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The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - JayR - 05-02-2019

Quote: (05-02-2019 12:38 PM)Dr Mantis Toboggan Wrote:  

MSM has been shilling the meatless "Impossible Burger" HARD this week. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

Impossible Foods competitor Beyond Meat (BYND) IPO'd today. Currently up 150%.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - porscheguy - 05-02-2019

They carry those beyond meat products at the local grocery stores. The thing I don’t understand is that vegans and leftists argue how bad meat is. So then they turn around and make imitation meat that contains dozens of man made ingredients and try to convince us this is better? I thought the whole concept of veganism/leftist eating was non-gmo, organic, plant based Whole Foods?

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - MOVSM - 05-02-2019

Quote: (04-14-2019 03:46 AM)fktax Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2019 08:41 AM)MOVSM Wrote:  

Insect protein has a very large drawback--it has no fat. Because of that it can be used at most as a supplement. Lean protein will make you sick--just search for "rabbit starvation", another very lean meat.

What about kangaroo? In Australia they make a big deal about how lean it is, but is that all bullshit?

It's part of the low fat diet drive that's failed for the last 40 years. Nothing new.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - MOVSM - 05-02-2019

Welcome your future, you filthy peasants:

Humans will eat maggot sausages as a meat alternative: scientists


“An overpopulated world is going to struggle to find enough protein unless people are willing to open their minds, and stomachs, to a much broader notion of food,” says meat science professor Dr. Louwrens Hoffman. “Would you eat a commercial sausage made from maggots? What about other insect larvae and even whole insects like locusts? The biggest potential for sustainable protein production lies with insects and new plant sources.”

The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) team is focusing on pleasing Western palates by disguising insects in pre-prepared foods, says Hoffman, as studies have shown they shy away from eating whole insects.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - fktax - 05-13-2019

Quote: (05-02-2019 02:48 PM)MOVSM Wrote:  

“Would you eat a commercial sausage made from maggots?”

[Image: g1483334957898674549.jpg]

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - TheFunto - 05-13-2019

Vijhalmur Stefansson was a Harvard anthropologist in the early 1900. He lived over 10 years among inuits in Alaska eating nothing but meat. His book The Fat of the Land is great (old edition Not By Bread Alone can be found online free), recommended as much as Weston Price's Nutrition previously mentioned in the thread. Another source is Owsley "Bear" Stanley who lived on meat and eggs and no vegetation for 47 years. He was soundman for the Grateful Dead and is known as the "creator" of LSD. His writings are available on a pdf online too.
All nutrition the body needs is on meat. Stefansson did a 1 year controlled experiment under supervision of the Bellevue Hospital staff, eating only meat. He was healthy the entire time and all measurements were normal. He was ill only once during that year and it happened because the doctors made him cut all fat out of his meat and eat only lean for a week. Within a few days he was feeling sick.
Back last year after watching Jordan Peterson's daughter testimonial on her arthritis issues and how she cured herself on meat and water I decided to give it a try. Peterson has been useful to me in that regard at least, but I have stopped listening to him since. Another influence has been Victor Pride's Bold and Determined. He's been on the so-called carnivore diet for quite a while too.
In my case it's been great, for the last 6 months (since Dec 9 2018) on meat, cheese, bacon, eggs, butter every single day, on one meal a day most days. Did a 7 day fast on lent last month on just water. By the 6th day of an empty stomach I was riding bicycle for 17 km pulling my daughter on a trailer all afternoon, working out as usual at the gym and feeling amazing.
Humans went from apex predators feeding on nutrition dense foods to rabbit-like creatures that chew on vegetation all day for sub-par nutrition. As consequence population rose to 7 billion as rabbits would. Our guts are not designed to process vegetation and carbs are more addictive than cocaine. Just look at how many people in your life succeed at quitting sugar.
When society dips in financial crisis, famine will hit hard in places like Canada where people buy imported foods from Guatemala, Ecuador, Asia and Chile, don't know or are able to grow their own food in the winter. When the dollar paper money holds no value to other countries things will look bleak for the vegan/vegetarian society the leftist folks have pushed.
Vegetarian/vegan is not natural and is the most unsustainable route a person can take, despite what the eco-boring people screaming out in Twitter and protesting in Whole Foods would have you believe.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Veloce - 05-13-2019

Some people at work were talking about the Beyond Meat products. I see it as a fad. Every few years there's a new one on the market, it's always been some variation on a legume/grain based patty. Now it's more frankenstein textured vegetable/soy protein crap, and in a few years it will be something else. Nothing to see here. All that said, I do really like a well made (and by that I mean homemade) black bean burger pattie. Some hippy food can be really tasty if it's done right, but you usually have to go somewhere like Santa Cruz or Ojai to get it.

Every few months my dad sends me some article, usually from CNN, about the dangers of this or that. Red meat, alcohol, coffee...basically all the enjoyable shit in life. He's concerned about my wine intake. Whereas doctors once recommended 1-2 glasses of wine per day, apparently now alcohol is unsafe in ANY quantity.

As far as I'm concerned, wine is life. I can't think of a more beautiful symbiotic relationship between two organisms than Homo Sapien and Vitis Vinifera. The juice of the grape, crushed by hand and left to naturally ferment with ambient yeasts that are all around us, it is an alchemy of perfect design. The ensuing beverage, fermented in natural clay amphorae or wood casks, has inspired man to fuck, to paint, to build, to conquer. And in return, we cover our Earth in this vine, the symbol of Christ and the chosen people, to ensure its survival until the end of time.

I'm not talking about 2 Buck Chuck from Trader Joes. Next time you pussy plunderers take a trip through Europe, make sure to stop by some wineries in Portugal, Rioja, Galicia, Rhone valley, Burgundy, Tuscany, Sicily, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Turkey, Greece. There's amazing wine everywhere.

So imagine my reaction, when faced with this groundbreaking news, that alcohol in ANY quantity, even from wine, is bad for you.


Today I'm spending my day finishing off a Magnum of 2003 Rioja that I picked up myself in that gorgeous region, while baking a couple loaves of naturally leavened bread. The ingredients of the bread are organic flour, RO water, and sea salt, and that's it. It's leavened with the natural ambient yeast that's all around us, none of that industrial mold garbage. Anyone that thinks bread makes you sluggish or fat...try my bread. No cramps, no gas. I'm no Christian, but I know enough that the vine and the grain are symbols of Christ and only if you've spent time in a winery or making bread do you feel this connection, the connection to an ancient knowledge and culture, of godliness, goodness and well-being.

A good slab of meat on the grill, a vegetable, and some freshly baked bread slathered with plenty of cultured butter, all washed down with a good quality red. This is the food of gods and I hope that every guy here gets his share of it. This is the backbone of the European diet and for a long time, before fast food and processed food invaded their culture, yielded a population of robust, slim, and healthy people.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - scotian - 05-13-2019

Relevant: What’s Really Behind The Plant-Based Diet Agenda?

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - DrugAdvisor - 05-14-2019

God Damn It @Veloce

You just killed the inner China man in me.

Reading this post made me forget about the rice I was brought up on.

As always.... awesome (food related) writing.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Iconoclast007 - 05-14-2019

I eat a Carnivore Diet. I only eat Animals and animal products. Meat, hard cheeses, ghee butter, Eggs, salt. My autoimmune disease is in complete remission. I am stronger and think sharper than ever in my life. Im not a fucking doctor but I think we are carnivourous apes.

I receive tremendous ridicule,peer pressure etc from acquaintances, family etc. I need to eat my vegetables or.....

I feel more masculine, agressive and clear minded..meat is real food. Plants are our foods food.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Jones - 05-14-2019

To what Iconoclast007 and TheFunto have said:

Funto, other than you having a daughter and me a son, that is a very similar path to mine, all the men you've mentioned, the starting date, we've learned a lot of truth about our bodies real way of getting energy and being actually healthy in the last 5 months. I haven't been as brave as you to fast, and I'm far from overweight, so I do sneak in some rice (the least toxic grain) every now and again as a side with meat (chicken/fish). I notice little to no problems with rice compared to wheat, oats, coffee, corn, high fibre foods, and the like.

Vegans are all liars.

Iconoclast007, this diet does wonders for diseases, Amen brother. Family and friends always say, "That's not much to live on, steak" then they go on eating bread and raspberry jam, gravy and potatoes, cakes and pudding. If they ever do have steak, "That's not cooked, that's gross".

You can only show these people the light.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - porscheguy - 05-14-2019

It takes over 900 gallons of water to produce one gallon of almond milk.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - BlastbeatCasanova - 05-14-2019

Quote: (05-14-2019 07:00 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

It takes over 900 gallons of water to produce one gallon of almond milk.

Geez you just can't win with anything these days. I think I'll just stick to eating my gf's ass.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Syberpunk - 05-14-2019

Quote: (05-14-2019 06:41 AM)Iconoclast007 Wrote:  

I eat a Carnivore Diet. I only eat Animals and animal products. Meat, hard cheeses, ghee butter, Eggs, salt. My autoimmune disease is in complete remission. I am stronger and think sharper than ever in my life. Im not a fucking doctor but I think we are carnivourous apes.

I receive tremendous ridicule,peer pressure etc from acquaintances, family etc. I need to eat my vegetables or.....

I feel more masculine, agressive and clear minded..meat is real food. Plants are our foods food.

A man after my own heart.

Combine this with No Fap and No Caffiene, you'll feel like a superstar. Caffiene/Coffee and Tea has tannins that block mineral absorption and slow down ketosis, I decided to release all those brakes and do the preceding.

I also have hard to treat aka impossible condition for years (that very well be Lyme disease, still being tested) and the keto is the only thing comes to close to working nothing else has really touched it, a sort of miracle for brain inflammation. Your cognition shoots up, I've never done cocaine, but I'd imagine its similar in the energy boost, jokes are funnier, frame is rock solid, mind is still-ish, more whole. All I can think is "I wish everyone could know this feeling"

Nothing kills inflammation throughout the body like keto or better yet zero carb.....NOTHING.

And I'm fatigued most of the day/daze because of the condition,.... I couldn't imagine what Keto and No Fap combined would do to a healthy person, you'd go manic in the best possible way, become a machine.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - ChefAllDay - 05-14-2019

Quote: (05-14-2019 09:23 PM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

Caffiene/Coffee and Tea has tannins that block mineral absorption and slow down ketosis, I decided to release all those brakes and do the preceding.

Damnit! Since I went full Keto I have been drinking way more coffee. FFS now I will have to cut that shit out.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Iconoclast007 - 05-15-2019


I have recently started practicing semen retention and sexual transmutation of energy.

I am making carnivore / zero carb my lifestyle. I eat 80% of my calories as fatty cuts of red meat the balance is chicken, eggs and hard cheese, ghee. Im learning about pemmican.

I think there is a nexus of higher thinking that starts to ocurr when a man pursues these paths. Alot of us end up with the same conclusions, which often fly in the face of medical advice and herd think etc. .

I drink alot of bulletproof coffee. Ghee blended with coffee. I can sense the coffee is not good for me, i suspect you are correct about this.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Syberpunk - 05-15-2019

Quote: (05-15-2019 01:00 AM)Iconoclast007 Wrote:  


I have recently started practicing semen retention and sexual transmutation of energy.

I am making carnivore / zero carb my lifestyle. I eat 80% of my calories as fatty cuts of red meat the balance is chicken, eggs and hard cheese, ghee. Im learning about pemmican.

I think there is a nexus of higher thinking that starts to ocurr when a man pursues these paths. Alot of us end up with the same conclusions, which often fly in the face of medical advice and herd think etc. .

I drink alot of bulletproof coffee. Ghee blended with coffee. I can sense the coffee is not good for me, i suspect you are correct about this.

That's wonderful to hear! It's not easy and I laugh to myself how 90% of a supermarket is just noise now.

I like coffee/tea but had to make a 100% non negotiable rule to give it up, in my case I couldn't wonder "what if", that punishment would be too great and not worth it. I also take iodine as well (drops). I have experimented with modafinil too (nootropics).

Being Irish, there is an incredible fondness for black tea with milk in this country (I was legit addict), I would argue most people don't actually drink water at all but get their liquid everyday in the form of 4-5 mugs of it.

Then you realise that for the last few decades our tea has been harvested/sourced in Africa, not Asia, African soils in the plains where it grows, contain the highest levels of flouride in the world vastly higher than Asia. Its absorbed by the leaves, Then you have the other problem, Ireland is only one of the countries in the world that flouridates our water (and industrial flouride at that). We're being hit twice.

The down syndrome rate in the Republic Ireland is many times higher than Northern Ireland (UK) which doesn't flouridate its water.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Iconoclast007 - 05-15-2019

One thing I will add.

Prior to Carnivore Diet and Semen Retention, I was contemolating going on TRT. The way I feel now, I see no reason. My libido, Virility, strength and gains have all increased significantly.

I tead sonewhere that both Carnivore eating and semen retention improve androgen sensor sensitivity. This means the Testosterone that is produced is more efficiently used.

Again, im no Doctor but I say eat a bloody steak and not jerking off is damn near medicine for men.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Running Turtles - 05-15-2019

Nutrition is too big for any trend to be a massive conspiracy. Instead, it's an easy "science" that everyone can throw their opinions and experience on without there being absolute truths to disprove them. It also provides an easy way for idiots to virtue signal what they eat.

Vitali Klitschko explained the difference between chess and boxing: "In chess, nobody is an expert, but everybody plays. In boxing everybody is an expert, but nobody fights."

Nutrition is like boxing in that sense. It's easy to make your opinion seem as valid as the other "experts'."

For those who are really concerned about the effect of food on the environment, the biggest factor isn't whether you eat meat or vegetables, it's how far your food travels. Transport of food is the biggest polluter, so eating local food will be much more responsible than broadcasting how amazingly vegan you are. Obviously this depends on where you live, but in many places this is a way to eat healthy and support your local economy at the same time.

The argument that land could be more productive if it was farmed for grain instead of used for grazing is only applicable in a few circumstances. Farmers aren't as dumb as most of the world likes to believe. Grazing is normally reserved for land that doesn't have any better use. Many mountainous areas have soil that won't grow much more than grass and much of that land is forested. Animals can graze in wooded areas and the claim that this land could be cleaned of trees and instead be used for farming vegetables is very often completely false.

The idea of eating insects for a source of cheap protein isn't necessarily a bad one. Cricket flour can be used to make protein-rich bread. If you eat that with a side of fat fish, olive oil, guacamole and chili, etc., you can still get a good dose of healthy fats and protein without the processed sugar that bread and tacos would otherwise bring with it.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Jones - 05-16-2019

Quote: (05-15-2019 01:00 AM)Iconoclast007 Wrote:  

I drink alot of bulletproof coffee. Ghee blended with coffee. I can sense the coffee is not good for me, i suspect you are correct about this.

I had an Americano today - figured the hot water dilution wouldn't be so bad.

Nope, guts are gone today, would not recommend.

Sticking to Earl Grey tea with Heavy Cream and Butter.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - TheFunto - 05-16-2019

@Iconoclast007 and Syberpunk I joke about it with my wife that grocery stores could really just be the meat and dairy sections. All other isles are just rubbish food. Excess energy carbs and very little nutrition building blocks in vitamins and minerals density.
I started nofap and no coffee same time as animal food only and it's right on the money: so much energy. Lost all the bloat in my body. Still working on my posture and breathing however, breathing is so important.
Was just reading on this Danish expedition in 1619 by Jen Munk where he lost all his crew of 61 men at Hudson's Bay in Canada to scurvy, and how himself and 2 other men managed to sail back to Copenhagen and cure themselves of their scurvy when summer melted the ice and they started eating fish in abundance to full health.
Science has got so much wrong in nutrition that it's become more akin to superstition nowadays. They seek means of confirming their existing belief but it's impossible to deny evidence that for thousands or millions of years the prized food of humanity is not only meat, but fat.
Even the tale by the brothers Grimm from 1812, Hansel and Gretel, people are going through famine, and the witch has a house made of candies that is no good for eating, except to make little kids fat so that she can get proper nutrition from them. That should make the point anyone with 2 eyes to see, one nose to smell and a tongue to taste can understand literally in a gut level.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - TheFunto - 05-16-2019

Another thing: it should be obvious from human biological "hardware" that we are not equipped to get nutrition from vegetation. This image says more than words can.
[Image: main-qimg-f85b05399c886062003c973164875fc7-c]

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Veloce - 05-17-2019

Quote: (05-14-2019 03:23 AM)DrugAdvisor Wrote:  

God Damn It @Veloce

You just killed the inner China man in me.

Reading this post made me forget about the rice I was brought up on.

As always.... awesome (food related) writing.

Well to be fair, I also have a love affair with rice. I love most Asian foods and it's hard to overstate the importance of rice in that culture.

Those that have not eaten rice in Asia don't know what they're missing. It's rare to get the good stuff in the U.S. if you come from a white background.

Short grain a base for either oyakodon or sublime. I ate at a small humble restaurant in a Japanese mountain town after a full day of skiing. The lady of the house presenting me a bowl of fragrant rice topped with chicken and egg simmered in soy, mirin, sake, topped with plenty of sliced scallions. It still stands out in my memory.

Or Khao Man Gai eaten off the sweltering and sleazy streets of Bangkok

Broken rice off the side of a road in Vietnam

Glistening short grain rice to accompany kimchee and Korean hotpot dishes like Galbi Jiim

Khao Niaw to sop up dishes like larb, panang, or Sai Ua

Basmati rice with Indian food

I love all of it. Rice digests so easily. Just should be consumed in moderation and with plenty of exercise since it is such a simple starch.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - TigerMandingo - 05-17-2019

Currently in Japan and I’m eating rice pretty much every day. It’s hard to avoid here and I’ve already packed on a few pounds. Fuck it. Even the stuff they sell at FamilyMart is delicious.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - TheFunto - 05-17-2019

Don't get me wrong, lasagna is my favorite food. My mother used to make 2 for the same Sunday meal: 1 with chicken and one with ground beef. I would eat until I'd fall on the couch on food coma. Good memories. However, now eating one meal a day of the same steak, eggs, bacon and cheese on butter and black pepper every day, life is so simple. I read and heard this many times but it's because it's true: it changes your relationship to food. It's no longer a vice, it's the path to taking control of one's stomach for good. Carbs are your enemy in that road and fats are your allies.