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Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Number one bummer - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 11:13 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Militant atheists as a whole bother me perhaps more than Antifa faggots. Paddock and this guy could have both been this. It's also bad because the can be militant atheists and also Antifa sympathizers. Guys like this can not only use guys, but are more evil than just merely deranged like a typical Antifa protester.

There is a big overlap in the beliefs of both antifags and atheists. The default system of government for both are totalitarian socialism/communism, and rarely some form of autistic anarchy. Militant atheists are just betas who want to burn down societies foundation(church and divine command morality) and replace it with sand(secular relativism). If this guy is some atheist leftie then expect this story to get buried quicker than new york.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - TravelerKai - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 11:13 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

These findings are interesting, but unfortunately this guy slipped through enough cracks to avoid being denied weapons on technicalities. Not sure what improvements can be made to prevent this, unless they reform Dishonorable Dischargees gun rights. Maybe they have a good reason for doing bad behavior exceptions, but I do not know military law enforcement enough to know those nuances.

Militant atheists as a whole bother me perhaps more than Antifa faggots. Paddock and this guy could have both been this. It's also bad because the can be militant atheists and also Antifa sympathizers. Guys like this can not only use guys, but are more evil than just merely deranged like a typical Antifa protester.

Guys like this can not only use guns**

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

He was having a feud with the mother-in-law and had been sending her threatening texts. This was the mother-in-law's church.

My guess he beat the hell out of his wife one too many times and the family was getting her and the kids out of there. I don't think the gun was the "bad bitch" he was referring to in that picture of it.

Quote: (11-06-2017 11:13 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

These findings are interesting, but unfortunately this guy slipped through enough cracks to avoid being denied weapons on technicalities. Not sure what improvements can be made to prevent this, unless they reform Dishonorable Dischargees gun rights. Maybe they have a good reason for doing bad behavior exceptions, but I do not know military law enforcement enough to know those nuances.

The guy beat his first wife, beat his first wife's kid, got kicked out of the military, beat the dog he had with his second wife, got into a stand-off with the police over it, surely beat his second wife, threatened his second wife's mother...

Even with a bad conduct discharge, domestic violence restraining orders, at least, can usually have provisions for surrendering the guns in the house, even if they're nearly impossible to enforce. I'm pretty surprised he wasn't on a list that precluded him from walking into a sporting goods store and purchasing. If the law doesn't provide for it with someone with this kind of history, it should.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - DamienCasanova - 11-06-2017

A Domestic violence charge is 100% a ban on owning any guns, I think it's even a separate question on the background check. Have you ever been charged with domestic violence, not even convicted. I've heard from many people that even after an acquittal from a domestic violence charge, people have had their gun rights taken away, and only restored after extensive legal help.

What many people do not realize is that a conviction for any crime of domestic violence prohibits that individual from owning a firearm FOR THE REST OF HIS OR HER LIFETIME.

This is not based upon a state law, but rather a federal statute known as the Lautenberg Act. A violation of this statute is a federal crime punishable by up to ten (10) years in federal prison.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 12:47 PM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

What many people do not realize is that a conviction for any crime of domestic violence prohibits that individual from owning a firearm FOR THE REST OF HIS OR HER LIFETIME.

This is not based upon a state law, but rather a federal statute known as the Lautenberg Act. A violation of this statute is a federal crime punishable by up to ten (10) years in federal prison.

I did not realize that this was true of misdemeanors as well, but you are right.

It'll be interesting to find out why his court-martial wasn't handled this way.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - TravelerKai - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 12:47 PM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

A Domestic violence charge is 100% a ban on owning any guns, I think it's even a separate question on the background check. Have you ever been charged with domestic violence, not even convicted. I've heard from many people that even after an acquittal from a domestic violence charge people have had their gun rights taken away, and only restored after extensive legal help.

What many people do not realize is that a conviction for any crime of domestic violence prohibits that individual from owning a firearm FOR THE REST OF HIS OR HER LIFETIME.

This is not based upon a state law, but rather a federal statute known as the Lautenberg Act. A violation of this statute is a federal crime punishable by up to ten (10) years in federal prison.

This is correct, but hang on a second.

He got a court martial from the Air Force for domestic violence, but that was not enough to get the Full Dishonorable Discharge that would have blocked him from buying guns.

He catches a animal abuse charge but I cannot find if he was convicted or not.

Correct me if I am wrong someone, but Animal Abuse does not block you from having a right to buy weapons, unlike wife beating.

Also, it is very common knowledge that domestic abuse cases can be hard to prove or prosecute, especially if the woman or family members refuses to testify or cooperate. Unless the woman or person is covered in bruises or serious bodily harm, charges tend to get dropped or people get Deferred Adjudication, probations, etc.

Had he likely got prosecuted for his violence all the way, he would not have been able to buy that gun, unless he bought it years ago in the Air Force (which doesn't seem likely)

I bet whatever prosecutor dropped the ball on that, feels pretty shitty right now.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

More details on his attack on his own puppy in a Colorado Springs RV park, which led to a police standoff:


Four witnesses told deputies that they saw a man matching Kelley’s description yelling at and chasing a white and brown Husky.

“The suspect then started beating on the dog with both fists, punching it in the head and chest,” a deputy wrote in the incident report. “He could hear the suspect yelling at the dog and while he was striking it, the dog was yelping and whining. The suspect then picked up the dog by the neck into the air and threw it onto the ground and then drug him away to lot 60.”

After that, the gunman moved his family into a barn at his dad's house:

His last phone call was during the chase, to tell his dad he'd been shot and didn't think he was going to make it.

[Image: nfNeT7YvTozx0cv7ze3mplZpo1_500.gif]

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 01:05 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Had he likely got prosecuted for his violence all the way, he would not have been able to buy that gun, unless he bought it years ago in the Air Force (which doesn't seem likely)

He reportedly bought it in April 2016 at an Academy Sports in San Antonio. Listed his Colorado Springs address. Checked "no" on the criminal history question and cleared the background check.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - TravelerKai - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 01:35 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2017 01:05 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Had he likely got prosecuted for his violence all the way, he would not have been able to buy that gun, unless he bought it years ago in the Air Force (which doesn't seem likely)

He reportedly bought it in April 2016 at an Academy Sports in San Antonio. Listed his Colorado Springs address. Checked "no" on the criminal history question and cleared the background check.

Well if that is the case, then the onus is on the military not discharging him appropriately or correctly. Again, possible that maybe his alleged crime on base or whatever was not strong enough to get the maximum effect, I have no idea.

Military court system is totally different than civilian, so in a way it will be harder to scrutinize where the breakdown or the problem is.

EDIT: Instead of focusing on court mishaps, politicians on both sides are going to come at this as a gun issue. If this one guy squeeked through like this, the risk is still there for another trashy dishonorable discharged guy to do the same shit.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - John Michael Kane - 11-06-2017

The pure amount of rejoicing that Leftist Twitter is engaging in is all I need to know that I need to stock up on more guns and ammo. Seriously, these heathens are happy that children are lying dead and cold as they knelt in prayer. If these bloodthirsty savages ever came into my home to attack my loved ones, they would be dealt swift retribution. Every man here: Get yourself armed. The Violent Left is very real and very ready to kill you, or egg on other Leftists to do the job by proxy. This spiritual battle is far from over.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 02:29 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Well if that is the case, then the onus is on the military not discharging him appropriately or correctly. Again, possible that maybe his alleged crime on base or whatever was not strong enough to get the maximum effect, I have no idea.

I suspect it was a knockdown as part of plea deal.

He apparently cracked the stepson's skull, and pled to doing it intentionally.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - kaotic - 11-06-2017

Another fucked up shooting, this faggot couldn't just off himself ?

Definitely a low T soy faggot also - his yearbook picture screams rebel emo kid.

Sounds like this was a personal attack by a guy with a gun and a vendetta.

Mass shooting yes, the left is calling this terrorism - but this was driven by heat of the moment emotions.

The Las Vegas shooting on the other hand could possibly be labeled as one.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - John Michael Kane - 11-06-2017

kaotic, you're spot on that these low-T soy boys are a menace to themselves and others. Every man needs to be pumping iron from a young age, have good male mentors and not look to atheistic nihilism as a "solution". I know this hits you especially hard given what happened to your friend in Vegas. Stay strong man, and mentor other younger guys who need your steady hand. So many of these situations could be prevented if more masculine mentorship guided young men while still impressionable, and also manly men didn't back down from protecting their male friends, women and children. It makes me glad to see that this attacker was shot back at by some man who had courage. His balls prevented further deaths. Let that be the takeaway from this horrible tragedy.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

Unsurprisingly, a guy who lost frame so badly that he broke a baby's skull during a tantrum also had shitty game:


"Years after dating me he would try to bribe me to hang out with him," Landry, who met Kelley in church as a teenager, told NBC News in a Facebook message. "He ended up assaulting me. He would stalk me by repeatedly calling me - even prank calling me, saying really weird stuff.

"At the time I didn't think much into it being so young but now I realize that there's something off about someone who is 18 with someone who is 13," [Adcock] said.

"He somehow would always find out my number although none of my friends talked to him and he would constantly call me until I blocked his number," she said. "Then I'd get calls from an unknown number so I've had to change my number quite a bit.

"He would offer me money to hang out with him quite a bit. There has been one point that I called the police because he was just calling me so much I wanted to report harassment," Adcock said.

"One time he told me I should move in with him and his wife and that he would take care of me as long as I walked around topless. Not long after, his wife messaged me and asked why I'm talking to her husband and I told her what he was saying and sent her screenshots and she then apologized and then I was blocked from speaking to her."

Among the dead: his wife's grandmother.

Interestingly, an Air Force prosecutor apparently familiar with the case says he should have been barred from buying the guns:

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Cattle Rustler - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 01:37 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

...Or buying out of the back of Tyrone’s fly ass whip.

Your description reminds me of GTA IV.
[Image: 5192268277_fe6ba58cf7_b.jpg]

[Image: latest?cb=20140302002558]

[Image: latest?cb=20140301210629]

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - John Michael Kane - 11-06-2017

He also was beating up a dog by punching it in the face, all the while having #AnimalRights as an "Interest" on FaceBorg. Seriously. That is the level of mental and spiritual disconnect we're dealing with here.


Any man that beats a dog or harms an infant needs the harshest of punishments. Sad we didn't take care of this guy before all this happened. All the warning signs were there.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - kaotic - 11-06-2017

Yeah he took a cowards way out, I just can't believe this shit.

Everyone talks about guns, we need a mental health and pharmaceutical discussion.

I see alot of kids nowadays not doing shit but playing video games and not having much of a social life.

Guys need to get out there, see their potential and get after it, and we really need to gear up assistance and help to guys with mental health problems. It's a stigma that needs to be changed.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Leonard D Neubache - 11-06-2017

Great. Now we get to listen to progressives pretend to give a shit about dead Christians when if a muslim had killed them all with a flamethrower then the story would have been memory holed in five seconds flat.

Am I the only one that can hear the twitch of a smile in the typical prog radio newscaster's voice?

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - John Michael Kane - 11-06-2017

These days, as a Christian, I feel more like #DeusVult than #TurnTheOtherCheek. Seriously, Christian men need to get their balls back. If we can get rid of Cuck Pope Francis, that would be a great start. I pray for his conversion or removal ASAP every day.

#DeusVult has been my mindset. It is one of the major reasons why I gave up porn, videogames and anything else that distracts me from becoming a patriarch or growing in my walk with God. Seeing these innocent lives be mowed down just reminds me more of the Masculine Burden of being a protector of all that is Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

Seems he also was able to pass a background check to get a license to work as a security guard and then got a gig at a local water park. It only lasted five weeks before he was fired.

Multiple other newspapers reporting that the Denver Post found an order of protection someone had gotten against him in 2015, but I haven't found the original story.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - budoslavic - 11-06-2017

[Image: DN9R1njX0AgCMNa.jpg]


Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - CynicalContrarian - 11-06-2017

"Stepson". Right...

[Image: DN-3s7PVQAArNtG.jpg:large]

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Duke Castile - 11-06-2017

Those two men are heros.

The old guy who had honed his skills shooting probably over a lifetime picked up bis rifle and went towards gunfire.

The young kid in in his mid 20s who dresses as brash and as badass as he drives unquestioningly knew what he had to do and why and did not hesitate.

God knows who else they saved by meeting at that moment.

If the rifleman had met any other person they probably would have lost him.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - budoslavic - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 06:50 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Those two men are heros.

The old guy who had honed his skills shooting probably over a lifetime picked up bis rifle and went towards gunfire.

The young kid in in his mid 20s who dresses as brash and as badass as he drives unquestioningly knew what he had to do and why and did not hesitate.

God knows who else they saved by meeting at that moment.

If the rifleman had met any other person they probably would have lost him.

The old guy is a former NRA instructor.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - porscheguy - 11-06-2017

Looks like the Air Force has some ‘splainin’ to do here. 99.99% of the time, if you get arrested on Friday night, the FBI has your info by lunchtime on Monday, and a file started on you by COB. And apparently the military is required to keep this info up to date with the FBI as well.

The article above said there could have been a mistake resulting in neither the arrest nor the conviction making it to the fbi. That’s not one mistake, that’s two mistakes. And what are the odds of them making two mistakes of failing to report on the same guy? I would bet that’s almost impossible. In fact the only way I see this happening is if there’s a breakdown of the system and countless arrests and convictions are going unreported by the military.