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60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - WanderingSoul - 02-29-2016

Hit 183.0 on the dot this morning, started the cut at 193.

I think I have ~10 pounds left to go, but I have the hang of things better now so I expect it to go a bit quicker.

Currently doing Leangains routine here:

Not doing Leangains diet though.

Hitting 2,200 calories per day. Roughly 160-185 protein per day and ~100 fats and carbs. Fats and carbs mostly just fall into place, not trying to hit a specific number. Hit my protein and calories for the day is all I care about.

Also doing 4 days per week of cardio for 30-40 minutes each, and I love it. Never thought I'd like cardio but I really enjoy it. It's like meditation for me. Throw in some music or Donald Trump: Think BIG and KICK ASS audiobook and go to town.

I also went to boxing for the first time in a while the other day and after a month or so of cardio (keep my HR 130-150) I felt a pretty good boost in stamina. Muscular endurance was obviously down a bit but recovery between rounds and stamina were good.

I'm not stopping until I have a 6 pack, then I will slow bulk up. Looking to lose about 8 pounds over the next 6 weeks. I've been stalling out on fatloss quite a bit and staying at the same weight for 5-10 days at a time, so I' going to be a bit more aggressive in dropping my calories here on out. If I don't crack below 183 in the next 4 days or so I'll drop my calories by another 200.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - Hades - 03-04-2016

I'm down about four pounds of fat.

I think I put on about a pound of muscle as my lifts have gone up in this time.

Also with RioNomad on this one - I'm not stopping until I see abs. It might be another two months but it should be doable.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - cascadecombo - 03-05-2016

What sorts of cardio are you doin?

I was once a dude who ran 5 miles daily. But I don't think I'd want to return to doing that again.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 03-05-2016

I do HIIT twice a week when on a regular cut or a standard keto diet.

Only cardio I'm doing on RFL is walking and fucking.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - WanderingSoul - 03-06-2016

I do 40 minutes on an elliptical.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 03-09-2016

Down 3 pounds of scale weight in 3 days.

I'll tentatively say RFL fucking works.

It's undoubtedly mostly water weight but it's still something.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - cascadecombo - 03-13-2016

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 03-17-2016

Down to 232. That's 5 pounds of scale weight in 10 days - if I keep up like this I'll be down 20 lbs in my first RFL cycle. Of course scale weight means jack shit as anything other than a tentative indicator of some progress --- I'll be doing a caliper reading at the end of the month. People are telling me I look leaner also.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 03-22-2016

228lbs at today's weigh-in. RFL is working incredibly. Gonna start on that Yohimbine on Thursday. I've also been throwing in about 30 minutes of walking daily in addition to the two gym workouts.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - kbell - 03-23-2016

I've lost at least 10 lbs since the start, possibly more. Will find out this weekend. What's yohimbe do? Doesn't that have strange side effects.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - burownidl - 03-28-2016

Potato hack. Just started this and I'm having very good results.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - Captain Gh - 03-29-2016

Quote: (03-23-2016 06:07 PM)kbell Wrote:  

I've lost at least 10 lbs since the start, possibly more. Will find out this weekend. What's yohimbe do? Doesn't that have strange side effects.

Yohimbe is a supplements that block the A2 Receptors that are mostly present in the lower back and lower abdominal fats. For men, the fat from these areas are the hardest to burn off since these receptors make it harder to burn fat from these areas compared to the other receptors that we have that are the B2 receptors. That's the simplified explanation.

In terms of potential side effects, they are similar to the one of ephedrine, or extreme abuse of coffee (heart palpitation, over stimulation, or possible drop or increase in blood pressure. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're looking to burn that extra layer of fat on your abs, and want to avoid to take the stronger stuff (ephedrine, clenbuterol or cytomel). Also if you have any type of heart issue... then I'd suggest to stay away from any cutting aid.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 03-29-2016

No heart issues at this time, but a family history of heart troubles (my dad had a heart attack at age 63 and survived but had to get stents and a pacemaker). Should I not fuck with Yohimbine for this reason?

I've already decided not to fuck with it for this round of RFL since I start a new job next week and definitely don't want to deal with any possible side effects at that time. I am doing a second round of RFL after a two week diet break, and that will be the round where I really try to drop my bodyfat levels deep into the teens (they will probably be around 19-20% at the end of this RFL round), and it would make more sense to supplement Yohimbine then.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - Hades - 04-01-2016

Quote: (03-04-2016 03:56 PM)Hades Wrote:  

I'm down about four pounds of fat.

I think I put on about a pound of muscle as my lifts have gone up in this time.

Also with RioNomad on this one - I'm not stopping until I see abs. It might be another two months but it should be doable.

I went off and back on my cutting diet, as it was stressful.
Probably down another two pounds of fat. Belt got one loop tighter.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - WanderingSoul - 04-02-2016

Was 179.2 this morning, for nearly 14 pounds of total weight loss.

Been dropping a bit slower than I'd like, but I'm down to 2,000 calories per day and I don't want to drop down more unless absolutely necessary. I'm also doing 4x40 minutes of cardio still, which I love.

I think the main reason for slower weight loss is me cheating on my diet by 200-400 calories of late night cereal 1-3x per week. Got to cut that out, but even with it, I'm still seeing nice results.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 04-02-2016

223 at my last weigh-in on Thursday.

Two more weeks of this round of RFL left.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 04-07-2016

218 at this week's weigh-in. Estimating I will close out this round at 213-214. Started at 237. Not bad.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - WanderingSoul - 04-08-2016

Fluctuating between 177.0-178.8 the past 3-4 days.

Still hit 215x7 on bench the other day, so not losing any strength there.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 04-08-2016

I lost 10lbs off my floor press when I first started the regular keto diet I did for a month before RFL but didn't lose any more strength after that.

Strength on squats, rack pulls, and bent over rows have stayed the same.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - eatthishomie - 04-17-2016

Final end-of-RFL weigh-in:
215 lbs, down from 237 at the outset
19% bodyfat per caliper reading, down from 23% at the start
No net strength loss

Pretty good results for any other diet, but below average results for RFL. Time to go back to the lab and figure out how to make the next round more effective.
So far I've come up with:
1. Yohimbine supplementation. My belly fat is particularly stubborn.
2. Not using refeeds as an excuse to crush pizza and PB&J sandwiches. Next round, refeeds are going to be straight up rice, starchy vegetables, pasta, and mashed potatoes for 5 hours.
3. Foregoing the free meal for the first week, to stay in ketosis longer.

Time to eat at maintenance for two weeks, then back to the grind on May 1st. Next round is 15%BF or bust.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - cascadecombo - 04-17-2016

Quote: (04-17-2016 04:57 PM)eatthishomie Wrote:  

Not using refeeds as an excuse to crush pizza and PB&J sandwiches. Next round, refeeds are going to be straight up rice, starchy vegetables, pasta, and mashed potatoes for 5 hours.
3. Foregoing the free meal for the first week, to stay in ketosis longer.

Time to eat at maintenance for two weeks, then back to the grind on May 1st. Next round is 15%BF or bust.

I recently found out that I can make a PBnJ for about 210 calories. Shit doesn't matter when 1 becomes 3.

With myfitness pal, I was finding myself to be just under my carb macro's by eating regular meats/veggies/yogurt. The days I added in some rice really skewed mine.

Granted we probably have different goals, but I seem to be finding myself at a bit of a plateau and am trying to expand my thinking on the matter.

-not counting those delicious PBnJ's. First time I had those things in 4.5 years and I eat 6 in 2 days. Ended up going out and running 5 miles just to counteract the calories I forced down my gullet.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - Hades - 04-18-2016

Quote: (04-01-2016 07:20 AM)Hades Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2016 03:56 PM)Hades Wrote:  

I'm down about four pounds of fat.

I think I put on about a pound of muscle as my lifts have gone up in this time.

Also with RioNomad on this one - I'm not stopping until I see abs. It might be another two months but it should be doable.

I went off and back on my cutting diet, as it was stressful.
Probably down another two pounds of fat. Belt got one loop tighter.

Half done with a 6 week RFL cycle, down probably twelve pounds of fat in total. Sitting right at 198.5 after a lengthy and serious refeed. I have not being doing this terribly clean, nor am I exercising much. Not bad.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - cascadecombo - 04-28-2016

Just saw this on facebook, really interesting to see.

60/90 Day Cutting Challenge. Who's In? - xmlenigma - 05-12-2016

Quote: (04-28-2016 09:35 AM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

Just saw this on facebook, really interesting to see.
