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A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - kosko - 02-05-2015


And I know that some men are into more voluptuous girls and there is nothing wrong with that, it's just that our perception has been warped already to a degree. I still think that they would be all looking much better after having lost some pounds.

I agree, but where is the weight going to leave from?

I will admit in the first bikini pics she is hefting up. Likely her overlords are telling her to keep water weight to look more full. Why do is say this? Because she is clearly more "full" in her Photoshopped pics vs. her body in her toned, non-Photoshop instagram pictures. So something is up here. There is a agenda with her 100%. She is the poster child for this "plus size" shit and she is likely plumping up for shoots to sell her "big" image more. Its all a act with this woman, she holds a lot of power and weight (hehe) with this marketing gambit towards fat women to keep them delusional.

But I will keep it in perspective in hammering in her that her size is far from fat, and ask again where is this weight supposed to fall off from? Where does it disappear from? To many dudes throwing stones here IMO. Many have likley fucked legit fat women with rolls but casting stones at a woman with some heft. If you have no experience with these types of women you won't know what to look for that separates a fatty, from a husky broad. There are key things that differ and stick out. Unless you got that experience navigating it then you ain't really know what your talking about, because you would have no idea what to look for.

This bitch is a built like a house, where are you going to rip fat from? People are talking like she's got mounds of loose skin and fat all over the place. Where is the loose fat?

[Image: SmgwY6vl.png]

This girl ain't for no light weights. There are skinny men in the gym who could fit in one of her thighs. This is the type of broad Viking Strongfit dudes from Iceland, and NBA & NFL players go for. Brothers have a keen eye for these types of women. Yes. More brothers don't mind a thick broad but there is key difference between thick and fat. With black women, some rates showing 70% are fat, there is a key difference between the thick broads posted in the 'Black Hotness Thread' by Exelsior, and the fat whale doing weaves at the salon with her ass and rolls spilling out of her pants that are three sizes to small.

[Image: QG6nWGYl.png]

When these types of broads do in-fact pork up, nature hits them hard and quick. Cottage Cheese explodes on every inch of their body and their gut starts to protrude out. They get a massive gunt and cottage cheese all over the place. The reason they get massive gunts is because fat ain't got no where else to go, their frames are so fucking big and hips so wide the weight just piles on to the stomach. The stomach for her will always be the hardest part to keep tight and tones because of this, which is closer to how man deposits weight versus a typical female who stores it largely in her hips and thighs.

Here is a typical American hog woman. This girl here is 5 foot 5, and 160 pounds. Remember for reference Ashley Graham is 5 foot 9, 170lbs:

I know for a fact, many dudes throwing stones have a fucked a woman like in that video. Hell I have in my days, it happens. That is your garden variety American woman who drinks to much Starbucks and needs top drop 20lbs. If you think Ashley Graham is close to the woman above your not being honest to yourself. Look at all the loose skin and jiggle the American woman has, while the model is way more taught and tight even for her larger size:

[Image: Q8FEvxyl.png]

Even sitting down.. where are her rolls? The American Fatty would look like a accordion in the same seating position. Dudes just need to be more honest here. Way to much trolling in the thread here.

I just go off on this because dudes ain't really know what they are saying in here. I don't like this broad because she has been hijacked by feminist to be their Jesus for fat acceptance but the reality is that majority of women can never be her size. She is a anomaly as they come and is the rare exception of a woman who is "big" but for her frame is well within a normal size. If you have ever seen these types of broads when they get to skinny they look like aliens because their frames and hips don't shrink. They get these real skinny arms, gaunt faces, but still have school bus hips with chicken legs, but if they are white will still have big calves. It looks odd as hell.

This woman has hips meant for baby making. In old days she would have like 10 kids by the most aggressive bread winner in the town. Almost every chic I know who has those hips has had a pregnancy scare. My ex I talked about, after we crashed and burned she got in a LTR with some next dude and he her knocked her up.. of course he did.. because hell I almost did too. She aborted the kid of course but it just shows you that nature knows what its doing.

Before "Plus size" became a thing as obesity has skyrocketed many of these girls would model for the old mommy stores that sold big clothes for post-menopause moms and shit who let themselves go. Even back then those girls were unrealistic to match up to a fat ol' mama but they were hot so that's how they got work. Also the old bra magazines/catalogues would have these types of women in them because of their larger bust frames. This model bitch clocks in a 42 chest with a 38 bust. That is old mommy size but without the tight indent with the hips of course that a older momma would lack.

- I've got a pseudo P.hd in female anatomy/structure. I've been obsessed with the female body, figure, and form since I was a kid. I can point to almost any girl in person and take a very good (nobody is perfect at it, and women cheat really good at times.. but I trust my eyes) guess if she will look good naked (unless she is cheating with spandex/spanx, but if I see her wearing form fitters then I know how to adjust what I am looking at and downgrade accordingly). All this came from years of just looking at pictures, and checking out woman as little horny kid (no shame in my game), plus it gets rounded out to now as a adult from 4 years of seeing legions of women butt ass naked live and direct. Thus when I go on tangents on this shit I come from a angle few have. Its cool if this girl does not turn you on, I don't care about a mans preference, but I think its outrageous to call the woman fat. We all know what fat porky broads look like, don't kid yourself into thinking this girl falls in that that familiar camp. Most woman look like compete shit naked from to much fat or unstable weight which stretches the skin out quicker, it is becoming more rare to find women with taught skin, even this model at age 28 is holding up better then 90% of American women her age

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - Texas_Tryhard - 02-05-2015

And now, a palette cleanser. This is Hannah Davis, who'll be adorning the cover of the Swimsuit Edition.

[Image: 14108937496_c39e4390ca_o.jpg]

[Image: th_hannah-davis.jpg]

[Image: giphy.gif]

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - jariel - 02-05-2015

This chick was a Wilhemina model in her teens, she's been in the business for at least 15 years.

There is no way she was recruited as a plus-sized model back in the early 2000s, she's gained weight, but carries it well without it being just straight up fat, and now she's being used to further an agenda, and I'm certain she's stacking up like she's fundraising.

Extra-average bitches will say "my body's like Ashley Graham's", that's a damn lie, but even if you were to humor them on that, there's no way 99.9% of them can say they have her face. She has a model's face, period.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - jariel - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 12:15 PM)kosko Wrote:  

This girl ain't for no light weights. There are skinny men in the gym who could fit in one of her thighs. This is the type of broad Viking Strongfit dudes from Iceland, and NBA & NFL players go for. Brothers have a keen eye for these types of women. Yes. More brothers don't mind a thick broad but there is key difference between thick and fat.

Your analysis was too on point, props Kos.

She married a Black dude seven years older than her when she was 22 -- notice how skinnier she was.

This dude was a videographer at her church, which means he was filming the Sunday services.

He got her in her prime while he was nothing impressive, now she's famous and her paper is only going to get longer.

Props to him.

[Image: f20dcc161edf797a956650405f6c21e0.jpg]

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - michelin - 02-05-2015

She´s definitely fat.

But what most disturbs me is the Beta GUY behind her, the young "business" man in white collar. They photoshopped this by pasting him behind her, in a "WOW She´s hot!" posture, jumping of happyness

As if we all should be happy with the fatness becoming normalized...

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - jariel - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 12:15 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Here is a typical American hog woman. This girl here is 5 foot 5, and 160 pounds. Remember for reference Ashley Graham is 5 foot 9, 170lbs:

If one needs to do a case study in thirsty nuccas, please peep some of the comments to that video.

I think white girls have it the worst trying to call themselves curvy, when they're just fat.

This girl in particular has no figure whatsoever.

Curvy has to do with the shape of one's figure. If a chick is curvy, she'll be curvy regardless of her weight. Most of these fat white girls lose whatever ass, titties, etc. as soon as they lose the weight.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - CactusCat589 - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 03:30 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Your analysis was too on point, props Kos.

She married a Black dude seven years older than her when she was 22 -- notice how skinnier she was.

This dude was a videographer at her church, which means he was filming the Sunday services.

He got her in her prime while he was nothing impressive, now she's famous and her paper is only going to get longer.

Props to him.

[Image: f20dcc161edf797a956650405f6c21e0.jpg]

I'm not so optimistic about this. He married her when she was skinny, then a few years later she got fat. :/ Sounds all too familiar. But she is pretty.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - RexImperator - 02-05-2015

In the past a thick woman like that would have been valuable for the ability to produce many children. I've read a theory that thinner physiques have become more desired over time as people have less children and sex is more about recreation than procreation. Just a theory, though.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - jariel - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 05:16 PM)CactusCat589 Wrote:  

I'm not so optimistic about this. He married her when she was skinny, then a few years later she got fat. :/ Sounds all too familiar. But she is pretty.

We're talking about a Black dude, his pretty, rich, and famous wife gained a few pounds in as far as he's concerned, "all the right places".

Trust, he's in a no fucks given state on that.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - speakeasy - 02-05-2015

[Image: Bzd3GidIcAIT9BT.jpg]

^^^ I'd rawdog this pawg till my cock turned red.

[Image: Clint_Eastwood_yeah.gif]

The reactions to this girl are a trip. In this photo above anyway, assuming she maintains that size, she looks good to me. Everything. She's not fat(in this photo), she's the true definition of "curvy". I think she's well within the range of a healthy woman. She has a good hip-waist ratio, and a great face. Although I prefer smaller woman, I can say I appreciate a range of body types on women.

What you guys need to understand is that if you grew up in the year 1600, you'd be creaming your pants over. This used to be the West's ideal of a perfect woman:

[Image: The-Judgment-of-Paris-1.jpg]
[Image: botticelli_venus_birth.jpg]

Not that far off, right?

Get over the notion that there's some inherent desire for waify women. That's really just a modern convention, shaped by the fashion industry and media.

That said, I think the magazine cover is a bad idea. Not because she looks bad, but because of the slippery slope this will usher in. You give an inch and they take a mile. Next time, they'll want to put a true land whale on cover page just to see what they can get away with.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - teh_skeeze - 02-05-2015

What you fail to take into account is a big girl back in the day meant she came from money. Back in the day father in laws would pay a dowry. You're damn right I'd plow a fattie if it meant land and sheep. The reason thinner women are preferred today is everyone has the means to be a fat fuck. It takes discipline to not be a fat fuck. In parts of Africa, fat fucks are the cream of the crop. They are more likely to make it through a shortage, and their bodies make good use of limited resources.

Full disclosure: I look at the world through the eyes of an ectomorph.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - berserk - 02-05-2015

^ Aphrodite/Venus there isn't fat or even thick.

The ideal woman shape in the West has stayed pretty much the same for about 70 years.

Young Marily Monroe, 1940s to 1950s:

[Image: a1f6534ba35aac9d2f53ac88e0169f3d.jpg]

Sophia Loren, 1950s:

[Image: marriage-italian-style.jpg]

Brigitte Bardot, 1950s:

[Image: comp8_Brigitte-Bardot.jpg]

Rachel Welch, 1966:

[Image: one-million-years-bc.jpg]

If you go further back, to around the 1920s or so, it does seem like there are more chubby girls around like this one:

[Image: il_340x270.689832182_i5nc.jpg]

There is definitely a change after WW2 towards slimmer, but still far more curvy than today.

I am guessing the pre WW2 has to do with much higher mortality rates for infants and death during childbirth. Also most people were probably semi starving and skinny. Better medicine is probably the biggest reason why the ideals changed. Less survival instinct, more pleasure.

All the women I linked are curvy, feminine and very bangable. Now if you wanted to compare that to current 'ideals' like flat assed, skinny Hollywood like Kunis or that one from Star Wars then you'd have a point. Or 'athletic' women like Biel, then yeah.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - Travesty - 02-05-2015

Don't give a fuck about history of what was socially conditioned into people, WNB.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - Texas_Tryhard - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 08:22 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Don't give a fuck about history of what was socially conditioned into people, WNB.

[Image: clap2.gif]

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - TigerMandingo - 02-05-2015

This is a woman I could bang with pleasure. I'm glad to see some pushback on this forum against the obsession with skinny bitches.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - Travesty - 02-05-2015

^ The evil it grows!

[Image: badger.gif]

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - Porfirio Rubirosa - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 08:38 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

This is a woman I could bang with pleasure. I'm glad to see some pushback on this forum against the obsession with skinny bitches.

It's all down to personal tastes; I prefer skinnier girls even if that translates into smaller breasts, and arse. To make a decision on whether or not I'd bang this girl I'd have to meet her in person since she looks fine in some pictures but overweight in others.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - philosophical_recovery - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 12:15 PM)kosko Wrote:  

But I will keep it in perspective in hammering in her that her size is far from fat, and ask again where is this weight supposed to fall off from? Where does it disappear from? To many dudes throwing stones here IMO. Many have likley fucked legit fat women with rolls but casting stones at a woman with some heft. If you have no experience with these types of women you won't know what to look for that separates a fatty, from a husky broad. There are key things that differ and stick out. Unless you got that experience navigating it then you ain't really know what your talking about, because you would have no idea what to look for.

This bitch is a built like a house, where are you going to rip fat from? People are talking like she's got mounds of loose skin and fat all over the place. Where is the loose fat?

[Image: SmgwY6vl.png]

This girl ain't for no light weights. There are skinny men in the gym who could fit in one of her thighs. This is the type of broad Viking Strongfit dudes from Iceland, and NBA & NFL players go for. Brothers have a keen eye for these types of women. Yes. More brothers don't mind a thick broad but there is key difference between thick and fat. With black women, some rates showing 70% are fat, there is a key difference between the thick broads posted in the 'Black Hotness Thread' by Exelsior, and the fat whale doing weaves at the salon with her ass and rolls spilling out of her pants that are three sizes to small.

[Image: QG6nWGYl.png]

Take a good, hard look at her legs. Those things would feed an army of Somalians. There's a personal trainer at my gym that is build a lot like her: big butt and legs, "thick" waist (meaning: not really any rolls because she has young adipose tissue still, like the model). I really like to stare at her plump ass. But, just the thought of getting my thighs in between her jiggling, fatty, no muscle thighs turns me off.

One of the last girls I banged did a lot of things that strengthened her legs, and she was 5'4" and had muscular legs. Legs similar to my current obsession, Jessica Biel:

[Image: attachment.jpg24512]   

Now, just imagine sinking your teeth into that inner thigh muscle. I fucking do. The thought of getting anywhere near that big ass model's thighs with anything but my cock makes me pull back and reconsider my life's choices. I've banged two fatties in my life during a slump. The first time was when I didn't take time to notice her fat ass thighs, like the above. The second time was during a dry spell. Both times, I didn't want any of that repeat service because the inability to grab anything solid in their legs gave me nightmares, as well as the motion of their fat asses. Sooo nasty.

Plus, girls with athletic legs almost always have sweet, fuckable asses that I could fantasize about all day, every day:

[Image: attachment.jpg24513]   

Some men might be happy to settle for miss thunderthighs, my poor mind is too polluted with younger, fitter creatures that are more fine tuned to clamp down on my cock and bounce around, as well as get thrown around by me. I'd bang her in a slump, but I don't think I could stand it for longer than an encounter or to without force feeding her salads and getting her to slim up.

Bonus gif, for posterity:

[Image: jessica_biel_chuck_larry_c.gif]

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - AneroidOcean - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 12:15 PM)kosko Wrote:  

If you have ever seen these types of broads when they get to skinny they look like aliens because their frames and hips don't shrink. They get these real skinny arms, gaunt faces, but still have school bus hips with chicken legs, but if they are white will still have big calves. It looks odd as hell.

Can you please provide some examples?

You guys seem like you're projecting a little bit of the "she's just big boned" line of non-reasoning:

[Image: attachment.jpg24514]   

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 08:09 PM)berserk Wrote:  

^ Aphrodite/Venus there isn't fat or even thick.

The ideal woman shape in the West has stayed pretty much the same for about 70 years.

Young Marily Monroe, 1940s to 1950s:
There is definitely a change after WW2 towards slimmer, but still far more curvy than today.

I am guessing the pre WW2 has to do with much higher mortality rates for infants and death during childbirth. Also most people were probably semi starving and skinny. Better medicine is probably the biggest reason why the ideals changed. Less survival instinct, more pleasure.

All the women I linked are curvy, feminine and very bangable. Now if you wanted to compare that to current 'ideals' like flat assed, skinny Hollywood like Kunis or that one from Star Wars then you'd have a point. Or 'athletic' women like Biel, then yeah.

Marilyn Monroe was tiny:


If you’re curious as to how that compares to modern contemporary fashion models, according to BluFire Model Registry, models are generally in the vicinity of a 34 bust; 24 waist; and 34 hips, which is very close to Monroe’s measurements of 35-22-35. They list the average model today at 5 ft. 8 inches, to Monroe’s 5 ft 5.5 inches. Elizabeth Hurley, who in the above quote called Marilyn Monroe “fat”, actually has around the same dimensions: 34-24-34, though is about 5 inches taller than Monroe was.

Women back then were less defined than girls are now - food was indeed less sensible - they had everything more or less "organic", but they lacked perception of what constitutes healthy food, thus women were tiny, but had a certain surface fat, which is however not that bad. Within a month most would look toned and fit, because essentially they were fit, just without any sports and a bad diet.

As far as Ashley Graham is concerned:


Ashley Graham was born in 1987 in Lincoln, Nebraska. She was discovered in a mall and started modelling at the age of 12. In her flourishing career, she has done everything from editorial, catalogue, runway, commercials, tv/movie

She started out at age 12 and was a runway model - she was NO plus-size model back then. In her prime she was slim and there is a certain strange lack of pics of her from those times, as if someone is doing his best to wipe out all traces of her tiny and more good-looking self.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - Saweeep - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 12:15 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I agree, but where is the weight going to leave from?

But I will keep it in perspective in hammering in her that her size is far from fat, and ask again where is this weight supposed to fall off from? Where does it disappear from?

This bitch is a built like a house, where are you going to rip fat from? People are talking like she's got mounds of loose skin and fat all over the place. Where is the loose fat?

Even sitting down.. where are her rolls?

You keep saying this, but with respect one doesn't need to have visible rolls of fat to be fat.

She could lose weight everywhere!

Her entire body is covered in a thick sheet of blubber; she could lose 30 lbs and still be "curvy".

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - AldoKelevra - 02-06-2015

It really disgusts me when a woman claims she is 'curvy', yet she is just fat.

Hell, when I was in Europe, the girls that were at least a little chubby wrote on their online dating profiles, 'have a bit extra', or 'could lose a few pounds'. At least they were admitting it there and being honest.

In the states, it's, "Curvy, I hope you can handle me!" *300 lbs., obese.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - kosko - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-06-2015 03:48 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2015 12:15 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I agree, but where is the weight going to leave from?

But I will keep it in perspective in hammering in her that her size is far from fat, afnd ask again where is this weight supposed to fall off from? Where does it disappear from?

This bitch is a built like a house, where are you going to rip fat from? People are talking like she's got mounds of loose skin and fat all over the place. Where is the loose fat?

Even sitting down.. where are her rolls?

You keep saying this, but with respect one doesn't need to have visible rolls of fat to be fat.

She could lose weight everywhere!

Her entire body is covered in a thick sheet of blubber; she could lose 30 lbs and still be "curvy".

Fat is fat bro.

Where you going to find 30lbs of fat/mass to take off her if you can't go after her booty or tits?

Go again watch the video of the Hog Ham American Woman video I posted and then try and tell me again she is just as fat. There is a clear difference and your trolling if you don't see it.

I am attempting to run a Hoefax Report on this girl to try and find her early work. Here is a 5 year old (2010) video of her:

Pay very close attention to her figure. Pay very close attention of her arm and legs ratio to her body and the taughtness of her body. She is still a big hefty bitch, but she is far from some "mound of blubber" which is talk from dudes who ain't know what they are talking about. She is still slender relative to her heft and size. Her curves still stick out like a school bus.

This was all prior to to Tumblr Femenism and hamster moaning of today. No "fat" or femenist agenda was present back then. You have the same woman doing "Plus-Size" work which basically means mommy clothes which is the majority of what her modeling career consisted of. She looks older in that video because of the clothes she is wearing. Those plus size clothing is what 40 year old fat moms wear not 23 year old women.

I have no idea why I am defending this women, I do in fact like petite women more. But I have to call out BS or delusional actions when I see it. It isn't women who can only be deluaional. Men can be victims also. A lot of dudes in this thread are talking mad shit. I just have to keep it real. More on principal of keeping it real then the actual woman in question.

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - lowside - 02-06-2015

I'd probably tap that

A Plus Size Model in the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-06-2015 07:17 AM)lowside Wrote:  

I'd probably tap that

Does anyone have pics of her during her as a teenager when she worked in commercials and as a catwalk model?