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Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - BelyyTigr - 10-02-2017

Quote: (01-24-2016 08:35 PM)h3ltrsk3ltr Wrote:  

-Television images contain subliminal messages that brainwash citizens to do what the government wants.

-The NSA runs Conde Nast (and by extension, the SWJ movement). Advance Publications is just a front for the secret society that controls the American government.

Brainwashing is a complex science. There are banned aspects and many aspects so sophisticated we won't notice. I don't think its the govt pulling the strings. Rather, its those who are controlling the government.
Same story with Conde Nast - brothers, sons, lifelong schoolfriends, the bankrollers work in the media and
the government's controllers. It happens, it just isn't as formal as some people say.

Quote: (01-25-2016 01:28 AM)Windom Earle Wrote:  

- Our modern type of civilization has been in existence at least once before, on Earth or another planet (probably Mars).

- You've been fooled that dreams are your brain's way of de-fragging the events of the day, but really it is your brain's way of searching upon images that your future self has glimpsed, since past/present/future are happening simultaneously. Weird/unworldly/patchy imagery occurs due to skill level still developing in this regard coupled with a lack of consistent delta brain waves.

I think that there are patterns of recurrences that we can't consciously identify yet. Or people just don't want to identify. There's an argument that the passage of time is merely our perception and that its not a "thing" any more than taking a walk is a 3 dimensional object. In other words, all times could be existing "at once". That would lend support to the future contacting the past or present.

There seems to be a cyclical nature to civilisations. The idea of stuff on Mars doesn't remotely surprise me. The Establishment didn't even want to admit to the possibility of planets outside our solar system 20 years ago.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - infowarrior1 - 10-02-2017

I believe at 9/11 the falling towers was caused by a controlled demolition.

As for the one I made up. Leave this for the next post.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - sterling_archer - 10-02-2017

1. 9/11 was operation conducted with coordination between middle eastern and western establishments.

2. Drone technology was involved in 9/11.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - debeguiled - 10-02-2017

Quote: (10-02-2017 05:08 AM)BelyyTigr Wrote:  

Brainwashing is a complex science. There are banned aspects and many aspects so sophisticated we won't notice. I don't think its the govt pulling the strings. Rather, its those who are controlling the government.

I think that we haven't been told the truth about hypnotism and trance states, and that they (trance states) are far more common than we realize.

Hypnotism has been intentionally marginalized like conspiracy theories, and many falsehoods have been seeded in the popular culture to make people mentally fat, dumb, and overconfident, like cans of Freakee soda.

Ideas like you cannot be hypnotized into doing anything you don't want to are blatant lies, and we are being encouraged into ego trances of personal superiority to make us unready to deal with any hardship or trauma.

I think there are constant social experiments on the internet, and that psychologists are practicing control techniques by trying to create new memes, phobias, obsessions all the time because it is so easy, cheap and programmable.

I think that the deepest insights psychologists and sociologists have are hidden from us and revealed to government actors, and are being exercised on us at all times, massaging us, even the rebels, into obscurity and irrelevance.

All of this is available to us, to our own perceptions, but only when we take a deep introspective journey into our own personal preferences, obsessions, and weaknesses, and if we can take an honest look at ourselves, what we wish to be true rather than what we believe to be true, we can by dint of self reflection and observation, become immune to the manipulations.

When I was a kid, I used to dig a small pit, catch a bunch of lizards and one by one hypnotize them one by one by rubbing their bellies and laying them on their backs in the pit (did I mention one by one?). After a couple of hours, I would have a pit full of lizards, motionless, eyes closed, on their backs in the pit.

And I felt like the master of the universe. Like the elites in our must culture feel.

But eventually, one lizard would wake up, and by running around, wake up all the other lizards.

We have within us the ability to be that first lizard, though the price is high, and the knowledge is hard won.

The ultimate principle is simple, and as old as the hills.

Divide and conquer.

Create divisions between groups, get each one into its own superiority trance.

Once that is done, get divisions within groups.

Then divisions within families.

Each person a king, transcendent, patiently dealing with the losers around him.

Dependent entirely upon those who flatter.

Humility, honesty, self reflection, these are the cure.

If you refer to yourself as *woke* you have already lost, and are nearly beyond the point of rescue.

Are you an ultra high I.Q. individual? Or a member of La Raza? Or the Melanoid Nation? Or a wimminz? Or a craft brewer? Gun owner?

Lost, lost all lost?

What about being a garden variety human being, doing his best?

Isn't that good enough?

Isn't it good enough to be a man, or do you have to be an alpha derring do dude?

What is your string of adjectives? cis/het/trans/sapio/postmodern/conservative/?

Do you refer to others as normies?

Do you believe you have the good information?

Do you look down on Tumblerinas?

ORTHODOX not Catholic/Evangelical/Lutheran?

Emo Phillips wrote the best religious joke of all time.

It encapsulates all you need to know about your own enslavement.

Mine too.


Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"

He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"

Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.

Transcend this, and you are free.

Lonely but free.

Enough free people, and it won't matter who is pulling the strings because none of it will work anymore.

What is a school. Is it the buildings, stately, marble, brass banisters? The tradition?

Or is it just what happens between the souls of the teacher and the students?

Is true wealth fiat?

Is that possible?

If it isn't then there will be no more looting.

Is capital only financial?

And if it isn't then what is it?

[Image: eight_forms_of_captial-550x228.png]

And if you believe this, then what hold do corporations/white people/((subversives))/illuminati have over us?

Do you have to buy in to anything you don't believe in?

If you are rich when you have clothes, house, relationship, community?

And what about kids? Raising them? What if that became the ultimate source of wealth?

Would you then have ever even heard of the Dunham or Kardassian creatures?

Is it their fault we keep coming back buying what they are selling?

Is it really true, or do we have the Bartleby option:

[Image: Mdf3bfefe36e3b8ada65533f3bb9c38a7.jpg]

Do the inner work, and mysteries recede. It is all right there in front of us, and we are free to participate or not.

Or I could be totally wrong about this.

Because if I don't say that, I will fall into that demon trance myself.

And we can't have that.

[Image: cyphersteak1.jpg?w=640]

Damn, remind me not to drink vodka early on a Monday.

It starts me testifying.

[Image: 407083_orig.gif]

[Image: Shutyoass228rn.gif]

[Image: anigif_enhanced-buzz-2767-1425341731-15.gif]

[Image: tumblr_nimk8a4sij1skru9ro1_500.gif]

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Easy_C - 10-02-2017


There seems to be a cyclical nature to civilisations. The idea of stuff on Mars doesn't remotely surprise me. The Establishment didn't even want to admit to the possibility of planets outside our solar system 20 years ago

There actually is, and what's more that cycle has a wavelength with predictive qualities.

See some of the other links I've posted on the forum.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Mercenary - 10-02-2017

Quote: (10-02-2017 11:23 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Damn, remind me not to drink vodka early on a Monday.

It starts me testifying.

debeguiled, the thread you are looking for is here:



Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - debeguiled - 10-02-2017

Quote: (10-02-2017 11:29 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2017 11:23 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Damn, remind me not to drink vodka early on a Monday.

It starts me testifying.

debeguiled, the thread you are looking for is here:




I was just being humble.

That was good stuff.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - sterling_archer - 10-02-2017

Quote: (10-02-2017 11:28 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  


There seems to be a cyclical nature to civilisations. The idea of stuff on Mars doesn't remotely surprise me. The Establishment didn't even want to admit to the possibility of planets outside our solar system 20 years ago

There actually is, and what's more that cycle has a wavelength with predictive qualities.

See some of the other links I've posted on the forum.

Could you say more here?

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - YoungBlade - 10-02-2017

- carcinogens were put into tobacco in the 60s, prior to which there were few/none.

- there were civilizations where humans tamed dinosaurs.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - sterling_archer - 10-02-2017

Two more:

1. There are buildings on the moon.

2. Moon is artificial creation.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Fender_Bender - 10-02-2017

1. The media has been the driving force behind all the racial problems in the United States, starting with the Trayvon etc. cases. Divide and conquer, get the peasants fighting over stupid unnecessary racial shit instead of looking upwards towards the evil fucks in DC looting the country of its wealth. (Obvious)

2. Humans are alien engineered hybrids of apes and pigs. Jews were let in on this secret by God in ancient times, somehow the Muslims got the message, and Christians don't know or don't care. Pigs are too tasty to worry about origin stories outside of official doctrine.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - sterling_archer - 10-02-2017

Two more, alien related:

1. Old Testament is based around description of pacts between humans and aliens and events surrounding them.

2. Aliens built ancient mega structures.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Dan Woolf - 10-02-2017

1. (((They))) sank Titanic in order to get rid of the wealthy, influential people who opposed the Federal Reserve.

2. Yuri Gagarin wasn't the first human in outer space, he was just the first one to survive to tell the story.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - kamoz - 10-02-2017

1. The airplanes used in 9/11 were the actual airliners, but they were remotely guided to their respective targets. The fall of the towers was via controlled demolition.

2. Chemtrails.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Higgs Bosun - 10-02-2017

This doesn't go in order, right? I'm posting this in random order, the first one may or may not be the one I actually believe.

1. The Western world's politics is conducted by elected figureheads beholden to a visible cadre of primarily Jewish financiers and media moguls. These Jewish financiers and media moguls in turn have their strings pulled by forces completely invisible to the public.

2. The Western world's politics is conducted by elected figureheads beholden to a visible cadre of primarily Jewish financiers and media moguls with nothing behind them. The ((( ))) are both necessary and sufficient to explain why the world behaves as it does.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Mr. Accuride - 10-03-2017

1. One of the three Imperial Regalia of Japan, the Kusanagi Sword, is not an actual sword but rather an intriguing device that is able to control the wind of any location within the line of sight of the device, to the extent that it can create typhoon strength winds. Its existence, true provenance, and its full capabilities are only known by the Emperor, his immediate family, the keeper of the Imperial seal and the monks that are entrusted with the care of the Kusanagi Sword. Whether it was created by processes that are still presently unknown or from alien technology based on the myth that it was found in the body of the legendary dragon Yamato no Orochi is up for debate, however, it is such a well kept secret by the Imperial family that not even the present Japanese government officials really believe that it exists. All requests to examine the Kusanagi Sword by scholars or otherwise have thus far been refused by the Imperial family, although it (or a replica) was presented under cover to the public by the current Emperor Heisei during his coronation.

It has been used several times in secret either by the Emperor or someone close to the Emperor to defend mainland Japan, the most famous incident being the Kamikaze that was summoned by someone close to Emperor Kameyama to destroy the extensive navy of Kublai Khan that carried an invading force of over 100,000 men. Emperor Koumei, having full knowledge of the Kusanagi Sword, intended to use the sword to expel the American and British navies and issued a decree to expel the foreigners from Japan, despite the apparent overwhelming superiority from the American and British navies compared to the Japanese navy. However, he died of smallpox before he got to use the sword, and the subsequent emperor Meiji was too young and was most likely unaware that the Kusanagi Sword had such powers.

During WWII, Hirohito (Emperor Showa) hesitated over surrender only because he had thought the American Navy would approach mainland Japan, whereupon he could unleash the Kusanagi Sword on the American Navy and Air force in hopes of defeating the Americans as they had the Mongolians in the past. However, after the first two nuclear bombs, it became clear that the sword was useless if the Emperor cannot identify in advance where the bombers were coming from, nor was it clear that it could be effective against planes anyway. This is why his first command after issuing the surrender was to defend the Imperial Regalia at all costs, as he did not want the Allies to know of the true powers of the Kusanagi Sword.

Even now, the Kusanagi Sword is maintained in secret by the Imperial family as a last ditch weapon to prevent the invasion of Japan by sea.

2. The Jewish Exodus from Ancient Egypt did not happen, nor were they ever enslaved by the Egyptians. It is a myth created by early Jews who wanted a way to unify the Jewish tribes against a common enemy through a shared victim mentality narrative, and carried over against other races such as the Philistines. Passover was invented by the early Jews to establish early Jewish ethnocentrism. If the exodus and enslavement had indeed happened, the Ancient Egyptians surely would've made a record regarding suddenly losing hundreds of thousands of workers over a few weeks, not to mention the loss of their armies and chariots to the Red Sea. Further, and to the discredit of the early Jews that invented this narrative, the Ancient Egyptians never really used slave labor, as evinced by their meticulous payroll records for laborers of the pyramids. However, the purpose of Passover has been supplanted by the Holocaust, so it may not really matter.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Transsimian - 10-03-2017

Quote: (10-02-2017 03:35 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

1. (((They))) sank Titanic in order to get rid of the wealthy, influential people who opposed the Federal Reserve.

Goldberg Iceberg what's the difference. [Image: banana.gif]

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - loremipsum - 10-03-2017

1. Ours is not the first civilization on this planet.

2. The elite is obsessed with occultism and consumes the fresh pineal glands of tortured children to get the maximum high in order to contact interdimensional beings.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - puckerman - 10-04-2017

1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his staff knew that Japan would try to attack Pearl Harbor and purposely withheld this information from the military personnel stationed there.

2. Tom Petty died and made a deal with Monty Hall for eight more hours of life.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Dan Woolf - 10-05-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 03:57 AM)Transsimian Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2017 03:35 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

1. (((They))) sank Titanic in order to get rid of the wealthy, influential people who opposed the Federal Reserve.

Goldberg Iceberg what's the difference. [Image: banana.gif]

Every fucking time.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Svoboda - 10-05-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 12:25 AM)Mr. Accuride Wrote:  

2. The Jewish Exodus from Ancient Egypt did not happen, nor were they ever enslaved by the Egyptians. It is a myth created by early Jews who wanted a way to unify the Jewish tribes against a common enemy through a shared victim mentality narrative, and carried over against other races such as the Philistines. Passover was invented by the early Jews to establish early Jewish ethnocentrism. If the exodus and enslavement had indeed happened, the Ancient Egyptians surely would've made a record regarding suddenly losing hundreds of thousands of workers over a few weeks, not to mention the loss of their armies and chariots to the Red Sea. Further, and to the discredit of the early Jews that invented this narrative, the Ancient Egyptians never really used slave labor, as evinced by their meticulous payroll records for laborers of the pyramids. However, the purpose of Passover has been supplanted by the Holocaust, so it may not really matter.

I have this theory that the exodus was based on where they got their monotheism from (or at least partly). In Egypt there was a one god cult (Aten/Aton) that got rooted out around that time (read about Tutankhamon's father if you're interested in this).
Also I think the Jews didn't conquer Palestine on the Palestinians instead they were the lower class that rose up and took over. Look at Jewish law and art of the period, it seems to indicate a lower class take over much more than a foreign invader.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - rorochido1 - 10-05-2017

Quote: (01-24-2016 08:27 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

In this thread, post two conspiracy theories. One you believe to be true and the other is one that you just made up.

-Guantanamo Bay is a training center for "strategic assets." The prisoners are subjected to MK Ultra mind control before being released back to the Middle East to fight for US interests.

-There are active programs by the government to experiment on the environment through the spraying of chemicals above population centers (chemtrails).

Yes! My time to shine....

-God/Jesus and Aliens are the same thing.

-Reddit is a Govnt project to get insight on any general stance from the general populous (albeit college educated at least)

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - redpillage - 10-05-2017

Quote: (10-02-2017 04:31 PM)kamoz Wrote:  

1. The airplanes used in 9/11 were the actual airliners, but they were remotely guided to their respective targets. The fall of the towers was via controlled demolition.

2. Chemtrails.

1. Chemtrails.

2. The airplanes used in 9/11 were the actual airliners, but they were remotely guided to their respective targets. The fall of the towers was via controlled demolition.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - Captainstabbin - 10-05-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 06:12 AM)loremipsum Wrote:  

1. Ours is not the first civilization on this planet.

2. The elite is obsessed with occultism and consumes the fresh pineal glands of tortured children to get the maximum high in order to contact interdimensional beings.

I believe a variation of both of these.

Post two conspiracy theories: one you believe and one you made up - rorochido1 - 10-05-2017

Quote: (01-26-2016 05:30 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2016 11:53 PM)hwuzhere Wrote:  

Roosh the kitten assassinated the real Roosh and is currently inside a humanoid robot pretending to be Roosh in order to fullfill world domination by our cat overlords.

Source: thread-13175.html

We are all figments and part of a false reality where only one real person is truly living while the rest of us are merely programs/NPCs.

OK, I'll bite, how about this:

1. The "RooshV" enterprise and its components (RVF, ROK), like many other websites, are information/subversion operations of the Russian Federation, Islamic Republic of Iran, or People's Republic of China, to diminish confidence in the system of "liberal democracy" through cultural warfare and conspiracy theories, thus spreading dissatisfaction, withdrawal, and rebellion in the West amongst MAM - military age males.

2. The September 2001 anthrax attacks targeting the National Enquirer, New York Post, Tom Brokaw of NBC and Democratic senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy ten days after 9/11, which killed five, were planned by the same crew which promoted the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" narrative supporting the invasion of Iraq. The attacks were blamed on Iraq at the time by "unnamed Bush administration officials." The FBI accused one guy, then "solved" the case seven years later after a second suspect "committed suicide."

[Image: dick_cheney_did_the_anthrax_attacks_cap-...vr_512.jpg]

Meta observation: If #1 is true, I am furthering its purposes by propagating the idea of #2.

Number 1 makes total sense. Straight out of the art of war.