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Project Belgrade Summer '18 - scipiu - 04-24-2018

How's Belgrade in late September?

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-24-2018

Quote: (04-24-2018 05:16 PM)scipiu Wrote:  

How's Belgrade in late September?

Big plus you can expect then man is that all the chicks are back from vacation and that all the uni girls are back as well.

Weather is in a transition stage, so some days can be nice, but others can be a high of 50 or 60, overcast, or with rain.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-25-2018

Day 4: I will cut straight to the chase-- I told all my friends about my issues approaching girls. This proved to be a blessing, and they got me to work dealing with the problem. I met a girl in the park with my friends and talked to her. She was incredulous that I would move to Serbia... Anyway we had a nice conversation but couldn't wrap her head around the fact that I wanted to live here semi-permanently.

We were drinking at the park, and later sent off our friends. As this was happening I approached two girls with my wing to get me used to cold-approaching Serbian girls. It was 2AM or so at a bus stop for the nightbus. I don't remember how the conversation started, but I think it was something like "do you speak Serbian?" (In english)... Spoke back in Serbian... Responded in a panic "have you heard the good news about the Lord Jesus Christ." Confusion... "If you believe in him you are saved." More confusion, my friend started bantering with them, and he's like, "my buddy is practicing serbian." He continued, "Dragan, what is the word for lamp?.... Dragan, what is the word for trashcan?... What is the word for ashtray?..." and so on... I struggled to maintain composure, silently laughing to myself, as I started to realize how much of talking to girls is just verbal diarrhea and saying meaningless things, or maybe more accurately, having the pressure on yourself to contribute to a conversation or take the lead so to speak. Anyway, the girls were amused, and started to laugh as I gave the appropriate responses.. My bro closed out with, "dragan, what is that one phrase you like to say in serbian?" I responded in Serbian with "I'm Dragan and I fuck what I want." Girls were just falling over laughing, as me and the wing exchanged high fives. I was told after this by my buddy that they were hillbillies from rural serbia and I would never have to see them again, or more accurately any girl I would encounter in Serbia. (A note about my wing: he was laying game down on this girl that he met in the park, and I think he will be seeing her again soon, because they know a lot of the same people, and are of similar ages... He said he's ready to get his dick wet with this prospect...)

Today has been a major breakthrough for me, and from here, it's just doing more approaches and not giving a fuck, not caring about getting blown out, building confidence and just approaching above all else.


Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-27-2018

Day 5: Met my first forum member, Thrive, today. Chill guy, with a lot of knowledge of Belgrade, especially the party scene and the specifics of gaming Serbian girls. Had some great stories, and an incredible understanding of the Serbian language. Incredibly positive, and had a great time just listening to his knowledge of Belgrade. Got to bar hop with him, and watch him belt out some karaoke, at a great bar I'd never noticed in my part of town. He had the place on lockdown, and it was the sort of bar where everyone knew his name. I saw some of his game in action, and it's pretty clear he knows what he's talking about.

If you're ever looking for a member living the expat's dream, Thrive is your guy.

Thanks for a great night man.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-28-2018

Day 6: Met a fellow consultant in my line of business--she was a really nice girl, really helpful. I complemented her on her advise, and I was actually appreciative of it. Anyway, we had a lot in common and I was getting good vibes from her... Also helped that she had a nice rack...

Fast forward to the evening: I had some beers in the park with serbian friends. Later went out with them to a bar in the centre of belgrade. Soon after we arrived (12:05 or so) bar was busted by police for a noise complaint. This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in BGD. Anyway, my friend's girlfriend told me that I could be more direct with girls that have boyfriends so to speak, it's not considered bad form to talk to girls that you sort of know in a collegial sense. I'm keeping this stuff in the back of my mind.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-28-2018

Trigger warning: This post reeks of being Beta

Day 7: I met another female consultant in the line of work I do. She is like a 9 without makeup I would assume, but given the info I have at the moment, a solid 8... Anyway, she asked for my instagram and I gave it, just as I gave the other girl yesterday... Girl 1 (from day 6) had a candid conversation with me, and said she was off-put by instagram and had to stop checking it--meanwhile she got 300 likes on her photo today... Girl 2 (the 8 that is), asked me if I had any friends here... It made me laugh, because I do, but it was a sweet thought on her part. Issue with girl 2 is that she is americanized, because she spent a year in high school in Indiana--maybe she was a foreign exchange student?

Girl 1 (from day 6) had mentioned a rave party at least 3 times to me, so I wanted to check it out... She walked me from the place we were working at to very close to my residence, and she was being very candid to me, and laughing at bad jokes/puns I was making... I thought that was a good indicator. She almost forgot where she was going, and I had to tell her she was about to miss her bus stop. She gave me a solid hug and told me to be more touchy ( I don't know if that's the right word). I also had two girls nicely greeting me when I got to the office-- a solid 7 and a Serbian 5--seems good.

I got raped buying some computer peripherals here in Belgrade, so guys never buy the shit here-- it is a rip-off. Anyway, I hung out with an old friend, and with some authority (given his background) told me that all the serbs are all over instagram trying to flaunt (non)-existent wealth. He told me an amusing ancedote about a big baller that worked at a butcher shop--re-met the girl that was into him the night before at the butchershop he worked at--what a shock! Anyway, my friend was telling me about how bad materialism is in belgrade and I think he's correct. I've gotten so many inquiries from randoms about why I don't have an iPhone X. He also told me literally everyone here in belgrade is looking for a buck--they're not being friendly, they're just poor. That's some sobering advise, but it's most likely true if you're a westerner.

I met a friend and I told him about recent developments, and he told me that I needed to play distant game with social circle girls I meet--and he was right. He told me to ask the girl (girl 1) I was interested in on a coffee date, rather than going to a rave-- I didn't listen. Big mistake.

I met some friends in the centre of the city, and they told me also to play it cool, and again I disregarded. I took a taxi to the (druggy) club and wasted 8 bucks. I knew the girl was gonna be there, and I found her, but before I approached, I saw her being touchy with a guy...

She walks by and I touch her on the shoulder "don't I know you?"... "Hey, Dragan, good to see you, you ok?, we're leaving..." Bad taste in my mouth because I knew I fucked up, and disregarded the advise of multiple friends... Down my beer and head out, feeling that 5 minutes is enough to get her the hell out of here, with her potential interest... She's outside so I smoke in the corner and decide it's worthy of a second try because she's with an even hotter chic... Turns out we have another Americanized 8 with her.... I walk up to the group, meet the presumed interest of Girl 1 (big tits) and he's a drug dealer--great; he has drug dealer social proof, and she tells me I should buy drugs from him if I wish. Regardless, the conversation with the Americanized 8 is really productive, but she is high on ecstasy I believe. She's lived in Austin, and she is serbian, so this seems like a slam dunk... We have a great conversation in terms of the banter, and I touch her on her shoulder multiple times.... (To all forum members, please write a datasheet on gaming americanized serbian girls, we're looking at a niche here that can be really productive potentially)... I don't have her number but I'm not worried because everything here is social circle, so I'll see her again, and I will definitely see Girl 1 soon. Girl 1 said she's not into drugs, earlier I touched her shoulder and definitely felt that she was sweaty (indicative of ecstasy)... I brought up the subject and she was like "I don't do hard drugs, just drink"; she'd told me something a day ago, but I felt like she was high.... Who knows...

She made out with the drug dealer in front of us--and Serb girl from Austin told me that Americans are too distant and that hugs are not a good option per se.... Americans need to be more touchy she said...

I took a taxi home and it was 14usd, which I'm pretty sure is a ripoff... My advise to you gentlemen if you're not a serbian speaker is to literally write down your address and say nothing else.

I'm feeling beta as hell, and it was all my fault!

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - stefpdt - 04-29-2018

Dude you're making massive progress with your approaches, so you should be celebrating every little bit of success that you're experiencing. No need to beat yourself up about being outgamed by a drug dealer on some random night out. If she made out with a drug dealer, she's just having fun and doing what girls do. The cool thing to do is don't judge her, continue having fun, and keep approaching/escalating with these girls.

I actually like the Serb/Austin girl's tip about being more touchy. Girls respond really fucking well to physical touch, and actually want you to touch them (most of the time).

P.S. If a girl is potentially lying to you about being on ecstasy, she's probably scared that you'll judge/shame her for it. Focus on being more *fun and carefree* when you're in an environment like a drug-fueled rave lol.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Suits - 04-29-2018

This thread deserves more attention than it has been getting.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-29-2018

Thanks for encouragement, im making every effort to chat up girls that im hanging out with, im aloof by nature so it is very out of my comfortzone.

Re: the girl being on E, I give it a 50/50, a lot of my friends say she doesnt ever do harddrugs. Anyway, i think serbs are pretty good at holding their drugs. Im surprised austin girl had a convo with me while rolling.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Tintin - 04-29-2018

Touchy feely does not work well in Serbia, try not to get in trouble eh?

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - yankeetravels - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-28-2018 08:12 PM)Dragan Wrote:  

I walk up to the group, meet the presumed interest of Girl 1 (big tits) and he's a drug dealer--great; he has drug dealer social proof, and she tells me I should buy drugs from him if I wish.

I wouldn't worry too much about losing a girl to a local drug dealer. I've got a couple stories of my own on that. I'm not going to lie, sometimes when I get drunk I tend to get a little reckless despite social cues. I've legit tried to swoop girls from pimps and local drug dealers before in multiple countries. First time I tried to do it, I nearly got killed. Second time, it probably could've ended worse if I escalated the way I wanted it to, but I got cut off by the girl's friend.

I call these girls drug whores. I talked to both the second girl and drug dealer privately about it. This is in a city that's not great in terms of local economy, so people are more desperate for hustle. Anyway, girl openly admitted to me that she hangs around the guy because he deals and didn't look at him as her boyfriend (I assumed she was indirectly telling me she uses herself to get drug benefits from him while also saying she may be open to me). From dealer's perspective, he told me she was like a girlfriend to him. I'm not sure if he was misusing the word and knows what she is or if she's just a bitch in his eyes.

Either way, my point here is that you may get a 7 or 8 in this scene once in a while that you want and you may look at it as beta when you have the desire in your eyes seeing her and think you're getting out alpha-ed by a dealer. Honestly though, you have to remember in that spot when you're traveling, you're playing on the road and the dealer has home court advantage in location, logistics, and connections. So, you have to decide if the cost/benefit ratio is in your favor. Sometimes, it's better to just throw those back, I find most girls in those circles to be pretty damaged cases.

Quote: (04-29-2018 05:58 AM)Suits Wrote:  

This thread deserves more attention than it has been getting.

Agreed. EE has not lured me there yet but I'm going to follow Dragan's story more to see if he discovers something from a more rookie perspective over there that I have not read from others over there on this forum. So far, that seems to be the case. I also think we need a quality rookie thread like this to encourage lurkers that are on the fence to get out of their own bubbles and go. I gotta admit, when I first went abroad, I was motivated by the veteran 20nation and his success in the Philippines. But, a nice group like RVF that'll be blunt but also give you the advice you need to succeed is great to have too to get started.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 11:23 AM)Tintin Wrote:  

Touchy feely does not work well in Serbia, try not to get in trouble eh?

I think the point was I can be more touchy than American norms... That's what the girls told me. Like hoverhands, and such is not a thing here. Serbians are touchy...

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 11:30 AM)yankeetravels Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2018 08:12 PM)Dragan Wrote:  

I walk up to the group, meet the presumed interest of Girl 1 (big tits) and he's a drug dealer--great; he has drug dealer social proof, and she tells me I should buy drugs from him if I wish.

I wouldn't worry too much about losing a girl to a local drug dealer. I've got a couple stories of my own on that. I'm not going to lie, sometimes when I get drunk I tend to get a little reckless despite social cues. I've legit tried to swoop girls from pimps and local drug dealers before in multiple countries. First time I tried to do it, I nearly got killed. Second time, it probably could've ended worse if I escalated the way I wanted it to, but I got cut off by the girl's friend. I don't know if it is a one time thing, drugs, or like a sponsor situation. I have no clue. I know her through work, some I'm just putting the whole thing on the backburner for a couple weeks.

I call these girls drug whores. I talked to both the second girl and drug dealer privately about it. This is in a city that's not great in terms of local economy, so people are more desperate for hustle. Anyway, girl openly admitted to me that she hangs around the guy because he deals and didn't look at him as her boyfriend (I assumed she was indirectly telling me she uses herself to get drug benefits from him while also saying she may be open to me). From dealer's perspective, he told me she was like a girlfriend to him. I'm not sure if he was misusing the word and knows what she is or if she's just a bitch in his eyes. I actually don't know if she's on drugs--my friends say she doesn't do them at all, full stop, period.

Either way, my point here is that you may get a 7 or 8 in this scene once in a while that you want and you may look at it as beta when you have the desire in your eyes seeing her and think you're getting out alpha-ed by a dealer. Honestly though, you have to remember in that spot when you're traveling, you're playing on the road and the dealer has home court advantage in location, logistics, and connections. So, you have to decide if the cost/benefit ratio is in your favor. Sometimes, it's better to just throw those back, I find most girls in those circles to be pretty damaged cases. I'm not looking for a scene girl, per se, but I'm just looking for a girl. I'd love to be able to take a girl out for a coffee and smoke cigs and talk about culture. That can happen here... It just seems SO social circle heavy in serbia. I would love to see the girl from Austin again, and she could probably show me some fun stuff here in belgrade. I'm not into scene girls at all, but at some point, it's kinda fun and spontaneous.

Quote: (04-29-2018 05:58 AM)Suits Wrote:  

This thread deserves more attention than it has been getting.

Agreed. EE has not lured me there yet but I'm going to follow Dragan's story more to see if he discovers something from a more rookie perspective over there that I have not read from others over there on this forum. So far, that seems to be the case. I also think we need a quality rookie thread like this to encourage lurkers that are on the fence to get out of their own bubbles and go. I gotta admit, when I first went abroad, I was motivated by the veteran 20nation and his success in the Philippines. But, a nice group like RVF that'll be blunt but also give you the advice you need to succeed is great to have too to get started.

I got flak from a good friend today about frequenting the forum (he knows), and I told him I'm just trying to see the world and have more success with girls. This is a strange development because serbia is notoriously un-PC... I lurked on the forum a long time, and on ROK as well, so I think part of the reason I came here was of because of other's work and advise...

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Tintin - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 11:55 AM)Dragan Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2018 11:23 AM)Tintin Wrote:  

Touchy feely does not work well in Serbia, try not to get in trouble eh?

I think the point was I can be more touchy than American norms... That's what the girls told me. Like hoverhands, and such is not a thing here. Serbians are touchy...

No, it's the opposite, they are the least receptive to touching. They are touchy and kissy with friends and family. If you do it make it Light or coukd be trouble

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 04:00 PM)Tintin Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2018 11:55 AM)Dragan Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2018 11:23 AM)Tintin Wrote:  

Touchy feely does not work well in Serbia, try not to get in trouble eh?

I think the point was I can be more touchy than American norms... That's what the girls told me. Like hoverhands, and such is not a thing here. Serbians are touchy...

No, it's the opposite, they are the least receptive to touching. They are touchy and kissy with friends and family. If you do it make it Light or coukd be trouble

I don't know what to tell you. They seem way more touchy to me than american girls.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - gework - 04-29-2018

Quote: (04-28-2018 08:12 PM)Dragan Wrote:  

I took a taxi home and it was 14usd, which I'm pretty sure is a ripoff... My advise to you gentlemen if you're not a serbian speaker is to literally write down your address and say nothing else.

I'm feeling beta as hell, and it was all my fault!

The going rate for a taxi in Belgrade is about 75 RSD / km. So that would be a trip of about 18-19 km. I've found that the Belgrade taxis are well aware of how much they can shaft you and once they find out you are foreign, they will try and stiff you, even if you can speak Serbian. So for Belgrade my gambit is look for the more serious looking taxis as these often have meters in them. Avoid any taxis that are hustling for business. When approaching ask,

"Zdravo. Sta je cena za Žrtava fašizma ulica?"

Then they know you are haggling and they'll give you the local price. Once they find out you're foreign they may find they put the price up, but just pay what they said initially or is on the meter.

Out in the sticks I've found the taxis to be honest. Gypsy rate is about 30 / km; licence solo is 40 / km and licenced firm is 50 / km. The only time I had an issue is when I got a taxi with an Ustashe and he told the driver I was a foreigner. The driver said, "Then the price is going up." I said I understood what he said.

What's the expiry date on this? I am probably going to Serbia later in the year, but depends of the success of my Russia interference.


Anyone seen this?

Looks good, but the rating on IMDB is 3.8.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - This Is Trouble - 04-29-2018

Take the Pink Taxi. It was by far the cheapest I found. 1,400 RSD to the airport from the center.

They also have an app called Car-Go that some of the local forum guys told me about but I didn’t use it. Pretty much looked exactly like Uber but all in Serbian.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - sterling_archer - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-29-2018 06:51 PM)gework Wrote:  

The only time I had an issue is when I got a taxi with an Ustashe and he told the driver I was a foreigner. The driver said, "Then the price is going up." I said I understood what he said.

Wait, what?

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-30-2018

I'll be here until october at least.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-30-2018

Day 8: Took the day off basically. Some of the girls I interact with in my line of work were really chatty with me today, asking all sorts of questions about what Texas is like, and what I like in particular about Serbia. Reminds me, all the girls smoke here basically.

I hung out with some of my friends later in the day, drank some beer, shot the shit with them about the dating scene here... They told me to just keep making an effort to be social--which I will do. It's currently a holiday here, and I have no clue what to do tonight given the holiday. I was thinking of either going to the jazz club, or going down to the river for a walk and a beer near the fortress.

Also, got to talk to forum member Nola today at length... Very astute and aware guy with a great knowledge of this part of the world--business practices, culture, safety, current events. He really gives good advise.

It's also worth mentioning how I found Serbia, and probably worth it's own post... I had a friend about 5 years ago that was really high status in the social circle I was running with at the time. Parents were pretty wealthy, really aloof guy, but incredibly intelligent when we weren't partying. One of those people that reads everything and knows minutiae about all sorts of topics, very worldly guy, genuinely a guy i could just talk with for hours about shit happening in the world. Anyway, at the time I was looking into Russia, Austria, somewhere in central europe or farther east, and I had no clue... He ended up in serbia doing some business and government stuff just on a whim. He was familiar with the balkan wars and all that stuff, which i knew basically nothing about.

He got to serbia started sending me photos of Belgrade, telling me crazy stories, telling me about how cheap cigs were, the river clubs, etc.... I filed all this info away in the back of my head. Fast forward to last year and I knew it was time to get over here to check it out. I bought a plane ticket and haven't looked back sense.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-30-2018

Don't mean to double post, but damn security check is giving me issues.

I don't know if I'm handling the female associates right. They're asking me a lot of questions, and I'm basically submitting to their framing/interrogation. I need, I think, to either flippantly answer their questions, or flip the convo and interrogate them. I'm getting tired of the interrogations here in serbia, it is the same with everyone, doesn't matter if it's chicks or dudes. I think I've also made a mistake of telling some associates the neighborhood I live in... I think they're trying to determine my status as a foreigner... Anyone have ideas on how to handle females making you qualify yourself.... I'm starting to get pissed off with the questions, and I don't mean to project that, but I've started joking a lot more about why I'm here. At this point I'm telling people I'm here to convert to orthodoxy, eat burek, smoke cigarettes... Other ideas? Maybe I'm a fugitive...?

I've hung outside the professional setting with one female so far (wrote about it in a past post), and I need to hang out with some of these other girls as well, but I think it needs to happen naturally or spontaneously. At some point they should want to hang out if I have any value as a foreigner.... I'm totally oblivious to workplace norms here, so that's an issue. Coincidentally I'm also pretty blind to american workplace norms, never really worked in an office per se...

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Dragan - 04-30-2018

I'm at a cafe near my residence and the female bartender remembers me, as I used to come here a lot. "Oh you're back... How long are you staying...?"

I'm just gonna start telling everyone I live here permanently.

Had something similar happen the other day at the supermarket. You definitely stand out as a foreigner if you stay more than a few weeks. I feel like a celebrity!

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - Tintin - 04-30-2018

Once you start telling Serbs that you live there permanently they lose respect for you..... "Why??!"

I would tell them yoy have some business reasons to be in Serbia, and you spend time there and some in America

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - gework - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 12:26 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

[quote='gework' pid='1776096' dateline='1525045909']
The only time I had an issue is when I got a taxi with an Ustashe

Wait, what?

Last year I had someone help me with some work in Serbia. He was a Hungaro-Croatian fascist.

Project Belgrade Summer '18 - sterling_archer - 04-30-2018

Quote: (04-30-2018 01:27 PM)gework Wrote:  

[quote] (04-30-2018 12:26 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

(04-29-2018, 11:51 PM)gework Wrote:  The only time I had an issue is when I got a taxi with an Ustashe

Wait, what?

Last year I had someone help me with some work in Serbia. He was a Hungaro-Croatian fascist.

Jesus, that combination haha!