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Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - RASER - 01-16-2013

Females that play games. tease and don't put out!

"Lifes about, shooting your load"

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Aliblahba - 01-16-2013

It pisses me the fuck off when others post on this thread.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Hannibal - 01-16-2013

It pisses me the fuck off every time a female challenges a male to a fight in my presence, jokingly or otherwise.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - IRTdenialist - 01-16-2013

PRT's (Pakistani Race Trolls) - Much more dangerous and perverted than their Indian counterparts.

Pink Fin Tuna (pussy that emanates the stench of rotten fish)

Fat Land Whales

Strong Independent Women (ugly femcunts that are related to the fat land whales)

Chicks who have a hairy ass crack (that shit is worse than the crack in Harlem)

Hot chicks that don't know how to kiss (what a waste of beauty)

Fake Alphas

Bitches that like to start a fight and then snitch you up to the cops when you defend your self. That is cowardice and bad character, these bitches need some labor camp time to teach them a lesson.

Sperm Stealers (Liz Jones)

Ghetto Black Chicks (no offence to the black race at large)

Chicks that say ' I'm not normally like that' the morning after you performed several illegal sexual acts on her.

Omegas - a waste to human kind, God should have given them a birth as jellyfish (all they have to do is eat, breathe and shit)

Liberals - the vermin of society

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Asaxon - 01-16-2013

Vocal FRRRRRRyyyyyy

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - mental - 01-17-2013

Not a lot of things, but something that really (and I mean REALLY) stands out is when a blue pill idiot who think he has game interferes between me and my bang (literally getting between me and my bang) or "teaches" me about getting laid and has the nerve to get angry at me when I don't do it "right". I then blow a smoke in his face and tell him to fuck off.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - esperar - 01-17-2013

Child support.
Women who start shit with guys, get punched, and then play victim.
White knights who pile in on the guy who dared to hit that bitch back.
A lot of different types of guys. But that's not for here.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - IpsaScientiaPotestasEst - 01-17-2013

As stated, being unemployed/underemployed while I have friends who are WAY lazier than I am as well as MORE dumb that have already found work SEVERAL months ago while I'm STILL searching. UGHHHH. Frustrating as hell.


What else

-Slow people
-People that slurp their drinks (HUGE pet peeve)
-When I tried to get friends to go out and meet girls and they don't want to (or are TERRIBLE at it)
-Lazy/unambitious people
-Any time a chick acts immature
-High speed rail as well
-People who buy into the Facebook/Instagram bullshit and wanna act like their life is the shit when they've probably done JACK shit to really expand their mind or views on life
-People who don't say thank you when the hold door for them
-People who don't wave if you let them over while driving
-The fact that the US government or its representatives STILL can't seem to get their shit together and really address major problems (Im not talking about the ones of today that we cant even fix, but the problems that willl become the major ones in the next couple decades that we aren't addressing whatsoever)
-Realizing things I did wrong in the past with a girl that...make you think-if only I would have done this or that game wise (but HEY, thats how we learn and get better in the present right?)
-Idiots who think the new gun control laws will all of a sudden turn into a mass flood of the US Government taking away peoples rights? Makes me REALLY think these people dont know SHIT of the American History from the last century. Do these people know NOTHING of Cointelpro? The Tuskegee experiment? All the way to the mess that is the Patriot Act as well as how the US government decides its use of Drones as well as the fact that its BARELY regulated internationally...and the limitation of ASSAULT rifles is where you start to freak out about your rights being taken away? You're an idiot sir. Just my opinion though.

On the other hand, I'm also going to propose a vice versa to this situation. I'm not exactly sure what the right phrase would be, but things that fucking FIRE you up like none other. Maybe things make you go, "FUCK YEAH!!"
Mine would easily be:

-When other guys start to talk shit about you to the girl you're talking to and hating, when you start to get haters you KNOW you're doing something right
-Talking to a girl who is foreign (or anybody for that matter, especially at restaurants or shops if its not a chick)-and then being able to speak their language. The look on their face people get sometimes is just absolutely priceless. I've had latinos give me free food/stuff, and had a swedish chick almost freak out the other day.[Image: banana.gif]

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Teedub - 01-17-2013


- Keyboard PUA's -Never approached one girl yet dish out regurgitated 'advice'.
- Feminists - Never really struggled for anything but claim they are oppressed.
- Keyboard Warriors - Never been in a physical confrontation, but say they'd do X or Y in a scary situation.
- Fat people - Admittedly I give fat men an easier ride, although I really shouldn't... To quote Gervais, "Its not a disease."
- UK male politicians - The most pathetic bunch of men in the world. Utter gimps, apart from a few, like Nigel Farage.
- UK politics shows - Leftist status-quo maintaining, self flagellating, anti-male, anti-tradition, white-guilt propaganda shows.
- Stupid people - Morons who relish in their stupidity, whilst berating others for intellectual curiosity.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - rudebwoy - 01-17-2013

People that argue over which cellphone is better
Over paying for things and told it is because of the taxes (alcohol and gas)
People that talk too much.
99% of TV
Fat chicks
Women over 35 that think they have options
People who have never travelled but are quick to criticize a place
Guys that talk about there boyz
People that put everything on Facebook
Entitled bitches
Yellow and lime green sports cars
Overpaying for crap food
Cheap people
Immigrants that move to a country and pretend they lived so nice in there old country. No you fucking didn't that is why you immigrated.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - bojangles - 01-17-2013

Somalians in the UK, contribute nothing, don't work, claim all sorts of benefits, their children are thick as fuck and end up on the same welfare path as mummy and daddy

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Teedub - 01-17-2013

Quote: (01-17-2013 07:04 PM)bojangles Wrote:  

Somalians in the UK, contribute nothing, don't work, claim all sorts of benefits, their children are thick as fuck and end up on the same welfare path as mummy and daddy

Damn true. Same all over Europe.

That said, I think it is their skull shape and the correlation this has with blood group. It actually has a biological inference with brain wiring and such. Oh, sorry, I thought I was replying to Roissy.... [Image: wink.gif]

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - freshcream - 01-17-2013

Latin american work ethic. Lazylazylazy.... And I thought norwegians were bad....

My baggage is still in Colombia... I've been told 3 times now it's on its way... then been told that it should be here at 7.... didn't happen....

What makes people in costumer service lie a thousand times to the same costumer?

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - LooTa - 01-17-2013

people who text questions that require collaboration or detailed answers. heres a fkn idea - how about, instead of texting back and forth several times, you just give me a fucking ring and sort it out within a minute?

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Asaxon - 01-17-2013

Loota, YES. Maybe people forgot how to talk on their " smart" phones. Better tweet " I am in a fire" instead of talking to 911... The latter would be so uncool...

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - bkamurray - 01-18-2013

Quote: (01-17-2013 07:04 PM)bojangles Wrote:  

Somalians in the UK, contribute nothing, don't work, claim all sorts of benefits, their children are thick as fuck and end up on the same welfare path as mummy and daddy

AHAHAHAHA!! Even here in Nairobi they're on everyone's shit list for that and the worlds most unjustified self esteem,I swear its laughable. Here's a true story of my cousin registering for social security in Wood Green,which apparently is London's own version of Mogadishu. Ahead of him were 3 skinnies.
Lady at counter:"what is the child's name?"
Lady at counter:"What is the childs name?"
Skinnies: silence,exchanging blank looks
Lady at counter:"is the child a boy or a girl?!"

I've no reason to believe its a bullshit story. Otherwise I absolutely hate and will not tolerate under any circumstances,woman who feel the need to be clever. Hells to the fucking no!
All a bitch must do is
1.look good what she's told
3.fuck properly;
in that order-its not even complicated! So when a hoe confuses idiotic & incomplete ideas and shallow opinions with Einstein profundity I've no sympathy!

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Tuthmosis - 01-18-2013

How this thread is really the same thing as this one:

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - IRTdenialist - 01-21-2013

Quote: (01-17-2013 07:04 PM)bojangles Wrote:  

Somalians in the UK, contribute nothing, don't work, claim all sorts of benefits, their children are thick as fuck and end up on the same welfare path as mummy and daddy

Yep, probably the most unsuccessful/ antagonizing race of people that I have ever seen. It's pretty hard to tell what their positive attributes are.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - hoops330 - 01-22-2013

When they don't put napkins in my carryout or fast food bag.
When people leave weights on the bars and you're unsure whether they're finished.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - MidniteSpecial - 01-22-2013

People who care.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Hotwheels - 01-22-2013

Fuckers driving side by side, not passing each other, doing 74 in a 65.

Hotels that are 100% non smoking.


Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Cincinnatus - 01-22-2013

Quote: (01-22-2013 11:50 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Fuckers driving side by side, not passing each other, doing 74 in a 65.

Hotels that are 100% non smoking.

My dad gets irate when people at people that drive like that. I do too. I also get irate at people that seem scared to pass a semi truck.

By the way, hotels like that really suck. Or, in one experience back in November, hotels that didn't tell me smoking rooms were available. Thankfully the temperature outside was in the high 60's at least, and that hotel had the most comfortable bed I'd ever slept in, in my entire life.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - MidniteSpecial - 01-22-2013


Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - sucio44 - 03-03-2013

Watching broads texting while sitting in expensive ringside seats. Can't they pay attention for a couple of hours without texting?

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Kingsley Davis - 03-03-2013

People assume you're a Democrat/Liberal because of your minority status.

Broads with Conflict Resolution degrees from state schools in the mid west living the "Sex in The City Lifestyle" while saving the world. Your taxes dollars at work.

Your mother is the same under the hood as the rest. Hypergamy, hamster rational, herd mentality, etc.

Thirsty mofos gassing up fat broads egos.

Pedestalising of the most available resource on earth (pussy).

Taking women seriously.

White Knights.