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Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 06-27-2016

I watched this video again and did a bit of reading. Here's a couple of thoughts it raised.

The police look pretty ineffectual. They're untrained, out of shape, and worse, in some cases they're female. Many of you will have heard of the massive orders the US government has been making for arms across all their various federal agencies, including many that have no business ordering firearms at all. If an event that triggers martial law ever comes into effect then it looks like every pencil pusher and floor sweeper is going to be shoved into a XXL uniform, given an AR15 and told to hold the line.

Take away message. Stormtrooper uniforms and stormtrooper guns do not necessarily mean stormtroopers. Watch for the command and control guys. If they were to be removed from the equation then a stiff breeze would be enough to break the lines.

Thought two. In this kind of violently ugly decline you seem to have police brutality in the city and criminal brutality in the sticks. As things get uglier, expect the rougher cops to see the writing on the wall and go about securing their own nest eggs. For a cut of the loot their C.O. will send them wherever they want to go, with force of arms, and clear out whatever villa they target. That could be anywhere in the nation, from a city mansion to cottage in the forest.
If you've got valuable tangible assets and a paper trail that leads to them (or loose lips) then this is particularly relevant to you. Gold and silver purchases being the two most obvious targets. Even guys that bury their loot are simply going to be picked up (who's going to draw down on a police squad?) and tortured until they reveal the location of their assets.

Three. This video really made me realise how screwed the disarmed nations are. Fat, useless pricks in uniform strutting about smashing car windows and beating up protesters would lead to a much shorter life expectancy in the US. At least in the flyover states anyway. Hence the APCs and the head-to-toe kevlar outfits being dished out like party favours to police departments by the US government.

Venezuela is collapsing - Latinopan - 07-13-2016

Socialists are so fucking denial.

Venezuela: Chavista Says 35,000 Seeking Food Went to Colombia ‘for Fun’

José Gregorio Vielma Mora, the socialist governor of Venezuela’s western Táchira state, asserted this week that the 35,000 people who took advantage of a limited border opening that allowed them to buy food and medicine in Colombia were not hungry but, rather, desperately crossed the border “for fun.”

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Venezuela is collapsing - Samseau - 07-31-2016

From Socialist Utopia To Slave-Nation - Venezuela Unveils Shocking "Forced Labor" Law


While we here in the United States debate pressing issues in the wake of the upcoming Presidential election, like the urgent need for gender-neutral bathrooms, the people of Venezuela remain entrenched in a food crisis that continues to sow widespread unrest which has become increasingly violent in recent months (see our post here). So what do you do if you’re the President of a Socialist government with mounting civil unrest and growing political opposition seeking your ouster via a recall referendum? Well you enslave your entire nation, of course.

As Vice News reports, President Nicolás Maduro signed a new law last week that requires "all workers from the public and private sector with enough physical capabilities and technical know-how" to work in agricultural fields on demand. The new law mandates that citizens can be required to work in the agricultural sector for a period of 60 days which can be extended "if the circumstances require it."

While we’re “sure” President Maduro’s intentions are good, we’re somewhat skeptical of his plan. As we recently reported (here), the real issue at hand in Venezuela is, of course, the hyperinflation death spiral gripping the Socialist nation in the wake of the collapse of their oil-dependent economy. As Miguel Pérez Abad, minister of industry and business, recently told Reuters the decline in domestic production is being exacerbated by plummeting imports which are likely to fall by 60 percent this year, compared to 2015. As a local baker pointed out, "We cannot make more subsidized bread with the current cost of flour. We always end up losing, but we cannot afford to stop making bread either."

Nothing like good ole' fashioned slavery to keep the country running!

Next up...

Let Them Eat Cake: Venezuela Celebrates Chavez’ Birthday With $100,000 Cake, While Citizens Starve


Nothing describes socialism more aptly than baking a 4 feet tall cake weighing 90 kilos for Hugo Chavez’s birthday (a dead man) while the rest of the country starves, cannot find basic necessities

[Image: madurotorta-980x551.jpg]

Fuckin awful. And yet remember how our (((mainstream media))) used to fawn over Chavez?

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 08-01-2016

^Holy crap. Thanks for the heads up on that, Samseau.

Anyone wondering just how far politicians will go to achieve continuity of government need look no further. We can only wonder how long it is before they start determining who is 'loyal enough to Venezuela' to deserve food, and who is slated for liquidation.

Venezuela is collapsing - CynicalContrarian - 08-01-2016

Let me guess.
Somehow all that above is Trumps fault..

Venezuela is collapsing - Off The Reservation - 08-01-2016

It is Literally out of Atlas Shrugged

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 08-01-2016

Trump clearly cast a shadow of future right wing bigotry over the region, strangling the utopian flower of socialism of the vital sunlight it needed to thrive and bloom.

Venezuela is collapsing - Samseau - 08-01-2016

More Than 50 Animals Starve to Death in Venezuela's Zoos as the Nation Endures Devastating Food Shortages

[Image: lion_zoo.sized-770x415xb.jpg]

[Image: CmKHOrEWQAA6fab.jpg:large]


At least 50 animals have died in the last six months at the Caricuao zoo in Caracas, Venezuela, due to widespread food shortages that are affecting both man and beast in the socialist nation.

Marlene Sifontes, a union leader for employees of state parks agency Inparques which oversees zoos, told Reuters that the zoo lost Vietnamese pigs, tapirs, rabbits and birds after the animals went weeks without eating. Others animals at the zoo are in danger of severe malnutrition. Lions and tigers, which should be on a carnivorous diet, are being fed mango and pumpkin just to get something in their empty stomachs, while an elephant is being fed tropical fruit instead of its usual diet of hay, the union leader said. According to one report, the big cats are being fed slaughtered thoroughbred racehorses from a nearby race track.

Venezuela is collapsing - Mercenary - 08-01-2016

Quote: (08-01-2016 08:07 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

[Image: lion_zoo.sized-770x415xb.jpg]

Formerly powerful nations and/or societies that become totally weak, simplified down to a single picture.

I can think of a lot of countries in the west that should use this image as their new national emblem.


Venezuela is collapsing - RexImperator - 08-01-2016


In that article there was a blurb:


Amnesty International reported this week that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro issued a decree that could force workers to leave their jobs to work in the fields. In other words, the Maduro government essentially just decreed government-sanctioned slavery (for the common good of course).

Sounds like things are headed towards the Khmer Rouge / Mao / Stalin direction.

Venezuela is collapsing - Mekorig - 08-01-2016

Quote: (08-01-2016 09:20 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  


In that article there was a blurb:


Amnesty International reported this week that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro issued a decree that could force workers to leave their jobs to work in the fields. In other words, the Maduro government essentially just decreed government-sanctioned slavery (for the common good of course).

Sounds like things are headed towards the Khmer Rouge / Mao / Stalin direction.

Take the article with a grain of salt. Its a decree that says that a factory that is part of a goverment reactivation program can "request" workers if needed, and nearby factories must send them, while protecting their work spot and paying the salary. Its a shady decree and evidently unconstitucional, but far from the "slavery" that some media is saying. Heck,, its not even a decree, its a ministerial resolution (Nº 9855), and its beign attacked right now.

Nontheless, Venezuela`s situation is a shitty one, and the people is getting feed up with Maduro.

Venezuela is collapsing - RexImperator - 08-01-2016

I do...I mean intuitively, I can't see the South Americans, culturally speaking, as having quite the organizational fervor and obedience to authority at the level of Russians or East Asians.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 08-10-2016


MAILBAG: From longtime Instapundit/VodkaPundit reader Max Kohnke:

This is not a joke nor even an exaggeration. I just found out that my sister in law’s other brother-in-law was arrested in Venezuela at the airport while trying to leave the country. His crime, he was an employee for a company that went out of business. Waiting for more? There isn’t any. Maduro has decreed that any business that goes out of business has committed economic treason and its employees are subject to arrest. They had already arrested numerous owners and managers but this is the first time they went after rank and file worker bees.

Socialism is about caring.

Venezuela is collapsing - Sumanguru - 08-10-2016

AP Reporter (4/10 WNB) based in Caracas has been tweeting about news and developments there. Dark, sad stuff. Worth a look.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 08-10-2016

Quote: (08-10-2016 05:45 AM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

AP Reporter (4/10 WNB) based in Caracas has been tweeting about news and developments there. Dark, sad stuff. Worth a look.


Hannah Dreier ‏@hannahdreier Aug 7

Seeing more cases of infanticide in Venezuela as birth control disappears at the same time basics like food and diapers become unaffordable

There's way too many to even quote. You've stumbled on a real anti-socialism/civ-collapse goldmine there. The schitzo woman killing her mother after running out of meds is another prime example. If those meds ever stopped flowing into the US for some reason, watch out.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 08-10-2016

What would the business model for smuggling socialism-hating hotties out of this shithole and providing arranged marriages to rich, white guys look like?

It would be like Schindler's list, only with fine-ass-latinas and fat stacks of cash. [Image: angel.gif]

Venezuela is collapsing - Off The Reservation - 08-10-2016

Quote: (08-10-2016 07:52 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

What would the business model for smuggling socialism-hating hotties out of this shithole and providing arranged marriages to rich, white guys look like?

It would be like Schindler's list, only with fine-ass-latinas and fat stacks of cash. [Image: angel.gif]

Just come to Doral, they are already out. The only currency you need is a smile.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 08-10-2016

^All good and well for getting laid, but what about getting paid? [Image: lol.gif]

I just found this on the Twitter feed of that journalist. What you're looking at is the US Embassy in Venezuela.

File under "fuck this gay administration".

[Image: Ck2DzQVXAAQvF_M.jpg]

Venezuela is collapsing - Private Man - 08-10-2016

Quote: (08-10-2016 08:01 AM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Just come to Doral, they are already out. The only currency you need is a smile.

Or Weston (Westonzuela - a south Florida thing)

Venezuela is collapsing - Cattle Rustler - 08-10-2016

Quote: (08-10-2016 10:03 PM)Private Man Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2016 08:01 AM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Just come to Doral, they are already out. The only currency you need is a smile.

Or Weston (Westonzuela - a south Florida thing)

I reckon the Private Man already went there to inspect the goods, making sure they're good for consumption.

Hat's off to you Mr. Private Man, takin' one for the team.

Venezuela is collapsing - Leonard D Neubache - 08-31-2016

Problem: Long lines outside of food stores.
Capitalist solution: Too many customers? Fuck yes! Open more stores!
Socialist solution: Ban the formation of lines!


Remember when you signed that petition a while back?


[Image: g1351637165909712348.jpg]

Venezuela is collapsing - Samseau - 08-31-2016

Yes, it appears the cycle in Venezuela confirms exactly what everyone in the Manosphere knows.

Right now total social collapse:

And then the return of brutal Patriarchy:

Ultra-violent gangs thrive in chaotic Venezuela despite crackdown


The click-clack of guns being cocked echoes in the cement safe house where seven kidnappers keep watch over a western Caracas slum, their 33-year-old gang leader boasting of grenade attacks on police and growing wealth and power.

Venezuela's socialist economy is suffering triple-digit inflation, severe shortages and a third year of recession, but gangs like this have found strength and profit in the chaos.

They are teaming up with former rivals and buying heavier weapons to control ever-larger territory in the capital and beyond, the criminals, the government and criminologists say.

"The majority of the other slums are our friends. It's not only us anymore, now we do business with each other," said the leader, sat at a desk with his face hidden by a black ski mask. He would only give his name as Anderson.

He said rampant inflation is forcing the gang to be even more active as it seeks to cover sky-rocketing costs for weapons, drugs and even food.

"We used to do one job a month. Right now we are doing them every week," Anderson said, before a phone pinged with news of a drugs delivery. Venezuela's economy suffered 181 percent inflation and shrank nearly 6 percent last year, and is expected to perform worse in 2016. Basic products are scarce and food riots regular.

Yet gangs like this are thriving.

Unlike a growing array of other armed groups in Venezuela - which include pro-government gangs and some small rural guerrilla and right-wing paramilitary forces - the street gangs are largely apolitical.

But as their reach grows, they are another destabilizing factor for President Nicolas Maduro, who is already struggling to govern a nation that is running short of food and medicines despite vast oil reserves and has one of the world's highest murder rates.

He has responded with aggressive raids by soldiers and police, a policy supported by many people sick of criminals but which rights groups say leads to executions and arbitrary arrests. Some criminologists warn the raids encourage gangs to seek out ever heavier weaponry in defense.

While some gangs are teaming up, there are still turf battles and internal disputes, and Venezuela is seeing more of the spectacular violence associated with Mexico's more powerful drug cartels. Police showed Reuters images of bodies left mutilated, hanging from bridges, or beheaded.

So Venezuela started off as a poor, yet relatively stable country. Then a big socialist steps into power, Hugo Chavez, supported by lots of dumb people but especially gullible women who believed Hugo could provide them with everything so they would not need to rely on men so much.

Hugo Chávez knew that his revolution depended on women

[Image: Former-Venezuela-Presiden-008.jpg?w=620&...315ab0ec4c]


The funeral of President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela took place on International Women's Day – a fitting day of departure for "the president of the poor" who was loved by millions, especially by women, the poorest.

When Chávez was elected in 1998, the grassroots movement took a leap in power, and women in particular were empowered. Women were the first into the streets against the 2002 US-backed coup; their mobilisation saved the revolution. When asked why, woman after woman said: "Chávez is us, he is our son." He was an extension of who they were as strugglers for survival.

Chávez soon learnt that the revolution he led depended on women, and said so: "Only women have the passion and the love to make the revolution." He acknowledged that the "missions" – the new social services which were at the heart of his popularity and which the state funded but did not run – were mainly created and run by grassroots neighbourhood women.

In 2006, when announcing the partial implementation of Article 88 of the new constitution recognising caring work as productive – a breakthrough worldwide – Chávez said: "[Women] work so hard raising their children, ironing, washing, preparing food … giving [their children] an orientation … This was never recognised as work yet it is such hard work! ... Now the revolution puts you first, you too are workers, you housewives, workers in the home."

Chávez was not the first movement leader who went on to head the government, to have understood women's centrality to creating the new society they were striving to build.

Half a century ago, Julius Nyerere, leader of Tanzania's independence struggle and its first president, aimed his programme for development at the elimination of two ills: women's inequality and poverty. He said: "Women who live in villages work harder than anyone in Tanzania," working "in the fields and in the homes".

"The truth is that in the villages the women work very hard. At times they work for 12 or 14 hours a day. They even work on Sundays and public holidays." Whereas the village men "are on leave half their lives".

Nyerere's ujaama or "African socialism" – self-reliance and co-operation – was to keep Tanzania independent, by enabling it to refuse foreign loans. He insisted men must do their share. Equity was a question not only of justice but of economic necessity and political independence.

Encouraged by Nyerere, in one region 17, ujamaa villages created a communal society based on equity among women and men, children and adults – all contributed what they could and all shared equally in the wealth produced. Their extraordinary society was destroyed by Nyerere's power-hungry colleagues against his will, but it showed us what is possible.

Closer to Venezuela, women gained recognition under Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti's first democratically elected president (1990 and 2000). Determined to tackle extreme poverty and injustice, Aristide created a Ministry of Women's Affairs, appointed women to ministerial posts, supported girl domestic workers, and survivors of military rape. As in Venezuela, women were the main organisers and beneficiaries of literacy and health programmes; the rise in the minimum wage benefited them especially – sweatshop workers are mainly women.

Young people's love for Aristide is legendary, but women's devotion has been as constant. Two months after the devastating 2010 earthquake, women collected 20,000 signatures in three days demanding President Aristide's return from exile – they needed him for reconstruction. A year later he was back, not as president but as educator, reopening the medical school he had founded for poor students, which the coup had closed.

In Bolivia, indigenous women were recognised as central to the mass mobilisations which propelled Evo Morales into the presidency. These included the "water wars" which drove the multinational Bechtel out of Bolivia (they privatised the water and criminalised people who collected rain water). In 2008 the women were prominent in surrounding Congress for several days while the new constitution was debated; the white parliamentary elite intended to absent themselves to prevent a vote. The blockade forced them to sleep in the building till the vote was taken. That constitution heralded a new level of power for women – from pay equity to recognition for the economic value of caring work.

As the president of the poor is laid to rest, the historic Operation Condor trial opens in Argentina, tackling the co-ordinated campaign of state terror of former Latin American dictatorships. We must recall a little-known aspect of Chávez's legacy. Venezuela's oil revenue supported Argentina's Presidents Nestor and Cristina Kirchner, enabling them to pass laws removing the military's immunity from prosecution. The Mothers and Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who led the 1983 overthrow of the dictatorship, and who had long campaigned for justice for the thousands the dictatorships raped, murdered and disappeared, have long paid tribute to Chávez – a most unusual military man.

They, like women all over South America and beyond, will be watching anxiously to see that the gains of the Bolivarian revolution are not undermined.

Now, all of the stupid women who thought Chavez was their savior are sucking cock in order to get food, while the strongest and meanest men fight for the scraps in a bankrupted country and the women must fuck them to survive.

God is not mocked. He designed men to rule over women, and if the natural order is overturned it is just a matter of time before it is restored no matter how violently.

American women would be wise not to fuck with the natural order and believe they can do without their men, but it is doubtful if the "wisdom" of the American women will prevail. Even with Trump's impending vicotry, I feel it's just a matter of time before some dirty socialist tricks American women into voting for their doom like it has happened so many times in the past.

Men always win in the long run, because women need men more than men need women. Once conditions deteriorate to the point where food and housing are more expensive than sex, women lose all power and patriarchy returns with a vengeance.

This is ultimately why women should be against their own from voting, but most women are not rational enough to understand this. I'm afraid this cycle never ends as there are hundreds of examples of women destroying their countries throughout history.

Venezuela is collapsing - It_is_my_time - 08-31-2016

The problem is that most women simply are not able to comprehend and use wisdom when it goes against their feelings. Add to the fact that women voters out number men, and the result is...

Buy ammo, buy canned goods, find a water source, and be ready for shit to hit the fan no matter where you live.

The men 100 years ago who gave women the right to vote stabbed us all in the back and destroyed all that they fought for. If only one message carries forward, it is that when society is rebuilt, only the men vote. The best setting is the tribal leaders/elder men are the only ones to decide.

Venezuela is collapsing - Foolsgo1d - 08-31-2016

Its not collapsed yet Samseau. This is a death spiral. What the gangs are doing is what men have always done because alone you are dead but sharing the camp fire with those like you is a way to project power, territory and protect what you deem is yours.

I found a great explanation for this in the book; The Way of Men. Its happening exactly like the author has written.

Colombia and the electricity is the country's only saving grace. Food can be bought elsewhere but if power goes out for long periods ( more than a week with nothing inbetween), the real horror will begin.

Venezuela is collapsing - TheOllam - 08-31-2016

Quote: (08-31-2016 02:52 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

" we do business with each other," said the leader, sat at a desk with his face hidden by a black ski mask.

He would only give his name as Anderson.

Yeah, that's Little Dark. His Post-Economic Meltdown Game is Tight.