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Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Sonsowey - 12-23-2014

Quote: (12-21-2014 06:35 AM)zombiejimmorrison Wrote:  

"Contrary to popular belief, two parents of higher IQ will not necessarily produce offspring of equal or higher intelligence. In fact, according to the concept of regression toward the mean, parents of IQ at either extreme are more likely to produce offspring closer to the mean (or average)"

Science and my penis tells me to choose the dumber one

This is true.

If you have 120 IQ and your wife has 120 IQ, it does not mean your kid will come out with an even higher IQ. It is possible, but unlikely. The most likely situation would be a child with an IQ somewhere between 120 and 100, which is the mean.

However, if you have a 120 IQ and want a kid with an above-average IQ, your odds are much better mating with a 120IQ girl than with a 90 IQ girl, of course.

The problem is that IQ doesn't seem to have much to do with reproductive fitness. Idiocracy and all

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Dalaran1991 - 12-23-2014

Why is it even a question? I would take the left hot one for sure, even if you throw in feminine and motherly tendencies for the right one as a bonus.

We no longer live in a society where intellect is properly rewarded. People are becoming more and more superficial and having a stunning physique (which has to do with genes) will do you a lot more good than a higher average IQ. Talk about the halo effect. Except that nowadays we don't have time to find out if the person is actually stupid.

Most people with high IQ are working as experts for some firms/corporations anyway instead of doing their own businesses.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 01-03-2015

I'd take the hot left one as well. Probably since I have more than enough intelligence to spare for any hypothetical issue of mine anyways [Image: lol.gif]


Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - The Wire - 01-03-2015

I have to go with the IQ of 90 easily just based on the simple litmus test of how the other women is dressed. 135 is not high enough to get through life with a lack of basic social awareness like how to assemble an outfit. Something that a high school girl can do blindfolded.

I'd think the other women was half retarded, not having a 135 IQ. I suspect she wouldn't pass many interviews and couldn't command any decent position over others.

[Image: 2qbyjb6.jpg]

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - TheWastelander - 01-03-2015

The one on the right might have a high IQ but only a mentally ill woman dresses like that as an adult.

I'd go with 90 IQ girl every time.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - nadaSurf20 - 01-03-2015

I would impregnate the one on the left. Simply because it means I will have to see her again for the rest of my life or 18 years and I could bang her a few more times. Also I don't know much about biology but I know a guy whose a CEO(electric engineering major) and married a trophy wife and his kids are still very smart. Do you think his intelligence overcompensated for his wife's?

The girl I like the most so far was a 7.5 lookswise and a 9 in terms of smarts. I actually enjoyed having deep conversations with her. In contrast, I see all the hotter girls as mostly for banging as opposed to having a relationship. I get bored of talking to them as we have nothing in common.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Sp5 - 01-03-2015

The question is spoiled by the alternatives presented. If you want "butt ugly," put up a picture of butt ugly.

[Image: Screenshot-2014-09-04-23-01-45.jpg]
Like Lindy West.

As Ivan Drago and others have pointed out, the two girls are similar enough to make one wonder whether this is a trick question of the same girl, before and after gaining or losing 20 kg.

Given those two alternatives, I'd take the smarter one and game her into losing weight, growing her hair longer, and dressing better. Then she'd be as nice as the 90 IQ one.

Maybe I've just been listening to too many vapid women babbling about inconsequential issues about their girlfriends lately.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Samseau - 01-03-2015

Although this is fun experiment, in real life good looks correlate with high IQ. So in the real world, the woman on the left is the one more likely to have an IQ of 135 while the fat frumpy one on the right has an IQ of 90.

"Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside."

Nature is cruel.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Quintus Curtius - 01-03-2015

Samulus, is that true? Good looks does correlate with higher IQ?

I did not know that. I think that's information most women would like to suppress....

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - good looking loser - 02-24-2015

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:44 PM)The Wire Wrote:  

[Image: 2qbyjb6.jpg]

Come on
Both of these women are way too smart for me.

You intellectuals have such high standards!

I prefer
IQ 20-60 (+/- 20)

neither book smarts, nor common sense is particularly attractive to me

edit: oh - question was "reproduce"...

what does that mean again..

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Guitarman - 02-24-2015

This is a good hypothetical scenario.

Right side 135IQ woman could look as good as left side IQ 90 woman. With longer better styled hair, diet and better clothes / make up etc. You have to ask yourself with only the information provided why does IQ 135 look like she does??

I have to look to my own family background for guidance. Intelligence was passed down the male side to me from my father and grandfather with the maternal side being less smart but good mothers and homemakers.

Also, looking at 135 woman, rainbow tree, short hair cut, masculine footware suggests to me left wing, possibly lesbian / feminist environmentist.

So as I would not like my children to be raised with such viewpoints, and as IQ 90 woman is likely out of 2/3 kids to produce one smart kid then I would choose her.

This scenario is somewhat moot though, as in a dystopian "big brother" future with the relative abundance of sperm and relative scarcity of eggs it will be the woman that chooses the donor. Even today sperm donors have no choice over who benefits from their DNA, it is the recipient that gets to decide.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Fortis - 02-24-2015

The 90. I have spergish tendencies, so I feel like having a kid with the135 might increase the odds of me having spergish kids. Furthermore, stupid kids are usually a sign of parental neglect IMO (didn't read to them or emphasize academics), so I can deal with a dumb woman having my kids. Furthermore, I don't want my kids coming out ugly and short. I feel like a tall, handsome idiot has better prospects (innately) than a short, super smart troll.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - lskdfjldsf - 02-24-2015


Samulus, is that true? Good looks does correlate with higher IQ?

Good looks correlate with the perception of intelligence, but only among men.


The ability to accurately assess the intelligence of other persons finds its place in everyday social interaction and should have important evolutionary consequences.

Methodology/Principal Findings
We used static facial photographs of 40 men and 40 women to test the relationship between measured IQ, perceived intelligence, and facial shape. Both men and women were able to accurately evaluate the intelligence of men by viewing facial photographs. In addition to general intelligence, figural and fluid intelligence showed a significant relationship with perceived intelligence, but again, only in men. No relationship between perceived intelligence and IQ was found for women. We used geometric morphometrics to determine which facial traits are associated with the perception of intelligence, as well as with intelligence as measured by IQ testing. Faces that are perceived as highly intelligent are rather prolonged with a broader distance between the eyes, a larger nose, a slight upturn to the corners of the mouth, and a sharper, pointing, less rounded chin. By contrast, the perception of lower intelligence is associated with broader, more rounded faces with eyes closer to each other, a shorter nose, declining corners of the mouth, and a rounded and massive chin. By contrast, we found no correlation between morphological traits and real intelligence measured with IQ test, either in men or women.

These results suggest that a perceiver can accurately gauge the real intelligence of men, but not women, by viewing their faces in photographs; however, this estimation is possibly not based on facial shape. Our study revealed no relation between intelligence and either attractiveness or face shape.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Deluge - 02-24-2015



Both in the British and American samples, physical attractiveness
is significantly positively associated with general
intelligence, both with and without controls for social class,
body size, and health. Both in the UK and in the US, the
association between physical attractiveness and general
intelligence is stronger among men than among women. In
the UK, physically attractive men have higher IQ by 13.6
points, whereas physically attractive women have higher IQ
by 11.4 IQ points.

There are links to many other studies on the topic in that paper. This isn't a fringe idea, there is a consensus that intelligence and attractiveness are correlated, the only debate is as to why. One theory holds that high IQ money are more likely to have high income/status and therefore attract more attractive women, which explains the small gender gap, another is that both are just markers of overall genetic fitness.

Think of it this way, we all know there is a strong relationship between IQ and income, and income and obesity rates. It's not often you'll meet a fat person who is either highly educated or from a well-off family. Class/intelligence/education are so tightly wound up you can basically use them as substitutes for one another to compare a neighbourhood. Walk around and compare an elite and a prole area, it is literally night and day looks wise. Look at schools, blue ribbon private school girl types shit all over even middle class public school girls in both looks and intelligence. Personally I have noticed girls with higher verbal IQ or a lot better looking than girls with higher mathematical IQ even when only comparing fields which are similarly selective to get into (i.e Law vs Med), the difference is quite stark on my campus.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - civpro - 02-24-2015

The bimbo, as intelligence means shit these days. In my parents' day the answer would have been clear: the frump.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - GeroMeroHero - 02-24-2015

My son could do alright with a low iq. My daughter cannot be happy if she is ugly.
The left.

Which girl would your rather reproduce with? - Krusyos - 02-24-2015

Does the fat bitch remind anyone else of Baby Huey?

[Image: Babyhuey.JPG]