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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Baphomet - 06-03-2018

Quote: (06-02-2018 09:49 PM)Quizzical_2 Wrote:  

Is complementing a girl through text beta and/or bad game?

In general, yes, it is bad game. Texts are for logistics, not validation.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Baphomet - 06-03-2018

Quote: (06-03-2018 04:04 PM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

Asked her out for fun activity , I got this reply.
What should I reply to achieve two things ?
1- DHV
2- Leave the door open for her if she wants to come back.

Christ. Are you planning a date, or your whole lives together?

Do you realize how needy this small exchange makes you sound?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Baphomet - 06-03-2018

Quote: (06-03-2018 10:47 AM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

got a girl on badoo yesterday in anticipation of my venue in 3 weeks to her city.
i ve got an easy opener about playing the smartass guessing where her pics were taken , which strangely led to a little geopolitical debate.
i ripped off in 1-2-3 with my culture and she said " you seem interesting. lets meet"
first time it happens to me. is she that desperate ?

Brother, did you get on Badoo to be pen-pals with girls or meet and possibly have sex with them?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Macomber - 06-03-2018

Quote: (06-03-2018 04:04 PM)Mizo1234 Wrote:  

Asked her out for fun activity , I got this reply.
What should I reply to achieve two things ?
1- DHV
2- Leave the door open for her if she wants to come back.
[Image: attachment.jpg39159]
I don't see the mystery? "I want to go tho, that would be fun" - seems like a pretty straight way of her asking for another date proposal.

I would simply reply with: "Ok, let me rephrase that: You and I are going to shoot some guns, on Thursday 7pm". Add some gun smileys at the end, just to make it a bit more light hearted (assuming you use smileys at all)

If she again rebuffs your proposal without providing an alternative, simply reply with a *shrug shoulder* smiley. Still no response - leave it, at least for a while

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Macomber - 06-06-2018

How would you guys deal with this situation?

Met this foreign girl whilst travelling in foreign country, turns out she lives in my hometown and is also just visiting.
One date in said country, one date in hometown - no kissing etc.
2nd date in hometown (little bar crawl), kissing and makeout, she seems super into me.
3rd/ 4th date I invite her to my place for cooking. She starts playing silly buggers, wants to reschedule to a coffee date, says she cannot move forward etc. In the end I can convince her to come over, but she rejects any kino during the date and continues playing silly buggers.
I am too much of a pussy, let it slide and chase too hard. In the end, after the date she tells me about her boyfriend back home and rejects my date offer (for the next date).

So I freeze out. She sends me two more messages, which I intepret as orbiter calls, so I just answer short and polite and leave it like that.

Now 4 month later she writes: "Hi! Do you want to see me again?"

I am not interested in seeing her at the moment, simply because I'm very busy with non-game stuff.
On the other hand I would like to keep the door open, because she looks good, has exactly the type of body I'm into and can be a sweet and feminine person.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Baphomet - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 10:31 AM)Macomber Wrote:  

How would you guys deal with this situation?

Now 4 month later she writes: "Hi! Do you want to see me again?"

I am not interested in seeing her at the moment, simply because I'm very busy with non-game stuff.
On the other hand I would like to keep the door open, because she looks good, has exactly the type of body I'm into and can be a sweet and feminine person.

So she just dumped her dude (or more likely, SHE was dumped) and she's looking for some comfort dick. If you can squeeze her into your schedule, why not?

Reply - "Sure. My place (insert date/time). Admission is one bottle of wine."

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ksbms - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 12:16 PM)Baphomet Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2018 10:31 AM)Macomber Wrote:  

How would you guys deal with this situation?

Now 4 month later she writes: "Hi! Do you want to see me again?"

I am not interested in seeing her at the moment, simply because I'm very busy with non-game stuff.
On the other hand I would like to keep the door open, because she looks good, has exactly the type of body I'm into and can be a sweet and feminine person.

So she just dumped her dude (or more likely, SHE was dumped) and she's looking for some comfort dick. If you can squeeze her into your schedule, why not?

Reply - "Sure. My place (insert date/time). Admission is one bottle of wine."

Just do as Baphomet suggested, either they've split or she's seeking to monkey branch. Not much to frisk about - a rebound girl, strike out when the iron is hot, but don't fall in love.

A footnote illustration to the above is that it never pays to burn a bridge and send that "last message" when there's a remote possibility a girl will be back on the market. Overall, looks like your text game is solid - well played.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - robreke - 06-06-2018


The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - doc holliday - 06-06-2018

I would play hard to get, should be easy since you don't care that much. Tell her perhaps. Then tell her you're very busy and don't have a lot of time to waste on her if she's going to be unsure like last time. You don't want to say yeah and then have her waste your time like last time. Since she contacted you after a few months, clearly she is interested now. You want to meet up with her knowing that you're gonna get something. That's how I'd handle it.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - bonkers - 06-09-2018

A FWB I'm seeing has really initiated/escalated cuss words/swearing into our texts. Wondering if I should double down and go toe-to-toe or just ignore and remain normal.

As a background
-She's 23, Aussie chick
-Whenever we meet up (once every 2 weeks or so), she is very sexual, compliant, essentially no LMR
-Although it's hard to tell, she does seem somewhat invested in me as she has paid for things equally overall and even recently bought me a thoughtful gift. However, unlikely that we'll end up LTR as we're heading in different directions the next few years
-On the one hand she has the "naive, young girl who wants to be cared for" side to her and she wants to start a family and have children
-On the other hand she drinks a lot and this side of her pops up where she swears a lot
-Funnily enough, she said she gets turned on by intellectual conversation and I didn't actually believe her until one time where I had finished explaining something to her and she was ridiculously wet

Anyway, She's started using the word cunt and fuck a lot in texts including referring to me directly.
I'm not a fan of swearing when there's no real reason to, just not my style. Personally think it's a bit sad if people need to swear that much.
However, I don't have a problem with swearing incessantly and sending a few cutting/brutal texts of my own
I'm just unsure if I should ignore it, double down and play along with it or call her out on it (although risk coming across as sensitive/butthurt and potentially blow up FWB)
Obviously if she was LTR I would call her out on it early.

I just want to keep banging her for as long as I can until we go our different ways. She is great in bed so don't want to upset the apple cart too much since we're FWB.

How should I proceed:
1. Just match her with swearing texts when she does it. This may show me up as a reactive beta but may be the best middle ground
2. Ignore her swearing and just reply to texts normally without resorting to that language. I don't know if this will pain me as a major beta / nerd and she will friendzone me
3. Just keep up the swearing throughout and really send brutal/cutting texts whenever we text - this seems like the most alpha thing to do but I fear that it may hit her hard if she has her vulnerable moments (which she does from time to time)

Becuase we only meet up every 2 weeks or so, I do need some text game to keep in touch and not lose touch completely and it wouldn't be difficult for her to find new cock

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - FenyoLuc - 06-20-2018

So, there's a girl i met on a concert 2 days ago, here's the text

Me:-hi! Was it a good party yesterday?
Her:-Hi! NO, i didnt have energy to go to the city afterwards
Were you get home that night?
Me.-Yeah i catched the last train succesfully
Are you studying now, what did you say when will you have your exam?
Her:-That's cool then [Image: biggrin.gif]
Yeah im learning, the big day will be on 27th.
Attached picture
Search for yourself [Image: biggrin.gif]
Me:-Well i bet theres a better picture of me somewhere [Image: biggrin.gif]
Say, how do you have free time after your exam?

Now here she took a little more time to answer, above texts were 15-45 min delayed (mine as well, that last one took me an hour , so i tried to take the 2/3 rule)
But she texted this me today:

Her:-Please, who can see that far [Image: biggrin.gif]

So what now? its kinda obvious i wanted to get to know her schedule, but as it seems, i couldnt, and i dunno how next.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Supreme4ever - 06-20-2018

Fenyoluc. They're are alot of texting going on in which she reposition your frame into her frame.
I would State your objective and set parameters of what you expect from her. For every good deed she does reward accordingly to create Pavlov's law. After you have stated your intentions because you're not a beta mirror her playing/gang style. While doing all this have other women join your team to fill in the space the times when radio silence is needed. Good luck.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - FenyoLuc - 06-20-2018

Well this is a great general advice but i neked something mire concrete now. Thanks tough i appreciate it

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - AneroidOcean - 06-20-2018

Quote: (06-20-2018 04:01 AM)FenyoLuc Wrote:  

So, there's a girl i met on a concert 2 days ago, here's the text

Me:-hi! Was it a good party yesterday?
Her:-Hi! NO, i didnt have energy to go to the city afterwards
Were you get home that night?
Me.-Yeah i catched the last train succesfully
Are you studying now, what did you say when will you have your exam?
Her:-That's cool then [Image: biggrin.gif]
Yeah im learning, the big day will be on 27th.
Attached picture
Search for yourself [Image: biggrin.gif]
Me:-Well i bet theres a better picture of me somewhere [Image: biggrin.gif]
Say, how do you have free time after your exam?

Now here she took a little more time to answer, above texts were 15-45 min delayed (mine as well, that last one took me an hour , so i tried to take the 2/3 rule)
But she texted this me today:

Her:-Please, who can see that far [Image: biggrin.gif]

So what now? its kinda obvious i wanted to get to know her schedule, but as it seems, i couldnt, and i dunno how next.

She seems like she could be interested, but is definitely taking frame and not giving you a lot. I'd go radio silent or tease her with "go study, I'll have fun for you" or something like that. Or just ignore it and tell her you should celebrate after her exam is done and then go radio silent and hit her up the night of her exam or the next day.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - phluff127 - 06-20-2018

Please critique my game.
The girl is a 28 year old Russian who I met and got the number of last week. Here's the last three days of texts

2 days ago:
Her - we should play tennis sometime
Me- Yup! 245 meeting ttyl

Me- wow Russia won again, that's cool in front of the home crowd.
Her- you follow them more than me lol

Her- hey you
Me- hey you [Image: smile.gif] I am ready to see you again
Her- Lol!! Did you ask me if I'm ready??
Me- oh haha um ya that too
Her (815 pm) I just got done tutoring

How should I have followed this up? I called her half an hour after I got the text and we had a nice chat and tentavtively scheduled something for Friday. Should I have pursued her tonight? She lives thirty minutes away and I have to get up early tomorrow so I wasn't planning on doing anything tonight, but it seems like there may have been an opening there.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - FenyoLuc - 06-21-2018

Quote: (06-20-2018 09:18 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

She seems like she could be interested, but is definitely taking frame and not giving you a lot. I'd go radio silent or tease her with "go study, I'll have fun for you" or something like that. Or just ignore it and tell her you should celebrate after her exam is done and then go radio silent and hit her up the night of her exam or the next day.

Well i tried to go with the tease, "till you crawl out from your notes, should i have fun for you too" Not the exact sentence but close to it. Let's see what happens, if nothing then fuck it, silence from me.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Remington - 06-21-2018

Quote: (06-20-2018 09:51 PM)phluff127 Wrote:  

Please critique my game.
The girl is a 28 year old Russian who I met and got the number of last week. Here's the last three days of texts

2 days ago:
Her - we should play tennis sometime
Me- Yup! 245 meeting ttyl

Me- wow Russia won again, that's cool in front of the home crowd.
Her- you follow them more than me lol

Her- hey you
Me- hey you [Image: smile.gif] I am ready to see you again
Her- Lol!! Did you ask me if I'm ready??
Me- oh haha um ya that too
Her (815 pm) I just got done tutoring

How should I have followed this up? I called her half an hour after I got the text and we had a nice chat and tentavtively scheduled something for Friday. Should I have pursued her tonight? She lives thirty minutes away and I have to get up early tomorrow so I wasn't planning on doing anything tonight, but it seems like there may have been an opening there.

Planning something a couple days later is completely fine. The only thing you risk is for the lead going cold and giving her more time to flake.

The last text exchange you had with her wasn't ideal. She tested you and you fell right into her frame. You started off well, you just didn't finish.

Her- Lol!! Did you ask me if I'm ready??
You- forgot it takes you 5 hours to get dolled up

Keep in contact with her until your meet up Friday. Don't need to blow her up but make sure you keep the lead warm.

Keep us posted and good luck.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Dragan - 06-21-2018

I went on a date last week with this girl.

I texted her on Monday, "Hey this is dragan how are you doing?"
-"I'm fine... on my way to birthday party (sunglasses emoji).
I respond, "cool, you like my neighborhood (where we went on the date)?"
-"Yesss...MAFIA CAFE [Image: biggrin.gif]"
I respond, "ill show u more", "thursday?"
-"Sorry I have a lot of work to do..."
I say "OK I'll delete your number"
-"hahahahha ok"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Rang off the Pipe - 06-21-2018

Yeah, I don't think that girl was all that interested Dragan. Classic flake there.

If there were one thing I would recommend, though, it's to use less question marks. It makes you seem less "needy" if that makes any sense.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Dragan - 06-21-2018

Quote: (06-21-2018 12:00 PM)Rang off the Pipe Wrote:  

Yeah, I don't think that girl was all that interested Dragan. Classic flake there.

If there were one thing I would recommend, though, it's to use less question marks. It makes you seem less "needy" if that makes any sense.

thank you for the advise. I'll keep it in mind in future texting interactions.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - winterfell - 07-18-2018

Why do girls say “where is that?” when you tell them to meet you at xx bar? Any normal human being would google it. Is it a shit test to grab frame and if so, what’s the right response? “Google it”?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - torridon747 - 07-18-2018

Quote: (07-18-2018 04:50 PM)winterfell Wrote:  

Why do girls say “where is that?” when you tell them to meet you at xx bar? Any normal human being would google it. Is it a shit test to grab frame and if so, what’s the right response? “Google it”?

I don't think so, it's just them being dumb and hasty. Likely she wants a little info about the venue and talk some more. Link them to the google page and tell them to check it out

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Arcite - 07-21-2018

What do you do when a girl is texting/messaging you, but not giving you anything to work with? This is from the SA thread in the Newbie forum, but the guys there said I was doing it wrong and should ask for advice here.

I had messaged this girl a few weeks prior, but she hadn't come back to the site. Finally got a message from her. Her profile talks about how she likes good beer.

Her: Hey
Me: Hey you. Ready for that beer tasting?
Her: Yes haha
Me: Cool, we should definitely meet up
Her: I like how you’re dominant
Me: I like how you're submissive, hehe
Her: Only in the bedroom
Me: Cool with me. You can text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx

Didn't hear from her for a while, so I followed up with:

Me: Btw, if you're not comfortable giving out your number yet, I'm also xxxxxxx on kik [yeah, at this point I knew this was beta and was putting the ball in her court]
Her: Lets do that yeah?

A while later I get the following from a new person on kik:
I reply "Hey, are you the beer lover?"
Her: "Yeah thats me"

I'm not really seeing an opening here. What do you say when a girl is giving you nothing but these curt, terse replies?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - monsquid - 07-22-2018

@arcite don't put any more energy into it than what she is willing to put in, if she actually went through the trouble of adding you on kik that means she's interested at least on some superficial level. You already brought up meeting once so no need to push it until she is more interested. Try to make it about her and do a cold read about her personality or something to see if she bites. "You're a xxx type of girl aren't you..." or "Your pics... I know you're into xyz." Other than that if she doesn't bite just charge it to the game and focus on your next prospect.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - AneroidOcean - 07-22-2018

Quote: (07-21-2018 10:40 AM)Arcite Wrote:  

What do you do when a girl is texting/messaging you, but not giving you anything to work with? This is from the SA thread in the Newbie forum, but the guys there said I was doing it wrong and should ask for advice here.

I had messaged this girl a few weeks prior, but she hadn't come back to the site. Finally got a message from her. Her profile talks about how she likes good beer.

Her: Hey
Me: Hey you. Ready for that beer tasting?
Her: Yes haha
Me: Cool, we should definitely meet up
Her: I like how you’re dominant
Me: I like how you're submissive, hehe
Her: Only in the bedroom
Me: Cool with me. You can text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx

Didn't hear from her for a while, so I followed up with:

Me: Btw, if you're not comfortable giving out your number yet, I'm also xxxxxxx on kik [yeah, at this point I knew this was beta and was putting the ball in her court]
Her: Lets do that yeah?

A while later I get the following from a new person on kik:
I reply "Hey, are you the beer lover?"
Her: "Yeah thats me"

I'm not really seeing an opening here. What do you say when a girl is giving you nothing but these curt, terse replies?

Call, talk to her.

Alternately, stick in text/kik hell. You may be able to progress there, but I'd definitely push for a meetup but also mention you want to make sure she's not a serial killer first that type of thing to disarm her and get her chasing. You are the prize, don't give her too much, but get her out or you'll never get it in.