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The Philippines thread - Mentavious - 05-17-2019

Quote: (05-17-2019 07:17 AM)asiaslayer Wrote:  

Has anyone flown with Philippines Airlines before for long haul flights, say from North America to Philippines or vice versa?

Are they any decent? How's their entertainment system and leg room

Same service you would get flying to and from Asia in a US a legacy carrier. Obviously not up to par as Singapore, Asians, or the Japanese ones. Depending on your height it may make for a slightly uncomfortable flight but since it’s non stop then I would rather suck it up and go that route.

When I must fly economy to Asia I go with Asiana or JAL since legroom is my biggest need. They both have 33/34 inches of legroom while PAL only has about 31. I’m 6’4” so it makes a big difference for myself. Entertainment wise they have enough movies and shows to get you by.

The Philippines thread - SeaFM - 05-17-2019

PAL for international flights is just fine.

The Philippines thread - felix_vagabondo - 05-17-2019

Quote: (05-16-2019 08:23 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

[Image: attachment.jpg41871]

You're welcome, Tail Gunner.

The Philippines thread - Nuas - 05-18-2019

Quote: (05-16-2019 07:52 PM)felix_vagabondo Wrote:  

By this point the girl must be totally hooked on this guy. He's her fantasy meal-ticket out of this poverty-inundated hellhole, and she's been waiting all her life for him to come sweep her away. She's like a really good bull-rider at a rodeo, and you're all bucking to try to throw her off.

Seems like there has to be a way of keeping it from getting to this point, of keeping the girl from getting so emotionally invested next time around. Then you could enjoy yourself without the nagging apprehension of the shit inevitably hitting the fan when she realized that you just wanted a good time.

This situation is already fucked, though. Are you guys serious that sticking around risks her stalking you and confronting you in public?

I would definitely get the hell out of there or go underground and wait for things to cool down.

Go to a different city and change your phone number.

Next time you meet a girl, learn how to generate within her some realistic expectations concerning your intentions, so when you do end up pulling out, it's not a total shock to her system.

You are absolutely right in everything you say. However, I do not enjoy having sex with a condom. I can't feel anything. Therefore the kind of skunks and foreign-cock whores that 90% of the men in this thread sleep with (no offense intended) are out of the question. For me, it's pull out only with nice Southeast Asian girls during frequent 3-week vacations (I'm self employed) or put up with another long term relationship with some American controlling bitch. Fuck that.

I always make sure the girls are high-quality, either childless and "hard to get" or recent mothers (I accidentally found out those with a child under one year are DTF and super horny for some reason -- must be hormones). I try to make sure they have not had sex with anyone for at least six months, preferably two years. Those girls are just as you describe.

I finesse them into thinking everything is real, meaningful and sometimes I even convince myself. One time I was so crazy about a girl (she was a genuine 9.5, I kid you not, 20 years younger than myself, super nice girl with a car and a great job) I wanted to marry her. I gave up when she started acting too dominant for my taste.

To quote from Reekay Velez, why does everyone think a good relationship must end in marriage, or last forever? The girls themselves are used to watching Korean soap operas, where lovers are always breaking up. Relationships end, that's life. I never do virgins. If they fucked someone before who dumped them, what obligation do I have to be the white knight?

I believe that what bothers women is not that the encounter was brief. There are brief romantic encounters that leave women dreamy for the rest of their lives. What pisses the hell out of women is finding out they were used for sex, especially if they get the impression the man is laughing at them afterwards. Read through PinaLove profiles and maybe 10% of them say "I hate liars." These are women that were wooed under false pretenses and then pumped and dumped. Men who use them for cheap or free sex really upset them.

Never tell the truth to a woman afterwards... never ever ever. You ruin it for everyone else on this thread. If you feel the need to confess, go to a priest.

If you spend money on them, it helps a lot. They love gifts and moderately expensive dinners. It makes them feel special. Even if it's obvious you dumped them afterwards, they feel they got something out of it and often want back for more. Show them RESPECT. You don't have to let them walk all over you, just show them a little respect.

Oh, and I change my number all the time. At least once a week. I also move around a lot, Bangkok to HCMC, back to Bangkok, Taipei to Manila, Manila to Cebu, etc. Flights are cheap but flying all the time back and forth gets old.

I've done three years of this and I've learned a lot in the process, some of it counter intuitive, for example do not learn the local language! (Women get very suspicious when you speak their language.)

I always tell them they are my first Asian girlfriend. There was this Vietnamese girl that kept saying all the time during sex: "How do you like your first Asian pussy? Is it tight?" It drove her really horny for some reason. I did not have the heart to tell her she was #30 and honestly her pussy wasn't that tight.

I've had great experiences and also some awful ones. I'm always perfecting my game. I find that communicating with women over a fake FB account after the encounter gives me a very good idea of what I did right or wrong. If they still want to talk to me, I did something right. If they want to see me again, even after I distanced myself with some lame excuse, then I am gold.

This thread assumes game is the same for everyone. It is not! I'm in my mid-50's, game is a lot different now than it was in my mid-20's. If you are older and have money, play the part. Dress well, be super polite and throw some money around.

There are a type of women in their 20's who never knew their father, or father died awhile back or for some reason really like older men. Target those women. Do not target those with strong relationships with their fathers. I avoid those. All women are different.

You must always be ready to reinvent yourself as you age. Find that small niche of women who want you and then play the part. Romance is a fantasy.

The Philippines thread - felix_vagabondo - 05-18-2019

Quote: (05-18-2019 02:39 PM)Nuas Wrote:  

Quote: (05-16-2019 07:52 PM)felix_vagabondo Wrote:  

[...] pulling out [...]

That was a double entendre, with the primary referent being the severing of a romantic relationship, and not coitus interruptus.

Nuas, I respect your game. Turning your past notches into a focus group for game development over social media is genius.

Find your special niche--like your personal inexhaustible well of quality pussy--and tap into it fully.

Red Pill tells us, like you said, not to tell women the truth, because they're unable to rationally process that information. Still, it gives me some moral qualms, and I yearn for a notch that I like well enough--and sticks around--without having to compromise on honesty.

The Philippines thread - Davoer - 05-19-2019

What is the best dating site at the moment? Dateinasia? Pinalove?

The Philippines thread - Nefarias - 05-19-2019

Tinder, Okcupid and Bumble is popular now and offers best quality. Also filipinocupid but quality is lower imo.
Btw just checked pinalove and on front page "who is online" it's full of white dudes. Same filipinocupid. Do white guys there just rotate few foreigner groupies and think "wow, all pinay girls are sooo easy"? They should start some kind of private register for girls they slept with so you can check if you are eskimo brother with other 50 americans.

The Philippines thread - WombRaider - 05-19-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 08:29 AM)Nefarias Wrote:  

check if you are eskimo brother with other 50 americans.

Hint: You are.

The Philippines thread - Nefarias - 05-19-2019

Any tips how to screen a seasonal carousel riders? This would also apply to other countries in SEA. I feel like most of the time these dumb girls will mention their previous "german boyfriend" because they think they get some credit for being "experienced" but if they are on a serious "hunt" for provider they are gonna pretend that they are innocent.

On a similar note, how you guys deal with the surprising "I'm actually a pro, now pay me" line after sex. Do you just give her money or tell her to gtfo? I presume that if you are in a condo with security you can ask them to escort her out for stealing/whatever right? Do you get drive by killed by her pimp or something if you refuse to pay?

The Philippines thread - aeroektar - 05-19-2019

How to screen for foreigner groupies: daygame, events, hobbies, talk to people.

If you're online dating, you're mostly dealing with women who are used up, rejects, sluts, have had foreign cock, probably abused, have retarded expectations, etc. Its possible to find normal women online who haven't yet been put through the meat grinder, but it takes a substantial amount of time to find them.

The Philippines thread - SeaFM - 05-19-2019

Basically any girl you match with in Makati is a seasoned carousel rider.

Giving you their number with the +63 instead of 0907...... means they give their number to enough foreigners that they know to do this.

As you mentioned, mention of former foreign boyfriends is another.

Has no job, or “goes to school” but never seems to have to go to class.

Has an apartment with no visible means to afford it.

Has 2 phones, also seemingly unaffordable.

I met a girl out one time and took her home after. The next day she just sat quietly ready to go but not making any move to do so. Then I noticed her purse was sitting there open.

Met another one at Greenbelt, got number. Met her a day or two later, went out, had fun, home & bang.

Next day took her out to get a cab but none around, so walked back to Greenbelt taxi stand and gave her 500 to get home. Kept in touch, later admits she’s a pro. Now engaged to some sucker.

I think the only way to get a good girl is to be where foreigners rarely go. Meet through friends or church.

Not the Greenbelt 5 church though.

Tinder, bumble...whatever. They’re all sluts.

The Philippines thread - Nefarias - 05-19-2019

Thats some serious redpill right there, certainly puts a shade on the whole "bang mission" thing that some guys are doing and then flexing about it online. And thats not only limited to SEA. Not against girls that sleep around a lot, but if she fuck some filthy backpackers and old sloppy dudes in flip-flops all the time I'm gonna double wrap before sticking it in.

Can you confirm that its the same in other cities like Cebu or even smaller ones like Iloilo? To me it sounds like a better deal to just change city once you run out of girls and avoid the "tourist central" that is Manila (and the trip would be probably more fun too). Did a location change on tinder and while quality/volume is lower, there seems to be also less ladyboys and obvious pros while my SMV is slightly boosted compared to Makati.

The Philippines thread - SeaFM - 05-19-2019

I’ve never been to Cebu. Keep meaning to go but keep running out of time.

I’ve been to Boracay and Palawan, lately though I just go to Puerto Galera or Tagaytay when the city gets to be too much.

The Philippines thread - TheUsual - 05-20-2019

Quote: (05-19-2019 11:52 AM)SeaFM Wrote:  

I think the only way to get a good girl is to be where foreigners rarely go. Meet through friends or church.

[Image: L61cv9M.gif]

The Philippines thread - calwinston - 05-20-2019

Here is just a review on the FB Dating app. I have used it here in the Philippines. Most of the women on the app are leftovers, washed up women, or single moms. Maybe over time as it becomes more popular then some quality women may appear.

The app itself is a great idea and is user friendly. Plus the app is built into Facebook so no need to download another app.
Its similar to Tinder but the only difference is instead of swiping left and right you have two icons at the bottom
*I had to take a pic with my other phone because FB doesn't let you screenshot the app*

[Image: attachment.jpg41906]   
No Thanks or Like

When you like someone they are notified, just like a regular notification. When that happens they can message you and also like you back. You can also message them before liking them.

For those worried about privacy. Your dating profile is not attached to your FB profile.
The dating app only takes info from your profile to the app. You can change this information at anytime. The only thing you cant change is your location and age. It works just like Tinder. Also the profile is not shown to anyone on your friends list. You can also extend it to not be shown to friends of friends.

It also has a secret crush button that you can send to someone on your friends list. I haven't tried it yet, but you can look up how it works.

In all great app, its free, but the quality of women(in the Philippines) on the app not so great.

The Philippines thread - HowOneBecomesWhatOneIs - 05-20-2019

I've been trying it too and the quality is horrible crap even when compared to Tinder, Bumble. . . more in line with Tantan but then even Tantan might be slightly better.

Also, I'm supposedly filtering out all those single mums in my preferences i.e. "no children" but the app keeps suggesting them to me non-stop.

The Philippines thread - WombRaider - 05-21-2019

I would bang that girl in the example photo though.

The Philippines thread - Beyond Borders - 05-21-2019


The Philippines thread - SeaFM - 05-22-2019

Yeah Nylde looks like she’d be fun for a little while.

The Philippines thread - calwinston - 05-22-2019

Quote: (05-20-2019 09:56 PM)calwinston Wrote:  

For those worried about privacy. Your dating profile is not attached to your FB profile.
The dating app only takes info from your profile to the app. You can change this information at anytime. The only thing you cant change is your location and age. It works just like Tinder. Also the profile is not shown to anyone on your friends list. You can also extend it to not be shown to friends of friends.

Edit on this part: It can be shown to friends of friends on the app. The button just eliminates you from being suggested friends of friends.

The Philippines thread - WombRaider - 05-24-2019

People can probably still speak in slightly coded language about the topics they wish to discuss. I don't know how strict Roosh will be about that, though.

The Philippines thread - SeaFM - 05-24-2019

The forum has already changed quite a lot. It seems a lot more political than it ever used to be.

Also the majority of the posters are getting older. People change as their situation changes.

I’m married now, and have kids. I lived in the Philippines for several years, and I did the circuit as most do, but I’ve since returned to my home country and I spend most of my time taking care of my family now. I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but message boards / forums aren’t really a big thing anymore.

The important things you can learn here are still here. Advice from older guys is still here and will still be here.

Many of us grew up without fathers and subjected to leftist/feminist indoctrination, which only seems to be getting worse.

It took me a real long time to wake up and figure out what life is all about. For me, that’s family life and being a good father. Doing my part to correct against the anti male societal slant. Raise my son to be a man.

Everything else is just bullshit.

The Philippines thread - JayJuanGee - 05-24-2019

Quote: (05-24-2019 10:17 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2019 03:10 AM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Edit 2: difficult to know how this forum could survive with such a dramatic change to the forum fundamentals... So would seem difficult for any of the already existing members to adapt... that is my first impression ... let's see how it plays out.. He said something about rolling out which would imply gradual, but seems way too much of a reversal to be able to practically roll out in a "gradual" way.

The changes are not really that dramatic. If a member cannot adopt to these changes, then they probably have bigger things to worry about in their lives than the direction of this forum -- and they should concentrate on improving their lives rather than spending time on this forum. Another member has already described the relatively modest nature of these changes.


I looked up that referred to post, and really I consider the changes to be much more dramatic than either you or the other poster, Dismal Operator, are making them out to be. In that regard, you cannot just keep the historical information as "a search away" if your whole premise of what is allowable has changed and if you start to believe that talking about premarital sex is a sin.

That's a little bit crazy. I am not going to proclaim to be holier than anyone or not holier than anyone, but there are a large number of historical Roosh positions and even positions of other guys that seemed to be in line with Roosh that were much more aggressive than my own when it came to the treatment of girls/women.

A crazy aspect is just figuring out our own human condition, and of course when we are younger we might be super o.k. with pumping and dumping and selfish motives, yet as we get older, we might at least concern ourselves a bit more about the girl and whether we might be using her more than she is using us, and a lot of these kinds of contradictory thoughts that are going to vary from person to person and even situations that deserve discussion, whether guys discuss them in a private way or in an online public thread.

So I am thinking that if you go from both permissively allowing to discuss the ideas of premarital bang and other kinds of related activities, whether short term goals or bang for a while and consider whether a long term relationship might evolve and many other acceptances, to a position that allowing discussion of such topics is a sin, then it seems to me that allowing the reference back to historical posts would be a similar kind of sin.. So where the hell do you draw the line?

It seems that Roosh has considered both making the new rules (which is a kind of line drawing), but also reasonably considered that the new rules are dramatic enough that it is going to take some time to evolve into what would be the new forum poster, which is another kind of line drawing that currently appears to me (and seemingly a lot of other guys who chime in on the topic) to be such a BIG ASS slippery slope that it is going to be quite difficult to just create a new rule going forward that does not ultimately result in a kind of dismantling of the whole forum because a decent amount of its historical premise was built on either guys seeking these kinds of adventurous relationships that could lead to premarital sex and discussion of such topics, with some guys having a more aggressive approach than others in terms of any kind of morality.

Hey, I am in my 50s, so even if I am not stuck in my morals, I have spent a considerable amount of time working out my balance, and therefore, I have difficulties accepting some ideas that I have already rejected, and I have difficulties considering premarital sex to be a sin, talking about premarital sex to be a sin or providing a forum for such topics to be a sin, so in those kinds of regards, it might be difficult for guys like me to figure out a kind of balance in terms of whether we need to censor ourselves or if the forum has grown in a direction that is not really how we believe is a tolerable balance.

Also, Roosh seems to be admitting that he is going through a kind of reform of his thinking on some of these topics, so it seems quite a difficult journey for anyone, and I would not want to be in a position in which I feel that it is necessary to either reject or to be repentant of my past, so it could be a tough journey for both Roosh and for guys who have been around here for a while (including myself) to consider the extent to which we might still get value out of the forum or if we want to continue to contribute to a forum's ideological direction that seems to be irreconcilably growing in a direction that is in conflict with our own strongly held life and relationship values.

The Philippines thread - yankeetravels - 05-24-2019

Quote: (05-24-2019 10:17 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2019 03:10 AM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Edit 2: difficult to know how this forum could survive with such a dramatic change to the forum fundamentals... So would seem difficult for any of the already existing members to adapt... that is my first impression ... let's see how it plays out.. He said something about rolling out which would imply gradual, but seems way too much of a reversal to be able to practically roll out in a "gradual" way.

The changes are not really that dramatic. If a member cannot adopt to these changes, then they probably have bigger things to worry about in their lives than the direction of this forum -- and they should concentrate on improving their lives rather than spending time on this forum. Another member has already described the relatively modest nature of these changes.


I highly disagree and no offense Tail Gunner, but your post is a bit ignorant of the overall situation. We are living in times where men having an open forum to talk to each other about real shit is being taken from us left and right. I have my own theories as to why Roosh did this that I may or may not keep to myself. These are BIG changes because the Philippines notch threads represented the bridged gap or the gateway to the bigger stuff. Most men need incentive to start down the path of self-actualization. I can tell you 100% that if I did not read past stories from users like 20nation, Fisto, and the rest in the old Phil's threads, there's no way I would have participated on this forum on much deeper topics and meanings of life since. Men need to know that not only is an aloof attitude with women possible, but women from an entirely different world from the ones they know and sometimes loathe back home are available for the taking. That's why the changes are a big deal for the future of this thread, but like I said, it was already distancing itself from its original purpose.

RE: The Philippines thread - sniffer_of_pussies - 08-15-2022

Seems like the Philippines is still king in terms of number of likes on dating apps. I've created a bumble account in Manila with fake gps and I'm at 450+ likes after 6 hours. In comparison, Bangkok gave me 300 likes in 24 hours. Haven't tried Jakarta though.