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Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - kosko - 11-05-2017

Could this be a child custody issue? Few pics we see of him his kid is front and centre. Maybe he and his wife were about to split, and she threatened to take the kid(s), and he snapped?

This town is the middle of no place and for him to roll up with family ties to that specific church points to some breakdown within his family chain. For him to attack his wife's side makes me think she was going to leave or this had to do with his kid.

Also --- we can piece together loose motives where in Vegas there still isn't shit.

RIP to all those affected today.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - budoslavic - 11-05-2017

This is sad to hear 4 kids from the same family shot.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-05-2017

Not in a position to link, but NBC and VOA reporting the court martial was for a violent assault on his first wife and child in 2012.


Seems he was given a bad conduct rather than dishonorable discharge, which would not have barred gun sales.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - MMX2010 - 11-05-2017

Confirming what Jetset just said.


Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - MMX2010 - 11-05-2017

I won't blame the CNN Network for this occurrence, because all the blame belongs to Democratic, House of Representatives member, Texas, Vincente Gonzalez.


Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Thedeadknight - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-05-2017 04:51 PM)Chetthebaker Wrote:  

The race of the guy doesn't even matter. Bigger picture is that the more frequent these attacks happen, the more normalized they become to people's minds within society.

It's how terrorism works.

Edit: Nevermind. Still getting use to the forum's button functions

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Thedeadknight - 11-06-2017

Edit: realizing there is no delete button... long day ...

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jaydublin - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-05-2017 09:16 PM)Number one bummer Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2017 07:38 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2017 07:35 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2017 07:29 PM)ivansirko Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2017 07:26 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Dishonorable discharge people are not legally able to own firearms like felons.

Thats a good catch...meaning the idiots who are calling for gun control arent self-aware enough to know we already have it.

This is more than just gun control issue. This could be either political or a vindictive atheist. Possibly both.

They need to find out how he bought that gun on the black market but at the end of the day that does nothing to stop anti Christian or anti Conservative people from killing others. Armed people at church has been a hot issue the last few years. This is going to make it worse.

Part of the decline samseau and others talk about includes the hunting of Christians at some point, perhaps now is the beginning of this. If they cannot out vote the silent majority perhaps they will kill us instead.

Pardon errors on phone.

Sticking with only the gun control issue, he could have bought the gun from a gun show right? They don't do any kind of background check.

Fake news. Gun shows do background checks.

Maybe the flea market loophole applies. I've bought and seen guns bought at flea markets and a background check has never been done.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - porscheguy - 11-06-2017

If you hold a FFL, you are required to do paperwork on every firearm that passes through your hands. If you hold a FFL, you do so because that is a major if not the primary source of your income. And you do the paperwork because you have law enforcement at all levels checking in unannounced to make sure it’s done. If your paperwork isn’t done right, you can lose your license and maybe spend the night in jail.

Firearm transfers that don’t involve a FFL vary in legality from state to state. In MD they’re prohibited. There’s no gun show loophole. There’s no flea market loophole. A transfer of ownership of firearms between two private parties is the same whether at a show, flea market, grocery store parking lot, or buying out of the back of Tyrone’s fly ass whip. The legality of such a transfers is regulated at the state level.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Gustavus Adolphus - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-05-2017 06:07 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

[Image: rxWpnA2.png]

Look at this cheap, basic bitch, tacticool garbage.

I'm glad he's dead.


This is basic Magpul- offered conversion; hand guard, stock, grip. Added drop in flat trigger (not sure manufacturer). Extended mag.

While basic, this is an effective AR setup.

However. Not a fan of the red dot positioning. Rise too high. Light source looks amateur hour, probably can't cowitness irons like that. I would bet my bottom dollar this isn't full auto- it's most likely not even mil-spec.

Also, this rifle is available and sold constantly. It is no more dangerous than a G19, a knife, a bow, a baseball bat, a truck of peace. For those that keep jockeying this gun hole loophole bullshit, some of us want to do as we please and not pay somebody else to sign a piece of paper to pay some gov't tax, thanks.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - OneManWolfPack - 11-06-2017

Sad news.

As this turns political like every bad event and talk comes to gun control... Remember it appears this shooting was stopped by an armed citizen.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - LaFleur - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-05-2017 08:27 PM)kbell Wrote:  

[Image: 171105-devin-patrick-kelley.jpg]

This looks like a jihadi beard. New convert?

There isn't a big difference between Jihadi beard and redneck during hunting season beard.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - LaFleur - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-05-2017 09:43 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

This is sad to hear 4 kids from the same family shot.

I'm not usually a random gofundme donator but these people might be an exception. These kids must have been in Sunday school at the time. What kind of shit bag shoots up a Sunday school class.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Cane Toad - 11-06-2017

Compassion is my first thought for those involved.

Looks personal, meth induced rage psychosis is my guess.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - MMX2010 - 11-06-2017

This is the first confirmed report of how Devin Patrick Kelley was stopped, and ultimately apprehended.

Note: I could've linked to the original article from The Daily Mail, but fuck The Daily Mail. Instead, I'm linking to an excerpt from Vox Day's blog.

In one sentence: Two Good Samaritans, one with a rifle and the other with a very fast car, first stopped and then caught the suspect.

Quote:Daily Mail Wrote:

Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, was leaving First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs after he opened fire on parishioners during mass when Stephen Willeford, 55, confronted him. Texas Department of Public Safety Regional Director Freeman Martin said Willeford, a keen biker, had 'grabbed his rifle and engaged the suspect.'

A local resident told that Willeford, who attends a different church, was first alerted to the shooting when his daughter called him saying there was a man in body armor gunning down church goers. He grabbed his gun and bravely headed down to confront the killer.

The local said that while Willeford has no military experience, he is an excellent shot, and when he came face to face with Kelley, he didn't hesitate; he shot in between Kelley's body armor, hitting him in his side. The 26-year-old had dropped his Ruger assault rifle and climbed in an SUV to flee the scene.

He said that Kelley had taken a hostage in the passenger seat as he fled. But another local resident, Johnnie Langendorff, who had witnessed the confrontation refused to let the shooter get away. Both he and Willeford, a local plumber, jumped in his truck and gave chase.

In a Facebook post, Langendorff's girlfriend Summer Caddel described how the pair had 'jumped in my boyfriend's truck and they chased that sick b*****d down in pursuit until the cops could catch up. He was able to run the shooter off of the road on 539!'

Langendorff told KSAT 12 that he'd been speeding at 95mph, while on the phone to dispatch, while Willeford kept his rifle trained on the gunman's car. As they approached a sharp curve in the road, near the 307 and 539, he said Kelley appeared to lose control and his car swerved off the road. 'That's when I put the truck in park,' he said. 'The other gentleman jumped out, and had his rifle on him. He didn't move after that.'

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - CynicalContrarian - 11-06-2017

Disregard, until confirmation.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - spokepoker - 11-06-2017

HOLY fucking shit. Those guys need fucking medals of honor, the keys to the city, a parade in their honor. Trump should go shake their hands and have dinner with them.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - MMX2010 - 11-06-2017

Out of respect for some forum members, I've self-imposed a 48-hour "Wictor rule", which means I only post one Thomas Wictor tweetstorm every 48 hours.

Background tweet here.


Wictor tweetstorm here.


Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - MMX2010 - 11-06-2017

Video interview with the driver of the truck that apprehended the shooter.


Newscaster asks, "Johnny, what was going through your mind as you were chasing this guy, who you knew shot up the church?"

Johnny replied, "Just trying to get him. It was only acting on what was the right thing to do."

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

[Image: 171106-devin-kelley-mc-934_f822de035d153...00-700.jpg]

Freshman yearbook photo.


Old school friends described Kelley, who lived in nearby New Braunfels, Texas, as a “creep” who made no secret of his anti-religious views.

Awkward kid with authority/control problems and the need to display it.

What's starting to loom large at this point is that they haven't said anything about the status of his wife, the mother of his two children. (The child he assaulted in his first marriage was actually that woman's child from before their marriage.)

Were they together? Was she in the church? Was she at home when the police raided it? Is she alive? Are the kids?

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Johnnyvee - 11-06-2017

You can probably find a thousand different motives for this guys actions.
But it`s one thing to be resentful/hateful towards a certain group,
and a different thing entirely to actually go through with something like this.
As with basically all gun violence of this sort, (lone wolf-outcast etc.) you have to
look for the underlying reason that the perpetrator lost his natural inhibitions.

The answer is always the same, and I would be extremely surprised if this guy,
like basically everybody else from Columbine to Steven Paddock was not influenced by
mind altering drugs.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - eskimobobseal - 11-06-2017

The Vegas shooter attacked a crowd of white country music fans, of which a sizeable portion were probably Trump supporting conservatives.

A far-left socialist just attacked Rand Paul on his own property, leaving him with serious injuries.

And now, a leftist SJW evangelical atheist just mowed down Christians at a Baptist church, including toddlers, because he hates religion.

Yet the left will respond like they always do, by attacking the Second Amendment. The same people who want us dead want to strip away our inherent right to protection.

You can't make this stuff up.

I'm buying a firearm tomorrow and getting a concealed carry license. This is civil war, and I'm not sitting on my hands while libtard incel faggots go on murdering sprees on a regular basis. These sacks of garbage have to understand - if they want war, if they want to try and take our lives, they're going to get their brains blown out.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - heavy - 11-06-2017

Quote: (11-06-2017 07:12 AM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Video interview with the driver of the truck that apprehended the shooter.


Newscaster asks, "Johnny, what was going through your mind as you were chasing this guy, who you knew shot up the church?"

Johnny replied, "Just trying to get him. It was only acting on what was the right thing to do."

That's a man who doesn't realize how many blow jobs he's about to get. Kinda innocent in a way.

Also, to give an idea how normal this is becoming...I'm just finding out about this today (didn't check Drudge or RVF yesterday).

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - Jetset - 11-06-2017

Earlier, I posted a matching Colorado Springs voter registration.

Seems that while living in Colorado, Kelley had an hour-long police standoff from his RV in 2014 following an animal abuse call regarding an attack on his puppy.


A few months later he registered to vote in Colorado Springs — a city with several Air Force bases — listing his address as parking space 60 at a shabby collection of trailers in a gravel lot called the Fountain Creek RV Park.

A woman living in a camper next door, who gave her name only as Susan, said a man of similar age and description lived in spot 60 for a few months during that time, but she never learned his name.

“He was kind of off, lived here with a woman,” she said as she loaded blankets into one of the RV Park’s washing machines.

He said hello a few times in passing but was never friendly and stayed only a few months. She never heard any arguments from his trailer.

“The only thing that sticks out about him was his dog,” she said.

He had a pit bull puppy that he kept tied up in the sun all day outside of his RV, she said. She also recalled an incident where police were called because the man had struck the dog in the head.

The police arrived and there was a standoff for approximately an hour, she said, in which her neighbor refused to come out of his trailer.

Records show Mr. Kelley was charged with cruelty to animals, a misdemeanor, in August 2014. The case was dismissed. He moved out a few weeks later, she said.

He also used that Colorado Springs address to buy the Ruger he used in the shooting. Texas denied him a carry license.

Mass shooting at Texas Baptist church, 27 dead - TravelerKai - 11-06-2017

These findings are interesting, but unfortunately this guy slipped through enough cracks to avoid being denied weapons on technicalities. Not sure what improvements can be made to prevent this, unless they reform Dishonorable Dischargees gun rights. Maybe they have a good reason for doing bad behavior exceptions, but I do not know military law enforcement enough to know those nuances.

Militant atheists as a whole bother me perhaps more than Antifa faggots. Paddock and this guy could have both been this. It's also bad because the can be militant atheists and also Antifa sympathizers. Guys like this can not only use guys, but are more evil than just merely deranged like a typical Antifa protester.