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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Roswell87 - 08-22-2018

Met this girl recently at a college party. I texted her the day after,getting a response. So I decided to text her this : let’s chill at the mall Tuesday 6:30pm
Her: wym chill ? Sit and talk ?
MeConfusedign languages sound better to me
Her: if I’m available, I’ll let you know.
Me: sure thing.
Tuesday came around and i hit her before 4 pm. No response at all. What would be the next move ?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - kaotic - 08-22-2018

Quote: (08-22-2018 01:06 PM)Roswell87 Wrote:  

Met this girl recently at a college party. I texted her the day after,getting a response. So I decided to text her this : let’s chill at the mall Tuesday 6:30pm
Her: wym chill ? Sit and talk ?
MeConfusedign languages sound better to me
Her: if I’m available, I’ll let you know.
Me: sure thing.
Tuesday came around and i hit her before 4 pm. No response at all. What would be the next move ?

She basically said, "the mall? that's lame, that's your idea to hangout? Next!"

A woman who says "IF i'm available, I'll let you know" means she's soft nexting you. She isn't countering your offer or entertaining it at all.

Don't surprised if she ghosted you and doesn't respond to any restart text you send.

You gotta be more creative than chilling at the mall, that shit sounds boring and lame, you gotta make her gina tingle.

You:Hey it's that handsome devil named Roswell.
Her: Oh hey blah blah whats up !?
You: Just getting X done after the gym (keep it interesting, what trouble are you getting into?
Her: Oh just doing blah blah and work.
You: So what's your evening schedule like this week?
Her: Oh I'm doing this blah blah but nothing on x, y, and z day.
You (option 1):How about me up on X day, at Y venue, at Z time, it's a cool little place you'll like.
Her: Okay great sounds good!
You: Cool, I gotta busy few days ahead of me, I'll shoot you a text the day before and catch up!

You (option 2):Let's meet up on X day at Z time, you in?
Her: Yeah that sounds great, what are we doing?
You: Oh I figured we go rob a bank then have a nice romantic makeout behind a dumpster in a dark alley, I know I'm a romantic right?
Her: HAHAh you're funny, so what are we really going to do?
You: We'll meet at Y venue, it's a cool little place you'll like.
Her: Okay cool sounds good!

You see what I'm getting at - you have to mix a little finesse and sarcasm with guiding the convo and having a solid plan and direction.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Roswell87 - 08-23-2018

I have a next girl texting. I told to her to let chills Wednesday. Wednesday came and she text me saying she couldn’t make because she didn’t have her parents car to leave the house, I try to reschedule for Friday but she did not reply. This past Wednesday I text her asking her how was the party she attended, she reply this morning. I want to ask her out for a last time, what’s the move from here ?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Remington - 08-23-2018

^She's blowing you off. She is only responding when it's convenient or when she's bored.

You hit her up multiple times to no avail. If I was you, I wouldn't waste any more time.

For her, you are only a small blip on her radar. Time for you to move on to better things.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Dasein - 08-26-2018

So two nights ago this girl asked to be my girlfriend and I said yes. We spent Friday and all of Saturday together. I realized that I actually did not want to settle down, but then out of nowhere, she sent me this:

"It's always fun when we both hang out but I don't think we're a good match. We're not going to be good influences on each other. I should have been more thoughtful. Thank you and I hope you find someone"

Not quite sure how to respond. I do not want the relationship, but I would like to keep her in my harem or have her in network for potential future bangs. Any thoughts?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - RedPillUK - 08-26-2018

"yeah I think you're right, good luck"

And move on, no more texts.

If she does respond after that don't get involved in a serious or boring conversation. Conversations with girls should be fun, not serious. Lighten it up. You don't need to be a comic genius sometimes just fucking around with emojis and gifs is funny enough.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Davarian - 08-27-2018

So setup, met this girl on tinder. Yoga instructor, great body. First date went well, ended with a kiss. She texted me the next day etc Second date went better, ended up at mine.

Texting is my weakness. Our last exchange was her texting me Friday night at 10.30pm:

Her(Fri 10.30pm): Any fun tinder dates tonight?
Me (Fri 10.35pm): oh you know, quiet night so just three or four. How’s your night going?
Her(Sat 6.30am): Sorry, I was in bed and asleep by the time you replied! I had been on friend duty, mending one of my friends broken hearts.
Me(Sun 10am) How’s your morning going? Still mending broken hearts?
Her(Sun 6pm): I sure am

Her last text was two days ago, I’m probably overthinking and should just tee up drinks this week but does anyone have any suggestions?


The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - kaotic - 08-27-2018

You're overthinking it.

Just hit her up, saying "hey been a busy few days! finally caught up on things, what's your evening schedule like this week?"

She'll give you her evening schedule, then pick a day to hangout.

Easy peasy.

PS you played her shit test asking about tinder dates very well!

I'd of just said, that sucks about her friend, and kept the convo moving.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Davarian - 08-27-2018

Thanks mate! I’m much more an in person conversation guy, I’m slowly getting better at texting haha

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Sam Malone - 08-29-2018

An old bang (that’s seeing someone) hit me up (based on one of my timeline pics), some chatter, she usually travels around the city for work, but doesn’t have a client in my area any longer..

Told her she should make time to come through..
Her: “Oh really.. for what ?”
Me: “Light bondage and rough sex.”
Her: “Silly.. I cant do that right now.. it would be fair to my guy”

Good response ?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - PapayaTapper - 08-29-2018

Quote: (08-29-2018 08:47 PM)Sam Malone Wrote:  

An old bang (that’s seeing someone) hit me up (based on one of my timeline pics), some chatter, she usually travels around the city for work, but doesn’t have a client in my area any longer..

Told her she should make time to come through..
Her: “Oh really.. for what ?”
Me: “Light bondage and rough sex.”
Her: “Silly.. I cant do that right now.. it would be fair to my guy”

Good response ?

Sounds like you blew out any plausible deniability. You might recover with something along the lines of:

"Then just two friends catching up over a drink"

You both know whats up but very very often in life "its easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission" and this is likely one of those scenarios

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Sam Malone - 08-29-2018

Reflecting back on the conversation and the plausible deniability, I see it now.

That said, this was a chick I was balls deep within the first ten minutes of meeting her. Multiple bangs over a few months, then it kind of tapered off. Ghosted for a bit, then got into a conversation yesterday (with subtleties on her end that leaned me toward the bondage/rough sex message).

I was going to respond with one of these (found in a forum search), especially based on the speed of the original bang (versus a chick I had to ‘work for’):

- Yeah, don’t invite him. He won't have any fun.

- Don’t worry, I’m not the jealous type.

- Is he getting the job done ?

I may use one of these, and if she persists, then go with the “friends/drink” message.

If she bites on that, she knows what’s up.

Edit: I went with the don’t worry/jealous response. It’s a (I can’t remeber the RVF term) a “backhanded neg” or something like that. Gets her brain biscuits turning and then I’ll go in with the drinks line.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Pytonga - 08-30-2018

Had a date (from Bumble)and it looks like that I messed it pretty badly (last 15 mins) - lost my frame no kino and Ive said some silly things to keep convo going.

What should I text day after to thanks for a meet up and to re-start it and save it (girl was really in to me up to last 15 mins)?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - torridon747 - 08-30-2018

Send that bitch a smiley face

Fir real though hiw the fuck are we supposed to know with no context?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - FenyoLuc - 08-30-2018

If she was into you, i dont think you fucked that much up in those 15 min. Text her anything, go for another meetup. I've fucked up a girl last month with not texting in time... Thats where i fucked up not the last 15 mins of our date

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - monsquid - 08-30-2018

Texted a girl wed. Her sked and mine didn't jibe, so I suggested Sat meetup.

Her: "I don't think I have plans yet. So sat might be good."
Me: "Okay. Have a good night."

That's the last we spoke. Should I text tonight (Thur) to confirm the date? I'm legit busy tomorrow due to work travel, might not be able to text her. I hate bantering over text and she likes doing that. What should I do?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - kaotic - 08-31-2018

I wouldn't of responded "okay have a good night"

That doesn't solve anything.

What I would've done is said, "Ok so Saturday we meet X place at Y time?"

She how she reacts:

-Half ass response

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Bucephalus - 08-31-2018

Quote: (08-29-2018 08:47 PM)Sam Malone Wrote:  

An old bang (that’s seeing someone) hit me up (based on one of my timeline pics), some chatter, she usually travels around the city for work, but doesn’t have a client in my area any longer..

Told her she should make time to come through..
Her: “Oh really.. for what ?”
Me: “Light bondage and rough sex.”
Her: “Silly.. I cant do that right now.. it would be fair to my guy”

Good response ?

I think you played this perfectly. She started the conversation and there is definite interest from her. The "Light bondage..." line is smooth as it can easily be interpreted as a fun joke given the history for the relationship between the two of you. Her response to this is a banal signal of "I'm a good girl". This is her saving the face of her social role as "the girlfriend" and is a green light (if she truly had no interest she would not have started the interaction with you or cut you off by this point). If her text response time was fast (minutes, or at least faster than yours) then it is a done deal.

Now you should move on to plausible deniability and the logistics of the meet, ie. why she should visit you in your neighbourhood, easy:

Her: “Oh really.. for what ?”
Me: “Light bondage and rough sex.”
Her: “Silly.. I cant do that right now.. it would be fair to my guy”
SM: "No really, there is this new cafe here that does this amazing latte art, you have to try one with me. how is 6pm"

If she agrees to meet, the subtext is that she is ok with you hitting on her in a sexualised fashion. Game on.

The worst thing you can do in my opinion is to mention the BF, even jokingly. That only makes sense in the context of shit-tests from a new girl you are hitting on for the first time.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ksbms - 09-01-2018

Quote: (08-31-2018 10:23 PM)Phineas Wrote:  

Now you should move on to plausible deniability and the logistics of the meet, ie. why she should visit you in your neighbourhood, easy:

Her: “Oh really.. for what ?”
Me: “Light bondage and rough sex.”
Her: “Silly.. I cant do that right now.. it would be fair to my guy”
SM: "No really, there is this new cafe here that does this amazing latte art, you have to try one with me. how is 6pm"

Amazing latte art???

[Image: giphy.gif]

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Player_1337 - 09-02-2018

19/20 year old plate I've been seeing since early 2018 sent me text: 'do you see this progressing anywhere or do you just see us keeping things casual? don't mean to scare you im just curious lol'

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ShuaiGe - 09-03-2018

Quote: (09-02-2018 09:05 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

19/20 year old plate I've been seeing since early 2018 sent me text: 'do you see this progressing anywhere or do you just see us keeping things casual? don't mean to scare you im just curious lol'

Others might have other suggestions but to keep this girl I would reply:

I really like you but sometimes the way I feel is complicated, let's talk about it in person.

Then when you feel like seeing her you have a reason to meet her which she won't flake on, but be sure to avoid talking about the issue when you meet.

If pressed just alternate between saying that your feelings are complicated and "you don't understand"

Do not address this issue directly, even if you think she's one of those girls who doesn't mind you seeing other women, for you to talk about it directly will spell the end soon, I know from experience.

Consider it a favor to her to allow her to enjoy her time with you without having to face a truth which would be unpleasant to her

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ksbms - 09-04-2018

Quote: (09-02-2018 09:05 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

19/20 year old plate I've been seeing since early 2018 sent me text: 'do you see this progressing anywhere or do you just see us keeping things casual? don't mean to scare you im just curious lol'

Sorry dude, but you're counted unless you plan to wife her up.

[Image: giphy.gif]

One way I stall the resolution is by replying (be it in person or messaging) "let's see how things develop" or "we should let things develop organically". If she pushes asking "what does it meeean?!", I just revert back to it saying it meant exactly what I said/wrote. If a man acts, then woman react. She politely cornered you and sees the world through the prism of HER desires, needs and wants. Don't expect that this is a type of a question "do you prefer beer or wine?", where both answers are equally good. They are both bad. Acquiescing to woman's proposed choices (of which one is a fake one, really), is a deathbed to a virulent and enterprising, in the sexual market place, man. So is replying a man wants a woman merely (unless she's a depraved slut) as a sex doll. Which, is the other option. No normal girl or woman, who experienced good upbringing (both parents, instilled moral virtues, loving environment, etc.), can see herself as a long-term warm hole only.

A PERFECTLY happy girl would haver never ever considered the question because she would trust in your decision whilst blissfully living on a cloud nine of your strong arms and sexy smell. Here, she's tiptoeing to figure out if it's time for her to monkey branch as other monkey(s) is/are fervently knocking on the door. However, had she not liked you enough, she'd be already gone. Her brain is still bathing in the oxytocinal cocktail albeit the highball glass seems to be half-empty. Her message, translated from womanspeak, says: "There's something about you I really like but I want something more serious, otherwise, I think I'm done (soon)."

It's a classic - under the radar - sleight of hand, an ever-so-subtle backhanded frame snatch. Don't yield to it, like most men do (and most, or all, men she's been with). Wring yourself out of this situation by diplomatically denying her a straitjacket (heh) answer. You'll buy yourself some frolichours. Ambiguity and non-committing is a catnip for pussycats, sending their thought process around the milky way. Milk it, then! As absurd as it sounds, after all, women desire what they can't have, and what they can have, they don't desire any more. A catch-22, a contradictio in terminis, a logical paradox but such is a woman's mind-model of the universe.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Noir - 09-04-2018

Quote: (09-02-2018 09:05 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

19/20 year old plate I've been seeing since early 2018 sent me text: 'do you see this progressing anywhere or do you just see us keeping things casual? don't mean to scare you im just curious lol'

Key point for me is early 2018.

That's a while and kinda past the usual patience threshold most girls have.

I would just tell her straight up x y z, ideally post-bang with endorphins flowing.

Do you have an idea as to what you want?

She literally gave you both options. Otherwise you could just respond to the text with 'casual'.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - kaotic - 09-04-2018

It's simple for me when a girl asks the what are we question:

"I like you, but I don't overanalyze every little thing, I like to go with the flow and let things happen organically"

Confirms your attraction to her, let's you vaguely explain your intentions, but leaving the door open for anything.

It'll buy you some more time and bangs, but end of the day, you've gotta be the one who decides what you want to do with this girl.

If you're attracted to her and she's cool and you're interested in progressing it, let her chase you for it.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Baphomet - 09-04-2018

Quote: (09-02-2018 09:05 PM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

19/20 year old plate I've been seeing since early 2018 sent me text: 'do you see this progressing anywhere or do you just see us keeping things casual? don't mean to scare you im just curious lol'

Plenty of good answers here. Subject Inversion is often a good choice.

"How is something like that not obvious to you?"

This will send her hamster into a nitrous oxide turbo charged run on an that wheel. Rather than answer the question, it turns the question back on her own ability to read the relationship.