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Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - iknowexactly - 07-10-2013

Quote: (07-09-2013 02:53 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

... You can almost tell the exact moment that her pussy gets wet.

Anybody else have this kind of approach? What's your experience?

I've smelled girls start to lube when I'm talking to to them. Their eyes get kind of glazed. I think they become sort of hypnotized, they've told me stories about when they're really horny, I think they pretty much lose teh ability to "fight" guys off-- I mean to actually raise their arms and push you away..(not meaning really scary guys, she wouldn't be lubing and woozy if you were...)

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Chrysalis - 07-10-2013

You learn much more Game by practicing it.

My line that wins them over -about 1hr into the interaction- is "how can you fuck off people like that" when she ends a separate interaction with a Beta, came to me totally spontaneously during a pick up. It works, and I had no success analyzing it. It just works.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Nascimento - 07-11-2013

Quote: (07-10-2013 02:02 AM)Ingocnito Wrote:  

4) The harder you get cock blocked the bigger player you are in that particular environment. You're dangerous, recognize status, use to advantage.

Could you or somebody else elaborate on this?

I run into this situation every weekend and would like to know how I could make the most of it.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - LeBeau - 07-12-2013

Quote: (07-11-2013 11:28 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Quote: (07-10-2013 02:02 AM)Ingocnito Wrote:  

4) The harder you get cock blocked the bigger player you are in that particular environment. You're dangerous, recognize status, use to advantage.

Could you or somebody else elaborate on this?

I run into this situation every weekend and would like to know how I could make the most of it.

Perhaps start a new thread?

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - horn - 07-12-2013

Girls may not say what they mean, but they absolutely will say/do things 100% designed to get what they want.


1) "I'm not fake," fake nails, hair, breasts, and perhaps nose.
2) 'I don't care about money,' Birkin bag, Loboutins, new car.
3) "I'm a good girl,' doing shots at club at 1am, low-cut top and stripper-height heels, running her arm over you.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - All or Nothing - 07-12-2013

Didn't think my post would be so well received. I thought of a couple more.

Women will either like you or they won't, game is just convincing them that they made the right choice.

All women (100%) are insecure.

Here is some old school advice that may be redpill for some:
"You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

This means, if you can make people feel good about themselves, they will be drawn to you. It is one of the most attractive qualities a man can possess.

My cousin was a massive player (right now he is swearing his divine love to a girl who swept him off of his feet), and his greatest quality was that he had the genuine desire to make everyone he talked to feel good about themselves.

Now think about this: all women are insecure, and people are drawn to those who make them good about themselves. If you can figure out what a woman is insecure about and then genuinely throw praise towards her about that part of her, what do you think will happen?

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - WestCoast - 07-12-2013

^ yeah this is why the old saying holds true.

"Tell a beautiful girl she is smart. Tell an ugly girl she is beautiful."

Asshole game = not real game. Asshole game means you're underperforming.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Anon-A-Moose - 07-12-2013

It's not wrong to praise a woman. My earliest and still most-successful form of game is to maintain frame, but throw modest praise out when it's earned.

But that's the trick. When it's earned. Ex: "oh you're so beautiful I love your face your smile lights up a room" More "hm. Those yummy sandwiches, that'll go towards netting you a husband someday," with a flirty wink. The embarrassed, surprised smile is a good reward, and means good things. The "oh, thank you" line is the vag-drier.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Nascimento - 09-02-2014

Here are some from my notes.. Lessons/tips if you may. Some of these I've learned on my own, but several I've come across and I credit to others that I have found very useful.

Figured I would bump this thread so maybe we can get some updated opinions in here.

- Always be willing to lose the girl, at ANY moment.
- Girls can earn your full respect, but never your full trust.
- Fuck her for your enjoyment first, hers second.
- There is a lag time of days, weeks, to months between a woman’s emotions, heart, and vagina tingles for you and her words. That means if she tells you she needs some space, she already felt this way a long time before. Also, if she tells you she loves you, she felt in love with you a long time before as well.
- Love is when you’ve been given a temporary reprieve from wondering if you can do better.
- In public, beta males mateguard, alpha males disregard.
- Whenever you’re at a loss for what to say to a girl you like, imagine you’re a man in bed with three beautiful women. Then say what that man would say
- Don’t listen to what a woman says she likes in men, instead; watch what she does.
- A man can shoot way over his league if he acts as if he is the one occupying the higher league.
- Women can’t feel impassioned without also feeling a little unease.
- There are and have been girls out there that have masturbated/fantasized about you.
- Whenever you hesitate about making an approach, just remember to let her decide if she likes you or not - don’t decide for her.
- Unless she is scanning the room, no eye contact is accidental.
- There are no good girls. Get that out of your head. Every good girl is a bad girl who just hasn't met the guy who pushes her buttons enough to degrade herself to extremes attempting to win his approval.
- When in doubt, chill out.
- Girls come and go. Once you have some solid reference experiences, don't worry about the inconsistent nature of game. Dry spells should be welcomed as they are a sign of improvement, of change. Just hang back because when it rains, it pours.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - bourne - 09-03-2014

escalating too quickly is usually forgiven, but escalating too slowly is always punished.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Pride male - 09-03-2014

Alpha fucks beta bucks.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - kaotic - 09-03-2014

Women LOVE being dominated.

Women LOVE validation (you don't give them this).

Always go for the kiss and bang.

Never put pussy on the pedestal, put it underneath the pedestal.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - horn - 09-04-2014

Yes, yes, yes and always yes.

You can, however, put them on a pedestal so you can look up their dress.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - 44delta - 09-07-2014

Since we're talking about "redpill lessons", I guess some of the really early ones were among the biggest...

-- There's an enormous disconnect between what she says and what she is / does.

-- The ones that are super conservative / religious can be the easiest to pound.

-- A lot of the time, the only purpose of LMR (actually all resistance) is so that she'll be able to tell herself tomorrow that she's not really a slut. Let her enjoy her good feelings, then proceed to give her some even better ones. It's what she wants. [Image: smile.gif]

-- Not all women are like that, if you sample them at one instant in time. All women, however, are like that, some of the time. Which leads me to the next two..

-- They'll all turn on you eventually. Don't ever get married or knock one up.

-- The more women you meet / know / bang, the harder it gets to not despise them.


escalating too quickly is usually forgiven, but escalating too slowly is always punished.



Women LOVE being dominated.

They also seem to enjoy being caned, which is fun for a couple different reasons.. lol [Image: whip.gif]

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Kizman - 09-07-2014

NEVER expect women to follow your logic. (I learnt this the hard way...)

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - blacknwhitespade - 09-08-2014

Call/text whenever you want. Don't overanalyze when to call, or over whether or not the girl is interested in you. The only thing that matters is your desire, and don't be afraid to show it. Do what you want. Call whenever.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - LemonDrink - 09-08-2014

Don't be a nice guy.

I realise this saying has been around in pua circles since day 1 but its only recently I realised what it actually it means. If someone is nice, they are not going to get far with girls (especially hot ones) let alone anywhere in life. To survive you need to a hunter and that means aggressively pursuing the things you want.

If someone is nice, they are meek and non competitive. The world around us is a competitive place and if someone lacks these skills, its unlikely they are going places in life (i.e. a beta). And that is
highly undesirable to high quality women.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - A_CLizzy - 09-08-2014





Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Euphoric_Breeze - 09-08-2014

My lesson, treat every 9 or 10 like she's a a chubby 5 . You're a a great alpha and you deserve only the cream of the crop .

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - OnlyMarryInTajikistan - 09-10-2014

R/K selection was my biggest lesson.

I talk about it a lot because it is probably the most important thing a man must learn in game, because it distinguishes the two big subclassifications (after attraction): fast escalation in the case of R-girls and deep emotional connection in the case of K-girls. Both of these are huge, they are like dividing Maths into Calculus and Algebra, and you need to know which one to use on which girls.

It is also crucial to avoid emotional pain. If you go down the relationship route with R-girls you will get burned, and if you go down the fast sex route with K-girls you will get frustrated. A man who is a hunter must understand how his prey thinks, and he must understand that game is just one limited part of the equation, the girl's mindsets will play a huge part in determining how the relationship evolves.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - horn - 09-10-2014

She's made up her mind if she likes you or is intrigued with 5-15 seconds of seeing you. Maybe faster.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - argy - 09-11-2014

I think it's easy to confuse being a dick (negative) with being confident/alpha. A few people above emphasised making girls feel good. Can't agree more (as long as it's not supplication) - a fine line.

A few have said it, but logic DOES NOT work. Engage on an emotional level - you can't logic your way into panties.

Quote: (09-08-2014 05:51 PM)LemonDrink Wrote:  

Don't be a nice guy.

I realise this saying has been around in pua circles since day 1 but its only recently I realised what it actually it means. If someone is nice, they are not going to get far with girls (especially hot ones) let alone anywhere in life. To survive you need to a hunter and that means aggressively pursuing the things you want.

If someone is nice, they are meek and non competitive. The world around us is a competitive place and if someone lacks these skills, its unlikely they are going places in life (i.e. a beta). And that is
highly undesirable to high quality women.

I disagree with this. Although I'm sure I agree wtih what LD means, it can be misleading for beginners. Don't be meek and non-competitive (of course). Be Alpha and confident, and go for what you want. But you can also be nice and make a girl feel good and have fun at the same time. This combination is key.

Don't be so serious! It's a game, everyone's in it to have fun (girls included) [Image: smile.gif]

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - kazushu - 09-11-2014

My biggest lesson was that it's all inner game.

When a certain tipping point was reached in my inner game I realized that I could break rules externally for instance, act introverted, shy, say awkward things, seem insecure, respond in seemingly weak ways - I'd see my value going down like the stock market but with inner game that is articulate enough I come back from almost anything. Not only that but girls would be shocked by the return force. Often it would feel like listening to Jimi Hendrix playing guitar, he'd be going off on some solo that sounded like he was on the edge of loosing it, or sometimes he would actually sound like he'd lost it, then he'd just bring it back like it had never left.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Travesty - 09-11-2014

^ blacknwhitespade

I disagree entirely, text timing at least to young attractive American girls is just as critical as what you text. The more experience I have the more I believe this.

If I ever get lazy or carefree with texting my success plummets, no doubt about it.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - EazyE - 09-11-2014

Quote: (04-18-2013 12:56 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Girls are completely incapable of approaching (for all practical purposes, unless you are top 1% guy.)

That means if they do not have a regular guy, they are completely trapped in sexual deprivation until a guy does something.

Imagine if you could not eat unless someone offered you food first, if you were incapable of asking for food except by beseeching looks.

or they can sign up for free online dating and have 100 dudes to pick from in 5 minutes