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Skinny to Big - WanderingSoul - 10-08-2013

Quote: (10-08-2013 03:02 AM)houston Wrote:  

Ive gained 12 pounds in the past 2 1/2 months from working out, stuffing myself and lifting shit at work. Im still a skinny fucker but can definetly see the transition from scrawny to skinny. Im pretty much eating whatever i want when my stomach starts growling. I would have a skinny-fat type body fast with this diet so Im jogging a few times a week. I think i probably have the worst body type to work with but what can you do.

Good work bro. Don't worry about jogging, unless you enjoy it. Lift heavy and get a lot of protein each day. Shoot for about 1-1.5 grams per pound of lbm or more. If you get enough protein and follow a heavy barbell program you shouldn't have to worry about being skinny fat.

It took me a few 3-4 month attempts until I actually enjoyed the gym. Always falling off the routine. Now I love it. The way I feel afterwards is addicting. I am not lean, but not fat either, and having girls ask me if I have a 6 pack when I wear a tight v neck, or having girls gawk and squeeze my arms at the club makes me feel like I have a 12 inch cock.

I can't imagine what it will feel like when I'm my current weight, but at 10% bodyfat. Actually, I can imagine it, and it involves a fuck load of hotel pool parties.

Skinny to Big - Valhalla - 10-08-2013

So what's a good routine to follow?

Skinny to Big - Screwston - 10-08-2013

Rio, what if its only 10-15 min for a few times a week? Im doing it until i get a decent sweat going, nothing crazy.

Skinny to Big - WanderingSoul - 10-08-2013

Quote: (10-08-2013 07:33 PM)houston Wrote:  

Rio, what if its only 10-15 min for a few times a week? Im doing it until i get a decent sweat going, nothing crazy.

Do it if you like it, but it is much easier to lose 1lb per week by reducing your daily calories by 500 than it is to lose the same by jogging. A quick search says you will burn about 500 calories per hour jogging.

But since you are new to lifting you are able to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. That's something only a beginner can do, so take advantage of it. Just lift heavy and eat a lot of protein. You will gain muscle and drop fat and you won't have to worry about being skinny fat.

Skinny to Big - Screwston - 10-08-2013

Rio, how do you feel about using a jump rope? I forgot how quick they wear you out.

Skinny to Big - WanderingSoul - 10-09-2013

Quote: (10-08-2013 11:56 PM)houston Wrote:  

Rio, how do you feel about using a jump rope? I forgot how quick they wear you out.

I used them when I was doing a bit of boxing. I love jump ropes. It is a great workout and more fun than running, especially once you learn even a couple little jump rope tricks.

If you want to jump rope go for it, but like I said, isn't necessary if your goal is to not be skinny fat as a newbie lifter. But if you like doing it, it won't hurt anything unless you go on some serious jump rope sessions before you squat.

Jumping rope in the morning would probably be a great way to start each day and get you energized.

Just make sure it isn't cold in your house. Nothing sucks worse than smacking the tips of your toes with a jumprope when it is cold out. Shit stings like a moterfucker hah.

Skinny to Big - Remington - 10-09-2013

Quote: (10-08-2013 05:45 PM)Valhalla Wrote:  

So what's a good routine to follow?

Go through 6-8 week cycles of lifting heavy for 6-8 sets for 2-3 reps. You should be strugglling to get the weight up after that 3rd-4th set.

Then, once you begin to plateau, move down to 4 sets of 4-8 reps at a slightly lighter weight. What I have experienced during the lighter weight cycles is that approaching weeks 7-8 my bench for that lighter weight is the same weight I was struggling with when I was going through the heavy cycles.

Just make sure you increase the weight by 5lbs. after every 1-2 weeks.

Works for me so far.

Skinny to Big - Valhalla - 10-10-2013

Any specific routines you can recommend remington?

Skinny to Big - Remington - 10-10-2013

Quote: (10-10-2013 02:50 AM)Valhalla Wrote:  

Any specific routines you can recommend remington?

Here's my weekly work out routine:

Monday: SetsxReps Weight
A1. Bench Press 7x2 300
A2. Weighted Dips 5x4 90

B1. Dumbell Flys 3x6 55
B2. Nose Breakers 3x6 100

C1. Dumbell Incline 3xExhaustion 60
C2. Tricep Pull Downs 3x10 132
on Machine

A1. Front Squats 7x2 320
A2. Single Leg Curls 5x4 135

B1. Single Leg Push 3x4 240
B2. Seated Calf 3x10 250

C1. Split Squat 3x6 185
C2. RDL's 3x6 325

A1. Weighted Pull-ups 4x4 95
A2. Dumbell Rows 4x5 100
A3. Single arm Lat 4x6 190
Pull downs-machine

B1. Bar Bent Over 3x8 175
B2. Upright Rows 3x8 140

C1. Reverse Flys 3x10 204
C2. Seated Dumbell 3xExhaustion 55

Also, before every workout I do shoulder exercises to strengthen my rotator cuff that's been jacked up from years of baseball.

This routine works for me, and have been getting good results in regards to strength gains as well as body weight gains. The routine will last for 6-8 weeks or when I plateau, then I will start the increasing reps and decreasing sets (goes for bench press and squats). Also, make sure to move up in weight every week for any exercise you are super-setting.

Hope that all makes sense.

Skinny to Big - wroclove - 10-12-2013

I weighted 64 kg as a teenager, now I'm 79 though I got up to 83 kg through 3 years of sport and lifting.

Skinny to Big - DarkKing - 04-09-2014

Quote: (04-06-2013 04:58 AM)Screwston Wrote:  

A lot of guys on here regularly hit the weights. Did anyone start off scrawny and gradually put on weight and muscles? Or has everyone always been at least average or chubby so it wasn't as hard to bulk up?

I did. I used to be very skinny. At the beginning of university, I put on a bunch of weight and muscles. Then again a few years later as well. I was actually going to start another cycle of putting on weight last year, but managed to tear my ACL at the beginning of that and so have regressed. Hopefully once my knee is all right, I will try to get bigger again.

At the beginning it was really hard to find resources on what to do, so I made a lot of mistakes, but through time, I learned what things work through trial and error.

Skinny to Big - The Beast1 - 04-09-2014

I went from 150 lbs in high school to 185 today. About 10-12% body fat. I still don't feel big though.

Skinny to Big - LaserBear - 04-10-2014

Debated on whether or not to post here but...

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

So yep. Right around 2 years of work shown in this photo. (Senior hs-sophmore college)
From 6'2 145 lb to 190 lb.
Want to get up to maybe 210 or 215.

[Image: ?view=att&th=1454c88022b51839&attid=0.1&...rDpBGT0kY4]

Identity protection by add-a-cat for android.

And Frenchie, we started skinny... we'll never feel big.
Its the lifters curse.
Broscience nails it here

Skinny to Big - Rush87 - 08-17-2014

Quote: (04-06-2013 04:58 AM)Screwston Wrote:  

A lot of guys on here regularly hit the weights. Did anyone start off scrawny and gradually put on weight and muscles? Or has everyone always been at least average or chubby so it wasn't as hard to bulk up?

I was a skinny young adult. Naturally around 155lb @ 6'0 when I wasn't lifting. The internet will give you a wide spectrum of information.

If you are naturally very skinny with a high metabolism people will tell you to eat around 3500 Calories & lift. If you claim you are doing this & 'not gaining' they will call bullshit.

From experience though the best thing to do is get a log. Diet is 90% of the challenge. The easiest way to do it is to start at around 3500 calories & log your weight each week. If the baseline numbers don't increase, bump your diet another 250 Calories.

Keep doing this until you add around 20lb & then move into your first cut.

Personally I didn't start to gain decent muscle until I hit around 4500 Calories. My diet consisted of lean meat, rice, fruit & vegetables [Specifically potatoes]. I didn't use mass gainers, instead opting for coconut milk as a healthier calorie booster.

Re exercises: Compound lifts will do the trick. No need to over complicate anything. Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Bench & Row. You can add in smaller muscle group exercises such as bicep curls & triceps extension but they will indirectly grow off the basic compound lifts.

Skinny to Big - KC4 - 08-17-2014

i always struggled when it comes to gaining. doing 5x5 heavy 3 times a week cant do legs except lunges and romanian deadlift due acl surgery. I am 5´7 and weighed around 134 then gained to 160 lost about 5 pounds that i am trying regain. I am aimng to hit 170 but its been hard

Skinny to Big - The Beast1 - 08-17-2014

For skinny guys, I recommend drinking whole milk and casein protein shakes. Drinking whole milk did wonders for my gains. Though I did get fat. I switched over to 1% which helped with that.

Skinny to Big - TheFinalEpic - 08-17-2014

Started from the bottom now we're here. I was about 150 pounds at 6 foot when I started, hit 207 before a major injury, and dropped back to 165ish. Back up to about 180, still won't be satisfied until I'm 200 again.

Skinny to Big - EagleMan - 08-18-2014

My problem is eating, I have a naturally low appetite. I could seriously go the whole day without eating and still not even feel hungry. I have been the same weight for about 10 years, I'm 26 now. Sometimes I can't seem to find to find the time to eat so much throughout the day and especially healthy food, I don't like to eat unhealthy food.

Skinny to Big - Sonsowey - 08-18-2014

Quote: (08-18-2014 01:12 AM)EagleMan Wrote:  

My problem is eating, I have a naturally low appetite. I could seriously go the whole day without eating and still not even feel hungry. I have been the same weight for about 10 years, I'm 26 now. Sometimes I can't seem to find to find the time to eat so much throughout the day and especially healthy food, I don't like to eat unhealthy food.

Are you working out hard?

If I don't work out for a few days, my apetite disappears.

But when you really are working out hard, breaking down muscle and rebuilding new muscle, you wake up STARVING. Your body just needs food.

I can easily eat 5 eggs every morning when I'm working out hard 3x a week. If I'm not working out though, I could basically eat 1 big meal a day in the evening and be fine.

You just have to work out to the point you get really hungry, and then eat eat eat.

Skinny to Big - EagleMan - 08-18-2014

Working out doesn't really effect my appetite. During the day I usually do calisthenics type exercises and in the afternoon I either go to yoga or bjj. I have done all different types of workouts like boxing, spinning, weights, calisthenics and it doesn't effect my appetite. The only thing that kind of opens up my appetite is eating small meals throughout the day, but sometimes I have trouble finding the time to eat so much. If I had a meal plan where all my food would be prepared I think I would bulk up, sometimes it's a problem for me to decide what to eat.