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Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - RBerkley - 10-16-2016

At 4:46: "I don't really think I am a rhetoritician."

Until he decides to become one, he is going to have ZERO impact on these circus freaks. They know the game they are playing is about persuasion. Peterson is still acting like he is defending his PhD thesis to a room full of academics. He needs to figure out that he ain't in Kansas any more.

I noticed that Professor Peterson ususally conducts his political activism as if he is a university professor conducting a lecture, but that is what I expect of him being an upper-class tenured person in society.

I doubt he is gonna lose his shit as some low-income gangbanger thug because social class & etiquette are at stake. Professor Peterson is in the upper class of society, & it doesn't appear to be constructive to behave like the rabid SJWs or lash back at them like a gangbanger thug at a rival.

Though people who support Professor Peterson's cause will do the dirty work for him as a form of support.

UofT (& the entire common society of what makes Toronto) is still a shithole anyways judging from Lauren Southern's recent videos at the protest, so it makes Professor Peterson's conduct more "prestigious" to the eyes of the public than the SJW freaks and feminazis who are protesting against him using public disorder, intimidation & violence.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Ghost Tiger - 10-16-2016

^ I don't want him to lose his shit. I want him to get inside their heads. He's a psychology expert. He should act like it. He needs to SELL his arguments. He doesn't think the truth needs selling. He thinks the truth sells itself. He is wrong in this case because he is dealing with demoralized people who are unable to assess true information. And he clearly DOES want to reach them. He genuinely cares and wants to help these people understand his point of view. In order to succeed, he is going to have to resort to rhetoric. Or he can just keep failing.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - RBerkley - 10-16-2016

I believe that he is trying to gain more supporters for his cause, than to 100% reason with those SJW freaks at U of T, based on how he portrays himself on his YouTube videos.

Toronto law enforcement is also known to put innocent men in jail without bail, just because a feministe, or an SJW felt "criminally harassed" like Stefanie Guthrie making a bogus harassment claim against Gregory Elliott because of a disagreement on Twitter which didn't even have anyone using threatening language.

I don't think there is any way to reason with feminists and SJWs because they have the police state at his side.

This video shows exactly what happens when one tries to reason with a SJW type of person. Ryerson University is no different than UofT.

The student tried to reason with the feministe doctor, and instead, she went to police in her area, to get him charged by York Regional Police for "uttering threats", though York Regional Police doesn't have jurisdiction in the City of Toronto?

It's not that easy to assert anything in Toronto, because one can file a " criminal harassment" or "uttering threats" charge against innocent men who want to spread the truth.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Ghost Tiger - 10-16-2016

^ True there are risks in Toronto. It's risky being a man there. But... nothing ventured, nothing gained. If this matter is as important as Professor Peterson says it is (and it is), then it is worth taking risks.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - debeguiled - 10-19-2016

The screws are tightening:


The University of Toronto has slapped down a professor who openly criticized the use of gender-neutral pronouns and political correctness at the post-secondary institution.

Jordan Peterson, a psychology prof, was sent a letter Tuesday that told him that he must refer to students by whatever pronoun they wish — not just ‘he’ or ‘she’ — and that he must also refrain from making public statements on the topic.


“They had to make their decision whether they were going to make a stand for free speech or whether they were going to censor me and they’ve decided,” Peterson told the Toronto Sun Wednesday. “It’s unfortunate; I’m not happy about it; I’m disappointed.

“But it doesn’t surprise me because it is the fact that such things are happening that was the motivation for me to make the damn videos to begin with,” he said.


“These laws are the first laws that I’ve seen that require people under the threat of legal punishment to employ certain words, to speak a certain way, instead of merely limiting what they’re allowed to say,” Peterson said. “So the law’s put words into our mouths.”

Evidently, what Peterson is doing is equivalent to yelling fire in a theater:


The U of T letter, signed jointly by arts and science dean David Cameron and faculty and academic life vice-provost Sioban Nelson, said the university is committed to free speech but that right has limits.

And if you don't believe it, believe this, if Peterson doesn't do what he is told, people will die.

Yeah, the administration is going there:


Students have also reported being the target of violent threats, the letter says.

[I like the fucking vote of confidence in this line:]
“We trust that these impacts on students and others were not your intention in making these remarks,” the letter says.

“However, in view of these impacts, as well as the requirements of the Ontario Human Rights Code, we urge you to stop repeating these statements.”

And the moral is, if a large organization is ever required to stand behind an employee not only out of loyalty, but in pursuit of a higher principle, this is the procedure:

[Image: 6uyEQ0J.gif]

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Ghost Tiger - 10-19-2016

I told you they would go after him with process. And they're not done with him yet. I can tell by the language they're using that they're getting ready to declare him "unsafe" for student interaction. They're going to give him the Rushton treatment.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - RBerkley - 10-20-2016

Wweird stuff at the UofT.

It appears that every time a "controversial" speaker wants to speak at the UofT, there is either an angry mob who pulls fire alarms (Dr.Warren Farrell speech), mysterious "online threats against feministes (though feminists can be male too) before the Dr. Cathy Young speech,

and now...

mysterious "online threats" against LGBTQ666PEDOPHILENAKEDFEMALETEACHERSFUCKSTUDENTSANDTODDLERS at U of T to justify banning Professor Peterson from speaking on campus.

U of T sure got False Flag shit going on because those online "threats" appear when someone is trying to criticize the status quo.

I don't know who is sane enough to even spend a dollar on that university which become a DEFCOCK 1 ground zero zone against men, but a paradise for feministes and trannies LGBT.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Ghost Tiger - 10-24-2016

More evidence of how retarded U of T students have become:

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Laner - 10-24-2016

Fuck this, I think I am done paying taxes.

I am already having a low tolerance day. People have been giving me a wider birth than usual today, which gives me a bit of sunshine.

Also, WB Asian broad. Just because I know she would do whatever I want, and agree with everything I say.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Slim Shady - 11-06-2016

Great interview by Prof. Jordan Peterson with Gavin McInnis.

"The idea that we should be making students feel safe on campuses is absurd. Read Neitzsche, Dostoevski, Soltzenitzin or Carl Jung - those people will terrify you right down to your soul. That's how you know that you are being educated."

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-15-2016

The University of Toronto is hosting a debate this Saturday with Professor Peterson that he will be livestreaming on his Youtube Channel.


Jordan Peterson announces details of debate

CUPE 3902 Queer Caucus issues call to boycott university-hosted free speech forum

Details for the upcoming U of T-hosted debate on free speech and Bill C-16 featuring Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson have been determined.

Peterson posted on Twitter that on November 19 at 9:30 am he will be debating Brenda Cossman, U of T Law Professor and Director of the Bonham Centre of Sexual Diversity at University College, and Mary Bryson, Senior Associate Dean, Administration, Faculty Affairs & Innovation, and Professor at the Department of Language and Literacy, and Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. Trinity College Provost and U of T Law Professor Mayo Moran will moderate.

Peterson also tweeted that he will be livestreaming the debate through his personal YouTube channel. The location of the debate was not announced by the time of publishing.

The Queer Caucus of CUPE 3902, the union representing “7,000 sessional lecturers, TAs, and other contract instructional staff at U of T,” released an open letter on November 4 calling for a boycott of the upcoming debate.

The letter states that “human rights are not up for debate.”

The letter also says that there is no room for discussion regarding some of Peterson’s statements about gender. “Neither Peterson’s views about race and gender nor his understandings of the Canadian Human Rights Act and Bill C-16 constitute valid forms of academic debate. Transgender people are not, as he claims, ‘a coterie of left-wing ideologues.’ We are human beings who seek fair opportunities,” a portion of the letter reads.

Official information about the debate is forthcoming but as a release from the university says, “It is expected that speakers at the forum, to be hosted by the Faculty of Arts & Science, would include Professor Jordan Peterson.”

Peterson has risen to public notoriety following the release of a number of YouTube lectures where he challenges ‘political correctness’, which he views as a threat to free speech. One of Peterson’s lectures focused on his opposition Bill C-16, which would prohibit discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and expression. Another lecture criticized the University of Toronto’s undertaking for anti-racism training.

In a U of T News interview, David Cameron, Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science, clarifies the need for a discussion. He says, “In such polarized circumstances, it is appropriate that the university sponsor a forum, which aims to permit — in an academic setting — the rational examination of the various views raised by this controversy.”

Peterson addressed the details of a forum in a November 5 YouTube video. Peterson reveals that the university was not going to allow the debate to go forward if he would not use gender-neutral pronouns to refer to people if asked to do so.
In the video, Peterson said the request was “perverse in some sense that, in this debate, the debate would begin with a significant restriction on what [he was] allowed to say.”

“Make no mistake about it, this is what’s happened: the university has drawn the lines, and they have decided that if they have to support political correctness/social justice Neo-Marxism, or freedom of speech, then they are going to pick the former, and not the latter,” he said in the video.

The 3902 Queer Caucus’ letter also questions whether such a forum could be safely held, “given the disastrous outcome of the October 11 ‘free speech rally’ held by Peterson and his supporters.” It urges members of the community to stand in solidarity by boycotting the debate and express their disappointment with David Cameron via email.

The university was unable to give comment on the status of the free speech forum. U of T Director of Media Relations Althea Blackburn-Evans told The Varsity that “the details have yet to be fully finalized; I’m hoping we can announce Monday.”
Neither Peterson nor the CUPE 3902 Queer Caucus responded to The Varsity’s request for comment.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Malone - 11-18-2016

This madman was on The Rubin Report yesterday. The man's a hero. Incredibly well spoken and educated, with an unbreakable frame.

This is well worth a watch.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Dream Medicine - 11-18-2016

Quote: (11-18-2016 03:40 AM)Malone Wrote:  

...The man's a hero. Incredibly well spoken and educated, with an unbreakable frame...

[Image: giphy.gif]

Malone, thank you for sharing this. And thanks to RexImperator and all other contributors to this thread.

I believe that men like Professor Peterson are essential in the fight against institutions submitting in fear to the vocal minority of thought-policing, entitled snowflakes who--at their deepest core--ultimately lack the personal strength to accept and take ownership for their own problems.

Gents, I encourage you to check out Professor Peterson's website [1], not just for the vids highlighting his courageous fight for free speech, coherent debate, and scientific integrity [2], but also to consider his vast contributions to scientific knowledge. To take just two examples that may appeal to the RVF membership - a university lecture on youtube re: personality-based gender differences [2], and an academic paper re: the contribution of neuroticism to the relative happiness of conservatives [3].

Professor Peterson, I salute you.


[2] Dana B Barr: "Integrity in Science" (Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2007)
[3] Jordan Peterson: "2016 Personality Lecture 12: Gender Differences: Agreeableness and other traits: the Science" (Youtube video, 2016)
[4] Jordan Peterson: "Why Do Conservatives Report Being Happier Than Liberals? The Contribution of Neuroticism" (Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2015).

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-22-2016

Peterson posted the entirety of the Free Speech Debate on his Youtube channel:

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Sombro - 11-22-2016

[Image: 8NAub.gif]

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - manly5000 - 11-23-2016

[Image: YlZVCnH.gif]

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - RBerkley - 11-24-2016

I REALLY hope that Professor Peterson formulates backup plan to flee to the USofA.

He already was warned by a lawyer that he should "shut (his) mouth and enjoy his safe life", because he can be sued and forced to pay over $250,000 in legal fees and award costs for "discrimination".

There are also rumors circulating that there are attempts to set up Professor Peterson for a crime such as "harassment" and/or any other public safety precaution.

I do know that SJW tried to get Dr. Janice Fiamengo labelled a security risk on campus, but the other option they did was to get her student to sue her for "discrimination", a female SJW it was told. Dr. Janice Fiamengo resorted to begging online for Go-FundMe/Kickstarter donations at least $50,000 Canadian dollars to pay for legal fees because the student wants to sue Dr. Janice Fiamengo directly and not the university.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Slim Shady - 11-26-2016

I can't recommend enough those videos of Professor Peterson on the Rubin Report. I think that every person here should watch the appearance. The man makes points on a cosmic scale, not just limited to one small marxist act.

It is extremely important to keep ourselves in check, and try our best to gain a correct understanding of history. This goes both ways by the way - the SJW "straight white males are evil" people aren't the only ones who have changed history. The Social Justice marxists are the ones who are currently the dominant elites trying to exert control over the populace. However, they have not been the only ones in history to try to control other groups of people. Every single group in history that has exerted control over another group has likely changed "history" and "facts" so as to cause division, break the peoples' spirit and pride in themselves, and write history so that it is accepted that their rule was both necessary and benevolent! We should question all such history.

Often smart people - even forum members, easily see when these kind of Ministry of Truth type attack strategies are implemented on them now, while at the same time showing a frightening lack of awareness of how these same strategies may have also been used on other groups in the past.

What I mean by this is not that people should feel guilt for the actions of their ancestors - every individual must be valued on his own merit (I'll concede that hesitant initial impressions can be made using patterns) - but people should not pretend that we all don't have an inherent capability to perform great acts of evil and oppression, and this should keep us up at night.

If we can't be honest with ourselves, then we won't be able to successfully ever move away from totalitarianism, and achieve true freedom and self determination.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Lucky - 11-30-2016

I highly recommend listening to Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan's podcast, just released today.

One striking line from Peterson: "Every time you strive to better yourself, you are making society less equal by rising above the mediocre."

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Conscious Pirate - 12-01-2016

It was a magnificent conversation. An astounding intellect. I'm not too proud to admit to welling up a little right at the end when Rogan asks Dr Peterson, "what can people who want to support you do?"

"Just fix yourself"


Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - Ghost Tiger - 12-03-2016

Conrad Black rings in on the controversy.

Quote:Conrad Black Wrote:

Conrad Black: Jordan Peterson speaks for those of us that refuse to follow the ‘great liberal death wish’

[Image: bRCLkD.jpg]

I have just endured the sobering experience of watching the always very intelligent and professional Steve Paikin chair a panel about the trans-gender controversy that centres on University of Toronto professor Dr. Jordan Peterson. I had vaguely followed the story as it percolated up in the press, much of the frothings in which must usually be taken lightly. It was, I fear, a piercing glimpse into what great and venerable statesmen of my youth such as Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, and Louis St. Laurent called “days that I shall not see.” I did not, until now, grasp the fine balance between gratitude and wistfulness in their invocation of that phrase; as a young person, I thought it the license of the great to engage in histrionics, and I now claim it as the right of lesser yet aging people, such as myself.

For those who have sagely ducked or otherwise been spared exposure to this controversy, Dr. Peterson rejects the right of his students to require him to address them, if they are trans-people (i.e. in some state of flux between the male and female poles of gender identification — not their orientation, whether they are homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual or asexual has nothing to do with it), otherwise than in a way that consigns them to the claustrophobic confines of being male or female. “Ze” for he or she and “Zir” in place of his or him are the sticking points, but what is accumulating behind these imbecilic distinctions is quite sinister. The tape Steve Paikin ran of Dr. Peterson being reviled and shouted down and physically intimidated at the University of Toronto was distressing and we may be on the edge of a defining moment in our jolly and progressive Canadian civilization. Dr. Peterson sees it as a matter of freedom of expression and believes that others do not have the authority to require him to address them in a newly-hatched vocabulary devised to oppress the “gender-binary” conventional practice, while his opponents profess to believe that in refusing to do so, he is committing a hate crime punishable by human rights commissions or tribunals.

Those hoary-headed monsters, whose egregious trespasses on freedom of expression in the name of despotic political correctness has been heroically and successfully contested by my friends Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant and others, does not prescribe imprisonment under the articles invoked by Dr. Peterson’s assailants, but a fine is possible. As if to assure the least possibility of a quiet end to this preposterous issue, Dr. Peterson has declared that he will not pay a fine, and if imprisoned for not paying it, would embark on a hunger strike. While my sympathies are with Dr. Peterson, this is an unjustified hypothetical escalation. If it came to that, the authorities would attach his bank account or his income and collect the fine in that manner rather than imprisoning him and provoking a hunger strike.

Dr. Peterson’s approach is so inflexible and so entirely righteous, without much using the powerful weapon of ridicule that is available to him, he may not attract the full range of support the virtue of his arguments and his personal courage deserve. But on the substance of the issue, he is, of course, correct. We must always be wary of the majoritarian tyranny, which has preoccupied many civil libertarians, including the principal authors of the Constitution of the United States, especially James Madison and Alexander Hamilton (who agreed on little else). But the transgender community is less than one per cent of the population. As I have written many times in many contexts over many tears, rights do not exist only for the numerous, and a litmus test of the legitimacy of a society is its observance of the rights of minorities, including especially minorities of one. The jurisprudence of all great democratic nations is replete with famous cases to this effect: Capt. Dreyfus, Dr. Samuel Mudd (who was prosecuted for treating the assassin of Abraham Lincoln though there was no evidence that he was involved in the plot), even the British Archer-Shee affair made famous in the drama, the Winslow Boy.

The Peterson affair is threatening to cross the double white line. All people must be treated with respect, equally. But there are only two genders, two sexes; our species and all other mammals are “gender-binary.” All people may state their sex, and if that is contrary to physical appearances, that remains their right. But no individual or group has the right to invent a new vocabulary and a new co-equal gender because of a state of ambivalence or confusion about which sex they are. Every legally competent individual has a perfect and absolute right to declare their sex, but not to create a new legal status and legally require the use of a new vocabulary for those in flux between the only two sexes we have, mercilessly binary though their finite number may be. The individuals in that condition may change their registered sex each day if they wish, but not treat anyone who declines to address them in terms that debunk the gender-binary world as guilty of a hate-crime, punishable by imposable fines.

About six months ago I wrote a column in this space about the acceptance by the Supreme Court of Canada to hear an appeal of judgments from well-reasoned local courts, a request from a British Columbia band of native people numbering 900, who claimed that 25 years of consultation was constitutionally inadequate over a proposed ski area that an elder of their band was supernaturally advised (and after a lapse of some years told his people) would drive off the spirit of the grizzly bear that was central to the religion of that band. I concluded the column with the shabby polemical device that I only employ rarely, a rhetorical question, in this case “Are we all mad?”

Of course we are not, and we still live in a country where people can self-identify as they wish, even if it diverges from apparent realities. But we are almost at the point where people who decline to be legally forced to acknowledge the more implausible applications of this right are subject to persecution by social justice warriors and, quite conceivably, the government.

We are terrifyingly reluctant to impose normal rules of free discourse over the agitations of people who are using an imagined unlimited latitude on sexual self-description to gag, dictate to, and prosecute reasonable people exercising their rights to free expression. It is another manifestation (of which the hypocritically respectful lamentations about the Stalinist despot Fidel Castro are another), of what my late friend Malcolm Muggeridge called “the great liberal death wish.” The great majority do not want to go along for that ride, and this time, the great majority must be heard and obeyed.

National Post
[email protected]

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - ElFlaco - 12-03-2016

Quote: (11-30-2016 01:24 AM)Lucky Wrote:  

I highly recommend listening to Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan's podcast, just released today.

I only watched the last ten minutes, but powerful stuff. This guy is brilliant and tough. Too bad so few are willing to fight like him, although given the consequences, it's understandable. His strongest point is that the leftist tactics here are totalitarian -- and then connecting that to history. For example, the guards at Auschwitz requiring prisoners to carry the same heavy sack from one side of the camp to the other, back and forth. That is what these language warriors are doing. It's a compliance test backed up by law, getting us to jump through one hoop, then another, until their control over language is complete. They hate themselves so deeply that they want the rest of us to accompany them in their misery.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - debeguiled - 12-03-2016

Quote: (12-03-2016 01:42 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Conrad Black rings in on the controversy.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - debeguiled - 12-03-2016

Quote: (12-03-2016 02:47 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2016 01:24 AM)Lucky Wrote:  

I highly recommend listening to Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan's podcast, just released today.

I only watched the last ten minutes, but powerful stuff. This guy is brilliant and tough. Too bad so few are willing to fight like him, although given the consequences, it's understandable. His strongest point is that the leftist tactics here are totalitarian -- and then connecting that to history. For example, the guards at Auschwitz requiring prisoners to carry the same heavy sack from one side of the camp to the other, back and forth. That is what these language warriors are doing. It's a compliance test backed up by law, getting us to jump through one hoop, then another, until their control over language is complete. They hate themselves so deeply that they want the rest of us to accompany them in their misery.

Yeah. We should all take a page from his book on this. He has been saying for weeks now, that the reason he is against being compelled to use certain words is that he has been studying repressive governments for forty years and. . . This is how fascism starts.

A simple powerful argument.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns - ElFlaco - 12-03-2016

Quote: (12-03-2016 03:00 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Yeah. We should all take a page from his book on this. He has been saying for weeks now, that the reason he is against being compelled to use certain words is that he has been studying repressive governments for forty years and. . . This is how fascism starts.

A simple powerful argument.

In other words, he's not primarily making the free speech argument that he should have the right to say whatever he wants. Sadly, that defense has been tarred as repressive.

Instead, he's positioning himself as having the moral high ground, comparing his opponents to history's greatest thugs, showing the connections. His story is that he's saving the world from evil despite personal sacrifice (rather than selfishly exercising his speech rights). This is the smart play. Not sure if it will work, but the free speech angle doesn't have a chance.