critical moment they can just say "No, Achmed!" and he'll recoil in embarrassment. They think the games they play in the west will somehow translate cross-culturally.

Though I disagree with the term 'primitive' being used to describe all men of my race, as a brown man, I can confirm that white/western women have this fantasy of both wanting to be looked at/worshipped by men from these countries, while at the same time (usually) entertaining no possibility of anything eventuating.

Truth be told, they do the same thing to many white men, but they don't react with violence most of the time.

I am mgtow with white women in Australia. I don't so much as look at a white woman here. Feels good man.

As for this incident..horrifying, but these women probably found the idea of walking around with these 3rd world guys, having them ogle them, satiating to their ego. Nobody deserves anything like this though.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 12-20-2018

From Maren's mum's Facebook:

[Image: R03T3ap.png]


I can see that there are many from Morocco that are making posts here. It is very important for us that they don't destroy our memory of Maren Ueland with hate propaganda of any type. Maren would not have liked that, and it would hurt us almost as much as the people who made this horrible tragic act. Many friendship requests come from Morocco, but we are in a difficult and hard time, so it has become too much for us. I'm happy for all the good people from Morocco <3 <3 <3, and so is Maren and <3 <3 <3, and we will always be. <3 <3 <3

[Image: facepalm3.gif]