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How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - heavy - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-09-2014 06:03 PM)TheFinalEpic Wrote:  

Frequency and amount of guys are two separate ball games entirely.

I don't know what kind of girls some of you guys are fucking but the average I run into are around 3-5. And I honestly do not doubt that because they are ashamed they aren't more experienced when they meet someone like me. Sure there are girls that skew the average in excess of 20+, but I would not say that is the average.

I agree. 'Average partners of women' and 'Number of partners your average women has had' are two different things...because a slut's potential is nearly limitless, but a prude's potential is limited to zero.

Also, the high population cities would skew up the low population rural areas. Same reason we have the electoral college and aren't a pure democracy.

The big much they party (ALCOHOL). There's lotsa women out there who don't drink as much as many RVF'ers and girls we RVF'ers sleep with. My current fwb doesn't party or drink much, her count is around 6-8, and that's having gone thru a rebellious post-LTR stage (I know bc I knew her before).

Quote: (08-10-2014 11:37 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

I don't think the conventional wisdom applies to this question anymore. Social media, smartphones and internet dating have completely changed the sexual dynamic for young women. Pre-2000 or so, if a woman wanted sex she either had to get it from a man in her social circle (in which case other people are going to find out about it) or else seek it out by going out to a bar/club (and risk getting a reputation for doing so).

Good point and worth considering. I've witnessed chic friends who feel the wall closing in between 25-30, and they start hitting the online dating stage. They end up either hating the guy (1st date) because he wasn't attractive and they were "fooled" into thinking he was, or sleeping with him by the end of the 2nd date. During this time of their life the number and rate shoots up. I would say alcohol is still the major factor during this stage.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Truth Teller - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-10-2014 02:40 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Kinsey Institute is notoriously agenda driven - founded by a pedophile and lunatic who completely fabricated the initial numbers (included prostitutes and prisoners to raise the N-count for women and gay sexual encounters for men. He also hired pedophiles to do orgasm tests on infants as old as 6 months - crying was an orgasm to them.). Good documentary that backs it up by facts:

Okay, but gay men are still technically men and female prostitutes are still women. By including them, yes, you do drive the average up, but you're taking an average of all men, not simply heterosexual men. Likewise, when you take an average of women, you include all women, including prostitutes.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - horn - 08-12-2014

Quote: (08-10-2014 11:37 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Even if you're very conservative with your numbers, you still come up with much higher notch counts than most girls are admitting to (lol, 3-5 my ass).

Assume a girl loses her virginity at 18, and only has sex with an average of two men per year. By the time she's 24 that's twelve guys. How many girls these days are in long term relationships from 18-24? Maybe 20%? Do you think the rest are being totally chaste? Do you think they are having sex with less than two men per year? Get real.

Your made up numbers don't make any sense. There is def a large % of girls from 18-24 that are: a) LTR or b) not sleeping with anyone. Think about all the girls who wife up early, perhaps literally, who date their HS boyfriend for a few years after graduation, or meet 'the one' frosh year and stay with him for 4-40 years. Or are bj queens but will only sleep with 1-2 guys in college. Girls can be celibate for a long, long time and imho most small town girls are and are looking for 'the one.' And many girls don't get drunk every weekend or even every month, esp underage ones - I've dated multiple girls who said they never drank until 21, are they all liars too?

Half of women are married by age 25. 6% by age 18. [Are they sleeping with 2 guys per year too?] Source: CDC, 2009 paper.

A new guy every 6 months is absurd for the average girl in that age group. It's more likely that they didn't sleep around first semester because they were shy/afraid of getting a rep, which you definitely get at small schools and towns. I think it's more/equally likely that a girl might start sleeping with a guy 2nd semester, say they date for a year, and then takes a few months off after the breakup -- that's 1 guy every 2 years. I'd say 3-4 is wayyyy more likely than your estimate of 12.

Of course, Pareto always applies to large populations.
20% of the girls are having 80% of the sex. Those are the girls with 12-16+ partners, that I totally agree on. So if that's your social/dating/ONS group, that's your bias.

Besides, even if you knew the exact average and variance for each age, by year, it would tell you nothing about the girl you are talking to. She could still be anywhere from 1-100 partners. [or zero I guess!] There are 40-yr olds with 2 partners, and 20-yr olds with 40.

Two groups within, say, age 21 alone, [east/west of Chicago] could have the identical mean & variance, but totally different distribution curves of # of partners.

Regardless, I agree with the previous posters who say 'Who Cares?' I care about having a girl that's exactly what I'm looking for and not annoying. I'm older than most of you, so whether she's had 2 or 12 partners doesn't bother me at all.

But if you don't think one can tell if a girl's had 3-4 vs 34 partners, I don't think you're trying that hard honestly. It's far, far from 'impossible.'

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Travesty - 08-12-2014

^ Horn do you agree with all the slut tells here and on ROK articles (Tuth / McQueen)?

Do you have tips on looking for slut tells on an otherwise "good girl"? I think that is the case most younger guys looking for wife material want to avoid.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - El Chinito loco - 08-12-2014

Quote: (08-12-2014 08:53 PM)horn Wrote:  

Half of women are married by age 25. 6% by age 18. [Are they sleeping with 2 guys per year too?] Source: CDC, 2009 paper.

This doesn't take into account infidelity and other moral "mishaps" that are typical in a U.S. marriage. Also that statistic is rather simplistic. It only shows what age someone is when they _first_ get married but it doesn't even begin to examine divorce rates and successive remarriage(s). Statistics also can't quantify the "finding yourself" period most women have inbetween a relationship where promiscuity is much higher. An eager young woman can notch up astronomical notch counts in a short span of time.


Regardless, I agree with the previous posters who say 'Who Cares?' I care about having a girl that's exactly what I'm looking for and not annoying. I'm older than most of you, so whether she's had 2 or 12 partners doesn't bother me at all.

Just because YOU don't care doesn't mean that we shouldn't care. Not everyone likes to have a relationship with a retired cumdumpster.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - zatara - 08-13-2014

The '6' average in the U.S. is driven way down by those who get married early, or are extremely religious. I would guess at 4 guys a year being a reasonable, non-slutty number for an attractive single girl in their 20s who's out partying 1-2 times per week. One guy every 3 months isn't really slut territory - this leaves room for both dry spells and fuckbuddies.

I'd wager the average girl spends about 50% of their time in a relationship in their 20s though, which would half the yearly average. So something like:

18 - 1/2 guys
21 - 5/6 guys
25 - 15 ish guys
30 - 25 ish guys

To be honest that's a completely normal number that wouldn't bother me. I've been with a few virgins (or really inexperienced girls) and they were just awful in bed. Plus if you find yourself in a relationship with a really chaste girl you run into the issue of them hearing about your 'player' past and getting extremely jealous - this is also no fun. If one half of a relationship has had 50 partners, and one half 2 partners, its gonna cause problems.

Ideally you want your long term partner to have had enough experience to get it out of their system, plus to have learnt what they do and don't like and be confident in themselves in my opinion. Plus enough of a history so that they won't judge your own (no doubt much more colourful) history too harshly.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - BasketBounce - 08-13-2014

Too many guys, and she's a slore. Too little guys, and she's inexperienced. [Image: huh.gif]

You'll know when you have wife material on your hands. Integrity has a way of making itself known.

Also, why ask? So you can stress yourself out over the guys she's fucked or sucked? No thanks, I've got more important things to worry about...

If there are doubts that she's unfaithful either do something to make her prove herself or eject from the long term relationship. Your masculine energy is too valuable to be directed towards guessing something as heavily guarded as your woman's notch count.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - MtnMan - 08-13-2014

i have zero desire to know the notch count of a woman i am banging or dating.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - HankRearden - 08-13-2014

Quote: (08-13-2014 02:18 PM)MtnMan Wrote:  

i have zero desire to know the notch count of a woman i am banging or dating.

I am the same. I never ask.

If she asks me, I rather tell her the truth: I don't know and purposely choose not to count because it's irrelevant and purely ego driven, or just lie and say she's my 11th.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - MrXY - 08-13-2014

Quote: (08-12-2014 09:18 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ Horn do you agree with all the slut tells here and on ROK articles (Tuth / McQueen)?

Do you have tips on looking for slut tells on an otherwise "good girl"? I think that is the case most younger guys looking for wife material want to avoid.

Tuth's "24 signs" and the later "26 more signs" are accurate and essential reading.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - tylerdurden1993 - 08-13-2014

I don't know what people expect at the end of the day women like being fucked and enjoy riding the cock carousel I imagine its a fun experience for young women. So if you put an attractive woman in an environment where there's alot of good looking guys and little or no consequences for their actions i.e. the west. Then they're going to be having lots of sex.

Also people need to remember that women are not these mythical creatures, their human beings with a biological impulse to have sex just like us albeit less stronger than the male sex drive. The point i'm trying to make is the members expecting women to have a low notch count and saying any women over a certain amount of partners is a "slut" is holding women too to high a standard of moral behaviour and in doing so is putting them on a pedestal.

Even in the past where there were alot stricter controls on peoples personal freedom (sex wise) there were plenty of stories of people having illegimate children and adultery showing how strong the sex drive is.

Here's a question for you guys on amount of sex vs number of partners would you rather date a girl who's being fucked every day by 5 different "alpha" boyfriends (not at the same point in time) or a girl who's had 50 ONS. Choose wisely.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - ThrustMaster - 08-13-2014

I'll reiterate. As an older guy with with a number of LTRs with virgins, low counts and high counts. The woman that bonded the closest to me is a relatively high count chick. Followed by one of the virgins I was in a multi-year relationship with. Both were fiercely loyal and heartbroken when the relationship came to a natural conclusion.

I'm not sure that I agree on the partner count equation insofar as a woman's inability to bond. In this case I'm going with NAWALT, based on field experience. Keep in mind I'm not dealing with 20 somethings in the current social environment, these are women in their 40's now, they were half that age when the relationships occurred so they were subject to different media/environmental/social pressures than today's young women are.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - horn - 08-14-2014

Quote: (08-12-2014 09:37 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2014 08:53 PM)horn Wrote:  

Half of women are married by age 25. 6% by age 18. [Are they sleeping with 2 guys per year too?] Source: CDC, 2009 paper.

This doesn't take into account infidelity and other moral "mishaps" that are typical in a U.S. marriage. Also that statistic is rather simplistic.

An 18/19-yr old who just got married is not having 6-12 partners. She's just not, and you're foolish to argue the point. [Unless they are swingers I guess]. She is not having mishaps 6 months in, you're still on honeymoon stage then.

The 18-24 group clearly contains 18 year olds. Virtually none of them will have had 12 partners. Same for 19, same for 20.

Of course, 20% of that cohort will be having tons of sex. No argument.

Regardless, perfect data whether 2 or 6 or 12 partners/avg for her precise cohort tells you nothing about that girl you just met.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - horn - 08-14-2014

Quote: (08-12-2014 09:18 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ Horn do you agree with all the slut tells here and on ROK articles (Tuth / McQueen)?

Do you have tips on looking for slut tells on an otherwise "good girl"? I think that is the case most younger guys looking for wife material want to avoid.

I agree with many of them. I think the 'ticklish' tip is killer true. Girls that freak out when you touch the nape of their neck are going to have many fewer partners than those who don't flinch no matter where you touch them. I've found it to be true 100% of the time in my life.

I also think that if this discussion comes up with her [I don't ask directly] and she's embarrassed that her number is so low, 1-3 guys depending on age, that is an accurate tell. Also, just look for standard tells when someone lies to you. A girl that constantly looks away and says "I've only fucked 3 guys" is likely lying to you.
A girl that is nervous and stammers out, 'I've only slept with 2 guys, one in HS one in college' and is afraid you will *not* want her due to inexperience is telling the truth. Or, 'I got married real early, I've only had 1 partner' a few months after divorce is probably telling the truth also. Again, read the body language and facial tics/eyes.

I think the stereotype of smalltown midwestern or southern girls is essentially true. Plenty of places in this country where younger sluts are instantly shamed and expelled from most social circles - a huge downside in a small town or school. I lived down there for a few years, and nothing was more important to those girls than their reputation. Nothing. [Except marrying a rich guy, ha!]

Anyway, as others have noted, the younger girls have spent much less/no time on the cock carousel compared to the ~30-yr old careerist bitch in NYC. Having fucked/dated/laughed at so many of the latter over the years, perhaps I can identify the younger, good girls more easily? I guess.