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The Poland thread - Giacomo Casanova - 03-23-2019

Absolutely, no-brainer for me.

The Poland thread - BroodingSea - 03-23-2019

I've decided against Poland next month. Think I'll wait till September. Back to Estonia for me for Easter. One thing from reading this is a general, very loose trend, that the glory days were early 90s to mid 2000s. Looks like there has been pulses and waves of bidirectional volume travel since then. More admixed culture, exposure to junk and the novelty wains. Wish I had the mindset then I do now. Still, making the most of what's left.

The Poland thread - ksbms - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-22-2019 09:48 AM)BroodingSea Wrote:  

I had a date with a polish girl in Newcastle. 36. Cute. Good shape. Scientist. Her fella works in the same university department as her. He left her for a younger girl of 26. They all still work in the department. Anyway. Nice date. Chilled. Got a text next day saying she was expecting fireworks, tummy rushes and amazing feelings but it didn't happen. I felt like replying saying you're an over the hill woman who doesn't compare to any of the younger girls I pull. I as expecting a mature woman with realistic expectations, notwithstanding the fact you're still married, as if id put my cards down so heavy. But I didn't. I just replied "I'm absolutely cool with your decision". Modern women, man.

This is not surprising, especially in the UK. Women got distorted perception, whereby they think that hundreds of men knocking on their "online door" make them hot commodity as well as having PhD and good money is of a great value to a man. The short answer is, no, it is not. A 36 year old is on her way out in the fast lane out of any sensible market. She'll find out the hard way soon.

The Poland thread - ksbms - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-22-2019 04:17 PM)Stiffmeister Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2019 11:57 AM)traveler97 Wrote:  

The main problem about Poland nowadays is the fat endemic, I'm in Spain right now and quality is higher here (if we consider just the body and the face), and I'm more into the Nordic type of beauty.
Plus the old problem that Poland is a sea of girls between 6 and 7, really rare to find anything above the 7, and if you find them, 99,99% they're in a relationship.

I have to say I'm really into slim girls, often what people call "curvy" for me is fat.

From what I read here, it seems most of people would prefer to fuck a short and fat blonde blue eyes girl instead of Emily Ratajkowski ( ), just because she's not blonde.

Is this more true for urban areas than it is for non-urban areas? When I was in Wroclaw 2 years ago, I didn't see a fat endemic there.

Traveler97, scroll up through the thread to my Post: #4624. I posted a hypothesis, which I believe, is correct - if you are in a big city, within a radius of, say, half a mile from a university and offices, you'll see plenty (definitely more than in non-urban areas) of slim girls. Weight correlates with education.

The Poland thread - BroodingSea - 03-24-2019

Exactly. It's a modern female curse. The fact she was expecting a man to go all in emotionally on a first date with a married woman was insane. All the butterflies nonsense. Christ. She's 36 not 19. It was so unhinged. Classic case of a Eastern European woman whose been in the UK too long.

The Poland thread - ksbms - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-22-2019 10:36 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

I was having an interesting conversation with a friend the other day who's also active on the forum about Poland. We both agreed that although things are getting worse here its still a much better option than our home countries and there are many things in Poland that are not mentioned in this thread that are very much positives about the country. To name a few things and for once post something positive about the place.

. Cheap, ok things are more expensive than a few years ago but its still a cheap place to live for guys coming from western countries, you get far more bang for your buck.

. Decent infrastructure, you can find pretty much the same facilities as you can find in most western countries, there is really nothing I can't get in Poland that I would really want that I could in the UK. It is not a 3rd world shithole like some other countries close by.

. Girls are AT LEAST 1 point better than in the UK on average, the same can apply to most other western countries I'm sure.

. Obesity is nowhere near the levels in the west despite what some posters here are suggesting, I very rarely see obese people in the supermarket whereas in the UK there have been several occasions Ive seen several in one visit, same goes for the streets.

. No presence of rapefugees or other 3rd world immigration.

. Very safe. I never have once felt threatened or had any bad incident in Poland in 5 years of visiting/living there. I've walked around at all hours in many cities and been to many so called dangerous areas. Statistically its also one of the safest countries in the world.

. English levels are decent enough amongst young people, I know some Polish which helps allot but even without that you will not be stuck in a big Polish city with only English.

. In my experience Polish people are pretty helpful and respectful towards foreigners. Although me and my friend both agreed it is indeed very difficult to penetrate social circles and people will always view a foreigner as an outsider no matter what.

We also talked about this thread and how many of the comments on it these days seem like borderline trolling to us. The amount of negativity is insane. its obvious that Poland is not what it was a few years ago but the same can be said for most place in the world but Poland seems to get more hate than others.

I will say that if all you care about is girls and nothing else matters than I wouldn't recommend Poland as there are places with better looking girls in Europe and also places where its easier to get laid. But I think as a package in terms of cost of living, safety, infrastructure etc its still hard to beat Poland comparing to the other slavic/ee countries. Girls are also not that bad as this thread would allow you to believe. If you're coming from the UK/US then you will not be disappointed with how the girls look here.

I think that's a bit too rosy a description. Let's take food shopping. Food in Lidl will cost pretty much the same for most items in Poland, UK, and Germany. Interestingly, the same food items are of lower quality in Poland (google it up, it's hilarious but true). Hotels/apartments are cheaper but not that cheaper. Infrastructure is decent, unless you travel by car around Poland, it can get really bumpy. There is hell of a red tape. I have an American friend living in Poznan and he began to hate it - as long as you just visit the country and have not that much to deal with the bureaucracy, or it is a foreign business, that's ok - once you need to go to a state office, or to see a doctor, or to a court, or to an embassy and deal with really important and pressing matters, you'll enter a circle of hell. And in most of these places English will not be spoken or poorly spoken and the documents only in Polish. And I really mean it, it will be a hell, in terms of duration, money and willingness to help. Of course, this is not happening all the time but much, much more often than tolerable.


Simple, as it may seemed, my friend had to mail an important letter a soon as possible to the US. A triviality in the UK, a major operation in Poland, as it transpired. These days, in Poland you have franchises (such as Zabka) accepting parcels, there are no companies' shipping offices.

First try, DHL. You go online, print out the label, then pop into Zabka. Seemed easy. No, they don't ship outside EU. Why? The lady doesn't, of course, know why (in the meantime, you have a sea of people angrily waiting to be served), when you try to communicate in your broken Polish.

Next, GLS. We go to the location A, no, you can only collect from there but you can go to location B to mail it, and, yes, you can absolutely mail your letter to the US address, I was told. So we merrily went. At the location B, they tell us no, it's not possible via GLS to mail anything to the US. Thanks very much.

What about tried and tested UPS? Two offices only, one on the other side of town, the other well on the outskirts.

OK, Poczta Polska (equivalent of UK Post Office), notoriously unreliable company but they have their EMS fast shipping service. A whopping $32 for a fucking A4 thin-envelope letter. Call it cheap. The lady, of course, didn't speak a word in English, though finally managed it. The amount of paperwork and stamps involved was insane. In the UK, they just print out electronic label, done and dusted in 1/10 of a time at Poczta Polska.

So there you have it - over a couple hours just to mail a letter. And don't even get me started on dealing with major issues.

Not to mention Poles still like to stand on both lines on the escalator and don't respect queues. On a daily basis I see some bastard sneaking in ahead of me without saying a word. And the art of small talk is unheard of.

Poland is getting fatter. Fast. In fact, it's one if not the top country in terms of fattening speed. But yes, comparatively, statistical Polish girl still beats the shit out of English, German or Scottish one. But the number of girls with whacky haircuts and weird hair colours, piercings, shitty tats and strange clothing (the hobo style of dirty and oversized clothing so prevalent in major English towns) is on the rise.

This is not to trash the country - thanks to joining EU and major EU subsidies (well, there's a reason to that, far from benevolence but that's a different story), the facilities and services and professional standards improved a lot but it still is and will likely stay a second-class EU country.

Why? Most businesses, banks, corporations and factories are owned by foreign business, hence all the money is continuously siphoned off abroad. Example: all major banks but one are private and foreign. All major food stores are or became foreign. Poland doesn't manufacture any kind of automobiles (apart from Solars, a pride of Poznan that been bought out by, yes you guessed it, a foreign business) or electronics or other world-class commodities. The housing estates are dull and new developments way overpriced and thus targeted at foreigners, pricing most Poles out of the market. Architecture is abysmal. What and how is built in central Warsaw is awful, ugly and makes no sense. Cheap and cheerful and obnoxious.

Poland will almost certainly stay forever a cheap labour, second-class EU country. What it means, if you come from a wealthy EU country to live in Poland, then your experienced standards of living, services and products in Poland will be in most cases lower or much lower. If you come from a poor country, though, it may be pretty good. However, if you don't demand too much, can keep a western salary, choose the right city and neighbourhood in Krakow, Wroclaw or Gdansk, speak some Polish and have patience in spades when dealing with bureaucracy, it can be, comparatively the world over, pretty good. Just don't expect you can have your cake and eat it.

The Poland thread - _Samo_ - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-24-2019 10:11 AM)ksbms Wrote:  

I think that's a bit too rosy a description. Let's take food shopping. Food in Lidl will cost pretty much the same for most items in Poland, UK, and Germany. Interestingly, the same food items are of lower quality in Poland (google it up, it's hilarious but true). Hotels/apartments are cheaper but not that cheaper. Infrastructure is decent, unless you travel by car around Poland, it can get really bumpy. There is hell of a red tape. I have an American friend living in Poznan and he began to hate it - as long as you just visit the country and have not that much to deal with the bureaucracy, or it is a foreign business, that's ok - once you need to go to a state office, or to see a doctor, or to a court, or to an embassy and deal with really important and pressing matters, you'll enter a circle of hell. And in most of these places English will not be spoken or poorly spoken and the documents only in Polish. And I really mean it, it will be a hell, in terms of duration, money and willingness to help. Of course, this is not happening all the time but much, much more often than tolerable.


Simple, as it may seemed, my friend had to mail an important letter a soon as possible to the US. A triviality in the UK, a major operation in Poland, as it transpired. These days, in Poland you have franchises (such as Zabka) accepting parcels, there are no companies' shipping offices.

First try, DHL. You go online, print out the label, then pop into Zabka. Seemed easy. No, they don't ship outside EU. Why? The lady doesn't, of course, know why (in the meantime, you have a sea of people angrily waiting to be served), when you try to communicate in your broken Polish.

Next, GLS. We go to the location A, no, you can only collect from there but you can go to location B to mail it, and, yes, you can absolutely mail your letter to the US address, I was told. So we merrily went. At the location B, they tell us no, it's not possible via GLS to mail anything to the US. Thanks very much.

What about tried and tested UPS? Two offices only, one on the other side of town, the other well on the outskirts.

OK, Poczta Polska (equivalent of UK Post Office), notoriously unreliable company but they have their EMS fast shipping service. A whopping $32 for a fucking A4 thin-envelope letter. Call it cheap. The lady, of course, didn't speak a word in English, though finally managed it. The amount of paperwork and stamps involved was insane. In the UK, they just print out electronic label, done and dusted in 1/10 of a time at Poczta Polska.

So there you have it - over a couple hours just to mail a letter. And don't even get me started on dealing with major issues.

Not to mention Poles still like to stand on both lines on the escalator and don't respect queues. On a daily basis I see some bastard sneaking in ahead of me without saying a word. And the art of small talk is unheard of.

Poland is getting fatter. Fast. In fact, it's one if not the top country in terms of fattening speed. But yes, comparatively, statistical Polish girl still beats the shit out of English, German or Scottish one. But the number of girls with whacky haircuts and weird hair colours, piercings, shitty tats and strange clothing (the hobo style of dirty and oversized clothing so prevalent in major English towns) is on the rise.

This is not to trash the country - thanks to joining EU and major EU subsidies (well, there's a reason to that, far from benevolence but that's a different story), the facilities and services and professional standards improved a lot but it still is and will likely stay a second-class EU country.

Why? Most businesses, banks, corporations and factories are owned by foreign business, hence all the money is continuously siphoned off abroad. Example: all major banks but one are private and foreign. All major food stores are or became foreign. Poland doesn't manufacture any kind of automobiles (apart from Solars, a pride of Poznan that been bought out by, yes you guessed it, a foreign business) or electronics or other world-class commodities. The housing estates are dull and new developments way overpriced and thus targeted at foreigners, pricing most Poles out of the market. Architecture is abysmal. What and how is built in central Warsaw is awful, ugly and makes no sense. Cheap and cheerful and obnoxious.

Poland will almost certainly stay forever a cheap labour, second-class EU country. What it means, if you come from a wealthy EU country to live in Poland, then your experienced standards of living, services and products in Poland will be in most cases lower or much lower. If you come from a poor country, though, it may be pretty good. However, if you don't demand too much, can keep a western salary, choose the right city and neighbourhood in Krakow, Wroclaw or Gdansk, speak some Polish and have patience in spades when dealing with bureaucracy, it can be, comparatively the world over, pretty good. Just don't expect you can have your cake and eat it.

Of course there are some things that I don't like in Poland but those have mostly been mentioned a million times in this thread, as I wrote the point of my post was to also give some of the positive realities to visiting/staying in Poland.

Rent for me is pretty much half the price of what id pay for in my home city, this is renting short term aswell. If I took out a longer term contract in Poland I could get it even cheaper. I know many people who pay almost twice as much as what I pay to live in a shithole area with like 5 other people in my home country. Whereas I have my own place in the centre of the city wherever I go in Poland. This would be impossible in my country.

I can imagine it would be horrible having to deal with things like doctors without knowing the local language. Luckily I've never been seriously ill abroad so I haven't had to deal with that yet. Although I often have to wait several weeks if I want a doctors appointment in the UK.
Ive also never had to send anything from Poland but have purchased allot of stuff from online and its always been delivered on time without any issues.

Thats true about people cutting lines. I see this pretty often but not only in Poland. There always seems to be 1 or 2 people that try their luck. One thing that I do not understand and seems totally pointless here is that people have to get up and stand by the exit when on a train even though the station is like 10 minutes away. Its especially annoying if the train is packed and you don't have a seat and have to stand between the compartments then you randomly have 10 people standing in a crowd for 10 minutes.

Obesity is a problem in most of Europe, but its certainly allot worse in the western world. The further east you go the better it is. Polish girls are tatting up more, short cuts, fatter and so on. I've noticed that over the years, without doubt. But where is this not the case? Where are the girls getting better in Europe?

Just my personal experience in Poland over the years, things have been quite a breeze. There are no daily struggles, everything works fine to me. Transport is pretty solid, its safe and cheap, girls are fine for me aswell.
I also have some special interest in Poland and some particular things here that maybe gives me more of a link/connection to the place than other guys.

The Poland thread - BroodingSea - 03-25-2019

The Eurozone has destroyed Poland. The Euro currancy has ruined many places eg Estonia and Poland.

The Poland thread - Rocha - 03-25-2019

Quote: (03-25-2019 11:41 AM)BroodingSea Wrote:  

The Eurozone has destroyed Poland. The Euro currancy has ruined many places eg Estonia and Poland.

What you talking about?
Poland still has it's own currency, the zloty. That is actually why it is still cheap, compared to the Baltic countries for example.

The Poland thread - BroodingSea - 03-25-2019

Sorry didn't mean to include Poland in that sentence on the adoption of the Euro specifically. The EZ has massively increased inflation and didn't they restructure their currency which saw the cost of living increase hugely from 2009 onward.

The Poland thread - jcardial - 03-25-2019

Quote: (03-22-2019 09:48 AM)BroodingSea Wrote:  

I had a date with a polish girl in Newcastle. 36. Cute. Good shape. Scientist. Her fella works in the same university department as her. He left her for a younger girl of 26. They all still work in the department. Anyway. Nice date. Chilled. Got a text next day saying she was expecting fireworks, tummy rushes and amazing feelings but it didn't happen. I felt like replying saying you're an over the hill woman who doesn't compare to any of the younger girls I pull. I as expecting a mature woman with realistic expectations, notwithstanding the fact you're still married, as if id put my cards down so heavy. But I didn't. I just replied "I'm absolutely cool with your decision". Modern women, man.

If she had let you get away with the pump and dump I don't see how that would be more promising for the state of modern women. If she doesn't compare to any of the younger girls you pull then she could probably sense that you weren't that into her or were apprehensive about her age/marital situation. My guess is you tipped your hand or auto-piloted the date and she (correctly from what I gather) perceived you as high risk. If she's almost 40, it's all the more reason for her to be sensible and next you if you're not a promising prospect. Can you really blame anyone for being cautious right after getting dumped for someone younger?

I wouldn't take a polite generic excuse literally. Even if she is being literal, since when have women not made decisions about a guy based on emotion? There's no point in taking it personally. There are millions of older men who would happily date a 36 year old that is "cute" and in "good shape," especially in the Western world, so I don't agree with the mandatory desperation argument.

The Poland thread - BroodingSea - 03-26-2019

I have no fear I tipped my hand. It was a quick coffee on a Sunday night (told her I only had 1 hour). She banged on about her work and her department (and ex). We kiss closed and I messaged 48 hours later. This said, she wasn't stupid and surely must have realised no man other than a desperate one would go all in her given her status. My conclusion was that because she did get immediate text attention her guard (and sensitivities given her marital situation) led to autofuck the prospect. Our date was a very bespoke date between 2 PhD grads. She's damaged. Saying how she'd rather adopt an African than bring a life into the world. I was going to sex close on date 2 but it didn't happen. She's a humourless westernised academic. A victim of her own circumstances.

The Poland thread - LeBaron - 03-30-2019

I just arrived in Krakow last night I'll be there permanently now. Shoot me a PM if you wanna meet. First impressions are good this Is not Kiev but there is talent lots of 7's. Was with a girl I pipelined last night went to a bar with her and got eyed fucked a lot. At one point while ordering another round I got stared at very insistently by a group of girls they just wanted to be approached. A lot of polish guys tried to steal the girl I was with pretending to be nice with me and asking her in polish why she was with me and where did we meet! This happened 3 times.

The Poland thread - NextStop100 - 03-30-2019

Quote: (03-30-2019 01:54 PM)LeBaron Wrote:  

I just arrived in Krakow last night I'll be there permanently now. Shoot me a PM if you wanna meet. First impressions are good this Is not Kiev but there is talent lots of 7's. Was with a girl I pipelined last night went to a bar with her and got eyed fucked a lot. At one point while ordering another round I got stared at very insistently by a group of girls they just wanted to be approached. A lot of polish guys tried to steal the girl I was with pretending to be nice with me and asking her in polish why she was with me and where did we meet! This happened 3 times.

Have you checked out Teatro Cubano?

The Poland thread - Buddydowrongright2 - 03-30-2019

Standard Polish guy move. Wait until you open her or arrive with her then cut in speaking Polish.

The Poland thread - Oak - 04-02-2019

Quote: (03-23-2019 03:07 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

As we repeated, additionally there are many girls who are not receptive to game, so you can find really few targets. And in some towns, if you have high standards, a solid game, international experience, model looks, living as middle-upper class, it's not unusual going for several months without any shag or even a date...
Shit I even think that Zac Efron is not going to get laid in Poland lol

Is it possible that Polish girls just aren't hypergamous? Or maybe they just have weird standards?

I can remember feeling pleased with my results there and then seeing the hottest girl in a club leaving with a skinnyfat bald chode with no game and starting to question if I should be so proud of my success. I can also remember DHVs counting as DLVs with some Polish women (especially travel).

Also, Polish women in the UK are notoriously slutty, but when I think about it, it's not with the highest value men. Some of their choices are actually quite odd by western female standards.

The Poland thread - Bananaman711 - 04-02-2019

Could it be that Polish and maybe other Slavic women have different taste in men?
I have seen many hot Russian girls with guys anglo women would consider a beta loser
Western women want a Chad type who has symmetrical face, strong and angular jawline, etc and you cant see these type of men in EE

The Poland thread - Buddydowrongright2 - 04-02-2019

Quote: (04-02-2019 09:49 AM)Oak Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2019 03:07 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

As we repeated, additionally there are many girls who are not receptive to game, so you can find really few targets. And in some towns, if you have high standards, a solid game, international experience, model looks, living as middle-upper class, it's not unusual going for several months without any shag or even a date...
Shit I even think that Zac Efron is not going to get laid in Poland lol

Is it possible that Polish girls just aren't hypergamous?

I promise you this is not the case.

The Poland thread - ksbms - 04-02-2019

Quote: (04-02-2019 09:49 AM)Oak Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2019 03:07 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

As we repeated, additionally there are many girls who are not receptive to game, so you can find really few targets. And in some towns, if you have high standards, a solid game, international experience, model looks, living as middle-upper class, it's not unusual going for several months without any shag or even a date...
Shit I even think that Zac Efron is not going to get laid in Poland lol

Is it possible that Polish girls just aren't hypergamous? Or maybe they just have weird standards?

I can remember feeling pleased with my results there and then seeing the hottest girl in a club leaving with a skinnyfat bald chode with no game and starting to question if I should be so proud of my success. I can also remember DHVs counting as DLVs with some Polish women (especially travel).

Also, Polish women in the UK are notoriously slutty, but when I think about it, it's not with the highest value men. Some of their choices are actually quite odd by western female standards.

According to what I've understood from bojangles, Polish women don't really understand a concept of a man's value (intelligence, accomplishments, independence, leadership, socio-economic status, etc.), hence these randomness in pairings. It's good and bad. It means, if you've worked hard to become a better man, a Polish girl may not really care. The upside is, if you did not improved yourself, you may still end up with a very attractive Polish girl as well.

The Poland thread - debeguiled - 04-02-2019

Quote: (04-02-2019 03:19 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2019 09:49 AM)Oak Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2019 03:07 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

As we repeated, additionally there are many girls who are not receptive to game, so you can find really few targets. And in some towns, if you have high standards, a solid game, international experience, model looks, living as middle-upper class, it's not unusual going for several months without any shag or even a date...
Shit I even think that Zac Efron is not going to get laid in Poland lol

Is it possible that Polish girls just aren't hypergamous? Or maybe they just have weird standards?

I can remember feeling pleased with my results there and then seeing the hottest girl in a club leaving with a skinnyfat bald chode with no game and starting to question if I should be so proud of my success. I can also remember DHVs counting as DLVs with some Polish women (especially travel).

Also, Polish women in the UK are notoriously slutty, but when I think about it, it's not with the highest value men. Some of their choices are actually quite odd by western female standards.

According to what I've understood from bojangles, Polish women don't really understand a concept of a man's value (intelligence, accomplishments, independence, leadership, socio-economic status, etc.), hence these randomness in pairings. It's good and bad. It means, if you've worked hard to become a better man, a Polish girl may not really care. The upside is, if you did not improved yourself, you may still end up with a very attractive Polish girl as well.

So, what exactly do Polish girls understand?

A neat and well organized desk?

The Poland thread - BroodingSea - 04-03-2019

I really doubt the female outlier here in Poland. If a Russian 8 is with a chode she's also with his money. Women are women are women. Game wouldn't by and large work if this wasn't the case.

The Poland thread - JosephSeed - 04-03-2019

Quote: (04-02-2019 03:19 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2019 09:49 AM)Oak Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2019 03:07 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

As we repeated, additionally there are many girls who are not receptive to game, so you can find really few targets. And in some towns, if you have high standards, a solid game, international experience, model looks, living as middle-upper class, it's not unusual going for several months without any shag or even a date...
Shit I even think that Zac Efron is not going to get laid in Poland lol

Is it possible that Polish girls just aren't hypergamous? Or maybe they just have weird standards?

I can remember feeling pleased with my results there and then seeing the hottest girl in a club leaving with a skinnyfat bald chode with no game and starting to question if I should be so proud of my success. I can also remember DHVs counting as DLVs with some Polish women (especially travel).

Also, Polish women in the UK are notoriously slutty, but when I think about it, it's not with the highest value men. Some of their choices are actually quite odd by western female standards.

According to what I've understood from bojangles, Polish women don't really understand a concept of a man's value (intelligence, accomplishments, independence, leadership, socio-economic status, etc.), hence these randomness in pairings. It's good and bad. It means, if you've worked hard to become a better man, a Polish girl may not really care. The upside is, if you did not improved yourself, you may still end up with a very attractive Polish girl as well.

I guess Poland is great for losers

The Poland thread - _Samo_ - 04-04-2019

The vast majority of couples meet through social circle/mutual friends/school etc. So I don't really see why you'd read much into the fact you see an average looking local guy with a decent looking girl. Its probably far more noticeable as the average Polish guy (especially in small cities) isn't particularly good looking/stylish, whereas the average Polish girl is more attractive than the average western girl.

Its also been mentioned allot before but the further east you go the less women care about looks. Of course they still matter, but less so than in western countries. A Polish girl who is at least moderately conservative is going to take an average guy who she knows well for some time who will commit to her for a relationship over some random exotic looking foreigner who approached her on the street. Its not really that illogical when you think about it.

The Poland thread - ksbms - 04-07-2019

Back to Poznań and the weather is in full, summery bloom. Alas, on Saturday the city seemed, day time, dead. Few lassies were kicking around, and anything resembling a feminine 7+, was locked down with a man hand in hand or in groups. Night game is a different story, but anyone who's been for a longer time in here, will quickly notice the bar environment for the most part is static - people keep sitting on their asses, not infrequently in a circle, with their backs to everyone else.

Frankly, had no opportunities. The best looking girl and also the best dressed I saw strolling down the street was "bodyguarded" by two full-on lycra mtb guys slowly pedalling on their bikes on her left and right sides. Couldn't figure out if this was a "threesome-on-wheels-with-lycra-on" approach or they've known each other but other heads curiously turned in that direction as well.

Was having a lunch, and to my left sat down two lassies, of which one was dressed up to the nines, tastefully and with graceful body, young hard 7 to say the least. As the opportunity truly presented itself, I opened my pie hole to talk to them with a non-committal exuberance, but I lost to the smartphone from the get-go. Either way, as I eavesdropped a tad later, the 7 was a happy mum of a little baby with a dad. What an irony - mothers dress better these days, then young Polkas, which seem to keep embracing the hobo, the angry, the feminist clothing styles more and more often.

My conclusion is that in a middling city such as Poznan, lacking the cosmopolitan fee and of limited diversity, and just of 500k population, don't bother with dg on the weekend. Don't even imagine you can come over here for a weekend for that purpose. That's an exercise in futility (and frustration in spades). Weekdays are much better for that.

The Poland thread - BroodingSea - 04-07-2019

Bodyguarded by lycra guys haha says it all! Hard going mate