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White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Leonard D Neubache - 01-14-2019

Who gives a shit, really?

Most muslims aren't terrorists or even street thugs but if you put enough of them in one area then it becomes a shitty place to live and eventually becomes a no-go-zone for whites.

"But I'm a muslim and I'm a really nice guy, why do you have to generalize", says the legit nice muslim guy.


So fukken what? If enough of your co-ethnics aren't really nice guys then it's a bit of a moot point isn't it, Mohammed? I don't wish you harm, but excuse me for wanting to live faaaar faaaaaaaar away from you the moment your people reach a certain percentage of the local population.

Yes. I recognize that you are a great guy.

No. It doesn't make a fukken difference in the bigger picture.

You want to change the bigger picture? Change your own people.

Don't bother hectoring whites to get back on the blue-pill plantation. There's nothing there for us but the whip.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Cr33pin - 01-14-2019

Yesterday during the day I watched a video on Facebook someone posted of a old lion getting harassed by hyenas. The lion kept sitting down because apparently hyenas go for the testicles of their male pray (also of their male prey that identifies as mam) Eventually another male lion comes in an the hyenas all scatter and the lions rub their heads together in a show of affection... it was pretty a pretty cool video.

Then later that night I saw this video and it was striking similar with the smaller hyenas surrounding the bigger opponent an trying to attack him from the back... It's a jungle out there

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - TigerMandingo - 01-14-2019

Malls are OK. Just make sure you go to the ones in mostly white neighborhoods and has upscale brand stores like Hugo Boss and Diesel. Avoid any mall that has a Foot Locker in it.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - kurtybro - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 11:05 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Just make sure you go to the mostly white neighborhoods

Fixed your post for you

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - scotian - 01-14-2019

If you're not American, going to ghetto shopping malls is very entertaining, it's like going to a zoo, all those types of people you see on COPS and Jerry Springer are there in all of their glory. The last one I went to was Fairlane Town Center in Dearborn (Detroit), Michigan and I was the only white guy there in a sea of hijabs and black people. I once went to one in Tampa with RVF member Moma and saw so many fat assed black chicks with tattoos on their necks and crazy weaves, lots of dudes had dreads down to their asses and iced grills. There's a Wal-Mart up in Pasco county (Florida) near El Mechanico and they have the craziest white people I've ever seen, the type who wrestle alligators for fun, live in trailers, smoke meth and get way too much sun.

When I first started visiting my parents in Tampa after they bought a place there in 2009, my dad warned me when I borrowed his car "Don't ever get in an argument with these crazy fucking Americans, just say sorry and walk away, they'll fucking shoot you here" A few years later, this happened:

All-you-can buffets are another personal favourite, not just because you can stuff your face with steak and shrimp for ten bucks but you'll also see entire families of morbidly obese fatties pigging out, I don't know why but I find it interesting to watch these folk. I once had to leave a McDonalds off the I-95 in South Carolina because the people inside were so gross (fat, toothless black and white), they looked like fucking mutants. Another time in rural Minnesota, I stopped at another McDonalds and all of the workers were speaking Spanish and there was a hijab wearing Somali woman in line too then some white dude came in saying "You gave me an egg mcmuffin I didn't pay for" everyone, including me, looked at him like "who the fuck does that?"

Anyway, the US is great, even with all the crazy weirdos I always enjoy my time down there but you can bet that if I saw a group of kids of any colour acting like that, I'd be walking away really fast, ain't nobody got time for that!

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - The Catalyst - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:36 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:07 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Another issue is that his defense reasons do not fit disparity of force legal requirements. He is way too big and the kid way too small. He is lucky the prosecution will not charge him with worse. He used unequal force borderline deadly force. Unfortunately women are legally In a separate bucket even male minors. You have to assess a threat correctly before responding. Being ignorant of the law isn't an excuse.

Let me caveat by saying you're not wrong; this is the reality that we're living with today.

However it's also one of the modern myths that drives me up the wall. "Proportionate force." There is no such thing. All use of violence is lethal force. A punch to the face kill a man; so can a tazer. Shooting for the kneecaps can be lethal, and if somebody brings a knife to a gun fight it's not your moral responsibility to holster your gun and pull out your knife.

Good luck explaining that to coddled school marms though.

Everything starts to make sense when you realise many people don't think logically and many people have really strong emotions on the bordering of emotional instability(particularly leftists). As someone who thinks logically and has been emotionally stable this would not have been a conclusion I would naturally reach- I would project everyone was like me, which made the world seem really confusing. The other thing is a lot of people have such a high amount emotional instability they hide it constantly, and I don't hide mine, so it doesn't even seem like I am all that emotionally stable on the surface. I can only do it with indirect observations(why would you do X/react in such a "triggered" way/care what others think, if you were emotionally stable).

In this example. If you think logically and you have all the facts available to you, you'd realise the idea of "shoot to kill" is a really good concept. In fact you have to, because if you don't intend on shooting to kill you really have to avoid the fight to begin with. This whole intermediary levels of violence just doesn't make sense. Either you shoot to kill or you back off and defuse the situation. Like either you can solve issues without violence or you can't. If you can solve it without violence then you go ahead and do that since that's much less risky. Otherwise you have to go all-in to reduce the the risk to yourself.

The only conclusion I came to that makes sense as to why there is debate- some people don't want you shooting to kill, and come up with any random bullshit that seems plausible to try to stop people doing that. That is, proportional violence is something people come up with after-the-fact, instead of reasoning to.

The r concept of Stockholm Syndrome and predation is pretty apt here. They are really comfortable with random violence/predation. So they would do anything to defend it. But of course they can't do it without seeming really kooky. The best they've got is "they are driven to by bad circumstances". They are not comfortable with people defending against the predation, as that is K. With the Stockholm Syndrome way of thinking of things, the random aggressors are the hostage takers and the people acting in self-defense are the cops. They would do anything to curry favor with the hostage takers, knowing the cops would be on their side anyway

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - bbgun - 01-14-2019

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Screemingdead - 01-14-2019

I don't agree with him throwing a haymaker like that lol but i understand where he's coming from.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - EndsExpect - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:07 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Lead them back inside and find another exit. Use a fire exit if you have to.
Be stubborn or stupid if you want to, the law is still the law. He had no legal responsibility to intervene. He actually had gained legal risk by touching any of the girls. He certainly was idiotic for shoving one of them. If verbal de escalation is failing always wait to get hit first before pushing back.
Another issue is that his defense reasons do not fit disparity of force legal requirements. He is way too big and the kid way too small. He is lucky the prosecution will not charge him with worse. He used unequal force borderline deadly force. Unfortunately women are legally In a separate bucket even male minors. You have to assess a threat correctly before responding. Being ignorant of the law isn't an excuse.

I don't give a fuck. If this goes to jury trial and I'm sitting in that jury box... this guy walks free!

The moment this girl started to come at this guy with violent intent, he had the right to respond with force. The video clearly shows her desire for violence... it was not something he instigated. She is old enough to know better.... and with honesty I would consider her action to be motivated by hate.

If I had the opportunity to be the judge... I would make the man take anger management classes and pay for any of her potential medical bills, and I would force the girl to take anti-racism classes and anger management. Problem solved.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - debeguiled - 01-14-2019

He just hasn't learned to completely suppress his natural instinct to protect women.

After this jail sentence, he will though.

And then women will get what they apparently want.

A world where men don't care about them.

And then they will be happy.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Captain Gh - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 12:28 PM)scotian Wrote:  

If you're not American, going to ghetto shopping malls is very entertaining, it's like going to a zoo, all those types of people you see on COPS and Jerry Springer are there in all of their glory. The last one I went to was Fairlane Town Center in Dearborn (Detroit), Michigan and I was the only white guy there in a sea of hijabs and black people. I once went to one in Tampa with RVF member Moma and saw so many fat assed black chicks with tattoos on their necks and crazy weaves, lots of dudes had dreads down to their asses and iced grills. There's a Wal-Mart up in Pasco county (Florida) near El Mechanico and they have the craziest white people I've ever seen, the type who wrestle alligators for fun, live in trailers, smoke meth and get way too much sun.

When I first started visiting my parents in Tampa after they bought a place there in 2009, my dad warned me when I borrowed his car "Don't ever get in an argument with these crazy fucking Americans, just say sorry and walk away, they'll fucking shoot you here" A few years later, this happened:

All-you-can buffets are another personal favourite, not just because you can stuff your face with steak and shrimp for ten bucks but you'll also see entire families of morbidly obese fatties pigging out, I don't know why but I find it interesting to watch these folk. I once had to leave a McDonalds off the I-95 in South Carolina because the people inside were so gross (fat, toothless black and white), they looked like fucking mutants. Another time in rural Minnesota, I stopped at another McDonalds and all of the workers were speaking Spanish and there was a hijab wearing Somali woman in line too then some white dude came in saying "You gave me an egg mcmuffin I didn't pay for" everyone, including me, looked at him like "who the fuck does that?"

Anyway, the US is great, even with all the crazy weirdos I always enjoy my time down there but you can bet that if I saw a group of kids of any colour acting like that, I'd be walking away really fast, ain't nobody got time for that!

[Image: attachment.jpg41086]   

Man oh Man between these stories... + the shit you've seen in the Oil Sands...I'm sure a book from you would be quite a Read!!!!

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Atlanta Man - 01-14-2019

Just want to get this on the record-Do not knock out or otherwise engage 12 year old ratchet females.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Captain Gh - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 10:02 AM)dream100 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:53 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Black guy here: I don't care. I am not in the habit of defending or speaking up for people that are not only unrelated to me but would very likely choose to sit on their hands if roles were reversed. Generally speaking, white folks have a very bad habit of treating themselves like individuals but treating minorities but mainly blacks as a collective group. Some of this we as Black folks did as a necessity predicated in the persecution of slavery and living in a highly discriminatory post civil rights country; however this other shit is just down right tribalism. Nonetheless, I wish when white folks see low income minorities behaving inappropriately they would't draw a distinction instead of immediately glomming all black folks together. Generally speaking White folks don't give a flying fuck about their less fortunate brethren and they sure as shit won't take responsibility for the negative behavior of their trashy, trailor park or ghetto cousins.

I know this isn't the angle Roosh is trying to present, but I'm simply airing out a grievance.

what the fuck are you talking about?

Blacks don't behave proof in this video.
Blacks have a higher crime rate look at any project housing block in NYC there is always police activity
Black on Black crime is high
Black homeless and drug rates are high
Go to Brighton beach NYC majority Russian immigrants you won't find the same rate of crime poor behavior homeless and drug rates.

Hiding behind a victim ideology will keep you in regressive state forever.

All you wrote is true... but let me sum up what quaker meant is about 2 lines: When you see a homeless or thug white bum, you don't say to yourself ==> Man white people was is wrong with them geez! Not the case with Black or Muslim people since the instant judgement is a collective one. Doesn't bother me one bit though, but I understand where it's coming from. It is what it is and it's never gonna change... so I'll simply keep doing what I'm doing!

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - SamuelBRoberts - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 02:05 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

All you wrote is true... but let me sum up what quaker meant is about 2 lines: When you see a homeless or thug white bum, you don't say to yourself ==> Man white people was is wrong with them geez! Not the case with Black or Muslim people since the instant judgement is a collective one. Doesn't bother me one bit though, but I understand where it's coming from. It is what it is and it's never gonna change... so I'll simply keep doing what I'm doing!

How do you know what I say to myself? Do you have mind reading powers? Or am I just talking really loudly and not realizing it?

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - a beer is enough - 01-14-2019

Coming from someone with limited international experience but I just have to ask, why is it that women from urban areas of America (overwhelmingly of one race) seem to be the main ones to start swinging and throwing punches on the drop of a dime?

I don't normally see this as much even with women of other races from urban areas, even with what they say about "trailer trash", I don't come across nearly as many videos of lower class white girls provoking guys and starting a fight on the drop of a dime. Maybe I am not seeing something here or the news outlets do a good job of hiding violent white women, latinas and Asian women but why is a rush to violence so common in one demographic?

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - TigerMandingo - 01-14-2019

Funny reading this thread as I was just in a library in Boston when a large group of black kids rolled through one of the hallways. A librarian had to ask them to keep quiet because they were yelling and hollering all over the place.

I'm sorry if this sounds racist but a huge number of blacks just have no idea on how to conduct themselves in civil society. It's a totally alien concept to them.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - EndsExpect - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:53 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Black guy here: I don't care. I am not in the habit of defending or speaking up for people that are not only unrelated to me but would very likely choose to sit on their hands if roles were reversed. Generally speaking, white folks have a very bad habit of treating themselves like individuals but treating minorities but mainly blacks as a collective group. Some of this we as Black folks did as a necessity predicated in the persecution of slavery and living in a highly discriminatory post civil rights country; however this other shit is just down right tribalism. Nonetheless, I wish when white folks see low income minorities behaving inappropriately they would't draw a distinction instead of immediately glomming all black folks together. Generally speaking White folks don't give a flying fuck about their less fortunate brethren and they sure as shit won't take responsibility for the negative behavior of their trashy, trailor park or ghetto cousins.
I know this isn't the angle Roosh is trying to present, but I'm simply airing out a grievance.

This is because black culture is viewed as Monolithic. 50 years ago White people would view a group of Italian boys committing crime as something Italian boys are prone to do... because there really is no such thing as "white culture"... we are a blend of multiple different competing cultures that have a history of murdering each other at rates that would make genocidal Rwandans blush.

The same shit applies to Muslims. If Americans were taught the difference between Sunni and Shia... then they would see all the violent terrorist bullshit and think... "Those Sunni Pricks are at it again!"

Everyone does this... it's how all humans think.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Oberrheiner - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 01:01 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

In this example. If you think logically and you have all the facts available to you, you'd realise the idea of "shoot to kill" is a really good concept. In fact you have to, because if you don't intend on shooting to kill you really have to avoid the fight to begin with. This whole intermediary levels of violence just doesn't make sense. Either you shoot to kill or you back off and defuse the situation. Like either you can solve issues without violence or you can't. If you can solve it without violence then you go ahead and do that since that's much less risky. Otherwise you have to go all-in to reduce the the risk to yourself.

There is this theory that there are 2 types of violence, ritualistic or for survival basically.
When someone is talking loud, starts pushing you, comes at you with obvious intentions it's ritualistic.

That's something most whites can't do however.
So when they do react it's with the second type of violence, and then everyone is afraid "who's this psycho murderer ?".

A good example is what's currently happening in europe.
The world will not be happy when the second type comes.

Quote: (01-14-2019 03:37 PM)EndsExpect Wrote:  

The same shit applies to Muslims. If Americans were taught the difference between Sunni and Shia... then they would see all the violent terrorist bullshit and think... "Those Sunni Pricks are at it again!"

lol yeah except sunnis are 90+% of all muslims worldwide ..

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - xmlenigma - 01-14-2019

20 press articles that mention VIDEO but do not have a VIDEO.


I was curious why a guy would do so.. and why is PRESS / MEDIA making it a WHITE GUY (WHITE PATRIARCHY) thing ATTACKING a BLACK GIRL (Black & Female Oppression) ... SJW Feminism ... Click bait news reporting & judgement.

It took me 10 minutes to find a VIDEO.

- Summary:
- Hood rat female central surrounding and messing with him (from video, maybe more from before).
- He is surrounded & PHYSICALLY ATTACKED pushed from various sides (news reports do not mention any of the above).
- Apparently heard from him "Break it up" (Meaning: Stop hassling me ..) -
- I dont think he was in ATTACK MODE.. rather.. CORNERED MODE.. Defensive yet trying FEND OFF/ SCARE of ENEMY with GROWLS / STANCEs as animals/ dogs / cats do.
- He is in FIGHT FLIGHT mode - Kind panicked .. checking his front, back, side ... PERIPHERAL VISION
- Very easy for him to get CLAWED..
- He pushes one back in DEFENSE to his "Vulnerable" Situation.
- She comes back up with BOXING pose... and his Boxing/ Fight impulse/ training comes into Action - POOF!

Rest of them cry WHITE DEVIL


White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - xmlenigma - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-13-2019 08:13 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Can’t really tell if she threw the first punch or not. If so he should get off with self defense.

And it’s worth noting that the girls fathers could not be reached for comment
Destruction of the Black Family & neighborhoods into Ghetto Hoods.
Thomas Sowell would have some words.

Quote: (01-13-2019 08:31 PM)SaintLaurentJake Wrote:  

Thats his wife and kids at the beginning right ? If so, justified.
Hmm.. didnt know that.

Quote: (01-13-2019 08:41 PM)TIOT12 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2019 07:54 PM)Laurifer Wrote:  

What an awful situation to be in. Surrounded and provoked into attacking them, and inevitably getting arrested as a result. Should have walked away.

It is unclear but it looks he was protecting his wife and young child from the misbehaving teens. Heavy seems to think the woman in the video was his wife and that would be consistent with where he stood in front of her and then seemed to say to her something like you want to go?

A Muslim man and maybe a lawyer thinks it was a cowardly and barbaric act and he deserves to be put away for a long time. What is fascinating is how different the responses were to his tweet compared to the ones that Roosh posted.

Quote: (01-13-2019 08:15 PM)Corinth Arkadin Wrote:  

Did he get arrested?

Yes with assault.

Quote: (01-13-2019 08:46 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Ok what was the right thing to do here?

It is unfortunate, it Looks like he made bail and was charged with 3 misdemeanor assault charges.
Potentially 450 days in jail

The girls weren’t hassling his family, but fighting with each other apparently. The first thing he says is “break it up”, and the girls are like “who is he”? Then one of them pushed him, he pushes back and she gets up and charges at him and he floors her with one punch

I hate to say it but if you are an adult and see little shits fighting like this, don’t step in to try to break it up, just call the cops and let them deal with it. If you get involved to break up a fight this could be you

Quote: (01-13-2019 08:57 PM)Design Engineer Wrote:  

We don't have the whole story to this but this happened in Asheville, NC. The guy is also an off-duty cop, he should have de-escalated the situation by getting out there. I mean it's kind of hard to argue he felt he was in great-bodily harm or feared for his or his family's life at the face of a group of 12 year old rowdy girls, the camera shows he was surrounded then pushed first, then he pushed and hit first. And believe me I am all for the right of self-defense and I live in North Carolina and conceal carry here.

What is really disappointing is too many black people not parenting their children right, the behavior of these kids is more common than you think.
^ Its Ghetto behavior.. not black behavior

Quote: (01-13-2019 09:20 PM)Walt_Heisenberg Wrote:  

What’s unbelievable to me is that you have a 12-13 year girl getting in a fighting stance and squaring up against a grown man, and he appears to be a big guy. How can one explain this behavior? Did she think he would just stand there and not fight back? Has she been fed enough Hollywood bullshit that she was delusional enough to think she could actually take him?

We are seeing this type of disturbing stuff more and more, women not respecting a man’s strength relative to their own and actually physically confronting guys. And when some guys hit back, it’s reality check time.

Quote: (01-13-2019 10:44 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

The girls werent trying to rob his family. The girls were fighting each other and he tried to break it up and failed. I guess he figures "Hey there is no way these girls will try to fight a 6'5 250 pound adult" but these girls grew up without any sort of boundaries without any father figure in their life and no one ever tells them "No" to anything and here we are.

The man here is a piano teacher, self employed. He isn't going to get any felonies on his record, he is just being charged with 3 misdemeanors.

Quote: (01-14-2019 02:16 AM)mikado Wrote:  

I dont see the point in making this a race thread, this could have been any leftist/ratchet/feminist of any race.
Yes but thats how the media is playing it.

Why is there no video of this? Also no media / news coverage. Those Hoodrats probably did more of this afterwards cause they had no consequences to their actions
Quote: (01-14-2019 07:36 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

I was on the London Tube in 2000.

Two BIG Black girls get on in a strop about something. When I say Big I mean 6 foot talk and athletic, biceps..

One of them decides to sit on a Spanish girl who is just sitting there minding her own business.
She pushed the 6 foot girl off her lap and the two 6ft-ers just erupted in punches. I was shocked, everyone was. Before I knew it they were stamping with wooden platform shoes on the girls head. Her nose had already been smashed.

I went in there and picked up the Spanish girl and shielded her from the girls, that led other guys, white black , Pakistani to intervene and hold the girls back. Kind of fucked up cos I was trying to pull the other girl away from them and I couldn't.. because one of the 6 foot ers had a huge fistful of her hair. So I was pulling and pulling and the Spanish chick is whimpering and whimpering.

The moment the two black chicks get restrained "Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!" out comes the belt of one of them and the bitch is belt buckling the fuck out of her male oppressors. Thankfully the train runs into the station while Im trying to get the gormless passengers around me to give the Spanish chick limp in my arms somewhere to sit down and they all stare at me reluctant to give up their seat.

The chicks run off.. Relief. Then one storms back on and squares up to me, arms still occupied by the busted Spanish girl, she thinks better of it. Runs off, runs back on and boots an Arab guy in a leather jacket in the ass then runs off again. he aims a kick at her and misses. Transport for London officials turn up cos someone pulled the emergency alarm. "Nothing to see here.. Doors Closing" I was like WTF? Look at the bleeding bitch, what do you mean? "This is the Victoria Line during rush hour son.. we can't hold anything up".

The Spanish girl cowered alone and people felt too shy to talk to the brick wall she was presenting. Id like to say some of us tried to get off with her to make sure she was okay but I got off at Walthamstow because it was my stop and then I saw two police wandering around looking confused and then I saw the Spanish chick huddled over trying to keep out of sight and make it to the exit.

I introduced the two parties. The Spanish girl was so stunned and panicking that the police had to physically restrain her. I gave my details to the police but I never heard anything again despite my enquiries.

Don't know the relevance to this thread. I think sometimes you have to intervene, consequences be damned.

I read in the paper that year on page 5 or something that a man was belt buckled by a group of Arab or 'foreign looking' men in Trafalgar Square in Central London on a Saturday night in front of many many people. The police didn't turn up until the gang had gone.

The victim died there on the spot.

All those people and 4 or 5 men got to commit slow motion murder and get away. Its a big weakness in society.

The world has changed thats for sure.

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:53 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Black guy here: I don't care. I am not in the habit of defending or speaking up for people that are not only unrelated to me but would very likely choose to sit on their hands if roles were reversed. Generally speaking, white folks have a very bad habit of treating themselves like individuals but treating minorities but mainly blacks as a collective group. Some of this we as Black folks did as a necessity predicated in the persecution of slavery and living in a highly discriminatory post civil rights country; however this other shit is just down right tribalism. Nonetheless, I wish when white folks see low income minorities behaving inappropriately they would't draw a distinction instead of immediately glomming all black folks together. Generally speaking White folks don't give a flying fuck about their less fortunate brethren and they sure as shit won't take responsibility for the negative behavior of their trashy, trailor park or ghetto cousins.

I know this isn't the angle Roosh is trying to present, but I'm simply airing out a grievance.
Blacks have their software replaced by Ghetto Hood. If they go Thomas Sowell, they will know what MLK & previous Gen really stood for.

Quote: (01-14-2019 10:02 AM)dream100 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:53 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Black guy here: I don't care. I am not in the habit of defending or speaking up for people that are not only unrelated to me but would very likely choose to sit on their hands if roles were reversed. Generally speaking, white folks have a very bad habit of treating themselves like individuals but treating minorities but mainly blacks as a collective group. Some of this we as Black folks did as a necessity predicated in the persecution of slavery and living in a highly discriminatory post civil rights country; however this other shit is just down right tribalism. Nonetheless, I wish when white folks see low income minorities behaving inappropriately they would't draw a distinction instead of immediately glomming all black folks together. Generally speaking White folks don't give a flying fuck about their less fortunate brethren and they sure as shit won't take responsibility for the negative behavior of their trashy, trailor park or ghetto cousins.

I know this isn't the angle Roosh is trying to present, but I'm simply airing out a grievance.

what the fuck are you talking about?

Blacks don't behave proof in this video.
Blacks have a higher crime rate look at any project housing block in NYC there is always police activity
Black on Black crime is high
Black homeless and drug rates are high
Go to Brighton beach NYC majority Russian immigrants you won't find the same rate of crime poor behavior homeless and drug rates.

Hiding behind a victim ideology will keep you in regressive state forever.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Garuda - 01-14-2019

Ooh that's a nasty punch. I'd like to see the five minutes before the altercation though.

Quote: (01-14-2019 03:42 AM)durangotang Wrote:  

In college I had some roommates from Minnesota - they used to mention Mall of America as being the largest mall in the country. This was before online shopping became so dominant. I always thought that if I was in the area, I'd go see it just to check it out. I never made it there, but I wouldn't want to now anyway.

Mall of America, circa 2016:

[Image: mallofsomalia.png]

Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to import Somalia into Minnesota?

Lutheran Social Services with help from the federal dime.

They flood MOA on Eid but on a weekday during the school year the only Somalis you're likely to see are the ones that work there. Now the Walmart a mile or so down the road? That's the opposite.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Foolsgo1d - 01-14-2019

I've watched enough worldstar and youtube videos to know the best course of action is walk a safe distance and start filming or GTFO pronto.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - Simeon_Strangelight - 01-14-2019

I wouldn't have done anything.

If I see them fighting in such a large group, then I am not even calling the cops.

His reaction will cost him dearly, should have let them be.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - SlickyBoy - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 10:48 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Yes. I recognize that you are a great guy.

No. It doesn't make a fukken difference in the bigger picture.

You want to change the bigger picture? Change your own people.

Don't bother hectoring whites to get back on the blue-pill plantation. There's nothing there for us but the whip.

I was in a US city recently with my girl. Revitalized downtown, replete with brew pubs, overpriced cafes, hipster nonsense and good liberal white folks out and about everywhere. Went to take a shortcut across the small-ish park in the center of the city. Looking ahead, under the trees and near the statues of long-forgotten war heroes, I saw benches full of dubious types, with people lying about who looked like they'd almost been living there. Probably mostly harmless bums, drugged out locals and assorted riff raff from the nearby projects, but I didn't give a shit - spidey senses went off.

We walked the long way around, keeping to the sidewalks across the street from the park rather than straight through it.

White man gets mobbed by group of black female youth - quaker13 - 01-14-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 03:37 PM)EndsExpect Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2019 09:53 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Black guy here: I don't care. I am not in the habit of defending or speaking up for people that are not only unrelated to me but would very likely choose to sit on their hands if roles were reversed. Generally speaking, white folks have a very bad habit of treating themselves like individuals but treating minorities but mainly blacks as a collective group. Some of this we as Black folks did as a necessity predicated in the persecution of slavery and living in a highly discriminatory post civil rights country; however this other shit is just down right tribalism. Nonetheless, I wish when white folks see low income minorities behaving inappropriately they would't draw a distinction instead of immediately glomming all black folks together. Generally speaking White folks don't give a flying fuck about their less fortunate brethren and they sure as shit won't take responsibility for the negative behavior of their trashy, trailor park or ghetto cousins.
I know this isn't the angle Roosh is trying to present, but I'm simply airing out a grievance.

This is because black culture is viewed as Monolithic. 50 years ago White people would view a group of Italian boys committing crime as something Italian boys are prone to do... because there really is no such thing as "white culture"... we are a blend of multiple different competing cultures that have a history of murdering each other at rates that would make genocidal Rwandans blush.

The same shit applies to Muslims. If Americans were taught the difference between Sunni and Shia... then they would see all the violent terrorist bullshit and think... "Those Sunni Pricks are at it again!"

Everyone does this... it's how all humans think.

Yeah you're a 100% right. I don't give a fuck anyway