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Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Kongzilla - 09-11-2014

Most important things I learned
-keep emotions in check, like a poker face! If in doubt or not sure how to react, give them a blank stare and smirk slowly! But never show anger or over excitement, mystery is your #1 weapon!
- K-I-S-S- Keep It Simple Stupid, this applies for everything in life, sometimes you over complicate things, like dates. Before, I used to overthink and over plan dates, I wanted to impress the ladies, now I keep it simple. My routine consists of a bar or comfortable restaurant if under 21, then venue change if more comfort needs to be build, then the "I need to swing by my house to feed my puppy real quick" line(I don't have a puppy, it's a fully grown boxer that acts like a puppy but they won't know that until they are in my back yard). Either they agree to go or not, but once they are at my house, it's almost always a guarantee they will end up naked.

This brings another point, always escalate and keep escalating as long as she is there! The only way you know you've gone overboard is if she leaves but as long as she is voluntarily there it is fair game! NEVER STOP ESCALATING UNTIL SHE LEAVES!

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Teddykgb - 09-11-2014

Quote: (09-11-2014 06:26 PM)EazyE Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2013 12:56 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Girls are completely incapable of approaching (for all practical purposes, unless you are top 1% guy.)

That means if they do not have a regular guy, they are completely trapped in sexual deprivation until a guy does something.

Imagine if you could not eat unless someone offered you food first, if you were incapable of asking for food except by beseeching looks.

or they can sign up for free online dating and have 100 dudes to pick from in 5 minutes

True that. Girls that I have picked up before during day game I think to myself "I'm glad she's not on Tinder because she would have way too many options"

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - simondice - 09-11-2014

Quote: (09-03-2014 11:33 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Women LOVE validation (you don't give them this).

Can you expand on this?

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - BadgerHut - 09-14-2014

Don't waste time with chicks who are flaky or try to play mind games. Evict them from your life.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Dante Lehtola - 09-16-2014

Only once you've rid yourself of oneitis can you truly be free to pursue your passions.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Constitution45 - 09-17-2014

Have fun, don't worry about it. There are many different ways to get women, just find the best way that suits you and your character. A way of picking up which you can enjoy. If that means being aloof and introvert in a confident way, or being loud and obnoxious; just find the way thats right for you.

Don't let the nihilistic hook up culture, turn you into a full dark triad. Its good to be strong and even ruthless if need be, but you don't want to lose your soul.

When you get to the core of it, women are the same everywhere. There is no utopian model; its why you have to work on yourself. Even muslim girls will cheat on the sly and play games, if you don't have a strong frame.

Follow your instincts, don't be afraid to get burnt, by friends, family, business, girls. I don't mean this in the new age hippy way of becoming a pussy. You want to form strong emotional calluses and experience like this goes a long way. If something doesn't seem right, then take note.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - LouEvilSlugger - 12-25-2014

Don't overestimate the competition. Most men are betas, omegas and gammas and will never put the effort to game to 8's and above. Not all alphas are sociopathic, a lot of them will want to assist you, learn from them. Strength, sagacity and stern pertinacity can get you a very long way in all the dimensions of your life.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - The_CEO - 12-25-2014

This thread is my favorite in RVF right now.
Thanks to all contributors.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Captain Gh - 12-25-2014

Not to feel 1 once of shame when you're lying in general. Unless you're completely out of the corporate world, you gotta lie about you're view from time to time, especially to women at work on why you're still single after a couple of years. Keep it funny and light, and they won't get super angry.

At first I tried faking Beta, but nobody believed it for 1 second. Never try to be a fake Beta boys, it doesn't work and make the ladies mad as hell since they can smell the bullshit from a mile away! Then you gotta undo your betaness... lots of work for nothing.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Brodiaga - 12-25-2014

Quote: (12-25-2014 09:58 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Not to feel 1 once of shame when you're lying in general. Unless you're completely out of the corporate world, you gotta lie about you're view from time to time, especially to women at work on why you're still single after a couple of years. Keep it funny and light, and they won't get super angry.

At first I tried faking Beta, but nobody believed it for 1 second. Never try to be a fake Beta boys, it doesn't work and make the ladies mad as hell since they can smell the bullshit from a mile away! Then you gotta undo your betaness... lots of work for nothing.

I agree with radio show host Tom Leykis on this matter: "Don't talk to women at work about anything except work".

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - TheFinalEpic - 12-26-2014

Quote: (07-12-2013 07:42 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Here is some old school advice that may be redpill for some:
"You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

"You may catch flies with honey, but you catch more honeys by being fly"

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Foolsgo1d - 12-26-2014

- Always other women. Like someone has stated previous, once you are over a oneitis you are free.

- Remember you are attracted to her first and foremost, her personality determines how long you stick around and not vice versa.

- Don't fuck fat(chunky)/ugly chicks. Even if it is a dry spell. If ugly chicks has good body make sure nobody see's you with her

- Don't let on you're into Tinder or the culture of sex from ONS. Even if said girl wants you inside of her that night. Hate this hypocriticism. I learned from here that women will care how it looks and not what it is.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Kaizen - 12-26-2014

It's really a numbers game.

The formula A (approaches) x Percent of approaches converted to numbers (game) x Percent of numbers converted to bang (game)= Girls Banged

So approach like a machine (I like day game but whatever suits you best) to maximize A. Learn game to maximize the two other components.

And you should be doing well for yourself.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Fortis - 12-26-2014

Clint Barton turned me on to this one: play to win. There is no almost winning. You either close or you don't. It's harsh but true and I try to get in a play to win mindset before dates.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - sandman972 - 12-27-2014

For me, female hypergamy and frame control.

Even a year ago, I considered my self "post red pill", but I realized not so long ago that I wasnt that at all.

I had not understood the most fundamental principles of the female psyche and game, and how that transpired into all aspects of game whether thats laying the girl the same night to relationships.

With this lack of understanding, I was entering the game blind, improving other aspects of my game that yielded better results without actually understand why, while being under the illusion that I did.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Dalaran1991 - 01-01-2015

One thing I failed to learn over and over and over again until I get burned a red-hot ass hole:

When in doubt, do not text. Don't even touch the phone.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Rush87 - 01-01-2015

Always [appear] to care less and have options. Even if neither of these are the reality.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Lucky - 01-01-2015

Putting a shot of grape vodka in their wine when you bring them home makes transitioning to the bang smoother.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Agreddor - 01-03-2015

Saw an 8 today who bears a striking resemblance to an ex of mine.

I actually walked passed her and I thought of following her til the "right moment" in short, I followed her up the mall and I still couldn't find the right moment. Not on the escalator, not while she was sitting down.

In hindsight I should have turned around and tapped her on the shoulder

Lesson learnt there is no perfect moment. Pissed as fuck with myself.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Agreddor - 01-03-2015

Also, sometimes I need to shut my brain off when I catch myself thinking "oh this wouldn't work"

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Erasmus - 01-03-2015

Audacity, audacity, always audacity

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Frostbite - 01-03-2015

Remain indifferent to any specific girl unless your instincts tell you otherwise. Follow your gut feeling when it comes to judging a girl

They will push and push for commitment. It's so easy to get caught up in it, develop feelings, and then feel like an idiot for wasting your time when your intuition was there all along.

Fuck em and leave em unless your gut really tells you she's a good un. Also her relationship with her dad is an invaluable indicator of character

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Truth Teller - 01-03-2015

You can work with all emotions except indifference.

State is vastly overrated.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Kaizen - 01-03-2015

I'm starting to realize that to get good at have to enjoy the PROCESS of gaming girls. You have to enjoy the GAME.

Similar to anyone learning a new craft.

Rejection and bad experiences should be looked at without emotion as learning opportunities. Every approach is a chance to learn something.

Being too results oriented simply isn't fun and will lead you to approach less and less.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - nek - 08-03-2015

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:33 AM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

You can work with all emotions except indifference.

State is vastly overrated.

Not sure if you're going to see this, but could you elaborate on it?