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The Approach Thread - TheMaleBrain - 04-04-2019

Was at a meetup.
Was not feeling very energized, but there were some girls there.
Opened the one sitting next to me. Plane Jane.
The opening went well, and I started light touching and then she flinched. I kept my cool, continue to talk and connected with her on LinkedIN. Then moved to another girl and another one.

I could feel my energy slowly going down, until finally I was thinking: "WTF am I doing? I'm not attracted enough to those girls to invest in the interaction".
I just let the interactions die on their own.

Have no intention to pursue any of these leads.

The Approach Thread - Rorogue - 04-04-2019

4 approaches today.
Good ish!

The Approach Thread - Alpone - 04-07-2019

Spent some time in St. Petersburg recently and did some approaches that went well. Opened a hot milf while driving in stuck traffic with "Do you know any good yoga studios around here?". I was expecting a complete blowout since it's a ridiculous question but she was receptive and we had a short convo. I should have pushed for her number though.

The Approach Thread - moonlight_sonata - 04-08-2019

I was walking down the street and a hot girl was crossing the intersection. I asked her where I can find a local farmers market. She said she didn't know and said she has to go. Good talk.

I saw another girl passing another intersection. I asked where I can find a good local farmers market in the area. She didn't know but we talked for a while and I got her number.

A girl was in front of me waiting in line at the supermarket. I asked if what she had in the basket was any good. Joked a little. She gave me good IoIs. She waited for me to pay for my groceries and we continued chatting. Got her number.

The Approach Thread - Irenicus - 04-11-2019

Hilarious story time.

A few days ago, I saw a girl in my gym. Kinda cute - solid build (although ass could use some work). I assumed she is in her late twenties (good plate material). So...I started building rapport with her, with more indirect type of game. She reacted positively.

Soon, another girl joined her. She looked kind similar to the aforementioned girl, so I assumed she is her sister. She looked younger - I assumed around 18 years or so. Other guys also fawned over her, but didn't dare to approach her. Good old Irenicus however, did. Again, I used indirect game. Saw IOI's, but, fortunately (you'll see why soon), I have decided to wait a little bit more.

Yesterday, I was chatting with the trainer. I have mentioned them (two aforementioned women) to him, and he said:

PT: "Dude...girl number one is married".
I: !?!?!?!?!??!?!
PT: "And she is her late thirties (wall survivor)"
I: ............
I: " least she has a hot younger sister"
PT: "That's her daughter..."
I: "Ok...then she has a hot daughter"
PT: "Dude...she is 15 years old"
I: "I really wonder what they are putting into food nowadays,lol. She looks 18ish".

If I started to be more...sexual...with them, I don't want to know what would have happened!

So guys...if your wife attends a gym...make sure that she wears her wedding ring, because else someone WILL make a move towards her (like I did here) -without the ring, we/I assume she is "free". In worst case scenario, you will be divorce raped (you probably know the stories about rich wives cheating their rich husbands with their yoga trainers )!

Don't say you haven't been warned.

The Approach Thread - moonlight_sonata - 04-11-2019

Quote: (04-11-2019 09:51 AM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Hilarious story time.

A few days ago, I saw a girl in my gym. Kinda cute - solid build (although ass could use some work). I assumed she is in her late twenties (good plate material). So...I started building rapport with her, with more indirect type of game. She reacted positively.

Soon, another girl joined her. She looked kind similar to the aforementioned girl, so I assumed she is her sister. She looked younger - I assumed around 18 years or so. Other guys also fawned over her, but didn't dare to approach her. Good old Irenicus however, did. Again, I used indirect game. Saw IOI's, but, fortunately (you'll see why soon), I have decided to wait a little bit more.

Yesterday, I was chatting with the trainer. I have mentioned them (two aforementioned women) to him, and he said:

PT: "Dude...girl number one is married".
I: !?!?!?!?!??!?!
PT: "And she is her late thirties (wall survivor)"
I: ............
I: " least she has a hot younger sister"
PT: "That's her daughter..."
I: "Ok...the she has a hot daughter"
PT: "Dude...she is 15 years old"
I: "I really wonder what they are putting into food nowadays,lol. She looks 18ish".

If I started to be more...sexual...with them, I don't want to know what would have happened!

So guys...if your wife attends a gym...make sure that she wears her wedding ring, because else someone WILL make a move towards her (like I did here) - because, without the ring, we/I assume she is "free". In worst case scenario, you will be divorce raped (you probably know the stories about rich wives cheating their rich husbands with their yoga trainers )!

Don't say you haven't been warned.

I don't even care if she has a ring. I'll make a convo with her anyway. If she gives me IoIs then I'll proceed as if no wedding ring. If she's DTF who cares. Wedding rings won't prevent the inevitable.

The Approach Thread - subterfuge - 04-11-2019

Quote: (04-11-2019 09:51 AM)Irenicus Wrote:  

I: " least she has a hot younger sister"
PT: "That's her daughter..."
I: "Ok...then she has a hot daughter"
PT: "Dude...she is 15 years old"
I: "I really wonder what they are putting into food nowadays,lol. She looks 18ish".

made me giggle. I got chatting to my idea of a 10/10 a while back. It was outside of a bar, but it was like 1am and so I assumed she must be at least 18 (UK drinking age) and possibly as old as like 21. She was just stunning with a perfect face, piercing blue eyes, long shiny blonde hair, and a STACKED body and dressed super slutty too. It turned out she was my younger cousins friend and had JUST turned 15! Like, 3 days prior! Unbelievable.
Don't feel too bad lol

The Approach Thread - SW15 - 04-12-2019

I had a gym approach going less than desirably last night. There's an amazingly fit yet still feminine looking woman at my gym. She is white, late 20s. At least a 7.5/10. Muscular legs (often at squat rack), blue eyes, light brown hair, flat stomach, and small A cup natural breasts, maybe B cup. She typically wears earbuds. A couple of weeks ago, I saw an overweight, not fit guy approach her and talk to her. I figured if he could do it, why not me? I'm 5'10" and 160 lbs, mid-30s, full head of hair, no gray. Basically the body type of a slighter shorter Roger Federer or Novak Djokovic. So I eased into an extended approach.

Since she has earbuds in, it's more difficult. I've approached women with earbuds in at a gym before. Last Thursday night (Apr 5), I got an opening line in and it was well received. On Monday night, I got a conversation to about the 2 minute mark. Last night, I took it to 5+ mins and asked her for a drinks/activity type. I got a total nonsense response. I'm always prepared for the "I have a boyfriend" routine and have memorized answers from an old Heartiste article and I think Roosh has also covered how to handle this response. She claimed she didn't want to do any 1-on-1 activities with anyone as she just got out of something. She did emphasize currently not having a boyfriend. Told me she was flattered and impressed by the offer. I didn't know how to push back to that response. Being a salesman is part of being an approacher, so I believe that you have to handle objections. I just didn't have a push back line. I think I should be on a date with her because she didn't give a legitimate objection. She doesn't have a boyfriend, and she moved to the city where we live six months ago. I have a feeling this breakup happened six months ago. If she's supremely fit, she has to be horny as well. What gives?

Since we are both regulars at the same gym, I am going to see her again at some point, and probably within the next few days. I've thought of some push back lines after the fact. I think her answer was complete nonsense and I want to call her out on her garbage behavior. To me, she acted like going on a 1 on 1 date was a fate worse than 2 hours in Auschwitz. I feel that prisons treat criminals better than she treated me in that approach. As a guy who is much better looking than someone else who recently approached her and gave good Clown game, I felt like I got a raw deal. I also don't want to give up without a fight because I view myself as a no nonsense guy.

She did mention one red flag in the whole thing, and that is that she possesses a Master's Degree. It is a STEM Master's as she is in the medical field. I usually prefer to date women with a BA/BS from a non-elite school or less as the general consensus is that they tend to be more feminine. I'd still go for her because of how attractive she is.

Should I push back the next time I see her at the gym with the "acted like going on a 1 on 1 date was a fate worse than 2 hours in Auschwitz" line? Or something similar? That is totally cocky and funny.

The Approach Thread - moonlight_sonata - 04-12-2019

Quote: (04-12-2019 06:16 AM)SW15 Wrote:  

Should I push back the next time I see her at the gym with the "acted like going on a 1 on 1 date was a fate worse than 2 hours in Auschwitz" line? Or something similar? That is totally cocky and funny.

Looks like a bad situation. She declined the offer and you should move on.

But since this is more of a social circle game, because you're going to see her again, you can try to build some value by having social proof from the other guys/girls around you. May be you can try to invite a bunch of them out for drinks/food and invite her along? Anyways it's tricky. I used to do some gym game but once they refuse to go out with you then you become gym buddies and just chat when you're in the gym.

I think a better approach would be to first talk to her without pushing for a date unless she's absolutely into you. Then continue chatting each time you see her gauging her responses and attraction levels. If you find that she's very attracted to you at one point and asks you a bunch of questions go for the date.

The Approach Thread - SW15 - 04-12-2019

Yes, it is probably a bad situation. Probably not salvageable. I usually don’t run gym game, but the physical attraction was pretty massive. It’s a waste of a good body that she has a Master’s Degree & probably has more feminist tendencies than I would like.

Things will be less than ideal for me at the gym for a bit. She is an earbud wearer, so I doubt she’ll ever initiate anything with me & I’m certainly not inclined to do so either. Gyms have high churn rates so odds are she will eventually churn out before I do.

The Approach Thread - TheMaleBrain - 04-13-2019

Was in my car, driving to get the kids from my Ex.
At the street entrance, saw a cute blonde walking around with a puzzled look on her face.
Stopped near her and opened her:
Me: "You look lost"
Her: "I'm looking for building number X"
Me: "I see"
Her: "Well, got to go. Maybe it's there"

[Image: rejection.gif]

The Approach Thread - felix_vagabondo - 04-16-2019

In the line at the store I asked the sexy cashier to have a drink with me. This was in a Walmart in America. She seemed like an Ethiopian or Jamaican chick, thin, nice big butt, small, perky tits. Pretty, young 20's probably, and her hair was some sort of weave, some blue and blonde streaks in there, probably, but it didn't look terrible. She bent over once and I looked down and could see her thigh gap under her apron through her pants.

I was just buying a couple things and decided to look for a check-out line that had few people waiting. Lo and behold, there is a lane with only one customer with only a small order, and the cashier is almost ready. I put my stuff on the conveyor belt and see that the cashier is a young woman of perhaps partial African descent, and she looks really fit and sexy, and has a pleasant, bright disposition, handling her job cheerfully. I see her take out her personal wallet, which contains a smart phone, which is ringing. She declines the call and puts the phone back in her pocket. I hear her telling the customer in front of me that her mother is traveling and is going to bed (it was only 2 PM in our location).

I was eyeing her and we make eye contact and I hold it well, and it felt really nice. "You have pretty eyes," said the young woman. I didn't respond with more than a thank you, because I wanted the man before me to leave so that I could run game in private during my turn to check out, when I would have her undivided attention. So there's some dead air while she works and then it's my turn to pay, and I said something about her mother needing to learn about time-zones that made absolutely no sense, and she responded in a friendly, joking manner, and we chatted a bit back and forth while she scans my stuff. I paid for my stuff, and walked away.

Then I mustered some strength, waited til she had a very short line, and then I got back in line, took a peanut butter cup off the shelf by her checkout, and as she was ringing it up, I said "would you like to have a drink with me?" Her response was "that would be unprofessional of me to accept. But I am here weekdays." So I say "but I bought this candy because I wanted to talk to you." So she makes this really funny facial expression, like amusement or contempt or something. And she says in a really playful or sarcastic excited tone, "aww, you bought a Reece's for me?"

I noticed her moving away from the checkstand, as it was the end of her shift. I also then began making an exit. She moves out from behind the checkstand, walking towards the path that I would take as a customer headed toward the exit. As I find myself blocking her path, I pause for a second and ask her, "So what time do you finish working?"

"I won't tell you that yet," she replies. I moved out of her path and walked away as she begins laughing heartily in a very light-filled, African sort of way, and greeted an older female co-worker who had been watching us both during the second half of this interaction. "Hey, Auntie!" she says, like a Hawaiian would, her wide-open laughter projecting outward heartily into the busy retail environment.

I walk out, biting my finger with the feeling of excitement, the passion, at having felt really excited about a woman, and my emotions aroused around her, to the point where I wanted her with everything, and the sensation overwhelming me somewhat and overloading my capacity to contain myself. It was one more rejection to be proud of, to have earned that feeling of having approached a woman channeling a natural affection, and the instinctual excitement, that cocktail of elation, stress and freedom, at holding the power to own my personal sexuality, and express its natural desires when they emerge.

The Approach Thread - felix_vagabondo - 04-16-2019

Quote: (04-12-2019 06:16 AM)SW15 Wrote:  

Should I push back the next time I see her at the gym [...] ?

I would assume that, no, if I had started a conversation with her, made an explicit offer to meet, and she had rejected my advance, that it's over insofar as getting laid is concerned. Once a girl expresses a lack of interest it means that your perceived sexual market value (out of 10) is not enough to generate her interest, and there's little you can do that will sway her, especially if she was in a context or social environment where giving out her number would have had few negative social consequences. Although you may develop a friendly rapport with her over time, Roosh does not recommend friendship as a method for courting a woman, for the aforementioned reason (friendship will not increase her evaluation of the player's SMV). It sucks but it's a waste of time to think about how to win over a particular woman when there are others around that would evaluate you differently, or whose SMV more accurately reflects that of the player. Indeed, overthinking or strategizing in advance about a particular prospect would result in worse game due to it causing the player to overthink and over-value the girl. Better to forget the girl and look for a different one to approach.

The Approach Thread - Irenicus - 04-20-2019

Not really an approach, but two stories that can be classified as such.

Today, I was checking some cellphone shops - I was looking for a phone for my mother (Huawei P30 Lite, good phone for those who are looking for a mid-range product). Inside of one of them, I met a saleswoman. Blonde, with big tits, but fat as fuck. 5/10, could be 8/10 with proper body fat.

I: " you have Huawei P30 Lite?
W: "I'll check..." (she realized I was staring her top to bottom. I am good looking so I have that privilege). A minute later... "Sorry, we have only P30 Pro".
I: "How much is it"?
W: "1450 BAM*"
I: " You said 450 BAM?"
W: "1450 BAM"
I: "Sorry...I must have been...distracted"
W: "I saw (blush)"
I : Ah well...see you later (I wouldn't leave without a number if she was pretty enough. What can I do, I have standards [Image: biggrin.gif])

Later on, I had a chat with my sister, about her room mate:

S: "So...this roomate of my mine is crazy about cleaning. Whenever she is distressed, she starts cleaning stuff".
I: "Interesting, tell me more. What's she studying?"
S: "She has finished her degree"
I: "Which degree?"
S: "(I forgot, but something that has to with agriculture. In any case, not a Mickey Mouse degree)"
I: "Not bad, not bad"
S: "She saw your pictures, she finds you cute (damn right I am)"
I: "How old is she?"
S. "30, single"

I was almost tempted to do a Howie scream...this

I mean...if she was in her early twenties, I would have snatched that girl right now. But, since I have a policy of not entering into LTR with chicks older than 23 (lowered from 25 starting this year, sue me), I can't LTR her (too far away from me to turn into plate /STR) .

Going on...

I: "Damn, too old"
S: "What you mean too old...she is your age"
I: "We men age differently. Thirties and forties are to us something like late teens and twenties are to you woman."
S: "I know...that is why she prefers men in their forties"
I: "How is she doing with them?"
S: "Not so good. All of them that she really likes are married, or not really interested"
I: "A pity. If she was younger, I would be interested"
S. "Lol"

So folks, if you are in Zagreb, if you have credibility and money, and want a women who will clean after you with gusto and are in mid forties (with some cash) is a 1988 model for you. And no, I am not in Zagreb at the moment.

*Bosnian Mark

The Approach Thread - TheMaleBrain - 05-03-2019

Was at my gym, very early in the morning (6:30).
I have been there only for the past few months.

The instructor was an early 20s HB8 (on a good day). Nice body, big eyes, flowing dark brown hair.
I finished my workout and went over.

Me: "You're new here, aren't you?"
HB8: <blushing> "Well, a little bit. Only a few months"
Me: "Haven't seen you in the mornings. So you take the late shift"
HB8: "No <defensive>. I had a morning shift a while back."
Me <smirking> : "And when was that?"
HB8: "Well. Maybe 2 weeks ago"
Me <continue to smirk> :"You don't seem so sure"
HB8: "Hmmm. Maybe it was before the holiday"
Me: "You mean the last one, or half a year before?"
HB8 <gigling> :"I'm not sure"
So we chatted and I queried her about her life. Seems that she only works 3 shifts and does... nothing much else.
Told her that is interesting, and she should teach me, as I'm not able to do it.
She moved to personal and asked what I do. Gave her my regular routine, and it worked.
Told her she should hang out with me, and mentioned one of the activities I'm going next week.

I did not number close her. My bad.
Will have to re-heat her next time.

The Approach Thread - Conquistador - 05-04-2019

Man I feel like such an idiot. A full two hours later I realized that this girl possibly made an (the way girls do it) approach on me. So I walk up to a bus stop, and stand next to this little structure so I can be in the shade on the west side of the stop. This girl, and what appears to be her mom get up from their spot about fifty feet on the other side of the bus stop. This occurs less than a minute after I got there. They walk right past me, and cross the street. Girl is wearing shades, so I can't see if she's looking at me or not. Well, they end up going to the next bus stop across the street. There is no logical reason to do that, unless she wanted to walk past me, but I had no reason to think that was an IOI. I need to start approaching in situations like that. I need to assume every girl that walks past me, wants me. Being delusional like this might actually help.

A couple days before there was this girl in line, in front of me at Starbucks. We each order our coffees, and I'm thinking if she even so much as looks at me, I'm talking to her. Well she didn't look at me while I was fixing up my coffee, and she was waiting for them to make hers. I didn't think anything of it, until she leaves and looks right at me as she's walking by. I had already mentally dismissed her, so I didn't have the mental capacity to react to her eye contact. Even a "you look familiar" opener would have did the trick. I just have to be ready for these micro IOI's that happen in the moment. I swear, women are like ninjas. They can make tons of approaches like this without breaking a sweat.

The Approach Thread - flyinghorse - 05-04-2019

Approached a good looking lass at a tattoo convention last night. She was waiting for a tattoo and I just asked her what she was getting and if she was nervous. I think because its a high emotion moment it was super easy to connect. We ended up chatting for 15 minutes and then swapping numbers. Probably the easiest and most natural approach I've ever done. It just felt right.

It felt pretty good doing an old fashion cold approach like I did back in the day. A lot of us just use tinder and all that these days and get enough sex from that which makes us neglect this direct way of meeting women.

The Approach Thread - Bizet - 05-09-2019

I was in the city today, making my way back home after doing some clothes shopping. I noticed a pretty girl walk by; she was a tall, skinny brunette with olive skin and big dark eyes. I wasn't planning on doing any approaches today, so I was dressed very casually and I looked dishevelled. I decided to go for it anyway.

I opened her by completing the outfit she was wearing, then I started chatting with her from there. I was definitely rusty, having not done a daygame approach for 2.5 months, luckily for me she was a bit of a "yes girl" and I got her number anyway.

I felt motivated after that, so I did two more approaches. I got polite "boyfriend" rejections both times. Then the motivated feeling I had passed, so I went back home to continue on with my day.

The Approach Thread - Josue - 05-14-2019

before anything i want to warn you that i'm not a native english speaker, so if i say something wrong feel free to correct me
today i just did my first approach, i was taking the bus back to my home when i saw this bored blonde girl watching through the bus window, she was easily a 8 and as the situation suggested it, it would be easy to start a conversation with her, i sat next to her and tried to think about an opener, she wasn't using her phone and there was nothing interesting happening at the bus, so i decided to just ask her if the bus was going to go through "x" street, she responded affirmatively and then the conversation died there (fucking anxiety!).
but when we were getting close to that street she told me that the next stop was my street, i told her that i wasn't really going to go out in that street, that i just asked because it was near my real stop, then she gave me a suspicious look (i think she saw through my intentions) and said something like "well, that's true, this bus also goes to that street", then i noticed her accent and asked where she was from, she told me she was from colombia and again the conversation died there (again fucking anxiety!), then as i got close to my stop, i just stand up and let the bus.
i know this is a very little step for a man but it was a really huge one for me, i dealt with social anxiety all my life and doing this felt really good (i've done some random shit before but this was different)i am trully confident know that if i keep approaching i will end up amazing myself

The Approach Thread - dst - 05-15-2019

Not a native english speaker either and just started getting into this 'game' thing so here's one of my first approaches:

It was Sunday evening and I was on my way home after visiting travel festival. I bought a box of strawberries (I fucking love them) and was carrying them in a saggy black plastic bag. I was dressed kinda nicely but that bag made me feel like I looked really fucking stupid. As I was heading to subway entrance I walked by a gorgeous girl with a strange black leather hat on. She had this creative-artsy type of appearence. She was talking on her phone and we exchanged a kind of long direct eye contact (like 3-4 sec) and smiled at each other. I walked past her and stopped at the traffic light crosswalk.

I almost pussied out despite obvious IOI and had a thought that if I wanted to learn game, then this is my perfect opportunity to start. So I just turn around and go straight to her. I remeber having no thoughts at all at that moment and not feeling any AA. As I come towards her I heard her saying smth like "Oh wait, I'll call you later" and she looked at me smiling. I opened her by complimenting that cute smile she gave me and then the conversation felt pretty smooth and natural. She said she's visiting the city for 5 days and was going to meet her mom. the convo lasted about 4-5 minutes and in the end I suggested meeting again tomorrow sometime. She agreed and suggested exchanging contacts.

I sent her a voice message on Whatsapp later that day saying that I'd call tomorrow to set up a date. When I called her the next day she seemed pretty tired or disinterested via phone despite having a really genuine and energetic approach. She was not sure if she'd be free in the evening and then flaked eventually leaving my last voice message on 'seen'.

Despite the flake I felt really fucking good about the whole thing after all and gonna continue my 'game adventure'

The Approach Thread - TheMaleBrain - 05-18-2019

Busy day yesterday:
Started my day with one of my regular MLTRs (early morning). Then drove her back to her place and went to a drugstore.

Waited in line, and a highly attractive early 30s 5"8 HB8 went to get the number for the line. She was wearing yoga pants and a see-through shirt with colorful sports bra. She was flat (A or B cup), but had awesome body.
Me: "The machine don't work. Ask who is last in line"
HB8 looks at me and tries to take a number. It doesn't work.
Me: "Wow. I didn't know that the trust level in our society is that low"
HB8 Gigiles and asks who the last in line.
People pointing at someone.
Me: "Are you before or after the workout?"
HB8: "Oh, it's been ometime after. I already was in the supermarket"
Me: "Good for you. Where do you practice?"
HB8: "I go to <X> place. I usually go in the evening and Friday mornings sometime" (Friday is not a working day in Israel for most people).
Me: "Oh. I thought about going there. What's it like?"
We go into a brief discussion where she tells me about the place, and compare notes on other places.
Then it's my turn, and we continue after I get my meds.

The conversation takes place in front of 8 other people. But in 2 minutes time, it's her turn and she says "Nice talking to you. I need to move on".
So it's a bust.

Later the day, I was invited to an afternoon get together in a pub. It was a "party" to introduce people and form relationships. Came with high hopes, but alas - all girls were 5 and below. I already had sex in the morning, so I was not "hungry" (or "thirsty") so after talking to some people there I bailed.

The Approach Thread - Alpone - 05-19-2019

Did a couple of approaches last night in Miami. One was a bachelorette party group. My buddy and I overheard them saying they were from Dallas, so 20 minutes later I happened to run into them and opened with, "I just bet my friend $500 bucks that you're all from Dallas". It went over well and we chatted a bit. Then they tried to get me to buy them shots with the money (they thought) I had won lol.

A different girl from the same group comes up to me half an hour later with "So I hear you just won money and you're going to buy us all shots". I said I was 50/50 undecided and we'll see how the night goes. She goes, "Wow Miami is a really tough town." I said, "You have no idea girl"

I obviously had no intention of buying an annoying cackle of out-of-town sorority girls shots, but next time this happens I'll dangle the carrot a little longer and see what they're willing to do if they demand a drink. A perfect response to shot/drink demands - which I thought of on the way home, of course: "What's in it for me?"

Oh yea another set I opened last night: 2 very hot Brazilian girls. Walked by them and without thinking I just demanded they take a picture of my buddy and I *with their phone* lol. They were confused by the logic of this but eventually took a really good picture. Then we all chatted for awhile and of course they had to give us their contact info since we needed the picture from their phone lol.

The Approach Thread - felix_vagabondo - 05-20-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 10:08 PM)Alpone Wrote:  

A perfect response to shot/drink demands [...]

You've already made the opener, and it had its effect, so at this point you can abandon it. Go ahead and contradict yourself.

You can do a playful neg to address the shit-test of a demand for money.

"There was no bet. I already knew you were from Dallas because [you're all dressed like Dolly Parton]"

And you can be straightforward with your demand for respect

"I don't just buy drinks for any old Becky"

"I might buy you a drink if I decide that I like you"

Say whatever you want that seizes back the initiative from the girl who thought she would turn you into her bitch.

The Approach Thread - JekyllAndHyde - 05-20-2019

In my fair share of approaches man some girls are quick to say they have a boyfriend. I still push a little further now and then to make sure they really mean it and not an old fashioned excuse.

The Approach Thread - Bizet - 05-20-2019

I was standing in line at Starbucks today, waiting to order a coffee. A girl reached out in front of me and grabbed a sandwich from the sandwich tray I was standing in front of.

"Sorry," she said.

I glanced over at her; she would've been around 20 years old, she had long dark hair and she was sporting glasses, a grey sweater, and yoga pants. She wasn't a stunner, but she was kind of cute. I decided to open her by asking about the sandwich she had just grabbed.

We bantered a little bit about sandwiches, then she mentioned that she was a student, I correctly guessed that she was studying law, and she was very impressed by my lucky guess. This year I've been doing mostly direct daygame, but it's still fun to drop in a bit of Roosh-style, indirect game from time to time.

We talked for a bit more, then I placed my coffee order, then she paid for her sandwich and left. On the way out she re-approached me and said it was nice to meet me. There was a bit of a pause; I think was expecting me to ask for her number, but I decided that I wasn't quite attracted to her enough to do so.

So I just wished her a good day instead.